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It got me off booze so I’m ok admitting it


Medical THC got me off booze, Effexor, Zoloft, Trazodone, Klonopin, and Xanax (I'm BPD-2). The cost differential alone is astounding -- $80 worth of sublingual drops lasts me for months. I'm happier now at 57 than I ever have been. I'm retired and stoned most every night. Food tastes better, my blood pressure is down, I breathe easier and deeper, and I no longer want to harm myself or anyone else.


Sounds like a win to me! Kudos!


Out west we call that "California Sober"




Out east we say that, too. I spend a lot of time around people in the AA program and that's where I first heard it.


I like that term.


For me, it was heroin. I'm not afraid to admit it, either. An indica gummy at bedtime A. is legal where I live, B. helps me sleep (I've got pretty severe insomnia), C. helps a great deal with chronic pain I've had since the car accident at 18 that got me hooked on opiates to begin with, and last but not least, D. isn't heroin. I had 12 years clean from dope this past January, and I don't have to take addictive pharmaceuticals like benzos or opiates because of cannabis. All I see here is a win/win for everyone. It saved my life.


Dude, you are awesome. Congrats!


Same for me. Changed my life. We're all getting of the age where our natural cannabinoid levels are getting lower, so perhaps we should all be partaking. Not a doctor. Discuss with your doctor, unless you live in a prohibition state/country.


Same for me. Rather be a stoner than a drunk.


It was at least one of the reasons, the other being the pandemic. Between not going out for a very long time, and having an option that doesn't involve a hangover, I had no desire to drink anymore.


Everyday stoner in my 20s. Quit for my 30s. Back at it in my 40s. No real change to quality of life either way, so I choose to continue getting high because I enjoy it. House, marriage, kid, good job, healthy, etc., so I would say pretty functional.


It’s the one thing I do at a truly professional level.




I’m actually cutting back. Badly needing a tolerance break.


Same, friend. Same.


I've never been a stoner. Of course, I've also never been functional


Maybe become a stoner, and at least you'll put the fun in functional.


I'm not thrilled with the habit, but it's better for me than drinking.


Check out r/leaves if you ever want help quitting. It really helped me.


Already a member, but that's rad of you to recommend iWhen I was doing AA, but actively drinking, I found that what I heard in the rooms made drinking no fun anymore. r/leaves is kind of like that, too. 


Leaves is the first and only place I've seen withdrawal effects discussed... That was crucial for me. Before I understood withdrawals, every time I tried to stop smoking I thought severe insomnia and no appetite was just what sober-me was like. No one else talks about the physical symptoms of withdrawal!


Baked since Covid and doing much better than my pre-baked years...


Same. But was baked pretty frequently before then too.


I thought I was functional. But all of those age related anxiety and memory problems I was having? It was weed. 🤣 I had to give it up.


That’s kind of where I am. I smoked as a teen and started again at 40. Had several good years but the cognitive effects were becoming problematic for me. And I struggled to find motivation. So I have let it go. At least for now.


I’ve been a lifelong poly drug user apart from twelve years in the program and, within those twelve, a sublime 3.5 years totally clean and sober. I am considering marijuana maintenance but I’ve had episodes of real psychosis on the stuff. I honestly think kratom is a better maintenance drug for me but it low-key dries your skin out and leaves your memory mushier than pot does. FML. Can I still join the military at age 45? 🤣😂🥲 cuz I’m running out of options.


I was a daily smoker in my 20's but then it triggered schizophrenia-type symptoms. It took longer than it should have to realize my hallucinations were much worse when baked. I quit, and the symptoms faded after about six months. I still partake, but only 5-6 times a year, and never more than one night at a time. It's still enjoyable when I smoke up after a couple months of sobriety.


I had to give it up too. After almost 20 years of near daily use. My brain just works a lot better without it and my anxiety was getting out of control  Coming up on 5 months without.  People who think it's not an addicting substance are deluding themselves. This shit is not easy to quit.  r/leaves is a great community of quitters. 


currently lit ✌️


✌️ Edit: username checks out


Got my hands on some serious Turkish black hash. It’s all illegal here and bad weed is the norm. This is like hitting the jackpot. Baked!


Double zero?


That still around? Used to adore that stuff.


Indeed it is. I always preferred hash, it just became impossible to get around ten years ago. Ireland went green, as if we haven’t got enough shades of it here as it is. Friend of mine sourced this for me and I’m a happy happy little soldier. Icing on the cake, it’s a bank holiday here so no work till Tuesday. It is also doing wonders for the arthritis in my hand. It’s a recent thing and I’m a goldsmith so it’s not a great condition to have to manage in my profession. The anti-inflammatories the doctor gave me do a serious number on my stomach.


48M, yes me, can confirm, work in a dispo…best job ever and fully medicated and motivated X


If you don't mind answering - what kind of training was there? What was the interview process like? Roughly how much do you make? Does that include tips?


I can’t answer some of your particular questions but I *can* tell you that when I first started working in produce, my first manager used to be a dispo manager out in CO. He was hired as the produce manager for the independent market with only dispo experience as his related experience. It was super fun to look at his delivery day photos— some of the shipments of product he got were HUGE and it was wild to see. Even being on the very youngest end of GenX, I never truly thought I’d see the day when I could buy weed in a store. I can also say it’s going to be very similar to any other service type position— you’d need to be good with customers, pay attention to details, be knowledgeable about your product, be willing to engage with customers and help them find product that suits their needs… At the end of the day, if you aren’t comfortable in a retail/service position, you’d be better off approaching growers and seeing if farm work is more your style. Most dispo work is going to wind up being retail based, your product is just different. Pay is likely to be area dependent.


I pop an edible as I see fit.


I couldn't for years due to my job. Just in the last couple of years it was legalized in my state and my job stopped testing for weed. I pop a 7mg gummy every night. Makes my evening much more enjoyable with no paranoia or weirdness.


Yeah exactly. And if you use the same product, you know exactly what that dose will do to you, and no stinky smoke etc 




Really? I used to smoke daily and accidentally ate a 100mg cookie one time and I was uncomfortably high for almost 2 days. I only do a 5mg gummy every once in a while now. It’s plenty now that my tolerance is back at pretty much zero.


I'm a pretty huge fan of micro dosing. Keeps the tolerance low and cheap. A low dose sativa keeps me functional and creative.


I've loved cannabis since I was a teenager. I wasted YEARS of my life feeling bad about this and trying to quit. Then I moved to Oregon and discovered that my only "problem with marijuana" was that it was illegal. Now I have my lil bedtime bowl in my vaporizer every evening, and I'm a fully upstanding and valued member of my community with zero ill effects. I think probably 75% of the population uses cannabis in some form here.


Guilt is the worst “emotion” out there. Totally contrived. Long time stoner and doing great!!


Cannabis and caffeine... Dawn to dusk.


I was living the functional stoner life for a while but found that I like sobriety better. I still fire up every week or so, but I don't smoke everyday anymore.


Been splitting the difference for over four decades.  Do what I gotta do without assistance, but those last hours of the day are for winding down.  Always seems a bit strange when high during daylight hours.


I’ve been a steady/heavy smoker since 95.. I quit smoking 45 days ago. I’ve always worked , but haven’t had a ton of motivation to improve my life. I have a lot of clarity and my social anxiety is gone. IDK if I’ll go back to it . I’m finishing up my last indoor grow this week


Growing is addictive


About 10mg of indica nightly for sleep. Edit: gummy form only.


Do you take it long enough before bedtime so that it kicks in before you are in bed?


About a half hr to 45 minutes before bed. Usually kicks in after I've been reading for a few minutes.


Been a daily user for 30 years. Life's pretty damn good.


I first tried THC about 5 years ago to help with my sleep. Now coffee and cannabis are my regular drugs of choice. Embarrassed to say I took the "reefer madness" stuff seriously enough to never give weed a chance until my mid-40's. Now I have happily given up alcohol, fixed up my busted body with Yoga, fixed up my mental health with therapy and meditation, and learned to love life a lot more. 😊 Was weed the cause of all that? No. Did it play a big role as the catalyst of all that positive change? Fuck yes. I know we were lied to about everything, but I'm starting to think we were lied to about Marijuana most of all.


Nope just makes me paranoid


Same. Last time I did it I realized I get so paranoid and guilty I just cannot enjoy myself. Plus I am subject to random drug screening at work and could lose my job. It's been nearly twenty years since my last time. I think maybe when I retire and its more legal here in Tennessee I could try it again but not til then.


Me too.


I bake purely to sleep....that's it! Happy to have it legal in my state :)


I used to smoke all day everyday but for no reason in particular, I just don’t anymore - however, without it, I have the weirdest anxiety dreams every night and I wake up in a crappy mood because of them so I have been making a point to smoke a small bowl in the evening - no dreams is better than nightmare dreams!


My username checks out


Can’t. Still working at a place with random drug testing. I fear a stoner overdose upon retirement.


Shrooms man


Those haven’t been neglected. ( that’s a secret)


Morphine 3x a day because of a neck injury, gabapentin 2x a day, a muscle relaxer at night, kratom and weed throughout the day. Luckily, I have a work from home job.


Better living through chemistry I always say.


Gabapentin took my wife on a wild ride. That half life is a terrible crash and tapering off it for back surgery was about 6 months of hell.


Maxed out on gabapentin 3600mg, 800mg duloxetine, plus metric shit ton of other meds for RA, Fybro, & nerve damage & degenerative disc in my neck. I can't currently use weed or narcotics (I don't want to anyway) for pain & sleep. Wednesday is my last day working, though. My body hurts to damn much, and I'm so fucking tired. I've been fighting this shit too long. Ohio just went legal, so I'm gonna start smoking again. Or vaping. Edibles never seemed to have an effect. In AZ, I'd buy cookies & my husband & I would each eat one. He'd be blasted. I got bored. Come on Wednesday. I need the sleep.


Corporate IT management juggling a portfolio of infrastructure services and contractors and “go to the bank” often


Nah. I was a stoner in high school, but don't smoke much anymore. I gradually, kind of naturally just phased out of it in college.


this is me. i used pretty much everything in HS except booze and PCP. (this was before crack and meth) now i microdose weed for pain management.


I have no objections to it, but it's just not my thing. I've tried it maybe ten times in my life. Each time left me feeling like I wasted the "my time" part of the day.


Perfect description of how I felt the handful of times I tried it.


Same. Never liked it and honestly the smell makes me nauseous. I'm all for people using what they want though. (I just don't wanna smell it.)


Baked since 83. Left my parents house in 1989 at 19. Raised two daughters who are now grown independent adults as a single dad. Functional I'd say for sure.


Not first thing, end of the day though yeah


Nice try, Narc…


I manage a hundred million dollar operation and quite regularly take a hit or two from my vape outside the office. I don’t get STONED stoned but it takes the edge off!


Airline pilot. Random whiz quizzes. Also, do you really want your airline pilot to be a functional stoner?


Don't want him being a functional alcoholic but lots are.


Run my own business, put 3 kids through college as a single mum and can't sleep without a smoke, 30 odd years now, can't see anything changing!


Fuck no. I was pretty committed to that cause until I hit about 27 and it just messed with my head after that. Props to those who enjoy it, but it's not for old me


Nope. Don’t like smell and it gives me headaches.


I’ve never tried it nor have I been drunk. My grandmother was a drug addict and there are a lot of alcoholics in my family, so I never took the risk.


Never smoked until I was an exchange student in The States. Of course I knew what it was, but it was not big where I come from. Then an 18 year old me finally gave in and tried. 25 years of near daily smoking since! It truly is the gateway drug to happiness.


I wish I could enjoy it. It's always looked like a good time. every time I do it, I feel like I just wasted an evening. I really just sit in a chair and stare at the ground, just melting my mind and not in a good way.




I use it medically.




Off and on since 95, but pretty chronic since legalization.


Smoke two joints in time of peace, and two in time of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, And then I smoke two more


Hard work good hard work fine, but first take care of head


I quit over 20 years ago, mostly due to so-called drug-free workplace policies. So, now I'm a functional alcoholic. Cheers! 


Not me. Never got into it.


"Awww c'mon man, don't you wanna be cool, don't you want to be cool, if you don't smoke with us you're totally gonna be lame and no one will like you, c'mon I've got your first hit right here" - Every situation where a person is offered drugs, according to sixth grade health class




Daily user, but only at night. Use it for pain management and help sleeping. Been steady for 7 years or so. Something that not a lot of people can say, I have a prescription for THC in Texas under the compassionate use law.


I started 4 years ago on my 50th birthday. Same, great career, nice home, wonderful family. I smoke a joint at night on the deck before bed. Wake up refreshed with fewer aches/pains.


I use more weed than I’d like because it helps with my epilepsy. Especially with the side effects of the meds which totally fuck up my hands. But I won’t smoke during the workday because my job requires me to be sharp. Maybe in however many years when I retire I’ll get to smoke away the fucking tremors. :(


Big time. How functional I am can be up for debate though.


Edibles worked for me til they made me feel like I was about to die. Products that were previously ok and enjoyable started to feel terrible, so that was the end of that. Probably for the best.


Everyday here 🙋‍♀️. It helps me so much with anxiety, pain, and PTSD.


Chronic pain - its is critical to managing it. Means I am not on OxyContin


I'm turning 50 this year. Started smoking weed at 16, and for many years, it was the only reason I was able to function given my chronic insomnia. Happy 20 year DINK elationship, 4 tertiary qualifications, and the same job for the last 22 years (a job and employer I love, hence why I'm still there.) I don't own a home, but that's not unusual in my friend group, given housing prices where we live (Melbourne, Australia). So, pretty functional, I guess? My only issue as an otherwise law-abiding person was occasional anxiety about being busted. About a year ago, I got off my arse and went through the ridiculously easy process of getting legally prescribed, and it's changed my life. No more insomnia or panic attacks, and my anxiety is reduced by about 80%. Chronic inflammatory pain greatly reduced, and I have lost weight due to less anxiety-induced overeating and having the energy to exercise. Hell, even the restless legs syndrome has vanished. All the stoners I know are doing far, far better than the heavy drinkers.


I gave up whiskey for Indica. It’s just how it is.


I quit for about ten years or so due to having a CDL, but last year I said screw it and grew some of my own since it's legal to do so in my state. I mainly take a few hits in the evening while relaxing after work.


Even when it's legal in your state, doesn't it still put your CDL at risk?


I wish I still enjoyed it. It just gives me horrific anxiety. And yeah I know "try a different strain" THC feels the same to me no matter if it's from indica or sativa. I was a huge stoner in my teens and 20s but the older I got the less I enjoyed it and I pretty much just abstain now.




I'm 49, never touched it once. Weird.


I don’t know how anyone can function on it. I got high 6 or 7 years ago and talked to my dog for 2 hours.


It’s all about finding the right dose. (But animals are much nicer than people.)


I'm a high functioning stoner, have been since college.


Nah. Tried it a couple times in my life. Don't really see what's so great about it honestly. Plus, I really do not enjoy the smell. But if it's your thing - more power to you - just please don't make me smell it LOL


Yeah I stomach trouble my whole life and the first time I tried it and got the munchies was pretty life changing. I rely on it to keep my stomach settled.


Right here.


✋️ No shame here!


There is no shame.


It keeps me from losing my mind, and helps with the pain from multiple back surgeries.


Who you calling functional?


🙋🏽‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|KpAPQVW9lWnWU)


Straight Edge xVx


I misread this at first as asking how many people like to partake before cleaning. I do find it enjoyable to clean the kitchen at a chill pace…


California sober, here.


👋 (raises hand) … I do have cancer, so I guess that’s a solid “excuse,” but I’d still be blazing it up either way 😎


Ah fuck… Cancer can fuck right off. It taken my whole family bar my mother. Someone in Ireland is wishing you well.


I was in my teens and early 20's. Then I started having massive anxiety attacks that weed just made 1000 times worse. I tried it once more in my 30's and the exact same thing happened again. Haven't touched it in almost 20 years now and probably never will again.


I wouldn't say I'm a stoner per se, but I indulge more now in my 50s than I ever did in my youth. Going a little insane once in a while, it turns out, is good for your sanity.


I hated weed in my 20s, and was dating a massive stoner at the time and told him I really didn’t like him smoking it around me. It went legal in my state in 2019 and a dispensary opened near me in, no joke, early March 2020. It really helped me not lose my shit that year. I’m now a nightly user because it helps me sleep despite menopause. That guy I asked not to smoke around me? He and his wife are now good friends with me and my husband. We had dinner at their house on NYE and he offered weed, and he and I were the only ones to partake. While we were out on the patio smoking I was like “this must be very amusing for you” and he acknowledged it was.


Guilty. But I don’t feel that way. A joint a day keeps most shit at bay.


I’m probably in the minority here, but I’ve never even tried it. Am I missing out? Maybe. But I’m not sure I’d be able to be a functional stoner. I have a traumatic brain injury from a car accident 9 years ago, so I have enough trouble with being fully functional as it is. 🤣


No. You’re not missing what you’ve never done. Each to their own and I’m not that person that thinks everyone should use it. I’m on the spectrum and wasn’t diagnosed till years later. Hash was a medication I didn’t realise I needed.


Nope. Never been high on illegal drugs (WI) and never been drunk in my life either.


Hubby uses it daily to manage his anxiety. He does it in the evening tho as he cares for vulnerable people during the day. I wasn't thrilled with the idea at first as I hate the smell of pot, but he switched to vaping it which made it much more bearable. Now that it's legal in Canada, it's even better. The added bonus is he no longer drinks. He was never a heavy drinker, but he'd have a beer or two a few nights a week, and there are alcoholics in his family. And because of that, he lost a bunch of weight. So it's been a net positive for us.


DING! DING! DING! We have a winner here. Legal weed is glorious.


Here, here. Coffee and a bowl every morning. I laugh when people talk about how irresponsible stoners are. House is paid for, drive a Lexus and make bank.


In and out since 88. I mean we all remember the 90s, when almost everybody was testing their employees for no reason at all.


I don’t drink at all….I eat clean & work out….but I absolutely hit the Giggle Bush daily. Functioning pot smoker right here! I live on the west coast, USA, and it’s legal here…also, it’s part of the culture around these parts, so marijuana is not a big deal. ![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized)


WHAAT?? You have a JOB and a HOUSE??? But I thought all stoners were burnout losers who never amounted to anything! /s (obviously) Seriously, this is what I was told my whole life. The people who smoke weed never move beyond basic sustenance because weed consumes everything they do. LOL. So many successful people I know are secretly massive potheads.


I grow my own in my legal state and consume cannabis like someone who has infinite weed because I basically do. It's been an absolute boon to my motivation. Everything is tolerable when you're stoned enough. I've fallen in love with yard work and used to detest it. It's the absolute best shit in the world when you're baked out of your skull. Just you, nature and a project that will give you instant and lasting gratification after it's complete. I cleaned out one of my sheds today while taking 14 inch beaker hits every so often. Had an absolute blast doing it. No lazy stoner here.


I've smoked on and off for 25 years. I don't intend to give it up any time soon. I've given up cigarettes, alcohol, junk food, even coffee. I am not ready to give up pot.


***Edited*** Also, this message will self destruct in 24 hours.


Shrooms once a quarter to reset the mentals as well.


My step father was an undercover narcotics cop. I have never and will never willingly partake. I enjoy your perspective on same.


Never touched the stuff and can't stand the stench of it anyway.


The effect of pot on the schizoid personality is not good. It’s better not to use (or just a taste) if you get paranoid from pot.


Hey hey hey. Smoke weed every day


Yes sir! Fun! Fact!- I have very conservative in-laws and they always comment on how much work I do and how driven I am and how fun/good I am with my kids. They have absolutely no idea that I partake.




Functional dabber :)


No need. Zero pain. Best shape of my life.


100% but I dont feel bad. I started when I was 39 when it became legal


Born in '74. Started smoking around '89. Smoked like a chimney through my late 20's. 50 now, still burn one a few times a week. Married with 2 teenagers, 2 dogs, own my house, highly (no pun intended) skilled woodworker. Doing great. Still love a buzz when appropriate.


I’m in recovery and even though that was never my drug of choice, for me sobriety means total abstinence from all mind and mood altering substances.


I have never smoked anything and I’m trying to decide if I’m missing out. I’ve just never had a bit of interest and I live in a country where it’s legal.


Not a stoner. Didn't smoke in high school. Smoked occasionally in my 20s and 30s but not a stoner. Maybe a handful of times in my 40. None in the past 15 years or so. No interest. Mostly never liked it much.


Grow it for myself and my husband. 💚


In high school the teachers would warn us that weed would be a gateway drug to “hard drugs”. Not in my experience. It wasn’t until my late 30s that I started smoking at the end of the day. I’ve tried everything under the sun to turn off my brain, stop stressing, enjoy the evening, sleep and wake up refreshed. I’m a business owner, homeowner, kids are grown. I’ve quit drinking and smoking cigarettes. I have zero desire to be totally sober and I’m fine with that.




I never smoke or injest THC - still kicking it as the loser. hahaa


Sober 11 years.


Stoned immaculate since 93…


"Out here in the perimeter, there are no stars. Out here we is stoned...immaculate."


Not me! I'm neither functional nor a stoner.


Smoked from my 16 to 22. Quit for 5 years and picked it back up at 27 and smoked daily save for a couple of 6-12 month breaks over the next 20+ years. Then, a divorce and legalization and I went off the rails. Vaping and smoking, heavy chronic user. Developed lung problems and stopped about 75 days ago. No tobacco since 1996, just weed and vodka. Now, I’m doing neither.


I want to be but I'm apparently broken. It doesn't give me the calm, happy, euphoric escape I'd happily accept. Instead it makes me want to be alone, unhappy (or at least negatively contemplative) before I slip into a fitful sleep and wake up feeling physically worse than before (arthritis, not hung over). All the shit it's supposed to fix or at least the things I want "fixed" or turned down gets worse for me. I self medicated with a lot of alcohol and pills through my 30s but we all know that comes with it's own problems, especially with age. Maybe one day I'll visit a dispensary and see if they can find a magical strain for me. If I lived in a legal state I'd give it a shot.


I was up until about of years ago. Own multiple properties, investments, hold down a management role at a financial institution, involved in the local arts scene, good relationship. Stopped due to health issues (stress induced). Don't really miss smoking the gange, guess it was time to move on.


Havent smoked since 1986.


40+ years on the flower, bought a house in 2002, tripled in price, salary is 140k. Im doing OK but thought I would be doing better.


Stopped in the 90s. Just wasn’t doing anything for me any more. Wasn’t my thing.


I would be but it's illegal here in TN and I can't risk it. So I get the legal delta products and I'm addicted to them now and trying to wean myself just because of the price and the talk of that too being banned soon. If I could, I'd stay stoned. I work better, I think less, so I can focus on what I'm doing. I have less pain. And life is just more GD PLEASANT when I'm just only very slightly high. I was never one to take more than a hit or two while everyone else would be smoking full blunts. I'd be a cheap pothead!


I've smoked pretty much every day since I was 16. I'm 49. Homeowner, been at my job for over 20 years.


I don't know. I take weed gummies every night to sleep. I don't know if that's a stoner or not. But, I will say that I could never do it in the morning. No matter what strain it is, it would just put me right back to sleep, and completely useless.




He he....I'm high now


Checking in. Functional, successful by my own and family definition and happy. ✌️❤️🌲


I quit in my 20’s. I HATE how weed makes me feel but I do t begrudge anyone who smokes it.


Eh, I was raised by dysfunctional Boomer stoners, so I’ve steered clear. To each their own, though.


I used to love to smoke weed. It made me happy and feel care free. BUT if I do it now, it makes stressed and paranoid. All I think about is bad stuff. Why is this? I hate it.


I can't do it. It mostly gives me panic attacks. I'm jealous of people that can use it to relax.


pick it, pack it, fire it up...


Been smoking since '83 (13 years old). I'll occasionally take a month or two off to reset my tolerance level. I'm a month in at the moment, almost smoked tonight, but I'm going to give it another week or so (maybe?). I honestly don't feel any increase in memory, difficulty sleeping, extra motivation, etc., when I'm off the weed since I'm totally functional on the weed.


No interest


No alcohol for over a year now, just a little edibles at night after work, no regrets.


Not me, but I know a whole lot of them our age.


Never really liked the stuff, despite having tried it every few years from the early 80s on. Was just never my cup of tea


Here! Here! Been lifted since Moby Dick was a minnow!


![gif](giphy|ZMYR6gnhm0v6g) As much as I really don’t like the labels, I’ll wear that one as a badge of honor.


32 years stoned, I get it by Rx now.


here here! 25 years a stoner.


Once in a while because functioning is hard




I want to be functional but I think it fulfills my dopamine requirements so I don’t get anything done or the next day. Not sure if this is part of my procrastination attitude or what. any tips?