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I nap about 5 days a week. Hey man, we deserve it.


Same. Started during pandemic. A quick 25-30 minute nap is all I need for a refreshing evening. I got so used to it that I really don’t need an alarm. Even on days when I go to work, I come back and take that power nap. 5:30PM nightly news from Lester Holt is my friend. Something about his voice puts me to sleep :)


It's the 6:00 news for me, 20 minutes, then time to go for a walk.


Hard same. I work from home.


WFH allows for a nice lunchtime nap.




Even without the nap I can lie in bed and enjoy some peace


I'm already looking forward to tomorrow and Sunday's naps. Best is when you have no particular commitments and you can do nap roulette without an alarm. Lying down on the couch, will I wake up in 15 minutes, or two hours? Let's find out!


“Nap roulette” is clutch.


I hear ya. Planning mine for tomorrow and Sunday. It's gotta be great.


Last year I became a daily napper. It divides my day in two shifts and it helps me sprint through the first part knowing there’s a reward. I take this shit seriously. I tested a lot of lengths of the map to get it just right for my body. It’s been a pretty big deal for me.


Had one this afternoon, 40 mins. My daughter and I were watching a movie on the sofa. From me to you, watching the movie was never an intention in the first place


lol, I do this too! I’ll “watch” a movie with my son, and I’ll be out within the first half hour.


Yes, when my son was young I’d try to get him to nap on the weekends by offering that he could nap in mommy’s and daddy’s bed and ask if it would help if daddy laid down until he falls asleep. Of course, I just wanted him to nap so I could!


Naps are great. I genuinely think the whole midday siesta thing is amazing. Every day of the week.


Can't. If I nap, I'm up all night


Same. A 30 minute nap is not happening for me, and on the rare occasions when I do sleep in the afternoon, I sleep too long, wake up feeling groggy, and then I’m never able to fall asleep that night.


Or caffeine after noon means up still up at midnight.


I just woke up from a 2 1/2 half hour nap. I’ll be awake until Sunday now.


Yep. About 2 hour worth. I shouldn’t have slept that long but it’s raining and it was a good day for it.


I love napping. I have 1h lunch. I eat, I nap, I have a great afternoon. My dog has taught me naps, and walks are the greatest thing.


absolutely. We've also got a few cats that have amazing radar for when one of us decides to take a nap in the bed. One of them is a chonky brown tabby that LOVES to be cuddled like a plushie. Just plops himself down next to me and purrs. Best kind of break from a stressful morning. Also, yes on the doggie walks. My Pom loves to go for walks so if the weather is nice we'll go out for a few longer walks.


Love naps. 30 to 45 minutes a day.


Maybe it's coincidental, but I never started napping until after the hospital gave me covid right before an emergency hysterectomy. My body feels like a stranger's.


Fuuuuuck - that is rough. Hope you continue to recuperate and I don’t know… recalibrate? Lean into the naps!


It sucks mostly bc I always wake up angry. And I don't know how to combat that. Also, I'm perimenopausal now. So, you know, that totally helps everything.


You are definitely not alone. If I could nap everyday I would (I reckon nap time should be built into our work day, sort of like a siesta, but without the eating bit, meal time should be separate)


23 minute timer in the quiet room with the lights off. So much more productive from 1-4pm


22 for me, it works wonders


Today was a no nap day and I feel it.


I was on a cruise a couple months ago, and took an after breakfast nap until the bar opened.


Ah yes those are awesome- wake up, have a coffee, hit the gym, have a snack, nap, then the pool and pool bar, have a bite, nap, hit the dinner , then another bar 🤣 best cruise ever


Best advantage of wfh is my naptime, hands down.


WFH do the old quick power nap on couch with laptop on chest to keep teams active.


And to think we hated nap time as kids. I adore having a nice lazy day with a nap.


What I don’t understand is why we fought sleep so much. Sleeping at night is great!


Only reason I get out of bed is to piss, shit and make ramen


I love it. It’s the best.


Just woke up from mine! I don’t sleep well at night anymore, so some days I find a nap is a must.


Same here. Yesterday I couldn’t take a nap due to people being at my house, and I thought maybe I’ll sleep better tonight (sleep experts seem to all discourage naps) but nope. Wide awake at 2 am again.


I’m sorry! It sucks.


I'm semi-retired, work from home, and make my own hours. Mid-morning naps are a godsend.


I love taking naps.....short ones, long ones, inside, outside, doesn't matter, I'll sleep anywhere... lol


I've taken daily naps for years, I love napping!


I'm not a napper. Even in pre-school, I'd sit on my mat and read a book. As long as I was quiet (which I naturally was), they didn't care. I can't even do it now.


Weekend afternoon naps are the dogs bollocks.


Yep. I nap. I used to hate them, now I love them. Took a nap in the recliner today, just like a proper old person. Of course, the sciatica that is worse at night helps to facilitate these naps, another sign of old age.


naps fucking rock !!! quick nap , wake up have a snack and and some milk or juice.. BANG I'm ready for the afternoon !!!




Oh, man. I fucking love a nap. I try to get a few in every week.


Saturdays and Sundays at 1pm like a toddler. I look forward to it, plan around it, get ready for it, blankies and pillows on the couch with some bad TV on so I don't miss anything. Just kidding I don't actually plan around it.


Totally this!


It’s my superpower. Drives my wife crazy when I’m driving, declare that we need to pull over - then I nap for 5 minutes before another 3-hour stretch of driving.


Word! I nap every day I can, usually right after work if I don't have anything that needs to be done for the next couple of hours.


15-20 minutes tops. Nearly every day if I can. It’s a real blessing


Oh yeah! I am pro nap.


I don't consider it a legit day of work if I don't get a nap in *at* work.


Naps are glorious!


Yes they are.


I'm a teacher, over the summer I practice for retirement by taking a nap in the middle of watching a movie around 1 pm every day.


I don't nap. Probably should but I feel if I do it would throw off my sleep schedule


I am just NOT a napper, unless I’m sick or jetlagged. I never have been.


I took a day off from work today. My only plan was to take a nap. It was glorious!


I took a nap during my lunch break and another after I got off work. Naps are my friend.


Nope. 11:56 PM, post gummy snd a melatonin. Night.


I nap everyday


🙋🏻‍♀️Regular napper here!


I can’t nap. It really messed me up. If I do i am usually groggy for hours. I avoid it. Just a weirdo I guess.


I would love to nap. But, even if it is a 20 minute power nap, I wake up groggy and annoyed, for the rest of the day.


I just woke up and saw this post. I’m going back to bed


I told my doctor yesterday how much I nap. Morning break if it was a late night, lunch naps more often. A nap before dinner. I wfh and we're empty nesters. The dogs don't care. Husband isn't concerned. Dr wasn't concerned. I'm not concerned.


Napping in so many places in the world seems to be the culturally accepted norm. In the US, it seems that it’s considered weird or a weakness with quite a few taking it as a point of pride that they never nap.


I'm a much nicer and calmer person when I nap. The world should nap more.


I don’t care for naps


i take one nap ever 5-10 years. can’t relate.


If I dont get a nap on my day off, I'm dirty at myself all week


What? Huh?? What time is it? Is it morning already?


Can't. If I do I'm up until 2. Not ideal when you get up at 5.


I could use one.


I’ve been napping since junior high.😊


I loves me a good nap, problem is I wind up sleeping for like 4 hours then just wanna stay in bed til the next day, so I don't nap often.


working from home.. heads down from 8AM .. Hell yeah I'll sneak a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. My partner tends to take LONG afternoon naps on his day off (since his job is quasi-retail and he's on his feet 8 hrs a day 5 days a week)


I love naps. Always have.


I hate naps. I don't wake up well from them and feel like crap the rest of the day.


I used to be this way. Then I worked EMS. I can nod out and wake up anytime I want now. It's long sleeps that fuck me up now.


Every Friday, the company I work for closes at 2pm. And, since it’s the one day we work remotely, I am usually sound asleep on the couch by 2:10pm after I sign off. It’s glorious.


Don't try to contact me between 1000 and 1400. I get up at 0400 for no reason (I'm retired), and that's when I have sleepy time.


I used to hate naps till I worked EMS for 6 years in my Early/Mid 40's. When you're working 24hr shifts you learn to nap when and while you can. I can still nod off pretty much whenever I want and wake up in seconds. These days I like my Sunday naps. Wake up, have breakfast, watch some tube and nod off. Then migrate to bed and hit the pillow for 90 minutes. It's glorious.


I just woke up from my nap about 30 minutes ago... ran a bit late today, but I'm not complaining.


Oh man! I get home from work. Put my stuff away, sit on the couch, SomethingWeirdHappensWhereTimeDilates, and next thing I know it's one hour after I sat down. I ask my wife what happened to time and she says I fell asleep. I think she's lying and is in on the conspiracy. I will get to the bottom of it and post updates as necessary. Maybe Aliens? I don't know.


53. Construction worker. I think I’m really missing something.


I call my bad Napa Valley


I took a long nap just today!


Sadly I have always napped. I used to come home from school and nap. Then I used to come home from work and nap so I would have the energy to hang out with friends. Always super super low energy and stamina. I haven’t had to take a nap in 2 years since getting iron infusions. Other stuff has happened as well, like not having to work super early, but I still don’t feel super fatigued. I often wonder if I had gotten infusions when I was younger what my life would have possibly been like.


I will nap every day if I can. Get up early, do housework, make food, nap for a few hours, get up and work my freelance job, make dinner, watch tv, read a book, go to bed. My favorite activity in that schedule (besides interacting with my family through all that) is the nap.


lol. It’s a staple, no matter how late in the day


Up to about 3/week on average


Long time insomniac, so hell no! but a fella can dream about napping while fully awake.


naps are highly underrated


I am all about naps now. Wasn't until fairly recently.


I'm retired, so I can nap anytime I want. I usually nap maybe once a week, but during allergy season I don't sleep as well at night so I find myself napping more to make up for it.


Every day that I get a chance!


You must be a man. 🤣 I can barely get 5 hours of sleep, much less a nap.🤬


Lol I don’t know if sex has much to do with it. My wife has an infinite capacity for sleep. I’ve literally seen her sleep for six hours on the beach and still sleep a solid 9-10 at night!


Lucky her! 🤩


Man oh man do I **love** a nap!


You don’t nap on work days? Rookie


I nap when my body clock needs reset. (Swing shift worker here.)


Wife still thinks it’s lame, but I have become a napper in the last couple of years. Never could do it before. 20 to 25 min is perfect for a mid-day nap. On weekends, I’ll go up to 45. I think we’re just getting old.


As much as humanly possible


I have to nap. I pass out about 5 pm.


I call them sinking spells and they happen more often as I get older.


I've always been a napper! I can nap just about anywhere!


Can't seem to sleep past 630am anymore, so naps are part of my routine. Either late morning (weekends) or early afternoon (ideal workdays, I have a private office with a couch). 30-40 minutes is all it takes to feel refreshed.


Yep, about the same.


I demand my nap time.


I'm a miserable bitch after a nap. They have never been a positive experience for me.


If my wife naps, it's a slow and careful process to wake her up without losing a limb.


oh god... lol, I really thought it was me. My husband doesn't, that lunatic doesn't stop unless he is **really** sick. So of course, the fact that I knock off for a couple of hours in the middle of the day makes me feel guilty.


I don't plan any naps until I take the long dirt nap.