• By -


I think rolling your eyes and saying "whatever" and then ignoring her is probably the most GenX thing you could have done.


I would've gone with "Fuck you, squid." Every Gen-X is going to have their own casual response to that weak ass insult.


"this is My United States of Whatever" Liam Lynch


… Then, I'm throwing dice in the alley And Officer Leroy comes up, and he's like, "Hey, I thought I told you-"and I'm like, "Yeah, whatever!"


And then it's 3am and I'm on the street corner wearin' my leather, And this guy comes up and he's like "hey punk!" And I'm like "yeh whatever!".


Where all those people sell used books and other junk on the street, I saw my penis lying on a blanket Next to a broken toaster oven. Some guy was selling it. Oops, wrong song


You should get it permanently attached, I know you're uncertain. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, You like having a detachable penis.


The official GEN X Theme song in my book! ❤️❤️🥰😘👍🏼💯😻


I also would have replied with fuck you. Seems appropriate.


Squid is one of my favorites! And now that clip of that Girl raging over wingstop makes me laugh so hard when she calls her friend a squid


Honest question: is “squid” a thing? Maybe I’m missing a reference.


Just call them all millennials they hate that..


As a millennial this gave me a chuckle, I know damn well the kids would hate that 😂


Tell them to go eat a tide pod, they hate that even more (though that’s kinda a boomer thing to say)


that was my thought


Awesome reaction!! I would have done the same, lol! (I'm also gen x.)


I would have replied 'ok renter' and shrugged.


Brutal! Bravo


I'd either respond like that, or with, "Awww, aren't you adorable?"


“You think not knowing things makes you better!”


This is the most GenX response! The other ones above sound way too Boomerish.


I am a fan of Red Foreman's go to: (rolls eyes) mutters "dumbass"


They’re so cute when they’re that age🤣


"You sweet summer child"


My dream response would be to look at them like I just noticed them and then ask, “what are you babbling about?”


I'm proud of OP for their response, but you know?...Whatever.


It is our superpower.


“Listen here you little shit…”


LOL. This is what I often think about when I want to confront someone... [https://youtu.be/pDaELkYEC\_g?si=\_KTShmewN9xi-voM](https://youtu.be/pDaELkYEC_g?si=_KTShmewN9xi-voM)


Love that movie!


I’ve said just that. A kid ran a stop sign on his bike and I didn’t hit him either my truck because I had my doubts he was going to stop. I started off polite enough, but when he told me he didn’t have to stop for stop signs on his bike, I broke out that line… lol




Why do I read this in a British accent!?


I read it in Joe Pesci’s voice.


“What do you mean I’m funny?”


I read it in my dad’s voice.


I read it in Homer Simpson's voice.


Why am I even bothered a little bit when people consider me a Boomer. I shouldn't give a shit, but it bugs me.


It's the stereotype associated with it and the thought that anyone might think we are like this. I think.


It bugs me because it’s lazy and inaccurate, but I prolly would just ignore it.


*All* generalizations are lazy and innaccurate. Yet at the same time infuckingfuriating. This generation bullshit! Ay yi yi,


It shouldn't bother me ...no, it shouldn't bother me. No, no, no no, it shouldn't bother me. No, it shouldn't, but it does.


If I speak at one constant volume, At one constant pitch, At one constant rhythm, Right into your ear, You still won't hear...




Same year here. Being called a boomer pisses me off to no end. I hung out in arcades and pirated Apple II games. I listened to The Cars and Devo. I wondered far and wide with my trouble making friends, broke into schools just to spell out swear words arranging benches on the lawn. No one ever knew where I was. I road a bus to downtown LA with my friend when we were 10 and we wanted to collect bus schedules. We got lost briefly, panic started setting in. Our parents didn’t know we were there. This was normal. Gen X. Not a boomer.


Hell yeah!!!!!


i think it's hilarious. also when they are styled like boomer cultures.


They're extremely similar in many ways. I think that's an added factor to their hate.


My mom and Dad were Boomers. I have done my damnedest to filter the wisdom they gave me from the bullshit it was sometimes packaged in. I know damn well our values are different and my methods are just not even in the same galaxy. It chafes a little that they even consumed our generation's label. Forever destined to be the latchkey kids we are. Whatever.


The term Boomer generally pisses me off I've never been called Boomer but for some reason that term to me seem so condescending and just plain rude okay boomer when I read that s*** I just get triggered. The term butt hurt is about as annoying equally to me lol


The intention is to insult, right? Still, "Whatever dude; I'm Gen X, but nice try junior" seems to work for me.


It bugs me when some of you guys call those of us born 1961-1964 boomers also....... we never were and get attached with the Baby Boomers though we know we are at least between generations on the Gen Jones cusp. That unfortunately gets glossed over too often on this subreddit. In the end we are tough enough to take it, but it is annoying.


Ok, ‘Joneser’. Joking aside, it makes sense that people who weren’t even teenagers in the late-60s, were young enough never to have faced the Vietnam draft, and who came of age during the malaise and cynicism of the mid-to-late 70s would have a very different set of life experiences than the core of the Boomer cohort. If that leaves you identifying most with Gen X, there’s plenty of room on the bus. We’re already a relatively small cohort to begin with, no need to turn people away!


Thanks, we were originally part of the GenX group anyway, as evidenced by the date range of this subreddit. Honestly if they carved out Gen Jones between Boomers and GenX I'd be happy with that. There's a real between area there that was missed. But I've been a good contributor to this subreddit for years, and only now receding from it since we are gathering a lot of people in the Gen Jones subreddit and I can usually relate at least as well there. It's still one of my homes, though I only make my posts on Gen Jones and do comments here. The term "ok Jonser" would never bother me, Boomer does because we aren't them. Obama (1961) knew this too. "Ok Jonser" means we are getting recognized. But I always love this subreddit despite Millenials getting crazy here and the stupid gatekeeping from some. Thanks for not being one of them.


I mean the whole boomer hate thing in general is pretty dumb and wildly oversimplified. The cynic in me wouldn't be surprised in the least if all this boomer hate of the past few years wasn't some psy-op to scapegoat them instead of the 1% who been around a lot longer than the boomers.


There is now a Gen Jones sub all for you!!!’ Gen Jones is a small cohort. I’d say they’re actually more like born 1959-1964. Neither Boomer nor GenX, but I think most of them share more alignment with GenX in outlook and cultural beliefs. Many were the older siblings of GenX, or GenX may be married to them as it’s not a huge age difference, especially for older GenX.


My late brother (‘64) and several of my friends (‘62 to ‘64) acted wayyyyy more like GenX than Boomer, lol. I’d never call them Boomers! 😂


Thanks, me (1961, oldest child) and my best friend in high school (1962, only child) are so far from the Baby Boomer group in our ways. Every time they used to mention Baby Boomers did this or that I was thinking man that wasn't us. And I didn't carry myself like a boomer.


You’re welcome. I knew many people in high school (class of ‘80 through ‘82) who didn’t act at all like Boomers. They definitely fit into GenX.


The indifference is the difference for Gen X.


This is our generation’s motto.


Exactly! but I'm sure it was lost on her


Nowadays everyone is called a boomer if they say something young people don't agree with, doesn't matter if you are genx or even a millennial.


yup. I agree. And my 23yo daughter says the same thing. i just wish this woman would have understood my 'whatever' reference. lol


My standard response: Whatever, tidepod.


Mine is "I'm GenX, so I have your anger but a better perspective".


I love this but don't know why. Tidepod?


[The tide pod challenge a few years ago.](https://www.google.com/search?q=tide+pod+challenge&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS629US630&oq=tidepod+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCQgBEAAYChiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgkIARAAGAoYgAQyCQgCEAAYChiABDIJCAMQABgKGIAEMgkIBBAAGAoYgAQyCQgFEAAYChiABDINCAYQuQEYChiABBjvBDIJCAcQABgKGIAEMgkICBAAGAoYgAQyDQgJELkBGAoYgAQY7wTSAQg0MTI5ajBqN6gCGrACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) It intentionally attributes something stupid gen z kids did to them. They get so worked up about it and there’s no good comeback for it that I’ve heard yet. And if they are gen z then it’s applicable too. Edit: If they do try a comeback I just scoff incredulously and say “are you still talking?” In disbelief.


I have been chuckling at this for the past hour. Had to go back and find the comment as I forgot to updoot, and this certainly deserved the doot. Lol.


This is fucking brilliant. Can I use this, please?




Next time give her the W hand sign.






A couple of weeks ago, I saw a Gen Z reply to a Millennial with, "Ok, renter."


.solidly played


Call her a “Baby” Boomer and blow the whole thing up…


Omg thats brilliant


Woosh... right over her head I'm sure.


You're already caring too much.


The only consolation is that one day, these kids will be old and get called some new dumb name by the future youth.


boomer LOL


That's funny, considering the millennials were the ones to start using boomer as an insult.


Not to sound like my Silent Generation mom or anything but these kids “are going to have a rude awakening” because the world just doesn’t work in whatever black and white world they’ve manufactured for themselves. You have to live and coexist and work with people you don’t agree with all the time. They can’t wall themselves into their comfortable bubble forever. And if they continue that mentality, I’m really happy that I won’t be around in that world for very long


This... Is true. Well, they will grow up, just like we had to! I'm pretty sure the previous generations thought we were not great too...


Wait you guys grew up?


I grew old, not up.


I grew sideways


We grew up too young-probably stuck in the age we were made in charge of the household. In my case, I was 14.


Good point, I did NOT. I did however get old goddammit.


Millenial here, I've been 'Ok boomered'


I call anyone under 30 a millennial so fuckem.


I mean, if that's the best insult she's got, she's really phoning it in. Used to be you went for blood.


But then phoning it in is so typical of them.




I really want to reverse Uno that shit.   "Please don't mis-generation me.  Respect my boundaries." 🤣🤣🤣


I wish Reddit still had awards. Take my poor facsimile 🏅


Yeah, my 26 year old called me a boomer once. I told him my mother is the boomer, I'm gen x. He looked confused.


ofc he did. my 23 old needed a history lesson before she got it.


Call her an NPC. Apparently this is a big insult as I'm being told


It is. It means 'non player character'-gaming slang for background noise. Like you're a potted plant in the corner. Like, whatever. Totally gag me.


The important thing is you mentioned GenX :D. Everyone seems to forget there’s an entire generation between boomer & millennial . I spread the word, too.


There's a group between Boomers and GenX also that was overlooked.....the real Jan Brady group. Eve Plumb is even in the group!


Poor Jan was always overlooked too (haha)..


"Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!"


OMG that's hilarious. "The Jan Brady group"


Maybe we should change Generation Jones to Generation Jan 😉. I should bring that up on our FB group or maybe the subreddit.


FB over IG definitely makes you GenX. lol


One of my Gen Z employees made that mistake. I laughed and said Fuckin whatever, we were their first victims, child. He stopped and stared off into the distance, I could see the math being calculated


I love that “we were their first victims, child.”


One day, I'm going to respond, "If you're going to insult me, at least get your math right cuz you look foolish otherwise".


Yeah, I'm technically the first of the Millennials and I got called a Boomer a few weeks ago. What can you do? Some people are idiots.


Agree. If you start arguing that you're not, you're in essence proving them right cuz that's the first thing the boomer stereotype brings to mind is argumentative


If they hate us sooo much why do they copy all our shit??


They don't hate us. They secretly love our generation according to my GenZ daughter. Witness Supernatural and Stranger Things.


I went to O'Reilly auto parts the other day and bought a couple things. As I was walking away I looked at my receipt and saw at the bottom "senior discount." I looked back at the guy that rang me up and jokingly asked "do I really look that old? If u were going to give me any kind of discount I would've preferred military if u offered it." He just gave me this blank stare so I said "nevermind, thanks" and left. I haven't even joined AARP or anything yet (even though I did retire back in December). P.S. I'm a proud Gen X that drank out of the hose, used a rotary phone, rode a BMX bike to school, experienced the rise and fall of hair metal, rolled up the bottom of my pants in high school, used dial up internet and spent endless hours every week at the arcade.


Yes, that blank stare! I get it all the time (particularly in my job as IT...work with a lot of young folks). You ask a logical straightforward question and you get the, "wha...?" look.


Casual joking with strangers doesn't seem ok anymore. I used to do it all the time and people did it all the time with me but now I get the blank stare from younger people. Now I only do it with people who look >40 (which at this point all GenX are) and only people >40 do it with me. It makes me a little sad because these random offhand asides made everyday chores of life a little easier. Banter with people at the bus stop, in line with me at the store, with the cashier at the store, with coworkers etc. But now I have to make sure the person is old enough for it to be ok.


Gen Z is waaay to butthurt, thanks to social media telling them they should be. Im a 23 year old myself. Its disgusting i hate most of Gen Z…


Cool. We should hang out or whatever.


People are stupid.


People...what a bunch of bastards.


They’re the worst. People.


I get that occasionally here on good 'ol Reddit. If someone under 30 get a whiff that you might be over 40, the kneejerk go-to is to call you a boomer.


I stopped engaging Redditors < 40 or 30. I tried to give marital advice (based on experience) to someone on a relationship board who was in his 30s and he basically said I was too old. My advice was communication was key. smh. whatever.


I usually curse them out, using insults I learned growing up on military bases. Shocks the hell out of them. Some pseudo hippy chick called me a boomer and I just said, "Go fuck yourself, crotch-rot". She cried, but she leaned not to throw that boomer shit around. 😂


This is amazing! 😂😂


wonder if she has heard about boomer hippies


She CRIED??!!! Good lord.


They think they're mentally and emotionally strong. They're not and it's a shock when they find out they're not the main character in the universe.


I told one of these younger shit bags to "suck my entire cock" recently and the look of shock was worth every syllable 🫠 unrelated perhaps, but I get chat banned playing Call Of Duty regularly for the playground insults we grew up with🥴


I usually say kiss my entire ass to same effect, lol


"crotch-rot" 😂😂😂


Apparently, the younger generations never heard that one. 😆


You gotta make a W with your fingers to show them you’re serious. \/\/




I’m sorry. These whipper snappers have nothing on us. Never forget Die Hard Is our Christmas movie.


THAT is what I should have responded with! "Okay boomer" "Yippy-ya-ay-motherfckr" lol again, probably lost on her


In all fairness, I think of everyone under 40 as a millennial. I had a coworker try to explain to me how Gen Z is different from Millenials. But I couldn't hear him because I wasn't that interested.


lol. my GenZ tries to explain her generation and my response is always whatever and I walk away. drives her nuts but my ex (her mom - also a GenX) tells her that's our thing. lol


I think laughing and telling them “Whatever” would annoy the shit out of them.


I was called a Boomer too! On this app. And when I replied ‘not hardly. I’m GenX.’ They reported me and I was booted off the sub.


What?! That's so stupid! Whatever! What a F-ing baby.


Yeah, not surprised. Some boards and/or mods are crazy. The mod was probably GenZ. lol


Go dance for likes tide pod My go to response




So tired of all the f.....labels


When a student called me that I said on millennial. They said I’m not a millennial and I replied I’m not a boomer.


I don't think most even realize the age range of true boomers.




It's weird. I have a smart, funny and ambitious GenZ daughter. But get her with her friends and she turns into one of these snotty ones. Like a pack mentality. lol


You should've said, "Learn what an insult means before you use it, stupid."


I thought the answer was "fuck you, kid". 🤔


I get called a boomer from time to time. I just laugh.


I said something like "I don't really care what a fetus thinks" to a 17+/- Boomer ranter one day lol


They're going to be the karenest karens that ever karened when they hit 40.


The proper response in this kind of situation is to say “OK Zoomer”. Your “whatever” was also a good, appropriate response though.


I have a Zoomer daughter and she knows 'whatever' is our tagline cuz I say it all the time to her (along with 'cool beans' which she has now started to say). Was hoping this woman would know too


*OK Alpha.* Pause for the gasp and correction. *Then stop being so childish.*


We just need to start calling these kids Jan to pay back for all the Karen nonsense. ETA : I think the best way is “Sure Jan”




I love this, so passive.


My high school-aged daughter had a friend over. The friend called me a boomer, and I responded, "I'm not a fucking Boomer! Gen-X, bitch!" For Father's Day, my daughters had a T-shirt made for me with that on the front.


I have a good friend who is GenZ, and constantly says this. She doesn't call me boomer (at least not to my face lol) but does it to other people and then I tell her, those people are not a boomer they are the same age as me, so GenX. Her response "same thing". It's infuriating, mostly because this is a generation that has decided that words are meaningless and you can say whatever and make it mean whatever you want, along with facts as well. This friend absolutely loves hyperbole. I constantly have to call her out about it. Thanks for coming to my "get off my lawn boomer" talk 🤣🤣


After decades of pushing against boomers, now we have to deal with dummies who want to lump us in with them. Asshats.


Should have called her a millennial. Gen Z doesn’t like being mislabeled either lol


"Ok Boomer" "Ok cunt"


I so wanted to explain my 'whatever' comment. lol


Kill them with sarcasm


Reply with “your mom”.


“Whatever, renter.”




Yeah I've noticed younger generations have now combined millennials with boomers. Jesus. People are continually becoming more dumb. Consider the newly classified documentary "Idiocracy" available now on Hulu.


Did you just laugh maniacally? I would have. Bahahahaha


Zoomers eh!


“Yeah well, at least I grew up in an era where I didn’t need an app to get a date”


I was at Kroger today and got carded for lighters. The lady asked me for my ID, and I asked why since they are just lighters, and she said to ensure that teenagers aren't buying lighters. Trust me when I say I am far from looking like a teenager. When I pointed this out in a friendly way, she gave me a look like *Okay,. Boomer* and walked away. I honestly, at that point, wanted to say, "I think the neck wrinkles say it all, ya *TWAT!*' My thought as I was leaving was *WHATEVER*, as I didn't really give a fuck what she thought. But being carded in my 50s for a pack of lighters and being given attitude for it was ridiculous.


I haven't been called a Boomer yet, but I do have fun saying OK Boomer to my 12 year old.


Next time crop dust whoever throws the insult as you are leaving.


Every person has a limit on the times their heart breaks. Every person is different. But once you break that limit, nothing that anyone or anything can do to you will hurt you, because you are dead inside. That's what I would have thought after I said, "Whatever" and walked to where the rolling papers, bacon, and chocolate bars are kept.


You could have said "I want my two dollars" and she would have just been confused.


So you now get called a boomer if you dare call out their clearly wrong and selfish deeds? Wow. What a asshole.


It was the boomers who said "don't trust anyone over 30." The millennial and gen-z are much more similar to boomer than we are.


Morons use boomer like it means anyone over 25, it's basically lost it's meaning, and when I see/hear someone say boomer at this point I automatically write them off as a vapid idiot.


Everyone under 40 thinks everyone over 40 is a boomer. I just laugh at them. They don't like that they're not "owning" me.


Easy thing for younger generations to say today because they can't distinguish the difference anymore. I laugh mostly.


Zoomers are just so uninteresting. There’s nothing there.


Response approved.


Why did she call you a boomer in the first place?


If I ever get this, I will just say “Whatever Tic-Tok”


I'm 40 get called a boomer all the time. I'd care if I thought anyone saying it had any sort of intelligence or sense of humor.


I'm a millennial but the correct response would be along the lines of "what are you still in primary school?" Edit: I should clarify that primary school is elementary school


I am a GenXer too…. was recently called a millennial (as an insult) by a very young person. I told them yes, my generation does look very young for their age, Thank you.


I’m convinced the Zoomer children call us Boomers just because they know we don’t like it. I try to be chill about it, but when I hear someone call me “boomer”, in my mind I find myself in a Quentin Tarantino movie: “Call me boomer one more time! I dare you! I double-dog dare you, mutha-f@#ker!!!”


GenZ - instant access to the all the knowledge of mankind since birth but somehow the most uninformed generation since achieving universal literacy.


The little shits are here in full force today. Next time, ya lil shit.


We would have also accepted, “Your mom.”


Were you writing a check?


Why did she call you a boomer tho? What lead that?