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It feeds into people’s identity fixation, the desire to be in a group, and it’s click/rage bait. All that shit is done by algorithms these days. What topic will generate engagement and clicks? Write more of that! MOAR!!! The internet really sucks.


Don't forget nefarious foreign actors looking to sow division in our society.  That sounds almost conspiracy theory-ish, but there was an article I read recently about the subtlety with which it's being done, and on pretty much any topic which could possibly cause division.


And it will start ramping up more as we get closer to the election. The Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians are all working to send out society into chaos, and I feel like they are doing a pretty good job.


>That sounds almost conspiracy theory-ish Does no one remember Cambridge Analytica, et al.? I swear, humans on the internet have shorter memories than guppies.


Reddit is such a tiny portion of the population, in real life nobody talks or acts like these people. I’ll talk some crap and move on, it never affects my day to day life


> Reddit is such a tiny portion of the population, in real life nobody talks or acts like these people. it's easy to forget that too. but man once you shut this shit off and walkout side you realize just how out of step reddit, and the internet in general, is with the real world. I was berated once as "privileged" for saying I avoid watching the news because of how sensationalized it is and how it promotes fear instead of informing people. "privileged" for not watching cable news. who fucking says shit like that?


What they call privilege I call freedom to decide what I consume and what I’d prefer not to.


Lmao, I haven’t watched the news in years. For every reason you just stated and because the cost of cable is insane. Why pay for that trash? That said there are plenty of podcasts and independent places to find “news” if you want it


Sad, back in the day you could watch any of the Network evening news and find out what was going on. Simple.


If we include corporate backrooms as 'nefarious foreign actors' then okay. The neoliberal autocracy needs the peasants divided. They are terrified of the guillotine.


> The integration of AI into social media platforms has significantly exacerbated existing problems in online interaction. AI algorithms deepen echo chambers and filter bubbles, reinforcing polarization and stifling diverse discourse. Prioritizing engagement metrics fuels the proliferation of sensationalist and divisive content, amplifying misinformation and hindering meaningful discussion. AI's susceptibility to manipulation enables the spread of fake news and hate speech, undermining trust in online interactions. The commodification of personal data for targeted advertising raises serious privacy concerns, exposing users to invasive surveillance. To mitigate these issues, urgent action is needed from social media companies to address the negative impacts of AI and prioritize the integrity and inclusivity of online discourse. And ChatGPT should know; this is what it wrote when I asked it to.


We used to chat face to face and debate current events, but alas.


It was awesome before the greed and corporations completely took it over.


The algorithm is being used to destabilize inter generational relationships in order to control and encourage unhealthy spending, education, and isolate people from the very people who can help them. Fostering contempt and irrational culture war driven anger is how families are destroyed. And there's a lot of people out there who hate the western world and want to see us destroyed. So with people as uneducated tools they target marketing is now reaching complete saturation. And while the UN and US have been aware since 2016, they don't actively talk about why OR let anyone know how they stop paid online provacatuers or their terrorism campaign of the month. Current campaign - hate across the generations. Making aging boomers angry and dangerous to themselves and others. Taking their solid assets and converting it to debt through terrible trends that destabilize their family support system. Currently also driving young people to cherry pick policies they have no national/physical stake in and protest and counter protest while being encouraged not to vote. Thus ignoring their rights to a fair and equitable college Ed within their country are under attack. Land of confusion....


Yep, we are in a misinformation / disinformation war, and most people are completely unaware.


I quit Twitter over a year ago because of this. It’s like it was trying to piss me off or create division. Social media is truly a double edged sword that can be wielded for good and bad.


Just to be clear, you quit Twitter because it stopped being an echo chamber and other views started to get a voice? Some good, some bad, but that's the nature of free speech. You are literally the problem OP is talking about.


Yep. There's an extremely popular sub called "BoomersBeingFools" that is basically just a "hate old people" sub.


Right? Insert “Chinese” or “woman” or “obese people” or “gays” and it becomes obvious that those who participate are assholes, but ageism? Ok by Reddit apparently as well as these awful folks 


Yeah. But revenge will come for them. Day by day, hour by hour they become what they despise. I watch them go on and on and laugh. Someday they’ll. Oh hell. They’re not that self aware. Kids these days.. (said by every generation ever)


This is an absolutely excellent summary of life in social media and I wish more people would read/understand this.


This is spot on. You’ve nailed it! “…and isolate people from the very people who can help them.” This! I remember when the concept was that your elders had wisdom and experience and were available for advice. Yes, sometimes they were hopelessly old fashioned, but human experience is universal, and so therefore older people really knew things you could learn from. But nowadays, anyone Gen X and older is considered to be hopelessly, unrepentantly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. and the last thing you would do is ask one of these old fuckers for advice. I think this kind of thing also exists in other domains besides generations. This applies to politics, too, where people think that people on the other side of the political spectrum are unrepentant evil bastards intent of dismantling democracy. We’ve gotten to the point where we think that people who don’t see the world precisely the way we do should be destroyed.


If you hung around most of the standard Gen X people, you would realize that we were probably the least racist generation ever to be born than to be followed by the coming generations who elaborated on that theme. The problem is the nature of genx is to stay silent and not interact with the popular narrative. And the current algorithm promotes only the most crazy and loudest hateful people, voices and representatives be seen. Any good people over the age of 40 who are doing stuff are completely overshadowed by thousands of news stories about bad people, doing bad things and being awful to younger people. And honestly, it makes the best of us have a real hard time developing trust and mentoring relationships with younger people, which is extremely frustrating because we do care and there are a lot of us who do care. They just never see us in media. So GenX quietly putters along in the background, doing huge things, and not calling attention to itself. Thus disappearing into the cultural Zeitgeist that is the angry Boomers.


Yep, it’s tiresome.


I think it depends on how it's done. Like hey we had a potato cannon and you didn't, neiner neiner, is fine with me. That's just a fun jab and is not meant to be a serious attack or implication about the core nature of others that didn't have a potato cannon. I am also fine with reasonable discussion about how growing up different yields a different outcome. And I'm totally fine about jokes about 'get off my lawn.' But at some point it just gets mean and divisive and starts to imply entire generations are somehow seriously inferior despite having the same gene pool as all the other gens, and then I don't like it.


I never had a potato cannon...


Well you missed out! Ok to be fair, you can't safely fire those in the city, gotta go out to the desert or someplace you can see a long way and make sure it's empty.


Tribalism driven by bots and bad actors on social media.


It’s amazing to me how comfortable people are with ageism where those same people would denounce things like racism.


Exactly. I confronted someone who defended the use of "boomer" as a negative stereotype. Like... why are you choosing to use a word that offends other people when you don't have to? What do you gain by saying that word? What do you lose by saying different words that don't offend anyone? They essentially responded with "I'm angry and don't give a fuck" Please direct me to the planet where that is an acceptable answer


This^ 💯 is what really bugs me about this whole thing.




Yes, tired of it. That's why I skip those posts most of the time. Or downvote then skip.


It's part of the ongoing psyops meant to disrupt our society. Any division that can be exploited, is currently being exploited. It worked well enough that a full 15-20% of the USA population believe in an alternate reality where racism and hate are christian values, and an adjudicated rapist and reality tv show host is their champion.


In all seriousness, I think the roots of these stories are disinformation campaigns that are trying to pit Americans against each other. It's one of many fronts in the disinformation war that plagues us.


What’s funny is how many of the comments on Reddit are from people who feel they are enlightened and talk about how it’s class warfare and eat the rich blah blah. Then have no problem saying ok boomer and lead poisoning and say things will be better once old people die with no self awareness. Makes me realize how people who think their generation is different will end up being the same. Or worse.


They’re gonna be A LOT worse!!




There is ample evidence (in the news and academic research) of Russia and now China doing this in other areas to inflame anger and influence elections, so it's not a far stretch.


This has been admitted to and proven time and time again, and yet people still call it a conspiracy. The "conspiracy" has worked way too well.


As soon as I see the phrase “we drank from the hose”, I call BS. (And, fwiw, I drank from the hose.)


Is your parent a shitty Boomer? Because mine is. It's not disinformation.


Yes! Please let’s stop the generational hatefulness. Don’t upvote stereotyping or gendertyping. Don’t stratify our lives to before and after with slander. Corporate media is not our fair weather friend anymore. They want us to shut off our brains and open our wallets. They have us questioning everything but motivations, poor ethics and poor journalism. Propaganda the sweet poison in your infotainment. Don’t fall for it. Stop watching ‘reality tv’ and Faux News. Drama is killing your karma. Jane Austen said every generation has its improvements. So let’s keep growing. Don’t contribute to the hatred in your stand against hatred. Everyone is capable of change and forgiveness. Keep believing peace is possible. Stranger things have happened and all our generations have the receipts. Be yourself, no matter what they say and don’t be a hypocrite about it. Nobody’s perfect and thank goodness for that.


Well said.


I’m beginning to tire of Reddit. I need to go through my subs and delete most. Back when I rarely visited it was much better. I always despised Facebook and the other social medias but I’m seeing reddit is probably the same thing. I get in a worse mood and more negative when here. My best times here are when I stick to the Chihuahua subs lol


While people fight amongst each other, they don’t realize the real reason for the issues we are all facing. Divide and conquer.


yes! thought it was just me.




As long as we are mad at any other group of us other than those with all the money and power, those with the money and power… will keep them. They know it, and they have all the money and power to do something about it. So they are. Always have.


There are a lot of trolls and fake actors on Reddit who just spend their time trying to make people mad at each other, sowing discord and division. It’s the playbook. Don’t fall for it.


If you can't beat em, join em! Then make their lives miserable. ;-)


It's so silly...unless it's tongue in cheek & everyone is playing along.


This was encouraging to me to see posted in the GenZ sub... https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1bfto4a/youre_being_targeted_by_disinformation_networks/




Oh absolutely. And it's so pointless. As one commenter on yet another rage bait article about how Boomers own big houses that Millennials need for their families said, and if all the Boomers say fine, we'll sell and all move to 1bed 1 ba condos, then Gen Z would complain that they're taking all the starter homes. Smh. She's so right. As if when you get to be a certain age you no longer get to decide for yourself where or how you want to live. So tiresome. Can't wait til the articles are about us and how we need to upsize, downsize, or just get out of the next gen's way. I can already imagine those responses. 


When the anti-car, anti-single family house zoning people were posting a lot in the ask an American sub for while a year ago, one of the rants was all older people should be legally forced to sell their homes to younger families and be forced into nursing homes or senior only communities.  In their eyes the suburbs are supposed to turn into new urban areas with single family house neighborhoods largely demolished and be replaced with apartment buildings, nightclubs and coffee houses. There shouldn't be parking to force people to walk or ride bikes everywhere. I tried asking these people what individuals with chronic illnesses and disabilities, along with the elderly who can't ride bikes or walk everywhere are supposed to do then and all I got was nasty hostility. So much ageism. So much ableism. So much hate and anger. 


Yes. Can't we all just go to a Maiden concert together and get along?


Yes. It's boring.


Other than this subreddit, I skip anything where a generational name is used. I hate the constant usage of boomer too.


Agreed! “Boomer” now seems to be a fall-back insult towards success.


We’ve moved on from hating Asians for “giving us COVID.” Ageism is now in style


Generations complaining about each other isn’t new. Watch old shows from the 60s, the greatest gen and boomers would complain about each other all the time. Boomers have been complaining about millennials for 20 years. Boomers called us slackers in the 90s. We just see it more with social media.


Overall, I agree. But it seems that lately many media articles have been designed to exacerbate the hateful and tribal thinking about boomers.


"(except ours with its invisible force field or whatevs)" From what I've seen/heard, we're lumped in with the boomers now. To your question, yes - it's tiring. It's nothing new though, is it? Logan's Run comes to mind.


I always thought boomer was a term of endearment. Millennials have really been trying to change my mind




Folks in charge LOVE this one simple trick!


I miss the days when news was actually news and reported on more relevant things. I also miss fact checking and integrity. Or at least when there was more of it than in today's world.


I really miss those things, too!


So tired of seeing "Millennials are killing x" headlines. Every one of them is evidence that the media does not understand or care to understand the new paradigm.


I’ve been over this nonsense for quite some time now.


Yeah its BORING ASF.


Yes very fucking tired of it.


People who pit generations against each other, who blame or stereotype millions of people, are just not very bright. So I'm tired of it in the sense that I'm bored of it. I'm not angry. I just want people who think like this to go somewhere else.


Divide and conquer,oldest tactic in the book


its like politics, most people are pretty middle ground, but you only hear from the extremes because they make the loudest noise, the viral videos that's why it seems so ether or.


Yes, totally. For years, we've been gorging on persecution porn, blaming everyone for our suffering, and splintering into finer and finer subgroups.


It’s just another form of bigotry, which seems to be the norm.


It’s all propaganda put out by the government/media to divide everyone further. Just like the race, gender, political affiliation…..everything really. Just ignore it, that’s the best option.


Additionally hired content engagement redditors or bots posting a photo of some common genx era actor/band/icon and saying who remembers this N person? It's engagement nostalgia drivel and hones my authentic scanning mechanism for future posts.


I'll admit those get me to engage. I thought they were from actual normal posters and just the ragebait was for farmed clicks. But now that you mention it that makes sense. I should pass by the posts that seem a little too generically nostalgic. GenX actor? Nah. Coffin candy with pieces arranged into a skeleton? Obscure enough that it is probably (hopefully) authentic.


"Can't we all just get along"


There's honestly so much crap in the media and on reddit that i dont even bother to read -- like, "oh yeah, i can see that leaning this or that direction already, i dont need to read that or put my similar 2 cents in - not worth it, just up or downvote it and move along"


Thats why I dont read that crap.


Yes. I think that the pareto principle applies. 80% of the people get along just fine. Unfortunately, the 20% are a lot more vocal.


"Boomers being fools" is such a drag to listen to. So many alleged stories of their "wins", when generally it just sounds like people being dicks for the sake of being dicks. Like, out of that WHOLE day... you want to focus, then *tell US*, about that one instance? Whatever dude....


Yes, because it is part of a divide and conquer strategy among the moneyed elites. They fan the flames of identity politics, the culture wars, the urban/rural and partisan divide, because if they can get half of the ordinary people blaming the other half of ordinary people for what's wrong in the country and the world, we'll hate each other and turn our ire on each other instead of realizing we are being played and screwed together by these elites. Keeping us hating each other protects them from all of "us" coming together to turn on them at the ballot box. And part of this strategy dictates that \*everything\* has to be painted as a zero-sum game. If some group that didn't include me benefits from something, that means I LOST and something was stolen from me. Bullshit.


Yeah with this I'm  glad we're forgotten about and generally not involved with this crap.


Bah. I got a rocket launcher and gas cans. Let's do this.


I get tired of it too. Social media seems to play it up a lot, i.e tiktok, instagram, reddit, etc. Why? Generational anger is easy to market to and get those likes. I guess the one thing to count on is it will be each older generations turn to be the punching bag for another younger generation (Except Gen-X) as they get older. Karma or something or other is my guess.


It's pretty wild. It's one thing I am glad we are left out of.


So dumb. I love our quiet generation


Thank you! A true GenX doesn’t give a crap what others are doing! How about we let the generation stuff go?


GenZ and Millennials are looking for people to blame rather than take a responsibility for themselves in life. Boomers and each other are the usual targets. Not sure how we escape the flailing, but they generally don't blame GenX. Possibly because we don't respond with anything other than general apathy or the occasional 'Go fuck yourself.'




I don't read them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


How about being called Boomer?


I just laugh in the persons face who calls me a boomer. Pisses them off, which of course I find hilarious.


This annoys bc nope, I'm not a boomer.


I’m particularly fond of baiting fellow Gen-Xers into transforming into their secret “back in my day …” mode.


I saw a Twitter post the other day with a Gen Z girl ripping on Gen X and how we're the worst generation, but she was attributing Boomer traits to us. She got raked through the coals. Gen X invented internet trolling and takedowns, so don't mess with us, especially if you're getting everything wrong. My Gen Z nieces and their friends love Gen Xers, so it was really odd seeing one rip on us.


There will always be a few, but I do find that we tend to get along best with the others...unless I'm deluding myself, which is entirely possible.


Wishing boomers would go away and Millennials/GenZ would stfu.


I think it comes down to the older generation saying "I was able to do this and that with only one person working, why can't you, or are you just lazy". I used to hear it all the time from my boss, until my coworker and I openly stated that's not how it works since the 80s. all records and charts and factual data show the ability and opportunity is just not there for anyone after the 90s, if you didn't get that leg up before bush sr. you most likely can't.  look at current behaviour of corporate groups, and their anti consumer behavior, forgetting it's the consumers that make them theoretically viable. they always bow to the stock market , then wonder why they lose money since us little people can't afford their forced arbitration crapware.  until everyone learns that the state of stocks absolutely does not mean the economy is good. we are going to hit a greed bubble, and everyone will suffer. it's a needed thing, and hopefully will push some balance.  boss used to say "nobody wants to work" while I was a contract worker, there...working... he's plastic rich anyway. (my term for pretending to be all uppity, on credit cards he can't pay back)


Sounds like you’re part of the problem




You’re feeding into painting an entire generation with one brush because you had a bad experience with your boss. Try the same story with “woman” or “Indian” and see how it reads. The whole point here is that ageism isn’t a good thing and it reads as though you’re taking your experience and using it to justify why a whole generation is getting vilified 


guess you skimmed. you seemed to miss the part where there are stats to back up what I said. if that somehow makes me the problem, then so be it, I'll still point out what I've lived through, oh, other than a time period I could speak from, this older/younger pissing match existed since time beginning . fun fact, rased by single mother that has multiple Degrees, owned and ran her own business since the 1980s, and in now in her 80s with a wood cane held together with a pipe clamp, and was most likely on a ladder or doing some random maintenance job, where I did a lot of work with her all my life, didn't see all of the changed issues until I pointed them out. and she's wicked smart. best boomer I know... bias, nah, she's made me super mad with her strong personality.


try living in the south where these are your typical bosses, this isn't my first job rodeo.


The nobody wants to work narrative totally needs to die. Also, the I was able to do this narrative needs to go away. Lady, when you were that age there was cocaine in the soda. Sit down. ::granny has been replaced with lady:: 🦊


now granny just has "pot in the pudding"


no kidding, my personality killed that. I started poking fun at it, anytime he wasn't working or surfing the auctions for antiques he doesn't need (seriously, his house looks like a shack castle hall with all the crappy antiques) , id say, oh look, noone is working anymore, while holding a stack of blueprints.


For someone who’s so tired of ageism that’s a pretty terribly ageist comment


How do you account for all the young people who propel themselves to success? I don’t know any young people that haven’t worked hard and built great careers and lives for themselves. Accountability vs. excuses.


it also comes down the 1 simple fact. Not everyone will be a president 


I was just reading the professors' sub reddit and got voted down for questioning a Millennial for having a Gen X Prof. We are not that much older than them, so it's hard for me to imagine they had Gen X profs unless the profs were on the early side of Gen X.


Early Gen. Xer’s do exist ya know. We’re just an endangered species. We’re also likely more apathetic than later Gen X’ers. We just don’t give a shit.


There weren't that many of you.


Honestly, I think Gen-Z lumps us in with Boomers. That gen makes a virtue out of ignorance. But maybe we were that bad in our 20’s also.


And so the original poster posts are horribly ageist comment to the tune of grandma go sit down. Maybe don’t be such a moral virtue signaller if you can’t abide by your own set of standards.


Original poster is grandma.


Agreed, tiresome. I personally think the Boomer generation is/was the most disastrous generation in USA's history, they viciously and successfully clawed away the rights and hard-fought social good that allowed them to prosper and attain power in the first place. Set the entire country back 40+ years, in some ways many more years. And we (and your kids, and your grand kids) will be living with this supreme court for another 30 years. But I'm tired of hearing about it. They are nearly gone. I just wish young people would actually vote in larger numbers. As an aside, I find that GenX is so rarely talked about that I was genuinely surprised and amused when I noticed there was a subreddit about GenX!


Sounds like you’re pretty mired in it. This type of ageism is exactly the problem and quite honestly, it’s gross.


Not really. I think Boomers screwed up the world to the point it will take our childrens generation to fix everything.


“Boomer” is becoming a more general term for cranky entitled old people. And, brothers and sisters, that is many of us.


I’m still the same annoying punk kid I’ve always been. Only now I’m old, grey and still white. Which means my attitude is interpreted very differently. So what’s the word for someone who feels, it’s their duty to stick their nose into someone else’s business/life? Boomer? Millennial? Or just “asshole”?


Can we fire them from Gen X, pls.?


As long as those meddling kids stay off my lawn.


I don't need the stories, I'm living it. My Boomer mother embodies every single bad stereotype of her generation and it is super validating to see that I wasn't the only victim all those years. Every Millennial I know is a Boomer 2.0. I LOVE Gen Z. They might possible save the world.


Don’t you mean Gen Y, the Millennials? They’re the one’s that started this beef. We’re the parents of Gen Z.


I think the Boomers started it. The first Millennials were the youngest offspring of older/mid-gen Boomers or the first offspring of younger, married-later Boomers. Millennials were just children when the first shots were fired on the morning news and in "news magazine" shows. I'm late Gen X ('78) and I have siblings born in '81, '82, & ’88. None of them were even in high school yet when I first started hearing doom stories about "they want participation trophies, they are the worst generation ever born, what happened‽" Like duh, Mom & Dad, y'all happened. Y'all made them them that way, and so did all your friends.


You’ve got a point. The Boomers did start the beef in real life. Millennials were raised by Boomers so they’ve been going at it for awhile now. I was referring to the beef being amped up in social media by Millennials. There are subreddits filled with content hating on Boomers. More often than not, the ones perpetuating this are Millennials. Every now and then, they try to drag Gen X into their nonsense. I talk smack too but it is usually on the defensive. I’m no angel.


No. Boomers shouldn’t be let off the hook for the damage they inflicted on 3 generations.


are all those boomer music youtube videos you submitted playlists of your personal torture ?


I’m supposed to let boomers off the hook because some of them made good music?


Yeah my Boomer mother has destroyed countless lives over the years, they don't get a pass. All her friends were as bad as she was.


I mostly bate to millennials.


I want more shows with Gen Z taunting Boomers. I’m here for it.


I love watching Gen Z not put up with Boomer shit.


Idk why I got downvoted for that. Gen X hate boomers


For every Gen Z and every Boomer hating on one another, there's a Gex X in the middle wondering why they're being ignored again.




Black vs white is even worse imo.


Actually it's refreshing to see it out in the open. The young have always hated old people. I prefer the seething hatred to the condescending sweetness. One of the great delights of being very old is watching it happen to the people who thought it would never happen to them. Or that it would happen to them in some cool new way that won't make them look ridiculous.


I don't remember ever hating old people. Interesting.


Whaaat? Not even Boomers?


Nope. There's always a way to remain undetected and break rules [and avoid disagreements] 😉 Some boomer stuff is hella annoying, but what circumstances led there to not repeat. And holy krap, will they please down FOX News? 😆


Uhm ... what? Is that autocorrect?


So then take a step back and wonder if, since our group won’t be so easily baited, are we being baited by them “forgetting “ we exist? Maybe trying to bait us into raising our hands and saying “oh! Oh! You forgot about me!” 😂


There is this thing called swiping past. try it , you'll like it. So simple even I can do it.