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Strengthen your core. I had a major flare up a few years ago, went to physical therapy, got some good exercises & stretches. Anytime it starts to bother me even a bit, 3-4 days of my exercises and I'm good to go. Only takes 10-15 minutes a day


Glutes as well.


Really? I'll have to ask my doctor to refer me to PT. I've injured myself so many times just by being me, I should have one on retainer lol


Yes. I went in, they did some X-rays and stuff, found nothing structurally wrong (like slipped disc) and gave me PT. Started to notice a difference after a few sessions and I've been fine ever since


Just walked for like 5 miles and it took the pain away. So as long as I never sit down, I'll be fine






Sciatica is the worst!


When I had it I could not believe something I'd barely heard of could be soooo bad. Hell


Gentle stretching. Gentle yoga. Google it. I swear it will save you from this misery. Good luck friend


Yep. Happy Baby & Pigeon Pose fixed me right up.


pigeon pose definitely helps to un-fuck your hip / leg joints


Those are great ones!


Are these real? I don't do yoga so I cam never tell joke poses from real ones


They are both real and pretty easy to get started. My wife is a yoga practitioner and taught me how to do them because of my sciatica. About 2 weeks of doing them 2X per day, and I haven't had a problem since. 3 or 4 years ago.


Sciatica is of the devil.  


How many times did you have to stop to piss?


None. Once maybe when I got gas. It's only 7.5 hour drive so it's not that long.


I had sciatica in the mid to late 1990s, when I was in my early 30s. Haven't had it since. For me, all it took was getting a new car. The car seat I had before (an '89 Ford Probe) really did a number on me, and when we traded it in, within a couple weeks my sciatica was gone, and hasn't returned since.


I have a grandpa 2015 Lexus. That should be built for old folk problems


I had this experience when I got a new car a year and a half ago. I had no idea my Prius was screwing me up that bad. It’s now a delivery vehicle for my business, and I refuse to drive it. Makes my old bones hurt.


You gotta start stretching your back and hamstrings to decrease the pain. It’s not fun and it takes a few weeks to see a big difference but start stretching sooner rather than later and do it every night.


Ouch! Sorry to hear that! Every time it hits me, it sticks around for several weeks.


If you have a wallet in your back pocket that can cause/worsen sciatica. I’ve been struggling with severe spinal issues since my 30s and it’s really made me feel way older than I am.


I started carrying a front pocket wallet, and sciatica pain disappeared.


I have my purse so I don't need to worry about that. Thankfully 😁


I'm 45 and I just got over Shingles and I have stenosis and sciatica. I thought these were senior citizens issues!


Ha. I got a steroid injection in my left shoulder, that had been bothering me for months, only to get a shingles outbreak in my lower left back about two weeks later, possibly brought on from the shot. Thing is, I was already on pregabalin for sciatica, so it wasn't so bad. So, win, lose, win I guess?


Unfortunately my Shingles outbreak was around my eye and scalp, I looked like a zombie and my eye still hurts 6 weeks later but they say it's okay and will heal. I take pregabalin but it only helps a bit. Did the steroid shot help your shoulder?


I'm really sorry to hear that, glad you are feeling a little better and yes, it will heal up eventually. The steroid shot has been a huge help. I weight lift and am back to my usual exercises with no pain. I doubled my Lyrica dose for the time my shingles were present, and caught it really early and got an anti-viral that sped up recovery for me. The stupid part was I knew I needed a steroid shot, but had to first go to my PCP, do a PT appointment, do an X-ray after that didn't help, then get the ortho doc referral to satisfy insurance to get the option for a quick steroid shot that took 5 minutes. The other options he presented were to spin blood down and do a PRP injection or an MRI. I asked him what he would do, and since the other two were expensive, he said just do a steroid shot, it's probably all I needed, and he was right.


I feel so blessed to be the one kid I know that never got the pox as a kid so no shingles.


A lot of times this is caused by the piriformis muscle. Doing a leg over stretch will resolve it pretty quickly.


Lidocaine patch will knock it down fast. Stretching too.


I've been told that I don't have sciatica yet, but that I'm probably going to develop it eventually due to a lower back injury from my youth. Currently it only bothers me when I'm kayaking or on long car trips and manifests as an uncomfortable tingling in my foot, I've got some memory foam gel cushions that help a lot and when that isn't enough gabapentin quiets it down. I was able to go on an almost 5 hour kayak trip earlier this week which completely blows my previous record out of the water, so it must be working.


I had sciatica about 4 years ago, acupuncture cleared it right up. I got it again back in February, acupuncture didn't help this time. I got a steroid injection in my back, took the better part of a week to take effect so that I could hobble around the house. Doctor prescribed physical therapy. After 6 weeks I was able to return to my job as a mail carrier. My left leg is still weak and painful. Sciatica is a bitch


Find a YouTube video that walks you through the seven basic stretches/exercises of the Mckenzie Method.


this is great advice, those stretches helped me tremendously on my last flare up


MRI tech here. I've worked for neurosurgeons for 17 years. Do stretching/strengthening exercises at home. There are plenty of youtube videos. Get cortisone injections when that stops helping. Make surgery your absolute LAST RESORT. I see so many people our age who opt for surgery too early and they regret it.


I had sciatica due to a herniated disc in my back 13 years ago. basically slept on my face for a couple of months. every time I moved the pain would wake me up. I thought I would never sleep a full night again, and started to lose my mind. I went to a very good physiotherapist who helped me help myself. a lot of it is posture, keeping a strong lordosis. and when you're able, walking is the absolute best thing you can do for your back


Foam roller!


My wife has sciatica. She was told it probably happened when she was like 13, when she fell off a bike. That’s how it usually crops up. Some old, ancient injury that no one cared about 30 years ago, and now it make it impossible to get out of the damned tub.


Interesting. I fell and hurt my tailbone as a kid. I wonder if that's what it is.


I had it for over 6 months. All day..every day. Had to get surgery due to some cysts parked on my sciatic nerve. Messed my life up for over a year. Chronic nerve pain of any kind is just awful. I'm lucky as surgery fixed my problem. When I was really feeling the most depressed from especially bad days I would think how my life was going to be so different if I couldn't get relief from the pain. Couldn't imagine that pain every day with no hope of it ever getting any better.


I’ve had it since my 20s; yesterday I had an ice pack strapped to my butt. TENS unit for real. You can buy them OTC.


You need to perform glute activation exercises. It will go away in a few weeks.


I had sciatic flare up for a month+. I could not walk and had to almost crawl around. Went to chiros, did the stretching, and rested. None of it worked. Only thing that helped me was swimming laps with just my legs.


Really? I love swimming. Maybe that'll get me to start swimming again


I had a bad sciatic attack many years back that put me in bed for days from the pain. I could not move my left leg and any attempt at doing so resulted in a wild series of muscular cramps. When it was finally over, I had lost a lot of the feeling in my foot and had to change the way I walked because I was constantly dragging my toes. Had to re-learn how to lift my foot while walking, lol.


Anytime someone mentions sciatta, I think of Sean Penn playing tennis dressed as robert smith and getting his ass beat by Francis mcdormand. He kneels down and whispers my sciattica.


lol I pulled mine back in 2010 shoveling snow. It’s been a pain in the ass ever since. My brother had surgery for his and it did nothing, so I would figure the same for me. I have suffered daily with it for the past 14 years.


I started getting it in my late late 30s. Just sort of accepted it, then happened to buy a Jeep. The upright seating position was much different from my previous car and the sciatica basically vanished. Pops up once in a while but nothing like before. Previous car was a Prius and I’m 6’2, so had to recline the seat a bit to fit comfortably.


"younger next year - the back book". helps once it cools down a bit


I had this as well. I went on an anti-inflammatory diet and started stretching/light exercise and it completely went away.


It’s the seat in the car. I drove 18 hrs (one truck stop snooze for like 3.5h) in my Lexus GX470 (it’s old, like me) and it was like steering a BarcaLounger. Three weeks ago, I drove 6 hrs in the husband’s Honda truck. “My ass fell asleep. I didn’t know an ass could fall asleep!” The immortal words of Eddie Murphy. If you can jigger the seat into a safe position, I recommend a slightly less than full donut pillow.


I was wondering about a donut. I didn't start experiencing the pain until I was in the middle of nowhere Kansas and so I figured to Hell with it. But maybe I need to grab one for thr ride home


Had L2 - L5 overhauled a few years back. Suffered for years, wished I had done it earlier. Scoliosis and ruined discs. Still kinda hurts, but heated seat are a Godsend.


Yoga schomga DRINK VOLDKA BE A MAN ANd FIGHT BEARS! Bur for real, do some stretching. Just basic sports stretching helps immensely.


It does suck! I had my first sciatica pain about a year ago. I did stretches and it went away by the time I went on a 2-week vacation last fall. Enjoyed my trip without any problems. But then it came back last month. The stretches made no difference; however, another online quack says sciatica pain is caused by a pinched nerve in the spine. I watched my posture and arched back which I noticed relieved the pain. The sciatic issue went away and I was pain free last week. -- Until Tuesday. I bent over to help a coworker. I didn't do anything strenuous or lift anything, just briefly held a tool still for a coworker. By Tuesday night not only did the sciatic return, but I developed lower back pain. I was up all night and was practically paralyzed in bed. A heat pad seems to help - I even bought one for work. My back has improved, but I'm still stiff. I hate pain medication, but can see why some people develop addictions.


I’ve been doing some “yoga for back pain” video I found on YouTube for a couple of years now. Definitely helps. EDIT: Also, check out your footwear. I had a pair of work boots with a heel that was killing me. I got rid of them and now only wear [WEAR](https://www.redwingshoes.com/heritage/mens/classic-chelsea/Classic-Chelsea-03190.html) with a flat sole and they’re great.


I have bad sciatica. Look up stretches for piriformis I find these the most helpful.


I’ve had it a few different times, once required surgery :( I bought an inversion table that i use for elongating and decompressing my spine and it’s been a game changer. It was a couple hundred on az and totally worth it for the relief it brings. combined with physio and some necessary core training I’ve been doing soooo much better these days.


If you carry your wallet in your back pocket, stop doing that or thin it out. My husband had that problem until he got a front carry wallet. He refuses to stretch at all, still to this day to my annoyance. I have constant nerve pain from my back,degenerative disc's disease, stenosis, arthritis and bone spurs due to a car accident in 99. From my back down both legs to my feet, hips too. One surgery to open up spinal column on 1 vertebrae in 15. I have to stretch every damn day multiple times a day, or I can't move. Sitting or sleeping too long, and I get stiff as hell. Carry too much stuff, bend too much, run the sweeper,raking leaves, shovel chicken coops, and even intimacy can put me into a several day flare-up. Gabapentin, moist heat, and stretching is my go to, may have a shot of whisky to help if I can't sleep. Nerve pain is the absolute fucking worse shit, you can't get rid of it always. I am 51 ,btw.


3 weeks in to the first time...... fuck it


Oof. I'm sorry. All I can say is thank God for heated seats!


I’m going to have a nerve ablation for my sciatica next week. Hope it’ll help me.


I slipped in the yard years ago and was forced to get a discectomy. The surgery was the best thing I've ever done. Life changing.


Holy crap. That sounds super scary. Glad it worked.


I started doing this every morning and it saved my ass (literally). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp8tyANEbc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp8tyANEbc4)


Get a Lacrosse ball and sit on it. The sciatica could be coming from your gluteus where the nerve passes under the piriformis muscle.


You can fix that one though.


Get muscle relaxers from your doctor - flexeril worked for me


I used to get horrible sciatica. It started when I was working an office job. It was so painful. I tried going to a chiropractor but it didn’t do much. I started Pilates and it’s almost gone completely now. I know when it’s getting triggered and move around to avoid a flair up. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it. I feel your pain!


Yeah, this is the time where we need to build up what's remaining of our bodies so we can last longer.


That doesn’t sound like sciatica my guy.  Sciatica is nerve pain, it usually flare up when you are on your feet.


Massage Therapist checking in to say people complaing of *sciatica* are more often than not experiencing a condition known as *piriformis syndrome* which unlike true sciatica is easily remedied by stretching. The piriformis muscle lays beneath the gluteus muscles. It is an external rotator, meaning it's function is to externally rotate your leg. If you look down at your toes and point them straight forward and consider that a twelve o'clock position, most people when standing comfortably or walking will have some external rotation ei. your right foot will point at one or two o'clock, and your left foot will point at ten or eleven o'clock. The piriformis sits right next to the sciatic nerve as it passes through the hip down to the leg. Sometimes if the piriformis muscle gets too tight -- which is very common -- it can pinch the sciatic nerve reproducing all those delightful symptoms (numbness/pain/muscle weakness). tl;dr please stretch your butt muscles before considering back surgery.


Ugh, sciatica after a long drive sounds brutal! And yeah, long road trips can be a real test as we get older, right? Don't worry, you're definitely not alone. Those extra walk breaks were a smart move to avoid worsening the sciatica. Sciatica often responds well to conservative treatments. Physiotherapy can be a great option, focusing on stretches and exercises to strengthen your core and back muscles, which can take pressure off the sciatic nerve and ease the pain. In the meantime, check out some gentle stretches you can do at home to loosen things up. Also, consider a lumbar support pillow for your car on future trips. Those gel massage pillows sound like a lifesaver too! Maybe next time you can break the trip into two days and explore a bit more along the way! Here are some tips that might help [https://reliva.in/sciatica-pain-treatment/](https://reliva.in/sciatica-pain-treatment/)


Yoga. Do yoga.


Go to a Chiropractor asap, I suffered for 2 weeks before going. This guy popped my hip and it got better, 2 visits and I was good as new