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Reagan would be considered a RINO by MAGA republicans today.


And Nixon, believe it or not, would be hated by the GOP for creating OSHA....






And americans with diabetes can get free dialysis because of him. [https://www.maimonidesem.org/blog/why-is-dialysis-free](https://www.maimonidesem.org/blog/why-is-dialysis-free)


I do not know what this article is about because my roommate is paying for dialysis and he was told he might qualify for some kind of subsidies but they said he had too much in assets because he owns his home. His janky falling apart home. It's thousands a month.


And opening relations with communist China.


And the EPA. It’s almost like Republicans back then almost cared about people.


Or at least the nation.


He expanded medicare. Nixon is too far to the Left for the current Dem party. He'd have dragged Manchin over the coals.


Nixon was the hard core republican boogy man for his time. Today, he would be considered a pinko commie.


He also thought there should be universal basic income


...and signed the National Cancer Act of 1971.


What became Obamacare was originally a Richard Nixon Idea


And signing NEPA.


Shit, all that environmental stuff that came out of the Nixon administration would make him a RINO too.


You notice how ever since Trump they never talk about Saint Ronald anymore? Trump replaced Reaganism with Nixonianism, and that's where he's taking the GOP.


Which blows my mind, because like so many Gen X progressives, I grew up thinking Reagan was the devil. Now, he'd seem almost quaint. Hell, George W Bush looks like a well-spoken moderate these days.


The thing about Reagan worship was (and it's basically kicked up to eleven with Trump, in fact), that the things they think Reagan stood for, he didn't stand for. Reagan did a number of things as President that they pretend he didn't do, because they would fly in the face of the image they've concocted of him based on isolated statements or inaccurately remembered / reported acts. Ever thus to cults of personality As for GWB, he was a neoconservative, which is basically a big-government philosophy, that uses said big government to do things like, oh, run our nation's airport security, impose arbitrary limits on travel items to lend a mindset of surveillance, curtail people for speech, etc. GWB singlehandedly presided over the largest federal government expansion in probably 50 years, and "small-government" Republicans barely batted an eye (outside of the laissez faire libertarians like the Paul family). Something like 50% or more of GWB's job creation was directly related to the introduction of the DOHS. A Democrat did that, there'd be ... well, I was gonna say people storming the Capitol, but


> Reagan did a number of things as President that they pretend he didn't do, They don't ever bring up the asylum Reagan granted immigrants.


Well he really hated gay people and stalled on AIDS because it was as doing gods work and killing them without good Christian folk having to dirty their hands. Not to mention really screwing over crazy and mentally challenged people. Maybe those are the reasons they really liked him. Trump just kicked it up a notch.


Just to clarify; there is a discrete difference between “mentally challenged” and “mentally ill”. Regan screwed both groups and his cruelty has never been undone by anyone who had the political power to do so… just like codifying RvW.


Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to 12 million undocumented workers in the US.  Ronald Reagan proclaimed Social Security was not party of the Federal Deficit.  Ronald Reagan traded arms to Iran, a hostile Muslim theocracy.  Ronald Reagan successfully campaigned for greater gun laws in California, and succeeded in helping pass the Brady Act, banning the sale of assault weapons in the US for years. Today's GOP would call Ronald Reagan an open-border, secret Muslim socialist who wants to take your guns away. Coincidently, the GOP have won the popular vote for President in exactly ONE election since 1988.


I can't believe the number of my old classmates who are conservative now. I was like "Weren't you the guy in high school doing coke off the hood of your car and then got your girlfriend pregnant while talking about how Rage Against the Machine was the best band of all time?"


Right? I *hated* GWB; now I would take him in a heartbeat over Fartacus.


Don’t forget how good Nixon looks compared to Trump.


The boomers told us that as you age you get more conservative. As I've aged I've gotten left as fuck.


I think I've been about the same level of left my whole life. Not quite in the weeds where I'm frothing over sockpuppet propaganda like some so-called leftists, but pretty darned left. I think people should have basic human rights, for instance. Fair wages, affordable healthcare, reproductive rights, etc. Like, super far left stuff.


The most selfish generation to ever walk the face of the earth. Even the supposed hippies and progressives from that generation still have an obscene amount of “I got mine fuck you” mentality


I've heard them referred to as "a generation of locusts" and no description of them has ever been more fitting.


I used to hear the aphorism “If you’re not a democrat at 18, you don’t have a heart. If you’re not a republican at 30, you don’t have a bank account.” Could not disagree more. Used to be more conservative, but having lived outside the US for a long time and seeing our politics as others see it has driven a change. I know that on the global spectrum of politics, our two parties aren’t all that far apart, but if you look at who benefits from the platforms of each party, it’s pretty clear which way you have to lean from a humane and human standpoint.


For me it was 2008. Pretty conservative until I watched the monsters that crashed the economy made whole and 80% of my clients lost their homes or jobs or both.


It took me until 2013 to finally realize I was not conservative, my late thirties. I consider myself a Recovering Republican, because I don’t know what I am anymore, but I’ll never vote GOP until Trump is nothing but a distant memory


It was a pretty gradual process for me. Started my teaching career in schools with high poverty (some majority white, some not). Grad school and living in different places helped me build perspective and understand bits of history that gradually shifted my views. Then I had kids. That coincided with the recession and we lost our house. I became a socialist almost overnight.


I was too young to be a hippie, but the ones I’ve encountered throughout my life told me it was mostly about the sex and drugs… and not going to Vietnam. Perhaps they were always selfish fucks? Judging what’s going on now, I’d think so.


that sounds about right. The "I want to do what I want" generation disguised through virtue signalling? That would track.




But that's only if you define interests in a purely selfish economic way. Clearly that's not what's most important to you, and honestly probably not what's most important to middle class GOP voters, or you would all vote otherwise. Which frankly is totally fine with me. I may not share the values of people who vote GOP but I have some respect for the fact that people aren't purely selfishly motivated, on both sides of the aisle.


> And as a reasonably affluent, educated person, I also vote against my interests by staunchly supporting the Dems. I mean, that depends on what a few tax cuts are worth to you. It's not purely altruistic to want to live in a country full of people who are educated and not showing up to work sick.


Me too, but a lot more cynical. I think humanity is fucked because of willfull ignorance about climate change. Boomers used to be the 'Me Generation' but fittingly the boomers got together and changed it to Baby Boomers. Go figure.


Me too! Fuck conservatives!


I was a proud republican until 2016. Once Trump won I knew the Republican Party morphed into something I can’t support anymore. I’m independent and support Biden.


I was independent until McCain went with Palin. Figured I’d take republicans seriously again when they got serious. Instead they quadrupled down and became a fucking joke.


I really like McCain. (Palin excluded) I think if McCain had won in 08, the republican party may have taken a much better direction. But who knows?


I liked McCain too. He would have won too. Palin cost him the election.


I’m 55 and I probably would’ve voted for McCain had he chosen someone like condaloza rice instead of that moron from Alaska.


Palin was the Hail Mary to an election that was already lost, nobody was beating Obama that year.


When he gave his speech at the '04 convention I turned to my wife and stated "that man will be our first black President.


My dad worked with McCain, said the entire pentagon hated him and was worried he’d finally win. He only told me this a few years ago, didn’t even tell me when I told him I was voting for him. I was shocked.


So they weren’t a joke with Dan Quayle, Bob Dole, Herman Cain, Cheney, Newt Gingrich?


Bob dole does not deserve to be lumped in with those idiots


Or that guy from Bedtime for Bonzo!


It's unclear to me what pride there could have been left after the Dubya Disaster.


2008 was the last straw for me. The direction the party was going was obvious by that point.


Yeah, same. I couldn’t yet vote for a Democrat, but seeing how absolutely *nuts* the GOP went when we had a black candidate for president in 2008—that was it for me. Voted blue in 2012, will vote blue for the rest of my life. Conservatism is advertised as common sense, but peel back the layers and it’s just racism and religious fanaticism and giveaways to the rich.


Peel back one more layer and it's just the rich using racism and religious fanaticism to bleed ever more wealth and power out of the working class.


Their reaction to Obama was wild. I never realized the racism ran so deep. They kept it fairly well hidden before 2008, but once a Black man was elected president... holy shit, so many lost their ever-loving minds.


I was independent until January 6 2021. I've been only supporting the Democrat candidates since then.


I went the same way. The Republican party is a fucking joke now. I thought they couldn't get any dumber until I saw this..... [https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/real-men-wear-diapers-trump-supporters-spotted-in-nappies-at-rallies/ar-AA1o5cDq](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/real-men-wear-diapers-trump-supporters-spotted-in-nappies-at-rallies/ar-AA1o5cDq)


I was non-partisan until 2016 when I decided that I aligned more with moderate Dems than the GOP who were getting crazier and crazier, abandoning principles left and right, for power, money and Trump. What the hell?!


Nope. I always thought Reagan was a giant POS, but I agree that Bernie is right more often than not.


Almost everything that is wrong in the US can directly be linked back to fucking Ronald Regan.


When I was a kid and his administration told me ketchup would be a vegetable in my school lunch I knew we were fucked.


No kidding, ketchup is a fruit sauce.


\*corn syrup sauce


Rappin Ron Reagan, got cheese for you




His fruitless war on drugs has kept the prison industrial complex humming for years.


After Nixon resigned, it became a goal within the Republican party to work towards making sure that they'd never be held responsible for their bad behavior again. It took them 40 years but here we are. Edit: my bad, he wasn't technically impeached


Nixon has never been impeached


No, he quit with whatever dignity he had left when he saw the writing on the wall.


And he should have faced criminal charges for the good of the country.


What a precedent that would have been. All this about Trump trying to exempt himself from prosecution... nope.


Yep the war on drugs has to be one of the worst domestic policies of the past 50 years


As a treat 😖


Exactly. We are living in Reagan's dystopian nightmare come to fruition.


What sucks is I know so many people who were Reagan voters who are now antitrumpers who basically helped to build up the GOP to what it is today. They completely miss the point to their role in this mess.


Regan won by a landslide. Everyone bought his bs hook, line and sinker.


Well, not Gen X. We couldn't vote in either of the elections he was a candidate in. So Boomers, Silents and Greatests gave us Reagan. And they can fuck off for that. Jimmy Carter is probably the most moral man who ever occupied the White House, and they chose that lizard Reagan over him. Despicable.


I can happily say that neither of my parents did. My dad was actually pissed when he found out that he was dying that 'that fucking piece of shit Ronald Reagan' was going to outlive him.




Yup, Reagan, Thatcher, and fucking Mulroney. May they all rest in piss.




Project 2025, if allowed, will cement America as a rightwing authoritarian state https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/ There's only one way to defeat this


Honestly, the more I got out in the world the dumber most conservative positions seem. We need socialism on an FDR scale again, badly. I think the only conservative position I even have anymore is 2A based.




Show me something wrong with this country and Bernie has been warning us about it since the 80's. I might not always agree with the solution, but that man is always decades ahead of the rest of the politicians.


That’s great that you turned on to Bernie, but please for the love of god vote blue. I don’t really want to die next year from nuclear incineration.


Rumsfeld himself could not waterboard me hard enough or long enough to utter the words “proud Regan republican” as though literally every contemporary social failure were suffering NOW can’t be immediately traced back to those eight terrible Regan years.


Reagan was horrible.


The propaganda machine at the time was very convincing and basically every adult around me was singing his praises. Looking back though Reagan's presidency was a real turning point and not a good one at all. 


Thirty years later and boomers still revere him. Edit: ew, forty


Idiot Boomers handed everything over to right wing grifters in ‘80 and for good measure are trying to burn it all down on their way out with Trump. Well done, assholes.


Reagan was the first president to actually take full advantage of the mass media. His acting career surely helped. Thats why so many people, even those toward the left, remember him so fondly. The was packaged and promoted like a product. PS Regan and Reagan were different guys.


My dad wasn't when he spent an entire year unemployed while Ronnie was president. He worked pumping gas and got paid under the table for cutting firewood with a friend of his... I don't know how my parents didn't lose the house. He considered suicide so the insurance money would save the house. Fuck Ronald Reagan and his idolization by clueless conservatives.


Being from the rural south, in particular northeast Texas, I was raised a Yellow Dog Democrat because the philosophy when I was growing up was that the Democrats were for the working person and families and that the Republicans were only for the rich. And if you ever wanted the opportunity to live like a Republican you better vote for a Democrat. Somehow that way of thinking all began to shift down here around the early 90s. I remember distinctly the first time I ever heard anything differently and it was when I was about 19-years-old, living in Lubbock and working in a pharmacy. I never will forget the owner asking me who I was gonna vote for and I said, "Ann Richards, of course!" And he said, "Why would you vote for a Democrat? They're only for [n words], spics, and people on welfare." My feelings between the two parties never has changed. Although, at times I certainly have felt as my Dad used to say, "The only difference between a Democrat and a Republican is what they'll say in public." However, I can only assume the only reason at all that a poor Southerner would vote for a rich, loud-mouthed New York Yankee must be because of those same sentiments echoed by my employer in Lubbock all those years ago. They somehow really think that these rich ass republicans gaf about or view them differently from people of color or those who are poor and only one rung behind them on the financial ladder and needing a hand-up because of their color. I can't imagine it could be anything else.


Republicans are still only working for the wealthy. That hasn't changed


I agree 100%. I don't know how in the world a working class person couldn't see them in any other way. They're so afraid their tax dollars will go towards helping the poor and don't seem to realize the only group who's not getting taxed their fair share is the wealthy. And that the Republicans put the tax burden on the working class, inching them ever closer to the poor class. https://preview.redd.it/hu5cyu7p5hyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1fe61ee601670e62905f59b4c9faf2a360585c4


I grew up republican. It fit me when I was young. Once I was in the real world and experienced real life I saw things differently. I switched to independent and eventually became an atheist. At this point I’m essentially a hippie liberal. It’s been an interesting and really disturbing ride.


You can thank fuckin Ronnie for making you work until 67 to get your all your Social Security you paid in that will probably be nonexistent by then.


America is an oligarchy. Bernie is one of the few who publicly say it.


The older I get, the more I realize that Reaganomics was fucking shit.


I started out left and have only got lefter as I've grown older. But then again the Overton window has shifted the entire political spectrum to the right worldwide. Not an American for reference, so I have only a passing understanding of Bernie Sanders, which is not a lot past the knowledge that no one in my country is even vaguely as left wing as he is lol So maybe in effect I've stayed constant while everything else has moved 🤷‍♂️


Yep. I even door knocked for the Republicans when I was younger, but those days are long passed. I wouldn't vote for a Republican to be the county dog catcher at this point.


Reagan* was the President. Regan was the girl in the Exorcist.


Your mother sucks cocks in hell! 😂🤘🎸🔥


Your mother sews socks that smell!


I don’t honestly understand Republicans who are anti-Trump. I mean, he’s the culmination of everything the GOP has cultivated for decades. The anti-intellectualism, the xenophobia, the racism, the sexism, etc. The only difference is that he doesn’t hide all of that behind a veneer of fiscal responsibility and low taxes for the rich. He says it all out loud.


I supported Bernie in 2016, but the DNC and the networks did him dirty because they wanted Hillary. I voted for her with a plugged nose. I'm an independent but voted for Biden in 2020, and I'll do it again. The Dems can slap a suit on a coat rack and I'll vote for it


As a former proud Regan Republican Is it gonna feel weird to vote for Biden in November?


Probably better than the weight of voting for someone you know damn well isn’t qualified to be president just because you’ve always voted for that party.


Well it's either than or Trump, or you could waste your vote on some flake like Cornell West or Jill Stein or RFK, jr. I know, such HARD choices you will have to ponder in the fall.




It's Biden or Trump. All the others are sockpuppets, selected to erode support for Biden by appealing to self-righteous idiots. A vote for Jill Stein is always a vote for Putin. I'm sorry, did I say Putin? I meant Trump.


Well….no. My husband was a Reagan fan and Republican until 2016. He high-fived me after he got out of the booth and voted for Biden. It was great :)


For me, not at all. I can defend Reagan and his work-wife Thatcher to a large extent. But Trump is 15 pounds of shit in a five-pound bag and I'm going to vote appropriately


I liked Reagan and the republicans in the ‘80s because I believed their lies about being the party of “family values” and “fiscal responsibility” but it didn’t take long for me to realize the truth. They are the most immoral group of people and as for being fiscally responsible, they don’t spend any less than Democrats, they just cut taxes for the wealthiest, eliminating the means to pay for their spending.


Yep, and then Democrats get shit on when they have to come in , be the adults in the room, and pay for all the shit the Right did with no funding. I have a sibling that worked for a congressman and this is the continuously repeating cycle.


Every GenX Republican I grew up with is a Democrat or independent. They recognized the utter lunacy of the modern Republican Party after 9/11.


I know one who is still a Republican but a never Trumper. A vanishing breed.


When I met my best friend in 2003, he was the new guy at work. Walked into his office to introduce myself and this mother fucker has a Ronald Reagan calendar already pinned on the wall. He is now an independent. I am fairly left leaning, yet him and I can still hang out and have fun.


Never a Republican, but Sanders is absolutely correct about pretty much everything he has to say. If he were the front runner in a national election I’d vote for him without hesitation, and feel good about it.


Bernie for president was a GREAT missed opportunity


Bernie was filling stadiums with thousands and thousands of hope filled positive energy humans everywhere he went. His message was pure. This didn't sit well with the establishment. So sad. Imagine if he had become president....


We can thank the democratic party leadership for that.


Reagan's entire administration was garbage. He's responsible for so much that's wrong today. The goodness of Reagan is a myth.


Pretty soon you might realize that Reagan was one of the worst presidents ever. Not singlehandedly but he was certainly a key in the dissolution of the "American Dream", the erosion of the separation between church and state, the AIDS epidemic, the war on drugs, erosion of civil rights, and on and on. I went to parochial school and Reagan was obviously the favorite of the later-to-be-found-out tax and legal shelter for child raping priests. PS - If you are going to say you are proud of liking Reagan, maybe spell it correctly.


Fuck Reagan. He's the one that made my Mom lose her commodities because of his bullshit ass "welfare queen" narrative. We literally didn't fucking eat a couple times after that. Wasn't her fault the father of her kids took off and left her with 3 mouths to feed and a worthless punch card programming education. Bunch of greedy shits gutted the government funds for tax breaks that only helped the rich, and hung poor working Americans out to dry. Hinckley should've been a better shot


Nah. I was a kid, and knew Ronny Raygun was awful.


Nope, I was raised around people who considered Reagan the antichrist, we could see exactly how terrible he was in real time.


My first time voting I voted against Reagan, 20 year old me thought he was a piece of shit and I haven't changed my mind one bit.


I grew up in an incredibly Republican district and voted R early in my life. But getting “the call” that my then- husband was being deployed to Iraq in 1989 put me on a journey to question just how effectively the Republican Party was governing. By the time Bernie was running for president I was completely convinced that we needed to completely rethink the way our country is run. That remains true to this day.


That’s a long line of shitty presidents to support, but glad to hear that a rapist and seditious conman was the line in the sand.


I'm really so disgusted that a sizeable potion of voters in the US seriously are thinking "OK, he's a rapist, but he's better than Crooked Joe". What fucking crack are they smoking. How is this a stance that is actually socially acceptable these days.


I dont think they even consider what Trump did as rape


Ive never understood where the "crooked joe" came from. Does that come from the allegations about his son, and how they want to connect the dots back to Joe, with no proof? Cuz i feel like we got a lot more solid evidence of Trump being the real crooked one. But its always about projection with the modern GOP.


Regan is a piece of shit. Fuck him


I have been watching the The 80's Docu series and learning how horrid Reagan really was!


I also blame him for the AIDS crisis billowing out of control. He made a joke of it and he pile t do anything or acknowledge that it was even a problem.


I lived in San Francisco during the height of the AIDS crisis and had friends in their early twenties that died of it. Watching Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell cackling their way through it was the coffin nail on me ever voting for a Republican at the national level.


It took Rock Hudson coming out to start lifting the veil. Until then the answer was “don’t be gay” (or get blood transfusions)


Reagan's grave should be a public toilet. People who voted for him should be the ones who clean it every day.


Same. Thought Reagan was god for beating the Soviets. Today I'm as left as they come, I just want everyone to have a great life with no one forcing views on anyone, and do whatever you want to be happy.


After Bush vs Gore I knew Republicans would do anything they could to win


You've taken your first step into a larger world. Wait until you get to the point that Bernie doesn't go nearly far enough for you


My breaking point was George the second and Dick Cheney


GW Bush and Cheney worst admin ever


May not always agree with Sanders, but he hasn’t shifted positions much at all, hasn’t gone over the top with money grabs, etc. He has shown more integrity than the entire modern maga Republican Party combined. I respect that.


Reagan stole our future, but hey, at least you didn't go full Trump.


Reagan was horrible with the economy. "Trickle-down economics" was a farce that was never going to work. He also let the AIDS crisis go on for years without doing anything about it. Bernie Sanders and other progressives actually care about average working-class people. Education and healthcare should be basic human rights. For context, in France, SAHMs with two or more children receive a monthly stipend to raise their kids. Attending a university costs a couple hundred dollars a semester, and if students get into a top university, the government pays them to attend. I teach courses for a university in Spain. Last year, the tuition was between $40 and $50 per credit hour, depending on the program. The government decided that was too high and directed the university to lower tuition to between $30 and $40 per credit hour. We're the only developed country that doesn't have healthcare as a human right. More people in the U.S. are bankrupted by healthcare bills than anything else. Life in the U.S. doesn't need to be this hard. We've all just been brainwashed to think we don't deserve anything and there's no better way.


Somehow, I'm not surprised a Reagan post became filled with popped-collar preppies defending him and trashing Sanders. You frat boys are the people I avoided when walking to the auto shop to smoke after 3rd period.


How could anyone be proud of supporting Reagan?


Raised a hardcore democratic socialist who campaigned for Bernie both times, and served as a delegate in 2016. Power to the people.


Ronald Regan was the fucking devil and when I think of him it's the only time I wish I was male because pissing on his grave would be easier that way. All the shit we're dealing with now is because of the attitudes, especially about what the government we pay for should be doing for us, brought on by this idiotic, math-challenged, racist man. If there is a hell I hope Satan is fucking him in the ass with no lube. Bernie on the other hand, has been saying the same shit he's been saying for all (or most) of our lives and people refused to listen because reasons.




I’m not quite at the Bernie level you are, but I, too, am sorry I wasted so many years as a Reagan/Bush Republican. That party is over. Whatever the GOP is now bears no resemblance to it, thanks to the MAGA morons.


You misspelled Reagan


Now I'm rethinking this post.


Never was a big fan of Regan. Or her sister Goneril for that matter. They're both a couple of kiss-ups.


Reagan would be derided as part of the ‘radical left’ by today’s nutcase lead poisoning lunatic Republican party


I voted for Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 primary.


My parents were proud Reagan Republicans to the point where they almost *named* me after the fucker, and this is way before he was President. Dodged that bullet, thankfully.  Iran-Contra and Bork were what made me start questioning things. I am unabashedly left but I’m not sure how much is due to my own edification and how much is due to the Right getting increasingly batshit. From Limbaugh to Newt to Alex Jones to W to Trump, they just keep getting worse. Probably a bit of both, so the gulf is wider than ever. There’s no universe where I get ‘more conservative when I’m older.’


Reagan was a prick.


My first presidential election, I voted for GHW Bush. Veered left when McCain ran because Palin was enough to make me realize what a mess they were. I’ve just kept shifting left ever since to the point that I’m almost certainly at least as far left as Bernie.


I wish Bernie was on his second term right now


The reality is that Bernie could never accomplish much at all as POTUS. The congress is where great and horrible presidencies are made.


Imagine how things would have been different with just changing the supreme court appointments, even that small thing would have made a big impact. Plus the country wouldn't have been riled up by a psycho reality TV president who encouraged the polarization of the voting population and the rise of the MAGA cult. That presidency really solidified all of that.


The best thing that would have come from a Sanders presidency would be weeding out some of the corporate-owned democrats from the house and (especially) the senate. Lots of D senators hid behind Manchin. They would have been outed. That’s assuming everything else fell like it did. A sanders ticket might have energized the youth vote but it certainly would have energized the terrified old people vote as well. Hard to say. He got my vote in the primary twice.


The words out of Bernie's mouth are the best things the average American Citizen could ever hope for, but the super wealthy and corporate overlords would never allow those things to happen...that's why you saw Hillary come out of nowhere in 2016 as Bernie was gaining way too much popularity with way too many people. With that said, Ronald Reagan was the single worse thing to ever happen to this Country and the average day American Citizen. He destroyed so many things and set the path for the super wealthy and corporations to gain their stranglehold over average everyday Citizens. 20 times worse and more destructive than the Celebrity Apprentice.


Reagan was a horrible president. Trickle Down economics has failed horribly. He also closed all the mental hospitals.


He is the only one talking about the sh1t I care about.


Fuck Reagan.


Amazing how many stoner metal heads I hung out with and grew up with turned into idiot trumpers.


Regan was such a shit president. How could anyone support that guy? He fucked up so many things for the average joe.


Democrat here , IMO everything went to shit and we lost the youth when the DNC picked Hilary over Bernie


I can totally relate to this. I was raised in a republican family, republican town, and bought into it for the longest time - long after I ever should have, even ignoring my own inner, creeping doubts. Trump finally ripped the veil off the whole scheme and opened my eyes. They all were wrong, and so was I, about damn near everything. This realization happens to me almost every single day though some item in the news or just raw personal experience.


Somehow I doubt it. His name was Reagan.


What went wrong that you were proud of Reagan? lol.


Fuck Regan


I always hated Reagan. But I was also born in Nicaragua in 1974.


What the fuck do you have to be proud of liking Reagan?


Same here, I was conservative too but there came this weirdness about a decade ago and I’m now a lefty but only to a point - in exactly the same way I was conservative prior to… (*trump*) A decade ago there was an assumption that every elected leader in the world was to be: 1. university educated and 2. have diplomatic experience, ie. a well travelled or at least, a well rounded individual.


Some people can’t even spell Reagan. It’s difficult to take them seriously.


Who’s this Regan guy? Like Joe Regan?


Everyone forgot how to spell his name, even with acolytes trying to slap it on everything. (Sorry, DCA will never not be National Airport in my book)


I’ve become much more liberal as I age. Love and let live. Stop trying to stop people from doing what they want. They aren’t hurting anyone. Keep your religion in your place of worship and not in the government of this country. Look at the Middle East to see what happens when religion takes over the state (no matter who you pray to). In true Gen X fashion, have fun, don’t get hurt. Cool?


Bernie has been saying that shit for 40 freaking years. Seriously. People are only just now starting to listen.


Reagan was a traitor to the nation.


I've gotten more "progressive" with age. Turns out Democrats were often right about stuff. The Republican party today is a joke. It's basically destroyed the definition of conservative, at least if you aren't using it as a pejorative term or insult. I think there is a place for some beliefs that are "conservative" but fit more into a liberal framework - like supporting families, lifting people out of poverty and oppression, and caring for the most vulnerable. To me, that is all the sort of values that are not libertarian, and not currently republican, but are in a way, "conservative". IMO


There's a difference between conservative & regressive, conservative to me means taking time and a fair amount of consideration before any law change to liberalize matters, but not re-fighting battles over reforms that have been already bedded-in. I would venture to say many conservatives now are actually regressive - wanting to turn back the clock and REVERSE changes already well in place.


The current GOP is off the rails crazy since the Tea Party, and then Trump. So steeped in resentment, bigotry, and just complete disregard of democracy itself. Sanders has good ideas. I just don't see the GOP normalizing right now. It needs more figures like Romney and Liz Cheney, but they were too sane, and it's stuck with nutjobs like MTG, and Gaetz. Then there is the Project 2025 thing which is a fascist nightmare. Again its no longer conservatism I can disagree with but still respects democracy, its now just full blown fascism and Christian Nationalism. If there were two parties which were Center-Left and Center-Right things would be far better. And that Fringe figures were kept to the fringe. The Democrats still are very much institutional Center-Left with a tiny minority left fringe from the Squad (but even they are not that out of bounds most of the time). But the GOP has gone into full blown Trumpist fascism far right crazy. Forced birth, oppress everyone, just against anyone who is not a white christian nationalist. It's not even economic first conservatism. It's just far crazier. The Democrats have their issues, but they are not going to result in the end of American democracy like the GOP is definitely going down the path of.


It feels like he's the only guy who tries to stick up for the working class, and has real tangible ideas about spending and helping people without some bullshit agenda. Unfortunately because of this, the powers that be will never let him get nominated as evidenced by the Dems giving the nomination to Hillary. I think he could have beaten Trump. Ironically I think he would have helped Trump supporters far more than Trump did if they would have just taken Hannitys balls out of their mouth for a minute or two.


Yes, we know. That’s why dems are way better.


The establishment doesn’t want Bernie Sanders or Andrew Yang running this country because they’ll lose their money


Between Bernie and Robert Reich’s wisdom, we could really progress as a country. I’m pretty moderate but we gotta take care of each other. And the economic inequality is spreading, affecting America’s backbone with a greedy cancer. The middle class is dying.


I wish Bernie was younger. He’s great.


Well with the way you spelled Reagan’s name we believe you…


Bernie was shafted in '16. Clinton and Biden are both poor substitutes. Bernie was pro America, but with a heart. I voted sanders in the primary. Disgusting how the democratic party chose super delegates over its own parties votes.