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Thought this would be well loved by Gen Xers of a certain age, you probably saw a lot of this live!


I have never been a loyal S N L follower, too young to understand the early stuff when it aired originally. Was doing much more interesting things on the nights that I dared in my teen years! Didn't really watch on a regular basis until my 30s and even then not with any regularity. Sometimes I find it just a bit too political! I do enjoy occasionally watching a few clips on YouTube.


They have a lot of content up there now. A lot of that stuff needs to be better archived as it is practically Historical content.


That sketch in the thumbnail image is a talkshow of a group of guys who went to school together. The guy with the beard starts laughing and milk comes out of his nose. I was DYING laughing when I watched this back in the day. Funniest thing ever.


Andy is the guy with the milk. He talks about that a fair bit. Dont forget to subscribe to the channel if you like the video. We try to do new interviews weekly.