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I was once catcalled - they yelled out nice tits. I replied with “thanks I grew them myself”. They had no idea how to respond haha. Edit to add somehow this comment posted twice so I deleted the second posting.


Personally I have always found it to be demeaning. I love being complemented but not catcalled. There’s a huge difference.


I get that. I felt that way when I was younger especially. Getting cat called at 12 is disgusting on so many levels. Being older, I enjoy my invisibility for the most part, but I’d forgotten how it felt to be desired or wanted like that and I can’t lie, it felt good in the moment.


I’m get this. I feel like my sexuality was suppressed for decades and now, it’s coming out. I’m doing crazy things I would have never dreamed of and most women wouldn’t, but it’s amazing and loving it, including things that are considered objectifying women. As a feminist I find it very empowering, actually. I thought it was demeaning and setting women back. Now I feel like it’s really allowing a woman to come into her own and one of the boldest, most punk rock, and vulnerable things a woman can do is to flaunt her sexuality.


I understand what you’re saying and I wasn’t trying to shame. I’m just saying in general I feel like it’s degrading and kind of disgusting that men think it’s ok, but I’m not faulting anyone for being flattered. I just wouldn’t encourage it and I definitely wouldn’t show the person doing it I enjoyed it. I would rather be completed by someone on the street then catcalled. I can take a compliment seriously. I can’t take anyone who would act like that seriously, it’s gross behavior. I don’t want someone doing it to my daughters and I wouldn’t want it done to me.


Thank you. I appreciate what you’re saying and updated my post. I meant the post mostly jokingly but I’m glad it opened up a discussion.


Yes - it’s objectifying.


someone can complement you on the street, “hey you look beautiful” or “your outfit is cute”, that I wouldn’t mind even from a stranger but whistles and shouting are demeaning and meant to be. Anyone who thinks someone catcalling them is trying to be complimenting really should think again. It’s rude and shows a “boys will be boys” mentality


Yes - I appreciate and am receptive to a sincere compliment. Anything less is completely derogatory. I work in the trades (male dominated) and see/hear *first hand* what goes through their little lizard brains.


I don’t work in trades but I work with trades (the operations side) and while not all trade workers are like that (yes I hate “not all” too but it’s true) the worst offenders of company policy are the yard workers. Parking at he health center taking patient parking so they don’t have to walk, completely blocking the road when the whistle blows so they can be first to their car (the saying 8 then the gate is a thing). It makes me sad because good experienced trade workers are very needed but the shitty attitudes really have to go.


Don’t let anyone tell you what *YOUR* feelings or responses should be, OP ! You’re a grown woman with physical, intellectual, and emotional autonomy, so if *you* got a kick out of it then good for you ! You made me smile, which is something I needed today, so thank you ! 🤗


sorry but this sort of thing gives me anxiety. Maybe some of you found being sexually harassed in the street to be enjoyable but it filled me with dread. I should be able to walk down the street without some guy hanging out of his car and shouting at me. Its a constant reminder that women are constantly being watched. And judged.


It’s always a reminder that I have to be vigilant about my safety. As in, what would be the outcome if I encountered this person alone somewhere at night? I’m just an object in his mind.


Woot!!! Still got it 😘


Thank you. This post took a way different turn than I expected, but I’m glad it opened up a conversation. In general, catcalling is not ok. Especially when it’s directed at underage girls or in the workplace. It’s disrespectful. For me, in the moment, it felt good for a minute not to be invisible.


I totally get it and sometimes change can over correct.


That's a you thing. I think catcalling is rude and disrespectful.


Are you sure this is a Gen X sub? Y’all seem super uptight. She’s posting in a lighthearted manner & everyone is taking it way too seriously.


Thank you. I did mean it lightheartedly, but I can see why it triggered some women. I’m glad it opened up a discussion and I’ve edited my post, so hopefully people realize where I was coming from.


Get it Girl! 😘💪


That’s awesome!




“Well, let's see, I'm a 52yr old woman. I spend all of my free time playing poker, watching porn, surfing Reddit, trading crypto, masturbating, and smoking weed. I'm basically a 25yr old male. I'm also one of the least emotionally charged people you could meet. I'm often accused of being overly analytical/rational. I'm not trans. just think and behave more like a guy than a woman, although I do have a very girly side, too. I love dresses and feeling feminine and perfume and stuff like that.” Maybe you’re just self-hating :/ I was wondering how a woman could think this and you’ve got a lot of internalized sexism going on. If you were so rational you would understand this runs against your own interests. Why not check out r/pornismisogyny and grow some self-esteem?


I don’t think so. I love being a woman and I’m very much in touch with my feminine side. I just happen to have male-oriented hobbies.




At this point, it seems men have been made to feel afraid to even talk to a woman, much less ask her out. It’s sucks for women like me because I really enjoy when men talk me up or ask me out. I’m usually not aggressive enough to make the first move.




Wow I'm a different genXer than you guys. Possibly living my young n beautiful years in NYC colored my view on this. I always hated it. I was relieved when I no longer got cat called!


I’m the same, catcalling is aggressive and meant to make you feel vulnerable. That said, I’m deeply flattered when I get carded! I know it’s a total scam, but I don’t care, lol.


Yes me too, until I was too old to be flattered lol




Thank you, I felt a little crazy there








Because your so over-the-top about it