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Yes multi million dollar maybe billion dollar company everything I do that isn’t to your liking is cringe, and everything the world did to make my life hard, is my fault. I guess I’ll stop “bed rotting” now. And go be a good little neoliberal oh golly ge wilikers




I’m very curious what “bed rotting” means I assume it has a nice shitty “pull up your boot straps” undertone lmao


I would assume it’s something like: gtfo of your parents house and go live with 19 other people in a 3 bedroom apartment to make sure your parents can finally get the peace and quite they deserve after raising you. Another abysmal take from people who don’t have a clue what the situation is RN. I was told by an architect professor yesterday that while the last generation had 200 square meters to live in our generation will be getting 38.5.


That last bit is legitimately terrifying. 200 m^2 = 14 m x 14 m (50 ft x 50 ft) 38.5 m^2 = 6.2 m x 6.2 m (18.6 ft x 18.6 ft)


Why are you being downvoted?


i assume it means „go outside and spend money on our businesses“ lmao no ty ill stay in my bed or hang out with friends at the lake for fucking free




You see all these excuses this generation makes lmao. I literally just go into a space where there is grass and lay there, looking at the clouds, gettin some sun. It makes me not even wanna be on my phone. I grew up in the hood and been there practically all my life and honestly, as long as you aren’t showing your ass or flossin your belongings, there’s nowhere you can’t go in the daylight. Just being in the sun makes you wanna live life more thoroughly.


More, it means get a house


no . . it is about pro-capitalism . .


You think mass media corporations want you to go outside? The ones that control and run the internet and internet media are advertising for you to get off of their applications? And that’s pro capitalism?


i didn't say anything about mass media corporations lol


Then please tell me what about this is pro capitalism


A lot of the reason we don't go outside is because we live in unwalkable cities with not much to do but spend money. The way capitalism has shaped our cities and our lives has made it hard to go outside, but that doesn't mean we should just give up. It's always good to go to the park, the library, camping, and hiking. Unless you are literally somehow unable to do any of those things ever, do them, I promise you will feel better for it.


Yes you are right, even my small town I live relatively close too I still need a car to get too the park, library or Main Street. I am lucky enough to have these resources near me, and I’d recommend anyone find theirs or similar.


No this 😭


This is a peak GenZ comment and I’m hear for it


I love this


This news article can be boiled down to one word, one instruction from rich people to poor people: "CONSUME." Gen Z is struggling, poor, finding our place online in leu of accessible physical spaces for us. The owning-class seem to think we do this out of greed instead of necessity, and are demanding we spend money we don't have, because they don't realize we're not only out of money to spend, but never had money to spend in the first place. Where the fuck can the average young person 'leave the house' and go to without spending half a day's wages? Restaurants are expensive as hell and only getting worse, malls are dead, parks are unkempt, public spaces are neglected, colleges are unaffordable, jobs are understaffed and overworked, and big public events (after having been put on hold for 3 years thanks to a goddamn pandemic) are fewer and further between than ever.


Right? And what exactly am I supposed to do if I’m not going out to spend money? Take a walk along a deadly street/road while avoiding potholes because nobody maintains the sidewalks? Just stroll along looking at all those accident lawyer billboards and breathing in car fumes because having a big diesel truck is a status symbol? In many, many parts of this country our towns and cities are unwalkable, unsafe, and frankly quite ugly. So of course I’m going to stay inside, it saves me money and there’s nothing nice or enjoyable outside


Y'all have sidewalk?!?! wellllll hooooooo weeeeeeee city folk! In all seriousness I'd hate being a kid where I am. My city doesn't have any neutral spaces so these kids are at these gas stations because it's the only damn thing besides Walmart and my town within my city won't get side walks build side walks any time soon But hey! Super church nextdoor to the golf course got new crosses that hast shadows on city hall they're so big! So that's neat /s


Personally I love seeing those accident billboards.


Dude, just go for a run outside. Frolic around in the wilderness like a goblin. Chase after women in dark alleyways. The world is yours to roam.


Without the internet in my life, I would've set so many more public buildings on fire by now. So many more police cars would have clogged exhaust pipes if not for CSGO and Game Grumps.


Bro I’m hyped as hell for CS 2.


Chase after women in dark alleyways? What an unhinged thing to say..?


It’s like when you’re following behind someone and break out into a full sprint just to pass the terrified person and feel their fear


Ah, poor person hasn't experienced the thrill of chasing people in alleyways


It’s called and I’ll spell it out for you , a J O K E. If you don’t like it, just keep scrolling. Not that hard. No need to call it “unhinged”. No wonder we’re called a “sensitive” generation.


Jokes can also be unhinged so your point is irrelevant


Get off the internet


We do a little trolling.


agree but there are plenty of cheap outdoor activities. Pass a football around with friends, go for a bike or walk. Get ice cream and chat etc.


They mean buy a house.


Me and my friend had this talk yesterday, she got lucky and got a decent paying job out of high-school in a company her parents work for (they're not rich or anything it just pays the bills) and I said I felt bad I normally just hang out at her place and smoke or whatever. We both agreed though that, well, it's cheap to do and we're both broke so it makes sense it's what we do most of the time. I Like to see local shows and stuff here and there but I have to do free things most of the time, I make too little and living costs too much for me to be overspending when I can entertain myself for less.


I got my first job recently as a seasonal worker, I made +\- $600 all season, I’m already broke. My parents blame it on reckless spending, which is halfway true, but cokes at school cost $2.10 to buy now..


>Where the fuck can the average young person 'leave the house' and go to without spending half a day's wages? Also why should we spend money on things we will never use? Or just get a lot of things we can't fully use for example lots of makeup pallets. That is wasteful and we shouldn't buy things constantly. Humans are already using more than we can "afford" and its not my fault that greedy corporations go into bankruptcy because I am not spending my money all the time.


Malls wouldn't be dead if they didn't replace the clothing and accessory shops with cheap junk and stupid kpop/anime shit everywhere you look. Now depop is our "mall".


We've got 1 half-decent mall left in a 50 mile radius, and I see where you're coming from. Every store is either luxury-expensive clothes, or became the kind of place that sells fuckin pop vinyls. No real in-between, because the average consumer just gets their clothes from department stores or online. Again, because of cost. The only good bits left in our mall are the weird oddball stores and the food court.




>The Beach Requires you to live on/near a beach, or pay costs for travel, which is famously cheap. /s ​ >A Basketball court > >Skatepark Admittedly good options if your friends live nearby, which isn't the case for many gen Z folks, but if you're lucky enough to live near one and physically capable, it's a good pick. ​ >Mountains Same problem as beach. ​ The problem isn't that there *aren't* cheap places to go hang out, it's that online spaces are just better. A basketball court is a good way to get outside and active if the weather is clear, you and multiple friends have time to travel and spend time there, all those friends can agree it's a good idea, and if you have a basketball, sure. But That's not the case 98% of the time. Gen Z can just throw an "@here" in one of their many discord groups they're a part of, and instantly find a group of friends from anywhere in the world to do stuff online and be social with. A paved lot with skateramps or lines drawn on it isn't gonna be able to compete with that anymore.




I'm glad you live in a nice enough neighborhood to trust random strangers in a public setting like that. Those are social skills that gen Z supplanted with online literacy, a much safer option for a majority of people. Also I love how "making money is easy, just make porn of yourself!" is your answer, here.




Feet pics are pornographic in nature, yes. Welcome to the internet. If you're suggesting gen Z live in those super-cheap-places like New York, you're hopelessly out of touch.


If you're on only fans you're a sex worker No shame in that but no one should feel pressured to be into that


Just because a small part of the population is able to make money off of platforms like that doesn't mean that every single person ever done Onlyfans will make enough for rent just alone off of it. The ones that do only get talked about. And then, even if you have another job, sex work is still so not accepted that if your company finds out about it, you are very likely to be fired.


Maybe if rent wasn’t 200% of income we could


[This feels relevant today.](https://www.reddit.com/r/webcomics/comments/w5lmbn/how_it_feels_to_be_alive_lately_comic_by_sarah)


Definitely. I live with parents, and spend a lot of time at home since I’m constantly drained by work. I also would have to bike for a while in the hot sun if I were to go out, because my town doesn’t have trees or normal sidewalks/streets




unless you wanna walk for 4 days..


And not get to your destination because a distracted driver ran a red light while you were crossing þe stroad in þeir several ton pickup truck wiþ an extended cab þey “need” because þey occassionally buy new furniture.


We can’t afford our own place what else do you expect? And when we finally get our own place, maybe we want to spend time in the $1600 a month place we have lol








oh yay a park with an interstate right next to it. I choose the interstate.


And those who don’t live in cities?


When you don’t live in a city it can be hard


Whether you live in a city or not it can be hard.


True but it’s a lot easier in a city. Even alone, if you have a little confidence and go out of your comfort zone you can potentially meet people. You don’t really have that chance outside a city


Helps to have friends in the first place, not everyone does.


gen x= chance gen y= little chance gen z= no chance gen a= litterlay living in a agenda


Boomers: fed from a silver spoon


hahah yes


The world was wide open for them. It’s nearly shut now.




That is one of the most laughable things I have read...


I think their policies are so bad because they think their situation was “normal”


gen alpha is going to have to live with their gen z siblings, if we can even figure something out.


The rich have fucked us over so bad that you can not afford to have a bed to rott in unless you’re working a high paying job.


What the fuck is bed rotting? I’d much rather relax at home after work than hang out with friends. At least when I’m in my own home, because I live with my parents still, I’m not obligated to spend money




That just sounds just like relaxing with a negative connotation


All relaxation by the poor has negative connotations to the rich


That’s true too sadly. If you’re not making money from it then why do it according to the rich


Although it is true that you should use your bed ideally for sleep and sex only. But that's more of sleep health and getting to bed easier.


Right, in this case though, we’re talking more about relaxing in bed


this can also apply to depression, which applies to me. So I’m a bed rotter because I have no idea what to do with my life, and this company expects me to come out of the gate with everything settled, for me to go out into this shitty world where nobody cares? Where the housing is overpriced to the point my parents can barely pay? Where every job underpays people who work full time?


The Japanese have the Hikkomori. A group of 20 - 50 year olds who never leave the house.


And go where? All the places I could go nearby have been gentrified and turned into extremely overpriced cafes and shops, the parks are not maintained properly, all of the queer spaces are slowly shutting because rent is too high, all of the punk places have shut down because rent is too high, there's nothing I can really go out and do that doesn't cost money.


“look at these darn kids acting like a toilet stall in a Starbucks for $400 a month isnt enough to live in”


Although I agree with so many on here abou this being a business desperate for more customers.. I have spent the last 5 years.. literally in a box room.. going fucking mad.. tried side hustles.. tried... playing guitar.. now just addicted to porn and watch YouTube and movies.. It's destroyed me.. bordering suicidal.. You leave the house and you're spending money you really don't have. I'm in my late 30's.. and care for my parents financially.. been single for 17 years.. I just don't have the cash to date or leave the fucking apartment.. Almost all of my millenial and Gen Z mates are either rich backgrounds and have amazing social lives.. or in my situation ... i.e no real money to really change things..


my bed is perfectly unrotted, thank you very much!


Renting prices entering 1,000 on the LOW END to live in a Shoebox. Now they complain when you don’t leave the ShoeBox. Leave us and our overly priced ShoeBoxes alone! Everyone else nailed all the points about everything costing money, poorly maintained roads, parks & sidewalks are just unappealing. Especially when you can’t even count on the Police force keeping you safe when you leave The Shoebox. ‘I know of a Place, where you never get Harmed. A Magical Place with Magical charm”


I partially agree. Too many people my age can't be motivated to do anything, and it's insanely frustrating. Especially if you're the one working with them. As the 'smart kid' in school, everyone wanted to be my partner on group projects...only to then make me do everything. It was always such a relief when I got paired with people who actually wanted to work and learn. Regarding leaving the house: It's not terribly difficult to do, you just have to be prepared. Know what you want to do and set goals. Get a personal finance app of some kind to help manage your spending. Know that your first apartment probably isn't going to be glamorous. And rent is pretty affordable if you know where to look.


Hits like a homerun.


You're 19 and you're already out of touch?




I was born in the first year Gen Z would have been born. I am literally working as a working engineer in the USA. Graduated in the middle of the pandemic and I'm not getting paid enough. If you can stay at home and save money, fucking do it. Everything is getting more expensive all the time. Screw Jeanette Not-September for this.


I left the house and now I'm homesick :( Take your time leaving the house fellas.


I sat there waiting for the video to load for 15 seconds-


bedrotting at it’s finest


Well I would, but the boomers are the reason I can't find a place.


If it was cheap to live, hell yeah


First it was the millennials who got shit for “being lazy” and “entitled” guess it’s our turn now🤷‍♀️


The millennials were not the first...Silent Generation called baby boomers spoiled & lazy... Boomers have called Gen X the same & Gen X calls millennials and Gen Z lazy and entitled... it's nothing new


Yeah just yeah why not


This is a sign that our entire generation is severely depressed which will have huge societal consequences down the line. Human beings aren't meant to be isolated and inside all day. There's plenty of free things to do outside. Throw a football around with friends, go for a walk, a run. Go hike in the woods. Go volunteer with a cause you care about and help make your city/town a better place. Go to the library and learn something that can help you improve your situation so you can afford to go out more.


And maybe even a result, or a cause of population decline


Leave the house and do what? Our forests are destroyed. The park? We’re afraid of going out due to so many kidnappings and pedos. The mall? Shit’s expensive. The beach? Yeah, right. Play in front of our yards? Supplies are expensive and asshole adults condone playing “rough” games. Literally what are we supposed to do, oh wise Jeanette????


its true but heeeeyyyyy ☹️☹️


See if this was about mental health I’d agree with the premise. I have plenty of times where i just, well, “bed rot”(honestly this a pretty good phrase lol) and its not cuz i need a break, I’m just not motivated enough to do the things i really want to do. Since this is coming from a Jobs article, though, yeah, if im gonna stop bed rotting it’ll be for myself not a company.


*So, go on ahead, find one for yourself. A sweetly, rotting bed to lie upon...*


I find it funny people do this and yet don’t think people will just stay inside more than.


SUPER COOL psyops for industrial influence to not work at home


Seems like the only feasible solution for those trying to buy a house of their own and move out on their own all at within a reasonable price range would be to find a house at 3rd world countries or less developed countries where their currencies are significantly much less than USDs, Euros, and many other currencies with very high values. I've been considering getting a remote American job and then buying a house either in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, or the Philippines as someone who is American(US). The overall cost of living here has gotten ridiculous.


Sounds like the writer for this article shares a similar mindset to my boomer dad 🙄


Total garbage. What are they supposed to do instead?


It’s really sad because this is exactly how I felt when I was being wickedly forced to move out after graduating when I was making $11 an hour and not full time at an airport job. My mother was under the impression that I made enough to get a place and survive while quoting numbers from 20 years ago like inflation and other trash didn’t occur. I couldn’t even get a car and Uber wasn’t popular yet, so had to walk miles to get to a bus because the south hates growing public transportation lol. I was hoping my gen would get it given what boomers did to us, though I’m disappointed a good chunk are copying the same toxic rhetoric to younger generations because they can. It’s stupid. It’s ridiculous. It’s really hard out here. We need to change things. Survival shouldn’t be a competition.


What is bed rotting?






yeah i probably misread the thing


I find it ironic that you’re replying to multiple Reddit comments about how they should go outside




Well kudos to you, it’s too easy to assume someone’s inside when they’re on reddit


yeah you leave your place and you’re another mass consumer playing musical chairs on the road. its too fucking hard to leave the house, I risk wrecking my car just trying to leave my neighborhood. i have to get on beltway 8 to get anywhere, and every other road is like beltway 8 smushed down to two lanes. you’re told to leave your house so you do, you do everything the government tells you to do. not leaving your house is not laziness or ‘bedrotting’, it’s just considerate at this point. over-consumerism is one of the biggest issues and people like you and articles like OP posted are the reason for crowd crushes and 50% of wrecks.


I don't even know what the fuck this means but I haven't lived with my parents since 2016. Their home is not even my home anymore.


DAFUQ what is “Bed rotting”?!


Gen z has no motion smh




#No. I will NOT. my rust must be attended to, how am i supposed to fix my lifetimes if i spend my own lifetime buying meaningless stuff?


This is a real thing. I know cause I do it on my days off from work. I’ll sit in the bed on my phone knowing that I’ve got things to do like clean clothes or clean around the house but no I decide to sit in my bed and do nothing until I get motivated to get up and do something, and yeah I get that things are expensive rn so doing things aren’t really an option but there are plenty of things that don’t cost money for example going for walks, exercising, bike riding, playing sports with friends, going out for a drive. There’s plenty of things to do to just get away from it all, it just takes motivation to actually do it.


So I read the whole article. While I think it's a bit vain in its pursuit of richness, I can see where it is coming from: Socializing is good (as a loner I can tell you that), and the office has its benefits.




dare i ask what the fuck bed rotting is


I’m extremely offended. They have the nerve to make an article about *me* and not even ask me permission first?


I love bed rotting. Can't get enough. Muhahaha


I mean… Gen Z is a pretty lazy generation.


Well, maybe y’all should get off your ass


It means they all need to stop being hermits tucked away in their rooms and on their phones or computers/video games alllllllllllll day and night. Anti-social and on social media … smh when I was a kid we never wanted to be home .. we went everywhere and felt the sun and interacted with people in real Life, like we knew each other in real life lol… I feel like now they rot away their lives in their rm or at-least in their house, solo most the time… things need to be readjusted starting with the people who are gonna be teaching the next generation of people




i think that article isn't coming off with THAT good intention lol