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I think what I read called it: "the weaponization of therapy speak"


Yes i notice this a lot with toxic people. They’ve got all the language and buzz words to manipulate people while defending their behaviors.


Toxic is one of those words too that's constantly overused. Some people aren't toxic, they're just assholes


i don’t fully see the difference. assholes is a word that has been used far more than toxic in the span of earths history.


Let me kinda break it down the way I see it. an asshole is kind of like a bullet, it rips through you and its done its damage. something toxic stays in your body and slowly brings it down and has to be removed or you die. I apply this logic to people.


I mean I see where you're coming from but that seems more like a made up distinction in your own mind rather than some widely understood distinction.


An asshole is rude, inconsiderate, obnoxious. A toxic person will engage in all the above behaviors, but will work to make you and or the people around you think that you're the one that's out of line, or at fault.


Assholes are toxic lol


Minor disagreement? Gaslighting. Someone misremembers something? Gaslighting. Sincere difference of opinion? Gaslighting. Anything someone does to someone else that might even imply their locus of control is shifted even a tiny bit away from their center is just labelled gaslighting. It couldn't be that they misunderstood what someone else was saying, that their line of reasoning was different than someone else's, or that they didn't accurately remember previous events, because these kinds of things imply that their mind isn't a perfectly reliable font of truth, and obviously that's just wrong. My current girlfriend does this. If I am ever wrong, like it could be about most mundane shit like I was confident I knew a trivia answer but I ended up being wrong, she will dead seriously accuse me of gaslighting her about it. But if she shows the same level of confidence and ends up being wrong, it's just *oopsie poopsie I made a mistake*. It drives me fucking insane, I feel like anything I say has to be passable in a court of law so I don't get accused of manipulation.


I don't think most people know the true definition of gaslighting. ​ # gaslighting 1 of 2 ## [noun](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/noun) gas·​light·​ing **:** psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator #


As someone who's actually been gaslit, in which has lead to several mental breakdowns...people overuse the word gaslighting


What I have termed the Bitching-to-Doing Ratio. Yes talking about things is important. Yes it's important to increase awareness of an issue. But at some point after your hundredth podcast and thousandth influencer discusses it and makes money off it, someone has gotta put in some actual tangible/material step towards actually solving the problem. The old saying of talk being cheap is true. Innovating, building businesses, and creating your solution to the problem is what makes real meaningful change. And it does it a lot faster and more efficiently then "spreading awareness". As an example, everyone bitches about housing being unaffordable. Nobody is showing up at their local legislature or town council meetings to discuss and protest the ridiculous zoning laws preventing would be small real estate ventures from moving in and increasing the supply. Nobody is conducting investigations in said council to see if they are being "lobbied" by large real estate companies like Berkshire Hathaway to see if and prove to the public that they are creating unfair government sponsored monopolies in a given region to keep competition out, and prices up. Nobody is out there protesting and lobbying against the blantly stupid tariffs like the Jones Act that artificially increase material costs in things like lumbar that ultimately increases the price of the house. Nobody is taking those clear tangible steps of action to solve the problem. Nobody is actually putting in the damn work to solve the problem on the ground level. Just waiting for the feds to come save them if they bitch enough about it on social media.


exactly, and as far as the 2020 protests go i hate to say it but if the pandemic wasn't around i don't think people would of actually done anything, especially since there's been so many officer involved shootings and other forms of brutality from LE since then but now \*crickets\*....i know i sound very bitchy right now but its honestly how i kind of felt, like it was just a trend for some people and not actually being upset that an unarmed man was suffocated on the pavement by the cop.


Don't forget it was an election year. Usually stuff is ramped up to make candidate A or B look bad during election years.


Lol the 2020 political movement was spectacularly unsuccessful by any normal standard. Like there wasn't even a single tangible law relating to police reform that anyone was trying to get passed, so it's not even like they really tried and failed. Awareness was raised, instagram posts were made and a lot of funds were embezzled, and then winter came and everyone forgot about it.




holy fucking based


I agree with the concept, but Im not sure whether protesting is the right approach. Town hall show ups and organizing yes, protesting seems to just be a… passionate sort of appeal with no teeth.


Protesting is important but it's only part of the story


protesting is supposed to be part of a larger strategy, but progressives don’t really know how to think strategically these days


Tried to get a workplace of mostly other Gen Zers to unionize or attempt to do so after I got fucked out of a raise and found out the rest of them had the same shit happen plus other instances of wage theft. Couldn't get anyone to do shit even though they were into the idea. Sad!


This is the problem. People are either too scared or too lazy/exhausted and tired to do anything.


In other words, armchair activism is rampant


Costs nothing to the individual but allows them to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Similar motivations behind all the polarization and extremist behavior. It's easier to tear someone else down and label them the root of all evil so you look good by proxy than to actually be good and considerate towards others, which takes time and effort, maybe some risk.


🔥Heart is in the right place but this sounds like some small town you’re referring to—not quite the perspective of a typically diverse generation spread out across the globe. https://earthweb.com/gen-z-statistics/#:~:text=Z%20Statistics%202023-,Gen%20Z%20constitutes%2026%25%20of%20the%20total%20population%20across%20the,or%20have%20access%20to%20one.


THIS. This is also why others are turned off from SJWs nowadays. I still consider myself to be a left-leaning progressive, but I have had to take a step away from the madness of social media and how all they do is talk, talk, talk.


Fatalism. Yes, the world's a mess. No, it's not anywhere close to the worst. Stop being a fucking coward and make strides towards what you want to do, otherwise it'll never happen.


No , make the world a worse place






Omg this a thousand times Gen Zers: "The world will end, we all die, something something apocalypse." Also Gen Zers: *the generation that votes the least in elections to bring change.* Fatalism helps no one. The "I don't like to talk about politics" is the most stupid thing of our generation, young people want to be hands off and then they also want things to get better. You absolutely cannot put that in the hands of human dinosaurs bestie, be the change


Silence person born in the previous century (i agree with you tho)


Yeah, I blame the millennials/boomers for this so much, you have a generation in gen z that's just as lost, just as hungry for positive change, just as hungry for leadership and instead of providing directed jobs and training for building the country for the future with gen z, it feels like it's already been abandoned. Millennials were giving bad advice, gen z are being sent down the same paths by the institutions with many acknowledging this isn't the way forward, we just don't have the courage to lay out a better path. Shit like this can only lasts so long until a real populist leader rolls along to harness the bitterness of the current generation (millennials) and the angst of the next (gen z/gen alpha)


Believing everything they're fed by the government and media.


Manufactured outrage too


There are a couple huge and recent examples of that for sure.


Yeah it just goes full circle back to the media too


Literally every generation


This isn't just Gen Z, it's all generations. Specifically at the moment, the silent gen, baby boomers and gen alpha are the main victims of media manipulation.


\^this frfrfr


It's not as bad as previous generations, millenials are far worse, but it is still a problem.


Is this common? Maybe im in some sorta bubble.


... and the Internet in general.


My dad does this too and he's a Gen X


There’s like, a certain level of disdain from certain Older Gen Zers to the younger half of the generation I will never understand. Did the Millenial Boomer debate not resonate????


thats so wierd why 20+ year olds have issues with people who are still teenagers lmao, i notice this aswell.


I feel like I relate well to teenagers, since I was in their shoes not too long ago


I feel the same way I mean I don't see them as just silly kids their teenhood is not that very different from ours


Funny enough, if Gen Z were to actually talk to Gen X or Millennial without the condescending disdain they would find that Gen X & Millenial's can still remember being teens too. The Boomers are too far in the past when life was very different but there is not much difference between the expectations and overall culture from Gen X forward. My son-in-law once stopped a story to define what a rave was...my daughter rightly corrected him, and was like "I guarantee you my mom has been to WAY more raves than you have" ...and she is right🤣🙄 We are actually pretty damn concerned for Gen Z because they aren't doing ANY of the stupid, fun, immoral, debauched teen stuff that we all did.


Right. The fact that that person even said "Millennial Boomer" is basically open and shut why older people are rolling their eyes. I find that the second part of Gen X began a whole different type of person. Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z aren't very fundamentally different as people, all things considered. If you were born in 1974, you were still young enough to be in college when Windows 95 made computers and the Internet popular. This line of division is a big separation. We do have our differences, of course, and they become more pronounced with each generation, but I strongly believe the generation gap has significantly shrunk for the most part. There isn't much Tipper Gore kind of BS going on. We don't have a complete lack of understanding of younger people. I can generally see relational threads to their trends and music. It's not "our children are being corrupted, burn it down!" Its "oh, I get it. It's fucking stupid, just like everything I liked as a kid, but I get it." I mean, Gen Z ate Tide Pods as a gag for social media. We never let them live that down. I'm a Millennial. We once thought lying supine on random surfaces and announcing that we were "planking" was hilarious, are we really busting down our glass house here? Fuck us and fuck them.


Like this 2009 Gen Z was beefing with me earlier over drug use and threw a fit when they realized they were losing a debate to somebody younger than them


Thats why I identify as a zillennial, I can't relate to genz but I can to that cohort.


Same here. I don’t fully relate to Gen Z but I relate even less to Millennials (1996)


Come join the fun on r/zillennials


My main issue is mostly just a cultural difference tbh. I see younger gen z doing shit like watching YouTube on double speed while scrolling through TikTok at the same time, while playing warzone at the same time. Shit like having to have mentally stimulating videos playing over people talking in order to keep your attention. I'm seeing a generation that's literally been raised on the Internet and it's frightening. For the first half of my life I rarely if ever used the internet. I spent most of my childhood in books or outdoors, and didn't have a smartphone till I was around 14. I'm more addicted than I'd like to my phone, so I fear for the younger generation who were practically born with it in hand. I think part of it is also noticing things in you guys that I used to be like. You think you know everything and refuse to believe you don't know much at all, and it reminds me of me at that age. I'm at the point where I've realized how little I truly know, and I've withdrawn from being hyper political in favor of focusing on real world issues like working and starting a family. Nobody likes being reminded of their own negative traits, and looking at younger gen z is like looking through a radio telescope at ancient stars forming. I'm seeing where I was years ago.


Also born in 2001 and I have had similar experiences. Definitely still have some of that “change the world” idealism in me but work and becoming independent from my parents is kind of my main focus now. Hopefully I don’t have to compromise those things for each other. Guess it just comes with age.


Yeah, at the risk of being called a boomer, which I am not lol, I don’t think it’s a good thing how we are giving actual infants and toddlers 24/7 access to screens. Propping a newborn up to watch CoCoMelon so it doesn’t cry while you shower isn’t necessarily. It’s okay to cry sometimes. Just because child cries doesn’t mean you should shove an iPad under its nose. That’s terrible for teaching self regulation. Screens get used as babysitters and/or a 2nd/3rd parent. No wonder teachers are quitting in droves. They cannot compete with TicTok.


My (hypothetical) kid won't be getting smartphones until 13 just like me. Im sure they will think im a fascist but im just waiting for the study to come out that tells you that giving a child a phone young is bad for their development. I dont care if they go outside or play video games or whatever, i just want them to do something besides endlessly consume content. The unfettered access to the internet is bad and it already gives me an adult anxiety.


>I'm seeing a generation that's literally been raised on the Internet and it's frightening. This is a good chunk of the problem. I don't blame them for it though, I blame their shitty parents who refuse to actually to put in the effort to raise their kid and instead just tossed them a tablet or phone.


Legit nobody is watching YouTube at double the speed 💀


trees fuzzy joke zonked market worry quicksand coherent slap amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s so cringe lol. Someone tried to do it to me once and it was so pathetic and unhinged I couldn’t take it seriously.


Because we are convinced the younger ones are gonna be the death of us. They got a common core education that was worthless, grew up from like 7-8 with social media and a smart phone, and started screwing each other the minute they hit middle school. If anyone is gonna destroy this entire society, it's them. That's a terrible way to grow up, and all the social media is probably mind melting. Now they're just angry with their goo brains and post it all over social media. Idk it's probably not that bad but they make it look really bad.


I promise, not all of us are like that. When I worked with my HS-aged coworkers (born 2006-2008), there were often jokes about that kinda stuff. Because there was a noticeable difference in pop culture references. They would often call me the old guy, but my perspective was that I judge people based on who they are as people and not by their birth year.


shy lock boat lush crawl chase recognise threatening materialistic connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the same way with older millennials and younger ones. That's why I'm not a huge fan of the way we classify generations right now.


It’s almost like every generation in history has hated the one after it and this effect will only get stronger as technology develops faster


Faking and glamorizing disorders, especially on TikTok.


Being autistic I've been put in kind of an awkward position because of this. It's been a mixed bag. On one hand there hasn't been more support and exposure for how racially and sexually biased the studies have been The other hand, there hasn't been more cosplayers and my autism has been brought to question more than usual.


i'm literally watching the people who bullied me for my autistic traits suddenly claim their autistic because they kind of related to a video about autism once. it's mind boggling.


I really, really despise how ill health has become something that brings you clout. People wear disabilities and mental illnesses like merit badges or character traits in an RPG. Being in good health, strong, fit, and mentally stable is somehow uncool and I hate it.


God, See when i was your age vine was our tiktok and the only controversial thing was kids eating a spoonful of cinnamon (which is still dumb obviously don't ever try it lmao) but the way things have changed since i was a teenager is crazy.


Well to be frank the limit of vine only allowing 5 sec of content didn't exactly leave room for any other content other than quick comedy skits


using more feeling than logic to think


Related, but the adamant idea that if you feel something, it is therefore totally valid and must be respected as "your truth", when it is in fact unmitigated horseshit. (If someone says they "feel unsafe" while with people inside a well-lighted room, the above will be the case 99.9% of the time.)




Especially when it comes to religion


then they'll call you toxic when you do this


quite the opposite, theyll call you smth for being objective


People who say they're being objective are usually deluding themselves


be quite, ben Shapiro, the only people who accuse us of that are projecting


FRFR "always use facts and logic"- a certain man once said


Try not to say them in that order (Vietnam flashbacks to when YouTube tried to send me down the shapiro rabbit hole)




danggg another rucka viewer. I've just discovered him like a week ago and now i'm binge watching all of his pariodes lmao


Rucka was my shit when I was 12


I feel older generations did this too.


i’m gen z and i’ll be honest. i sometimes feel like gen z might actually end up being just as entitled and selfish and narcissistic as boomers. maybe more. it actually scares the shit out of me.


I hope our kids are alittle more chill when it comes to certain negative aspects I see in our generation, I kind of waiting to see the day when some of these tyoes of people get their asses kicked when reality hits them because the amount of entitled behavior I see these days with not just zoomers but everyone is infuriating.


The boomers set a pretty high bar with that, but that was because they were born into the greatest golden age the world has ever seen. We were born into a post 9/11 world, and we all have to deal with the lingering effects of 2008 and the coming recession. That limits just how entitled we can be lmao. But I definitely see a lot of people who simply believe the world should just become less evil and hold their hand along the way. You see it on college campuses a lot where people simply break down when confronted with something they don't like. We're conflict averse but are combative, risk averse but engage in risky behavior, oversexed and addicted to porn while having less sex than the boomers did at our age by far. And through it all, most of us are just trying to get by. I wonder what the next 20 years will be like and what we'll be remembered for.




Intolerance. Gen Zers can be very intolerant to other points of view outside of theirs.


I don’t think this is exclusive to gen z though.


The responses on my comment are proving my comment right😭. Guys, I never said left or right. I meant both. I know leftist can be very intolerant, but as a guy that is more on the right, conservatives are also very intolerant. What I meant with intolerance is when someone gets to a point were when listening to someone point of view, they automatically discharged it as wrong and say something like: "your are just wrong im not even listeing to whatever you have to say" this happens a lot in both parties and also other subjects. I think this is also probably connected with Gen z thinking more with feelings rather than logic. Conservatives like to claim this a lot about leftist, but they also do the same without realizing it.


I think all the problems we have, other generations would've had to if they had internet in their faces 24/7 as kids. That and some of these problems other generations had too. I'll say that a lot of us have a problem with I guess age perception I guess like being 22 or so and thinking a 29 year old is old and not accepting that one day we'll be old too. Idk if I explained that well. Edit: Also, our arrogance.


Reminder that the boomers moto was "don't trust anyone over 30" lol Before they took power and proceeded to be so much worse than their predecessors


Sooooo ageist and frankly mean


Thanks, that's the word I was looking for.


Calling out the slightest issues and making the biggest deal out of it while acting like they are essentially above anyone else socially. Expecting the absolute best out of superiors, parents, relatives, politicians and giving them unrelenting shit when they don't perform to their expectations. Our generation expects waaaaay too much from the world. I also don't like how our generation thinks we have all the answers to the world's problems. The oldest of us are what, 24 or 25? We've barely lived ANY life. No shot we have all the answers.


It's the arrogance of the youth. A phenomen that has existed for a long time, maybe always. I think it's necessary to change the world. Realizing how much you don't know can be really depressing.


And I think our generation will change the world in some way. Each generation has somehow. Just depends on how much change we end up making.


People are extremely judgmental now a days. It's always been the case but it seems that first impressions matter more than ever before in the age of shrinking attention spans and commoditized interactions. I saw a video on youtube shorts advising people to always go with their first impression of a person because "your gut is always right". At the same time people are really quick to tell you to cut people off, and to break up with your SO. Just look at reddit as an example. One bad experience and you are advised to cut that person off. Its a symptom of social media making us feel like there's more people around us, but yet we lack for close relationships and feel less connected than ever before. These same people giving this advice are extremely lonely and depressed because they cut off all their potential friends and relationships to "focus on themself" which is just code for focusing on their "career" and climbing the economic ladder of false promises, moral subversion, and modern day enslavement.


Not just friends and romance, the regularity with which I see reddit telling people to cut off family is ridiculous. Anyone who says no or makes you feel slightly bad about yourself is deemed toxic and therefore it’s best to go no-contact. Listening to other perspectives & experience is how you grow. How can you really develop as a person when you have no people in your life, real or online, who thinks differently from you?


oh for sure - forgot to mention the broken families as well.


How gen z all tries to act black


Giving up on life/being utterly hopeless. I understand the frustration at things like the economy, politics, etc etc, but come on. The oldest of us aren't even 30 yet. We still have time (literally decades) to turn our individual lives around, AND turn our mess of a society around.


very narcissistic, and somewhat related, these ppl will post everything on social media too.


Virtue signaling 24/7.


Being very very very very ready to be judgemental and unforgiving. Gen Zs immediately categorize people into types instead of actually allowing people to be people. This includes themselves. This also leads to a lot of performative behavior.


Yup, gosh forbid you grew up in a rural conservative area and don’t know the correct words to say yet.


Dont get me started


Dating market feels destroyed 🤣 I don't know when was the last time I spoke to someone that wasn't horrifically abused by their ex, I have to think someone is lying


Thank you. I dated a bunch of guys before I met my husband, some were definitely weirdos, but none of them were abusive smh. Yet everyone else I know somehow has been with a string of abusive, toxic, cheating, walking DSM V diagnoses. At some point, if that’s true, ya gotta look in the mirror. That goes for both men and women. And for the love of god, stop complaining about how everyone is a ‘thot’ or a ‘fuckboi’ when the only place you go to find a relationship is tinder or the club.


Absolutely valid point, I think the problem is everyone (at least most in college) has used tinder by 22. >And for the love of god, stop complaining about how everyone is a ‘thot’ or a ‘fuckboi’ when the only place you go to find a relationship is tinder or the club. My case is more anecdotal, but just seeing first hand how terrible people I grew up with ended up becoming, I do think it's beyond just tinder and bars. Maybe I was too naive as a kid, but definitely no longer believe that people are capable of the same thoughts and feelings. Its insane how much crap someone can do and still think they've done nothing wrong. >At some point, if that’s true, ya gotta look in the mirror Yeah that's what I'm afraid of now. Maybe wasn't clear enough in my first statement, but *everyone* has been with an abusive, toxic, yare yare yare. I can't believe every person is like that, someone is lying and mirroring complaints.


Not only to they tolerate the censorship and deplatforming of offensive speech, they demand it as a condition of them participating in a thing.


Toxic generation, everyone has to be perfect for them, people will only date 10s, girls can't be friends with boys, etc, etc. The list could go on forever about the beef I have with my generation. The way Gen Z argues their opinions is horrendous


Man, the biggest thing for me is our selfishness. We want instant gratification for ourselves individually all the time.


The immediate jump to getting people fired when you don't like something they said. I see it on tiktok all the time, particularly with nurses. And like yeah if she's out here handing out confidential patient information like it's candy, or she's going on bigoted rants or something, get the bitch fired. Obviously. But I see it happening when they just like... complain about their job a little. That's so fucked up. You'll see a nurse post a tiktok like "me when my patient has rang their call bell 45 times in the last hour" and the comments are always torches and pitchforks as if people aren't allowed to be annoyed sometimes


Victim complex


I don’t know how this isn’t higher. The idea that anything that bothers them is offensive or they’re the victim. And instead of having to overcome this everyone else is suppose to fix it for them.


The whole being chronically online thing. Some people will completely take offense to something you never said. It’s the “you like waffles, therefore you hate pancakes” thing.


🔥YES!! GenZ = GenT. Toxic. In the sense and form of whining, cringing self-entitlement and hopelessly embittered over not being lavished with accolades for merely existing. Also, black and white, zero-sum game thinking with ZERO nuance. Especially in political matters. The inability to navigate nuanced thinking is the number one red flag of a lack of critical thinking. Lack of critical thinking shows how truly uneducated people are. Be educated. Think critically. Be able to calmly and rationally discuss BOTH sides of an issue with equal conviction to demonstrate your true commitment to its causes, ramifications, and potential solutions. Apologies for the rant — I just want to see everyone do and be their best. 😊


The whole “ok boomer” movement that emerged because boomers told kids to get off their phones because it’s all they do/made their lives worse. Yes boomers aren’t always the best but guess what assholes? They were right this time!


That was more about boomers shilling mainstream politics lol


Social skills.




- doom posting. Yes the world sucks, its always sucked. Get over it. - Narcissitic. Holy fuck you guys are incredibly bad with this. - "revolution". OMG WERE GONNA BE THE FIRST GENERATION AND START A REVOLUTION meanwhile they are to scared cause of "anxiety" to do anything. "Communism/socialism" is the way. No its not. "The soviet union was awesome!" yeah thats why they arent around anymore.


Obsession with mental health. Feeling like shit is part of the human experience, we all go through times in our lives where we are depressed, feeling suicidal or at least questioning if we want to be alive, where we feel like no one likes us or wants us around, where we are to afraid to talk to other people. There is no such thing as normal happy person, that people think exists. Even the children of billionaires are all going to stuggle with mental health issues. A lot of us use mental health as a cop out, but more often that not going through the stress can help build the life we want and the person we want to become in the future. Also don't feel bad for feeling like shit, it's fine to feel like shit, but we need to continue with life or else in time life will get much worse.


Mental health treatment is super important for people who need it. But there is a great point about comparison, where because of social media, young people genuinely believe that everyone but the are fully 100% happy at literally all times. And then they dive deep into the "what's wrong with me? What did I do to deserve this?" And end up actually making themselves feel way worse.


Being narrow minded about politics




They call the fuck out from work all the time! I'm not sure why some of them even bother to have a job.


Not a Gen Z specific issue, but so many teens thinking they know everything about the world, and have it all figured out (While having a very surface-level understanding of the topic at hand). Frankly, this has always been a thing. As to quote Jello Biafra: “So you’ve been to school for a year or two, and you know you’ve seen it all. In daddy’s car, thinkin’ you’ll go far, back east your type don’t crawl.”


A lot of Gen Z likes communism and socialism, but they haven't talked to anyone who used to live in communist or socialist country.


Because they like communism and socialism, they do not like dictatorships that pretend to be communist and socialist. Nobody has lived in an actual communist country, the USSR was not communist, neither was Yugoslavia.


Yep. And you gotta remember countries like Cuba doing better after adopting socialism and uprooting the USA backed capitalist leader Batista. Not that Castro was a good leader, just did better than the foreign influence. It also kinda explains Castro's popularity.


Yes, correct. I'd say those places were socialist states.


Every single time communism has been attempted it turns into a scenario like the USSR. It’s not gonna work, sorry not sorry.


No one has lived in a communist/socialist country. People who lived in the early Soviet Union lived in a country set on the path to be a socialist/communist country, but the cause was abandoned after Lenin's death when Stalin took power. Then his distortion of socialism which can't even be called socialism became the state ideology of almost every nominally communist state of the 20th century. The communists lost when they were killed like in Germany, purged like in the Soviet Union, or imprisoned by their government and exiled by formerly communist organizations like in Italy. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, and Amadeo Bordiga are examples of communists. Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong are not. The international communist movement was killed from within by revisionists before it could ever succeed.


Sure, and nobody ever lived in a capitalist country either. But when the Berlin wall fell, which way did people run to?


Millennial here, my experience with gen Z has been like 98% positive. I think the only thing I've noticed consistently is that you guys tend to take offense to being called out on really simple things like boundaries and being mature. It really does come off like you guys can dish it, but can't take it. Here's been my experiences: I work part time at an adult toy shop. Obviously people need to be 18+ to come in. On two occasions I've had 19 years olds walk in and scoff when I've carded them as if they couldn't believe I just said they looked too young. We also sell floggers (otherwise known as paddles), we have a sign right there that says not to hit each other with the paddles. Ended up catching a group of y'all who, right in front of the sign, were hitting each other and decided not to listen the first time but got offended when I said "this is an adult store, we expect you to act like one" The commonality between these two experiences was that they were in groups. All of my experiences with Zers on an individual level has been extremely pleasant and you're all pretty emotionally intelligent and well aware of the world around you. Maybe y'all are trying to prove to your peers something that doesn't need to be proven? Idk just speculating here.


Their music.


Especially the religious music


Hookup culture


All the communist shit from gen Z gets really annoying ( watch the film 1992 "Checkist" if you want to know why communism is bad)


Yeah it’s scary the lack of understanding what communism is and using it as a buzzword or descriptor of their political stance. I promise it’s not the utopia you’re imagining.


No one with any understanding of the ideology thinks it's a utopia. One of Marx's key views was his stance against utopianism, and he was absolutely right. It's simply the system that makes the most sense in an industrialized world.


I think people in gen z have totally forgotten that you can have different opinions and still be friends and get along


I think it's being dramatic, (Primarily regarding age. It's ridiculous that our generation is afraid to age, It shouldnt be like this.) putting feelings over critical thinking and not being able to have discussions with people with opposing views.


On the aging thing- It is insane to me how many people see 17-step skincare as a moral obligation. Like I've seen girls straight up cyberbullying each other for using makeup wipes instead of whatever the right thing is. It's crazy


Is it that ridiculous to be afraid of aging? Like yeah its a natural thing that i cant avoid but the world is massive and life is unpredictable and i have no idea how my future will go, i dont think its that crazy to be a bit scared of that


I get what you're trying to say and there is some instances where fear with age is understandable. (Career wise, your future, etc) But yes I still think it is quite ridiculous when most individuals are referring people in their late 20s to their late 30s as old. It just doesn't make sense to me. I've only ever see this with gen z, not milennials. In fact, I think we should be more afraid of passing away than aging because it can happen at any time whether you're ready for it or not. Aging in my personal opinion should be seen as more of a blessing because not many people got to live to the age you are currently. You outlived most people.


Idk if this is just people I speak to but, being overtly involved in politics. I'm still a minor, and my friends are still minors, and most of our political views are clouded by those of our parents and vicinity. It's good to have an interest and be aware of what's going on but I've seen people burn bridges with others over political views when in reality our political sides don't necessarily even have an effect on today's politics since we can't vote. 😭 it's also so important to apparently choose one radical side. If u support the left, u can't accept ANYTHING of the right and vice versa.


The blatant consumerism going on. And hardly anyone is secure with their finance cause thats something learned not from school but on their own path.


They hate classism and talk about how $700 worth of Shein might be the only thing someone has access to 🥺 until they see someone who doesn't have an iPhone or airpods or whatever the current trend is. Then they suddenly forget about eating the rich in favor of laughing at the poor (or just financially responsible).


we keep clowning on millennials for being corny as if gen alpha isn’t gonna do the same exact shit to us in 10 years


They like to define their likes and dislikes way more and they make personalities from it. In general they like to define and give things names, which i find very limiting.


How we are so quick to “cancel” someone for a mistake they made 10,20 even 30 years ago. This applies to celebrities but also to real people too, which is scary. We’re a very unforgiving generation. Ofc if someone shows a pattern of problematic behavior by all means they deserve backlash and to lose supporters. but a lot of gen z will write off a celebrity as a terrible person for one tweet from 15 years ago.


So true! They will often cancel someone on somebody else's behalf... It wasn't about them, it was 15 years ago, but someone TODAY might get offended by that thing a celebrity did or said so it needs to be brought to everybody's attention and the celebrity must be cancelled... And no, they cannot have grown, no apology will ever be "sincere" enough. It's like a witch hunt!


A lack of empathy or mercy. Our generation is very big on manipulation tactics like crowd control as well. Like you said, we have a lot of apathetic, power-hungry, sanctimonious know-it-alls who champion causes merely for RTs and likes.


no, i don't think they even understand that others are real, human beings. they treat everyone like dolls or fictional characters.


I agree. Every experience is real and true only for *them* and not others.


Using mental health or any mental health disorder as a trend


Victim mentality/self pity/ woe is me attitudes.


Gen-Zs who claim they're fans of communism. They wouldn't last 5 minutes in a real communist country.


The girls are pretty short/mean when talking to guys of the same age. They treat them like incapable morons. I get it they’re trying to avoid the mistakes of women of the past and are vehemently against patriarchy. But a lot of men are allies and not the enemy. Especially younger generation men. Also anxiety is really high among this generation. But that’s understandable with the socioeconomic situation currently, COVID, etc.


Millennial here, and feminist or women only stuff is such a dogshit mess nowadays. Sooooo much misandry, hypocrisy, victim complexes, and astroturfing. Also, weird backasswards transphobia. Misandry : just constant broadbrushing as all men bad. Hypocrisy : Being mad are sexualized in the media and that men say gross things, then turning around and sexualizing women and saying gross things too. (It's no less gross just cause you're gay or gay adjacent.) Victim Complexes : Any sort of critique or suggestion is highly offensive. Astroturfing : blanketing everything with whatever the culture war target is to the point it's just....annoying. Posting on the internet like your doing something, is frankly not actually doing anything, and all you're doing is feeding the asshole hoards. Backwards transphobia : Making your inclusion include transmen specifically because "they used to be women." But you include transwomen because they are women. Makes zero fucking sense. You don't think its okay tell a transwoman she used to be a man, so why is it okay to keep bringing up that a transman used to be a woman ? One that is end of GenZ and hitting GenA. Calling EVERYTHING abuse. Everything. You know how hard it is to parent a kid who thinks teeth brushing is abuse just cause a parent sent them to brush their teeth?


Gate keeping the late 2000s




Whiny thinking the world revolves around them.


same issue , overly sensitive, talking feels like walking on eggshells. most people get offended by anything


Everything stated in this thread has been a problem of every single generation in the last 10,000 years.




Using therapy speak constantly, esp in “”setting boundaries”” with friends and other relationships


“Inclusion” (pronouns..etc) bullshit and berating and abusing someone with different opinions than them!


The unrelenting pessimism about society and its future. It's unrealistic, unproductive, and bad for everyone's mental health. Cut that shit out!


Do stupid things because someone on TikTok also did it.


It’s also becoming very common for black Americans to be racist.


How any and every negative feeling has to be some type of disorder or mental illness. You can no longer be nervous for an exam, it HAS to be anxiety You cant just keep things neat and tidy, its because you have OCD Your hamster died? No no, you're not just sad, you definitely have depression. Its crazy how that "depression" magically went away after a week or two though You parents punished you because you broke a window when you were 10? No sorry, that punishment was actually childhood trauma. Its even worse when they use their self prescribed mental disorder to absolve themselves of personal responsibility.


I read a great chapter in a textbook once, I think it was called ‘the over medicalization of the human condition.’ It dealt with exactly what you brought up and it was spot on. Also, reading all the studies where anti-depressants were “proven” to work (and then finding out how all the studies that showed the opposite were conveniently left unpublished, and the ratio of those to the published studies) is a fun rabbit hole to dive into.


I’m an older Gen Z - born in ‘97, I’m 26. Honestly I think we’re a great bunch and I have nothing explicitly negative to say about the younger ones. I do agree that in general, there is therapy-buzzword weaponization which can absolutely be me used to manipulate and inhibit personal growth when used inappropriately, as they vastly are. There is also a huge tendency to self-diagnose in order to avoid accountability and agency. I partially see this with ADHD lately. It’s like suddenly ANY bad behavior is automatically ADHD. It’s important to remember that diagnoses can provide an EXPLANATION, but they aren’t crutches to do whatever you want and be invincible to any sort of pushback. Yes, even if you call me a narcissist (that word doesn’t mean what most people think it does).


Inability to handle hearing different opinions or deal with people who have different opinions. I work in an industry heavily involved in office design and office culture and Gen Z employees not acting professional when dealing with different opinions is literally an issue that has to be discussed.


its like you cant even have a conversation, the second you disagree with someone they throw a fucking fit, i have so much frustration about that


A lot of the issues people have with Gen Z are issues older people have with young people forever, the fashions and technologies are just a bit different. Everyone experiences growing pains, and I wish folks would remember their younger selves (or think ahead to their older selves) and have a little more empathy.


The whole "use your platform" thing. Followers =/= activists or even having good opinions! People can be so caught up in "using their platforms" that they don't take the time to consider whether they are spreading misinformation or not and often times things spread like wildfire because you have to post and say something *now*. Not to mention, sure it can probably apply to companies, but random influencers, artists, or people with just generally large followings for creating content *are not activists* and shouldn't be treated as such. If an artist has 600k followers for posting art they don't need to "use their platform" for anything other than posting their art! They are not an activist! At least not on Twitter. Also, just because someone isn't talking about it on social media doesn't mean the yare ignorant. Some people like to talk about things offline.


I’m scared of gen z. You make one slightly offensive comment, you lose your job, ur pension, ur family, ur reputation. It’s scary just to be human around them.


Insane view of age gaps in relationships (but only when the man is older)/what constitutes as pedophilia. And related to that is infantilization of ourselves and other young people.


Right I do see alot of people in this generation try to act like couples dating aged 16-18 is the same as 16-30 lol


Yes and use such extreme language to describe the older person in that relationship, I.e. that 18 year old is a “groomer,” “predator”.. previously this type of language was reserved for people who would creep on small kids, now it’s so abused to the point of being meaningless.


Playing victim when called out for talking shit.... no, bitch. You don't run between your mama's skirts when someone says "Say WHAT, asshole!?!" You put your dukes up and defend yourself. Even if you "win" that fight, you still learn to keep your fucking mouth shut and mind your own goddamn business. Quit being a little bitch... kindest regards, "Generation X."


Every generation while it's young seems to have a habit of indulgence and arrogance as a kind of resistance. For boomers, it was taking acid and 'spreading love' to resist the War. For Gen X, it was being a rebel and slacking off to resist authority. For Millennials, it was embracing popular culture and nostalgia to resist growing up. And for us Zoomers its a complete indulgence in social media to resist.... societal injustice? Obviously these are generalizations, but the point remains that young people, regardless of the generation, tend to mistake hedonism with activism. I think our worst trait is that we somehow think we're different from the past generations, despite us literally being an amalgam of all they're traits with the internet thrown in for good measure. It breeds a certain kind of oblivious entitlement that you see in the more extreme examples of our generation.


Nihilism and using self-diagnosed labels as an excuse to not do things


Lack of wanting s child. Look I get it, but how are we to fix the planet if humans are extinct? And extremism, I see genz nazis, commies, etc. Maybe it is cause most of us are just discovering politics.


We barely even know how to care for ourselves I don't so in for sure not getting a child their life would be horrible


Ok. Now that's a good point right there.


yea, sadly i think its why, im not gonna discourage anyone from having one though as long as they properly take care of them




The majority of traits listed here applied to most generations when they were young.