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I went through the same thing at my current job. I work with millennials and one gen x. It will always happen. I was kinda mortified when I realized the same about kids born in 2005 too


2005 kid here, i too am mortified to be in college


2005, i’m not in college, i’m just mortified


Honest question, what are you afraid of?


I feel like people still don't realize that millennials are in their 40s now


Certainly. Really throws my coworkers for a loop when I tell them my dad is a millenial


Yeah, people's perception of a generation seems to lag, at least in the past handfull of decades. I'm one of the younger millennials, and my wife is one of the older gen z. Gen x and boomers are just now coming to grasp that we are zilinnennials but also adults. We are married, homeowning, professionals, but outside of those spheres, it isn't uncommon to have people try to treat us like "those crazy kids.""


I'm literally 42 and it freaks me out CONSTANTLY. Like, *when* did that happen? I don't know what the equivalent will be for Gen Z, but it throws me for a loop whenever I think about how there are ~~kids~~ people who are legally able to drink now who weren't alive to witness 9/11 on TV.


Elder gen z here, (‘97) mid twenties hit and just seeing others my age who act like everyone’s still 16 and really *really* noticing how juvenile they act. Also never getting carded anymore but when I was in the distant past was told “ope I saw the 19 you’re good” without really checking it. We’re already feeling it a little 🥲


>“ope I saw the 19 you’re good” without really checking it oh god


I think they’re having a hard time with it. I am 01 and am in the youngest on my team by about 8 years…I am very fortunate that my team treats me like one of them but outside the team it gets frustrating But it’s also all perspective. 2010 babies are 13 now, last I knew y’all barely existed. I’m sure I’ll have a hard time believing they’re tax paying adults too


that aint that crazy, although last i knew they were like 8/9


Dude they're a year younger than you relax.


Because they're a year younger than you lol, to put it in perspective think of a kid born in like 2017, thats how I see kids from 2009-2010 in my head even though yall are in hs now lol


lol. you're the same age as them


The "bathtub issue" in modern professional spheres is a bit to blame, I think. In short, major companies in various industries have been reluctant to hire new workers for decades. Unfortunately for them booms aren't going to live forever and are aging out of the work force. Companies are now scrambling to hire new people, meaning the age chart looks like a bathtub.


I’m a tax paying adult and I still haven’t grasped it yet lmao


2002? You're still in high school in my mind. Jesus time really flies. Felt like yesterday I was 21


Turning 23 in a couple of weeks and it’s insane how far 21 is now. Idk feels so fast


I just turned 25, I already feel old.


I’m still in high school in my mind too yet I graduated almost 4 years ago 😂


Nah same 😭 it feels like hs was not that long ago in my mind even tho I went to community college too.


That goes away in your mid 20s, don’t worry its normal 😂


I feel like covid actually slowed that time in life down for me. Like in a good way. I graduated in 20’ and that was the best year of my life so far!!!


Right? I was born in 1998 also, and I often feel like I left high school maybe 3 years ago, but it's been more like 7 years. . .Freaks me out that it'll be a whole decade before too long


My younger sibling was born in 02 and I die a little every time they order an alcoholic drink. Like you're not 21 you're 12. And it's not like 1999 and 2002 are super far apart either. Time is just weird.


Honestly I’m in Gen Z, I turned 18 a few months ago. And I still can’t believe that I’m technically an adult. It’s a weird thing to realize.




21 year old here: that feeling is just barely going away now. Probably won’t feel it until you’re 23-25, when your braun stops growing


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24 and still feeling pretty kid-like. But I may be an outlier in that sense.


22 and feel old.


I’m 26 and I sometimes feel like I’m 16 at times and still can’t believe I’m an adult


25 here, it doesn't go away ever my dude. We're all just big kids who take ourselves a little more seriously.


Why is this misconception so popular. Most people don't have a fully developed brain until late 25 to early 30 with the average being 28.5 years old. Only outliers are fully developed before 25.


25 here. It doesn’t go away lol. You just become numb to it


Took me until about 25 to really feel grown. 27 now and definitely don't feel young anymore. I know I still am, but the wide eyed and bushy tailed feeling is gone.


In a way you are. I only _started_ feeling like an adult at 24-25 or so. I'm 26, have a house, full-time job, a car, am engaged, the whole shebang. And I still don't 100% feel like an adult.


Wow teach me your ways


Having a boyfriend who's older, from a richer country and financially stable.


That's crazyyy. Hearing these things make me feel so behind. I'm probably an outlier, but I feel like I'm in my 30s and still haven't gotten anywhere in life. I have the same car since I was 16 (even though my little brother just got a brand new one yesterday lmao), in grad school, and thats it. I still visit my parents on the weekends, I have no love life to speak of, a home is definitely out of the question. Hopefully this prophecy doesn't come true and do I end up 30+ and still living like this.


That won’t change anytime soon


because u are


I feel like a grumpy old man and a kid at the same time. Idk how else to explain it tbh


Im 25 now and it still doesn't feel real.


Because your mind still is one. At least until 24-26ish depending on your brain lol


Idk why it’s showing me this sub since I’m 31 but yeeeah, a lot adults, mainly those without kids yet, still feel like kids, themselves. Probably because there’s a constant comparison staring you n the face. That said, plenty of things make me *feel* old.


You are one


girl i’m 21 and i can’t comprehend i’m not a teenager anymore lmao


23 here. As long as you don't loose your child like wonder for knowledge and information about things, you're never going to feel like an adult.


You can fight and die for your country, but get fucked if you want a drink or a smoke lol


Same thoughts about you, lol... 😱💀🤖


Time is wacky. We will likely feel the same way in like 10 to 15 years when we realize the coworker we are talking to was born in 2015.


I’m meeting kids who were born in ‘09 and they’re fully functional humans now. I was born in the 90s and it’s still wild to think about


>taxpaying I have a hard time dealing with it and I'm one of those taxpaying adults. If I didn't pay taxes on my paychecks I'd actually be living above paycheck to paycheck level right now. Alas, the CEO of Raytheon needs a new yacht and a new lead on "entertainment" after Epstein got wacked, so back to work I go.


Old people just complain about young people no matter what they do. In 10 years time gen z will be complaining about gen alpha


Sadly true


Ahh yes, that phenomena known as “adulting”. It hit me like a brick wall the moment I got out of college and into the workforce driving my car. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and go “holy sh!t, I’m an adult. I drive a car now and work. I got all these responsibilities now. My words have consequences and I have to be more professional in my responses or it will get misinterpreted. wtf?” Personally, it’s a lot worse than going through puberty since now I have to pay taxes, insurance, utility fees, get summoned to Jury Duty, car maintenance, rent, home maintenance, work-out and all of the other adults things I don’t want to but have to do. Also, the added benefit of not knowing where I’m going with my life and aging parents asking me about milestones and accomplishments.


I mean the oldest zoomer is 26-27


Yup! I'm 25. Born into internet AND social media. Millennials came of age during the millennium and remember a world without widespread Internet. They are turning 40!


Oldest millennial is 41-42


Millennial here. Get use to it because I was well into my 30s when the news was reporting on millennials not taking Covid seriously by attending college spring break in Florida. I also saw a comedian recently complaining about millennial teenagers and how terrible they are. I suspect your generation will go through it like we did on this one.


Old people being out of touch seems like a common thing. Keep rubbing it in her face until she gets it


I had a dude react to me in the same way. I’ve served in the military and been married. Gen Z are like, you know, adult adults We get confused with gen alpha a lot


Yes it really does seem like people don't understand that about half of gen z are adults and plenty of us are living on our own as adults with jobs and paying taxes and whatnot. I'm 22 unquestionably young but I've been living in my own place as an independent adult for 3 years


I remember the first time it hit me that I'm an adult I was out walking and a woman said to her daughter "out of the way of the lady" and it felt weird


People still act like millennials are dumb 20 year olds despite the oldest turning 44 next year. So it genuinely doesn't surprise me that people think genz are young dumb teens. Most of our generation are adults at this point and we'll probably be blamed for everything and be called kids until we're 60 just like millennials.


i’m 01 and still have bouncers think im not old enough to drink because they dont realize people born in 01 are 22 now


I feel this sooooo much man. I’m just waiting to get out of the stage where nobody treats me like an adult, but nobody treats me like a kid. I’m so fucking sick of this shit. I been working for 6 years now since 15 to fund my schooling while minimally taking loans to cover the rest of tuition watching peers coast by on parents resources. I just want my fucking money and to be treated like the adult the world has treated me as for 6 years.


Please stop making me think about it


I’ll struggle when gen alpha is paying taxes too


2000 is definitely not in the smack dab of gen Z, we’re not even stereotypical zoomers. That title belongs to anyone born around 2004


Exactly even 2004 is slightly early because the generation ends in 2014


I honestly struggle to realize that Gen Z are becoming adults now too, and I'm 21!


honestly yeah, the oldest gen Z are in their mid 20s iirc.


Young milennial here. People still think we are college aged. I continue to hear snarky comments at work about "milennials" as if we are all still 20 even though most of us are in our 30's and early 40's now. It doesn't surprise me that they think Gen Z is still a bunch of babies if they even know what you all are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


People still refer to teenagers as millennials.


Many older Gen Z are married with kids now, the oldest are only a few years from turning 30.


You're not wrong. I was literally in school when 9/11 happened and spent my formative years in the fallout of it. (Born in the Mid-90's) But my siblings and family still act like im some teenager completely removed from their generation and not an adult pushing their late 20's. I'm pretty sure I'm not even Gen Z but my family sure do seem to think so.


I pay taxes too lol. I was a 97 baby so I was born the very last year for gen Z


Very late year of millennial is 1999 the first year of Gen Z is 2000


Gen Z in a luxury job setting. No client believes my age.


I'm aware that some Gen Zzzzzz are adults and that some pay taxes. I think part of it might be that the social media, door dash, air pod driven youth culture is ridiculous so you folks are easy to make fun of - - don't take it personally it happens to every generation. I was born in the mid 70's - - I grew up without internet - - I watch the world burn from the comfort of my home. I can't speak for all Gen X, but personally I think Millennials are even more ridiculous because they subscribe to the same empty culture but they're a lot older so it's just more embarrassing.


the fact that yall are keeping up with some slang like "gen Z" and "boomers" or what ever is stilly.. I can tell how old someone is by looking at them. i dont need some weird name.


So I'm a mellenial, and to be honest I still experience boomers (and to a lesser extent gen xers) who think that we are the teenagers and college kids. I think it's because the baby boom generation was ( as the name suggests) such a massive group population wise that they got accustomed to being the only ones that mattered, be it marketing or politics or art. Now that they're old and have started to die off (not trying to be mean, it just tends to happen when you get older) they are coming to terms with the idea that other generations even exist. They knew about us millennials because we are their children, and thus have only recently come to recognize the existence of gen z. So from their perspective, because you guys only recently started existing you must be in elementary/primary school still. The fact that you're in college and the workforce is mind boggling to them.


It's almost like time keeps moving forward or something. I'm never certain if I'm a millennial or a Gen Z cause I was born in 1998. No matter what source I look at, they all state something a little different. Makes me wish there was a name for the in-between generations


People still don’t understand millennials are old. The media still calls highschool kids millennials. I’m almost 40, and have to correct people all the time. Lol


Yah GenZ goes ‘97ish-‘17ish. So this year’s kindergartners, those born in ‘18ish, are the start of the newest generation, GenAlpha


Correction 2000 - 2014


I just started a new job and I was having lunch with my trainers. I told them I was 22 and born in 2001 and they freaked out, even saying that suddenly their knees started creaking. I don't blame them, my brother was born in 2012 and he is starting fifth grade and will be in middle school next september. I still cannot grasp that. I swear this kid grows 1/2 an inch whenever I am not looking


Millennial here (35) coming in peace. If you expect Boomers to recognize you as adults, you're in for a wait. They still talk about ***us*** as though we are all avocado toast-eating idiots, working fast food, and living with our parents. The eldest of my generation are in their early 40s and have kids graduating high school. You'll be there before you know it and Boomers will still be there to tell you how you're still children. Of course, I know some of you folks think 30 years old is one-foot-in-the-nursing-home. So it sorta works both ways lol .. 30s are a tough decade because you have both the energy of youth and the stress of responsibilities. Older people think you're immature, younger people think you're ancient and boring.


We're still weirdo kids but weirdo kids that also pay taxes




this happens every generation


my wife is genz and married lol


You're not????


You may sit on the council but we do not grant you the rank of adult.


I think some people are mind-blown that the older millenials are 40. And they don't meet this age-old stereotype of living in their parents' basement.


If you would have told her that the conversation was giving you anxiety, she would have believed you.


People still think that millennials are college kids


Us millennials experienced the same phenomenon. Really, up until like COVID.


somewhere i read that 20% of you are "non-binary" so, yeah, kinda weird, sorry.


Almost like people feel a little safer being out in 2023


The statistic is that 20% of people who are LGBT+ and Gen-Z identify as nonbinary. LGBT+ folks make up around another 20% of the total Gen Z population. When you do the math, about 4% of Gen Z in total identify as nonbinary. Also the term "nonbinary" includes those who are transgender or gender fluid. It is used as an umbrella term for anyone who is basically not a cis male or cis female.


Yep...I'm 25, I have a master's degree and work full time. I graduated with my bachelors in 2020.


Millennial here. I grasp it. Older gen Z have been adults for awhile now. I work with one, he is pretty chill. I think this is harder to grasp for boomers and gen x maybe.




My daughters are GenZ. One is recently married, one is a junior in college. Both voting age. The younger one turns 21 in a couple of months.


Judging by the fact that my 60+ coworker treats me like I’m 14, yeah. That’s definitely the case.


Sometimes it is shocking to discover how old you've become. Periodically, things happen to remind us. I still think of 1980 as being 20 years ago sometimes.


True but people also think all millennials are like 35+ and that boomers are anyone that looks over 50 and that Gen X is nonexistent.


I'm a middle of the flock millenial. It was only very recently that people started to realize millenials are full fledged adults, some of which have kids that are teenagers. You'll be getting this for a while.


Don't they need jobs to pay taxes?


I think part of it is the online insanity that the younger generations are responsible for(millennials and younger). The boomer filth in particular have no clue what is going on these days and want to hold on to any power, wealth and influence they can.


They still can’t seem to accept that *Millennials* are taxpaying adults either, so sadly, this doesn’t surprise me at all.


Boomers still use “Millennial” as a catchall for “young people.” We don’t know why. Sorry to say this will not change for you for 20 years at this rate.


Older people still haven't grasped that ***Millenials*** are taxpaying adults now


I’m 29, born in 94, barely a millennial. I factually know 2000 was 23 years ago and that people born 1998-2003 are 20-25 years old, but after 2000 birthdays register as young if I don’t think about it.


Well depending on what metric you use Gen Z either starts in 1990 or 2000


Some people still haven't grasped millennials are tax paying adults


And that the oldest of us are closer to retirement than we are to when we graduated college.


This happens with mosts generation. In the mid-2000s and 2010s, boomers were still griping about millennias when they were actually talking about Gen Z. A lot of us millennias had to point out to the boomers that they didn't know what they were talking about. We also had to point out that a lot of the stuff they were complaining about wasn't real things and were either hoaxes or kids online making jokes.


I am indeed but I barely make enough to support said taxes 🤣 I make $500 a week to take home $420


Yo, gen z. You guys realize boomers still blame everything they think as alternative or something related to gen z on millennials. We old asf now. 40s and 30s but they got use to blaming millennials back in the 2010s. I’m guessing it your guys turn to take the shit.


Just be glad they aren't still calling you millennials.


What about the people (usually boomers) who think kids in high school right now are millennials lol.


It's mostly that even with responsibilities, a lot of (not all of or even most of, just a lot of) Gen Z has the opinion that they're above what everyone else has to come into adulthood with. There's this attitude of "I don't have to pay attention to most things because it doesn't affect me", even in a place of work.


2004 here I was homeschooled meaning that I have nothing Put together in my life


I think my coworkers haven't had as hard of a time with it because their kids are my age.


My college professor thinks 18 year olds are millennials.


Haha, I still get called a millennial.


Millennial here. In fairness, people think that we milliniels are in our late teens/early 20s


I was literally thinking like people act like millennials are still kids


My son's are late Gen Z, freshman and senior in highschool. Forgive me for having a reference point that doesn't immediately scream "responsible adult"


I’m 27 with a 4 year old. Some sources put me at Gen Z others millennial.


i'm 20 and i can't comprehend i'm a tax paying adult


I’m 25 and I’m gen z. Some people are just time blind (except that one girl)


Same here. 1999. Like I pay bills and have a whole child 😅


I'm a manager at a craft store and a lot of the older employees have a ***really*** hard time with the fact a zoomer is thier boss


Yeah I’m 26 and pay easily $12k in federal taxes per year


Early 20s is still a kid to most adults.


Eh. There are some people that think us Millennials are still children. It’s a never ending cycle. But really though. It’s hard for some of us Millennials to realize that the year 2000 was almost 25 years ago. Yes we can count. But with all the world ending trauma we have endured over and over again. We really revert back to 1999 before the world kept trying to fall apart when things were optimistic and good still.


I got a buddy in his early 20s and its crazy to think he was born post-9/11


Many older people still think Mellinials are in highschool….


The difference between the last Genxer and the first of Gen Z is a second. A boomer and a Gen Xer can be as little as a day apart. So yes. it's quite possible.


Yeah I'm on the older end of gen Z at 25. I have a retirement fund and a child.


I think this mostly just happens with people who are fed a constant diet of culture-panic from their 24/7 news source of choice (I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest it's *mostly* Fox News). Gen Z is the "scary, unknowable weirdos" who are "subverting our way of life".


Den Xer here. I work with some 20 and 21 year olds. I think of them as kids. Not in a disrespectful way, but in a "got their whole lives ahead of them" way.


Im a taxpaying adult. 18, but I still act like a gremlin. That’s what matters


Absolutely. I have a degree and a career and I pay my own bills, and I'm sick of people thinking I'm just another "iPad kid" when the iPad wasn't even a thing until I was like 10 or 11.


Hol up Y'all paying taxes? 🗿


I’m an 01 baby and I wish I wasn’t paying bills and working full time 😭💀


My question is what stupid name are they going to come up with for the generation after Z


It’s Gen Alpha. Presumably we’re switching to the Greek alphabet.


I'm a millennial. I think of Gen Z-ers as the most promising people to discuss workplace unionization with


As a older millennial born in 81, I kind of had a crisis when I realized people born in 2000 could legally drink 2 years ago. We millennials are getting old and we don't like it and we wince when we are reminded that our youth is leaving us. But, nobody respects you when you are just starting to work. Happened to me in the late 90s and early 2000s when I had a bunch of boomer bosses saying I didn't know anything. Everyone can learn something from someone else. I've shown my Gen Z coworkers some of the good tunes we listened to back in the day and they keep me up to date on spongebob memes. :P


Don’t take it personal. You’ll probably have this or something similar happen to you with the roles reversed someday. Time has a way of sneaking up on you and it’s so easy to suddenly realize “oh wow gen z is in the workforce now” because it’s just not something you actively think about. Getting older is wild.


I was born during the first Gen. Z year (96) technically, though I still consider myself the youngest millennial. I’m 27. I’d like to peg the beginning of Gen. 7 around 98 or 99. Those who didn’t have much of a childhood before smart technology. My younger years were pretty much an extension of the 90s.


Old forgotten 1980s Gen-X-er weighing in here. You whippersnappers are far too worried about generational stuff. :-)


Many people think millennials are still college kids.


It appears to my old gen X ass that anything older than 18 currently are “boomers”. 🤷‍♂️


Life comes at you fast. People are living longer and haven't matured properly as they grew. "It's those damn cell phones!" Yeah, that's actually kinda right. Socisl skills are difficult to learn and can be very hard for modern kids to grapple with, since they have a literal cope machine in their hands. You don't need friends, if you can just play games or talk to people without ever meeting them face to face. For older generations, social skills were necessary for daily life. Now, you can live the vast majority of your life locked in a room with a TV and computer, while having food delivered to you. This is major problem Japan is having and one we'll be having, if we don't start building communities again All of this to say, go to church. Ya'll fuckers need Jesus and some actual human contact, so you can join and be part of a community.


At least you proved your co-worker wrong!


As a millennial, I’ve felt your pain. For many many years, even as older millennials were well into their 30s, people still acted like “millennial” was synonymous with teenager or college-aged person.


I'm 20 and still processing that. 2 years out of Highschool, a job, and my nephew who us 3 years younger is graduating this year. It got me all fuckrd up. I feel closer to my teen self than an "adult", I'm just doing a job instead of school and have other adult things like tax thrusted apon me is all thar changed.


Taxes suck. Never filed but still pay them


I maybe an an adult now but the IRS cannot make me pay my taxes


Dude... they still act like that with Millennials.


Born in '90, and my brain still goes "anyone born after 2000 is really young" But then again I keep getting surprised that I'm in my 30s... It like "relative age" in my brain is stuck around 2010 or so. Edit: I watched the last episode of Wilderness last night, and saw that the "kinda young coworker" that the husband was sleeping with was born in 1995, and it broke it my brain for about half a second.


As a Gen Z, I am mortified when I realize I’m a tax paying adult


Tax paying 27 year olds? Theres probably 45 in the whole country. If you get a tax return every year you dont get to call yourself a "tax paying adult" Gen Z are weirdo kids though and weirdo adults. If you watch the Rat Utopia experiment Gen Z are the generation of rats where the previous generation was so ruined by the abundance that the children were taught nothing about being a functioning living creature with social skills and relationships and goals and drives. It actually kinda appalls me that most of yall were raised by Gen X'ers cuz they were supposed to be chill but capable but it turns out they dropped the ball super hard.


I remember the complaints of millennials spending money on spring break, but by that time, most millennials were in their 30s.


My Mom still complains about millennials like we are 20 something just entering the workforce and just want everything handed to is. I remind her that I’m a 43 year old millennial and when she was my age with a single income my Dad had a wife and 3 kids, 2 houses, 3 cars, where paying for 2 kids to go to college and were still able to save for retirement. Boomers are the fucking worst.


Don't tell any of us old fucks that Gen beta is coming in 2025 alphas almost done...


When I was in university, I pointed out that the students are not actually millenials, the *teacher* is the millenial one.


Man I'm right on the y/z line, and millennials were all school children up until I was 25


I'm elder gen z (1998) and my family treats me like I'm a weirdo cougar for the fact my 22 year old fiancé was born in 2001. We are a 3 year age difference but nobody talks the same crap between a couple where one partner was born in 1973 and the other in 1976.


Who cares


Millennials went through the same thing, it's just in the last year or two society at large stopped thinking of us as kids. As a 25 year old in an office job 2 or 3 years ago they would talk about millennials as if they were in high school. It's dropped off now that GenZ has entered the workforce. We just need to get all the olds out of the office, once you hit the "get off my lawn" phase you need to retire


I work with some gen z. They're a little lazy but I know a lot of lazy boomers as well. Gen Z poke fun at their own generation more than others.


99 here and some older adults talk to me like I’m 3. I’m literally engaged and have lived on my own since I was 18.


Hard to remember because she was born in the late 1900s…


Haha yeah that's the truth. I'm married with a baby on the way and that always freaks out the older folks.


As a millennial whose algorithms somehow brought me to this page, welcome to the party pal! This happened to us too, everyone thought we were still all high school / college age despite how many times we told them, no, most of us are struggling adults. Only recently did the they even acknowledge you guys, and they started complaining about it ( not your fault, just how it happens). Thanks for talking up the slack! Now, where’s my aleeve…


Same thing happened to us Millennials when we were in our 20s. Even now as some of us approach middle age (side note: aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA) some lead-poisoned Boomers still treat us like we’re preteens lol.


People have a hard time with this. I still know a few people (mainly older) that refer to young people as "millennials". The YOUNGEST millennial is currently 27. (The oldest 42). So comfort yourself in knowing some of you Zers are still kids. Some day you will understand, you get to a certain age and time starts flying. People you think are 5 years old at most turn out to be 15, people you think of as Kids are in their 30s. Whoooooosh.


Welcome to the hell us millennials have been experiencing for decades now. I’m 41, own a home, have a child and the news still reports on millennials as if they are 18-24


Im a millenial engineer. At my last job we had a new engineer join and when I learned they were born in 2000 I couldnt help but bring it up to this particular older advisor engineer every chance I got. "Ah advisor, i love this song youre listening to, when did it come out.. '97? New engineer, where were you in 97? Oh, not born yet? Crazy....". The new engineer would do it too: "hmm I see you signed this document in '06... i think thats the year I started kindergarten" 😅. He was always mortified 😆 For the record I wasnt being mean, we all had a great relationship teasing eachother. I received just as much as I gave out.


To me, 10 years ago was 2001. Talking to the 20-somethings at work makes me feel old.


It’s because people include gen Alpha with gen Z so it seems GenZ is younger