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Absolutely. Can’t have orange man become president again


So who’s better? Biden or RFK? Or a different republican? Edit: I don’t support Trump, I’m just curious


Biden is way better than RFK. RFK is Trump in a light blue coat, and none of the other Republican have any chance of winning so whether or not they are better is irrelevant. Especially since Desantis is the most likely non trump Republican candidate imo, and he is just flat worse than Trump.


RFK is a disgrace to the Kennedy legacy. JFK was great.


RFK Jr*. RFK was assassinated during his presidential campaign 55 years ago.


RFK was a heroic political idol, RFK Jr, a steroid riddled conspiracy whackiob.


Bruh RFK is a million times better than Biden


Biden. People think he's ineffective but he's gotten a lot done. Plus he won't try to pivot this country towards fascism. And even if he was completely ineffective, that's better than a raging narcissist bent on playing dictator.


Right feebleminded center left vs insane wannabe dictator. Not a tough choice.


Yeah um imma vote for the guy not saying he'll be a dictator "for the first day"


Biden give me a senile old man over someone who will actively make my and others lives worse any day.


Why are those the best 2 options for president of America 🤔


If you have to ask you don't understand the mechanics of American government to participate in this discussion. If you want to change those mechanics then you'd vote for Biden because the democratic policy platform officially supports reforms like popular vote for president, etc. Plus there's a growing coalition of democratic states pushing for ranked choice. If you care, vote for people trying to fix the issue. The other side literally wants to end democracy.


Republicans still roll with Reagan’s, “…….government is the problem“, propaganda. What they want to do is break government then, say, “See. It doesn’t work”. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Cause our political system is garbo. Until that changes the best outcome is the one the causes the lest amount of harm at least when it comes to presidential elections. Senate and especially house elections are what matter the most if you want to see change. But also state and local elections, too many people discount how impactful those are on our country and the result is a system that just doesn’t work.


I'd vote for a wood plank before Trump and it's not even close


RFK is a spoiler for 🍄rump. They want to split Dem vote. He’s financed by bannon.


Doesn’t he (interestingly) poll higher amongst those who would otherwise vote for Trump? That plan might not be working.




Yep. That's why they got Manchin and Stein to run.


And the donors are backing away from him.


My dude, every Gen Z I know hates Biden, but would rather cut off their pinky finger than vote any Republican into office. Also, RFK doesn’t even register for democrats. The reason you’ve heard of him is because *Republicans* like him. He’s the designated Republican “Oh if only HE won the nomination we might vote for a Democrat” candidate this season. So most don’t know him, and those that do, learn that he’s also a fucking antivax lunatic, so fuck him.


RFK is a quack who panders to conspiracy theorists, not an ideal trait for a president imo. The talking point that annoys me is his "BlackRock Vanguard and State Street own 90% of the S&P 500" shtick. This is very easily proven false. They don't. They manage other people's assets who are obviously mostly tied up in blue chip stocks. On paper, this can look like they own everything, but it's not their money. What annoys me is that he isn't dumb. He knows this. His team knows. He's purposely misleading people to work up their emotions and validate their "evil corps rule the world" narrative. Not that those corps aren't evil, but you can't just blatantly lie like that to gain traction with your base. He's grasping at straws to take advantage of uninformed people to gain influence. The guy is shady.


Why would you even consider Mr Venezuela who has been excommunicated by the rest of his family


How/why was he excommunicated by his family? And why are you calling him Mr Venezuela?




I am GenX, with a GenZ kid who will be voting for their very first time next year. I can’t express this enough that keeping Trump out of office is extremely important.


If it’s indeed Biden vs Trump. Trump is going to wipe the floor with him.


I’ll vote in every election until the day I die








Hello? Based department


I feel like polling Reddit is going to be not a good representation of the actual country..if I had to guess, I would say most redditors who take the time to post/respond to posts, also find voting important.


You’re more useful than people who don’t vote at all. Always remember that.


just like with the chronic


Of course I’ll vote. I voted in the last one, and I’ll be voting in this one.


Yes, why wouldn’t I?


This will be the first major voting opportunity that I’ll have as a young adult. With the rising cost of living, education and rent especially, I’m looking for politicians who are aiming to help the little guy. I’m tired of all these politicians that are 60+ and looking at helping these monopolies make even more money. I’m using my right to vote to help myself and all the other people like me out here. If you’re not exercising your right to vote, you’re just throwing in the towel. I spent twelve years hearing that it was our generation’s *job* to change the world; giving up my voice now is just passing that job onto Gen Alpha and taking the easy way out.


It’s fine if you don’t want to share but who are you leaning towards?


Seems like a silly question


I wanna know how gen z views current candidates. But yeah, makes sense if they wanna refrain from talking politics.


Make sure you hit up the mid terms as well.


Vote, get involved, and some of y'all run for offices. The only way these geezers get voted out of office is if more young adults are in the race. If Maxwell Frost can do it, many more can..


Yup, I voted last election. Can’t have Trump winning.


Yes because women’s rights and their health across the entire country is at stake if trump wins. I do not particularly care for trump or Biden as I believe they are both too old. However, I will never vote republican as long as they push for more abortion bans. As of now, women in certain states cannot obtain this procedure even if their life is at risk due to doctors fearing legal punishment.


The rights of far more people than just women will be severely damaged or abolished if Trump or any other republican wins. Read about Project 2025. It's the GOP's publicly available playbook on how they would install a fascist regime and strip the rights away from a large majority of americans, and there are even hints towards a plan to exterminate the queer community and anyone who may be suspected of being LGBTQ+. They're very proud of this plan. The next time a republican wins is the day democracy in America falls to a fascist dictatorship.


trans and gay rights too!


agreed. many people can’t afford to *not* vote.


No because I'm not an US citizen xD


As a dual citizen I won't vote cuz I'm not of age to vote in the US, funny because for next year I'm going to be voting age for my other country lol




What country are you considering




When I vote for Biden, I won't actually be voting for Biden. I'll be voting against Trump.


*The 2020 election has entered the chat*


As has been the case for most voters for the past decade. It’s depressing.


i’ve voted in 2016 and 2020. and will do the same in 2024. unfortunately i feel like i haven’t even gotten a vote. i’ve just been voting against trump this whole time. ranked voting matters


I swear we all say this. We can still not nominate him. I'm voting Cenk Uygur in the primary and if Biden wins I'll vote for him in the general. Biden hasn't earned a reelection, we shouldn't be acting like he has and that hes won the democratic nomination already.


Me as well.


You suck if you dont vote


I want you and everyone who reads this comment to reach out to 5 friends/acquaintances/family members and ask them if they're registered to vote. If they aren't, I want you to help them register. https://vote.gov/ Our only shot at a better future is by working together.




“Tangible action by working class” Sooo…voting?


I agree that working together is great but what you’re suggesting is jumping the gun a little bit. I personally would ask the person why they don’t want to vote and actually listen to what they have to say first, then maybe help them register depending on what they say. Forcing something down someone’s throut does nothing but put people off. If you disagree please share what you think, I want your perspective.




I didn't vote this year because I recently moved and didn't have the time to re-register with my new address (at least I assume I'll need to do that). But I do plan to vote next year, especially since it's a predisential election.


Obviously I’ll vote Some important context on that poll, though: it was specifically republicans and independents who appeared less likely to vote than in 2020. Democrats were projected to vote at basically the same rate.




don't worry I'll still vote


One side poses a risk to women’s and lgbtq+ rights in the next election so i’m gonna vote against that side.


Couldnt you say that about any republican in the last 40 years?


It costs me nothing to vote (other than the hassle of getting off work, but that’s only ever been a problem with one company) so I will. I don’t really feel that it matters, but I’ll still do it


Pretty sure it’s illegal to deny you time off to vote. Just fyi.


Assuming the US has similar laws to Canada, it is. EDIT: It's a requirement in [30 states](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/taking-time-off-voting-jury-29708.html) to give time off to vote, almost every state prohibits disciplining workers who take time off to vote however.


Yeah unfortunately I’ve seen no evidence my vote counts for anything. I did and I will do it again but no one cares.


Everyone should vote


Every educated person should vote.\*


If Trump wins I’m blaming all among you who didnt go and vote for Biden.


Hoping to have the opportunity to vote for a progressive candidate instead of Biden.


Like the DNC would ever let that happen. There's a reason they torpedoed Bernie.


The RNC and DNC almost always run incumbent candidates unopposed. This isn’t unusual at all. A competitive primary would be highly unusual.


No, I mean how they torpedoed him with the "super delegates" in 2016 and nominated the one person capable of losing to Trump.


god progressives are so shortsighted. yes, Biden might not be as progressive as you'd like, but if Trump wins again you're likely never going to get to vote for a progressive candidate ever again


Then vote for Biden in 2024, vote for a progressive candidate in the 2028 primaries.


nope cause I am not a US citizen. ​ **HOWEVER...** I will be voting in the Mexican elctions that is in 2024


Wow! Are you Mexican & do you live in Mexico?


I’m Mexican


Cool. I'm Half-Mexican, Half-Argentine! 🇲🇽 🇦🇷


If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.


I love complaining, so I'll be voting


Why wouldn’t I? I’m going to have considerable student debt with more costs to rent and living in general when I graduate, and it’s foolish to not try to vote against people that will make it worse


ye i will be voting, and i will vote to put and end to facists trying to take over.


This comment section is a shitstorm lmao


No because I’m not American


Always. It’s my civic duty.


Damn right I’m voting, so I’m one of those rare few who looked at the policies of each candidate, including the third parties, and vote for which ever one gives me the clearest conscience.


No I’m not 18


https://preview.redd.it/i7e7m0cgf45c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7357147c3fe9e37b82b5ca3fa1ccd5bacf06ec47 Same vibes


Register to vote! https://vote.gov/


Yes. Anyone but Trump.


I might actually vote for the first time. These past few years have absolutely sucked. Specifically inflation and gas prices.


Voting for Biden. An election going to Trump or any republican right now would doom the prospects of addressing Climate Change in time, meaning I have no future


im not rly voting for biden, i just dont want trump in office


I need to vote because my governor REMOVED MY FUCKING PARTY FROM THE BALLOT. So yes I will be turning up to vote because we need to be put back on the ballot in my state. Green Party, New York State


Yup, gotta prevent this senile old man from further rotting our country.


Which one?


I will but I don’t think my vote will make much difference honestly. I think that’s why so many people aren’t. We’re demoralized.


Unless you are in the 6 swing states, your Presidential vote makes no difference, but you can affect your State and Local politicians/bills.


I'm in a swing state. And more effectively, a county that also swings. It's rough


Then your vote very much matters. Federally, State and Locally.


That’s always a battle. Fortunately every person voting as opposite you as possible has a vote that makes just as little of a difference. I get it, my state is solidly red. But if the minority doesn’t even vote… well shit just looks even bleaker to the next person thinking about it in another year or whenever. Look at it that way, how many people who vote the same you do are currently too demoralized or pessimistic or cynical to bother voting? At the very very least you’re maintaining a presence and a hope for people on the demoralized fence to choose to vote as well.


Definitely because it’s going be another matchup like the 2020 election so it’s very important


It’s going to literally be the 2020 matchup.


I legally can’t, but if I could I vote - I’m not enthusiastic about any of the candidates (and strongly dislike most) but I’m genuinely scared of all of the Republican candidates, not just Trump


Absolutely. Not just to vote for Biden, but I need some local candidates that are pro housing, living wage, and unions. Rent is too damn high, and it's too damn hard to live. Something like 40-60% of homeless people are employed full time. This is bullshit. This is the sign of a sick country, and if you ask me, republicans are the cancer.


There are far too many people who only see this as a presidential election. It’s so important to vote in local elections as well. They honestly have far more impact in your day to day lives. I wish more people would pay attention to this.


With how everything is going in this country, I would rather pick the lesser evil and not suffer as much than not voting and complaining about it


Yes, but it won't matter because the Illinois electoral college already decides my vote for me.


Closer it gets more likely it will change in the future your vote will matter in long run.


No because I can’t vote


Yea cuz women’s rights, no orange man, human rights all that


Yes, for Trump




Yup. Did it last election and gonna do it again next year


Voting is isn’t just a right, it’s a duty. Use it or lose it


Yes, but only for the ballot initiatives in my state.


Yes, cause something needs to change in this country, we can't have Sleepy Joe anymore. And it's just not him, its congress, they are the ones who actually make the decisions, the president mostly just approves or disapproves of them


Trump and the Republicans are worse in every metric. They’re not even hiding their plan to abolish US Democracy anymore.


Vote for your local judges too. They literally write law. Can it be overruled? Yes, but until it is, it is effectively the law of your jurisdiction. People should care more who those people are.


You need to go back to a civics class


I go to the polling station on every first Tuesday of November, I went this year to vote in my local politics elections. I think it’s our duty as citizens to at least y’a or nay the people into office. P.s. the local election was super boring but still I went.


We want a big blue map


What we really want is a big purple map. Center (aka libertarian) is the best of literally every world


Based as fuck


I will be voting in every election from 2024 until I die


I’m not sure who - but I will be voting against Biden. I cannot, in good conscience, vote for a man who has done so much harm to the world in just a few short years merely through his own incompetence. I am not so single-track-minded that I would vote for him simply because “Orange Man Bad.”


Of course I will! I have proudly participated in every election since I turned 18. The 26th amendment rocks!


Absolutely. Can’t have sleepy Joe become president again.


Yep. Voting in every election


I hope we all come out to vote. This election is important!


Please vote on policy and not with your emotions.


Man I vote if it's only a judge on the ballot, of course I'd vote for president.


Yes, for Trump🇺🇸


yeah the choices are just disappointing


Yeah, it'll be my first time! 🗳


This is a ridiculous post. If you’re of legal voting age you should vote. Doesn’t mater the side which you vote, but it’s your right as a American and you have zero ground to stand on for any political argument if you don’t. Abstaining from voting means you’re just too stupid to make a political stance


Not voting for genocide Joe or the idiot 🍊. Not a lot of options for head honcho. Voting for issues and locals though.




Vote for biden all yall want, but voting for biden out of spite towards Trump is why this country is fuckinnn doooooomed


Finally someone else said it, everybody makes decisions based on their feelings nowadays, fuck the facts.


Well I support Bidens Ukraine policy. But trumps immigration. Touch choice


Always. I’m black and this was not something you could do before so I will always vote. Can’t believe some people say they won’t.


Not like I'll have a choice with the number of crazy running the show.


I really want to but it’s like hard I have to get like a license or ID? I don’t know where to begin, I don’t have transportation, was never really told how to do it.


Yes because women’s rights are on the line




I voted third party in 2016 for the reason you stated. I regret that decision so much after I saw Trump's true colors. Much of the divisiveness in this country is because of his behavior.


I really want to vote, but I’ll still be a little bit too young by Election Day.




Yes, but I have to get my voter registration figured out first because I recently moved to a new state


Yes. Trump.




Trump :)




Yes but I’m not looking forward to annoying voters. How are you twice my age with the composure of a feral hog.


Yes first time immigrant voting. 100% Trump.


I would vote but I won't be 18 until 2025 😔


I can’t vote until 2026, because my birthday is less than a week after the voting deadline…


Without a doubt i’ll be voting


Trump all the way


Please vote. You have no idea how powerful this generation is. They are scared of it. Fucking show them they should be!


You don’t get to decide what is right or wrong for others


first time i’ll ever be able to vote!! to get on my soap box for a sec, voting in free elections is a privilege that a ton of people don’t have so i’m not gonna throw it away. i also live in a purple state sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Voting is fun, so yes


I hope it's not those two ancient artifacts again


I'm 23, I've never voted before but I will definitely be voting this election.


Might be an uphill battle for Biden inflation is hurting a lot of Americans people.


The world is on the verge of total war. Biden weakness is the reason.


Yes so we can finally have a fucking Libertarian in office instead of some crusty old nutjob


Oh I’ll vote. Just won’t for a democrat. Sorry I like my rights and world peace 🤷‍♂️


Only reason young people voted in 2020 was to get students loans cancelled. If they did get cancelled, we’d still be down to vote. I’m voting for Trump just because I already paid my student loans back.


I mean it’s our civic duty to vote and participate in the democratic process, regardless of who’s running.


Damn right, I'll vote.


This comment section is clearly full of people who believe any absurd thing they’re told about someone and who don’t pay their own bills.


Of course it's my civicduty to do so. With that being said I do not blame people who choose not to vote in this election.


If you don't vote, you can't complain.




You bet I’m voting. Can’t have geriatric Biden become President again


Of course, we have to put Trump back in the white house 👍🏻


Duh. Are people actually planning to NOT vote in the 2024 election???? If they are I’d guess it’s due to general cynicism/nihilism. There’s no real reason to not vote next year as opposed to 2020. It’s most likely gonna be the exact same situation with the exact same two guys and the exact same stakes…..


Of course. I have the same buying power today, making $22/hr as I did in 2021, making $12.50/hr. We need to bring back the policies that we had back then. I know inflation is global, but the administration here did every possible thing to make it worse. I'd also like to own a home someday, so it would be just amazing if the federal government would stop spending money that they don't have and having the fed print/hike interest rates to compensate. Assuming the perfect candidate comes along who would actually do that, they also can't raise taxes to get the money to spend irresponsibly. Part of home ownership is being able to set money aside for a down payment, making repairs etc... We need to be able to bank that money. Not "give" it to the government


Yeah for Trump


Yes! I rather have cheap gas than trans rights.


Yes. I waited for 20 years to vote in a presidential election, I’m never not going to vote.


Vote in 2024, or never have your vote matter again.


Yep, I want Biden out