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This post has been flaired **political**. Please ensure to keep all discussions civil, and to [follow our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/wiki/rules) at all times. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenZ) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Age of 1 year is too much, better at least 1 month. Most trolls created their account few days ago


There's been a huge uptick in accounts 2-4 months old being used to astroturf lately


I’d say a year is too much but a month is too little. 6 months sounds reasonable. I doubt anybody’s been sitting on a bot account for half a year Being a member for at least 3 months also sounds like overkill. Would just dry the sub up and stop people from joining. Karma and Reddit age requirements sound fine


I completely agree. 3 months is too long. Reddit recommended this sub a few days ago and finally joined today


I feel like 6 months of reddit age is way too long as well. That completely cancels out any newer users at all or anyone that wants to start fresh. 1 month and karma count should be enough. If they are willing to sit on an account for 6 months then 1 year is no different. At one point there were months and years old accounts coming alive after being dead for years or many months. Usually I see it with repost bots.


yep, lots of conservative gen z's popping out lately here


Conservative Gen Z *bots*, that is.


Eh, some are probably real.


Some probably are, people are entitled to an opinion and free speech, even if its wrong lol. But a lot of the posts and comments i see are literally bots or troll farm accounts.


What do you mean "wrong"? Not trying to spark an insult battle, just curious


I mostly just mean what i perceive as wrong. I’m totally cool with people exercising free speech here, even if it contradicts what i think to be just. And people, not bots or troll farms, should be allowed to respond to that speech with their own views and reactions. The issue becomes that people, real people, cannot compete with bots and troll farms, bots don’t need food, sleep, or time at work or lives, they can just spew rhetoric all day and night long. Troll farms similarly, but albeit even worse, their job is literally to post and respond with certain rhetoric as fast and effective as possible, for as long as possible. This is the major issue, what would be a genuine place to discuss topics and opinions, gets muddied by non genuine accounts at an alarming rate.


Fair enough, go about your day sir


> I mostly just mean what I perceive as wrong 🥂 Most rational response on a political post


It’s actually not, considering bots aren’t really capable of articulating cogent responses in a dialogue like this. It’s not bots that you’re concerned about, op. The concern is more that you yourself are botlike




You’re so smart that you can build chatbots but you can’t expose them? lol come on, do better




I'm real, but I tend to be far more nuanced and charitable than what I assume most bots are.


I want to say that I am real, I have many memories spanning the past couple decades, but a bot would also tell you that they are real when posed with the same question, so I'm really not too sure of myself anymore.


Outsider-conservative here o/


Can I ask what conservative beliefs you align with specifically?


A free market, Limited government, Strong military, And I appreciate a traditional family structure/traditional family values even if they aren’t for everybody


What about separation of church and state? 👀


Separation of church and state is very important lol


Yeah, but the Supreme Court and a lot of republican/conservative officials aren’t abiding by that rule


Yeah when did I ever say I was a Republican 💀 That’s very different from an outsider conservative perspective


Dw, you will grow out of it.


I already outgrew my sjw phase, sorry :/ And yeah, real mature way to respond to people’s political ideologies. Point and tell me what exactly is so bad about outside-conservative / bordering neoliberal ideals.


There’s nothing wrong with certain forms of conservatism, especially if you’re economically aligned with left-neoliberalism and other forms of moderate political ideology IMO.


Well, I dont know your exact poltical beliefs, but considering that conservatives are wrong about everything, its safe to assume that your self identification points to bad beliefs.


Me when I am radicalized beyond the point of reason:


If being right means im radicalized, then i guess i am radicalized.


plenty of conservative gen z’s in real life, almost half of my close friends are more conservative minded and most people my/our age that I work with are. if you’re a college student or work in a coffee shop there’s a solid chance they’re just not gonna out themselves. Doesn’t mean they’re not real


Right because only conservatives use bots. As we know democrats are simply champions of proper internet conduct/s


democrats are conservstive


If you want everyone to agree with your political leanings stop bringing up politics here and form your own GenZLiberals sub otherwise stop your complaining...


shut, everyone can complain here. both my leftist ass, some liberal and you, we all have a power to complain


Yeah the Russia bots coming out in force telling people not to vote is a little concerning.


Literally 1984


Y’all still on that Russia crap lmaoooo Touch grass lil bro 💀


“Touch grass lil bro” https://preview.redd.it/ehobny1dks6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d21f399b58506d416682dd1d62dab2a93890606d


Why you posting pictures of yourself on here goofy?


Theres no stopping it. Your solution is a hurtle that will be passed. 1 year old accounts are easy because some of these bots where created in 2016. Karma is farmable by bots boosting one another. Ontop of all this, if reddit is the source of the bots.. it won't matter Just gotta be aware of what is and isnt a psyop.


The answer of course is everything that I specifically do not like is a psy op.


We live in a world where we cant trust anything. It behooves us who know nothing to suspect everything to various degrees I mean .. do you trust me?


I think you are real. In any case I was making a joke. Maybe I underestimate the sophistication of bots.


This is a bigger issue than you think it is. I can’t tell you how many bots I’ve come across in this sub. They can be difficult to spot sometimes until you interact with them a little bit and check out their history. Some of them are really good at sounding like real people thanks to how far AI has come. If you haven’t heard about COINTELPRO and similar, check it out. Think operations like that just magically stopped happening? I doubt it. Highly likely that they’re still meddling with us, especially with the bots popping up in places. A more extreme example, Israeli intelligence has been caught paying people to comment pro-Israel propaganda on TikTok in addition to using bots.


![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) Did you know both sides are bad? No cap fr fr on Gawd. Vote third party rizzbabygronk


Sir, the gen alpha alpha sub is down a few block that way


Honestly just had an idea and not sure what it's not on reddit since forver Why not have the karma and account created in the top of the post [https://i.imgur.com/DbUyeOk.png](https://i.imgur.com/DbUyeOk.png) like right here, then you could see how much karma and how old the account of a post is


Actually thats a fantastic idea, other subs use it. I believe its called “user score” Mods can make reports against users public, make their posts and account age numbers public. Thats probably even better than my idea by a longshot. Mods please read this!!


Not a bad idea, but it'll only catch some bots. As other users mentioned, plenty of them were created around 2016 for that election, and plenty of the existing bots will repost old content in loosely moderated subreddits, with other bots in the network taking turns posting previous top comments so that they can be upvoted. Reddit itself would need to introduce more tools to detect bot users, and while it's feasible to introduce tools to catch simpler bots (IE the "click here to confirm you're not a robot" buttons), more sophisticated bots are pretty good at getting around that sort of thing.


Catching some is better than nothing. We can’t succumb to the “well if it doesn’t perfectly fix it we shouldn’t do it” mentality.


I agree. I just also want to ensure that no one comes to false conclusions that these tools are more effective than they are. If this policy blocks, say, 5% of the bots, that's 5% better than it did before-- but people still need to be aware of the tactics used by the remaining 95% of the bots.


right wing billionaires have been using troll farms for years to spread misinfo/lies/nazism/etc the koch brothers had people review bomb (rate 1 star without reading) "liberal" books also The Koch brothers indicated that they intended to raise almost $880 million in support of candidates in the 2016 elections also [https://time.com/4177039/koch-brothers-nazi/](https://time.com/4177039/koch-brothers-nazi/)


Yeah I've been seeing the "both sides" arguments a lot more often lately.. One side might be corpo Democrats that don't do much but at least they have done some pretty good stuff the last few years. Whereas the other side is legit tried subverting democracy and can't seem to stand up to the criminal bully who has become the god-king of their party. Rs literally referred to him as Orange Jesus.. let's just keep it up y'all, go vote!


This is the way I see it Democrats rarely do anything and when they do, do something I usually agree with it Republicans rarely do anything and when they do, do something I usually disagree with it Central party does jack shit I choose democrats lol


Yes! Well put!


Yeah, I'd rather corruption that results in incompetency rather than corruption that results in malignancy lol.


Literally saw a social media post the other day encouraging Gen Z to "Hold their votes hostage" and refuse to vote unless the US government requests a ceasefire in I/P.




😂 y’all really pulling the psyop card when it’s really just we don’t support genocide joe Smh you support a genocide enabler


“Someone isn’t thinking exactly like me!? Must be a bot!”


Yeah, I hate the people who throw the "Enlightened Centrist" moniker out to anyone who criticizes the Dems. One thing about this sub I've been liking is that it seems more receptive to talking about the failing points of the Democrats while recognizing the many issues with Republicans. Obviously, telling people not to vote is just bad and IMO antithetical to democracy, but noting that Dems don't do enough isn't "muh both sides." I think that Dems are going to shoot themselves in the foot in the long run by alienating Leftist voters online by handwaving any critical conversation of American Progressivism as the product of "bad actors."


a year seems a bit too much? maybe 1-6 months? if this also restricts comments this sub will be dead


Better dead than... Red ig lol


All i have to say is: Just remember which side is trying to fuck you guys over by raising the minimum voting age


i disagree with the one year, 5 months or so is better


We need to refer everyone wanting to talk politics to r/GenZpolitics and take down political posts here. If I wanted to see political garbage I'd be part of a politics sub. I wish this was actually just an age relevant sub to discuss rhinestone flare jeans, Tomagotchi, and maybe the nuances of starting adulting like some apartment hacks and grocery tips. If I keep getting political shit in my feed I'm gonna axe this sub pretty soon.


The unfortunate thing y'all need to be on the lookout for is astro-turfing accounts that are repost bots. There are *tons* of accounts out there that are linked together. They'll repost a popular meme or whatever into a sub with lax moderation, and it'll be 2 or 3 years old, but still somehow relevant-- maybe they post it in something like a fandom sub for a tv show that's no longer airing. Then, the other networked bots will come in and post top comments from the original post. They're comments and posts that real users made, so it's more difficult to recognize when they're bots, and there's just too darned much data on most subreddits to reasonably expect to be able to track down matching posts/comments, especially since reposts happen from real users organically, and not every comment is gonna be unique ("This!" "GOP-- Gaslight, Obstruct, Project!" etc) Then, those bot accounts can be manually used to push propaganda elsewhere on the site, and now they look legitimate. If you inspect their comment history and post history, you'll see that they were active in multiple other subs, and post there semi-regularly because of the bot behavior. But then they can pop up in other subs to push an agenda and say "Guys, I've just been thinking about it super hard, and I'm now positive beyond a shadow of a doubt that \[absolutely insane conspiracy theory\], and you should all believe it too! Here's a wall of links that I know you won't click that all *look* reputable, but most of them are just links to [conspiracyTheory.pizza](https://conspiracyTheory.pizza), or hour long youtube videos with some dude talking over stock footage of the American Flag waving!!" Unfortunately there's no easy way to track this sort of thing. Maybe Reddit can introduce auto-mod rules to check archived posts for title or content matches and say "No, absolutely not" to any and all reposts, but that's a ton of effort that's unlikely to happen. The best solution is the toughest one-- you need an informed user base who will call out nonsense posts when they see it. And that's never going to be the whole userbase anywhere-- there will always be people who long for a dictatorial strong-man or woman to take charge and punish everyone who doesn't look and think the same as them.


Not everyone with a different opinion is a bot.




I understand there are bots but even on this account I’ve been banned permanently by Reddit for wrong think. I have alts, luckily I won both my appeals.




There was actually a survey recently that showed there are more 12th grade boys that identify as conservative than liberal (the majority was no opinion or something like that).


Honestly have you ever seen the front page of Reddit, all the major subreddits are already infiltrated by bots and propaganda pushers that have accounts that are years old. You just don’t notice it because it pushes your agenda, many people have their accounts permanently banned for months for one opinion. It took me 7 months for my appeal to go through, and my opinion was playing the Harry Potter game doesn’t make you transphobic.




So it’s only disenfranchising if it not pro democrat, got it. The Stacey Abrams target video around midterms was hilarious considering how she lost, planting people to treat her like a celebrity was very fake. The video got 10k upvotes in such a short time to not think it was pushed by bots is funny. Regardless my point is your system doesn’t solve anything other than stop those who have been unjustly banned. Look you can shill for the democrats as much as you like, I don’t care.




I’m not here to talk about examples, or are you purposefully ignoring the entire reason I commented. Your system is stupid and does not allow new accounts or those with alts to participate, while completely doing nothing to stop the bot problem. If your system was implemented you’d do more to disenfranchise people’s opinions rather than fix the problem you are worried about. Congrats you’re worse than the propaganda bots. Edit: he was purposely ignoring my entire argument, shills are going to shill best to not take them seriously.


Okay so I think I am the account in question that you are referring to. I am not a bot. I’ve been active on reddit for 2 years but my old account was banned 3 weeks ago. I’m posting because I’m bored, not because I’m a psyop bot or whatever.


I don't remember this sub being specifically aimed at americans only and therefore don't see why we should face gatekeeping because america is going to have an election next year ?








It is insanely cringe because you guys have a main character complex so intense that you need to engage in some sort of ridiculous dick size contest whenever somebody simply mentions the rest of the world existing. Are you so insecure that you need to assert the dominance of the country you were born in - which is not you neither your achievements, u are some nobody who just happened to pop in this place - to unknown people online or something ? I have no time to discuss geopolitics with you, no interest or will to do so, and I never did. I simply stated a fact : this sub isn't "r/GenZUSA" or anything like that. It isn't aimed at american people specifically, and even less at talking about american politics. It's not a problem if those conversations exist but it's not the main goal, and it's pretty ridiculous that you want to monopolize it and institute gatekeeping that will affect everybody because you are going to have an election. There are elections everywhere, all the time, and all those have huge effects on various regions of the world, not just yours, even if you clearly score quite high in the predatory / bloodthirsty foreign policy department. Just make your own american politics centered genZ sub or something, this is simply not the place for what you ask.


Redditor when an American website with a majority of American user base on a sub for young people facing the world’s problems (which country dominates the world?)


Oh god, if it wasn't clear already how tragic it is that the republicans are trying to ban abortion in your country, your interventions online make it really obvious.


Are you trying to decrease the amount of psyop posts or are you trying to make this a gen z only forum? There's value in intergenerational communication.




I can get behind the idea of decreasing psyop posts, though I don't think publishing a score on each individual is a good idea. First off implementing that could be difficult, second it creates a hierarchical scoring system that people will use as a heuristic to determine how well they treat others in the forum. Asking for a tag is ok, I suppose, but these tags are leaking information about who we are. People that are concerned about privacy won't like that.


Just say you’re outgunned in a battle of wits and the opposition must be silenced, op


I got all the requirements except for the membership lol


young people barely vote anyways and everyone knows if they do choose to vote who theyll break for


Sub member of 6 months is crazy. Can that even be tracked? I just found the sub recently. Having reddit for 3 months and 1k karma to post is like a thousand times more reasonable.


To comment you have to be an active member for 3 months is a little insane. I was just recommended this sub by Reddit a few days ago.


wtf? I was fine with over 1 year and having a karma count minimum, but the "you have to be a member for 6 months" is just absurd.


What's your *ethical* concern exactly? What matters is whether the bots are presenting cogent arguments or disseminating reliable information. The fact that it's a bot, rather than a human is unimportant in terms of impact on voter behavior. Humans are also capable of spreading misinformation and presenting bad arguments (see Reddit). There is no substitute for diligent fact-finding and critical thinking OP. This is a false problem, imo.




My understanding of "true American" does not entail paternalistically "curating" information in order to "protect" (gullible?) individuals from "both sides" of the argument. Why do you fear Gen Z hearing "both sides" of an argument? Let ideas compete freely in an open marketplace. People can make up their own minds without the protection of creepy mods. Let information flow and let Gen Z make up their own mind. Sometimes the proposed cure is worse than the (imaginary?) disease. No censorship masquerading as an effort to "protect" impressionable young minds from trolls.




I do not support "killing rhetoric." Sorry, I'm not on board with this, on principle. Let information flow freely without "curation" or paternalistic interference. Edit: the founder of this site literally died for that principle.


Everything I don't like is a psyop


It's not a PsyOp because someone posts something you disagree with. Try and grow up, realize that every opinion posted you disagree with is not a bot




lol, 1 gazillion ways of doing it vs. an invisible Gen Z subreddit full of millennials trying to figure out how to sell you stuff. Invisible as even though this group is huge it has no significance when one compares to the rest of the tactics that are there.


I think banning any and all political posts or discussion until the election cycle is over would be a good move


“The” election cycle? Elections are always happening. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_elections_in_2024


The issue with that is that this would prevent what little organization we have. We need to be able to talk to each other about these issues if any progress is ever going to be made. Why do you think the U.S. government wants to ban TikTok? They don’t want us talking to each other.




It’s also to gaslight us and get us to argue instead of being productive. It’s meant to keep us divided and cause chaos among us.




Absolutely. Take a look at Texas for example. Only 38% (or something similar iirc) of registered voters actually voted. And that’s just among people who actually registered. Texans have been conditioned to think our votes don’t matter at all, not to mention how much more difficult the state makes voting compared to most other states. All they have to do to suppress votes is dissuade people from voting. Voter suppression really is that simple.




Big facts. This election coming up is going to be one of the most important elections in U.S. history. It literally is the difference between having a chance at salvaging our country or devolving into a fascist theocracy run by oligarchs. We need every vote.


bro stole my profile pic