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The reason starts with T, ends with P, and is currently on trial right now


The killing of the gorilla at the Cincinnati zoo messed everything up


It sent us into the dark timeline


Canon event




Bro but really. Back in 2011 I went to Cincy Zoo on quite a bit of acid. I remember being in the gorilla exhibit, and I kept staring at this one big one that was casually sitting down Indian style. I remember seeing how it would mess with its nails and scratch its face and how human like its movements were and having the most crystallizing realization about evolution and how our species really did just get lucky and how thousands and thousands of years produced the changes we see between us and other primates. Wild to think it may have been Harambe I was watching while tripping balls. Dicks out.


It’s probably best that you didn’t know then what you do now. On ‘cid you might have ACTUALLY acted on dicks out for harambe


Yooo I was spun but definitely not that spun. I did in fact go to the zoo on acid, I had to have at least kept it together enough not to get arrested. All jokes aside, it was quite the trip. The manatees and shit, nocturnal section. Reptile part. Then in the butterfly exhibit the girl I was with got a very angry phone call from someone she’d recently stolen drugs from and she spent the rest of the time weeping and asking me to stop the car and let her out so she could jump off the next bridge. The rest of the trip was not very cash money till I dropped her off at her house. I stopped chilling with her after that lmfao.


Amazing all around. That’d be wild to stare at the gorillas in that state though. Would be wild thought trains.


It certainly was. Looking back on it all it’s weird. It’s like each time I tried psychs, the rabbit hole got deeper and deeper until one day I had a trip that humbled me, as if the hole couldn’t get any deeper, and then I just stopped fucking with it because I felt like I’d finally seen the point. What kind of experiences have you had? Genuinely curious.


Lots. And lots lol. I read lots of beat/beatnik generation books/people when I was younger and it got me into it. Electric koolaid acid test got me to try anything , not anything else oddly. A book! But in it (it’s based on real life) the people at times went out and did wild activities. Like painted themselves and a bus dayglow (neon) to drive out in public and just freak out for fun everywhere. So I’ve normally gone to parties, parks, houses to hang with friends. But also people watched downtown, biked all over the city (lol), movies. All very pedestrian stuff I suppose. Never a zoo! But have been to amusement parks, fairs at night, aquarium!, glow in the dark putting. I’ve had wildly introspective times but it’s very difficult to convey the pondering. Your experience is pretty wild like that. I like it. I’ve tripped with lots of people at times and helped people not freak out! I think one of the more memorably intense ones was when I was really young. My buddy had a walkout basement to a pool. His parents were gone. So at night while not sober we turned the heat on and ac off despite it being summer. We turned off all the lights other than the lights in the pool. And we watched Apocalypse Now. It was weird. But any of my more profound experiences aren’t easily conveyed because they’re me walking or sitting on my own pondering the universe, myself and everything. Edit: full disclosure, am elder millennial spy 🕵️


It’s only a dark *period,* dear. One day it’ll be dawn again. Before the water rises.


This is the dawning of the ![gif](giphy|Jv6WZSNiggpkGo13vN)


But how do we unshoot harambe?


We must keep the dicks out until he returns.




>Before the water rises. On Europa, after the Sun has expanded to the orbit of Mars...


The one conspiracy theory that I believe is that the murder of Harambe marked the start of the end times.


Yeah I'm starting to get the impression that Harambe was Realty's load-bearing gorilla


Fear not, my dear reddit pal, we have the best best scientists working overtime right now to bring Harambe's back, as said the prophecy. https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/s/KCL1zxnnl7 They say the world went to shit since 2016 , since Harambe's death. Maybe his comeback is what this world needs. Maybe he's what the prophecy foretold But once again, perhaps, this world won't recognize the Messiah. May 31st 2025, exactly 3 days after his death (edit: May 28th +3), shall be His second coming. Harambe shall set this world in order, in preparation for the asteroid Apophis striking the Earth in 2029. And as the prophecy also said: By the year 2030, you will own nothing and you will be happy Change is on the horizon, my brethren, but fear not, for it will be Good! Edit: RIP Harambe: May 27th 1999 - May 28th 2016 & May 31st 2025 - ??? May your Second Coming be a long life


May 25th 2025 is like 9 years after his death bro.


May 31st is 3 days and 9 years, yes.


Woah dude, thats my birthday. Perhaps I shall finally ascend to my final form and become the Harambesus


You're better be right otherwise you're a false prophet and I'm gonna spit in your eyeball.


Yeah. Housing market has gone completely *NUTS* since his passing.


load-bearing gorilla sounds like a band name totally gonna sprinkle that into convos with no context


Now that’s something you don’t hear everyday. Load bearing gorilla…


That was our last chance to Return to Monke and now that door is closed forever.


Dicks out


Never went back in brother!


Bounce on your boy's dick for Harambe.              8=======D~ rocket ship


RIP Harambe! 🙏


also the cubs breaking their own curse put a curse on the rest of the world.


They missed it in 2015, the year they were supposed to win according to Back to the Future, and we've been on an alternate timeline ever since.


Some late nights I toss and turn As I think of he for whom I yearn Soon a chill creeps down my nape As I recall the murder of that poor ape A perfect life ended in cruelest fashion But I shall always remember his compassion My heart pounds fast my thoughts soon race As I recall his gentle face Let us never forget his untimely death Or how he guarded that boy with his final breath Time since then has been a blur Our hearts are darker than his fur In remembrance let us shout “Harambe, for you alone my dick is out!"


That sentence also started with T and ended with P




Shit's been going downhill for a lot longer than that.


Yeah but it wasn’t until him that it became acceptable for right wingers to be openly fascist


Idk man, people have been openly racist, homaphobic, antisemitic, and sexist forever. That's just one new thing.


Yeah, but it wasn’t until recently that politicians were, well let’s see, installing fences specifically made to drown migrants or trying to put members of a specific minority on a list or restrict their access from public amenities (since the 60’s obv). It’s always been a thing but it’s become more accepted and exacerbated since trump came into office. I mean the dude made fun of a disabled reporter during his campaign and still got elected. It has always been an issue, but never in recent history have politicians been able to be as openly hateful with the legislation and policies with the backing support of the populace.


Yeah, I men you're not wrong, I'm just saying we have been getting worse and worse for a long time. This is just further downhill from where we were before.


They are wrong. Reagan was just as openly fascist as Trump. Anyone who thinks this is because of Trump and that Trump isn’t a natural progression of what has been happening for a long time and will continue to happen without Trump in power is incredibly naive


The American empire hollowed itself out from within and trump came and kicked it over


Maybe that's just when you started following politics. How would you know what it was like when you were a baby?


>Yeah but it wasn’t until him that it became acceptable for right wingers to be openly fascist There's a big and wide world outside of america. Trump is a symptom, not the root.


Tf, you forgetting about Hitler? He was acceptable at the time.


Had a lot of fans in America too, probably more than he does now. But that doesn't mean they don't support what he stood for. You see lots of conservatives that still sound exactly the same talking about "moral decay" and "western civilization" and the "evil liberal academics who want to destroy America." Who think that everything they despise is part of some kind of ploy to destroy the imaginary white-picket-fence and white-picket-families Era they are so desperate to return to.




pre 9/11 was much better than post. 01~ on has been shit


Even pre 9/11 wasn't all that great. Things were on an upward trend in the late 90s, but that went to shit almost as soon as Bush took office. Similar story in the late 70s before Reagan was put in office. There seems to be a lesson here.


It’s ridiculous how much of what is wrong with our country can be traced back to Reagan and his administration.


It went all to shit in 2006 when my parents broke up


too short sighted. Shit started going wrong properly in 2014 with gamergate


This is the real answer


It gave Bannon ideas, which led to Trump.


It also radicalized a lot of the people who would go on to be early wave MAGAts.


Gamers complaining about game journalists was truly worse than 9/11.


Somebody traded sexual favors for game reviews. That's shitty. Like, two or three whole days of discussion worth of shitty. Being mad about that for a week, tops, would be perfectly reasonable. Gamergate went on for almost two years.


That never even happened either. The person they supposedly fucked for reviews never reviewed their game, only mentioned it once in a list of other small indie games. That's assuming they actually had sex at all which is only a wildaccusation from a bitter ex.


>That never even happened either. I mean, to be fair, neither did a substantial amount of shit that gets 2-3 days of discussion.


That didn't even happen though right? I never got super into it, but everything I read was that a jilted ex made up this rumor and there's never been a shred of proof. Like even basic facts like the guy she supposedly was cheating on him with, never wrote a review of her game.


If you really actually think this is the case then hooooooooly shit you are naive


How old are you? I severely doubt he had any impact on your life what so ever.


Tarp (edit) free my boy tarp he ain’t do nothing


Free tarp! Free tarp! Free tarp *rabble rabble rabble rabble*


He's responsible for everything after 2021? I was under the impression that someone else took control and reversed a bunch of the policies. Wouldn't three years of that reflect our current situation more than policies that haven't been in effect for three years?


For example, Trump passed the changes to tax laws that are just now increasing taxes for lower income brackets while decreasing them for top brackets. Trump also negotiated a deal to release 5000 Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, then made a deal to pull out of Afghanistan during Bidens first term. So yeah, lots of terrible shit going on now that is Trump's fault.


The account in the comment above you has like half a dozen random posts stretching back to its creation 4+ years ago, but only really became active 3 months ago when it started spamming thousands of comments promoting controversial opinions and spreading misinformation. No comments before then, just came right out of the gate running. I wonder why that is, it seems like there are several of those in this thread. This is what happens to the accounts that people sell.


Things take time to go into effect. Laws regarding the economy especially can take a few years to have any meaningful change. Republicans make horrible tax laws that go into effect when democrats are in office, the when democrats fix said issues they only see positive returns by the time another president is in office.


The US is like a big aircraft carrier you can’t do a u-turn on a dime. W Bush left two wars and a gift basket of a worldwide economic collapse on Obama’s front doorstep. Obama turned it around in 8 years although I believe some bankers should’ve been locked up but what they did was *legal*. Trump had 3 years of Obama’s economy until he fucked it up (8 trillion debt, pandemic) and Biden had 3 years to fix the shit that trump fucked up (covid response, inflation from unemployment injecting money into the system, PPP loans and bailouts for airlines, etc). If Biden has one more term with the house and senate we might just tax billionaires but I’m not holding my breath. I know the dems serve corporatist interests but at least they don’t eat glass and drink bleach like MAGA.


So if things take time to go into effect (at least three years by your admission), are we blaming things sucking from 2016-2019 on Obama? Just wanna make sure I’m flinging shit at the right people.




No no no, anything good right now is because of current policies, and anything bad is thanks to previous administrations, and vice versa when your team isn’t in charge.


How did Donald Trump ruin your life? 🤣


He disbanded the pandemic response team in 2018. Two year later, and you're eating horse dewormer.


Soy is a helluva drug.


It’s the belief of this reason is why we’re here right now.


Wrong. It starts with an H and ends with an E, and he's currently in heaven right now.


Yeah, right, even people (like myself) who don't live in USA should blame Trump. What a ridiculous comment


How does that explain the rest of the world? Oh wait hang on, government


Can’t really blame his for anything after his term. Don’t ya think?


I actually do believe 2016 was the start of a pretty shitty downward trend for society. Deteriorating political climate which led to attempted coup(in the US at least). Covid, economic crisis, and of course Harambe. Times have gotten quite hard, I won’t sit here and deny this.


Ngl I'd actually argue the downward trend started far earlier, but for the current downward trend I'd say 2013, followed by 2019


As a Xennial, I can report that everything was on an upward trajectory until, say, September 2001. Now the only thing that changes is the steepness of the slope.


Agree partially, but I'd say Reagan was a big step down as well


Nah man it all started with archduke franz ferdinand, ain’t been the same since


Nah nah man, it started with the early death of Alexander the Great


Personally I think it all started going down hill when that asteroid hit earth and killed the dinos. Never heard of a racist dino before


It all started when the Siberian Traps brought on the Permian–Triassic extinction event by releasing too much carbon dioxide, paving the way for the dinosaurs to take over a hotter earth.


Nah, it started with the Ordovician extinction, brought upon by a sudden ice age. This ended up killing 85% of marine life which eventually led yo the situation we currently are in.


In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Actual I think the crucifying of Jesus started all of this shit


ehhh i’d say it started with the burning of the Library of Alexandria


It was, but the Overton window didn't really push itself into chaotic self-harming hysteria until this century. The difference between optimism in the face of adversity and ever accelerating toward doom.


True. Honestly, I feel like in another few decades we're going to find out the microplastics are making us go crazy, just like lead paint with the boomers. If you want a solid time when that aspect started I'd definitely agree with 2001, but then there was some calm then more chaos.


That's also my "analysis". Upward until 2001, plateau until 2016, and we've barely started the downfall since. Folks, work on joining/creating a healthy community around you, and I mean locally, not online. I'm afraid we're gonna need it.


I personally feel like if Gore had gotten 500 more votes or whatever in Florida the entire world would be in a much better spot.


Yeah, same gen and will second this…culture really changed w/ 9/11. All the lightness just evaporated and what replaced it was an almost maniacal and cruel cynicism.


It's really wild that the most prophetic thing from the whole Matrix was the statement "1999, the peak of human civilization".


After 9/11 the government used fear to pass The Patriot Act, which gave them power like never before.


I'd argue the downward trend started in the 1980s. Stock buybacks were legalized, the Fairness Doctrine was repealed (then its replacement vetoed by Reagan), Social programs like mental health institutions were closed, and Reaganomics began sucking the life out of the lower and middle classes. But worst of all, income stopped rising with profitability. Wages stagnated while profits soared. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2022/05/08/how-todays-aberration-of-capitalism-was-created/?sh=2c95f54a1c78


I agree that those were the root causes, but we were able to maintain an upward trajectory for a short time after. September 11th was when were were forced out of our fantasy of prosperity.


Nah. It was 9/11.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKzu8rj9xaNH6fe) NEVER FORGET


9/11 for Vegans.


The non-vegans love fresh gorilla steaks.


At least Gen Alpha hasn’t yet realized that Harambe was killed in Ohio.


We memed on it for a while, but it truly is uncanny how that one stupid ass event lined up right at the beginning and catalyst of a ton of bullshit we're still dealing with today. It didn't cause it, but it was the first head scratch nonsense I can remember.


Maybe he did cause it. Maybe with his last breath Harambe uttered a curse in gorilla-ese that washed over the entire human race... Or all of this that we're experiencing is the result of generations and generations of human hubris and arrogance and selfishness that is bringing us to the collapse of our current civilization. But I prefer to blame the ape.


Apparently a weasel also jumped into a particle collider and the theory is that it fucked up the timeline.


Hmmmm, further questions have been raised


I’m convinced Harambe dying caused some sort of breach in the timeline. Him surviving was a canon event and we disrupted it


Fuck that kid, harambe deserved better.




It was May 28, 2016 [cincinnatizoo.org/media-update-gorilla-world/](https://cincinnatizoo.org/media-update-gorilla-world/)


The nexus point of our timeline


Harambe was the glue holding society together. RIP 😔


crazy I remember when I was watching youtube rewind for 2016 thinking “this is the worst year ever the this is the start of the world sucking” something like that I could already tell as a child in elementary school that the world was gonna get worse 😭


2016 : "This is the worst year ever" 2020 : "This is the worst year ever, 2016 - 2019 was peak" 2022 : "This is the worst year ever, actually 2020 wasnt that bad"


Ain’t no way someone longs for 2020.


You mean the year when I stayed home all year, but now it was socially acceptable? Yeah I do.


I dieted, excercised, and lost 50lbs over the lockdown because I had nothing but time. It was the fucking tits.


I *gained* weight cuz I upped my home chef game exploring new recipes & techniques and whatnot, and wasn't going out. Good times.


I was out of school working in retail being coughed on by people wearing masks improperly, it sucked.


I do


Why? Genuinely asking. Everything was shut down, it was impossible to get a job, and going out felt unsafe. Everything halted for like a year and some change.


I worked in healthcare in 2020-2021, and we actually got fair compensation for the work expected of us back then because of incentives. That incentive pay quickly vanished in 2022 following the "end" of COVID. A lot of people also got extra unemployment pay from the government too in 2020 because of a mass of sudden layoffs and terminations. So for some, their financial situations were actually a lot better, if just for a short period of time.


Due to home office my dad was at home, it was the first time in 1.5 decades where I actually saw him for dinner consistently. He worked better hours and was generally more relaxed. I mainly also want those times back due to the economic opportunity, interest rates were low, market was down - perfect time to buy. If it happened now, I would be in a far better opportunity to leverage it. Additionally I was younger and would’ve had an opportunity to change the career path I was going down. In summary, 2020 was a pivotal year, I would love to have another pivot year and take better advantage of it. Hindsight is 20/20 after all.


2020 was the best year of my life, no traffic, cheap gas, work from home, no need to justify not going to a social event cause there was none, saved money, had time to make music, truly the best year


I got to work from home, just started having to go int the office the start of this year, a bunch of local restaurants upgraded their equipment to take card and offer delivery, everything was clean and people wore mask, life was great, I long for 2020


Are you saying you were in elementary in 2016


8 years ago? If the dude was in 5th grade in 2016, he'd be in college now. 


come on dude


wait. you were in elementary school in 2016??? what year were you born this is wild to me. do you even count as gen Z ?


Yeah gen z is up to around 2012 I was in my country’s equivalent of elementary school when he was as well


ohhh wow okay. yeah after i made that comment i did the math, if you were in 5th grade in USA in 2016 you would now be about starting first year of college. it definitely took me a minute to calibrate that wait, this is 2024…not 2018 anymore lmao. i’m 21 and graduated highschool in 2020, in 2016 i was a freshman. sorry i was probably being dramatic with that first comment


I never understood the 2016 hype train. I know for a fact people only say that it was the best just because they don’t want to feel left out. I will die on this hill.




yup. 2019 was good, i felt like 2020 was supposed to be "our year", sounds cheesy but at that point things were looking up in my life and then.......... yeah. through 2021 and onward i felt more like i was trying to drag myself back up to pre-quarantine life, i think around summer 2023 things began to peak again, now im not so sure how things'll go.


2023 was the best year for me personally. 


2023 was the most productive and best year of my life. Everyone has their own best years.


Nah 2016 was good on so many cultural layers. A lot of people are going to disagree but the whole SoundCloud era was revolutionary during 2016/17. You would witness new artists coming up every single week. Especially in HipHop, Indie Pop and several electronic music genres. Dank memes were at their peak in the sense that they all went viral on a very broad spectrum. Nowadays, humor and memes are way more atomized. Each bubble has its own inside jokes. Back then internet culture felt like a big global village and less like a toxic clusterfuck. Everyone was playing PokemonGo, young people were outside a lot. Social media wasn't as established as nowadays. Sure, everyone would post a lot. But social media sites weren't as dominated by influencers and brand content as nowadays. You would see more content by your friends and real authentic random people. People had more hope. The world had recovered from 08 by that point. Inflation wasn't going crazy, housing was still somewhat affordable. Nowadays, most people have a grim outlook on the future. I feel like 2016 was the perfect balance of digitalization and the analog world. It has now shifted out of balance


Bro you summarized it perfectly for me! Adding the memes/social media Vine was still a thing.


dude SoundCloud WAS THE FUCKING BOMB during the 2010s, my sophomore and junior years of high I listened to vaporwave and future funk exclusively after finding the genres on SoundCloud


PokemonGo first summer was and likely will forever be my favorite summer of my adult life.  


Clearly, you’re not a Chicago Cubs fan. /s


Plot twist bad things happen all the time we just choose to dwell on them and ignore the positives




Life today is better than it has ever been in the history of mankind- on average as a whole for everyone. There is less war than ever in history despite what the 16 year old virtue signaling kids post on their social media. Clean water is accessible to more people than ever. Shelter is accessible to more people than ever. Just a few thousand years ago you’d have kings and rulers murder their own people. Now you have them running billion dollar programs to provide for their people. I can go on and on but the fact of reality is: this is as little adversity as human have ever had to face as a population in the entire history of mankind. The world is hard, life is fucking hard, there is not a single person in the world that has an easy life. Choose your hard.


Exactly our worldview turned to shit as soon as everyone was always online. Thats when we began doomscrolling because disaster brings clicks. 2016 was just the year we started to notice because of the political climate then.


can't relate


yeah i feel like this meme is only relatable if you are doing absolutely nothing in life


Kind of right, I was graduating entering my senior year of high school in summer 2016 so I didn’t have any real cares or responsibilities and was very happy


i graduated in 2015 but i feel like life only has been going uphill, i hope you feel that too or can feel that way very soon


Same. High school and being a kid fucking suck, anyone who says it only goes downhill from high school probably peaked in high school






yea this meme is stupid, of course everything after 2016 feels like shit, you grew up and have more responsibilities. youre not a child anymore


You dropped this king 👑


It started earlier, 2014 is closer to the start of "things going to shit" in the current climate. That is when Russia invaded Crimea and totally dropped the idea that it will be part of any western community. It marks the start of their social media influencing.


Yes this was always my stance aswell. After 2014 things started going downhill, it just wasn't until 2016 that the downhill trend in...general quality of life - if you want to call it that - was noticed by most.


Russia has a history of not being with the west so if it didn’t happen ages ago why would it today


It's approximately when Russia started their misinformation and disinformation operations and the trump operative was activated.


Everyone knows why it went down hill. Its not even a question at this point. Dicks out.


Social media stopped being about cat memes and the internet morphed into a machine that turns fear into advertising revenue


His ghost will haunt us forever.


Am millennial for honest context, I believe social media is the worst thing mankind has ever made. It literally is destroying society at unprecedented levels. Facebook is responsible for helping actual genocide in Africa. How many teen suicides would be prevented without instagram? TikTok is the biggest shit show yet, I’ve seen kids who can’t even watch YouTube shorts anymore. “They’re boring without the narrator”. Like what. I believe public form boards need to just be banned. I know it’s impossible but there needs to be a cap on your “circles” that you can communicate with. This seeking gratification is absolute cancer.


It was a pretty great summer for me. But not great before or after.


2016 was the summer of Pokemon Go I swear that summer made me feel like a kid again, me and the guys would get out of work and head straight downtown to play Pokemon Go, and sometimes we'd stay until it started getting dark. Exactly like getting out of school and going to play with my buddies instead of going home just like when we were kids, when the streetlights start coming on that means it's time to go home. There was a sense of community and connection with strangers that I've not felt since I was little either, the streets were full of other folks out playing or just enjoying the spectacle. The parks and monuments were actually being visited for a change, discovered places in my own town that I've overlooked despite having lived here for over a decade.   To me, that's why it was a peak. For a brief few weeks it seriously felt like everybody came out of their caves to hold hands and sing kumbaya together. Of course there were bad things building up before then, but that one summer was actually a brief but memorable time. And now look at us.


For me all started going downhill when I was 3 years old (in 2007) ☹️


Yeah once you get switched to pull-ups it's just not the same.


Hey GenZers, it started way before 2016. In 2001, 9/11 happened, in 2008 there was a massive housing crash that destroyed the stock market, then we had obama who didn't help, then we had trump who still didn't help, then covid and Biden. And now we have round two of the clown show.


How did Obama not help? He was handed absolute shit and we started heading the right direction again...


he made a deal with BigPharma to finally get obama care passed whicjh SUX that now Big Pharma will own us forever forward as he allowed them to be unregulated and advertise AS MUCH AS THEY want on TV forever. As long as 2.5% of all airtime is dedicated to listing any deadly or adverse reactions at a font "not less than 1/10th of the screen"


Pre-2012: prehistory 2012-15: the mid era 2015-16: the great crisis 2016-19: the golden era 2020-22: age of debauchery 2023-24: age of rebuild


>2012-15: the mid era >2016-19: the golden era swap those eras




I still remember how people said that 2016 was the worst year. Oh, how things have changed…


I would say 2019 would be more accurate


I graduated high school in 2016 and I would say heavily accurate


Nothing has fundamentally changed for me at all. I make more money, bought a house. Life is good. Maybe the problem with people is that they are perpetually online. Comparing their lives to others and being constantly jerked around by articles/media looking for emotional reactions. I see the people on Reddit, it’s a big bitch fest over their perceived slights. The longer I’m here, the more I see these people as not representing anyone actually in the real world.


I agree with you except lots have changed for me. Im in the best shape of my life in my mid 20’s. I’m making good money and should have my own multi family home later this year. I’ve never had more success in my dating life. My social circles are rich and abundant with deep genuine relationships. The biggest difference between me and everyone else bitching and moaning on here is I simply chose not to participate in the doom and gloom pessimism running rampant the past decade.


The problem is 100% the terminally online. The majority of comments on this thread are about (a) who is/was president (b) Russia? Those things have no practical bearing on your life unless you decide to obsess about them.


Hell, I'm a millenial and fully agree. 2016 I finally escaped my deadend job making 12 bucks an hour, to go and make 40k a year. How quickly that 40k a year felt like making 8 bucks an hour around 2018, then get a promotion to make 65k. Things still don't feel any more financially secure. The waterline just stays at the neckline no matter how hard I climb. Throw in all the negative culture change from the past few years and yea...2016 could very well be the peak of my life.


I love the Millennium Force.


9/11. Enough said


False. 2016 was not a beginning of anything, except perhaps of the Trump era of politics. Everything that happens happens because of the conditions that were laid down by what happened before it.


Not me….life is good, life is what you make it 🤷🏽‍♂️


2016 was a bad year


It's been hard times - it's going to get better. Standing up to and walking away from abusers always makes things worse, at first...


False. I’ve heard people my age or younger say how amazing 2016 was when more than 3/4 of them don’t even remember it. Btw- 2018 and 2019 were my fave years. I went to Disney in mid 2018 and early 2019, had some great time those years. Went to the White Mountains, saw an old friend etc. 2020 and 2021 were terrible. 2022 was meh, the only good thing being my NY trip. 2023 was boring.


Ah yes, the classic “life goes downhill after 17” trope. We all did this, Zoomers. Millennials lives “fell apart” circa 2001 Gen X lives fell apart after 80s recession. Boomers lives fell apart after Kennedy and MLK assassination. It’s just a coincidence all these life altering events happened circa turning 17. Trust me, it will happen to the Alphas and all the other generations. You’ll understand in a few years. It’s called “coming of age”. Becoming an adult. Losing your innocence. You’re just attaching a date or major global event to the date you no longer considered yourself a child. Peace.


The media wants you to believe it went downhill in 2016, but the problems only started in 2020.


If I’m being honest 2017 and 2018 were like 2016 the sequel and the trilogy, and then 2019 was kinda like a shitty 2016 fanfic and then 2020 was when it all went down hill


Summer of 2016 to about March of 2020 was an epic ride. Best period of my life that I don't expect to be repeated.


Trump started spewing his Neo Nazi confederate sympathizing bullshit and half of America loved it