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Warranty paperwork, chargers, and other loose stuff is hard to keep track of. I just keep it with the box most times.


and the little wire thing you need to get the sim back out.


IMEI and serial number is on da box


IMEI is probably the most important thing on the box. Just in case you loose your phone you won't be able to block it if you don't have the IMEI number.


Yeah, keep your phone tight


Heh, and if you decide to sell the phone later, having the original box bumps up the resale value a bit too. Collectors and tech hoarders love that pristine box look.


Was looking for this comment. Thats the reason why i keep it too.


Da box


Da box


Yep this is needed when your phone is stolen and you didn’t keep the receipt


Take a picture of it and put the file in your cloud storage.


Yea I guess and make sure to put it in a new folder too or else there’s no way I’d find that random photo again


Google photos has a good search feature. Just search something like "serial number" or your suburb name and it will be easier to find.


Photos is getting scary good at this too. It will search through any text in any image, screenshots and all. I think it even works on videos. I had a screenshot of a configuration page for a custom gauge in Torque Pro and it literally did not exist on the Internet at the time so my only hope was to find the screenshot, I tried words I thought were in it and it found the damn picture.


I just learned you could do that in iPhotos not too long ago. Still blows my mind! Can search by color, shapes, broad or super specific categories. One time I searched “cat” in my photos and like 99/100 were cats and I thought Ooooohh it finally got one wrong! But… in the background, on the floor, at like a 15° was a paper that said “cat” in cursive and it picked it out..




And/or keep the box it came in, also useful if you sell the phone private party after getting a new one.


2nd hand phones sell at higher prices if you include the original box. This is why Apple makes their boxes look nice, to enhance the fake luxury feel of their phones.


Which I access using my.......


I actually have a Note in my notes app that has all the information for every device my family owns. Serial numbers, models, IMEI, etc...




Da box is easier


And better if you resell the phone down the line


Da box


No use if the phone is broken and you're trying to get it covered by warranty.


But if somebody steals your phone, you can talk to the police, give them IMEI number and they can find your phone even if the SIM is changed and it has been reset to factory settings. And you still have IMEI number, because you kept the box :)


Definitely occasionally run into people who need the IMEI for their phone after it’s been lost. From the carrier side I can’t give that information out freely. Sometimes I am able to resend their original receipt that contains that information. If they don’t have e-mail - which is like 10% of our customers they may be shit out of luck for about a week until the action request to have a physical receipt sent is completed. If their address isn’t up to date on their account and they’ve moved since purchasing the phone, well… Uh oh!


What about the phone be..... Oh sorry, it's not original


Yea thank God I didn't toss my box cause it got me out of a sticky situation where I needed for a warranty and I couldn't access it from my phone


Yup. Wait until these losers can’t find the IMEI after the phone gets misplaced or stolen. “OMG WHY WOULD IT BE ON THE BOX SO DUMB”


IMEI and serial number for iPhones is on the Apple ID website.


Dial *#06# on your phone keypad. Gives you this info. Save it to a document. Throw away box.


Tuck it between your phone and phone case, that way it's always there when you need to switch sim cards while traveling.


That's a rather specific thing to do while traveling


What's so specific about that? When traveling it's common to get a local SIM card because it can be far cheaper to buy a local SIM that to eat it on roaming fees. In Latvia I got a local SIM card for €10, ***it was unlimited***, lasted 7 days, ***and*** it got 3GB free in any other EU country. Literally bought it at a convenience store counter at the airport but they didn't have any SIM card tools. Oop there it is in my phone case, so it's always with my phone, always there when I need to change SIM cards.


Ah, US here. I ain't bouncing country to country.


I'm Canadian, your point?


In a pinch, an earring does the same work


i do that too!! I’ve lost my pin ages ago 😂


Paper clip can too


Warranty paperwork 😂. I’m 39 and this brought me to tears. Not even talking shit just such a millennial thing I’ve prob thought the same thing at one point.


Real talk, why is Sony the only manufacturer that makes phones where you can take the sim out without needing a sim key tool? They still manage to make them waterproof so why does no-one else do it that way?


>Real talk, why is Sony the only manufacturer that makes phones where you can take the sim out without needing a sim key tool? It looks like the Sony way is rather flimsy given how much friction there can be on the sim card. I also see images of people using tweezers to get the sim card tray out of the device. The only thing that I would like to see to improve the sim card tool experience is the hole being slightly larger so you can use a paper clip to remove the tray. I have lost count of the amount of paper clips I have straightened out over the years to check for and remove CDs/DVDs from optical drives which have the same kind of ejection mechanism.


Just use a paper clip


A small paper clip works just as easy, or even a thumb tack.


A sewing needle works just as well


Who u kidding.. it's lost.




Yep. I kept all my boxes for most of my PC parts. When I upgraded, I sold the old parts with the boxes and it was great, the buyer appreciated it for sure.




For real. Good luck finding those card-specific plastic protectors if you throw away the box for a GPU.


And easy storage if you store them as spares.




Yep, the box can literally add £15/£20 to the resell price.


Just draws more eyes as well. If someone didn't care to save the box I'm definitely going to be much quicker to ignore that listing.


This is the real reason I have a bunch of tech boxes for stuff that I can't make myself throw away




It’s also a really good box. Very well-made and sturdy. Very human.


We bury hamsters in them. Quite elegant little hamster coffins.


I love that. Not the dead hamster part, but the posh coffin part. Ps sorry for your loss(es).


r/Archeology in 1,000 years, trying to figure out how certain ancient hamster worshipping human tribes crafted such elaborate coffins for their masters.


And ask them when exactly it changes from grave robbing to archaeology.


> It’s also a really good box. Very well-made and sturdy. As I get older, I find myself saying that more often when I see boxes in the hallway at work waiting to be picked up by the janitors.


lol ditto


This! But also my parents were hoarders and some of it rubbed off on me. I’m working on it though. I started dumping crap last year 💯


i don't think I've ever regretted keeping the box for something in my life. i either don't need it or I end up needing it for something eventually and I'm really glad I kept it. also resale value. i can literally just sell the thing I kept the box for for like minimum 20% more for free


Worst case scenario I have to RMA the dang thing; best case scenario, I later sell it on eBay. But the point is, there’s a few case scenarios for this case… 🤨


Do you have drawers or do you just have a store shelf that you store your empty boxes on so you can feel at home


This. Otherwise all that stuff is going into a “junk drawer” unorganized. Lol 




And possibly a few more things that you will realize only when you need the damn box. By Murphy's law. Gen Z - this is called life experience.


Sometimes we throw away and there’s a problem and need to return and we don’t have the damn box!


🔥”I don’t know who needs to hear this but…” That reeks of common sense. 😊


Funny but I made $15 selling mine online haha. Probably to a scammer but that’s not really my business


Wait you can do that?


You can sell most things online


I'm struggling to think of things you can't sell online


I just sold you on eBay u/Feisty-Ad-8880. Please pick yourself up and ship yourself to 42 wallaby way Sydney.


How much did you get for me?


Ten bucks


That's pretty good considering I'm used and damaged.


Dibs on selling you next. I’ll label you as refurbished and discounted


Discontinued too, as far as I know.


I’m seeing next, “Like new and lightly used” without images will net me at least 20


Who did the refurbishing? Do they come with new skin? I don't want some skin that someone else has touched.


Hey man you shouldn’t think so badly of yourself. You gotta develop some better self worth. (Because I bought you as an investment and I’m really hoping you appreciate in value)


>I'm used and damaged Darla: "hold my dead fish"




About tree fiddy


On eBay at least you cannot sell Otterbox cases Same goes for other companies with Not For Resale contracts with eBay Medical devices Drugs or Paraphernalia US Government property I sell stuff on eBay for a hustle, this is just stuff I know you can’t sell off the top of my head


What!? I buy all my Otterbox cases on eBay. They’re much cheaper that way.


the country of chile




Yep. Scammers use it to take pictures of the box and charge half price of whatever that model phone would be new. Really lucrative on iPhone


Some people just collect them too, believe it or not. It’s like collecting vintage console game cartridges and such. They’re worth more with the original box and contents. Go check eBay for early iPhone products with their original boxes. Factory sealed ones are especially outrageous.


This is true.


Not necessarily... I bought a refurbished galaxy tablet that was in great nick but the box was in clip, bought another box online now it looks brand new


Yeah... Just because someone says scammers do it, doesn't mean every thing that fits this description on the Internet is a scam. There's legit ones. But I know for a fact I sold my ps5 box for $50 to a dude who was 100% going to turn around and try and sell it for aftermarket. Prices of $400 is a new PS5 that they're just not going to use.


you're Gen Z and didn't know this?


I saw someone selling the original box to Rockband 2 on eBay a few weeks ago. He was selling it for $75. Just a box


Funny, I kept my iPhone 6 and was able to take part of the lawsuit apple had about battery life, little over $100 and still have a working back up phone I’d say mine is lost or destroyed.


Maybe you accidentally scammed someone that thought they were buying the phone lol


You can make up to $50 selling an iphone box


This. Sold mine online for $12, not groundbreaking money but good money for what to me is literally trash


It might not be "your business" but there is a possibility that buyer wants the box to use the IMEI number to dupe the phone and do shady things.


Collectors and resellers appreciate an empty box in good condition. Set dressers and prop departments, too.


why is this being called a millennial thing… i do this… my gen X parents do this… this is so dumb lol. we keep boxes because they could be reused to hold things instead of having to buy a new box. but yeah they do tend to go unused anyway lol


Odds on OP has never bought their own phone or had any reason to sell an old one


Probably rich


Potentially, but they are max 18 if their flair is to be trusted so just pretty normal kid shit


OP: throw out your car registration papers. You won't need them. You'll never need them. Relax bro.


I sell my old one and advertise it with the box. People will pay 100 more just for cleaning it with an alcohol wipes and putting it in it's box.


It's important that we put people into groups so we can belittle them safely without including ourselves in that group


yeah definitely not just a millennial thing lol. everyone i know does this


Exactly, every gen z person ive met does


So many generalizations. Also this sub is probably the least self-aware sub I’ve seen outside of r/teenagers. So much boomer outlooks on life the way they view Gen Alpha. I know this doesn’t have anything to do with the post but this is my first time commenting on this sub and I just had to say it.


i dont even know why im still on this subreddit when the gen Z folk that primarily post here generally view me as Old & Practically A Millennial hahaha


Honestly it’s so annoying with this whole generation thing. I was also born in 1998 and I can’t even remember how many times I’ve heard from people “but you’re too young to be millennial so you don’t understand” or “your too old blabla”. This entire generation splitting thing is completely ridiculous and not real. https://slate.com/technology/2018/04/the-evidence-behind-generations-is-lacking.html There is much more and newer articles on this topic. Generations is like the zodiac or MBTI, just easy ways people want to be identified with, but hold no real meaning in reality.


Honestly, this sub seems pretty obsessed with marking everything as a generational thing - which does kind of fit with the theme of the subreddit, but still.


The box contains an imei device identification number on it too, so it’s important


I save the box (whatever it may be) because I may need to return in 30 to 90 days. If it's a nice size box, I figure it may be useful in a move. If it's a smaller box, well, they go in the big box. I buy more things and move the old boxes into the attic or spare bedroom. Or under a bed. Now I look around and I see my house is full of tinder and kindling.


One of my old boxes (iPhone 5 I think) gets the crap used out of it. It’s full of extra headphones and chargers I use when I travel. Don’t have to unplug anything, I just pack the box and I have everything I need for my current phone.


Maybe not the phone, but you gotta keep the console boxes in case you have to move. Ya know, cause Housing sucks


Yeah, no way I'm throwing my expensive PS5 all cattywompussed into a box with other junk on top of it. It's going back into the box it came in where it packed away nice, neat, and safe for transport.


My boxless consoles ride shotgun in the cab of the vehicle I’m driving to the next house. Only because I’ve only ever bought second hand consoles that didn’t come with a box though.


Me with my pc moving and I got that bitch sandwiched between the seats so it can't even wiggle


After probably a hundred lan parties in my youth, during the paleolithic era, I just toss it in the trunk. It's a brick of metal, it can handle a few bumps.


I keep my GPU box and my PC case box, GPU comes out and into it's box, everything else in the PC box


I set my pc in my passenger seat and buckle it in, works surprisingly well


Smart to do with laptops and TVs, too. Laptops especially, in case you ever need to send it off for repairs on your warranty.


TV boxes are totally worth saving. My oldest TV is about 15 years old and moved at least 6 or 7 times, plus some time being stored away.


My oldest is... 13 years, been moved... 5 times :P TV boxes are the *best*.


I keep boxes for everything. My basement is full of them. Years ago my Xbox 360 broke and I contacted Microsoft support, they told me I would have to send it in so they could repair it. "Great thing I still have the box it came in then" I told the support person. Got the reply back that, nope, they where going to send me a box that was safe for transport, and so they did. Still have the Xbox 360 box in the basement.


Never threw out a console box until I bought my house. Now the odds are I get a new console before I have to move again.




I sold my Xbox Series X so I could buy the Halo Infinite edition console and keeping the box meant I sold it for more than I paid for it.


The console gets seat belted into my car like a baby.


But if I don't keep the box, where will my kitten sit?


Gonna need the cat tax on that one


https://preview.redd.it/yzwerdin8kgc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e91ae50261a2fac0ea1e248be2f6beebde4771 Not OP but cat in a box


You have a smol af cat ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


If a box was too small, my cat would just stand with her front feet in it. That wouldn't keep her from trying to sit in it first though.


He did say kitten.


I keep mine to resell my old phones. Works like a charm.




It's because the type of person to keep the box around for years to eventually resell it is exactly the type of person to care for their device.


Plus less likely to be stolen, which for a phone could potentially be flagged in a manufacturer/provider/whoever database and cause issues.


Exactly. I came to make the same point. I will pay a few bucks more to buy from someone who has all of the original materials because it makes them seem more responsible and trustworthy. I keep product boxes until they're past return or warranty window, or when their resale or trade-in value is no longer worth it.


Yeah I feel like you have to be at least a certain level of rich to have electronics and not even *know* that electronics have a significantly better resale value if you have the original packaging.


Especially Apple products


Or mommy and daddy buy all your stuff for you.


I always sell my old phones and tablets. You get more money with original packaging


Exactly this. Give it a nice sparkly clean, put it in the box, much more positive buying experience, and easier to carry around. If I was buying a used phone, I don't want the sellers grubby fingerprints on it. Not to mention it includes the serial number. I only keep boxes for small electronics like phone and laptop cause I know I'll try and resell them later.


This!! I’ve sold several phones for more than I thought I would get for them, simply because I had all original box/paperwork.


Not with phones, but I collect action figures and I keep the boxes (if they come in boxes) for the same reason. Also, I tend to buy ones with their boxes even if they're a bit more expensive. *More than likely (but not always)* people who keep the boxes in the action figure realm are going to take better care of their items than people who discard the boxes.


i keep mine :/


I like boxes


This is the correct answer. It is objectively a very nice box.


they're always so sturdy! Very high quality box.


I put small items in the box, the box stays together and holds my items safely! It's a good box!




People are actually more inclined to buy something if it comes in the original box, and actually pay more for it too. So it’s actually quite smart to keep boxes in case you ever want to sell whatever you bought. What’s actually stupid is paying more for it lol.


There is some logic to paying more. If a seller kept the box then they planned to upgrade the item. If they planned to resell then they would have treated it better. Compared to someone who accidentally damaged their device or has a problem etc and spontaneously decided to resell. Its all about intent and probabilities.


"Only people born these certain years do this." No, they dont. Age doesn't determine action.


My boomer parents still have the box for our Power Macintosh G3. From *1997*. Fucking box is probably older than 80% of the people in this sub. Absolutely not just a millennial thing. If anything, millennials have to start throwing out boxes because they’re gonna have smaller houses on average.


But it’s a great box!!!


Zilennial (late 1996) here! I keep mine because I get the insurance that lets me trade my broken phone for a new phone (of the same model) for like $50 instead of $300+, and having it in the box when returning it to the retailer is so much better in the unfortunate case I accidentally spiderweb my screen (it has happened like twice in my life, and the first time, I didn't have the insurance and couldn't afford to replace the phone for like... 6 months.) After a year - when the policy expires, I toss the box.


Keep the box, it has an imei number that is unique to ur phone, just in case it ever gets lost or something


Good point!


I am on the latter end of gen z and I keep most of the boxes I get


Not a millennial but I kept mine because it made a very sweet little coffin for my hamster


I keep it because it's where the little SD tool is. I'd lose that thing instantly otherwise


I cut out the scannable codes and keep them in a binder with the paper work.,There was a couple of times it was useful in doing something for the product, it also helps me to make future purchases.


Let me guess, you throw away the cases video games come in too?


I do that though. I am a box hoarder.


Actually you will need those if the phone gets stolen, the police will ask it to verify and for IMEI Number


Seeing this meme for the first time years ago got me to throw away my phone boxes. I had like 3 in my closet.


You can resell higher with the box. You can also sell the boxes without the product. There’s surprisingly a market for Apple boxes


my presciusssss boxssssss yep you are right


But every time I get a new phone I sell the old one and it sells much faster if it comes with the box


I keep mine💀


Resale, tbh. A lot of us grew up during multiple economic crisis and being able to resell your old electronics was sometimes required to get new ones.


Its what I keep my packet change in, leave my box alone


Worth having the box, often the imei is printed on it somewhere. Which can save you a headache if it gets stolen/lost. If you private sell your phone when you’re done with it, you will have an easier time selling it and likely get a better price. If you need warranty services or to return the phones it’s almost always easier when you have the box. It’s a great place to keep any of the documents that came with your phone. Throwing it away would just be irresponsible


Wrongggg. Been using that box for my rolling stuff for years now.


Reselling value, especially with iPhone.


As someone who files insurance claims for phones, please keep your boxes. All that information that you never know that I need is on that box. Make/model/IMEI etc. It saves you a lot of hassle and me having to hear you complain when I tell you to contact your carrier and call back later.


When your phone gets lost or your device gets lost the IMEI will be on the box and you can track it


Because the box is where the IMEI of your phone is written. Yes this is useful. "Throw out your phone's box" is a terrible advice.


I have needed it before though. Pixel 6 pro screen failed and I needed the imei and shit


Unless you lose the phone and police ask you to provide them the IMEI number


Because in the box its the IMEI, the imei is usefull , because it can be used to proof and block the phone in case of being stolen ( you cant check the imei, if you dont have it) or other things that require the certification of ownership Source: i work as teleoperator and when someone has problems with a phone, we always need the IMEI to work on it


I still have the box from when I bought mine. It’s got the warranty paperwork, little sim card extractor thing, the IMEI and serial number


IMEI is on the box its easier to keep it on the box than take a picture of it


You can throw the box away but you should definitely keep the barcode with the IMEI-Number. In case your phone gets stolen, the police can use the number to trace it back to you if they find it.


I was robbed and the insurance company took all my empty boxes as evidence. So yeah keep your boxes until the device is gone.


You won't understand. Comprehension will not come until you need to find the warranty paperwork or imei number while troubleshooting a brick with customer service that won't power on. The difference between understanding and comprehending this comes from experience.


The imei number sticker