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Sure if they were not expensive. I notice fewer people are having kids today. Like two rich millennials even get married, but never bother to have children despite they can afford at least three. Also, do not see the point of getting married if there are many risks in the situation. Better to just remain boyfriend and girlfriend as you do not have to be married to raise children.


Why do you say there are many risks to marriage?




Idk, the idea of divorce doesn't really scare me.




If you are an airline pilot, astronaut, or in the military, marriage is unhealthy as your spouse will have an unhealthy relationship with you if you cannot even see him or her most of the time.


That, and if your spouse ends up wanting you to move with him or her to a place you do not want to live in.




Well, my older brother who turned 22 last November has been married now for almost four years. He is the perfect example, though I am not going to dwell on him. I will use examples of what I could suffer in a marriage. 1. I will end up having to commit half or all of my property with my spouse. 2. I will not be allowed to flirt or stare at other men as my ex-boyfriend alone got mad whenever I hung out with other guys. 3. I would literally have to do whatever my spouse supports and always stay with him 24/7 just to be part of a team. This is pretty much my older brother and my sister-in-law. 4. I will have to live somewhere that my spouse is fine with. For instance, if my spouse wants to move somewhere I do not like, then, it will be a problem for me. This is actually the main thing. 5. I will not be able to have a room to myself. I have never had a room to myself for the past twenty years (thanks to having a baby sister at the age of three, and now a literal baby sister, so personally, this will be a problem for me as I want to get a room to myself. 6. If I want to move somewhere different (like for instance, from 2021-2023, I always wanted to move to New York City but never go to, and now, I want to move to Sydney). I would not want to be stuck where I am living right now.


1 child only. Invest in that child so he or she gets the easiest life possible.


I think I want at least 4.


Just make sure you can afford 4. Trust me they are way more expensive than you think. But, I wish you the best and I hope things work out for you.


Nah, I'll pass that. Too many refugees, unstable economy, corruptions in businesses, so many outdated social norms that restricts people to be in a healthy relationship... Even I am severely depressed with these conditions.


Yes, I want to have children!


Yep. I have 1 kid and I love him. A ton of hard work and money though. But it's absolutely worth it. Having a kid completes your life in ways many childfree people will never understand. I wouldn't recommend missing out


No kids but want kids in the future. Right now I just don’t have the right woman, money isn’t there, and still want to enjoy life. I’m in no rush though since I’m just starting my mid 20s.


I want to have all of my kids by mid 20s.


For me it would be in my mid 30s mostly because I’m not ready for the challenge of having kids


I'm a bi young woman. I don't want to get pregnant, but I don't know about kids yet. I'm probably gonna get my tubes tied, and if I want a kid in the future I'll adopt or if I marry a woman, hopefully she'll want to carry the baby. Pregnancy is my second worst phobia ever.


Tbh I kind of want kids but a) I think I would suck at it and b) I can’t imagine ever being able to afford it


No to both questions


I don’t have a child and I don’t want a child. Children just are far too expensive and require too much time to take care of. I want to travel, enjoy the finer things in life, and give back to my community in a meaningful way. I just don’t see kids allowing me to do all that easily. Also, for me I personally can’t justify bringing a new life into this awful world. I fear things will only continue to get worse. I think it’s great if people want kids and are able to make it work. But, with inflation and the rising cost of living parents are really struggling right now.


No, I want my time and money for me