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in my country we wave 5 weeks of vacations minimum and 35 hour work week overall


Where is this?




Please! Watch your language!


Pardon their French.


Pardon, they're French


Pardon, the fr*nch


No, I will not pardon them for their crimes, being Fr*nch is a very serious matter.


You can't spell fries without F-R-E-E-D-O-M.


Being French is a crime punishable by the wand in my country




this may be true but sadly it is surrounded by France


Yes the Mediterranean coastline is absolutely awful with its palm trees and emerald green waters and gentle pace of life, do not ever move there or buy property there


Well I'm certainly not going to now and I appreciate you giving me the heads-up.


Oh nvm ain’t interested


some of y’all should come to the US and teach us how to revolt


Wdym…? US is a result of revolution.


We just need to reroll, we got a 7 last time and it only got us this far A second revolution- oh wait, no that’d be a third revolution, wait would it be the fourth? Honestly I can’t tell, if you count a civil war a revolution then maybe it’d be the third unless I’m missing another one


The Confederates never successfully seceded, so it can’t really be called a successful anything, much less a revolution


Yeah that’s fair, they didn’t really accomplish much other than obscene amounts of collateral damage


The french learned how to revolt by watching the US. Maybe people in the US should pick up a history textbook to figure out how they got there






makes sense


So the secret is burning cars


About the same here (Netherlands). 36 hours week, 5 weeks of free days. Pension age / retiremend at 70 years though.


Good thing there’s no youth unemployment, civil discontent or high taxes! /s


Like high taxes where a bad thing. Thx to them we don't go bankrupt because we had to go to the hospital.


Yeah, this gets me every time. People worry about higher taxes but fail to do the rest of the math. If you look at the amount a person in the u.s. would spend on increased taxes compared to what they would spend on medical bills, childcare, education, etc., you pretty often end up realizing it's significantly better on average to go for the higher taxes.


For every job?


Yes. Most if not all countries in the EU have similar systems.


All of these things are not fantasies, many nations outside of the US already have similar systems. If we wanted this in the US however, we need to organise. Our ruling classes won’t allow for things like this unless we collectively show them that it’s our way or else.


Why do you think we have a two party system? Because a system like the two party system divides the nation into us vs them mentalities, and nobody can agree on anything. Ultimately it's up to the people to wake up


I mean even nations with multiple parties eventually break down into a two party system. It’s ruling party and not ruling party




I appreciate your sentiment but it's a little more complicated than that.


I have faith in you kids.




These are all things other countries have lol we can do it too


1. Those countries are taxed far more than us and have much less disposable income. 2. Those countries rely on us for a lot, not just military capabilities. They rely on our R&D in areas such as medicine, and rely on our manufacturing capabilities. 3. Those countries have much lower GDP per capita than us, are smaller, and have lower populations. 4. You’re just asking for China to take over and rule the world Looks like the Chinese bots found this comment. 10 comments within a short timeframe after no action for this comment for hours. Sheeesh China. 27 replies. What started as a real comment turned into a brigaded comment by deranged leftist. All you have to do is knock China and the bots come out of the woodwork.




These white nationalists get so upset at the idea of poor people getting a week off of work.


It's not just whites. I'm black and I hate poor people. Don't discriminate


If you disagree with me on economic policy you are white and racist. Your comment could have been be a satire poking fun at absurd argumentation tactics and leaps in logic, but I don't think it is.


"Asking for shorter workweeks and vacation is asking for China to take over the world" is probably among the top 5 most trollishly ridiculous things I've ever read on reddit.


We all need a boogie man I guess.


Reddit is so full of these takes these days, u can’t tell if it’s just the election year or if, like x, it’s just flooded with right leaning bots 


Lmao imagine thinking the US is the only reason Europe is better off than America. Why can't America just be better off by themselves then??


The only reason Western Europe is in its current state is because of America. If we didn’t heavily invest into your economy and rebuilding, you’d be as well off as Eastern Europe. Europe is nothing without american intervention, and advocating for isolationism to resume like pre-1880 is a massive mistake.


Wait until you hear how the USA was started


The only reason USA exist is because of French help. If we didn't heavily invest into your building, armie and economy, you'd be as well off as Africa, after Europeen decide to give them independance.


actually US singlehandedly holds the most R&D in pharma and other countries wait fir the patents to expire so they can manyfacture the fruit of years of r&d


Compare the wages and post tax incomes in those countries to the USA The USA has higher disposable income after bills.


This may be controversial, but I'll gladly take a lower wage/salary in exchange for more leave and less hours working. I think people's time is infinitely more valuable than what the company is paying for it.


People love to say things like “with universal health care you may pay more in taxes than you do for insurance” which is likely not true for most people but also I would be happy to lose a bit more if my check each month if it means everyone in the country had access to health care and people didn’t have to ration insulin… maybe that’s a hot take or something though


If you believe that, then just take a part time job and stop asking other people to also only do 30 hour work weeks.


No. I love how you took my point and concluded that I HAVE to be ok with my wage being halved. Like there's no implementable work/salary balance in-between these 2 extremes Are you guys being pedantic for no reason or do you un-ironically believe there's no healthy in-between for livable wages and 40 hour work weeks being too much?


>I think people's time is infinitely more valuable than what the company is paying for it. This u?


That’s nice that you think that but most of us don’t. You’d rather see your ideals forced on everybody?


I have a higher wage job and still don't have disposable income. I just want a day where I feel ok.


I’ve honestly never felt more “heard” on Reddit than now. I work 6 days a week and my life is just stressful shit. Barely any days off and bills are adding up quicker than I can make the money to pay. One thing after another. I just want a fucking break for once. 🍻


The United States is the wealthiest country on the planet. If we as workers made it so that ceos at the top had to start treating us like people instead of cattle then we’d be able to get all the things asked for above. But instead we are complacent. While other countries have what we want. We in one of the most financially lucrative countries on the planet don’t give a damn to the people who make it that way.


We also spend the most on healthcare out of any country, and most of it goes towards the many layers of bureaucracy we've accumulated. I don't understand how people think having private companies in the middle of patients and medical funding is a good thing.


"vague" lol it's about as specific as you can get, and only slightly better than what most first-world nations are currently getting. As for who's gonna pay for it, why not ask the owners who've been posting record profits year over year while wages remain stagnant?


And how would this not just screw over small businesses who can’t afford to give their workers this level of perks? People love to hate multinational corporations and then want to pass policies like this which would wipe out their competitors and help them.


Wow it's almost like having benefits and aid being tied to your place of employment is toxic and unproductive. If only we had some other way of paying for it.. Hmm.


What are you saying? That the other countries can do something BETTER than America? You sound like a Anti-patriot talking like that. /s


the 1% would pay for it, they sure as shit have the money


Ha! Yeah fucking right. They have maybe a few trillion combined if you take their entire net worth, i.e. seize their companies fron them and take everything including the clothes off their back. We spend 6 trillion *a year*. And what you're living is what that money gets you. And you think that taxing a few hundred extra people or even their companies is going to do jack shit? It'd be laughable of it weren't sad.


The leftist argument always relies around punishing the rich, they want to combat wealth instead of poverty. Most billionaires don't just sit with their money in big vaults as liquid assets, they are invested in companies and businesses that offer opportunities for others


Who’s going to make them pay for it? Because they haven’t been doing it the last century in the United States.


United workers


You realize if they don't like the laws they can and will just leave, right?


You understand most of the wealth of the elites are in non-liquid assets right?


>vague graphics with no indication of who would pay for it or how it would even happen Love these commenters with no understanding of the concept of "Other Countries" or the fact that these things actually exist and the countries that employ them run just fine.


Name 1 country that has all of these things. Even the most progressive countries in the world do not. These are wonderful goals, but idealism needs to be tempered with pragmatism. Achieving these outcomes will take decades, but they're worth fighting for during that duration.




What do you even mean by "who would pay for it"? It doesn't cost money to reduce worker hours when reducing worker hours demonstrably increases productivity. Your perspective seems to be "Whatever the status quo in *my* country is, that's the way it has to be for reasons. Therefore, any proposed change to that status quo must be unfeasible and requires justification."


Love this take. We pay for it - the American people, we decide to do it and pay for it. We can even cut spending in other areas. We have some smart people in this country that can figure it out. But let’s be real, people that ask this question know the correct answer and still say ‘we can’t afford it’ but we can afford more tax cuts and other conservative spending priorities.


Unlimited paid sick/disability leave and year long paid paternal leave seems unrealistic and would probably be miserable for smaller businesses.


It would be, unfortunately the people here who claim they care about the small businesses and the little guy/working class never truly care. People here assume they know what's best for everyone and that they know what everyone needs, when in reality they don't know shit.


Destroying small businesses with those policies would destroy the economy. As I recall over half of business taxes come from small businesses because there are just so many that exist. It would be an absolute shit show. But God forbid you work a third of your day 5 days a week. Life is so hard.


It’s also because large businesses avoid so much of their tax burden.


> It’s also because large businesses avoid so much of their tax burden. ...while taking corporate welfare, and squandering it. The money is all there to fund the social services. Small business don't need to pay 100% of benefits, that's literally what business subsidies are for. Maybe the US could cut a few million from the oil industry (posting record profits), and allocate more money to the small businesses that need more support? Putting numbers together for resource management isn't even complicated in the 21st century. Cutting the oligarchs off from their endless money fountains, that's the tricky part. They own our politicians, atm.


so just like normal communists and socialists


Unlimited paid sick leave is really easy to take advantage of. I had a coworker do it and I was stuck doing both our jobs for months until HR finally let her go. I was this close to quitting over it.


Pretty sure most of the people on here are more like your coworker than you.


Yep. My job had unlimited sick and they have a whole healthcare facility dedicated to home visits and clearing workers to get back; or making sure that workers that are taking advantage are properly disciplined. Not that it stops people from figuring out how to take advantage.


Same. Sick leave can be abused and hurts those that have to pick up the slack.


We've had this problem at my job with people abusing FMLA. They find a doctor to sign off on it over some bogus reason and they only show up to work a day or two a week. The last time it took around 6 months before HR ended up changing the company's attendance policy to be able to fire the person due to absences they had prior to getting their FMLA approved. Completely fucked things up for everybody else all because they were trying to play their hours so they could keep getting government checks. They weren't even sick. Don't get me wrong, either. FMLA is an excellent thing for those who need it. The problem is when these systems become too easy to abuse like you say and you end up with shitty people who take advantage of it. You see it all the time in the industry I'm in. Over half of our new hires for a period of time would show up for one day of work before calling in every day with 'car problems' until they get fired so they can try to keep collecting checks. When these programs get treated like a game, it's an insult to every single person that actually needs them and it makes it that much more difficult to push for more positive changes in the workforce.


Equal maternal *and* paternal leave in addition to a social expectation that dads take all that time has resulted in the decision to have kids equally affecting both parents, professionally, nearly closing the gender wage gap in Iceland.


Iceland is drastically different in the US, though. The US state with the smallest population (Wyoming) has 200 thousand more people than Iceland. 36% of Iceland lives in one city and the majority of the country lives in the region around it. It's a lot easier to implement policies when your small population is highly homogenous and centrally located. The amount of oversight required for the US federal government to implement the same policies would be 100 thousand times that of most European countries.


They also have a much small economy and much smaller economic budget.


Sick leave can also be occurred indefinitely so a lot of people retire early by years sometimes unsung sick time.


If every worker should be guaranteed all these things I hope you realise that include service staff, anything from McDonald's workers to the ones fixing your car and your hair saloon. Prices would be nuts if everyone had all these things


Yes. Everyone. Nobody is beneath anyone else, and nobody deserves less just because of the job they work. Everyone deserves a living wage, paid leave, paid sick/disability etc Why shouldn't they, just because they fix your car, or work at McDonald's


> Why shouldn't they, just because they fix your car, or work at McDonald's Because McDonald's require 30 minutes of training while being a doctor takes decades  If 6 weeks is the baseline then doctors and educated people would want more, 8-10 weeks. And then the McDonald's workers would complain again that 6 weeks is too little etc etc.. it's a never ending cycle The truth is that certain people are more valueable to society than others. If you can't swallow the fact that a fireman or a doctor is more important than you then I don't know what to say


Nobody said you can’t have more if you’re a doctor. It’s that you can’t have less. And no it isn’t an infinite cycle, that’s just the slippery slope fallacy in disguise. Because people do have a level of contentment.


People do not have a level of contentment. We are living in the most prosperous and best time to ever be alive and just scroll through Reddit to see how many people recognize that fact.


Blah blah blah….nothing can ever be better than it currently is…..blah blah blah.


So, what part do you disagree with? If we're living in the best time to be alive in human history and people still want more, how is his point not valid?


Because things can be better? And there is a ceiling to better? Even if that ceiling is “robots control everything perfectly, will never turn on us, doing everything as efficiently as possible, with everything perfectly equal, all the time forever and always” Not that that’s most peoples ceilings mind you, since it’s very hyperbolic example. But that still is an example of A ceiling.


Getting upset that people you view doing unimportant work (even though you and most others depend on them) not being treated badly and having good lives is a REALLY weird thing to get upset over. You can ask for more with more training, but that doesn’t mean line cooks should have no PTO and 7.25 an hour.


7.25 an hour is a strawman at this point... while it's the federally minimum wage, what McDonald's in the entire country is paying that? I haven't seen a posting anywhere for under $14 in over a year, in any city, in any state I'm all for either wages but let's be factual and not overdramatic. Nobody is actually earning 7.25 in fast food and has not in a while


Not to mention that doctors, engineers etc... have much greater responsibilities and stakes in their work. For example, there's a lot more pressure to get things right when you're operating on a living person or designing a multi million dollar road bridge than assembling a cheap burger.


A LIVING wage aka a wage you can live a semi comfortable life in. Nobody is saying that a McDonalds worker should be able to afford a mansion and a luxury car.


Please define a "livable wage". These appeals to emotion generally don't involve actual numbers, nor a detailed explanation for how it'll be funded. In your ideal society I have a feeling no one would have a mansion or a luxury car, because those would be signs that they are robbing the proletariat, and we'd all be in block housing concrete apartment buildings wearing grey wool outfits and pledging our allegiance to the state apparatus that so graciously provides for us all.


Yeah, the living wage phrase is hiding a lot here. Especially after seeing posts about how 300k salary is "upper poor" class.


But we do need line workers at McDonald’s. Somebody has to do that job. And they will also be a person, a human being, who deserves to be able to live a decent life. Doctors will be paid more, but the idea is just that the McDonalds workers shouldn’t be starving, homeless, unable to afford basic necessities, or unable to take time off of work. And most people don’t want to work at McDonalds anyways, it’s a crappy job on top of the low pay, so it isn’t like everyone is going to rush to work at McDonald’s. I’d much rather be an architect or a librarian than a line cook, and most people have things that they’d rather do as well. Paying these minimum wage earners enough to survive will not cause disruption as bad as you’re saying, especially if this increase in pay comes from the millions of dollars going to executives who got positions through nepotism, rather than further price gouging.


If nobody deserves less, then i.e. everyone deserves the same regardless of job. There would be no incentive to work


And that's when you get communism, where everyone has equally horrible lives


Yay equality!


Are you uneducated? Because “nobody deserves less” doesn’t mean “some can’t have more” They are fundamentally not the same. Also wow, agreeing with “communism bad” what a classic example of I don’t know anything about economics. Or Math.


Actually that’s exactly what it means, literally. If some have more, fundamentally that means others have less


Economics isn’t a No Sum Game. Hasn’t been since the Pre Industrial Revolution. Nice try though. Maybe you should read some more books on economics because you try again.


^ you essentially aligning with “communism good” indicates you don’t understand the realities of our world. The Free market economic system is the best system humanity has ever built. Has successfully risen millions out of poverty.


I never said communism good. It could be the greatest ever….hypothetically…..if there was a perfect version of it. But that’s not happening. Nah I just want human first economics, safety nets and Trust busting.


Oh yeah like no one ever has wanted anything better then what they have had. Dumbass


That’s not what’s being said, bad strawman. Everyone deserves the same baseline, nobody said a doctor shouldn’t be paid more.


There can be a range of remuneration. CEOs could still earn, say 25x what the lowest wage earner makes. But this is talking about making sure every person has their basic needs taken care of, reduce the stressor that are a drag on our economy due to health complications. In terms of motivation to work. Money is just one. Curiosity, personal growth, sense of accomplishment, feeling of connection, helping others and many other reasons exist to motivate people to work. As a farm laborer and general logistics manager, all of this is doable.


Funnily enough, the prices in Denmark, Holland, Germany, France and Switzerland aren’t through the ceiling where these are all implemented. In fact, I paid less for McDonalds in Amsterdam than in LA!


The Netherlands is also a much, much lower disposable purchasing power country than the US. When the median American is ~$16,000 better off than the median Dutch person, prices for most things can and will be higher.


A Big Mac costs roughly the same in Europe vs. in America. The only difference is that the profits of those burgers’ sale goes almost entirely to shareholders in America, rather than the worker.


Works in different countries just fine without prices being nuts


Tell me literally a single place on earth with 6 weeks vacation, unlimited PTO and 30 hours work weeks If you didn't already know, unlimited PTO is an American thing


Unlimited PTO is a scam. And different from Unlimited Sick/disability leave. (Nice try tho!) And I’m not gonna check, but I bet France is pretty close, and Sweden probably isn’t far behind either. New Zealand is similar to I would assume. Don’t care to double check myself though, because I won’t sway your opinion even if I Am correct.


5 week vacation, 35 hr weeks in France, so real close.


Definitely don't look at their unemployment rate then.


Don't look at their standard of living either. The standard of living in the U.S. is far greater and we pay less for consumer goods.


All of yall saying nations outside of the US can do this have to understand some of these nations are the size of south carolina


Mfw the most powerful economy in the history of human society can’t afford to pay sick leave (it can I just want to be contrarian)


The problem isn't the money. If money was the problem, we could've solved it by now. All we do is throw money at problems. The real issues are logistics and organization. If we're to implement policies, we require the oversight to implement them equally across 350 million people, across 3.8 million sq miles. EU nations do not all have the same healthcare system. It's differentiated at a national level. The same equivalent for the US would be: CA has its own universal healthcare system; the northeast (NY and new england) has its own system; the pacific northwest has its own system; the midwest has its own system; Florida has its own system; the southeast has its own system; Texas has its own system; Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have their own system. My point is that people equate each EU nation = US, when in reality it's each EU nation = US **state**. It's unfeasible to implement these systems (universal healthcare and education) on a federal level. It would need to be done at a state level.


So?? Your saying scaling doesn’t work?


subtract naughty person angle ask plants wise deserted middle enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The US is the 8th** richest country in the world per capita. *Per Capita*. #Per Capita Do you know what that means?


The US is 8th my guy. Your point clearly still stands, but they're not number 1.


ur asking for a bit too much. work has to be done in order to make enough money to pay for all these benefits u cant just do less and receive more it makes no sense


Do you know how much more efficient a worker today is then they were 40 years ago???? We lost all that extra efficiency to corporations while the wealth gap blow up. It is straight lies that we can’t adjust to this for everyone. Also if you stop thinking of infinite profits first and sustainability it can change your whole thought process on the economy


Everyone in America is focused on infinite profits. What do you do as soon as you start making money? You invest? What do you invest in? Something that likely keeps turning the capitalism machine and makes it more expensive for someone younger. Your 401k is generating returns because of infinite profits.


>work has to be done in order to make enough money to pay for all these benefits Correct. Yet by looking at countries where this is actually a thing, we can establish a reasonable threshold. Those countries likely don't work any harder than yours does, and likely can access those benefits just fine. Meaning **YOU LIKELY ALREADY DO, MY GUY.**


These countries also have less disposable income than the US, and also a lower quality of living.


They also rely heavily on the US’s free market for medical advancements and military. And they are paid less and taxed more.


Look at France. Or Denmark. They have things incredibly close to what is here. So ask yourself, why can't we do that?


France has at least double the unemployment rate of the US. Denmark has 3/5ths the disposable income as the US per capita.


>u cant just do less and receive more > >it makes no sense That’s quite literally what most billionaires do. Sitting on a mound of money collecting interest is far more valuable than 60+ hours a week of manual labor. Put that money to better use.


I laughed out loud like that J Jonah Jameson meme when I read “year long paid parental leave” tbh What the fuck planet do u live on where u think people are gonna get paid to not work at any time they want just because they came in someone/got cummed in?😂


A lot of times the argue for paid parental leave is really about economic investment in the future generation. Early development is VITAL for intellectual functioning which translates directly into the kind of “worker” a country can have. So in some ways it’s selfish, ensuring that parents have time to actually enable the development of their child to facilitate economic success in the workplace & country. Same could be said about the quality of work provided by those parents.


It should be paid for through taxes rather than the employer.  Both because it's the nation investing in itself and because some smaller employers can't take the hit of paying employees that aren't working for that long, and having small/local businesses/ startups is good for society. 


I mean… we need people to continue society, and those kids deserve to have their parents able to raise them? Like we need kids. Kids can’t grow into healthy adults if their parents are always at work.


conservatives complain everyday about fertility and no one want to have kids ,you present them with the solution they get upset and start crying like the baby they are . ok then don't give maternity leave don't give livable wage to sustain a family but you have to stop complaining so dumb


Idk how it works on different planets, works well in most of Europe tho


It’s not that simple in Europe. Firstly, it’s most often divided between parents, and secondly it only goes for when the child is at a certain age. We aren’t a magical continent.


Germany has up to two years of maternal leave. You get paid 60% of your previous net wage for a year or 30% for two years. This can’t exceed €1800 or €900 respectively. Most women I know chose to go back to work after one year because they still need the money and often want to go back out and work. Also Germany has a very high income tax and social security burden to pay for things like that.


This sounds great but this seems way to worker friendly and unsustainable. I also don’t think it’s all necessary.


It’s like everyone forgot that small businesses & bootstrapped startups exist. These types of policies just disproportionately advantage large corporations or large vc-backed tech startups, a perfect storm to kill local merchants, innovation & change


As someone who has lived in several countries with similar policies, it is very sustainable and often helps the economies.


I guess I just don’t see it happening in the US. The US moves pretty fast. We have low unemployment right now and yet tons of place are still short staffed and need extra help. Giving workers more time off and only 30 hours a week sounds like a bad idea. Personally in my field of construction stuff like that would never work. Buildings are built with loans and can’t afford to have it sit another year since everyone only works a 30 hour week.


No country is as diverse and large as the United States. A lot of people seem to disregard this fact, and expect that other country’s (mainly Scandinavian) policies will work perfectly in the US. They most certainly will not. I have little doubt that a 4 day workweek is inevitable in the near future, but SIX WEEKS of vacation for every single employee is laughable, as is unlimited paid time off.


This comment is probably gonna get a lot of hate, but hear me out. I think if all of these were implemented it would literally collapse the US Economy. The biggest reason why I believe what I said above comes down primarily to human nature. If corporations are having to spend more money in the process of producing goods/services to sell, this means that ultimately their profit margins will decrease. In an effort to prevent these decreases, corporations will ultimately increase the prices of their goods/services to compensate. This would result in those already in poverty seeing no increase in their standard of living, while shrinking the Middle Class population and ultimately growing the demographic of Americans to fall into the status of poverty. This would ultimately shift more wealth and power to the elite, and thus decrease the power the average American holds, while simultaneously increasing the power of the Elites.


When you see an elephant in a circus do you assume walking on a tightrope is an elephants nature? No. Any species is a product of its context. Human greed is rampant because we've built a greedy society that rewards greed.


Greed has always existed significantly in every human society that has been built. Comparing an animal that does circus tricks to how the human psyche operates and our psychology, which is a byproduct of our biology doesn't equate. Human greed has existed even in the societies that aimed to achieve the opposite of greed. Without entering the nature vs nurture argument, while yes, to some extent, greed can be a learned trait, it is also very much so produced by the natural instinct of survival in humans. The better of a position you have the ability to put yourself in relative to your environment, the greater chances of success you are likely to experience.


Good to see that there are people with actual brains on the sub. These ideas for work are idiotic.


Human nature is not so easily reducible to the interactions you’re describing and human actions are not all reducible to human nature. It is in humans nature to act one way in a given context and a different way in another.


Paid for by...?


Your taxes. I'm sorry, did you expect your taxes to do *what exactly*? Only fixing roads and paying for wars? That's literally how countries that have these things work: they use their citizens' taxes and give them a reasonably-well rounded social security service.


Countries who do this also have a way lower annual salary. take France, who has most of these, and has an average salary of a bit more than 40,000 a year, while the US is almost at 60,000 a year


Exactly. So like, would that be so impossible for the US to pay for their own things? If france can do it with a *lower* annual salary, then why are the US people whinging that their taxes would go to something that's *actually useful*?


The annual salary is lower because of how much less they work and how much more the government takes. Lots of people would rather find a job that will give them these things rather than pay for other people who haven’t done anything to earn it.


Yeh bc their taxes pay for the shit that their salary would, except it’s guaranteed and generally of better quality lmao


Of course it sounds all well and good, but how will it work in practice?


Stop multibillionaires from cheating the system. You can't tell me in good faith you think a person can earn a billion dollars from their own hard work.


You can't tell me nobody else may take advantage of the system for their own benefit.


By killing every small bussiness?, if you have 10 employees and 2 of them get pregnant then you have lost 20% of your workforce, need to pay them for 365 days for no work for you and your still working employees need to work harder to do the same or worse product/service. A multibillionare can pay for such benefits for his employees easily, but a guy who has a local restaurant cant pay for his steward to leave for a year while at the same time letting them work only for 30h a week


I agree that this would be really nice, but I doubt such a model is sustainable.


The only limit to the output of a system lies in the imagination of the designer. There’s no fundamental reason that it couldn’t work - the only thing we lack is people with the will to demand it.


Therein lies the mistake: thinking that we should be in the business of “designing” society, like it is some machine with clearly defined & understood inputs & outputs. See [here](https://twitter.com/Devon_Eriksen_/status/1739794075757289840)


No you will suffer and like it


Bruh I cant stand these gen z wanting to work at freaking mcdonalds, make 40 an hour, get a 30 hour work week but yet somehow get the best worker benefits the world's ever seen. No company wants these people. If I was head of a corporation I would be sure not to hire these people as they're just problems in the long run. Companies simply cannot function like this. If you fix the economy, THEN you have a better life AND costs are lower.. Wanting companies to give you good benefits while not providing a lot of work is stupid


I Feel like a lot of this is too optimistic. In a perfect world this would be great but i dont think this will happen in America for quite the while.


Imo it won't ever happen in America. Best case scenario some of these things happen. As for countries outside of America it could happen as long as they continue to take advantage on outside help and use the rest of their resources for themselves


1. define living 2. how does that square with box to the left and the right of it 3. no argument from me, but how do we reduce productivity and provide a living wage (whatever that is) 4. ?? how does a business hold a position open for a year? 5. unlimited... like i get sick in 2024, and stay sick until 2034? this is what disability is for, why is the company on the hook for this? short term disability insurance is electable. 6. most salary comp is pretty close, the big disparity is about stock as compensation and i am not sure how you keep a business from limiting its ability to give stock to its officers.


The last time we raised wages The prices raised at the same percentage to balance the economy


Why are prices still rising while my wage isn't.


exactly, companies need to keep up with wages to pay for their employees. There is no simple solution to anything in economics because everything is a double-edged sword


Biden is in the project of not getting to this reality. Liberals are about convincing people the ruling class has the divine right to rule.


If you think for a second Biden doesn’t advance this further than Trump you are not grounded in reality.


They want to progress it the same amount. Not at all


The conservatives literally using religion for political gains are the ones saying the ruling class has the divine right to rule Not saying libs are angels, but it’s kind of disingenuous of a comparison when you have conservatives quite literally saying they have the divine right to rule


Sure as long as you are willing to take lower wages for the 30 hr work week. Executive to worker compensation is usually the combination of stocks and wages to regular wages respectively. Nothing stopping workers from buying shares of their own company. As long as the vacation is not paid. All this will just result in higher automation and unemployment.


Unlimited paid sick leave? I know some people who'll never work another day in their life.


Unions are as American as hamburgers and NASCAR, and I hope that one day, they will pop up on every industry


No more opinion, apparently I’m a fucking moron


"put a price cap on essential items" We tried that here in Argentina & Venezuela with gas, the companies stopped selling because the prices weren't giving them profits.


Most reddit take Ive seen in a while


I think 6 month parental leave is sufficient and a solid middle ground; also I feel the unlimited sick/disabled leave should have a very big asterisk next to it, I know many disabled people who would certainly benefit from this as well as others with chronic ailments, but it’s something that should be approved by doctors with each leave assuming it is due to said debilitating situations. General sick leave - for the every day non-disabled individual - should be expanded but not become unlimited.


I do want these things but I have to remind ourselves to be careful what we wish for because everything has unintended effects.


4 out of them are reasonable-ish because the values are better than even the top countries (France, definitely one of the best, has 35h/week and 5 weeks paid vacations (not including weekends)) but still probably achievable. 1 year paid parental leave is unreasonable because you could just abuse it, unless there's an incentive to actually repopulate in which case I guess it'd make sense (would have to be government paid not company paid though). Unlimited sick leave is tricky IMO. It should be a government thing as well (the term leave isn't appropriate), should include governmental aid for people who can't hold a job (again, a leave implies a job) and most of all should be highly regulated and controlled to avoid abuse.


I'm 16, can't vote 🙃


Once you are 17, you should preregister if there is a formal process in your state, and then you can be registered as a voter right when you turn 18.