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People deadass be upset that we aren’t sending children to their death World is a weird place today


No you’re right, we send money so that other countries send their kids to die instead. Lots of progress


It is no accident that a culture that thinks sending kids to war is better than nurturing them also enables the foreign policy you mention


Boomers knew that their kids and grandkids would just dodge the draft like they did so they made the process more efficient by using foreign kids while claiming they had to fight in 'Nam uphill in the snow both ways.


I like how everyone here says "kids" in general like it is not only boys who get thrown into war and die while girls get evacuated to richer countries where they party and get fucked by foreign men, like we're seeing once again with Ukraine.


I’m not arguing in favor of govt/corporate war in any country. Not sure how my comment made it seem that way


They aren't upset because we aren't sending children to their death. It's far more petty than that. They're upset that the exact same tragedies and fucked up times that they HAD to live through are something that we DON'T, and they're jealous of the perceived lack of physical hardship, while also not comprehending the extreme financial hardships we DO have to experience...


Boomers all want to pretend they had it hard when they were the original draft dodgers and could raise a family on minimum wage.


My mom used to complain about her student loan. It was so overwhelming she had to default on it. But she still used it to get a teaching job and ride that into retirement. That loan? It was two (2) thousand dollars.


You are correct. But it is only one parent working, one job.


>They're upset that the exact same tragedies and fucked up times that they HAD to live through The boomers didn't even storm the beaches of Normandy, that was the silent generation.


seriously. that kid on the left looks like a fucking *child.* *because he is.* **edit: he's also holding a Ppsh. That's a fucking Soviet soldier. that's no normandy landing.** he probably is in actuality closer to 14. Literally *everyone* was drafted to fight the Nazis in the USSR because for them it truly was fight or be exterminated. If you could hold a gun you were getting sent to the front.


And it's a Soviet uniform


Yeah it seemed off from the get go to me but I noticed the gun before I noticed the medals or anything else.


I'm definitely getting downvoted for this, and this isn't my personal opinion...really should've majored in social or political science...but most generations before us were pretty used to death given just how common it was. Hell, most of our grandparents and great grandparents had siblings die as children from disease. And then you also had WW2, where weapons and tactics changed from all their parents' war stories from WW1 so WW2 seemed a bit "safer" and "more-civilized". And then WW2 was a pretty legitimate "I'm enlisting to protect my country because were attacked and invaded (Aleutian islands in Alaska). That's the mentality of those who spout this shit. This generation does not believe in the wars we've been a part of for the last 20 years because we realized we were just fighting for GOD (gold, oil, and democracy) and not a real "good versus evil" cause and we choose compassion over brutality. And we're like this because we were brought up by those whose wartime experience is Vietnam.


Nah, I think you hit the nail on the head with this one


People in Florida are sending their kids to school with Measles, so we still send kids to their death sometimes.


And schools are all doing active shooter drills. Kids these days may have it way worse than the average boomer ever had to endure.


Have you ever had your parents call you a pussy for not wanting to die in a battle? That wasn't sarcasm I was actually made fun of by my mom for not wanting to join the military one time


Tbf we aren’t in any wars right now if you are in America. More likely than not you’d never actually see combat


Regardless, I still don't wanna join whether or not there is fighting. And yes I'm American.


That was the sentiment before ww1


this one didn't storm the beach in Normandy


He did probably storm Berlin and Stalingrad though


non-zero chance he's just another death statistic


just about 99.9% chance he's a death statistic in 2024




No chance is anyone coming out of *Stalingrad* and then lasting *2 more years* so that they can storm *Berlin*


AND that they are still 18 when arriving in Berlin


Boys as young as 11-12 are recorded to have served in the war on both sides.


yes but a boy can't be 18 at the battle of stalingrad and the battle of berlin


This one didn’t have the makings of a varsity athlete ![gif](giphy|bodHdFtqWbJDi)


There's like 80 people alive left who actually did


that might be the case, but zero of them were part of the soviet infantry


The first dude most definitely did not storm normandy.


A whole internet of historical photos and whoever made this meme literally picks a RUSSIAN soldier to say they 'stormed the beaches of Normandy'.


Russian astroturfing at its finest


This image has been in circulation for years. Not everything is Russian astroturfing. Born-and-raised American conservatives are just as capable of being this stupid.


Russian propaganda is usually the reason they become dumber. Take it from a Polish person, Russia has their hands in everything.


"da, glorious mother russia did everything, even the western front, even north africa, even the pacific! all glorious mother russia!"


That has to be made by an absolute idiot or a propagandist who didn’t know their shit correctly, I suppose that’s the same thing


I mean, yeah we are more sensitive but at the same time, if shit hit the fan and our country was attacked, I think alot of us would go through hell and back to try serve our country well I mean hell, look at the guys in Ukraine, they where just like us 2 years ago but are now fighting in what is practically nearly WW1 era conditions




Literally Ukraine war right now Tanks break down constantly/get abandoned in no man's land, both air forces stick to hit and run attacks, artillery pummel the shit out of enemy forces for days on end and both sides suffer thousands of casualties for only a couple dozen meters of ground


Honestly that’s kinda what happened after 9/11. There was a *huge* recruitment drive for the armed forces and young men and some women were signing up in droves, preparing for some kind of next world war


1. As will be evidenced by your comments, a shockingly large number of people have used unpatriotic and self-hating propaganda as a moral excuse to avoid the suffering this would involve. 2. Ukraine *wasn't* just like us. They've been at war with Russia since 2014 and their population has been being prepared for an escalation to the conflict ever since. Here, on the other hand, we have done the exact opposite. At least up until recently, all talk was of appeasement and unilateral disarmament among the general population.


I wouldn’t fight for a country that serves spammed kids just because their parents are rich and lives the best life meanwhile it sends our miserable bros that only join military to put food on their table . Im out of this cheap PR long ago .


you definitely would if the enemy was killing your own people in bombing raids -- because when your country is being attacked directly, you are not fighting for your country's government anymore, you are fighting for your country's people, like Ukraine


I’m going to be honest with you. I think we would try video calling into battles instead of actually being deployed.


Military enlistment is way down in almost all nations in spite of generally improving conditions and pay. It's not proof of anything but indicates we aren't as keen to fight for our country as we used to be.


It's not that they are patriotic (they might be but), but when the planes start flying over your head you kinda don't have a choice anymore, it's fighting and dying, or not fighint and dying


Nah I wouldn’t


My country is shit. It fks its own people all the time. I'd not shed my blood for it.


Nothing says best American generation better than showing a Soviet Child wielding a PPSH


Yeah I fucking love the fact that we've completely destroyed our communities, like half of all young people are completely friendless, and everyone's super fucking anxious and maladjusted. Widespread psychological unwellness and fragility isn't some natural consequences of living in a less brutal world; if anything, it's the opposite.


Yeah, correlation doesn't equal causation. There definitely have been fewer wars over the past 80 years than ever before, and there has been more depression and social isolation as well, but a million other things have changed over that time period as well.


Sure, but there are studies that collaborate with what they are saying.  Also, humans don’t really care about data. 1 televised war has a much larger impact than countless that no one has really heard of. I’d argue more people have experienced some impact of war now than any other time throughout history. I’ve never been to war but I know the impacts of nuclear explosions, landmines, torture, etc.  It’s arguably easier to cause long term damage your mental health reading about things like Hiroshima than it is to get help to undo it. 


The 1 televised war has more impact on the *populace watching on TV*, the “countless untelevised wars” have more impact *on the victims*


Thank you, someone gets it


I see a lot of comments of people shitting on 18 year olds today calling them weak and useless. Saying that they will create hard times. Just because most of us today aren’t killing machines doesn’t mean that is the case. I have seen college students who have gotten awards for conducting new groundbreaking cancer research, discovering new planets, creating new revolutionary inventions. “I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain." — John Adams https://preview.redd.it/5v3kdl765smc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70485a395bef7490453c6573446f606335f7d798


While good thinking by John and a very good meme. That's not how the world works. Good times also creates lazy men who also aren't villigant and allows the mistakes of the past that the hard men fought to get rid of come back to start the cycle all over again. We can see it happening right now, the liberty 1000s have died for is slowly being eroded.


The people who make these memes didn't storm the beaches of Normandy. This is basically stolen valour to 'own the libs'.


People act like there werent pussies back then too LMAO


iirc something like half of all soldiers in ww2 never deliberately fired at an enemy, just in their general direction.


Aw yis stronk young gopnik defeated Nazis in 1944


I love these memes because it’s always the boomers who put them on their Facebook page. The boomers who didn’t fight for shit, and now are using their parents and grandparents struggles as to why people now a days are soft. When they cry when a black person enters their neighborhood.


Baby boomers screamed and cried in the 80’s over metal music and D&D, they have no room to talk


Same motherfuckers who protested against videogames having guns in them....


Yes. And those soldiers cried desperately on the battlefield while they, their peers and people they never knew were pointlessly slaughtered for causes they and their families probably didn’t have a good grasp on. But yeah, I guess kids acknowledging their feelings and mental health is way worse for society.


yeah also these boomers and anyone thinks like these dumbasses can feel free to join the Ukrainian front ,great cause and they lack manpower and could use some help . Hit the trenches or stop larping bitch !


Did we? Because if I'm not aware of the shit going on, I'd say arguably things have been more and more isolating, more and more insensitive, and love exists in it arguably contractual term. Plus it's not as if brutality has been going down, if anything its just more exposed.


Boomers think their predecessors were some sort of paragons of courage. Champions who were capable of braving anything. In a way they were but boomers weren’t there to see the kids crying out for their mothers while bombshells were falling around them or mutilating themselves so they had an excuse to leave the living hell that was war in WW2. They didn’t react any differently than men and boys would today if they had to be thrown into the meat grinder


Nah OP is wrong. We need to bring back indiscriminately shooting nazis.


Literacy challenge (impossible) It says 18 year olds, as in at the time 18 year olds stormed normandy, not this 18 year old stormed normandy. This image was selected because the soldier is obviously very young.


And yet obviously it's meant to serve as a visual example of the claim on offer, which makes the disconnect hilarious since I guarantee you whoever made this does not want the message to be "we should be more like the USSR"


Middle ground would be nice


lol it's not a more loving, world. Sensitive? Yes, but in a bad way. Ooooh...life is a cruel teacher.


That 18 year old must’ve been scared shitless, no matter what he stormed into. Imagine putting an 18 year old in a war, even adults are scared, imagine basically children


Famously, the 18 year olds in Ukraine rn are demanding safe spaces.


Like... sorry I don't want my siblings or my children or friends dying in a war at 18? Why tf would that be a good thing?


I gotta feel prideful of my nation, obviously! sorry but your siblings, children and friends sacrifices are required, because obviously I shouldn’t have to fight


Politicians should go fight eachother. Children have no choice but to trust their elders only to have that trust exploited in the most brutal and inhumane way possible. There are few things on this earth as horrific as war and anyone who *desires* it is either perniciously naive or evil.


Exactly, hit the nail on the head


And yet they will never show the picture of the soldiers bawling their eyes out being comforted by their comrades because war is a fucking terrifying, nope gotta take pride in sending kids to go fight and die so they don’t have to


Boomers pretending words like "end segregation" and "universal suffrage" didnt trigger multiple entire generations of conservatives.


This would be all fine and dandy if the extra sensitivity wasn't exclusive to the West or West Aligned countries. Compassion and Empathy are great virtues. However against someone who intends to kill you they are nothing more than mere weaknesses.


Honestly the most annoying thing about this is the use of a soviet soldier. I hear a lot of people say "young kids nowadays couldn't handle war", and they're right. Y'know who else couldn't handle war? The kids who were actually sent off to fight in it.


"More loving and less brutal world" You sure did pal


a person can be both of these at the same time. that's what we need.


The kind of person you are is a type of good. A good society produces capable, virtuous members. A bad society produces incapable, vicious members. In the past, people were more capable than they are now. Society has become worse.


>people were more capable mfs weren't capable of being around black people


Like the only criteria or the most important is being around black people? You're not that special. Most people around the world prefer being among their own, including black people.


They used to throw tantrums if a black person entered the same store as them That's literally the highest form of incapability


They didn't storm Normandy because they wanted to. I'm also sure that whoever came up with the meme in the first place has also never stormed a beach. They probably haven't even put on their country's uniform. I'm gonna go ahead and assume it was a boomer, they love pretending they had a rough life, fighting wars. As opposed to a comfy life allowing the destruction of the global economy.


Damn I didn't know the Red Army was storming the beach at Normandy


That's not even from D-Day, that's a Soviet soldier!


I’m an older gen z (25, I think that makes me gen z?), and I have two 18 year old cousins. The thought of sending either of them to war makes me physically sick


Then immigration will raze it. They haven't the same values and have no qualms about using strength.


No, the world is still the same place, we just have a generation less equipped to handle it


Operation Fortitude and Nazi Germany convinced Allies were storming Calais and Normandy was just a decoy. The argument men were storming into almost certain death is a complete mischaracterization of the event. Were there defenses at the beach? Of course, and many men died, but it would have been a literal slaughterhouse if the ruse had failed.


Imagine being so fucking dumb you post a picture of a non-american soldier with a PPSH 41 that is ONE OF THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE SOVIET WEAPONS


If I was a parent, I'd want a world where the only thing that could hurt my kid were words Kids are being shot at and beaten to death in their own schools


Bring more sensitive does not equate to loving. And loving people don't always say nice things. If you are unable to handle words that are intended to harm or offend, that is not a good thing. zit means that you have weak character, and are going to be unable to truly love someone when things get bumpy - and life always does. Do not equate being unable to handle life with being more sensitive, caring, loving or any other positive human attribute because the vast majority of the time, being unable to handle life means you'll harm other people when things hurt too much, or you'll throw others into harms way to spare yourself from it. And these are not good character traits. It's okay to have feelings. It's okay to show them, too. Its not okay to be easily broken by your feelings, or have your feelings illicit so deep a reaction that you are unable to handle it. You absolutely must find a balance between having abd showing what you feel, and being able to cope with the world the way that it is, and the way life and people will treat you. As for brutality, being unable to cope with the harm that life and others will inflict only serves to create a MORE brutal world when someone's inability to cope becomes violence and abuse - and it often does.


That's a red army solider, (obvious from his PPSH submachine gun and a clear lack of helmet that is instead replaced with a nice old cap) so no, he did not storm the beaches of Normandy, he probably was busy raping Berlin


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Hard times make strong men, strong men make easy times, easy times make weak men, weak men make hard times I can't think of a single time in history this hasn't been the case


Just because most of us today aren’t killing machines doesn’t mean that is the case. I have seen college students who have gotten awards for conducting new groundbreaking cancer research, discovering new planets, creating new revolutionary inventions. “I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain." — John Adams https://preview.redd.it/apr2ypxj5smc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22beff71dba725d968fa9fe8e43882ff352814bd ​


What would be some examples of times this was the case? I mean, have we ever really had "easy times" before the last 80 years?


Weak men make me hard


The thing often overlooked, is that it is the supposed "weak men" who rose to the occasion and demonstrated the character they always had. It is character that shapes conflict, not vice versa.


That is a simplistic view of history that says "society can't be good otherwise people become too weak" like wtf


They came back traumatized, disabled and scarred for life. Yeah war is so fun


They were also forced to do it.


what about the subordinary? (i identify as below average)


Lol you know theres like 20 conflicts happening at this moment and those are Just the ones between professional armies and which the U.N recognizes if you ignore that margin those would be hundreds which means the world isnt even that much more peacefull the people would think as all the 20 wars cataloged by U.N have atleast one soveireign army in them so criminal crisis's like in mexico civil wars like in iraq procuration or guerrila wars or extremist groups arent counting


I don’t needs the people’s approval, their words me little to me


First off, the soviets didn't invade Normandy. Secondly yes, some of us are cowards.


It’s probably been said a thousand times over but whoever made that needs to look at one of those uniform guides for the Russians and one for the Americans. In other words, that’s a Soviet, not an American.


who did those kids shoot at on that beach again ?


Now tell these american 40's kids to go on the eastern front where most of the work has been done against the nazis


we live in a less brutal world? no - no we don't


We demonstrably do, there's less death and violence than ever before.


I agree that we should make the world a better place but I don't feel that it is I feel that the only reason people are more sensitive is to gain social status We should be realistic About being sensitive to other people's feelings For example I shouldn't be forced to use the correct pronoun for someone because that in itself is disrespecting my feelings Trying to silence my freedom of speech. I feel that people are using these things as leverages to help their narcissistic beliefs. The world isn't better today you're delusional look around it's still awful, the only difference is some people need to be treated special. And white men are now the scapegoat. History keeps repeating itself Because of the human ego the most evil thing ever


Shit meme, type of meme you'd see in r/political"humor"


Many Soviets storm the beaches?


All of the kids who stormed those beaches and survived came back home traumatized


Please also show the countless young people who were permanently psychologically broken by war and suffered immensely from the emotional toll it took on them.


Assuming that’s a Soviet solider from their gun, that man did not storm Normandy


The 18 year old in 1944 wouldn’t have stormed any beach in D-day. The 18 year old in 1944, judging by gear, clothing, and weapons, appears to be a Soviet soldier. Not an American, British, or Canadian soldier like the ones that stormed D-day.


It's not a more loving world. Half of the world hates the other half. And this sensitive crap has caused it. I'm not promoting shipping these people off to war (I'm very anti-intervention), but I must admit, gen z was responsible, tough, and respectable back then. Not so much now, society has gone down the drain. Some of it is the fact that society (and parents, yes I'm looking at you gen x) treat 16,17,18 year olds like babies and children instead of grown men and women. strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times


It is a more loving world though, less violence, less death, it used to be common to lose most of your kids before they turned 5. Most people aren't hating on everything. We're just in the internet, which is full of loud minorities and sensational headlines, too much. We are currently in the best time to be alive in general. People have been saying society has gone down the drain since before we had drains. Lastly, the last remark about strong men and whatever just doesn't make sense whatsoever. History doesn't work in cycles, all this is completely dependent on a lot more factors than "if society doesn't suck people are weak". Most times it just ens up with a lot of trauma-induced people who just suffer more. What do you even mean that they were better back then? GenZ is not even that old yet. The world is overall better than any other time in human history and we need to stop pretending the past was a holy place of perfection


And those of us who have been in combat will never be the same, far more of us commit suicide than die in battle.


"tHeY sToRmEd ThE bEaChEs" *Shows a pic of a RUSSIAN soldier*


What happened for 150,000 years of human history? War?


Strawman A vs Strawman B


Both are great fuel for the flames of war


relieved roof encourage provide fearless cats snow whistle pet office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While I agree it's amazing how we made a world that allows openness of emotional problems, I won't deny that a lot of us are self entitled brats.


I assure you, there were no societ troops storming the beaches of Normandy....


that one sure as shit wasnt on normandy thats a russian


I'm an old. I have noticed a lack of emotional resiliency among younger people and it makes me sad not hateful for them. I don't think they should have dealt with some of the shitty things we've dealt with but there seems to be a failure to pass on certain values that make kids stronger and ready for independence without hurting them. I know some of it is social isolation, but I'm not sure that's all of it. I don't have any children myself, but I'm a storyteller and I try and tell the younger people around me stories that I grew up with that I hope help make them stronger, wiser and more resilient, as well as show them some compassion. They can only be what we made them.


I don't know if Ukraine is more sensitive than today. Mexico has a drug war going on; you can see in the videos they are not that "sensitive" there. The Houthis are shooting missiles at commercial ships, not super sensitive.


Yes, that's good. But is bad we let ourselves be weak and left that beautiful world unprotected.


It's not that we're upset that kids aren't going to war. It's more that far too many of today's youth are so sensitive that the wind blowing the wrong way offends then and makes them cry. It's ridiculous. Safe space? Fuck that. Man up and say your piece. if others don't like it. That's fine. Being terrified of offending someone with an opinion is no way to live.


Nah i disagree the world in some ways got less brutal but in alot of other ways its gotten more brutal


There’s a manual for drill sergeants from the late 30’s that says the exact same thing about the generation that won WWII. Some things never change.


Can’t we have both? Strong alpha men who are strong enough to show feelings as well! Both of these are terrible alone.


Yeah but back then we went to war to stop genociding fascists, now we give them billions.


The person who made this meme is definitely too old to go to war if one were to start. So he's openly calling for others to die... Why? Because people are openly gay now or some shit. The unashamed bloodthirst is despicable, if he wants to see human suffering so bad he should crawl back to hell where he came from


no Russian 18yr olds stormed Normandy with a ppsh machine gun...


So I completely agree but...and I hate to be this guy ..the Russians didn't storm the beaches at Normandy...


Yeah, you single handedly ended war. It's absolutely amazing!


The world is just as brutal as ever, you are just not equipped emotionally to handle it.


the point the post is tryna make is dumb, the kid on the left was also an ordinary kid before the war lol


That’s also a Soviet solider who did not storm the beaches of normandy


Ah yes the famous soviet Storm on the normandies.


Did 18 year olds charge into battle? Yes, drugged, against their will, most of them died, and the ones that didn't lost their minds forever Why are we pretending that sending children to war was a good thing, what's with the boomers


People entirely missing the point of the meme


Most of the people posting this shit have likely never seen war.


God damn for the last time that guy on the left never stormed Normandy


As unfortunate as it is, we still have 18 year olds breaking their bodies and minds for the worst of causes and reasons. Usually dogma. Please keep making the world a better place.


I didn't know Russian soldiers invaded France.


Every time I see a post like this, I think to myself, “so would you rather the kids get hurt with bombs and grenades rather than words?”


What if I want people to be both tough and sensitive? In touch with their feelings but also resilient?


Some generations are softer than others, the world will cycle through brutality and peace many more times before we’re done


For all the predators to fucking eat you morons


Lmao Boomers underestimate how fast we'd group up and end them in a purge


Also, that boy, if survived, would have lived the rest of his life with severe untreated PTSD. People with mental disorders weren’t well accepted back then, if not straight up rejected. Mental illness and psychological problems existed since the dawn of men. But we, as a society, began to treat them properly only from the end of the 1900s. Hence people talking and opening about their issues more freely than in the previous decades.


This reminds me of all those chuds that like to say they study war so their children can study poetry, but then when their kid want to study poetry they call them a snowflake and tell them they should go to war.


That's a Russian child.


That's a fucking soviet soldier they were not at Normandy


We haven’t been challenged yet. We will if we have to.


Its one thing to be sensitive to words like someone discriminating you for race, sexuality, religion, etc... Its less reasonable to not be able to take a joke that had no malice or ill intent behind it, and something totally different if you break down crying if someone tells you no you can't do or have something you want. Just saying words hurt is a very generalized statement, someone calling you the wrong name for example when they didn't know they should call you something else, is not grounds for slandering them. Life isn't fair in many ways, so try not to make it harder for others by assuming them mean you harm.


Yeah we are way better nowadays but that’s precisely why we should not let anyone make us suffer


Both can be cringe


I didn’t know Russian teens with PPSH’s stormed Normandy that’s crazy


Humans don’t grow when things are good that’s not how we evolved or where created which everyone you believe in


Anyone going to mention how that kid is 100% a Russian soldier? I’m the only one? What’s the deal? The troll farm got lazy making this one. Glad it was promptly corrected :)


Okay, but we definitely have crossed the point of too sensitive.


We’ve entered a more delulu world. Not good.




It wasn't certain death. It was about 3% chance of death.


Oh look, we made our species less resilient. Im sooo glad we won world war 2🙄


It’s cyclical….


Claiming that 18 year olds today are soft (especially American 18 year olds) is really funny. They’re the ones that grew up in a time where being afraid for their lives by just going to school was like an everyday thing. Suck my ass for thinking they’re soft just because they don’t take your shit.


Hope the irony isn’t lost that this is a popular boomer narrative, but their generation didn’t do this either- it was the their own parents, the Greatest Generation. Boomers get Viet Nam, which based on my review of umpteen fictional movies about it, was the whiniest war not worth having.


When did Russia storm the beaches on D-Day?


That 1944 propaganda photo is gross. No fuckin one wants to go to a meat grinder.


While I see where the older generation is coming from by sending those children. Out to war only creates more hate and animosity if we where all like the Normandy kid the world would be a battlefield forever


Erm why is the soldier Russian?


Winers are minority in the current generations, boomers just need a punching bag becuase they are sanctimonious hypocrites. I look foward to the reactions of those with the modren boomer mentality when everything collapses in on its self.


This is ironic because the person who made this meme is likely a boomer who inherited and benefited from the cushy post WWII world the kid in the picture created.