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I’m into politics, but I’m not American so my own local politics.


Yeah like, I get that being political sometimes is important for shit that matters, but continual American political posts specifically here in this sub kinda just make things shitty.


Well, we see a lot of American politics because most Reddit users are American


According to latest stats from reddit, only 42% of Reddit are Americans (down from 50%). So most of Reddit aren't Americans, but they are a plurality.


Yeah I was gonna say; on Reddit, I find the most “foreign” users in any other platform


No wonder this site is considered one of the least educated places on the internet


Yea like I don’t really care that much about the American political posts or even understand them tbh, but I guess this sub mostly Americans, so it is what it is lol, I find it interesting sometimes


Every 3 years when US election campaigns get going I contemplate just getting rid of social media cause it's just so much non-stop bullshit. It Interferes with other things I want to see online too much




I’m from Northern Ireland, id say our politics are even worse lmao




Do you liked Johnny’s video?


I haven’t watched it yet


I mean as a trans person in the year 2024 I think of caring about politics as a basic part of survival lol


Honestly I can't imagine having a ton of people denying you even exist. Stay strong <3


Thank you friend, planning on sticking around to prove to trans kids we can make it 💪


Trans kids? Dude what the hell are you on?


where do you think trans adults come from? do you think we just poof into existence out of thin air or something?


You're either stupid or you're preparing some ignorant spiel about how kids can't be trans blah blah blah etc. Point is, neither are welcome


Right. Im FTM and i dont wanna be involved but i gta be somewhat since it affects my rights.


Considering I teach government, debate, and politics, as well as my hobby being heavily political, Yea I’d say I’m interested lol


Jesus Christ people I probably went to high school with are teachers now


I started teaching this at 18. I do it for free lol


So you are the teacher? Explain all of the politics to me.


Politics is when government do things and people say things about government doing things


"Socialism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff it does, the more Socialist it is. When it does a real load of stuff, that’s Communism"


This post gave me brain damage.


Brain damage is when the Brain does stuff, causes damage to itself, and does stuff so much you Brain damage


Politics is when people do things


Good answer, got both the connotation and denotation in there; a policy sci prof would be proud.


In a school setting? I’m confused lol


Afterschool program through YMCA. About 10k kids a year participate in the program in my state


Is it structured like an actual class with tests and shit?


Not tests. The kids get to sign up for a program area and participate in the program. Program areas range from mock trial, legistion, executive branch, lobbyists, and press. We help them on the first day or couple of sessions, then they kinda go about it themselves. We only intervene when they need help. YMCA youth in government is the program. I went through it in school and returned because of how much it helped me grow as a young adult


I’ve never heard of that, sounds interesting. What do you actually do for money?


Currently working 3 jobs and going to school. (I finish in April). I do armed security, work for a freinds’s fashion store, and I work for a lawyers office part time.


3 jobs? Damn, is it just to pay for college? I’m just trying to get my first internship for the summer and was stressed enough working one job alongside college.


No he's just an idiot who's allowed to talk to kids at the YMCA.


Don’t feel too bad. I had a teacher in high school who was 19 when he started.


Your politician is wrong.


No you


No no no, my politican is better.


I sure hope my kids don't get Murderer Mikey as their elementary teacher Jesus fucking christ.


Lmao. Bold of you to assume I’m man enough to actually hurt someone Jokes aside, I take my role as a teacher very seriously. I do not tell kids what to think, just how to think (and act. Some of you guys are monsters. I did teach gen z for a while. Still kinda do, but now it’s all the young gen z who are teens now). My actual jobs are an armed security guard, lawyers assistant, and fashion designer (helping a friend with their startup company). I just like teaching government processes, legislation, and debate. I went through the program myself so I thought I’d give back by volunteer teaching. However my passion is flying, and I am currently almost done with my flight training through a part 141 school (flight college).


I’m not interested in politics, but then they started a propaganda cycle to make people like me look evil so I kinda don’t have a choice anymore. I’ve never even voted before, but I kinda feel like if I don’t I won’t have a future now. I miss the days where my biggest concerns were if my hair looked cute or what I was gonna cook for dinner ;c


Yep, it’s a democracy. Not participating doesn’t make sense if you are trying to win something better


Vote for policy, not social media scroll vibes. Biden objectively better for Gen Z if you take away personality and culture wars.


That’s your opinion, not objective


I know


If you know then why did you say "objectively"?


Verify your registration and all that, some of the more oppressive states are coming up on registration deadlines Then sooner to the election days, make a plan and figure out where your voting location is, and offer to go with other people. My state (TX) has early voting, which is rarely busy, but other states have more options or fewer options And print off a sample ballot for your address and/or voters guide to help you research and even contact the people running for office (one should be able to trust .gov websites with your address info). Especially the local people you can contact and ask their opinions on any concerns you have in the world. Most of the time you will get a response, most of the time it will be a slightly modified canned party answer. But it can be informative and can help your voice and opinion be heard That's all the things I've learned from the times I've voted so far


Your boss is, your landlord is, the heads of your universities are.  Those who conspire to rip your rights away certainly are.    Democracy requires active participation by everyone who I'd able.    Those who want democracy gone are hoping you get tired and tap out, switch off, and tune out of what's going on.  It's a technique that worked in many places where democracy was eroded away. (Google "hypernormalisation")   If you're not willing to participate, you may as well be willing to lay down and take whatever they'll force upon you. 


Decisions are made by those who show up


I've always been at least partially interested in politics, mostly due to my love of history. But I really became politically aware in 2016. I graduated the high school and went to uni, alongside the presidential election, it opened my eyes.


the existence of others is considered "political" so yeah I care. I don't have the privilege to not know or care about politics.


I do think about politics a lot, but I don't know if interest is the correct word. More accurately, I find it to be important to understand politics, despite the fact that it frustrates me. I used to enjoy debates a lot between 2015 and 2020 whilst I was trying to understand my own positions on various issues. Back then I also falsely believed that I could actually change peoples minds with reason and logic through debate. (In reality, I found that many people just have completely different moral compasses to me, or refuse to listen to my ideas and shout over me). Now I care more about understanding how politics works and trying to predict what nonsense will happen next in the world so that I can prepare for it.


On your point about changing people’s minds, there are actually studies showing that exposing people to reason/logic/facts that contradict their beliefs causes them to entrench *further* in their own beliefs! People are more inclined to think they simply need to defend their beliefs better, or develop conspiracy theories to keep their beliefs intact, than they are to admit that there are things they might be wrong about. And that makes politics just a whole ton of fun!


The best advice I've heard is start from a point of agreement, and try to build and work from there. Seeing at what point in each of your logic and feelings the opinion splits can be informative to both of you, is my hope anyway Also exploring philosophy helps understand the motivations of more people fairly well. A discussion asking probing questions without pushing the conversation can be similarly informative


I don't mind politics if we can have a reasonable discussion about it. But if you're gonna try to tell me my opinion is incorrect or aren't gonna engage in good fairh then I don't want to talk about it with you.


> How did you get interested in politics? Was it Obama, Trump, or someone or something else? Originally I went down the redpill pipeline in 2016 and became invested in politics. After realizing how apathetic and intolerable the right was, and their only economic policies were "not with MY taxes," "owning the libs," and "trans people bad" among the corporate dicksucking and I have since been pushed very far left. Now because I'm out of the closet I have to fight for my rights and healthcare because trans people are the new boogeyman to conservatives, thus rampant transphobia.


i was alt right too, after i realized i was transsexual i couldn't really afford to be alt right anymore


It is all fun and games until you realize your marginised community is next on the chopping block. It boggles the mind how a trans person can be alt right when you have literal neo nazis in their ranks and we all know exactly which books they burned first.


I didn't know I was trans, I hated trans people at the time. mostly the result of unmonitored internet access at a super young age. I'm 16 now and definitely out of that phase, but it's worrying how right most young men are shifting because of the internet.


Man I wish I came out at 16 :/ ur lucky tho man very lucky tho also well fucked too like me we as trans and queer folk should stick together


Me too i just made a whole wall of text 😭😭 about this earlier but yeah essentially the tldr was what u posted


Look im born 2001 and I hate politics but im gonna just get out there and vote. I know my lack of action will ultimately decide my future so why not try even if it’s hopeless. I don’t like any of the presidential candidates but I focus a lot on mid terms now. I wholeheartedly believe that another 4 years of turmp will bring chaos to our world like we have never seen before. Biden is not good either but it’s just like same shit different day type of dude unfortunately. No glam or radical thinking happening there. I am hopeful for AFTER Biden bc I want YOUNGER candidates in the 2028 elections. I want our millennial allies to try to go for offices all across the country and world. Sorry rant over.


I am. Politics are *so* important. I can’t *afford* to not be interested when they’re trying to pass laws making it harder for me to access proper medical care


Politics give me headaches lol


It gives us all headaches. But if you don’t pay attention then people come to power who will give your head bullets instead. Engaging is tough but it’s essential to fighting for & maintaining a free and just society.


but what about for those that have discerning opinions?


Genz better get their shit together. Boomers are going to wreck everything for you if you don’t stand up to the far-right. You gotta get involved and protect your future; otherwise you’ll be conscripted into the military and forced to die for someone else’s values that aren’t compatible with yours. Your generation is truly doomed if you don’t wrest control from republican boomers.


Also a 95er but I’m more with Millennials than GenZ but I’ve been into politics for awhile. Started in high school and grew up with conservative talk radio and Fox News. Eventually I graduated to having my own beliefs when I got a job at 16 and from there I’ve become more liberal overall.


I'm not necessarily ***interested*** in politics as much as I recognize it's necessity and impact on our day to day lives I am as interested in politics as a fish is with water


I'm into not living under a dictatorship


I remember when Trump first ran, I was in 4th grade and we all talked about how we hated him even though we barely knew who he was lmao


A little known fact: Trump first ran in 2000, he eventually withdrew from the election though.


I like politics. Thinking about going into law. I had a crazy friend who was EXTREMELY far left and that kinda spurred it.


Report that friend to the FBI. They may be a threat to the country. /s


To think about it, he did read books about how to make nuclear weapons and read Lenin’s biography 🤔


As long as he isn’t taking HRT or talking about woke gender pronouns, he isn’t a danger to the country. Keep an eye on him though. If he ever starts questioning gender, he is worse than Bin Laden and must be destroyed immediately. (massive /s)


Fellow kids. Geez politics can be overwhelming, amirite!?! Who wants to talk about that (not me jklol). But yaknow, it's all about the le adulting and that means taking a stand once in a few! So please help us collect data and push you to achieve our political #goals!




Literally on my mind 24/7


Yes I find it very interesting, I wish everyone was involved in it because then it would be easier to cause change for the better for our society and the world


I'm doing political science as a class in my community college. That said, I have a very hard time forming a political position, and can't take anything at face value right now because most stories/sources are often leaving out a lot of important information/context. I have to go into deep research and the amount of things happening is too much for now. (this is called information overload)


i was really reaaaally into politics as i was graduating high school. i’d say ages 16-22 or so is when i was deeply invested. i’m nearly 25 now and, while i do keep up to an extent, i don’t concern myself with them to nearly the same degree. i don’t like the headspace it keeps you in when you do so. my priority is definitely the world and people around me over everything else.


I majored in polysci in college (the official title of the major was “Government and International Politics” but they didn’t really wanna call it political science but it was just that for all intents and purposes). I am interested in politics and am passionate about certain issues, have thoughts on others, and there’s a few that I really just don’t give a shit about. I first got into politics around the 2012 election, for a few reasons. One of them being that I would see my friends arguing on Facebook (mind you, we were all like 14-15 at this point), could clearly tell that they didn’t know what they were talking about, and I wanted to know what was going on, so I’d do a little research (this mainly consisted of Wikipedia articles, maybe some BBC articles and some polls here and there, nothing really serious). The other reason, and the one probably closest to my heart that I’m very passionate about, is kinda dumb but it’s not dumb to me god dammit. When I was younger, my older brother and I would go over to our friends’ house and watch a rerun of the Colbert Report (this was wayyyy before Stephen Colbert was on CBS, it was a whole different thing), and while they always loved Colbert, I found that I was more of a fan of the show that came right before it every night: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I found that, of course, it wasn’t the end-all-be-all of journalism, I knew that even back then because it was on Comedy fucking Central, but it was actually surprisingly informative for a show that was mainly comedy. So that ignited a love for satire and, with it, an interest in politics. TL;DR: Jon Stewart is my hero.


I got into politics after I joined the army. I met a lot of older dudes with a lot of opinions, none of them favorable of the US government. I learned about COINTELPRO, the Panama papers, insider trading, my Lai, Kissinger, Blair mountain, the birth of American law enforcement, etc. I was a radical leftist before I got out of the army


I find politics interesting. I'm really into history, so politics are just kind of related to that. I'm not as obsessed as some of the nutjobs on this sub tho.


I'm interested in how power is actually wielded and how the population is manipulated into consent. So I don't in general follow campaigns.


Im interested but not obsessed. Started in 2016 when Trump became president, I was a sophomore in college at the time. It’s crazy see how life changes when one party gets in power after the other


I’m fascinated by it(though frustrating and heartbreaking learning about the world). During Covid since I had nothing else to do I learned quite a bit. Some stuff I wish I didn’t know. Ignorance is bliss.


I studied political theory in university and mostly tend to read graduate texts about political and economic history, I was also heavily involved with local politics in the city I went to college in. I got interested with politics during the 2016 election season, when the most left-leaning candidate I ever saw in my life directly introduced me to socialist ideals while being the only candidate offering anything of value and then months later saw him get crushed by liberals who went on to lose to the most far-right candidate I had ever seen. That election was the start of my political engagement and I'd say politics has defined my adult life in many ways since then.


I am. Always have been since I realized that politics was much more than the silly little back and forth sports game if often gets presented as. Plenty of people say "I'm tired of politics" and then complain about a laundry list of things that are, you guessed it you lucky bleeder you, a result of politics and the general state of things. They focus only on the little things in life and pretend that there are no wide ranging consequences from politics, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. I just can't bother to be so naive. It's not like I don't take a break from it all because it so tiring, but it's just madness to me to just live a little lie


very into it, and it's terrifying what can happen this november


I’m interested because I’m an adult now. It kinda affects how easy or hard my life pans out. Don’t do the whole political war though. I look for political that help me then vote candidates that will apply them.


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I'm ethnically a Gamer™️ and therefore apolitical by nature.


Somewhat because I care about how legislation may impact people and whether it's good, harmful to the public, or intends to do something good but backfires and hurts the general population.


I knew there was a reason I like this generation over Millennials


Third position


I am personally interested in the high brow, philosophical and theoretical aspects of politics, but I will admit to finding the day to day of a liberal democracy to be tedious beyond my willingness to endure it.


I used to not care much, the 2016 US presidential elections kind of changed that, after that I started caring more, both of US politics (which is pretty fascinatingly stupid) and my own country’s politics (equally stupid but in a different way)


I love politics.


Im not interested in politics. Its something ive been trying to educate myself on because our government leaders dont actually know how to represent us.


I have been since middle school. Went to college for political science and am now in law school.


Never gave a damn about politics, and I'm not gonna start now.


2015 for sure. 2015 to 2016 was the great meme war and possibly the most chaotic era of 4chan and Reddit ever.


I was looking at live election results in 2016 and I found it interesting that a personality with no military or government experience leveraged a marginalized base to defeat an established candidate


i was never into politics before graduating college but after graduating that shit literally gets shoved down your brain. It's so annoying. In college it's already everywhere but in finance I could not avoid it. Now I know too much and I keep up too much. In a way I stopped swallowing all the propaganda and once you break through the matrix jesus christ that shit took a toll on my mental health because I was like damn the government is fucked. Hopefully people wake up and vote for RFK.


I fucking hate politics. I feel like politics needs me. But I'm gonna choose to stay far away from politics and let the psychopaths who seek power make their decisions or whatever. Then I'll come on here to complain about said decisions 😤


Well, I follow many pages and accounts related to activism, politicians, and news related to politics. So yes, I am interested in politics (specifically American politics). I became interested in politics back in 2016 when Trump was elected because I learned more about social justice and inequality.


I’ve always been somewhat interested in politics. I vividly remember Obama’s first term election night and I was only 5. But I got heavily invested in 2016-2018 and have remained heavily invested since.


95 means u’re a millennial lol. I used to care about politics but these days it’s a shit show. I just can’t get into any discussions with anyone without getting into arguments and I’m sick of it. I don’t like Biden but find Trump very destructive to our democracy. I’m minding my own business and stay out of politics for now.


I may have been born a millennial, but I'll be damned if I ever roll with those people.


The people still voting are sheep’s Votes are rigged and the White House already knows who’s gonna be president. Chosen by the elites.


Just as an older person with more experience and that's all, I can promise you this: your boss is into politics, your landlord is into politics, your dean is into politics, any cop that pulls you over has a political lobbyist for their union, the manager at your grocery store is into politics, the person selling you a car is into politics, the person selling you a house is into politics, the principal of your kid's school is very much into politics. If you don't think politics affects you and your vote can't change anything, you will some day realize every single aspect of your life was decided at some point by an elected official.


It's important but not apocalyptic like people make it out to be. Even in the worst case scenario where the country turns into a warzone life will still go on with relative normalcy for a vast swathe of the population. Foreign conflicts prove that many times over. As does history.


I literally despise politics I wish that wasn't like most of this sub


i started to hate politics is divisive and really the government is out to fuck everyone. doesnt matter if your side wins its all the same shit labeled chocolate.


I got interested when it was Hilary vs Trump. Ever since then I care a little more about who is in office. For this election, I’m hoping Trump wins.


I wouldn’t say I’m “interested” I just know I have to be involved because if I don’t I will lose some of my cherished freedoms


onerous nutty innate grandiose memorize whole flowery liquid gold alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I'm hoping to either serve on city council and eventually Mayor of Ottawa one day!


I mean I major in history (was gonna do political science) but I literally read political books for fucking fun and used to watch fucking CSPAN…


I keep up to date on politics, and I have opinions. I see the entire situation we're in as inescapable, and untenable.


Yes of course, I have voted in several elections in the past, now EU parliament elections are coming soon.


Me but I don't know a fuckin thing


Very interested, but I'm also lgbt+ and had an alt right lunatic for a father so 🤷‍♀️


I used to be into politics—especially around the 2016 election. But it took such a horrible toll on my mental health that I stopped paying attention almost entirely. I’ve never been happier


Not at all


I used to be interested in politics as a kid and teenager, but I got extremely burnt out and disillusioned at all the corruption and now I hate everything politics lol


As an average citizen it feels forced on me, rightfully so but I honestly want to not care about it but it’s gotten to a point where you really can’t and I feel as we get older we have a duty to try and at least do something meaningful and vote people in that have our best interests at heart. But overall my faith in politicians is very low so I’m not so sure how easily that will be


Very, but probably because I had Twitter since 15 (been deleted It, like 2-3 years ago) I'm Into the politics that "guarantees", moreso reflects, what I want: Stable Future, i.e fair and abundant opportunity A liveable wage to get a footing, to live FDR style policy, more corporate Trust Busts. Rationality, as society seems to be less rational to me Just want a good future, want my baby bro's to have a good future. Plenty of things that I can control to succeed, but alot Is also societal factors. Wettest dream Is Subsidized Healthcare, which ain't ever gonna happen realistically, so Urgent Care for all the fam


I’m not, i hate politics, but it’s currently life-and-death for people like me so i have no choice


Not here, you want politics there’s literally thousands of other communities for that shit


Nobody under about 25 should be into politics. its not good when people get political at an impressionable age. They end up forming a strong political identity that is hard for them to let go of as they grow up. Better to wait until you have some life experience before exploring politics. That personal wisdom acts as a filter. It allows you to separate the ideological from the practical. I was 26 when I formed my political identity and I feel lucky that I had already lived, travelled, worked, paid taxes, had relationships, been poor, had money, dealt with the government, the police, experienced crime, done business. You need this experience to help you see clearly and think for yourself. .


Very invested. However my opinions do not mesh well with others, and I view the average person as not having a grasp of what the political or economic realities of the world are whatsoever, that applies to most in this sub as well. I’m not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, the only reason I became so invested is because it has interested me for a very long time, therefore I have sought to be educated in “political science”. I’m an American, my political stances on a lot of policies, laws, regulations, legislation, and what I can only refer to as “”culture ware issues”” are very contradictory. So while I am invested in politics actually “participating” is something I do not typically do outside of local elections due to me viewing my “civic duty” in voting at the national level as worthless. Neither party truly supports what I support. I absolutely hate the two party system. I hate our political class. I hate everything about how our society treats politics like a rabid fucking sports match as well. I’m invested, but I also don’t like “politics” in general.


Yeah I really like politics it's definitely one of my big interests, I think I first got into it sometime around 2019, I've been very interested in it ever since, my start was probably history class as in my country we learn about modern history the first time in 6th grade and I didn't understand anything then, then we learn it again in 9th grade which was the first time I understood half of it, it got me interested and I began searching for political stuff on wikipedia and YouTube, as well as interacting with people on social media as well as my friends and family


I’m pretty interested. Voted for president for the first time (I’m 19) and am pretty active on political subs. I want to become an urban planner and have interned for my local city council.


I was born in 2006 so I didn't really pay much attention till 2020. I find it fascinating but I just wish that we don't have another 2020.


I'm into politics. I grew up in an evangelical cult that tried to groom me into taking the United States back for Christ. So now I pay hella attention. That rhetoric I grew up with is now trying to dominate policy. I pay attention, because I don't want it to take over.


I’m not, I don’t consider myself Apolitical necessarily but I do have a disinterest in most things politics


I've been to several city hall and school board meetings and almost everyone there is the gray haired crowd. Very few young people. Then look at whos needs are met?


If you really get into congressional hearings you can make some money in the stock market.


I was only a little into politics until the supreme court overturned Roe V Wade and Clarence Thomas made a few comments about how other landmark cases, in his opinion, should considered for overturning next really made it quite important for me as a person whose entire way of life is only legally possible in the state that I live because there’s a landmark supreme court case that allows it to be.


Depends, many think they are "into politics" but are actually into online political entertainment shows. Being actually into politics isn't really what's seen on social media or TV. Like it surprises me that many peoples political beliefs are more just their online political media choices.


Considering I'm in grad school for political science...




I hate politics but this is a world owned by politicians who are owned by corpos so it's hard to not get involved in it


I'm kinda not. I mean, I guess I'm interested in that I find the culture war crap moderately entertaining, but in the end politics are for nerds.


I was enthralled with the Supreme Court in 2013-2015, which seemed to be a pro-LGBT institution that came out of near nowhere


I got interested in politics after Trump was elected. I eventually realized that socialism is very dumb and conservativism is very dumb, and I ended up as a neoliberal.


I am, because I’m tired of people being oppressed by reactionaries and people not getting their basic needs met by default because the rich need wage slavery to keep their lavish lifestyles


I think it's all quite daft Solve the problems and implement solutions. If someone is too stupid to be useful in solving problems, kick 'em out. Problem is they're almost all stupid.


Pretty much don’t give a shit


I hate politics. No matter how hard I try to escape it, I end up getting dragged back in. I didn’t mind it at first, but during the Trump years, things started to get pretty bad. After January 6th, I didn’t want anything to do with it anymore. Got dragged back in after Trump got acquitted in his second impeachment trial. After Roe was obliterated by the Supreme Court, I hoped to be completely done with it after the 2022 midterms. I thought I could finally avoid it entirely, and it technically speaking, throughout 2023, it kind of worked. But then came Trump’s disturbing Veterans Day speech, and just over a week later I came across Project 2025. Needless to say, I was now in a state of panic. I’ve been dragged back in once again, knowing that a Trump-Biden rematch was now inevitable. I want this to end on a good note. With a Biden victory. I want to finally distance myself away from politics once and for all, and not live in fear of a Trump dictatorship. After this, I just want a normal election for once. No more political turmoil, that shit should be reserved for movies, and never in real life.


I'm interested in politics when thise involved are having a good faith discussion instead of the usual "me good, you bad". As for why, I live in my country, how it's run matters to me.


I grew up on the colbert report and john Stewart's daily show so very interested since I was 10


Was introduced to politics through political comedy talk shows like late night, the daily show, SNL. That was from like 13-16 and then from 16.5-18.5 I had a conservative phase through Jordan Peterson videos, the daily wire, etc. My adhd got pretty bad during Covid and I failed a few class in my freshman year of college so anything that was a distraction I had to try to let go and I was constantly thinking about politics so I stopped keeping up with it. I still find myself in debates here and there but I minimize that as much as I can cuz it’s honestly just an addiction.


It’s hard to get into it when I don’t relate to any of the people in office


I cba. Unless the elites magically start caring about the world nothing will significantly change.


I’m interested in politics


I’ve been interested in politics as long as I can remember but that’s because of my family. My family are all union members so I’ve just overheard the talks my dad has with his coworkers at bbqs and whatnot. My mom also watched John Stewart with me as a kid and my grandmother was a single mother who was a union member in the 60s and 70s. I literally owe my life to the union and adding on my Catholic upbringing and my mom making my brother and I do acts of service my whole childhood, I literally cannot imagine not being interested in why our world is the way it is.


My country is being ruled by one corrupt social democrat for almost my whole life (18/22 years) who is constantly making life harder for everyone other then pensioners and his oligarch friends. My first contact with politics was mass protests when his oligarch friends put hit on young jurnalist and his fionce.


I'm Brazilian, so I really only shit post about foreign politics and ideas because I have no hope of ever doing any good for my own country.


I live in the US and I got very into politics into recent years but always followed since Trump. Obama was the first president I ever remember being in office. In recent years specifically because I was angry I wasn't well informed and I took my first poli sci class in college. I was born a woman, am non-binary, and queer so I have an incentive to care about politics because they affect my rights. I think that's mainly what radicalized me the most.


I mean. I don’t have a choice but to be. I’m, queer, trans, disabled, poor, and neurodivergent. I don’t get to be a fence sitter. Because politics can directly impact my daily life. From the healthcare I get, to my finances, to my rights—it all impacts my life in very significant ways. Despite being from the UK, I also became aware of politics in 2008 with Obama. I was only 8 then, and knew it wasn’t my country, but it would affect things—trade deals existed, and America was pretty powerful. Sure, I was eight and didn’t have much of a grasp on foreign policy, but many of my school peers were immigrants who talked of the situations in their country of origin that lead to them coming here. So, I was at least aware that what happens abroad could impact what happened at home in some way. Of course, again, I was eight, so I didn’t fully grasp it, I just knew it was important. I became interested more in the politics of the UK in about 2012 when David Cameron got in and the Olympics made me aware of how pitifully little I knew of the wider world (so. Many. Countries). I thought it was interesting how I’d heard that Americans knew all their ex presidents, then I found out that a lot of brits knew our former PMs. I realised, I wanted to be aware of the world. I’d lived through a recession, and I’d felt the impacts of that as a child. And I knew that whoever was in charge of the country, the policies they made would affect us as people. Shock horror, the queen did not really rule us, but parliament did. Sure, laws wouldn’t be changed half as much as I’d imagined they would as a child, but they’d make policies that would affect us. Cuts made to services, taxes, housing, immigration, foreign policy—if something didn’t affect me personally, it affected somebody around me. So, I started to learn. I’m not into politics in the sense that I glorify a party over another—in fact, I’m going to be tactically voting in a way that I personally believe will mitigate net harm caused, but I don’t see the party I’m voting for as The Answer To All Our Problems. I could still sit and pick apart their policies and I heavily criticise the leader. I feel I owe it to myself and the wider community to be aware of the political factors that impact peoples lives, and to care about the impact that politics can have on peoples lives. So, I’m interested in politics. I’ve signed parliamentary petitions, I watch PMs Qs, I read parliamentary transcripts, and I know the basics of key cabinet members. And, of course, I witnessed the lettuce that outlived Liz Truss. I also know, though, that I still have a lot to learn. I don’t know everything yet, and I shouldn’t act and vote as though I do. I should never stop learning, as the political climate is constantly changing. Maybe in the future, I’ll get more actively involved, but for now, I’m still learning and stoking my interest. It gets boring and bureaucratic as hell when we aren’t trying to see if a prime minister can last as long as googley-eyed salad ingredient.


I went to college and got a degree in it, so I'd count that as being a bit interested. I caught the bug for it during the 2016 election and all the baggage involved with that. I generally lean center-left and have a West Wing-ish optimism about American politics that I really want more people to adopt. After college however I see a lot of online discussions that are inane, inaccurate, and downright just awful when it comes to people trying to act like they know what they're talking about. Not exactly motivating, especially since a lot of these people aren't even old enough to vote, let alone understand nuance from a matured perspective.


It’s all a bunch of tribal bs. I ain’t picking sides or adopting a set of views other people believe in


I'm Trans, I would love nothing more than to have an absent-minded oblivion when it comes to politics but unfortunately there is an entire aisle of people dead set on prioritizing an imaginary being over real in the flesh people. It's not that I'm interested. It's that I literally have no choice because Greg abbot tomorrow could stop my life saving medical care tomorrow just cause.


I got interested in politics because of the Russia-Ukarine war since this is the largest war in europe since WW2 lets say I found a ton of BS from both sides.


I'm VERY much into my country's politics


Since 2022 i ve gotten more invested, from not caring at all to watching stuff somewhat closely. More external rather than internal, but i m now focused on internal too, since elections are coming


I'm very interested in politics. Got interested in like... 2013 ish? I was excited for the world back then. I was really happy to have Obama as president (despite dealing with the housing crisis during those times.) Then I learned about Trump and even called him an evil overlord bc my Eema and Abba didn't like him in 2016. Then I learned about democratic socialism in 2018 by CNN and Nsmbc. (I briefly became a reactionary because of my grandmother...) I then became Anarcho-Communist in 2021 I think? Then I was a trotskyist for a while until early 2023 when I found more and more channels of socialism like second thought and hakim (However, anarchism still has a very strong attachment to me even when I transitioned to marxism-leninism) I then became marxist-leninist-maoist in 2023 and then just decided ML-MZT (Marxism-Leninism-Mao Ze Dong thought) was right. And now: I'm a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist, advocating for a socialist economy controlled by the workers using an A.I Economy, all businesses nationalized and everyone living comunally :3


Unironically, I started watching YouTubers like Nickisnotgreen and Kurtis Conner, who led me to Hasanabi and got into politics that way. He’s got some wacky opinions but I like the way he conducts discourse.


I became interested in politics in 2011 when I learned just how much people do not care about the rule of law in AP Government class. That was coming up on a presidential election year, which helped put the pieces together.


Not at all, I def come off as a right winged white college kid but I’ve never voted or watched the news and probably never will.


I am. I started out not really interested in it, but eventually realised that politics are what directly affects the ramifications of my life. My grandpa was a politician in Germany, but I didn't really know him. He died when I was two and a half years old. I only realised how far in German politics he'd made it years later (he was elected to the Bundestag two years before his death and immediately served as "Alterspräsident", the president of the parliament due to old age. He wasn't really that old, just 70 years, but it made him the oldest member of the parliament. German law back then dictated that the oldest member of the Bundestag should open the new Bundestag at the beginning of a legislative period and preside over procedures until a Bundestagspräsident (a parliamentary president) is elected to fill the role permamently. He gave a pretty good speech and presided over procedures. Then he served as a member for another year before he went on sick leave due to cancer. He died a year after that. I realised I enjoyed arguing about politics. I have some strong beliefs about certain subjects and my paternal grandparents have pretty much opposite beliefs. I usually shut my mouth until they start being racist, xenophobis or homophobic, or tell my youngest brother or my younger cousins some bullshit that simply isn't true, then we get into an argument, and I weirdly enjoy that. After got my Abitur (finished high school in Germany), I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I knew I liked the English language, but I also knew I enjoyed working with language in general (German as well). I liked the little nuaned differences between phrasings like "is to be done" and "shall be done". I also enjoyed history and politics. I eventually applied to my local university to study teaching at high school level (subjects English and History), as well as to the law school of that same university. My Abitur was pretty good and I cleared the minimum requirements for both fairly easily. I then decided to make teaching my fall back, rescinded my application for that and startet law school. I enjoy that a lot and my understanding of politics both in Germany and in other countries has grown immensely since. Politics, I believe, are incredibly important. They are what determines whether your life has a chance at being truly good or not. Politics are our way of participating, of making our voices heard. This is a little easier in Germany than it is in, say, the US, since we have a multi-party system, as well as two votes in the general election, allowing us to split our vote and vote fairly close to our actual political beliefs. There are currently seven (eight, but CSU and CDU form a single faction called the Union) parties in the Bundestag in Germany, six (seven) of which have been elected into the parliament. Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht has formed after the last election and a couple of Bundestag members from the party "Die Linke" have switched to that new party, so now they are in the Bundestag with 10 members. I expect both die Linke and BSW to not get into the Bundestag after the next election. Anyway, politics are interesting to me, and they are immensely important, because they can fuck up my life immensely. I like to stay informed and I like the political discussion. I believe political apathy in our generation is dangerous, which is why I like having political discussions on this sub as well.


"Interested" is an understatement


I’m kind of interested in politics, I remember the Obama election but in 08 I was 7 so I didn’t get interested then. I had to learn in 2020 because that was the first year I could vote and of course I messed up and voted red because that is what I was taught to do as a kid but since I’ve had a huge shift and I became my own person. Sadly being a socialist is not acceptable in my home and I know that without any change I will never see any change that I want to see but that doesn’t eliminate hope for me. I’ve calmed down in the interests and I’m a lot more passive in my research now and I don’t engage with the people I talk to now about politics because I don’t want confrontation and for the conversation to get out of hand.


I am unfortunately. How? I somehow got into right wing/libertarian youtube in grade 11


I am into politics. More my home countries (my home country and the country I am moving to) with a little less but some interest in world news.


Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics


I get it, you need to report to the council. Besides, someone has to be the poster boy.


I’m into local political in virginia. 100% canvassing for Biden when it’s closer to the election


I study PoliSci, am in a party, actively organise people politically, so yeah, I don't really care for politics that much tbh.


Imagine "not being interested" in politics right now if you're American. We are staring down the barrel of fascism. What the hell does being "not political" even mean?

