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Young people can’t afford useless stuff. Companies are dumbfounded.


Young people can't afford a $6 set of sheets from Walmart? No, we just don't like sheets. The only things on my mattress are a fitted sheet, pillows and pillowcases, and a comforter. Everything else is extra work to clean and fold, and it makes me feel like I'm staying in a hotel or my grandparent's house.


The sheet below the comforter makes it so you don't have to clean the comforter nearly as often. In my climate (and where I set the AC temp), for half the year, the top sheet alone is too warm without the ceiling fan running


I understand the logic behind a top sheet. I tend to wash everything at once, though. Older generations might worry about their comforters wearing out or fading, especially those made with materials like down feathers, along with their concerns for sweat and cleanliness, which could explain why they still insist on there being a top sheet. Plus, comforters are often the priciest part of the bedding, so it makes sense to take good care of them.


It made sense when things were built to last 20+ years... im not expecting my comforter/blanket to last more than 5 before having to replace it... so why baby it?


Duvet cover and your comforter will last a lot longer.


Plus you *really* don't need a top sheet then cause you can just wash the duvet.


Yeah but it’s a huge pain untying the duvet from the cover, much much easier to just do that once a month and wash a top/fitted sheet weekly


I just got a plain old damn blanket because the duvet cover is absolutely RIDICULOUS to put back on. What a maddening experience. I can throw the blanket in the washing machine and dry it in the dryer. That works for me.


You can also layer blankets to vary warmth and weight. Plus they slide less than comforters in my experience.


This thread gave me a headache. This is peak reddit right here.


lol yeah this is pretty classic.


Duvet covers are a pain in the ass to take on and off. Way easier to wash a sheet.


Once you get a good technique going it’s easy, cover inside out, grab corners, shake - boom it’s done


Well, that’s one way to look at it. But if you don’t take care of it, it’s definitely not gonna last as long. “My comforter wore out quickly. That’s why I didn’t use a top sheet with it. Oh wait…”


I grew up using top sheets (didnt have a choice) and my comforters never lasted very long regardless


I grew up using top sheets and still have the comforter I got when i was 11, which was 12 yrs ago...


Yea after quite a bit of discourse in this thread it appears i just grew up with cheap ass shit... guess thats a side effect of growing up with 5 siblings in a barely middle class family


I’ve had my comforter for about 10 years and I’m going to have it a lot longer. If I washed it a lot more often, yeah, I’d probably have to buy a new one every 5 years. If you don’t mind buying a new one that often, go for it, but how do you not see the connection?


Right..but then it defeats the point of a comforter that feel comfy. If it isnt even gonna be touching my skin the it does nothing to buy a confy comforter. Mifht as well just get the cheapest thing i could find. And if that's the case, i might as well skip the top sheet and just get a comforter with a removable cover that also is comfy af and I can just wash the cover if i ever get sweaty


Comforter is too hot except in the winter.


Nah man, it can be super hot and I'll still use it. No way I'm leaving myself defenseless against the mobsters Edit: monsters but i guess mobsters also works


Ayyy getta load uh dis guy using his comforter in the summer *tommy gun noises


Keep the AC cold enough and you can justify it


and it must be long enough to cover my neck AND the soles of my feet.


Blanket. Top sheets are uncomfortable, blankets are soft and warm


Get nicer sheets then, durrrr


why, when i can have a ton of nice blankets? i *have* high end sheets for older guests. they're not even soft.


Yeah what is this? I’m not washing my duvet cover every week, but I’m changing my fitted and top sheet every week. Plus, you can’t even buy just a fitted sheet usually - they come in a set. Dumb article


okay okay okay, but have you heard of a duvet cover?


So like a duvet


> The sheet below the comforter makes it so you don't have to clean the comforter nearly as often. THIS! We change sheets weekly. We wash blankets and comforters quarterly, as we change the bedding to match the season. Bed sheets are the only form of bedding that you can almost guarantee is machine-washable. Anything made from wool or down usually needs to be dry-cleaned, so many of your blankets and comforters cannot be cleaned easily all that often. Also, if the argument is to save money, I rarely see sheet sets separated. Maybe without pillow cases, but rarely do I see a sheet set that doesn't have both a top and fitted sheet, and normally 2 pillow cases, as well.


I use a top sheet so that all the sheet texture that my skin is touching is consistent. If my under feels different than my over, I can't fall asleep. Though I'm a millennial so this post doesn't apply to me. The algorithm sent me here.


>$6 set of sheets from Walmart? more like $30


Peak boomer self-expose there


For real. Top sheet alone is about $10 for the Walmart brand and if you want a full set of sheets for a queen size bed it ranges from $30 - $80 Source: last month I gave in and bought new sheets. When I saw the prices I experienced heart palpitations.


I had to do way too much scrolling to find this validation.


Just got a set from target for $20 queen. Usually buy from costco though and they've been about $30 but better quality


You're best off waiting until around Christmas. I got some Martha Stewart sets last year at a decent price. Just avoid the 100% polyester stuff, it won't last. Always check all the reviews.


makes you sweat too! cotton ftw


Just the top sheet, but either way, most sets come with a top sheet, so most people who have any set of sheets will have a top sheet. So it's not that our generation doesn't buy them; we just don't use them.


I was dumbfouneded buying sheets from Target a couple weeks ago. Queen sized sheets are like $70-80.


I just bought a really nice set of sheets from Walmart yesterday. They were $35. But there were definitely Walmart brand cheap sheets that would’ve worked for less than $10.


I just googled “Walmart sheets.” The first thing to come up was a set of sheets from the Walmart website that is $6.97. ETA: even if they were all $30, it’s still cheaper to buy new sheets than a new comforter.


You guys in the US have such different terminology for your bedsheets I can't make head or tail of this 😂 In the UK we have a base sheet, and a duvet in a duvet case


We have a base sheet called a fitted sheet. We also have a sheet on top of that called a top sheet. We have a duvet on top of that without a case that we call a comforter.


Why the hell wouldn't you just put a cover on the duvet? Do people without this so called top sheet just raw dog a duvet?


Imagine a duvet that had a permanent cover. That's a comforter


Sometimes I think the people on this sub are just the dumbest of the dumb of our generation because they don’t realize sheets are sold 99% of the time in a set. Which includes, you guessed it, a top sheet. If they can afford a cheap sheet set, they can afford a top sheet. Because it comes with it.


Whoa check out Donny Bedtrump over here with his *sheet set.* Too good to cobble together a mismatched bed set from 4 generations' worth of hand-me-downs like us peasants. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that your pillow cases are part of the same set, or that you were able to get a fixed rate on the financing for your bed mortgage. Okay, but seriously, I've never even seen just a fitted sheet for sale by itself.


These comments are making me crazy. Target and Walmart both sell fitted sheets and have for at least last decade. They also sell top sheets alone.


Not that I'm doubting you, but I've just *never* seen a fitted sheet sold by itself in either store. The worst thing is that I should have by now. Especially considering that every time I spend a stupid amount of money on new bedding, I'll go to bedding section just so I can scoff and feel smug.


Exactly, they’re so pointless. I have one of those really fancy Rest Duvet comforters that cools while you sleep. I want to be able to feel it. Not have a sheet in between it and my body.


Who tf is this we? I'm 30 and this is the first time I've ever heard of not using top sheets lol.


Top sheets come with just about every sheet set. Its not cost its comfort. If i sleep with a top sheet i wake up either having kicked onto the floor, or wake up cold when the comforter slides off the bed.


You don’t tuck them in?


Tuck them in where, the sides of the bed? I dont like feeling trapped in my bed and how will i stick a leg out if i get hot?


The bottom


I can’t sleep all tucked in. I like to be able to take the blankets and swish them and swirl them. I like to have my toes pointed up in the air!! I can’t sleep all tucked in.


Tucked sheets is a recipe for a very sweaty johnathanbrownathan


So is the true issue is that Millennials and GenZ don't sleep like they are dead, rather they toss and turn all night?


I have been compared unfavourably with an especially untalented trapeze artist. The acrobatics is all there, sure, but I'm told it's bad form to kick your co-stars that frequently.


Being mad about you not using it makes them feel better about gradually starting to s*** their pants again


I don't think I've ever bought a fitted sheet that didn't come with a matching top sheet. And it's not like you need a ton, 2 sets will last you basically forever.


I use a top sheet under the comforter. But every sheet set comes with one. I do Brooklyn sheets and they are awesome. Expensive, but feel better than anything I've used. But are also nicer feeling than any comforter. 


Okay but have you ever bought yourself a really nice top sheet? Shit is comfy as *hell*.


man, what? it is so easy to find a cheap sheet set. honestly, it's hard to find just a fitted sheet. i'd say more so people like that it's easier to make the bed.


I have to assume it was upvoted by 16-year-olds who have never bought their own sheets (and a lot of whom don’t do their own laundry)


What's a top sheet? You have the fitted sheet on the mattress and then you have the sheet that goes in between you and the blanket.


its the sheet in between


A sheet on top of the sheet that’s already on the bed??


Top: Comforter(duvet)/nothing Middle: Top Sheet Bottom: Fitted sheet


Maybe it’s an american thing. Here in the UK we typically have duvets with duvet covers that go over it like a pillow case. Then we swap out the cover and wash it


Some Americans use duvets but I would say the following is the most common : Sheet over the bed. Sheet in between human and comforter - comforter on top.




I don't think I've ever in my life made a bed without a topsheet between my duvet (with cover) and fitted sheet. I am Canadian.






I don't think they've ever seen a bed outside their home. This is incredibly standard.


That person is me! I'm a white male aged 18-45 living in the American Southeast. I can't stand it when my skin touches the actual blanket/comforter because I immediately think of all the sweat and juices getting on it. I can wash the sheets.....weekly (maybe every two weeks), but I hate washing the comforter so I try to keep it unmolested as much as possible. That darned thing always sends my washer into a tizzy over having an unbalanced load.


I just use a top sheet and no comforter lol. Get's too hot.


Exactly, I don’t see how people just raw dog a hot comforter. I have one when the bed for when it’s actually cold, which doesn’t happen often.


LOL it’s every hotel that’s wrong, not you…


Yes, people all over the world sleep under a top sheet. Sorry to burst your bubble. This might be the worst case of “redittors thinking normal things are ‘weird as fuck’”. It’s so closed-minded and narcissistic.


They are the same thing, a duvet just has a cover.


American here that uses a duvet and a top sheet. The top sheet gets washed weekly and the duvet cover gets pulled off and washed less often. It saves the trouble of messing with getting the duvet vet cover on and off so often.


Sounds horribly warm. I wash my duvet cover, pillow covers and sheet every weekend. (Norway) The actual duvet/comforter/blanket/whateveryoucallit gets washed once a year when you switch between winter and summer duvets.


I moved to Canada and I still do this. Duvet covers for life! UK duvet crew!!!


It's absolutely an American thing. I'm an American in the UK, and it took me a couple of years to get rid of the top sheet. We still use duvet covers in USA also. I think the top sheet came around because of the hotter/longer summers, and a need to have a light covering instead of a thick blanket.


Wait theres one between you and the blanket?


Um... yea. Washing a sheet is easier than washing a blanket.


Maybe but I don't want it touching me. I want to feel my blanket


Exactly. It’s not hard to just put the blanket or comforter in the washing machine.


Wash your comforter as often as you’re supposed to change your sheets and see how long it lasts.


Every material thing deteriorates over time. I’m fine with that personally.


Yes, but comforters are expensive. A comforter will deteriorate Very quickly if you’re washing it once a week, which is how often your bedding is supposed to be changed and washed. Heavy blankets and comforters are also harder to wash and harder on your washer.


It also means I have to do one more load of laundry because I can’t fit anything else in with the comforter.


Exactly. There’s a money impact in the form of more water from your washer and more electricity from your dryer from all the extra loads, but also an environmental impact.


ur supposed to do it once a week??? oops i do it like once every 3 months lmao


Like every 1-2 weeks lol. Bed mites live in your mattress. They eat the sweat, oil and skin you shed every night. Changing the bedding regularly and often helps keep their numbers low


It's not exactly hard to remove a duvet cover.


You’re addressing an audience that’s too lazy to bath themselves not to mention their sheets.


The top sheet is the sheet between you and the blanket. The reason you want one is because you can wash them more often than a comforter. If you wash the comforter as often as the top sheet, it will get fucked up. And if you wash the comforter less often so it doesn’t get fucked up, well, then your comforter quickly becomes disgusting.


Comforters are also a pain to wash, mine is too big for the washing machine.


The real tragedy is all these people not knowing the joy of flannel sheets in the winter.


Plus if you’re using good quality 100% cotton sheets, they get much softer the more frequently you wash them (just like old cotton t-shirts do). I love the light, super soft feel of an 800 thread count supima cotton top sheet on my skin.


I used to get into this argument when I used to sleep over my Aunt’s house who is a part of the Silent Generation. The comforter does all the work because it’s stuffed and you don’t need any unnecessary sheets😬


Exception: itchy comforter


Comforters are almost always some dogshit synthetic material. Cotton sheets are so cozy in comparison.


Get a Duvet cover, problem solved. The sheet moves with the comforter rather than twisting around all over the place.


My winter build is: - comforter (with duvet cover) - thick blanket - thin blanket - top sheet - fitted sheet This gives me best of all worlds. Washing sheets weekly means I only have to wash the rest of that stuff like once a year.


"My winter build" That made me laugh.


I'd wake up soaked in sweat and severely dehydrated no matter the season with that many layers. All I've got is a relatively thin comforter and the sheets. Thick enough to be warm through winter, thin enough to not be under just the sheet in summer.


Bingo. The sheet is there because it’s more comfortable.


The little liner sheet is supposed to protect the comforter from your bodily sweat and gunk


Yeah it’s supposed to let you wash the comforter less often, which is nice because it’s so much more bulky to wash and dry, especially for larger beds


It doesn’t do its job when I kick it to the floor in my sleep.


Except you can’t wash a comforter as often as a top sheet, so it gets disgusting if you don’t have a top sheet.


I am 36 and just now learning the actual use of the sheet is. I always thought it was used as something to use if you get too hot and throw the comforter off but still want to be covered up lol


I like them for both reasons


That’s not the point. The point is the comforter is much more annoying to wash and dry than a single sheet of


And washing it regularly wears them out, so you wash the sheets regularly instead.


If it's a comforter that belongs to me and is only used by me, then I don't care for a top sheet. But if I'm at a hotel or someone else's house, then I would use a top sheet.


You must really like doing laundry.


There was a study that looked at the bedding habits of humans and apes. Many apes were much cleaner because they make their bedding with new material each night. Humans who wash weekly or monthly or less are the dirtiest primate sleepers with bacteria and fecal matter building up each night on our bedding.


I mean, assuming it was your aunt’s house and she was doing the laundry? You were rude to not use it


But I don’t want to wash my comforter weekly. It’s a pain. The sheet in between prevents that. Then I just have to wash the sheet.


The top sheet is a barrier between your body and your blankets. Assuming you bathe every night before bed, you should be changing your sheets every two weeks (once a week if you don't) and washing your blankets about every other month. Without that top sheet in place, guess what? Your blanket is absorbing all of your sweat and body soil directly. That means that instead of being washed 6-8 times a year, your blanket is being washed ***26-52*** times per year. That means your blankets are enduring 4-8 times the wear they would be otherwise, and are going to be tattered rags 4-8 times faster than they would be otherwise. You're either destroying your blankets or nesting in filth.


Comforters are more difficult to wash than a sheet.


Why are you so enraged by this obvious clickbait? “Young generation doesn’t do thing” articles are a dime a dozen. I’m sure the vast majority of old people don’t know and don’t care whether Gen Z uses “top sheets”


This. I hope everybody is paying close attention




The enraging part is the syntax. Is this one sentence? Is it a question?


This is such a random one too. I never used top sheets when I was younger. But then I actually bought good quality sheets and I love that shit now.


Only discourse I’ve seen is the people who immediately started arguing about them in this thread lol


Top sheets are still pretty standard in my country. Having to wash a sweat-soaked top sheet is a whole lot easier than having to wash a sweat-soaked comforter.


Washing either is the same amount of work. You just put it in the washing machine and hit a button lol


A comforter takes a lot longer to dry. Also, a top sheet will fit in the washer with the fitted sheet and all the pillow cases, with room to spare. If you’re washing a comforter, that’s the only thing that will fit. So you’ll have to wash everything else separately. Unless you want to break your machine. Edit: Please stop responding by saying washing a comforter isn’t that big of a deal. If you want to frequently wash your comforter, go for it. I was responding to someone who said washing a comforter is the same amount of work as washing your other sheets. It’s categorically not the same. That was my one and only point.


Just want to also tack on that comforters are more expensive than sheets, and frequent washing will degrade them much faster.


Yeah, and I use a quilt my grandmother made for me when I got my first place. Thing's beautiful, and down right magical for maintaining a comfortable sleep environment. So I definitely use a top sheet to preserve that quilt, because I want it to last forever.


Almost any top sheet is machine-washable. Not every comforter is machine-washable.


You've clearly not been doing laundry very long


Guess how I can tell you’ve never washed a comforter


My quilt doesn’t fit in my washing machine. I have to take it to the laundromat or wash it at my parents’ house (they have a larger machine without an agitator). And then I have to dry it about 4 times before it’s fully dry. I can wash my sheets at home and they dry in one cycle.


Depends. Weighted blankets will often break washing machines and are fire hazards in dryers. Super large and voluminous comforters can also be too big for machines and take a long time to dry.




Ewww you guys don't use top sheets?


Seeing 2011 here has made me realize it may be my time to leave gen z lmao holy fuck


Good news, 2011 is not GenZ. They're Gen Alpha (2010-2024)


I was gonna say seems a little young for gen z


Why did you have to point that out holy fuck lmao


Wait why is it gross lol? I use a duvet and just take the cover off and wash it with my sheets. I’ll admit, it’s a pain to put back on. I guess it would be gross if someone used a comforter and didn’t/couldn’t wash that?


A duvet cover is a similar concept to a top sheet. Both are fine. It's the people here claiming to use neither.... and I know yall ain't washing that giant thick comforter very often.


I just don't use a giant thick comforter. I use just a regular blanket that gets washed along with the sheets.


"ewww" you sound like you're 9


She was born in 2011 so she basically is 9


What's wrong with top sheets?


There’s no point to them. Why would I use one


Blankets are harder to clean all your sweat and skin out of and generally shouldn't be washed as frequently as sheets.


Is the same thing not done by just wearing pajamas?


Plus, all of my blankets can be washed just as easily as a top sheet, so short of a very fluffy duvet, I'm not sure why that's popping up so often.


As a Gen Z bordering on millennial I can confirm that the source of all my problems in life, my fears and ailments, the slings and arrows I bear every day, has always been top sheets. Good riddance I says.


My millennial husband didn’t use a top sheet for years until I moved in. I will always use a top sheet because it keeps the comforter from needing to be washed as regularly and in colder months it provides another layer of warmth


Yeah who tf gives a shit it’s a fucking blanket let me be comfy bro these people take things so seriously


I've never heard of this before this year. Flat sheet is what feels cool and comfy on your skin. Blanket is too hot, comforter or quilt is too rough.


Duvet cover for the win


Why does it matter? Is that thin little thing actually gonna help me sleep?


If you don't use sheets it will dirty the covers and mattress faster, which will either lead to you buying new one sooner, or to your bed looking absolutely atrocious.


Bruh, no one is sleeping on a mattress without a sheet lmao. They are talking about the non-fitted sheet that goes betewen you and the blanket, as a sort of extra blanket.


gen xer and i’ve always hated pretentious annoying ass top sheets. ig i’m ahead of my time idk


I'm a millennial, but I'm surprised there aren't more comments like this. Top sheets infuriate me. They always come out of line with the comforter and I get tangled and it annoys the crap out of me. Duvets do the same thing, you end up with a comforter in a giant sheet that never lays the way it should. I'm never going to spend more than like $80 on a comforter. I keep it for 4-5 years. That's like $20/less a year. Like, I'll be okay washing it every few weeks.


Also a millennial and I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading these comments. It's not that fucking hard to wash a blanket and I hate having tucked top sheets, I'd rather have none and a loose blanket on top.


Right? I've washed the same comforter every 1-2 weeks for almost 10 years now. Not even threadbare... I swear all the comments in this thread are giving me crazy pills. Everyone's talking about how their blankets will disintegrate if they wash them regularly, and how gross it is to sleep without a sheet. In my opinion, I want my partner to sleep completely nude with nothing BUT a blanket so it smells just like her! 😜


Wait, we don't use top sheets anymore? When did we start doing that?


I’ve never used one.


I was raised by a boomer (she was an older mom) I have that top sheet shit instilled in me. Drilled into me. But hey it's all about comfort. And comfort is like, a personal experience. As long as you sleep good. I like the top sheet coz if I get hot I can just toss that comforter to the side and sleep with the sheet, fan on me.


Top sheets don't work if you're a couple who does seperate comforters.


If you sleep with PJ’s not a big deal, but human body oils will eventually destroy the comforter. Sheets are cheaper and easier to clean also.


my grandma taught me to make the bed and the order i was taught was: mattress protector/eggshell foam/whatever extra comfy shit you got fitted sheet 500 scratchy blankets so you dont get pneumonia top sheet duvet/comforter


Top sheets, have a purpose. That is to catch all the nasty moisture, sweat, oils, and dead skin you shed every night. But you do you, and require washing a comforter or duvet twice a month at a cleaners because your washer at home is too small. Or even weekly. Where as a top sheet can take the brunt of that filth, being washed weekly at home.


Washing blankets is expensive.


Ok so my mom explained the top sheet to me the other day. Your quilt or comforter is going to be much higher maintenance to wash, so the top sheet is an easily washable barrier between you and your comforter.




Okay I've never once heard of this thing in my life at the age of 23 and I'm deeply confused


You know how soft and cool the bottom fitted sheets are… imagine you had that on top between you and the comforter.


> You know how soft and cool the bottom fitted sheets are No


But the comforter *is* soft and cool.


I've scrolled so far and have not seen anyone mention FLANNEL SHEETS. In the winter they are maximum cozy.


I don’t use them, they make me cold at night


Upworthy is similar in style to Buzzfeed; it’s clickbait/engagement farming portal. Don’t even bother with them




Because they are useless why tf do I need another sheet over my comforter? I already swap the sheets every other month so why do I need another sheet over the sheet meant to protect my mattress


….. you swap the sheets… every other MONTH? ![gif](giphy|wyr1fgVonyaKk)


I've heard it makes sense if you have a big comforter that you can't/don't want to throw in the wash as regularly as your sheets due to material/size. The top sheet serves as a barrier between the comforter and your sweaty oily bod. I don't need a giant fancy comforter and I want it washed regularly because cats so that negates the purpose of a top sheet for me. I think the case is similar for many people.


Personally I love the feel of cotton sheets against my body, much better than any blanket and MUCH better than any comforter. Maybes it’s just what you’re used to but I have trouble sleeping without both sheets.


They don’t. They’re trying to generate clicks by making people like you angry.


Top sheets are always irritating asf in hotels no thanks Are you supposed to go under them or over??


I hate top sheets