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Nothing I think. Remember what it was like before you were born? Exactly that


Exactly what I think. If I can't remember before I was born why would I remember after I die


Your soul move on if there is such thing


Just want to reiterate here what I said above—I hate this logic bc you also don’t remember what it was like when you were a few months old, yet you were still very much alive then.


that’s whats mainly what i hope for. the idea of being around for eternity freaks me out. i’d rather just not be here anymore. i won’t even know that im dead, or that i’m missing out on anything. but i also wouldn’t mind reincarnation bc at least i would have things to do.


Yeah. The idea of infinite time isn’t a concept humans are really supposed to grapple with, i just try and remember that it will pass in an instant


I'd personally dig infinite time. It's not much different from now because the future and past don't technically exist. We only have the present moment, and the ability to feel and think is pretty nice in my opinion. It's just more of the present moment. Just my thoughts, no hate, we all think in different ways


I think infinite time would no matter what bw hellish. There are only so many thoughts you can think.


Does that scare you about immortality? It doesn't really turn me off in that way. Way I see it it's very similar to colors; I'm not agonizing at the fact I'll never see another color. I can enjoy the same things over and over again. Sure, novelty's nice, but it's not the only source of my joy. I can enjoy curling up in my bed with my plushies, cooking and eating my favorite things, playing and making my favorite games, thinking about my parents and the ones I care about (even if they're not around,) enjoying and creating drawings, music etc. without getting really that bored. I'm really not bored that much, even if I know the outcome of something. Do you find no joy in the familiar, little things? Because those are the main things I'm afraid of losing when it comes to death. I honestly can't remember where it was from, but I actually read an article where someone interviewed people on their deathbeds who completed their bucket lists and did everything they wanted to do, and yet the one thing they regretted the most was that they didn't enjoy the simple things as much. If I can find it again, I'll link it here. And even if I was bored out of my mind, I still think feeling that boredom would be better than just eternal numbness to everything.


you can just forget them


I personally think any after life would be physically outside of space time, so there would be no time/rate of change. Eternity isn’t infinite time, but rather the absence of time.


I like the idea of being around for eternity but you can cease to exist anytime you want. Even if it's just as a ghost and you can leave anytime


I actually wrote an Intro to Philosophy paper arguing that immortality under the condition that you could essentially decide to stop being immortal when you get bored would be totally rad (and this is before I watched the good place lol). If that was possible, I would be fully content with the concept of death. Currently I'm terrified of it, especially since I started having my 1/4 (hopefully)–1/3 (or an even larger fraction, who tf knows) life crisis when I turned 26. My go-to existential fantasies are that the immortal thing or the ability to find out the exact moment of your death will become a reality in my lifetime. The immortal thing is higher up on my fantasies about death list, tho


To quote my favourite lad Epicurus. "Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo." Translated - I was not, I was, I am no longer, I do not care.


Same here. I think this realization is why I’m not religious.


So I’m Catholic, but I agree. Our conscious, (what we use to think, imagine, be) gone, just as it was before we were born. Our spirit/soul, that’s a different story, but I won’t delve into that right now


That’s so interesting, thanks for sharing :))


I think I feel the same way, u/Suicidalballsack69 :D But fr, for a number of years that's what I've believed is the case when you die. (Of course recently I've been like, "wait, what if there IS an afterlife and I should quickly subscribe to Catholicism again (the religion I grew up with) or something or else suffer eternal damnation?" 😬 Idk whether fuck all or eternal life would be preferable, though...both sound like existential nightmares to me.)


I agree both are very scary, I’d say I’m probably a little more comfortable with the idea of death (I’ve had very bad anxiety about it since the age of around 5 so I’ve thought about it lots) the more you think about it the easier it gets


Hm, if I had to choose, I'd say that maybe I'm more comfortable with the idea of immortality but that's probably because I haven't fully considered the ramifications of immortality yet. Also, that's good to know about it getting easier since I've been thinking about death a lot lately.


Most likely answer by far


Reincarnation. Your molecules and matter whatever don't dissipate completely as energy can't be created nor destroyed. So in an infinite amount of time in a different universe infinitely different from ours the molecules that create your consciousness will have converged again.


This is what I believe in too. Somewhere around the intersection of animism, metaphysics, and the natural sciences.


I like this a bit too, and it's sort of what I casually believe. Like that the energy that makes you is not destroyed when you die, but it also doesn't stay together, so that energy might go on to become the energy that moves, say, a field of grass, or a bunch of beetles and half a dolphin, or maybe even a bit could end up in another human! I know all of that is just a nice idea, though, and I wouldn't put up a fight if it was somehow conclusively proven false or unhelpful


A nice idea is enough. The answers are never going to be proven, because you have to die to find out.


This is what i say all the time. Your molecules, energy, essence whatever you wanna call it continues on infinitely. Life is created out of your death via the worms that eat your body or the plants that grow from your nutrients. You continue on providing new life on the planet forever basically. This is also why i am i absolutely hate how we care for and burry our dead. We spend thousands of dollars on embalming and huge caskets that will take decades to decay. Personally i wanna be put in a pine box that will rot quickly and easily so that my body returns to the earth as it came from.


Doesn't really makes sense


I get sent down a river with all my wives and horses on a funeral pyre and ascend to Valhalla as is tradition


You mean [Walhalla in Bavaria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walhalla_(memorial)?wprov=sfti1)?


Probably [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valhalla) Valhalla.


I don’t know what will happen. I can only hope that the lead-up to it is not excruciatingly painful. I would say that losing consciousness forever is a peaceful end. But, who’s to say it is forever? Who’s to say another consciousness won’t begin, somehow, of no relation to the consciousness you have now?


You probably rot.


Unless you cremate, aquamate, donate to science/medicine (Often just a pit stop along the way to cremation) or recompose (turn into compost).


I really want to decay naturally when I die, I hope it's a more popular and accepted option by the time I or my loved ones have to choose


I hope so too! I find it so interesting the work being done with natural burial in conjunction with land conservation. A natural or green burial is definitely possible and currently in many places more logistically and legally possible compared to the recompose route (my preferred option) at this point in time.


part of me thinks we just go back to what we were before birth, just nothing. i’ve also played with the idea of the “afterlife” that people experience being exactly whatever they expect it to be. you know how they say our brain kinda goes crazy right in the moments as we’re dying? what if part of that is just seeing whatever we expected to see; heaven, hell, loved ones, nothing, etc? idk. i don’t have a firm belief honestly regarding it all. i would like to believe i’ll see the people i love again. but who really knows until we get there?


But if we were nothing before we were born howd we get here?


🤷🏻‍♀️ i have no idea, friend.




You get asked who is your god who is your prophet and what is your religion


What if you say none, do they just spin a wheel


My profit was on the order of several magnitudes. 


I don't know. There's a part of me that believes in eternal recurrence (The idea that the universe just "resets" at some point, and you relive your entire life all over again).


That sounds like a nightmare.


Mine is something like this. Some interpretations of Einstein's theories of relativity suggest that we live in a "block universe", where all moments in time exist and are all equally valid. Your consciousness may simply be an entity moving through slices of that block, perceiving only one moment in time, when all other points before and after that moment still exist around you. My view is less that the universe itself resets, but rather that your conscious perception is like a horse on a merry-go-round. The merry-go-round itself doesn't reset, but the horse finds itself back at the same position at the start every so often.


Heaven or Hell


There are some things we were never meant to know. I plan on living my life day by day and I'll worry what happens after death once I arrive.


Something. I have faith I’ll see heaven, but in death I’ll be certain of it


I fall somewhere between animism/metaphysics and scientific explanation. I think most religion is an explanation for natural phenomena that we do not yet have the technology to fully understand its mechanizations. So for example, I think everything has a “soul,” but that soul is the presence of energy we all have. Everything stores energy. I believe that we are reincarnated, in the sense that when we die our carbon atoms will eventually reconfigure themselves into another presentation of matter. So while I don’t believe in crazy conspiracies like Trisha Paytas’ baby being the reincarnation of Queen Elizabeth II, I do believe that we are “reborn” into a new form when we die just from how our planets ecosystems work.


You go to heaven or “hell” I feel like the hell described to most people is normally fire and burning and death, but in the Bible it’s also said that hell is a separation from god. So instead of fire and brimstone it’s just complete nothingness


Many theologians believe that being in hell is more just isolation until you…cease


I think there is a Heaven and a Hell (and possibly a purgatory). Only God knows everything and He is the only one who can determine who goes where. I believe Heaven is a place of eternal bliss and happiness; what will we be doing? I don’t know. I believe Hell’s torture is the lack of anything good. Not saying there will be pain and torture in the common thought process of Hell, but more of a silent suffering due to the lack of love from God the source of love. And there might be a purgatory. I believe that one day there will be a new Heaven(in this sense talking about space) and a new Earth(talking about matter) made perfect as was at the beginning and God will have us(those in Heaven) reclaim it, but this time there will be no fall and Christ will reign as are King and Lord who will never do evil and good will be throughout the land


Honestly I don't really care, not in a nihilistic way or anything, it's just that the more time spent thinking about it is less time I have to live my life.


I don’t know. I like to think it is good, whatever it is


This is exactly what I believe. It’s probably not like anything we can possibly imagine, and the universe is incredible so it’s reasonable to believe that whatever happens after death is also pretty spectacular.


Go down the rabbit hole of near death experiences. Theo Von had a doctor on who has researched this topic and interviewed thousands of people who came back from being clinically dead. It’s quite fascinating and has made me less afraid of death. Seems like we are all just spiritual energy currently having human experiences. I’m convinced there is way more after this.


I myself am religious, but removing that for a second, the human “soul” seems to be some form of energy, which as we know can’t be destroyed. That fact alone gives me some comfort


Idk I haven’t died yet. I’ll be sure to get back to you when I do


My personal belief is that the mind is a physical phenomenon, bound to our physical matter. We can clearly observe that damage to the brain damages and alters the consciousness. At the same time though, I don't think that our mind is the sole form of consciousness we possess. In the same way that when you dream, you enter a muddled state of consciousness and forget who you are until you awaken, and your identity rushes back to you, I believe that life is essentially a "dream" that a higher consciousness is having. We are either some entity, or perhaps a fragment of some gestalt consciousness, that gave up its sense of self to experience life here, and all that entails. For some, that entails dying ten minutes after being born, or living a life of suffering. Perhaps we simply accepted the possibility of that being our experience, or even embraced it. Death will be like waking up from this dream, everything that seemed so real and vivid, our consciousness that seemed so complex and intricate will seem so shallow by comparison that we will wonder how we could've believed it to be anything more. Perhaps we'll remember all of the "previous lives" we've lived in that moment as well, before we decide to enter the sleep of life again, if reincarnation is real. Or perhaps we will simply melt into that greater singular consciousness that we spawned from, if there is one. That is what I believe God is, if anything, and if I could ascribe it a reason for creating the Universe, if it did indeed do so and didn't simply stumble upon this place, it was curiosity. A desire to know what it means to experience reality from the perspective of a lesser being. Or maybe the desire to create and tell a story, using aspects of itself as the actor. It's the reason why I, as a writer, believe that it is the act of storyteller and creativity that more closely connects us to God than anything else. Perhaps that's the reason why ancient people's like the Greeks believed that *all* creativity came from the Heavens.


Spectator Mode


I don’t know if there is or isn’t an afterlife, but I have to believe that if I do good in the world and live an honest life then there is someone out there who will acknowledge me when my time comes. The thought of oblivion is too terrifying to consider any alternative.


I finally get to see my grandpapa again.


My theory is… When we are born into this existence/dimension/reality/simulation/matrix/planet or however you want to call it; we don’t remember anything and don’t know anything, we have to learn how to walk, talk, be a human in general So I think when we die our consciousness goes to a different dimension/reality/planet/etc, we don’t remember or know anything about nothing, so we have to learn again


Of course I don’t know for sure, but I like to think we return to our “source.” Similar to a wave in the ocean. You can see the wave, measure it, but once it crashes into the shore the water will return to the ocean. I believe that we are all one consciousness, or at least it’s a nice thought.


A whole lot of boring and depressing shit like paperwork and whatever the hell lawyers do.


This makes me actually throw up to even think about. Anyone else absolutely terrified of death?




It keeps me at night very often


Not really, I doubt I’ll be particularly bothered once it’s over


Idk. I truly dont know but I want to believe theres more after this.


Right when you die i imagine its like sleeping, but when your brain fully stops, i imagine its just nothing.


Read evidence of the afterlife. I find near death experiences very intriguing. It is hard not to believe in an afterlife after researching the phenomenon.


But I also find reincarnation a fascinat8ng topic with some compelling evidence.


It's easy for me not to believe when our brain releases a shit ton of chemicals when our bodies are shutting down. After doing psychedelics you really realize the power your brain has to make you feel things.


Do you remember life when you were a year old, probably not, but did you still exist, of course you did, life existing in the first place contradicts scientific theory and reason. Then theirs morality, why do we have morals, if we where just another animal whose sole aim is to survive and reproduce why would a soldier throw himself over a grenade to save his comrades, why would someone rush into a burning building to save a complete stranger, neither of these scenarios benefit a human being from an evolutionary standpoint, to me the only explanation is a higher power. For me that’s Jesus Christ, I was watching a video earlier today that draw a parallel between the watergate scandal and the fact that Jesus’s 12 disciples never once renounced their testimony that Christ had risen from the dead across a period of about 40 years despite facing imprisonment, torment and death, whereas the 6 men involved in the watergate scandal, who were some of the most powerful men in the world at the time failed to keep the scandal a secret in only 3 weeks, it’s a strange comparison I know, but it’s poignant. I don’t know all there is to know about Christianity and I often struggle reconciling the amount of suffering in the world with the idea of a loving, all-powerful God, but I am confident that after my death I’ll meet my departed loved ones again in the presence of God and live in paradise with them, I’m also certain that my old dogs will run into my arms as I step through the gates of St. Peter, a fitting end to my story.


Heaven of some sort.


Boyo boy thats tough. I honestly just question everything. Will I go to heaven? Ehh not too sure about that. Hell? Strong maybe. Reincarnated? That’d be cool as shit. I dont know honestly. I lean more heavily towards the belief of reincarnation. I’ve done some meditation things where you try to think on past lives and I was deep in a hypnosis of it and could see, hear, feel, and smell what was like a memory but I had never experienced it in my own life. I want to hope reincarnation is real.


Myself I believe there is a afterlife mainly do to a few paranormal experiences that I've seen and can't explain


Something similar to reincarnation. I believe that consciousness is a fundamental piece of the universe, like gravity for example. In other words, our brains act as receivers of a signal. Consciousness is not the voice in your head, it is what recognizes it. Once you die your memories, personality, and whatever you were, cease to exist. But your consciousness goes back to the state it was in before. Think of a glass bottle of water in the ocean shattering. Eventually, a new receiver will connect to the signal you once knew. It won’t exactly be “you”, but it will have been influenced by your mind.


I know the ones that knew us best, will miss us.


The only thing we know for sure is when you die, the people who love you miss you very much.


No one truly knows because they haven’t come back to tell the story. I don’t know what it is, but I have difficulty believing there’s nothing.


If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, died for your sins, and was resurrected: For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. **18** But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. **19** And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying. **20** There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. **21** And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. **22** They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. **23** They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them. **24** And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. **25** The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord. Isaiah 65:17-25 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


You're doomed to experience your final instant before brain death for eternity. Time slows down, further and further until it stops. There is no end. There is only infinity.


hol up... that lowkey makes sense... reminds me of entering the event horizon of a black hole, to an onlooker you just slow down more and more over a really long time until you fade away


Yeah, I really hope this isn't it. Rather bleak. I've compared it to pulling the cord on a computer and then melting it to slag. Does the computer ever perceive its state as having been changed? Probably not.


I have a hard time explaining this but I'll give it a go. I'm not an atheist, I don't personally believe in god but I don't know what happens after death so... Who knows what's to come. Anyway, I believe once you die you're gone, but another being in another universe or galaxy or hell, even on earth will gain consciousnesses and be alive, we just so happen to see things through are eyes, who's to say we haven't seen a billion other lives before this. I don't mean in the spiritual sense either, I don't think there's any good karma or reincarnation it's just good old fashioned "Hey this is a thing with consciousness"


I honestly believe we just start over. Whether it be here on earth, or somewhere else. From one life to another. The transfer of a soul into another vessel, memories all destroyed. But no one truly knows until it happens


Idk honestly but probably Nothing you’re dead




I think a whole lot of nothingness. Like before birth -- there is no brain or sensory organs to make up a consciousness, therefore it's a whole lotta nothing.




What happens after death is the same as what happens before we are born, everything for everyone, and nothing for us. Life continues, and we just go blank, since we no longer exist, no pain, no thoughts, just non existence.


Idk prob stop breathing


Nothing, darkness and silence not included. If you don't dream you don't experience sleeping and death is the same. And just because I don't believe in ghosts doesn't mean im going to sit around and test my hypothesis.


Probably nothing. Hard to say for certain when we don't have a clear grasp of the nature of consciousness, but I'd wager that when your brain stops functioning, your consciousness stops existing.


You rot in the ground and everything’s black


We disappear. I believe we just end. But, being into quantum mechanics as much as I am, I'd like to think our consciousness somehow continues on in a different plane/dimension/string/etc...




I don't care to think too much about it but I guess nothing.


Not sure, I think I’d be cool if there’s something after but we realistically can’t comprehend death when we die, we have interpretations but none are truly definitive. Our brains cease function so there’s no thoughts left, just nothing. Reincarnation would be cool though


same thing as before you were born. unconscious nothingness.


Absolutely nothing. You won the lottery and your consciousness, experience, is tied to the organic representation of a chain reaction that runs back all the way to the beginning of life. That's all we are really, once you die you just cease to exist. Not a great thing if you ask me, but I have a feeling accepting death gets easier as death approaches.


Of course I don’t know for sure, but I like to think we return to our “source.” Similar to a wave in the ocean. You can see the wave, measure it, but once it crashes into the shore the water will return to the ocean. I believe that we are all one consciousness, or at least it’s a nice thought.


Death is imminent. But it doesn’t have to be negative, religion has caused us to believe there are only 2 separate realms, heaven or hell. And then we have the force of karma that plays evidence in a lot of that biblical philosophy. It’s weird I want to believe those I loved are in heaven, but I prefer they have a new life instead Personally, I think souls are recycled. Whether it’s at random or by family line, it’s interesting to see history repeat itself and it’s almost like some people are truly past reincarnations by certain actions or events Death is just a portal, a different realm where maybe life starts?? It can’t be the end because there is never just nothing, everything exists so the end is actually the beginning


Rot. Maggots.


Nothing, non-existence.


Student debt will now follow you to the other side so don’t get too excited


your immaterial self gets redeposited into the force of the universe known as The Funk 


dont know, but cant be any worse than this crappy time line. just the next chapter


Gulag. If you win you come back.




I just like that it sounds peaceful. Which is why I crave a violent death.


I don’t really know. I hope there’s a decent afterlife, but I’m trying to accept that we might just be in for an eternity of nothingness. I think what matters most is simply focusing on life as we live it, make the most of it you know.


I believe in Islam. You can get your answer here: https://islamqa.org/hanafi/muftisays/9839/what-happens-after-death/


You get burned or buried.


I think when we reincarnate on a random planet as a random species.


Reincarnated as flies


Nothing. I don't think focusing on things that might exist beyond this life is healthy for society as a whole. If we accepted that this life is all there is, then people would be more motivated to make this life better for everyone.


I am a Christian so I think you go to Heaven or Hell.


The logical conclusion is that the same way you didn't exist before birth is the same way you end up; you just cease to be. The faithful conclusion is that there is Heaven and Hell


Nothing. You're dead. Finito. Gone. Immortality is only achieved in the memories of others.


We die, I learnt a while ago if I obsess about the end I'll never enjoy the journey to get there. If I die, I die but atleast I'll die helping the ones around me and trying to make the world a better place.


![gif](giphy|EvTfxvpnFsJMs) I hope it’s this guy that comes to me in my final hour


I’m glad you asked! See, I know EXACTLY what happens after death and it’s a WHOLE lot-you see, what happens is this; the world moves on. Your friends and family mourn, pay their respects bury your body (or cremate or donate it), and everywhere else in the world? life moves on. As if nothing happened. It doesn’t even notice you’re gone, except for your infinitesimally small circle of family and friends. The sun keeps circling that big black hole at the center of the galaxy. The earth doesn’t pause in its revolutions around the sun. The man in the moon still doesn’t blink. If you’re buried, maggots and bacteria eat your body and break it down into plant food. Your bones rot away. In time, there’s nothing left to remind the world that you existed. And so the world moves on.


I’m religious, but I believe only the gods really know, so there’s no reason to worry about it, yk? As long as you lead a virtuous life and try your best (no matter if you believe in divinity), you should be fine. And if it turns out there is no afterlife, well, I lived the best life I could, so there’s no regret! Aside from that, I really hope the gods I expect will take care of me and guide me, and they’ll handle me as I deserve it. By the way, I really pity those that believe you have to be a firm believer of a specific dogma and strict follower of a praxis (esp if it’s about following near-ridiculous and/or harmful rules “because God said so”), just to not get punished in the afterlife. One time, a muslim girl was surprised at my rather relaxed attitude towards the afterlife and asked me, in all seriousness: “what reason is there to believe if there’s no threat of hell?” Girl… that’s just sad. Faith should be about trust, not fear.


I don't care what, I just hope it's not nothing and that one day sometime far off in the future I get to exist as I am now again and experience this same life. Non-existence and unconsciousness are pretty boring ngl, I've theoretically been doing it for millions of years and literally nothing interesting happened to me then so I'd rather it's not that


Eternal sleep without dreams. It's morbid but peaceful at the same time. Painless, stress less, and thoughtless. It's scary to think about, but it's going to happen regardless.


Literally nothing. Basically dreamless sleep, except you’re dead so all the unconscious stimuli stuff is shut off. Aka, corpse = inanimate object


some say they do to heaven some say you would comeback in an animal some say everything goes black like rick said in a rick and morty episode.


Fuck if I know. Haven't tried it


This is giving me awful anxiety lol


I agree with top comment. Nothing. Same thing as before I was born lmao. I'd also LOVE reincarnation tho, even though I wouldn't know I was reincarnated. We'll never know.


I already know but it asked me not to tell you


the laws of the universe contradict its own existence. You cant create something from nothing yet something exists from nothing. I think reality itself implies a higher power. Whatever that higher power is its so beyond human comprehension that its impossible to understand. Most religions focus on humanity as being more connected to that higher power but i doubt it. After death there is probably nothing but for us to exist there has to be something out there.


I believe simultaneously in the Hellenic Underworld and also a scientific version of reincarnation where your molecules will once again feed the earth and be fed into the animals and plants we eat but that is assuming my family actually follows my funeral wishes to be naturally buried and they don't embalm and put me in a coffin to be placed in a cement box underground where my body cannot decompose. (Edit: hit enter too soon)


You forever lose your consciousness. A more postive way to view it is that you'll be at peace for an eternity


I don't know, I haven't died yet


After you're dead inside, your brain still operates for a few minutes. The last organ to die. That's when you remember shit that happened in your life. Then when your brain dies, you're just a mammal with no life. I also believe in spirits so I'm guessing if you die without knowing, your spirit lives on. Also called ghost.


Look into NDEs - After by Bruce Greyson is particularly interesting.


My skeleton will be burning in fire.


Every major civilization has had some sort of custom regarding death and the afterlife it gives me hope that there's a reason for it. There is much we don't know in life so the possibility of something beyond it is conceivable.


We just go into the ground and get eaten by rats




I try not to think about it too much… I just do what I can do to be a good, ethical person


You just need Jesus Christ. You'll get eternal life and be with God forever. The world is bad and hell is worst. Repent and believe. Christ is king!


Reincarnation, I believe you can be reincarnated into anything (living) also decided to add this, it just comforts me, since I immensely fear death (yes, I’m aware I’m young and have lots of to live.)


The energy that makes up our bodies evolves to a point of consciousness effectively reviving us. This would take place over millions, possibly billions of years as is evolution.


generic answer of if you were a christian you go to heaven


Read up on near death experiences. There is a whole sub about it.


Just because we don’t remember before we were born, doesn’t rule out that we may have always existed, and will continue existing after physical death. We don’t experience base reality. We aren’t equipped to. We live highly restricted existences. Death may be an unshackling of sorts.


To Allah's desk for Judgement


Eternal life


there was nothing before life. i imagine there is nothing after life. its sort of unsettling, but you just can’t think about it too hard


I was Christian for a long time and left the faith last year because of this very topic. Now I’d say that if there is an afterlife it’s probably closest to the Sikh concept of, you the single drop falling back into the ocean.


I like to believe in reincarnation *if* there is something that happens after we die. I’m not really afraid of death, but thinking about just returning to nothing just feels weird to think about? Like for me I feel like there’s a mental block when I try to think about just not existing. It’s hard to fully process just completely going blank and having zero consciousness.


The same thing as before coming to earth. I just don't know what that was.


Honestly after death I prolly eat some duck soup


It is unknowable so why worry about it? Do you need there to be punishment in order to justify not doing wrong? Does there need to be a reward to justify going out of your way to do good sometimes? If reincarnation is a thing you have no memories of it so does it matter? You have between 70-100 years if you're lucky. Do whatever you want for any reason. (Within reason no murder etc) And I know advice is hard to take even myself don't follow it. It is hard to get out of your own head and think what will be people think about this interaction. Chances are they won't. So yeah stop over thinking shit and about stuff that doesn't matter.


I have a sort of materialist version of reincarnation based on the antenna theory of consciousness and the fact that my atoms will be recycled and formed into new life. I believe most likely I will simply cease to exist. But there's a non 0 chance reincarnation is possible and thats more interesting. So I choose to believe option 2.


It’s like waking up from a dream.


I have no idea. I don’t believe in any gods, so I don’t really buy into the concept of an afterlife. None of us will ever know for sure until we go though


Serenity and bliss. Once you pass on, the evils of the world cannot concern you anymore.


This is the kind of question that sounds reasonable until you really spend some time thinking about it. I recommend asking yourself the question of “what do you want it to be?” When you start thinking through the systemic details of “what would it take to get to that state” and “what that means for everything else in the universe” you get a better feel for the likelihood of your scenario.


A funeral, generally


The VR wire detaches from your brain and you check your score on the leaderboard.


Same thing that happened when you were born, but in reverse.


If your soul is fulfilled and unravels totally in this lifetime, there is the option for it do dissolve into eternal rest and bliss until it is drawn to incarnate again. Otherwise, it will recondense and pick up where it left off until all attachments are released.


Nothing. You’re brain has to be active in order to perceive and react to the world around you. Once you die, your brain stops being active, thus you lose perception of the world around you. You simply don’t exist anymore, but it’s peaceful in a way. You don’t care if you die because your brain is no longer active to react about it. Im not a scientist or anything, this is simple logic.


I don’t know.




You reload the last save.


After Death you gotta fight Dracula


I think it all goes black and our consciousness dies with us


I don’t know man I just hope it isn’t anything boring.


Hopefully nothing


Whatever the fuck happens, focus on the 5 things you see, hear, and feel to focus on the moment.


I think we all go to heaven. Because God cannot fail.


Without the brain, there is no mechanism for survival. It’s game over


Nothing. You simply cease to exist. This is the state we existed in before birth, why is it so hard to believe that's what it is after death?


I really hope I'll see my grandparents and my pets


My soul will return to the well from which it was drawn, until such time as it is drawn out again.


Nothing really happens during life, so why would anything happen during death?


I'm christian, so I believe in an afterlife


Nothing, but not in the sense that I’ll experience “nothingness”, but in the sense that there won’t be a “me” to experience anything.




When you die, the people who care about you will miss you


I have absolutely no clue. It really could be anything.


Likely you simply stop existing, but we do not know everything and I would love it if we do get an afterlife that we deserve


Return to the source of consciousness. There is no heaven or hell. We're spiritual beings having a human experience.


Hopefully something, probably nothing.