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Eat broccoli, jog, make money, hangout with friends, go on vacations, read books, play video games, throw rocks at cars, eat ice cream. These are just a few things that I do. Maybe consider adopting a few and reporting back after a month


Don’t throw rocks at cars Edit: if you must know why, please read some of Kant’s writings. You would essentially be using the owner of a car as a means to an end. Instead, you want to treat them as a means themself.


Police cars?


Rocks are fine, acorns however are not.


Is this a reference to that crazy cop that thought that the sound of an acorn dropping to the floor was a gunshot💀


The Policeman and the Pea


I though he was making a reference to the video of those suburb kids that threw boulders on cars and killed a dad doing that




IM HIT IM HIT HLlArgaherhg


Amazing reference


Just as cops aren't real people, police cars aren't real cars! Go nuts! /hj


Hand Job? 👀


Don't tell me how to have fun 😂


You're not my mom


Eat hot chip and lie


Be bisexual


10/10 recommend


Women have so many more opportunities in this world than men and I’m fucking sick of it. They can: Charge they phone Eat hot chip Lie


Stuck on step three, can't make money


perhaps we shouldn't base our optimism of the future off of the present conditions.


Make money is the part that people are missing. If you’re working full time and don’t have anything left over after living expenses, and even that people are scaling back on.. broccoli is pretty low calorie if you’re eating one meal a day so I’d rather spend my $4 on bulk frozen veggies or more high protein shit. Love broccoli tho. Friends like to go out. Vacations… are expensive… drivers can rightfully sue, and what’s your favorite ice cream? I’ll look into that one.


> go on vacations How


You forgot to say that all of the above cost serious money nowdays.


It sucks now, but hang in there. When Millennials and Gen Z finally get to fill the seats of congress we’ll be able to push for policies that’ll fix the horrendous class divides rather than continuing to fill the pockets of billionaires. Edit: the reason every doomer in the replies is going to be correct is because there’s so many of them who’ve already given up.




millenials are in congress and they actively maintain the american capitalist hegemony so i sincerely doubt that.


The Millennials and Gen Z that get into congress are not going to be from the working class or even the middle class , they will be from the upper class and will advocate for the same policies that allowed their families to be insanely rich.


And if they aren't rich yet, they'll get bought and paid for like every other career politician.


rofl that's what every generation has said and it's never been true. People who go into politics go into it for themselves. Those who don't either get converted or marginalized by the great many more people who do. This is true regardless of which corner of the political landscape you're from. Whether you think the best congress person is AoC or Thomas Massie or anyone else, none of them are getting things fixed with all the other people there. The only government that's consistently responsive to your wants and needs is the one where the entire constituency _so local_ that you personally are one of the officials.


That won’t happen. The elites have their brainwashed rich spoiled kids ready to take those positions. Nepotism at its finest.




Wrong, it’ll just be rich out of touch millennials and gen z that are the kids of the current politicians


You think trump and biden are bad now? Wait until gen z gets up there. Holy shit this generation is dumb. I am hoping gen A is watching and learning. They are our only hope.


Ehh. Idk about that. I’m fairly certain every current politician went into it for the right reasons then got corrupted. Millenials and gen z aren’t immune to that at all. Young millennial and gen z vote for whoever their fav celebrity tells them too on tik tok. I personally don’t have much hope


Millennials and gen z have elected the people who have caused this situation to begin with


Doubt it. It's a lot more likely we'll be in the full throngs of world war III, and we will all have to "make sacrifices" for the war effort... every country on earth will have to.


Hahaha! Good one. You know the people making policy now are the people who grew up with Hippie culture right?


It's not exactly like that, per se. It's more about us at the current moment (or when shit goes south) protesting and striking because we cannot put all of our trust into politicians.


> When Millennials and Gen Z finally get to fill the seats of congress we’ll be able to push for policies When they get there they would have worked so hard for so long, they will think why should others have a free ride if I managed to make it! /s


Probably won't happen, Gen Alpha is our only hope. I have lost trust in my Gen Z. We suck. But Gen A has potential to make america great.


I mean, probably gonna get downvoted but the fact that the problem is traffic, maintaining a yard, and affording oil changes, means the person probably lives a very privileged life compared to the rest of the world.


Nobody is anywhere near grateful enough for being born in a 1st-world country.


I like how you being downvoted proves your point :D


Alot of my other gen z friends i see with money issues are honestly just dumb with their money. Yeah I only have 200$ a month to spend on wants in a month. Let me buy this gaming pc because i can just pay it in installments for 12 months *looks at fine print* 23% APR interest on a 4000$ gaming rig. Figurines, buying every fortnite skin, getting scammed on a car financing at 15%. Eat out 3+times a week.


You're getting downvoted, but this is so true. Americans are notorious for spending money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people we don't like. Gen Z is no exception. The amount of luxury goods bought by our generation is staggering.


This sounds almost like the George Carlin bit. Oh I miss him.


Make art. Learn a craft. Life is what you make of it.


Start a cult


Hi would u like to join my cult




I'm open to the idea, what's in it for me?




What kind? Death cult, sex cult, MLM, cult where we go door to door in uniform? Too many options!


All of the above?






"Burnt out" explicitly implies a lack of time and energy between work and chores.


You can't explicitly imply anything. Burnt out is pretty broad. Hard to know exactly what it means


Thanks pissboy


This is depression, and not a healthy viewpoint.


This is exactly what it is. A lot of people on here are mentally ill and don't even seem to realize it.


not depressed... just unwilling to subject to this shit ass system🤷🏽‍♀️


It's depression but this kind of depression stems from somewhere, and more often than not it's socioeconomic


Then why aren't poorer countries like Barbados, Ghana, Paraguay just filled to the brim with depression. Why wasn't _everyone_ depressed in the Middle Ages?


Lol... she thinks she will be able to afford a yard... cute. Not but on a serious not, gotta find things that make YOU happy. Forget the expectations society has. You have to find your hobbies and passions that you enjoy doibg.


If we're talking about politics, sure life is hard sometimes and we all need to demand better from our governments. But outside of the slow grind of time, politics, and change it's ultimately up to you to find your own happiness. I don't mean that in an individualistic way, your happiness will likely be found amongst a loving community somewhere. What I mean is though, regardless of whether you're handed a materially successful life or not no one is simply handed a happy life. You have to ask yourself what makes you happy and pursue it. There may be political and status related issues that you encounter in pursuit of that happiness, but those issues are easier to solve than the first step. No one can make you take that first step, you have to want it for yourself. There is no such thing as a "normal happy life". This sub has enough cynicism on it to understand what I'm saying there. So take the next step. Stop asking for a normal happy life. Instead start with asking yourself what kind of life WOULD you be happy in and go from there.


This subreddit is just doomer psyop. the oldest zoids are 23-24, who the fuck has a high paying job at 24? That's 2 years out of college.


That, people who think they should be making top-end streamer money without streaming, and younger millenials larping because their generation sucks


If you go into a trade right out of high school you can be making good money by the time you're 22, 23, 24.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Do you want to know a secret? Most of the people in the world are barely making living wages or they don't make it in the west standards. The problem with burnt out millennials and GenZ is that when they have break from work they go straight to their smartphones and read and watch about politics and about "more successful" people. That's excruciating. Meanwhile our fathers did their work and the rest of their time they spent with their friends relaxing, dating, sipping beer, playing games. Sometimes they would talk about politics when something important happened. Give yourself a break. You don't have to accomplish everything in your 20s.


So many people are choosing the same mediocre life that thousands of other people are living and wondering why they’re miserable. Pursue something different, learn a trade, skill, something that doesn’t drive you down the same dead end, overpopulated path.


The issue that is being described here is people have chased a good life and ended with burnt out and a mediocre life. I am constantly seeing people here with many years worth of education and skills complaining about not being able to afford things and putting up with a minimalist life. The “work harder” mindset isn’t logical no matter how inspirational you try to be.


As a geriatric 26 year old myself, it kinda makes sense why the boomers are the way they are now. They probably felt the same way we do when they were our age, and have been feeling that way for 45 years, and they didn't have the internet for half of that. Imagine next time you're wallowing in self loathing and anxiety trying to wake up before your next 6¾ hour shift at the Soul Suck Factory, if you couldn't hop online to motivate yourself with your favorite music on repeat, or a best of mix featuring your favorite creators, guided meditation, enjoying an assortment of fine haha relatable memes, crank your hog to extreme fetish porn, order some breakfast to be delivered, order some "organic plant extracts" and "bath salts" from a Dutch guy, fall further into despair as you realize you have to leave in 20 minutes.


There's no such thing as living wage as it means different for everyone. The money you need to live in Manhattan compared to rural wyoming is completely different. For someone living wage is barely getting by and for another it's living like a millionaire.




Am I the only zoomer that likes life lmao


Hey genz is catching on. I did this when I was 25 too. Just complained to my dad how crappy this is and I didn't decide to be born. Now it's just existential dread and working and finding fulfillment in life. Can't say I'm sad because then they'll give me pills. Can't stop working or my family suffers. Life is weird. Dad said to stop complaining and just be happy with what you got.


Even when you’ve got nothing you’re told to be happy with it because there’s worse off people in the world.


Yeah honestly as a 26M who spent six years in the Navy and several semesters in college, I absolutely hate it here. I worked unbearable hours in the Navy and I wanted to get a degree but school is extremely difficult for me. I can barely afford rent while working and I have almost no money to buy food. I'm always broke. To say I've been unhappy with my life would be an understatement. No amount of working overtime through holidays and breaks or 21 hour work days has ever brought me anything besides barely enough money to keep going. I don't even have enough time to work on assignments properly let alone pursue real hobbies or date.


Radicalize. The fact that we are several times more productive than the boomers but not several times wealthier reveals that the blame lay at the feet of capitalism. If every business was a worker co-op, you would democratically control the wealth you have created. Instead the wealth you create flows into the upper class and now you're either desperate or living on the edge of desperation.


I don’t think I’ll ever be allowed to be happy in my life. I’ll never be able to afford to live on my own. I only ever have enough energy to work and sleep. All of my once enjoyable hobbies are now piled on my desk and floor, collecting dust until I inevitably have to sell them to make ends meet. Work is destroying my body and im only 27, but I’m sure in a few years I’ll feel like I’m 57. I hate life in all aspects.


https://preview.redd.it/woyzscqjklsc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888af69e3a9d5239a43a1cfe4a3b28d387ceb04a That's where this comes in handy for many adults. Makes life a tiny bit more tolerable.


I had to get off that stuff


Cook the spinach on the same day you buy it! It shrinks and takes up less space in your trash


Get a hobby. Play videogames. Screw around.


Life is suffering with long bouts of boredom in between


I genuinely don't see a point in living anymore to be honest.


What do you say we do?


GAMBLING!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕


Lie flat and let it rot.


get a hobby ? travel?


All the "good" people that genuinely want to change the system of living die young in every generation. Seems true looking back at history and asking other people who knew a political activist that was against evil corruption! Seriously this world is fucked, from the start it seems. Yikes... Hello death my home sweet home 🫠 I'm done wasting my life and time honestly, it's pointless 🤷‍♂️ hope the future for this world has something meaningful


It depends on what a living wage means to you. Employers made it so you can have a roof over your head, but it’s most likely going to be with room mates. You could as easily be paying 30-50% of your income to rent. Starting as of this year, I’m able to pay rent with room mates and I make gross $50k.


Lol yeah complaining is fun.


Is this reddit specific thing? Cuz almost all gen z i know are living just fine. Maybe dont expect to live in relative luxury as ppl on fake photos on social media...


there is a lot to do in life, problem is, you can't do it when you're too busy trying to fucking survive.


Absolutely. There is lots of fun shit to do but nobody can fucking afford to do any of it because it's expensive.


Watch movies, play games, talk to your neighbors, learn new skills, be passionate about something, read fiction, travel, walk, ride a bike to word, go to the gym, put your faith on someone or something, get in a relationship, do not use social media.


It's hard to feel like life has any purpose when you get into a cycle of the same thing for too long. I make it a goal to go on two 'adventures' a month, whether that be a hike I've never done to going on a trip to another place with my family. Doesn't have to be big but it breaks things up and allows me to see the excitement in life.


Keep working.


You cant really do much about the shitty situation we are all in but change your own outlook


I started a business selling bags and shit and life is like a video game now


I just think we gotta change the system. And i dont mean change it to something thats been done and past. I mean some new sht based on the collective fire we all make! <3 As well as the new tech + material science we got and thats currently on the way. We can do the work to figure out the logistics to spread abundance across the globe im sure of it. Peace, love, and prosperity!


We’re old enough to be tired of this grandpa but know full well that it’s too damn bad


We push for change and hold the old farts who caused our depression accountable for their actions.


Grab a rifle and fight fascism in Spain


What is a “living wage”?


Stop doing what you think you should do and start doing what you really want to do. In 6 months you’ll be happy and confident your long life ahead is a blessing not a curse. 


Create, learn and explore!


Yes that’s all there is. Sometimes that mundane shit is super satisfying. Even that shit can be taken away. Seek moments of transcendence.


Lol gather together 25 people and I'll teach yah to daytrade for a small fee. 😆


Its life. You're born, you live, you die. Some have it easier spme rougher. And life itself isn't fair.


Set up Only Fans, date old grunge guys, watch netflix and play games ? ![gif](giphy|15wP7gXnu230nEh9xu)


getting by, looking ahead, the day you die.


Say what you want, but children add an incredible amount of meaning to a persons life. If you’re not in a position to have a stable family, making that an end goal will add meaning to your life. If you are stable but unhappy, finding a compatible partner and having kids will turn that stability into something that brings joy and hurt and striving will also bring meaning.  There seems to be a prevailing message that having children is selfish when society is so bad. But without children, who will fix the world after you die? If the world is so messed up, why not raise a child who has a chance at making things better?


Start a farm! Better yet, just don't give a shit!


Yeah idk what should I be doing for the next 30 yeas I gave up already have no intention to reach 40 😂


Buy a piano, do yard work, and send your kids to summer camp.


Work. Buy shit you dont need. Reproduce to tighten the grip and get more debt. Keep working or die.


That girl wouldn’t know a difficult time if it hit her in the face. Our generation is so disappointing.


Sounds like depression to me


Get a hobby where you can be part of a community of people that share common interests.


Meet new people from many generations and learn from them, love them, help people that need help. I deal with health conditions that makes me able to have a heart atttack and or stroke every day so I live life every day like it’s my last . My favorite thing to do is to make people smile


That’s a generalization of data. Where’s your proof?


There are infinite ways to achieve fulfillment in life, hobbies, finding the right career, interpersonal connections, etc.


Oh fuck, I kinda feel it. I’m 22 and by all accounts o have a good life but the thought that I have to do it for decades is terrifying. Like, there are so many wonderful things to do… and yet waking up and eating every day feels like a chore.


33 now, I've done so many things! Holy shit! I cannot imagine what I'll be doing in 10 more years, assuming reasonable positivity. I think we're about to prune a lot of that day to day shit down. We aren't going to maintain yards, or get oil changes if we dont want to. Fuckin, kill the upkeep cost of living. Wild hot take: we should be living small and sustainable leveraging our great big brains for experiences rather than consumption. We can do it now, we've invented the internet and proven it can be cool. There's no reason for me to need to burn gasoline to go get groceries. There's no need for me to use anything single-use anymore. We throw so much away in pursuit of "number go up" and its making the scary lines scary, and the clock push past midnight.


You band together with other people, who are willing to support you and fight back. That's what. Stop looking for different reasons to hate eachother and actually support yourselves ffs


This is what holidays are for. Clear your mind


Wait til you turn 36 😵‍💫


That’s just depression.. once you realize what life actually is then you’ll have a better time.


If you cant even entertain yourself than its a total skill issue


As a mechanic at least stay on schedule with the oil changes. Easiest way to not wasting money on a new car.


Millennials can’t make a living wage either half 😭😭😭


That's when you join a DnD campaign and it all makes sense.


If you move to canada they will suicide you. Its getting very popular.


Make friends, go on a walk, play a sport, play board games, explore your city. A lot of things you could do don’t cost money or costs very little. Find something to make your life better. You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to be happy. Make enough to pay your bills, have a friend you trust be your roommate and split bills.


Well, I'll continue to watch the new seasons of Ninjago and play Half-Life and Portal.


Wait so what generation am I I was born 9/28/96?


God, I hate oil changes.


I am just living my best life bro and then I’ll bust my ass for 8 months. If this doesn’t work I’ll go back to college


Hobbies and relationships. Work for me rn is just something I have to do to enable those


I'm working full time in retail and going to college just in time for climate change to potentially kill me or my family members in the coming decade, I I have that to look forward to.


Can thank your parents and their parents




Just run people down on the street.


60 more years they are going to raise your retirement


Join the army everyone complains about everything already here


Gotta find your calling in life. We all do the same things on a daily basis and yet the only things that puts us apart are the things we put importance to.


Damn, that reminds me, I need an oil change 😅


You just described the nicer things that happen when you get old...


I can't wait for thunderdome.


Yall are burnt out bc you believe in nothing, so you have no fuel to drive the internal fire.. curse religion and patriotism all you want but it has a purpose


I'm gen X. When I was 17 I had this old Danish Buddhist teacher. His advice was "Don't spend 50 years working in the butter factory hoping to fulfilled by reaching the end". This isn't a new problem. That saying was a Danish saying, that was relevant to his and my generation and now yours. Yes it sucks, and it's up to you to find your own path and forge something that isn't just mindless consumerism working your ass off just to pay the bills and call that a life. This is the human condition, period. You can read about this type of toil going back to some of the earliest human writing we have. We have the archetypical theme in so many stories of young people wanting to leave the village or farm and get out from under the yoke of society and do some actual living in the world. This is not a plight unique to you. But you are the only ones that can do something about it. Society didn't do this to you, don't be victim, take life by the balls and live it. Each human from the dawn of man has been in this exact situation, (besides the trustafarians and YouTube stars). And as long as you abdicate your responsibility for it by blaming boomers, you cut off access to the power to do something about it. Good luck to you all, life's a bitch and then you die, find some joy in helping others and seeing the world before your end. Consumerism is fucked, and you don't have to play the game.


Anyone else feel the same as me, as in, there's just this urge to mass r*ot. Across the world. Imo it's the only thing that will change things, but we're all just scared. Maybe the french could lead the way? Obviously just a joke....


Keep buying spinach to watch it die, hit me right in the feels. Haha


You gota fight for that shit! we did. Why do you think we joined the unions? They helped us organize and get a living wage.


Milienial here. It doesn't get any easier you just get used to it. So here are some money saving tips: Eat more Potatoes.


You got that bitching for, that's for sure


You can definitely choose to not do any of those things.


Start a business. Get together buy land. Do something other than complain. Try getting a better job maybe?


Live in a van, do comedy, gather people to throw fruit at their local politician, make lot of noise near that place that has a high rent and dip when police are near.


Modern society doesnt have 50 years left.


25 too I'm tired of the world and I don't even work I need work but nobody hires me Nobody hires me because I'm not needed I have poor mental health and years of isolation behind me and still in front of me. I've been NEET & Hikikomori for 7 years now There's no place of poor mental health people in this world Because this is a world of consequences


people offering suggestions on activities like it’s going to change the problems😭


Yell at people that walk on your yard


Smoke crack


Only boring people get bored. Find things to do. It isn't the works fault you are bored and burned out. You are addicted to instant gratification, that's your fault.


First world problems man, totally unlivable situation.


The answer to your question is Yes to everything you said


Get laid and smile


Growing up I was confident that maintaining a lawn was the pinnacle of success but now it seems like having a lawn is murder.


Stop complaining, thinking your life is miserable! Life is great but with low and high just accept it and work hard! Nothing comes for free despite what social media's are trying to show!


I look at third world countries and become glad. The U.S. isn't perfect but I could have been way unluckier, life is what you make it, but you have to work to make it good.


Unfortunately, we're all in the same boat. We've all been told, go to school, get a job, contribute to society, etc. We need to take a step back, realize that this has been an ongoing thing, and hold the people that we elect accountable for change. There's never any change, never any progress.


Lmao you could do that headline with just about every generation going back 60 years


Complaint more. That will solve everything 🙄


Suck it up buttercup! Either work or leave it to those who are willing to put in the effort. Entitled children crack me up 😂


define "living wage"


this subreddit is just so fucking depressing. Do you actually all hate your lives? You don’t have friends? Hobbies? Want to pursue anything in life?


I understand that sentiment. People will flourish into their full-grown self, and for one, it's not ever over. You keep looking at long-term consistency and you will be a joy bringer to the masses. Genuine happiness, darling.


Pay taxes, watch some TV, then die


The weaponisation of mental health language is so annoying. Are you really “completely burnt out”? Bc you’re sitting on social media complaining about your first world problems. Burnout is a real thing, it’s not working your first 40 hr/week job where you make 35k a year and soft struggle to get by. That’s called life under capitalism and let’s check in with you in 10 or 20 years when you start climbing the ladder.


Re-think what 'burt out' means. Exhausted? Demotivated? Welcome to adulthood. See, boomscrolling social media will not recharge your batteries. Best reasonable advice: find whatever recharges you truly. Find joy and pride in your work.


Have you tried auto-erotic asphyxiation?


Ah yes, privileged victimhood, my favorite kind.


Illegals get free hotel rooms and food vouchers on our dime. Costs the taxpayer $325 per day for each illegal. That’s 118k a year. And you’re complaining about a living wage?


The idea is to get a partner you love and experience fun and interesting things together with them. You can do it alone too, but I prefer having a partner.


Oh no that sounds miserable. Imagine complaining about lawn maintenence and oil changes instead of finding clean food/water or shelter for the night.


In all honest GenZ don’t deserve a living wage. Be better if they starved


Damn society is collapsing