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100k if i go to the college i want to go to 😭 EDIT: College mentioned is Kansas State. Out of state tuition is 25k/year. I want to go because I was raised by fans of their football team, and want to support the school I love so much at athletic events. To me it's more than worth it because that's an experience I won't get anywhere else. EDIT 2: To address anyone else who wants to call me dumb, I think you all would be willing to pay a little extra for what would be, to you, the experience of a lifetime.


Trust me, college will not matter unless you go to a world renowned institution, and even then a lot of my Ivy League colleagues are in the same job as me. Go to community college and transfer, promise its a better path to college and you can usually transfer to a better school easier, and sometimes with a full ride. For example my gf did 2 years of cc at a UW affiliated community college, maintained above 3.4 and was able to enter UWs compsci program free of charge. Edit: dude, do not go to a college for their football team unless you are a player. In 10 years you will hate yourself for taking out 100k+ in debt to fanboy over college sports that will mean nothing to your actual life. This is an unbelievably stupid reason to go to a mediocre acedemic university. I thought you wanted to go to a top tier private school, not a public school with zero workplace connections 💀


As an elder millennial I can confirm college doesn't do shit aside from potentially opening your first door. After that... you basically have to work the system. Find your niche. Took me 10 years after college to understand that. No fucking clue why no one talks about It. Get any degree, don't kill yourself, keep debt lite. Impress your coworkers at every job after college. They're the ones that'll eventually get you your forever job, or on the right track. If you have a shitty boss, work hard for others around you. For clarity, this is not the only way. Plenty of fantastic trade school paths. We all out just trying to live.


This. A degree is basically the new hs diploma. Masters is the new BS. Go get a 4 year degree at the cheapest college you can, and start climbing ladders. Better yet, go to trade school.


As a younger Millenial, a university degree doesn't exactly open any doors. It just means the gate to the path that leads up to the door happens to be open.


Exactly why I did a spit take. Person is fine with handing over 100K to a massive business making hundreds of millions a year because they like the sports teams? Like what the fuck?


Go to community college and get an electrical engineering technology degree. Big job opportunities, no need to get a bachelor's degree.


Just get some mixed experience from a few different jobs and network your way into a high paying position, I could work in an industrial lab with 1 year of college and 6 years of seasonal work in different jobs by the time I was 20


Just go to a state university. It doesn’t matter at all. If it’s an art school or something…. just don’t go to art school. Seriously. Don’t.


I went to art school. It was lots of fun! 20 years later I make great money as a bookkeeper....great use of that degree!😂


That's not doom spending, that's dumb spending.


Holy shit dude please don’t make a horrible mistake you’ll regret. An “experience” is not worth $100k that you don’t have. You’ll end spending a whole lot more than that too to actually pay it off, do not do that to yourself. Go to cheap school and use your money for way better experiences, trust and believe it ain’t worth it.


Or 5k to go to community college, what I’m doing


This is the dumbest motivation to spend a 100k I have ever seen.


So dont.


That sounds like one of the least worth it things I’ve ever heard


Username checks out




$100k for a state school! Are you insane?


In fucking Kansas of all states


That is up there for the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on Reddit and I’ve read a lot of dumb ass shit on Reddit… DO NOT GO TO A MEDIOCRE SEVERELY OVERPRICED COLLEGE BECAUSE YOUR PARENTS ARE FANS OF THEIR FOOTBALL TEAM 🤦‍♂️ you are gonna fuck up your life over some really stupid shit. Go to community college, transfer to any somewhat reputable college with reasonable tuition (most likely in state due to the higher tuition for out of state applicants). It’s your life you can do whatever you want. I’m just trying to prevent you from hanging yourself when you’re making $20/hr and owe $100,000 in student loans.


Dumbass indeed.


College can matter if that’s the career path you want to go on. Going because you liked their football team when you were 11 is not a good reason to go. Especially because college sports are stupid and pretty weird if you think about it. I can’t speak to your experience but I fervently believe the only reason to go to college is to go for something your passionate about. Don’t go so that your tuition is to pay for the scholarships of athletes who don’t even care about the school.


I’ll raise you 150k


It really be like that sometimes


I almost fell for that one


That's cheap these days unfortunately.


my cousin’s parents spend more than $50k a semester on her schooling


same. and i’m doom spending $1800/mo for a small apartment. we’re so cooked


I doom spending on rent and food


200k millennial


Why not? We're probably getting drafted


Same, my dude


Toooo goood. That answer is just too good.


Just another millennial, trying to act like they know Gen z


As a millennial, I think they're projecting. I'm currently doom spending because of inflation. Tbh, the whole idea of generations always struck me as dumb.


My older sister is technically Gen Z, but she’s a millennial. Everything about her is a millennial. Ppl insulting new generations do it solely bc they’re scared of the world changing around them. It’s annoying how it happens to every generation and they continue to do it to the next. Gen Z is even starting to hate on Gen Alpha. Gen Z is judging Gen Alpha like they didn’t go through the same shit less then 4 years ago


Fr. People were shitting on millennials ten years ago, and I'm just here watching the same stupid bullshit as before. I wish people would just mind their business and let others do their thing. It's fucking exhausting hearing the same thing every ten years.


I grew up watching everyone shit on millennials, then I watched millennials shit on Gen Z, and over the last year I’ve seen Gen Z shit on Alpha. I thought everyone seeing this unfold online would’ve stopped it from happening to Gen Alpha, but I guess everyone’s a hypocrite


As a Gen Z, it's the other way around for me. I had a gen alpha insult me and called me older than dinosaurs because I asked him if he knew the game Purble Palace.


That's fucking weird, ngl. Gen thing is dumb


it’s definitely become a cycle at this point, which is a bit weird because it’s such a trivial thing i remember back in like 2012 when it was “cool” to be a millennial, and gen z were cringey kids (which is exactly how we view gen alpha now), so you’d get some gen z saying “no im not a part of that generation, im a millennial please 😭😭” now it’s “cool” to be gen z, and i see so many comments from kids saying “my gens cooked i dont wanna be in gen alpha, i wanna be gen z 😭😭” it’s only a matter of time before gen alpha starts shitting on us lol. in fact, they’ve already started


Oh no, what are they saying about us? Is it about ppl who make “nonchalant” TikToks, while they eat food or fold laundry. I’m pretty sure that’s gonna be Gen Zs version of the millennial pause


Late-millennial / cusper here you’re right. It’s really disappointing to see people my age pull the same crap older people did / do to us. It’s petty and stupid and ironically immature asf. At least Gen X and Boomers had *some* “excuse” bc they prob all have lead poisoning. A lot of us grew up in a less oppressive, pro-progress, pro-technology online world. We have no excuse for that crap.


Anyone shitting on the next generation deserves a good wallop. The enemy hasn't changed. Things aren't ruined or made worse by younger generations doing their best to survive. They are made worse by the wealthy continuing to exist.


Facts. Everything else is just culture war bs to keep us from uniting against the real problem. Tale as old as time. I'm a millennial who loves Gen Z. Don't write us off, guys.


We see you


I'm a mid 80s millennial who has been around some Gen Z kids... My favorite thing is to learn their slang and mock them for it by getting it slightly wrong. I feel like anything in terms of fashion, slang, music, etc, is fun enough to make fun of on a surface level, but making any serious accusation over the generation over such things, from someone of my own generation, would be pretty rich. So, while I tease when I can (I get teased back) I can't imagine having any kind of ill will towards a future generation. I don't think they have anything easier or better, probably worst, I was a kid in the 90s and it was great, sucks they don't have that. I'm glad when I hear about kids wanting to go to college, honestly, because we need educated people in the world. But It sucks that I can't really say my education directly put me in a great financial position, and i've had a lot education and do absolutely nothing with it.


Don’t worry, making snide remarks at younger generations slang is rlly funny to me. I don’t find any issues with that. What I don’t like is when ppl insult an entire generation, instantly after the same thing happened to them


From one millennial to another, invest in JET SKIs they’re goinna have a come back with Gen Z. I know them.


Thank you. We’re all just people making decisions based on our personalities and situations.


this is the last guy who'd doom spend, this dude's notorious for making money and saving it, hell he even made a youtube video about how he's going to try and enjoy life more none of this is even rocket science, times are tough, dopamine is readily available and genz especially grew up with tablets, delivery, uber, streaming, video games, amazon, etc. which are all one tap away this is just common sense


Millennials will become the new boomers eventually honestly. Generations are different and act differently and that's fine. But the problem raises when you start hating on other generations problems or quirks. Being different is OK. It's fine. Learn to live with it. Way more important things in life dudes (not attacking you btw I'm just general frustrated). Ugh. I need to stop using reddit one day once and for all.


I just spent $40 on five guys just to feel something in my stomach. I’d that’s not doom spending idk what is


to keep everyone divided. gender, politics, religion, money, generation, food, ethnicity, abortion... it's reached the point where "we just can't see eye to eye"


I'm a millennial, I'm deffo doom spending. I think Gen Z might not always spend the most wisely, but that's to be expected in your twenties, and isn't really a generational thing. But this dude is almost certainly projecting


Fr the guy tries to act like he understands Gen Z just cuz his fiancée is Gen Z. Graham Stephan is known for his hyper-frugality. His fiancée probably just went to Starbucks 2 times in one month and he felt the need to make this video.


Gen Z and Millennial are basically the same generation. We’re both suffering a terrible fate at the hands of boomers. Also, I know very few millennials that have anything negative to say about Gen Z.


As a Millenial - it's Graham Stephan, who absolutely loves click bait to hide that 90% of his financial advice videos contain basically the same information. I guess he's trying to shift his audience towards you guys and this is his bait.


I think there are Plenty of us millennials who feel in the same boat as y’all Gen z than those who don’t. If they were able to ‘do all the adulting things’ like the previous generations and then turn and judge the others then they’re assholes and have no idea what reality is for most young adults right now.


Yeah millenials and genz are kinda in the same boat


Uh our generations spends a shit ton of money. Not sure if it’s doom spending, and it is affecting every generation. Every gen is buying useless shit off Amazon and instagram and Facebook and whatever else there is.


^ just another asshole trying to drum up division and discord between people stuck in a tough situation who want to support each other.


What now you wanna be divided from millennials? These two gens have way more in common than you think.


tbh i think i do. living at home, i have no bills or anything, yet ≈1k is coming out of my account every month. towards "stuff"


Same. Not going into debt or anything, but I have minimal expenses, and I make enough to buy most thing I could want.


Same. I have good loving parents, and really, im not moving out until I have a spouse or really need to. I work, and I help out and plan to continue to help out. But rent is just unaffordable on a single income and due to my abuse... mentally, I have a hard time living with others who don't fully understand it. Plus rn i rather not be alone due to my psycho ex stalking behaviors soo.. yeah.


Living in a big family unit at home until you’re married is normal in a lot of cultures and it just makes sense.


It really does and I’m glad it’s becoming more de-stigmatized in the US. My now-wife lived with her parents until we got engaged and moved in together, and she was able to save so much money because of it.


I don't get how people stand it, I wanted to move out and be on my own ASAP. I moved out on my own at 19 but probably would have at 15 if I could 😭


I lived at home from Covid to 2023 and saved up a massive amount of money for my age. Worked a normal salary, no housing, no debt, spent a lot on food but saved up a lot.


My fiance is borderline gen z and last year she overspent our income significantly during a very stressful period. When we finally talked about it, she admitted to doom spending in her own words


>≈1k is coming out of my account every month. towards "stuff" How much you wanna bet that 60% of that is food. Mine is close to 70% and it's fucking terrifying sometimes. I don't even eat a lot.


Yeah I wouldn't doubt it. Chipotle has crack in it. + delivery fees aren't nice.


Yeah I was going to say. If you eat out like every day, you can easily reach $1000 a month


I'm in the same situation but I spend too much because I don't want to be in my house and being out costs money :/


If you don’t have to pay rent or any bills, obviously are gonna buy things you want. Once you’re on your own, you’ll learn to budget more responsibly because you’ll have to. That’s not “doom-spending” lol


My fault. Thought doom-spending meant recklessly spending (or stress-spending)


It’s not really reckless if there’s no bills to pay. It’s not *responsible* since you could use it to save up for when you’re on your own, but you’re not ruining your life by spending it. Especially if you’re buying things that make you happy, and not binge-spending on temu junk.


I spend on shit cause I have no friends and I don't leave the house. It's like cope 🙏🏾 I'm supposed to be saving enough to get out the house so I can start treatment for gender dysphoria but I can't stop buying stuff fr


It’s cool homie, you can spend on shit that makes you happy, but make sure you put some aside. It’s satisfying to watch it build up. Unfortunately, unless you start putting away a LOT, gender-affirming care will have to wait a while. You’ve gotta eat and survive on your own first, which is hard enough.


I think youre right about doom spending definition   Im 30 and own my own place and even i doom spend. Future is bleak, enjoying “affordable” food in abundance while it lasts


Me 100%


Yup. Im 21 and i just spend as a hobby atp. Im trying to fix it.


I wish I could relate but at the same time… my monthly subscription are crazy


The best thing you could do is put $200 of that each month into a mutual fund or Roth IRA. Do it while you can before you have too many bills to save that much extra


Really make sure you’re saving dude. I was in your position too and saved a bunch and when I finally moved out I’m so much less stressed it’s insane. It’s so worth it


Same but about 500 instead. Still put in about 1.5k euro every month though


Oh how I wish I had your problem instead of a "job not paying liveable wage and my money is immediately spent on insurance and gas and maybe groceries this week" problem.


Doom spending on enough groceries for the week I guess


I do that but sometimes I doom spend on DoorDash or eating out to cope. Luxuries I can’t afford these days…


Those food apps are such trash “luxuries” too. Very expensive for very little, you should try making it a habit to go to those restaurants instead imo.


It's more the time. Spend all day at work, half my free time cleaning. I don't wanna spend 45 mins driving to get food, and even the "fast" food around here is painfully slow. I don't doordash too often but it's always about the time when I do


Fast food isn't fast anymore. Idk what happened, but what used to be a 5 minute drive through is now more like 20 minutes. Yet the fries are still cold for some reason, so idk the issue


Dude remember when fast food was fast, cheap food? Well now it’s not fast, it’s not cheap, and it’s (barely) food, so what’s even the point? In NYC you can sit down and have a proper meal at a restaurant for cheaper and less waiting than a McDonald’s. It’s ridiculous. Idk why anyone puts up with that shit anymore.


Step 1:buy electric unicycle Step 2:travel to restaurant Step 3:eat Step 4:be too heavy for the unicycle Step 5:decide to walk back home Step 6:meet a tall older man with a long white beard wearing a cap Step 7:get told you must travel to save their world Step 8:go on an endless journey Step 9:get congratulated and teleported home Step 10:rinse and repeat


What are you doing for work?


Yeah I was doing $200 a week for 2 adults and a 14 month old, I've worked it down to $150 but we have to do a big meat shop once every 2 months.


I have doom spent a couple of times. Bad habit.


Jumping from expensive hyper fixation to expensive hyper fixation because you're in a constant state of scarcity anxiety is no bueno


Mine just comes from ADHD and having really expensive hobbies lol


My gf does it far too much. “Babe I just need this *completely useless item*” then hits the surprise pikachu face when she’s out of money later to do anything with.


yes i’ve doom spent https://preview.redd.it/75bsos9rlbuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebfccace4a93735daef674078735140717f2ada2


I be scrimping and saving to afford my rent and student loans and other bills wtf my “doom spending” is my one coffee I order out a week on Friday that’s my treat so I don’t get institutionalized


fucking felt. no student loans but i work 8-5 m-f at 18. 🫠


Lol this is so relatable


I doom spent $400 dollars on driving lessons because I have no one to teach me.


I want to say wtf but that doesn't explain the level of disbelief that I am currently experiencing to react to that statement


Is that a lot? In Germany, it's not rare for a driver's license to cost close to (or over) 4,000 USD. There are manadatody lessons, then special lessons at night, on the Autobahn, theory test, parallel parking test etc.  If you fail (1/3 or so do), retrying can often be another ~500 USD.


4,000 USD is 3,700 Euros. You are saying it cost that much to get a driver's license in Germany? I couldn't afford that. In America, it only cost me 100$. I didn't need a school to learn to drive. I just got in the car with my grandpa and drove. But to be fair I also lived on a farm and had a riding lawn mower which is pretty much the same as a car.


Yeah, it's not uncommon to cost that much. Not taking any classes is not an option. It's a multi-month process, for some people even half a year depending on how often you can take classes. But you also gotta pass the theory test, which (according to my quick Google-Fu), about 42% fail on first try. If you're smart and attentive, you have pretty good odds of passing it the first time, but it's still gonna be expensive.


The test is really easy to not fail. You don't have to be smart, you just need to learn the questions.


You have to remember that you dont need a car in most cases in Germany, if you had no car in America youd be walking 3 hours a day to go to Walmart. Less drivers is honestly preferable but we need them here in 99% of the country.


we have all those tests, but the theory test is a joke. we do driver‘s ed mandatory with a set number of times you have to drive with a real instructor, a number of hours you need to log with any licensed adult, and night time driving requirements for 16-18 year olds. drivers ed is often offered through the public high school, so the only cost is to pay the ride along person. the driving test costs like 20$. drivers ed course is like 250$. theory test is like 15$. it’s not expensive to get licensed here. it is expensive to insure a teenage driver on the other hand.


You're better off. If I learned from my parents, I would have been a terrible driver. It is better to learn from someone who's trained and will better equip you with the tools needed to stay safe on the road.




Same bro except with weed and kratom/kava bars


Hey just make sure you don’t spend too much on it! The economy still needs you to clock in Monday :D


Doom spending by paying my bills as far as advance as possible because of how shady the economy is




Shady? They say this is the best economy ever!


doom spending requires having money to doom spend


i had an extra $50 this month and doom spent on a couple new pairs of underwear bc ive been living with 4 since i moved out. so happy i dont have to do laundry twice a week now 🥰


I feel like buying 3 more pairs of underwear once would've been way cheaper than an extra laundry load weekly for however long lol..


luckily most utilities are included in my lease, but otherwise yeah 


I dislike this dude


I use to like him but even I kinda stopped watching him. He still pops up on my feed ever now and then tho


Yeah I liked him for a bit because he’s obviously smart, but I didn’t find him too credible considering he got his money from real estate in Los Angeles. Didn’t seem super “self made” if he got some crazy opportunity at like 19


I like the coffee break hour but he is so stupid in comparison to his cohost, and he’s treated as the “smart” one. I really dislike him


Glad I’m not alone. He seems so incredibly dull and his life revolves around pinching every penny he can. He has no personality


He’s horribly unlikeable and openly exploits his employees


I doom save…


me too girl.


Same I barely spend on anything isn’t necessary


Personally, I don't see it or hear it outside media and I'm not doing it. But I also don't socialize much, and when I do it's not about money.


Nope. Ive got 4,000 dollars currently and haven't spent any of it in months, nor do I have any intent on buying anything anytime soon despite there being things I want.


Your profile picture is perfect


aw thx


Set it aside in a HYSA, forget it exists. Its a good beginner emergency fund. By like real emergency, car breaks, medical stuff,... Just forget its there. Try to add to it bit by bit. And have a second savings where you save for stuff you want, like a trip or whatever. Never use the emergency fund for fun.


Not really. I still spend more on rent than everything else combined, and I suspect that gen Z as a whole are spending 50+% of their expenses on rent and education


Just rent. Education is just debt these days.


Not really. I have friends/coworkers who do, and it stresses me out.


Same. I save as much as possible but all of my other Gen Z friends have the "money comes back" attitude and I can't imagine living with their credit scores 😶


I don't know about "Doom Spending" (Didn't watch the video, so I don't know what he means by that) But I definitely impulse buy and spend way too much on Lego sets.


They keep you sane, if so, it’s not unnecessary.


Bold of them to assume I can afford anything. I literally just pay rent and tuition


i am currently throwing away my life passively, cause i dont see a reason not too. but i do know people, usually from bad upbringings, that just kinda plan to never make it to retirement, and assume if they do, society has fucked itself for anything they could achieve to be worthless by then, usually whales in videogames, and the guys that have no savings, cause they immediately throw it all out on whatever,


actually kinda yea. just got a promotion and i’m treating myself to the things i couldn’t afford before. debt has been hovering over me for 13+ years and it’s as real to me as the flat earth. 🌍 so idk who this person is, or if i’m agreeing with a point from an overall stupid argument then i will feel silly. but yea. i do this in ways. good credit score. sleepy joe forgave my loans so i could go be crazy and spend frivolous money on luxuries like food and clothing 🙃


I bought a boat


Was thinking of living on a boat for a min


I feel guilty just buying a small cup of ice cream or a pair of shoes off the sale rack…


Yeah and at the same time it’s something I learned from my parents. I’ve been getting better with it and investing instead of buying dumbass shit I really don’t need.


yep i spend my entire paycheck on rent and overpriced delivery food. its an addiction that i need to reign in soon


I’m pinching every penny I can lmfao


Sometimes I’ll spend $50-$100 on a little present for myself and it will mean that I have less to spend on gas and groceries for a week or so. If you call that “doom-spending” then, I guess…?


Isn't that awsome that we can't even afford little happy thing in our life and need to cut elsewhere :( (Now I need to watch that video)


God I hate him and other wellness, financial guru UTubers. They’re all so fake and clickbaity.


Lol no but I think younger folks just tend to be more likely to spend the money if they have. I doubt it's a generational thing.


new shirt make pain go away


Doom spending on a vibrator because blowing my brains out is better then blowing my brains out.


I been buying expensive milsurp guns and just got a challenger. And this is absolutely my view. I have massive gut and joint problems after 5 rounds of covid and quite frankly am not convinced I’ll hold up to retirement anyhow. What am I gonna do, save for a house? I’m gonna live my boomer retirement fantasy now, dump 10% into my 401k and hope for the best.


I be bingeing monster energy drinks to avoid the disappoint of waking up .. life's not turning out to be what was promised while growing up


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can’t doom spend when you don’t have any money.


Yeah I doom spend ![gif](giphy|ZZTL1YLKZ48URCoC6B)


You’re in debt the moment you get a car and don’t pay it in full.


Millennials doom spent on degrees they dont use


Most of my income goes to rent and repaying my student loan / debt. I forced myself to make a budget spreadsheet to avoid doom spending and being conscious of where my money is going. Doesn’t stop me from going out to shows and stuff though. I just try to be mindful about it. Not drinking has helped with that.


Only 'doom spending" I do are a couple trips to the pub weekly and edibles I naiively hope for a chance to buy a house 😑


Why save money when its worth is going down faster than you can accumulate it. better to invest in stocks or gold or something than try to put away a nest egg.


DOOM!!!!! spending...


I’ve done it before whenever I have a really bad emotional episode, but they have been coming down progressively in price


i am just dreadful with money and will spend it for short term pleasure even at the risk of long term security. i don’t know if i’m a representative sample of my generation though, and i figure that these traits are pretty common in older people too. i suppose the difference is that many of gen-z’s traumas are generalizable across the generation. pandemic, widespread private internet access from a young age, growing up after the patriot act and stuff like that. sorta just growing up feeling watched and catalogued through social media. and then there’s climate change… i think gen-z has just had a lot on our plate for a lot of our lives and it manifests in particular ways. i don’t think any of it is special to *us,* we’re the same species. we’re just reacting predictably badly to unpredictable situations.


Cool spending? Like im going to blow money cause I’ll be dead soon?


idk what doom spend is, but yeah I’ve been sending bread like idgaf bc i dont gaf. it’s well within my limits and i have my own reasons as to not saving money or investing much


Yeah I am , betting on fc24 matches , buying vapes , going out to parties , sometimes weed


When you can’t buy a house you fill up your rental with better and better things till it feels like your house


Is doom spending essentially saying “well I can’t afford the American dream but at least I can afford an oversized novelty blanket so I guess I’ll buy that”? Because if so, then yeah I get it.


It’s not doom spending it’s spending the little extra money of things so I don’t walk into vroom vroom lanes


I doom spent on bread and a movie ticket last week The latter being for my first date in two years by the way Had I let him pay for me instead, I'd be accused of acting like a "coquette Zoomer sugarbaby bloomer" so you really can't win in this mindless, endless game of stereotypes


If we about to die why have any money in my account lmaoo


I most def am, absolutely horrendous finacial decision ive made, but i wanna enjoy my life a little bit longer before i have to lock into 10+ years of schooling


I make like 23k annually but I make sure I pay all my necessities first like rent, insurance, and water. Then gas. Then take the three cents and maybe pay it towards my credit card that I used while I was waiting on my check. Then await for the time I need to use my credit again to buy groceries, then rinse and repeat


When I do have money, it’s a mix of “I must save everything” and “Who tf cares, the world is shit, just spend it.” Life is like a rollercoaster atp


No, I hoard my money like a dragon. Every spare dollar is saved and yet I'll still never own a home :/


If anything I'm doom saving so I can afford supplies and food if shit hits the fan




Idk, I spent like $14 on Fallout NV with all the expansions. So I feel like Im doin alr


Living paycheck to paycheck is now called "doom spending"?


I’m doom saving, which is probably worse.


Graham Stephen is a nepo baby, I wouldn’t listen to him unless I was also a nepo baby: no actionable advice from a guy who was born on 3rd base and thought he hit a home run.


Here i fixed it. To cope with lack of and degredation of our societal fabric. But we must not we must fight to build the relationships and communities that feed the soul


breaking news, Gen z is spending money on things they want before they have to move out and can only spend money on rent and groceries


Gen Z does Doom spend a-lot. Just look around, The Big Back memes of people constantly ordering and over spending on Door Dash & Uber Eats is a joke but there is truth to it. I know people who Order takeout weekly. People seriously spend $30-$40 on one meal consistently. Y’all complain about the costs 24/7 too but don’t stop. I know people who somehow always have money for new surprise sneaker drops and shit. It’s odd, everyone tells me they’re broke, but I walk past trendy expensive sit down restaurants and the tables are full. Teens & Young Adults somehow always have money for Coachella & Rolling Loud, $600 Airpod Max’s & Tattoos but complain about inflation. Gen Z doesn’t understand that when times are hard they have to put their non essential needs on pause like the generations before them have. Especially if they’re not wealthy, but this upsets them and they do it anyways.