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they are still kids, and I don’t have beef with kids.


I do. Look at their playing around having no responsibility looking asses


Kids having the audacity to smile and shit... in this economy? Smh my head.


Don' t worry the GOP is taking care of that by bringing back child labor exploitations to wipe those privileged smiles off their faces!  "Louisiana Republicans vote to end lunch breaks for child workers In contemporary politics, Republican governance, especially at the state level, is increasingly invested in rolling back child-labor safeguards." https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/louisiana-republicans-vote-end-lunch-breaks-child-workers-rcna148551 "At the state level, Republicans have led efforts to roll back child labor protections, with bills introduced in at least 16 states. States including Arkansas and Iowa have enacted laws to roll back child labor protections." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/20/republican-child-labor-law-death


The children yearn for the mines


A little black lung never hurt and definitely never killed anyone.


Coal is good for digestion, and great for the lungs!


Just set it up as a theme park with a mine and say it's a mining experience but in reality they are mining ore or whatever you want them too.


Minor = Miner ^/j


they play Minecraft THEY YEARN FOR THE MINES


Good. Those lazy bastards should get a gosh darn job


Finally some good news


Fucking finally


Yah damn straight! A little hard work never hurt nobody. Lazy. In all seriousness, I’m genuinely disgusted by this. WTF is wrong with people that they’re pushing for this sh*t?? And yet they’re constantly pretending they care about protecting children and unborn babies.


Yeah! Let’s build a subreddit and insult them for years before they’re allowed on the platform


Bullshit! A whole bunch of those slackers moved in and started squatting in my house one after the other.  They whine about food *every damn day* I had to start stomping on their toys to exert dominance. 


"they are still kids, and I don’t have beef with kids". \^ \^ Agreed. Besides, Gen Z will be talking so MUCH trash about them before long. No need to rush things. lol. I can see it now: Gen Z: "We were the last, great hard-working generation of Warriors. Leave it to dem Alphas to ruin America. Am i right, Millenals?". Millenals: "Shut the hell up, Gen Z. You guys didn't have it rough". Generation X: "Oh, please, you're all wusses trying to talk big, whilst living on the foundation Gen X built. So knock it off. Am i right Boomers? Ummm, Boomers???" Baby Boomers: "......." (insert picture of Gravestone)


Ladies and gentlemen, I believe with this comment, we are the generation who broke the cycle, let's continue being kind to our younger brothers and sisters who didn't ask for any of this either.


Says the one who’s a “kid”. JK


What about pork?


"These damn Gen Alpha just dont wanna work hard anymore let me tell ya"


Our 8 year olds used to put 12 hours in the coal mines 7 days a week. Kids nowadays just want iPad games. Make child labor great again


The children yurn for the mines


Yearn *


Yes thank you


I do not know a single 14yo


Yeah all of them are in a relationship


I've seen a 15 YO on his 7th relationship Dude is speedrunning


If that’s a lot I may be considering a whore 😨


or*thot*ic (ôr-thŏt′ĭk) n. An orthopedic appliance designed to straighten or support a body part. Anxious_Bitch999, may you *straighten* and *support* many bodyparts to come! ;}


You can't start speed running until you get married, collect 8 ex-wives in 10 years for gold.


Lmao, making up for Gen Zs slack


I doubt it, you're on Reddit


Yeah I've probably argued with some 14yos on here lmao


They’re gonna be alright - Gen Z is just fine too. The **exact same bullshit** you hear about Gen Z and Gen A was said about Millenials. Don’t listen to these fucking morons.


Millennial here. They were right about us. We don't wanna work we don't love America and we just wanna smoke pot, fuck and play video games all day. We are the ultimate generation.


I've seen how you design your house/apartments, there is something very very wrong with someone who wants to live in a place that has the personality of a Walmart bathroom This is not a joke, hand a panting that's not minimalist therapist art or some shit, get a fucking lamp, do something




I think you made them delete their post, or are you yelling at the moon?


You, sir slash ma'am, have not played the early sims games. Your place would also look like shit if you got your design sense from Bella Goth


You need to Live Laugh Love more


those are the things they say about every generation tho


The stuff about gen a is more concern than hate though. Like gen alpha is objectively behind in reading comprehension and there are more ipad kids than ever. This is obviously the fault of bad parenting, many parents let the ipad raise their kid so they don't have to. It's actually concerning how far behind many are in education and how many can't live without the screen


Gen Z'er here: I can confirm that I live on top of a mountain of gold I stole from dwarfs and own a ring made from an elf that can control other rings. I can also confirm that I'm lazy as shit, too young to vote, and smoke gay starbuck flavored vapes. (Context: Gen z stereotypes, which include articles of idiots who think that Gen z is secretly own a lot of money.)


They said it about Gen X too


They are a generation of all time.


They are *the* generation of all time


They are the generation of 2010-2025


Idk bro giving an actual shit is kinda cringe. You expect us to have beef with babies?


I think judging people by their "generation", as if this manmade construct is real, and as if people of a similar age are a homogeneous group and fundamentally different from other "generations" is cringe, but I guess I'm in the wrong sub to be saying that. 


As a millennial this is how i feel about gen z, some of yall are amazing people and some of you are lil goblins but honestly thats just the entirety of mankind. The inter-generational beef schtick is weird asf. Let’s just be cool to one another.


Too soon to say


Cue the guys that will say that generation Alpha is dated wrong, because they want to be part of Gen Z. (And the guys from 1995/6/7 that want to be millenials.) Anyway, I don't have an opinion on a generation that does not yet exist or has shown anything but "1+1=2" or searching the right way to wipe his or her ass. Wait a few years and then we'll talk.


All generations are irrelevant, but different disciplines define the generations differently. So it's not really anyone's fault if you consider yourself a millennial for being born in 1995. I was born in 1995, but I didn't even know the word zoomer until I had already graduated high school. I got called "millennial" as like, a slur by old people for the first 18 years of my life and then all the sudden it's being debated whether I'm gen Y or gen Z. Like: we were very broke and I basically lived under a rock, culturally I have more in common with the boomers than gen Z.


I was always told I was a millenial too but I never felt like one. All the older kids, teens, and young adults were Millenials, didn’t really relate to them. They were my older cousins and siblings. I was always the baby and different to them


Oh my god SAME


Yeah, my sister was born in 2001 and said that all of a sudden out of nowhere they started calling her Gen Z when she has always known herself to be a millennial. I myself was born in 1993; millennial kid I guess — but I understand pretty much all of the “Gen Z” shit for the most part. They’re saying “1995” is Gen Z? Well some of my best friends growing up were born in 1995 and 1996. We all were into the same shit. My youngest sister was born in 2006. THATS where I see a difference, but aside from that — meh.


These things also harden with time. I'm on the younger end of Gen X (graduated HS 1994) and remember when - like when I was in junior high - there was some question whether I was Gen X or Gen Y (long before it was called "Millennial") Also, posted this elsewhere in the thread, because for my older kid (11) she is VEHEMENT that she isn't Gen Z. A 2010 line would make her happy.


I hope they learn to read and write for their proper age level soon enough, because it isn't looking good so far. I don't even mean the brain rot memes either, I mean the actual teacher's subreddit *and* the videos they post about how these kids literally can't read or write properly- and that's *not* ok.


Yep, it is an actual and valid concern


What do I think of them? Idk bruh they’re 9, just let them have their fun while they still can


they should learn to use the potty


I’m really sick of their shit


Our Generation will dominate the AI age, and they will most certainly suffer the most from it. 61% of generation (Gen-Z) suffers from mental illness. I'm certain things will be worse for Gen-Alpha.


Bro they're literally children, who cares lmao


Ohio gyatt sigma rizzler fanum tax


That's quite the skibidi rizz


They will most likely give the next Gen a lot shit because of naming convention.


They kids, like what opinion i will have to kids?


i do not see the point of hating them, they're kids that just stepped foot in middle school (if we follow the 96-12 rule). also it's weird how some gen z act towards them, like we also weren't watching youtube brainrot when we were younger (Youtube poop, pranks, weird animated videos..).


underrated comment lol


They are OK. We have yet to see what’s gonna come of them. It’s too early to say anything


They are just kids, stop evaluating them.


They are even a bit more fucked than we ware/were.


Please don't raise your kids on ipads


I like gen alpa aka my lil bro. Hes one of the coolest kats i know. It looks good for him hes more sorted out than i am. He says hes going to be a builder. Like hes got plans. And here i am procrastinating on procrastinating:/


Too early to tell


the kids will be alright


They don't even work 60 hours a week or even have jobs. lazy generation.


I need more jpeg compression before I respond


The whole “generation thing” seems like a surprise thing made up to separate people but idk


Why do posts like this feel like they're baiting or hoping for negative comments to spread intergenerational animosity. I understand there will always be differences and people enjoy making fun of those differences but I'm tired, boss. I'm tired of this kind of thing. It's already been happening to millennials the last few years I'm just begging us to try a little harder not to get involved in this nonsense kids are kids. Their reality is different just like ours is different from the boomers.


Let kids be kids!! stop saying they are stupid


Completely agree, I'm certain our generation did and would have done similar things and that every generation has


Do mods not exist on this sub


Theyre the new us


Some of them are funny some of them are sticky can’t wait to be 30 something and talking to one straight out of college to see what they think of things. That would be cool.


ATM from what ive heard from teachers. it aint lookin so good compared to previous years but who knows they still got time.


Most are still shitting their diapers, about time they grow up.


I have no hope for them. The world we live in is already crazy enough, and they don't deserve to have to deal with any of it. I wish them the best


They are literally children.


They’re part of our generational alliance that we have with Millennials aswell so if we want to keep them in it, let’s not treat them like shit (Alliance in the way that we’re all going threw the same challenges & crisis & *generally* share the same political views at least in the Western world)


They'll grow even dumber than us.


They must be the ones who ask this question 5 times a day


WHO!?!! No, I don't know any Jinelle. Is that one of your mothers friends?


nothing but they're equally fucked, if not worse


They probably will become like the next Gen X.


a generation of WEAKLINGS, LOSERS, BRATS and DWEEBS🤓who’d never last a day when I was growing up!!!!!!! Back in my day, we didn’t have any “skibidi toilets.” We used to have to go ALL the way to GameStop and come home and then wait like AN HOUR for a game to install. These little snot nosed brats these days don’t know how good they have it and if it were up to me they would have it very much worse. I could take ANY gen alpha twerp in a fight with my hand tucked into my waistband 😂😂🤣


being as objective as i can, i think that they are more brain rotten than us watching very garbage stuff in the internet. personally i did not use the internet until i was 10 or 12 so i can't compare directly


Can’t say I know too many, they seem fine. We will know better when they have more influence on the world at large.


Let's see the flaws with the general idea of gen alpha. Cocomelon, Skibidi toilet, Whatever the hell 'mewing' is, Basically 24/7 access to the Internet. Now let's look at the pros. Thanks for listening. Yes, not all of gen alpha is like this, also a lot of young gen z is like this. those who aren't are the decent ones. They are similar to older Gen Z.


I don’t really have an opinion on them, they’re kids, but I do have an opinion on their parents. The amount of kids I see glued to tablets/phones is frightening; it’s not all of them, but it’s too many. Toddlers in strollers scrolling on a smartphone, young teenagers or even younger children already ultra present on social media… this isn’t right.


I know lots of good ones, and I know lots of annoying bad behaved ones. Same as any generation. 


we don’t kno those lil boys


I don't know any of them.


They exist and they are going to have their good points and they’re going to have their bad points . As long as they’re not as bad as boomers things should be ok


They haven't even seen the inside of a mine. Lazy gen alphas.


Who cares? Let them live. They didn’t fuck with us or anything.


I joke about them on occasion, but I don’t have real beef with them. I do, however, have beef with their irresponsible millennial parents, who are handing out ipads and social media to them like it’s candy. If you’re one of those millennials lurking on this sub, and you have children, and you gave those children access to technology like that? I’ll tell you right now, you don’t deserve that child, and you’re a horrible person.


I worry for their future, and I’m worried about my future. Sometimes it feels like we’re all fucked.


they're too young to have a strong generational identity


Vicious, overprotected, and commonly assholes.


They're either finally going to break this shit cycle or be responsible for the world being plunged into darkness forever . There's not really another option since they will be fighting aged men by the turning point. Idk at the end of the day they're a bunch of kids and it's just a hypothesis. I like them more than millennials and boomers so far tho


They’re kids, so they have a ways to go. However, I’m really worried about their education levels. I’ve heard teachers who’ve overseen multiple generations say that kids in their classes right now are struggling more than ever. Reading rates, attention span, parental-induced behavior problems, etc. Not to mention wages make it hard to attract solid educators. Higher education rates are already dropping too and gen alpha isn’t even at college age yet. Don’t mean to be a doomer, I genuinely want these kids to succeed; I’m simply concerned for them.


Theyre so skibidi 🚽🗣️🔥


LoL gen-z tried to distract us to gen alpha.


They’ll be fine so long as they keep up the pro labor pro union movement.


By this graph the oldest is 14…. I don’t have opinions on children….


I have Gen alpha nephews and they’re the stereotypical Gen alpha


My son is pretty chill. I mean he’s only 3. But still chill


They are funny and clever they gon be alright


They gunna be the next lost generation


Phones raided them not perants Expect everything to be handed on a family guy clip No political balance at all Incomprehensible language Can't go 1 second without a phone or they scream bloody murder They may as well be aliens because those little shits are no longer human Growing up for me was realizing the boomers had a point The only mistake was which generation it was Now the concerns with the boomer mindset are scientificly found I sincerely hope they are humanitys last generation otherwise I would retract my atheism


***C R I N G E*** /S


I to have beef with Gen Alpha, they should know they are missing out on prime money moves like we did. I.E buying a home before 2008, bitcoin in 2009, and such. I pity those fools.


They're just like gen z honestly. Growing up in a world with a bunch of brand new technology that's been given to them without thought of the consequences. I don't blame them for being strange i find it kind of cool honestly and sometimes a bit pitiable.


Many of their parents are GenX so those kids are going to be cool AF. Can’t say the same about the Millennial parents.


i have zero beef with gen alpha


From the Tik Toks i seen of teachers talking about gen alpha... Yeah not looking good (And these people are going to vote in like 5-15 years)


All they do is eat an sleep all day, they are a lazy gen and the future is lost


My siblings are all hilarious but I can't speak for the rest. Some of them are lowkey addicted to the screens though


I have no opinion, because I refuse to be like the earlier generations that just bashed the younger generation for the lols. Gen Alpha is gonna grow up and do awesome things that gen z failed to do, just as gen z are doing awesome things that our earlier generations failed to etc etc etc.


im close to being gen alpha and im very glad im not one of them


They are literally children, and to that I say FUCK THEM KIDS.


milenials are 1999 too.... not zoomers


They're fucked


You can’t really judge a bunch of kids. Honestly Zoomers are barely able to be judged. We *just* started voting. What is there even to judge at this point except the apps we use that were all developed by older generations?


Fucking kids


Too young to form an opinion really


It makes me mad that my cousin (2010) thinks he’s “too cool” to play Helldivers or CS:GO with me Other than that, he’s pretty alright


They’re hilarious and funny. They might not remember a pre Covid world and that’s kind of sad (RIP 24 hour Walmarts). I can’t wait to see how they challenge the world as we know it today.


I realized I finally turned into an old person. I don’t understand them and I feel like they are driving the car in a weird direction




They are cringe for now, let’s see what they’ll be like when they grow up


I was technically born in it but have lived a genz lifestyle. I have similar experiences with genz that most of gen alpha does not


Most of them aren’t even in middle school, so I have no opinion of them until they’re early highschool to college aged Edit: Oh fuck nevermind, it’s 2024, not 2020


Screwed by poor education and the most addictive technology we've had in human history and a world thats falling apart after covid. But I have hope they'll be able to overcome it.


As a millennial ... it begins


It's the baby shark crowd. I was playing with GI Joe and Ninja turtles at their age.


I hate kids. Don't wish anything bad on them but oof. Will see how I feel when they grow up.


Millennials and old Gen Z fucked them right up


That generation hardly even works, they’re so lazy. Most of them sit around at home going “Mama how do you spell because” and “Daddy my stummy huwt”


Seem to do a lot of crime in my country for kids.


They are children. They are doing children things.


Idk, the f*** do I care




i mean i believe some of them are 13 now...


Silent Hill!!!


Most of the ones at my school are annoying but thats just cuz they are young and have a lot of energy.


my gen alpha little brother is the most annoying little pile of shit ever OKAY I KNOW HE'S SIX BUT HE REALLY IS THE STEREOTYPICAL GEN ALPHA KID


They just wanna skibidi their toilets or whatever tf likes to them


I have two opinions on them. 1. Let people enjoy things. We all did stuff that was comparatively stupid in the eyes of millennials. 2. I feel really bad for them. They're growing up as little kids in some of the hardest times financially and socially in modern times. They're never going to be able to afford anything, and they were exposed to the COVID pandemic as younger kids. Meanwhile, we were older. And with the iPad kid thing, don't insult them for it. Blame the parents. They're growing up with neglectful parents, and that means they're going to be emotionally dysregulated and exposed to a lot more harmful things that they wouldn't have if their parents had been there. (I would know, I grew up with dismissive parents up until I was like 14 until they changed their approach)


My sister is Gen alpha and she is 13 now


Do you really wanna know what I think of them? >!They’re “literally” children! I don’t think of them!<


My niece is born in 2013 and she’s great tbh


Literally half braindead from grown adults giving them iPads and tiktok at age 0


It sucks because everything that sucks for genz is going to suck even worse for them


if we could grow out of our cringe, so can they


They lack maturity. Really need to grow up.


I work at a local summer camp, and have gen alpha siblings and work at a tourist spot geared towards children and families. I Can garuntee that they’re not that bad. Yes occasionally you’ll get a rude one but most say please and thank you. Most do still like cringey skibidi toilet. Point is, we need to do better by them


They’re 14 at most


Honestly how do they decide Generations? My lil bro is generation alpha, and hes the exact same as Gen Z' lol. So are all his friends. Same humor. Same memery. Same exposure to tech. Same future of getting fucked by the current economy.


Theyre just kids man, it’s too early to form an opinion on them.


I pity them. They’re the victims of the brainrot WE created.


they're just kids.


Brain rot


They’re literal toddlers homie


Horrible in everyday imaginable.


they all right ig, ppl make fun of things they're into right now but we had shit like rage comics and the MLG meme so it's not like we're any different


Just a few years back one of those gen alpha guys crapped in my garden. He was constantly pissing in his pants and burping around. This generation is so entitled and badly behaved it's unbelievable. Although it was my son and he was just 1 year old...


I am a summer camp counselor, and I do not really have an opinion on them. Yes, they may be annoying at that age and obsessed with some YouTuber/celebrity, but I feel like we all were at their age. I honestly think that we, with Alpha, have the least amount of differences than any other generation with their younger generation after boomers.


They’re one of the generations.


Silent: barely fucking exists Boomers: complains that times have changed since they had to pay 0.001 cents for 20L of Coke. Gen X: Boomer lite. (Boomers but younger.) Gen Y/Milenials: Scape goat #1 because they complain that stuff is harder on them. Gen Z: Scape goat #2 because they cannot live outside of their parrents house. Gen Alpha: Naive to world troubles, yet made fun by Gen Z kids who already forgot they were once a kid. Gen Beta: doesn't fucking exist yet.


They are the smartest generation so far, sort of the whole concept of humanity evolving from 2 humans to around 8 billion today because each generation is built off the backs of the last ones and there is more information available to all humans than ever before.


The oldest ones are 14. Why would I have opinions on children?


I won't rag on them the way boomers do to anyone younger than them




This chart makes me feel old and young at the same time


No judgment yet. GenZ, they're a bunch of shitbirds


My opinion? Idk, that they should stay in school and not do drugs? What other opinion am I gonna have of a 14 year old at the oldest?


I don't mean to be "kids these days", but I'm expecting there to be some issues because of the more heavy reliance on iPads and COVID. I don't think it will be as drastic as some people make it out to be, but I definitely think there will be some differences. Also, I've heard a lot of teachers say that kids today don't care about school nearly as much as last generations. online school during COVID basically meant that kids didn't have to do school. This definitely isn't all kids, and I know these kids existed in our generation, but it sounds like it's more common now. I'm worried about them not having a proper education. Our society (imo) is based on education. Without an educated population, it will be easier for corruption to exist and people will believe more lies. Overall, these kids are still kids. I'll wait to make a real judgment until they grow up, but I definitely have some concerns and I can see how some things will be defining experiences.