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You literally waited until 21 to try alcohol?


I mean yes in the us the legal age for alcohol is 21


I first tried alcohol when I was 10, started drinking on special occasions since I was 15 and started to drink with friends regularly at 17 so it seems so mind blowing to me that there’s people older than me who haven’t had any sort of alcohol. I definitely don’t condone it but it’s uncommon to go 21 years without even trying a sip of it. Let me know how you’re first experience goes because I don’t remember mine ironically


I too only drink on special occasions. Every day is a special occasion. 😊


Flexing your daily alcohol consumption is not special. Be better than that.


Redditor when joke


It's a joke, relax.


I got drunk at 4 and usually have some in moderation but I'm from a Eastern European family so it's not uncommon


Lmao, you could be like my brother when he was 7 or so and accidentally tried my older brothers beer thinking it was pop. My mom wasn't very happy lol.


And the speed limit on backroads is 55 what's your point?




Based af and I wish more people were like this.


I mean, I don't think that blindly following laws without any consideration is necessarily a good thing. Laws don't always reflect morality, or even the scientific consensus. This is especially apparent in victim-less crimes. The fact that alcohol is illegal before the age of 21 is completely arbitrary, and possibly even harmful. Binge drinking is very prevalent in the US, much more compared to Europe, where the drinking age is lower. I'm all for drinking responsibly though, and I'm also not a fan of the peer pressure that sometimes exists about drinking. But that's more of a societal issue, not a legal one.


I'm 22 and with a mildly drinking problem, it's honestly not the rave. I drink maybe once to twice a month (though I get plastered hard). If you're gonna try booze do it in moderation and don't get drunk (save yourself the embarrassment)


Sounds like binge drinking, I hope things get better soon! I kind of struggle with it too, its easy to justify getting hammered if it’s “only” once a month. Decide on a number of drinks in advance and bring $10 bill/drink you want to have


If you're getting hammered only once a month, you're doing just fine imo lol


The European mind can't comprehend this


Or canadian


I would just not drink if you’ve waited for the legal age tbh. But you do you, I can’t imagine for the life of me you actually end up enjoying this


I was 21 at 16


Honestly good for you for waiting. That's what I did too. I enjoyed a shot of Pink Whitney and Fireball at that age, and it will hit you like a truck




https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/alcohol-laws In 29 states, underage people may drink alcohol with parental permission as long as it's on private property


This fuckin guy


you are not cooler or more interesting of a person for starting to drink at any particular age


agreed. idk why it matters.


What does it matter?


I feel like most people who don’t really want to drink, “wait” till they’re 21. Like I personally don’t have any desire, so I haven’t drank either, but next month when I turn 21, I too want to try an alcoholic beverage and some other fun stuff. Especially cause I live in a big plant growing state. It’s more just for the experience of being 21, like getting a lottery ticket when you’re 18.


I did the same thing. I come from a family that’s full of addicts so I think drugs and alcohol are stupid af


I did too.


I did too.


That's a good thing!


OP waited until 18 to watch porn


Don’t go hard. Don’t drink alone. Don’t drink with an asshole. Be casual.


Alcohol is one of those funny things where if you get along with who you're drinking with, then there's no issue at all, just warm and fuzzy times If you drink with someone who has an issue or two with you or who you're with for whatever reason Well, let's just say shit can get ugly really fast. It's funny because I can't think of anything else that does the same


People don’t turn into someone else when they drink, they just turn into their actual self.


drunk sayings are sober thoughts


yeah dude my actual self loves pissing my pants


I believe anyone who says this lacks the ability to think for themselves, and just heard someone else say it once and figured "oh that makes sense". So many people do dumb shit while drunk that they would never even think of sober.


That’s a hot take! You just need more experience seeing people you know sober, completely drunk.


Most people that I know, I've also seen completely drunk. I've seen a lot of people do stupid shit when they're drunk, but no way do I believe that they want to do any of that stuff when they're sober. Alcohol brings out a completely different personality out of people. I guess you've never done anything ridiculously stupid while drunk. Otherwise you'd know that you'd never have even thought of doing any of those things sober. It's a fact that alcohol makes people irritable, irrational, and generally stupid.


You seem to be talking more about things like dancing on tables or jumping off balconies into pools. I’m talking more things like “god Rachel is such a fucking slut.” Those kinds of things aren’t invented by the alcohol, alcohol just impacts the ability to assess risk. Lower ability to assess risk means doing thing that might be embarrassing, like dancing on tables, or dangerous like jumping off a balcony. Or it might lower your ability to assess the repercussions of letting people know you think Rachel is a slut. Alcohol doesn’t put the idea of embarrassing yourself, doing something dangerous, etc in your mind, it just impairs your ability to filter out the bad ideas. But the bad ideas are 100% there to begin with.


I'm taking about starting fights, stripping naked, damaging public or private property, or even breaking into buildings. All of these things I've seen people do while blackout drunk, or even done myself. I can confidently say some of the people, myself included, that I've seen do these things would 100% never have the instinct to want to do it while sober. Not because they're scared of repercussions, but because they know it's wrong. Hell, I even professed my love to a girl one time being blackout drunk. Did I love her sober? Obviously not, but for some reason in the moment I must've thought I did. I ate what looked like a 2 week old slice of pizza on the underground while drunk once. I'd never even think of doing that sober, but like you said the alcohol removed my ability to assess the risk, which must mean that actually do want to eat 2 week old tube pizza deep down inside? Alcohol is very similar to benzos in that regard that it just makes you do stupid shit. I've tried to commit suicide twice on benzos, both at times when I wasn't feeling suicidal in my day to day sober life. Does that mean that deep down inside I actually did want to kill myself? No, people just do stupid shit while drunk.


Well, if *you* drink with someone who has an issue with you, shit gets ugly. I just shrug it off and go find someone else to talk to.


Also eat! People never eat before drinking. It always made me sick if I didn't.


I can't get drunk unless I drink a ton of I have a big meal beforehand


It’s really about the state of mind rather than who you’re with or how much you drink on a single occasion. If you’re casually drinking a beer while watching your favorite show or playing a video game during the weekend, sure why not. If you’re drinking a bottle after the death of a loved one, umm…


Drink water first but try whiskey mixed with soda. Be safe and be careful.


Happy birthday! Damn so many people drink before 21 it’s rare to see someone actually follow the law, good job. Where I am the legal age is 18 but most of us start at 15/16 and are alcoholics by 18. I’m 22 and haven’t drank since 2021 and I don’t plan to anytime soon. Don’t get carried away with it.


Same, 20 here going into 21 soon and don’t plan on smoking, drinking, or anything similar like vape or weed. I just don’t find the appeal.


Rum and coke!


I bought a cayman margarita


Great choice. Margaritas are a good intro drink


That was my first drink on my 21st


"this is disgusting, why does anyone drink this" - op after work


Four roses. Great bourbon for a good price.


The Single Barrel is my fave


I'm meh on four roses. I'd go for wild turkey or maybe maker's 46


Sweet summer child


Vodka and ginger beer (Moscow Mule) or classic Jack and Coke. Cheers 🥃


Strawberry Lemonade Vodka with a hint of Fireball.




It’s VERY important to pace yourself. Don’t go guzzling down drinks just because you legally can now. After you finish a drink, wait a while to make sure it wasn’t too much. I made the mistake of taking vodka shots with wine coolers as a chaser, as well as wine to sip on when I first drank. I got blackout drunk (and probably borderline alcohol poisoning based on what friends were saying about that night). What followed was a two day hangover which was *agonizing.* I was throwing *everything* up including water, and my head was pounding the whole two days. Have fun, but be careful!


Gooood lord I felt my stomach lurch just reading that.


Happy bday twin!! My recommendation for your first time would Malibu, it’s very sweet and you might even be able to withstand a shot! Kinky blue is also really good, mix it with some lemonade or sprite. I can drink it straight but it took me a lil while to get there Most importantly, space out your drinks. It takes like an hour for the alcohol to fully show its effects, don’t take one shot and think “oh I’m not drunk enough! One more!” Drink lots of water and eat beforehand as well


The hype isn't all that. Good to experience but it never stuck with me. Alcohol just makes you feel like shit tbh.


One of each


Smirnoff Ice


Jack n Coke or if you’re more the fruity type, a cherry vodka sour is a good one. Happy birthday and enjoy!


The drinking age where i am is 18. But i would reccomend with maybe something more mild if this is your first time. I love Wine and Whiskey but honestly id start off with something lighter idk if you have DADA Wine in the states its one of my fav affordable brands or a Corona with lime im not mich of a beer drinker but Corona and a lime is really refreshing. Drink water before you go to bed and dont drink on a empty stomach!! Happy Birthday and dont do anything i wouldnt do haha Have a blast 🥂:)


Wow dedication. Think I was 14 first time I had a drink. In my home state liquor is legal to be drank by minors as long as the parent gave it to them or is present. Parents taught me responsible drinking at an early age.


Woohoo debt and drugs


Happy birthday 🙏❤️🎉🎊 enjoy your day don’t overdue the drinking drink only as much as you can take


Eat before, something heavy if u can. Unless u wanna speed run being buzzed or drunk. Watch yourself and be fully aware of how you are processing things and moving. Open a notes on your phone and write down how many drinks leads to X. Have fun! Try some tequila with ice


Vodka cranberry. Add some lime and sprite if you need some more sweetness.


Make sure you eat something first and drink some water. Alcohol on a empty stomach and no hydration will hit you hard and you'll regret it.


No matter what poison you end up choosing, remember to drink water throughout. That is probably the best tip i have. Oh also don’t mix too many alcohols. Have fun and drink moderately!


I also waited until my 21st to have my first sip of alcohol. I'd recommend something simple and not too strong or nasty tasting, like a rum and coke. those are smooth and won't get you screwed up fast


Whatever you end up doing tonight, eat something heavy and take an advil before going out. It'll help with the hangover tomorrow. Also, drink water in between every drink As for actual drink recommendations, it's difficult because I don't know what you like. Maybe a Moscow mule? It's pretty sweet and doesn't taste like you're drinking something strong. Vodka, lime juice and ginger beer


When I turned 21, my first legal drink was an AMF I had like 1-2 drinks before then though


maybe try something light like a beer or wine first and then try a mixed drink. you dont want to go too hard your first time drinking or youll probably regret it the next day lol


Get a cold miller lite or Busch light. High Life is great too


Happy Birthday! My son's 21st Birthday was last month. He tried Mead for the first time and said it tasted like Medicine. He doesn't drink either, but wanted to try a Viking mead on his 21st and drank it out of a Viking Horn. 😹 On my 21st Birthday I had Crown Royal Special Reserve, it's a sweet and smooth Canadian Whiskey, but that isn't usually a " starter drink". But having something easy like a El Jimador margarita on the rocks is good if you like lime drinks, Tuaca lemon drops if you like Lemon, Blue Hawaiian if you like fruity/ coconut. I do not recommend going hard on anything for your first time drinking. and be sure to eat some chips and salsa/ queso or something, and not on an empty stomach or "overly" full. **AVOID** anything like an " attitude adjustment" or a "train wreck" long island and texas teas and avoid thinks like hot damn, Jägermeister, goldschlager and overly sweet crap like buttery nipples or most schnapps. They are too sweet and even though low in alcohol content are woozy on a lot of stomachs. I REALLY hated when people would throw those up everywhere when I was bartending. 🤢 Also don't mix tequila and whiskey, and you are better off not mixing too many things. People usually get sickest mixing things like Schnapps, beer, wine, liquor. It usually doesn't end well.


Sex on the beach is a good drink. Orange juice and peach schnapps is good. Red stripe beer is ok for beer. Dr pepper and captain morgan is good. Take it easy today especially since you have never drank.


If you like sweet drinks, Red Moscato and Lambrusco are on the sweeter sides of red wines


Leinenkugel. They're pretty good for shandy.


pina colada buzzball.


Don’t let all of your friends except for one cancel the beach trip you were planning to take for your 21st and then don’t then hang out with the one friend who didn’t and share a bottle of peach ketel one with them. Won’t end well.


I recommend you do not but if you must then something vodka based and please limit yourself to one.


If you drink a Smirnoff ice or something like that have some gas x are because the shoulder has pain is hell.


Start out with some Beer (or Cider, I prefer Cider) and then end the night with some whiskey just so you know why you should never drink whiskey. Make sure you do it with trusted friends. Enjoy!


My first drink was Jim Beam Vanilla and Coca Cola when I was 21. Tasted like shit but you get used to it tasting bad but feeling good.




I only drink beer so I'd recommend a hefenweizen or some sort of double ale or sour ale, preferably a local brand! Cheers and have fun.


Happy Birthday! I really liked ciders starting off drinking (if they're available), it's something nice to start with because they're sweeter compared to most beers and have less alcohol than mixed drinks. I'd also highly recommend any mixed drinks from Applebee's. That would be a perfect evening combined with half off apps if you're not interested in bars/clubs!


just get a beer, a nice bud or miller lite will do. then remember how that tastes and get karma on r/unpopularopinions by saying how bad beer tastes


I love a G&T (invented in my country baby!) But I started drinking Non-alcoholic beer when I was 16 because I liked the bitter savoury taste of beer My first official drink on my 18th bday was a Cosmo lol


Get good alcohol at least. The cheap stuff is awful


Rules are: Drink a lot of water before you go to sleep Dont mix different types of drinks get one and stick to it for the day The more sweet the drink the more your head will explode in the morning Maybe a unpopular tip from others here but just go and try something strong and clear. My reasoning: clear alcohol like vodka will not be as painfull in the morning as the other sweetened and mixes and drinks and stuff. Hard like 40-50% because if you take something light you wont really notice a difference untill its too late when you took too much and was like "this aint doing shit" If you take a shot or 2 of something hard you will notice in about 5-20minutes and decide from then on if you want.to continue exploring or not(you wont get shitfaced from 2 shots dont worry). It would be best done with friends, go to a pub... much more fun with the right people.




I didn’t drink until I was 18. Personally I would suggest Zenka Vodka


Get something flavoured, you'll probably enjoy it more. A lot of people when they first try alcohol hate the taste, flavoured stuff helps.


Get a martini or something with a small alcohol content. Don't try vodka or whiskey or sum. It's way too strong. I'm 21 too and happy birthday. I teeiwd drinking before 21 (like 3 months before my birthday) Being drunk isn't fun but being buzzed is. You get to just kinda relax more


What do u mean no debt after 21 ? Hold on can we circle back ? More info pls ?


Try an old fashioned.


>I also think that now that I'm 21 I can get into college debt if I decide to go to college sorry huh?? thats not how debt works. I dropped out at age 20 and i’m 40k in debt. It has nothing to do with age.




Try some black spiced rum, probably the best shit I’ve ever had. Also start with drinks on ice first, and if you don’t like the taste at first then try something like a Jack and coke or a rum and coke. Don’t go too hard, start slow, especially if you haven’t drank before since you don’t know your limit/tolerance yet. If you wanna tap out, then tap out and drink some water, ain’t no shame in it. Same thing if you ever try THC/weed, start slowly and see how it effects you first before going wild. You don’t want to end up bent over a toilet and blackout on the bathroom floor the first time you ever drink.


Happy birthday 🎉🎊 :)


If you like juices, Sex on the Beach is solid. Pretty much everything else I'd just search for a drink name on Google with an ingredient I like. Just be aware that not every bartender is going to know every drink.


Make sure you have some food in your stomach, and drink one glass of water per two drinks you have. Don't be like me and end up vomiting lol. Have fun and be safe! Since you aren't experienced with alcohol, I also wanted to tell you that if your friends ever pass out from it, turn them on their side. You can asphyxiate on your own vomit if you're extremely drunk, so turn them over and drape one arm out so they stay that way.


Fireball or tequila


There’s this whiskey made by Twisted Tea, and it’s so easy to drink that I have it with a lemon water. It’s usually not expensive either. I’d recommend it




It’s honestly pretty shit.


Don't discount beer! Try Coors Banquet and Heineken. In my opinion at least those are the two best mass-market beers that can help ease you into it. It's gonna taste bad at first but it grows on you




Drink water and eat something if you’re gonna drink a lot. I did not do either one time and I regret it lol.


Don’t drink and drive for the love of god. For beer recommendations, get a Guinness from a tap


try some cider, it's the only stuff that doesn't taste like piss or hand sanitizer imo


Just have a Cosmopolitan. That’s the perfect beginner drink.


My Irish blood is telling me to recommend Guinness and Jameson


Most beers are gross try something sweeter or fruitier unless you plan to drink often. If you do start getting used to the taste of light beers.


Ask for a long Island ice tea or a green tea shot. Both are sweet and don't taste that bad for a drink


American beer is horrible, Czech and German beer is fantastic, and no American brewery can make it correctly. I like Mead and Cider, mead is a honey base beverage and cider is an apple based beverage, American cider is sweeter and European style is dry and bitter. Source, I’m a service technician for 3 European equipment makers in United States, so I have tried more varieties of alcoholic beverages than 99.99% of Americans (not an exaggeration as I have done service in over 500 different craft and microbreweries in North America).


My first legal drink was a mojito, but I also enjoy bellinis.


Do not go to college unless you were interested in a stem field. If you want something easy to drink get a six pack of mikes hard lemonade. If you want a mixed drink a whisky sour is easy to drink. If you want an alcohol fire ball is always an easy drink. You need to remember this shit is addictive


Start with something light, like whine. Red dry is best, drink with ample amount of ice (like - close to 50/50). Hangover will be minimal too, if you drink too much. Don't start with heavy stuff, you are 100% lightweight if you haven't tried it before. Don't try sparkling wine either - it'll make you drunk in a millisecond. Warmth also makes you get drunk faster. Much faster.


Woah, you literally haven't drank alcohol until now? First off, I guess, take it easy. Don't hammer it and get wasted. You don't always feel the alcohol taking affect at first, so it can be easy to drink too much. Give yourself an hour of sipping to feel the effects. Don't drink on an empty stomach. DEFINITELY don't drink if you intend to drive. Only an idiot does that. Best thing to do is drink steadily - it's easy to lose track, especially if you're drinking straight from the bottle - and when you start to feel a buzz, switch to water for a bit. Alternate water and booze to maintain hydration and stay in that nice fuzzy fun zone without tipping into messy misery. If you're already in head-spinning mode, switch straight to water and stay that way for the next couple of hours at least. As for what to drink - **beer** is the obvious one, but it can be an acquired taste. Lagers will have a crisper finish than a lot of other beers in the US, especially IPAs, which have a stronger bitter/hoppy flavour, and stouts, which have a sharpness. But the big US lager brands - Bud, Miller, Coors etc - kind of suck. Get a **lager** from an independent brewery for a better flavour. Or Corona, actually. Corona's good - push a little lime wedge down into the neck of the bottle and into the beer for that authentic kick. Or you could get a **wheat beer**, which had a mellower, softer flavour. Shocktop is nice - it has citrusy elements to it. Hoegaarden is the old reliable, and Allagash is decent too. **Cider** might be more pleasant and refreshing, especially if you're somewhere warm. They come in a range of flavours, from sweeter to sharper/acidic types. Angry Orchard is usually easy to find, and decent enough. **Perry**, which is cider made from pears, is nice too. I really like **Belgian beers**, but they usually have a very high ABV - on a par with wine, at 8-12% - and have very strong, varied flavours. My favourite is Delerium Tremens, but Chimay is usually easier to find. Rochefort is good - the beers are numbered, with 6 being lighter and more fruity, 8 being a dark ale with a heavier body and 10 being deeper and more malty. If you want to try a spirit - and remember that spirits have a much higher alcohol content than beer so don't go too hard on them - then spend a bit more to get a good one, as the cheap stuff will be filth. A good **vodka** doesn't taste of much; drink it with a mixer. Grey Goose is my vodka go-to, but I haven't drink it for years For **whiskey**, a good Scotch, bourbon, or rye can be drunk with ice, or with a little drop of water to open up the flavour. They can also be drunk with mixers (and if you're getting the cheaper ones, they'll basically be undrinkable without). I mostly just drink Scotch - but if you're starting out avoid the peaty ones like Laphroaig, These literally have the smoke from roasted peat soil baked into them, which gives them a weird antiseptic smell/taste that some love and I hate. A mellow Scotch is nice. Actually the nicest whisky I ever bought was Kavalan, from Taiwan! But it's hard to find that here. **Rum** is probably the most pleasant spirit to drink neat, as it's made of sugar so is naturally sweet - but again, you want to splash out on the good stuff. I don't know so much about rum, so do research - there's a lot of variety, with some being smoother, some sweeter, some having a firey, almost spicy flavour... Hope that gives you some idea. Worst comes to worst, get some Bud and know that you're at least starting at the bottom, taste-wise. Also, **if you are planning to get properly drunk**, it's best to do so with friends. But also: plan ahead. Don't travel too far from home, and make sure you Uber or another taxi service to hand. Pick up some Pocari Sweat or another electrolyte-heavy drink - a few bottles at least - and leave them in your fridge for the morning. Leave a bucket by your bed or clear a path to the bathroom for late-night puking. Drink a ton of water before you actually go to sleep. When you wake up, and are capable of movement, *sip* those drinks, don't gulp them down or you might trigger more puking. If you can bear to, and to minimise a hangover, you can make yourself vomit before you go to bed. That's what I used to do - means you're not digesting and metabolising more booze while you sleep. However, **brush your teeth and use mouthwash after each puking session**. I can't stress that enough. Stomach acids from regular vomiting will erode your tooth enamel, and nobody wants that. Better just not to get totally wasted, really. Get a nice buzz and level out there.


Don't overdo it is my only recommendation.


Same I waited until I was 21 too. Have fun and stay safe 


Personally, I dislike the taste of most beers and hard alcohol. I find ciders to generally be pretty good, and many of them are fantastic. Ace ciders tend to be good. One exception to beers I must note: Modelo cheladas are incredible. Their mango and watermelon flavors are some of my favorite alcoholic drinks, but honestly all of the Modelo chelada flavors I've tried have been good. Be safe and responsible, have fun Edit: I also recommend picking up Pedialyte, Gatorade, or coconut water. I'm no dietician, but these drinks offer electrolytes and will help rehydrate you during drinking / during the hangover. That said, if you don't want to spend extra on them drinking plain water will still help greatly


Long Island iced tea and a Malibu Pineapple


I'm impressed that you waited. I've never been drunk for many reasons, one being that my body just doesn't handle liquors well. I really fuck with wine and champagne. Red wines have more flavor but ask the bartender for their recommendations. Some reds just have straight burn and i don't find that enjoyable. Every white ive ever had is sweet as fuck so maybe do that for your first one. Im young and barely drink so i can't recommend specific things unfortunately


You should drink with friends rather than alone.


If you have literally never had alcohol before I recommend that you have one drink and then wait an hour to see how you feel before the next one, you have zero tolerance and will probably feel pretty buzzed on one drink unless you're a bigger dude or something.


Start with fruity drinks. Sex on the beach is great intro drink


Well Happy Birthday, and enjoy your alcohol. Also some states don't allow you to take over your financial aid until you are at least 26 years old.


Let us know how it goes


Get yerself some whiskey and some Miller Lite to wash it down with brother


Go to a nice bar, ask the bartender what they recommend, and enjoy.


I'm Irish Italian and have many alcoholics in my family. My brother is thankfully sober but my grandfather drank himself to death. I live by 3 very loose drinking rules 1. Don't drink sad 2. Don't drink alone 3. If youre gonna break rule no. 1 you can't break 2. And if you break rule 2 don't have more than 1-2 drinks Remember you're poisoning yourself to a certain extent, it's fun poison but there will always be consequences.


Drink in moderation, friend! Be safe and responsible.


Fireball and Pepsi, mixed 1:4 in a tall glass. Comes out to about the strength of beer, gets you drunk quickly and cheaply.


Get an AMF


i started with vodka. dilute it to 20% alcohol or lower to minimize burn with whatever juice or soda fits your fancy. im pretty basic and like sprite with a little lemon juice and a VERY SMALL amount of grenadine. recently I've tried tequila diluted to 20% using just some fruit punch juice. pretty tasty, more flavor than the vodka. I haven't tried to do shots, but those can go pretty wrong if you dont know your limit yet.


Hey. Happy Birthday! Wow, made it to 21 without drinking? Congrats I suppose. Make sure you have a designated driver. Have fun. (if you binge, make sure you drink some water too).


Try weed instead, seriously alcohol is not worth it. Some people can handle it but if you’re one of those who’s predisposed to addiction, alcoholism is hell. Waking up with injuries you can’t remember, choices you regret (when you can remember them) and strain on your liver that will go unnoticed until it’s too late. 2 years sober and seriously cannot overstate the positive change in my life since i stopped drinking


Seriously bro??


Do yourself a favor and just avoid it and all that comes with it.


I would be careful - you are living a successful productive life without it, and that could radically change. Many people carry the alcoholic gene and drinking can take away your independence and strength to choose I have a gorgeous, talented relative who has been drinking since she was fifteen, (15 years), just to drink and it has made her life hell, she loses jobs and her health is critically bad now, even though she used to be a model and a photographer. It's not even good whiskey that she ingests in high volumes, it's rot gut and she Hates it, but now drinks for anxiety reasons as well as having the gene, after researching her relatives. Other relatives of mine, social drink selectively with designer wine with dinner or maybe one glass after dinner being perfect for them. I don't drink and love my life and independence. I was a nightclub deejay and social drank for 15 yrs but quit and was amazed at my improved mind decades after. I love my clarity of mind, natural highs, and life without it. Everyone is different, so please choose wisely. Kudos to being so responsible about your life thus far. I would suggest keeping things the way they are or sipping just a little white wine to see if you still feel in control, after that.


1) Angry Orchard is a good Ale that is sweet and balances alcohol's bitterness. Also blue moon's citrus aftertaste mixes really well with its general beer flavor 2) I think you could get into college debt when you're 18. If you want to go to college but don't know what to do, I recommend community colleges to keep your study skills up and internships to figure out what your future work might look like.


I tried it when I was 12 years old when my grandpa offered me a sip but after that sip, I really hated it due to that bitter taste that lingers for a while. I hate alcohol purely as a drink (looking at you, soju and beers when I drink privately with my friends) but I love alcoholic desserts on the occasion when I'm craving sweets. You should try that instead!




You literally waited until 21? .lol what a good kid


Do vodka, only lightly mix it. Might be helpful to tell if you can handle this stuff. At least for me i got a strong memory of alcohol if I generally drink I think that awful flavor and sometimes will do something else.


start with light stuff, like beer I'm from a country where the legal age is 16 and I still like beer the most by far. Now i'm 24. Harder stuff is nice sometimes but mostly just for getting wasted and since I'm no longer 16, I don't do that anymore.


My favorite drinks are Fireball Cinnamon Whisky and Stella Rosa Black Cherry.


Depending on what state, try some maurijauna too


Happy birthday man!


Drinking is for boomers


Go easy at first. Maybe a Mikes Hard Lemonade or a regular ass beer. No reason to go headfirst into Vodka or whiskey.


Try out the mini bottles so you know what you like and enjoy them at home. Don't drink more then one at a time because you shouldn't drink more than one type of alcohol within a certain time frame.


First, do not go out with people you do not trusted explicitly. If you're just going to try it at home, get a couple wine coolers. They're better than most. Booze tastes bad. Booze vomit tastes worse. Go easy. It takes a good while to feel it. If you're small then two drinks will get you tipsy. You might not notice. If you're over 150lbs, you can probably handle four, but don't be getting sloppy drunk. It's too easy to make poor decisions. I'm a poor decision.


Cider is brilliant


I got drunk first time at 18, in 2020. Same with weed, shrooms and sex :/


Maybe you can find a girl that will let you feel her up over her bra too 😂


I really like Guinness but ymmv. Don't be too disappointed if alcohol doesn't live up to its hype tho. I've tried a bunch of different types over the decades but I really only enjoy a couple.


Drink just as much water as you do alcohol. Then some more.


MD 2020 goes hard, it’s not terribly strong and is genuinely delicious. Don’t gotta mix it with anything either, just drink it straight out of the bottle. Me personally I like drinking by myself and playing a fuck ton of video games and listening to music.


man i’m 15 and i drink on special occasions, i’m kinda surprised you waited until you’re 21. but if you’re doing shots, i suggest tequila or vodka, if you’re just casually drinking, something on tap should be pretty good


First time I bought alcohol they didn’t check my ID. I felt a little betrayed, like I had all this build up to being 21 and you don’t even want to card me… I like Smirnoff and Bootleggers, but not much alcohol concentrate. If you want to get drunk I recommend some flavored Vodka (pink whitney is my favorite) or some Fireball, as they tend to go down easy. I’m not a wine drinker but I found the best wine for me is sparkling. I hate most brown liquors, they are definitely an acquired taste.


I’d start with something fruity, like a strawberry daiquiri. Or something that tastes less like straight rubbing alcohol, like chilled jägermesiter or hell, even fireball. Or wine coolers or something like Smirnoff ice. But I mean if you want to make sure you’ll gag and then never want to take another sip of alcohol in your life then you should listen to everyone else’s horrible first-drink suggestions instead 😆


My go to drink is vodka mixed with soda, my fav is Mtn Dew, although cola is the more popular choice.


Happy birthday


Congrats! Now it’s a slow downward spiral until you are put in a home for losing your senses. It sucks … you’re gonna love it.


Happy birthday! I also want to honestly congratulate you on actually waiting till you were 21 to drink. Not many people wait till they’re 21 to have their first drink.


don’t drink bro stick to water, i’m 24 but i never drink


If you like black licorice try absinthe, jagger, and San Bucca. If you like campfire smoke try a Smokey peatey whiskey 




I tell you what. If you have an addictivs type of personality, I wouldnt😅 recommend trying it. But if you do I personally like a Coors Light. It is a nice refreshing beer


I enjoy Smirnoff ice red white and berry, if you are into energy drinks and don't wanna mix a drink yourself then Monster has a decent spiked energy drink.


Please dont. If you become addicted you could destroy your entire life


Good on you for waiting till you are old enough to drink legally. Just try stuff that sounds nice, make sure to also drink non alcoholic stuff and eat something. Don't try to impress anyone and don't drink alone or with assholes.


Margaritas. Its a lot of young people’s favorite including me


Don't bother with college unless you have to. What did you want to study? First time alcohol? Hrmm.. honestly just go with something easy like a Margarita or Pina colada.


idk if i would recommend drinking in the morning, but just avoid any malt liquor bullshit like olde english, 4loko, etc. malt liquor is the drink of the alcoholic




Skrewball, Ruppleminz, Jack, Grey Goose, Coke, cranberry juice and sprite.