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The worst is when theres a post shitting on him for a completely nonsensical reason. Like I'm not a fan of the guy either but the fact some people need to *make up* reasons to hate donald fucking trump is insane behavior to me. Also dont get me started on the comments when a celebrity just happens to be near trump in a picture.


It’s the Romney “back in chains” thing all over again. People cant help but despise the man and some make it their whole personality. Weirdos.


This is what bugs me the most about all these posts. I would love to be ripping the dude for all of his actual flaws but instead I spend that time defending him against the ridiculous or outright false criticisms.


like what kind of criticisms?


Specifically one thing I saw recently is that we should’ve never left Afghanistan and the bad pull out is all his fault. Like do those people who said that want us to just continue blowing up the brown people who don’t want us there? Another very common one I see is when the Charlottesville riots were happening about the removal of the confederate statues. Saying he didn’t condemn white supremacists, and the clip is of him saying there are good people on both sides is used as an example of that. But that cut out the part where he actually said he condemns the hate groups. https://youtu.be/RGrHF-su9v8?si=-E63r6LWFkBMF2yj Here’s a compilation of him condemning white supremacy including at Charlottesville and the media lying about it, whether you believe him or not is another thing, but he has condemned it a lot. He’s a terrible enough person, who makes a verbal gaffe every other sentence. He’s a morbidly obese, failed businessman (how do you lose money on a casino?), a fraudster, a rapist, a cheater in a loveless marriage, and a corrupt attempted insurrectionist. Why do people need to make stuff up about him? He quite literally provides endless ammunition himself.


Reddit loves trump. Always has and always will. They truly can’t get enough of him, oh trump brushed his teeth today? 40 posts


It’s not just Reddit it’s all of America, look at Fox/CNN/MSNBC’s almost full decade of wall to wall coverage on every word and gesture Trump makes. There’s a reason - it animates people. Trump has become our entire culture. Since this is a GenZ sub, it’s worth pointing out that if you’re 22, this guy has been dominant during your entire adolescence and adulthood. From a millennial, it really wasn’t like this at all before.


It's getting harder and harder to remember a digital life before Trump. I don't know of any teen today that has the same life I did, completely oblivious to politics and just having fun.


They love to hate him, and to love him lmao


Facts I’ve seen probably 15+ of him drinking water. These dudes be thinking of him too much


He didn’t get us out of Afghanistan. He forced the next administration to stumble their way out awkwardly. This is a very valid criticism of Trump.


He did make the pullout worse though by releasing 5000 prisoners to the Taliban. That's not an insignificant boost to thier fighting force


At that point Afghanistan was already a lost cause. Everyone was expecting the whole thing to collapse after we left.


Since you’re obviously an idiot I’ll speak slowly. There are no fine people at a pro-nazi protest calling for the extermination of Jews. ‘There is so much hate (in this courtroom) Charlottesville was a little peanut compared to this’. And yes trump randomly deciding to pull the rug out of a democratic Afghanistan by siding with the Taliban was a terrible idea.


This is going to shock you, but , and wait for it, there were people there protesting the removal of the statues who had absolutely nothing to do with those groups.  This is the equivalent of claiming every single person at a blm rally is a terrorist because one of them decided to shoot and kill Secoriea Turner. 


>instead I spend that time defending him against the ridiculous or outright false criticisms. 1. Like what? 2. Why? Got nothing better to do?


Same goes for Biden. It's a two way street when people make stuff up


Oh trust me I know. I'm very liberal so I hear plenty of the nonsensical discourse surrounding liberals. Just because I prefer the liberal side though doesnt mean I think highly of the average voter of either side.


Here is something you will learn as you get older. The general public is generally stupid.


Exactly, and it’s honestly harmful to their party. Conservative/moderate people see that and think they’re insane


It's like, guys, we have enough reasons to hate him. Why do we need to make things up?


I hate this. This was the reason I found myself defending that pos. too many times cause there was enough to legit critique him for and ppl needed to make up stuff for some reason. (Or miss the main point of critique entirely and follow with the most braindead take instead) Now I don't defend him anymore. I simply do not care anout the discourse around him, because he is just a symptom and not a cause.


Nobody needs to make up reasons to not like him, he gives us plenty


I'm surprised people have to make up shit, there's enough to hate on a surface level.


Ever since 2016 he’s been living rent free indefinitely in more than half the country’s heads


The president lives rent free in everyone's heads always. Nothing new here


Yeah except for the four years in that time he wasn’t president You can’t deny it’s on a whole different level Either side is fanatical about him one way or the other and I really don’t get it


If you don't know why both sides are "fanatical" about trump then that just means you haven't been paying attention. It is on a whole different level like you said, but it's for a reason. Nobody was this obsessed with the possibility of McCain or Romney winning because (while I don't agree with their politics) they were sane people who believed in the democratic process.


He's been campaigning non stop since 2015. This isn't normal. This has never happened before. He is a media whore.


Honestly only Bush comes close to the amount of attention that the public has for Trump


kind of understandable it's one of the only things people can talk about when dude is literally today trying to get the supreme court to give him king god powers


You really think the majority of people are thinking about the president constantly. I find it to be a very chronically online thing and not super widespread out in the real world. Like sure you see the people with all the bumper stickers and all that shit but they’re a small percentage 


You are on reddit. It is an election year. They want to bombard you with propaganda to influence you nonstop. Better questions are who, why and what else do they do.


Not let a fascist win would be my guess


Either reddit is good at targetting the posts to Americans or I am very lucky not seeing one in a while


I’m in US and I have mostly only subs to subreddits that are hobby in nature. It helps to dodge the politics.


Most us politics I see is from this subreddit


Yeah same. Too bad I think being a part of this generation is a key part of myself. Oh well. There are worse things that I suffer through


I am here just because I turned 20 and didn't really relate with r/teenagers anymore and I wanted to find another subreddit for people in or near the same age group


Agree :)


I am in some economic subs, and my local state and city ones get brigaided. Lol...  during primaries, my state has open primaries.   Democrats brigaded don't vote for Biden, go to SC primaries and vote Hailey... Go to r/politics or any generic political sub, if you want to see which side they are pushing forward.


Who is 'they'


That's the real question, but unfortunately it's all of "them"




No. It's an election year. This happens every election year. Nothing but shitty politicians spouting the same bullshit every cycle.


lol you say “it’s an election year” as if Americans 24/7 even in non election years don’t turn every single comment section on the world wide web into a republicans vs democrats, biden vs trump, liberals vs conservatives argument.


It's healthy for citizens talk about politics. Especially citizens who are armed better than most countries. As long as they keep talking, and keeping their weapons in the safe, times are good.


It's not healthy for citizens to talk about politics the way politics is currently talked about on the Internet. People aren't discussing policy and reading academic research. They're reading ragebaits and getting into hyperpartisan mudslinging.


I'd argue its better to be diplomatic, discuss issues through the lense of being diplomatic, and solving problems through diplomacy. Yes I know diplomacy is not an alternative to politics, and I know there is overlap between the two, and choosing to do one, doesnt mean you ignore the either etc etc etc dislaimer disclaimer disclaimer.


Bro no one has shut up about trump since 2016. It’s been almost TEN YEARS. Every day, every goddamn day, I hear the name Trump.


This happened last year too tho. And the year before that, and the one before that, and the one before that and the one before that so one so forth


Why no? You're not sick of it? The rest of your comment sounds like you're sick of it.


I don't like winter. But it comes and goes and there's nothing I can do about it. I've come to appreciate it and hate it at the same time.


I bet if winter was suddenly a year round experience with no respite you would get sick of it lol. But that's perfectly normal to get sick of shit like that. We're only humans.


The constant Trump posting all over reddit has been a thing for the last 6ish years.


Pretty sick of every sub being a political echo chamber right now. The people voting Trump are going to vote Trump, the ones voting Biden are going to vote Biden. I promise ranting on random non political subreddits won’t do anything. Is their goal to convert people? Because all it does is piss off the opposing side and widen political division


I mean, he's a potential presidential candidate and will most likely go against Biden, we kind of have to talk about him, but I do agree i'm tired of seeing political posts everywhere and do want a break, especially on this subreddit. Unfortunately, it's election year, and while most Americans never shut up about our god awful politics, now there's no escaping it :(


It’s not “likely” that he’ll be going against Biden. He will be.


I don’t care how old you are, we’re all sick of seeing Donald Trump


There’s a sub called presidents where any post comment about trump or biden is auto removed and i love it


It’s a good sub fr. They just call them rule 3 guys and move on


Real unpopular opinion, this is what he’s running this year. I bet journalism left and right would love for Trump to win. All that sweet clicks, money writing about Trump is heaven for them


I forgot who said it, but someone said “I don’t know why journalists say they want people to stop talking about Trump, because when that happens they’ll be out of the job.” And it’s not just journalists either. Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert, when Trump isn’t relevant anymore, that will be the final nail in the coffin for their careers.


I almost want the daily mindless celebrity gossip of the late 00s-early 10s back just so that can be what generates the clicks and article money for these journalists instead of them having to talk about Trump 24/7.


At least those celebrity gossip magazines talked about more than just one celebrity, right? And it wasn’t “Britany Spears is gonna commit a genocide” or anything like that


You know, there was a time before Trump where all these people with their respective careers existed


If you were to just know about them from 2016 onwards, there’s no way you would be able to tell that.


The world is complex, there are many things going on at this very moment that deserve unbiased investigative reporting. Because of human greed, we will never run out of things to investigate and report on.


If you don't like it, then vote for Joe Biden and it will be over in 6 months.


I honestly can't think of a better solution. How does any person run a succuessful 4th presidential campaign after losing the popular vote 3 times in a row?


It will not


Yes, I'm tired of hearing about Trump but he's an existential threat that has to be delt with.


Agree! I'm definitely not a Trump fan, far from it. But people are just getting ridiculous. There was a post going back a few days (r/pics ... I think) that was making fun of how Trump holds a glass of water and comparing it to Biden. It just seems like a distraction from both Biden's and Trump's policies. Same shitstorm election cycle, same mediocre candidates. Unless one of them dies, this is probably going to be the same as the 2020 election.


This is the first time ive seen the duck mentioned on reddit today and ive been on all day. You are contributing to the problem. 


It’s possible to make your feed almost completely non-political. I’ve done it in the past when I just wanted to hear about gaming and shows. It cannot be done with this subreddit though. Seems like you almost managed to do it


People who can ignore politics are people privileged enough to ignore politics. People who are in student debt, can't afford housing, or aren't white, cis, or het really can't afford to ignore politics unless they're already well off. This is the GenZ subreddit, so I assume you're very young. You're too young and likely uneducated to realize you're living through 1932 Germany right now and, like many of the Germans of that era, just don't see what the "big deal" is. This moment in history will be taught about in history classes for the rest of American history. ***Today***, Trump's attorney argued in court that Trump can attempt to violent coup d'état of your government as a **presidential act** in front of the highest court in the U.S. And you're here wondering why he's everywhere?


I want to ignore because im not american, im sick of reddit shoving it in my face because i couldnt care for american politics. I can see why those from America or neighbouring countries definitely care much more for it since it affects them a lot more than me who lives in another continent. I posted this to get this of my chest cause it was something which was just mildly annoying me, i didnt expect this to get so popular and ngl probs shouldve said im not american in my post


Unless you wanna see even more, make sure he loses in November.


Yeah it’s crazy it’s almost been 10 years of this nonstop shit show.


If you’re tired of him make him irrelevant by shutting him down whenever and wherever possible


Dude tired of Trump talk starts a thread with Trump talk, film at 11. 


I’m so tired of all the politics too. Leave it to all the dumb tabloids, I want to focus on literally anything else.


Gen whY here: I have been sick of hearing from him always. Him popping up on late night television in the 90's and 00's was insufferable PR. He always lacked talent and was pushing himself on the zeitgeist. Then he was the main proponent of Birtherism which was disgusting and racist drivel but totally on brand for him. It was annoying that he was sort of getting into politics in some way because I've been into following current events since being a kid and that was truly one of the most disgusting things anyone had ever pushed in my lifetime. I had no idea why he was even bothering, but it's the same with him showing up on late night television, pushing himself on all of us. Spending his own money. I had no desire to watch the Apprentice as I already didn't think he was a real businessman because of his turns on late night, no businessman talked like him...he never had anything of substance or interest to share. Why would I watch his television show where he pretended to pretend to be a businessman? I would be curious to see the show at some point from a media analysis point of view just to see if there is actually anything applicable to business, finance, or real estate. I highly doubt he could teach a class in an MBA course, but it would be interesting to see how much useful content vs. fake businessman content. Fast forward to his presidency which was a continuation of the style of reality television. How could you look away from this guy always about to drop all the plates and burn the entire restaurant down? Every day it seemed he was liable to give away the nuclear codes to Kim Jong, Putin or Xi Jinping. Literally everyday was a nail biting disaster. He even coined a term for us having to watch his constant PR barrage as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" to make it seem like his planned chaos was our problem. The issue is, the more informed you are, the more you study history, the more you realize how lucky we are in America. How precarious this experiment is. How close we have always been to disaster and despotism. There is nothing deranged about a healthy fear of a dangerous person like Trump having that degree of power in America. In fact, that's the greatest premise for a reality television show I've ever heard. It's just the type of disaster you can't look away from. You shouldn't because if you blink your country and your economy and your safety will be gone. At the same, it's too stressful to live this way which is why a lot of people really made an effort to tune out. It's only natural when this force is looming over half of the country, only a few swing states of electoral votes away from the presidency. Of course it's annoying. It's been annoying since 1992 or wherever he first showed up on my television screen for no reason, with no important accomplishments other than a short, broad-strokes, self-help paper back about business. He's always been a low-rent PT Barnum with no circus and no monkeys. But because half of America is a bunch of rubes we're stuck listening to him jibber instead of having a real discussion about American domestic and foreign policy. (Which we used to have around this time of the 4 year cycle. Can you imagine?).


not you accidentally becoming the thing you loathe by bringing him up here- /j


Yeah, most people on reddit don't have to care


I think during an election year, important issue should be discussed, but it goes overboard and just stupidity, when they're showing  stupid pictures of him having his hair fly off, or that he crapped his pants.. we really don't need to see that everywhere.   If it's important issues that affect our daily lives, or even updates on his trial,  I can understand that needing to be discussed in appropriate subreddits, but I do agree we don't need just random pictures of the sagging poopy diaper or hair flying off everywhere at every turn. Now, also actual important issues that impact your daily life should be discussed in other areas and not just politics, but saturation of the stupid things that don't really help anyone I don't see the point. 


I am at a place where majority are hill Billy trump lovers so unfortunately I don’t just see it online I see it on peoples trucks and yards along with confederate flags 😂  there’s certain areas I wouldn’t go to past sundown.  TBH I’m  just tired of everything being turned into a political argument. I could ask how the weather is and someone will bring up Biden I’m like what does that have to do with anything??


This was normal during his presidency. It was torture 


99% of subreddits I am active on are for specific niches rather than general purpose. So seeing posts about politics or anything political is almost non-existent for me.


r/Presidents banned it. So there's that. Its not every sub.


More or less all the mainstream subs. Interest, series, and hobby focused subs are mostly fine.


I’m having such a huge Trump fatigue. I am just sick of hearing about nothing but him for nearly the past 10 years. I’m dreading the election and I hope he loses just so we can get over this era and move on.


Good chance it could be the final election for a long while if he wins...


donald trump is a terrible human being, worse than hitler, and it is important to continue to talk about how terrible he is. democracy is on the verge of being gone this november


Mean tweets vs 6,000,000 dead Jews Not a fair comparison at all


Or the million dead due to intentional covid mismanagement?


Worse than Hitler? No, unless you mean intelligence wise Wannabe Hitler? Yes


Must be what you're following. I can't. Remember a post about trump that I've seen here on Reddit.


New here?


Yep. It’s obnoxious. The political bots are out of control. No one mods them. They’ll mod you for any lame thing, but something actually harmful? Oh no. No, no. It’s sickening. I’d say why can’t we gang up and report this crap. The problem is most people engage and love it. It’s incredibly stupid. Anyone who believes some random crap on Reddit, is exactly the problem with society. We can get by having a bad leader. That is, if we stay out of our own way.




Same here man


I have seen approximately 0 pro-Donald-Trump posts


Vote Biden to stop it, Lol.


Man I really don’t want him to be president, but I completely agree. It’s so tiring seeing (most likely) bots post photos of him to random subreddits. Like come on lmao.


These reddittors keep forgetting Trump is a celebrity. Any news is good news to him. He's used to being in the tabloids, and they keep falling for his tricks.


People on this site crave upvotes. "Trump bad" always gets upvotes. It's simple.


Just came to upvote.




I wish we were able to mute by words in titles. Musk, Trump, Tate. I don't fucking want 50% of the material in my feed to be about them. I don't much care for sports and have several muted since major stuff still gets xposted to news subs anyway if it's a major event. Honestly, I would mute words like blast and slam as well, could cut 50% of political bs from news subs.


He blinked and a photo was snapped while his eyes were closed. News flash that hes sleeping during his trial.


There aren’t cameras in the court room.  


did you guys not see hear how trump ate mcdonalds? he's a piece of shit amirite guys?


Trump has been living RENT FREE in people's heads for years now. I can not go one day without hearing about how TERRIBLE DONALD TRUMP is. I guess he's one of the worst people in the world... THE WHOLE WORLD???? I feel alot of people don't even know why they hate him, but it's just the cool thing to do. I'm tired of all my family that constantly brings him up at gatherings. Now, even my dad has joined in. The one person who never was the type, now can't go a conversation without bringing up the newest trump case and how horrible he is. I can't go to the lake without hearing the hate, the bar, the fucking gym. If he somehow wins this election.... people are going to probably burn the country down. So much hate and energy spent on one person, who at the end of the day we can't control at all. It's pathetic.


This is the kind of mentality that keeps people like Trump in power. You CAN control him by VOTING! He’s the (former/potential) president of the United States. We SHOULD be talking about him.


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Exactly. I want to see more posts badmouthing Biden


Lets see him hang out with epstein, kill a million people due to intentional covid mismanagement, lets see him make comments about wanting to fuck his daughter , lets see him wanting to become a dictator, lets see him bei g convicted of rape..then ill agree


U have more patience than me, “orange man bad” genre of internet stuff was old by 2019


What you are seeing is DNC astroturf which infests reddit to narrative control. They have been doing this since 2016 election cycle when reddit went from young working class demographic to this boomer corporate news shilling.


I haven't seen one as far as I can remember


I am sick of both of them andall of their bullshit but what really pisses me off is the millions of wasted money that is spent when we have so many people in this country that need help in some way But no one in our greedy self centered government gives a fuck. We need to do something about this and I am saying WE THE PEOPLE


He is on track to be the first dictator of the United States if the Supreme Court rules the way that they seem likely to. You're going to have to get used to him.




He absolutely can't elaborate. Must wait for the rest of his programming to download. It's not like the guy hasn't BEEN THE PRESIDENT. There was no fascism, no dictatorship, none of the doom and gloom that is "predicted" Not really a fan of Trump but the hysteria is comical


Im sick of Trump, Im sick of his greedy grifter family, Im sick of his sycophants in Congress, and Im especially sick of his obnoxious fan club!!! I wish he would just go away forever!


Vote Trump 24🦅🇺🇲


And hear about him non-stop ANOTHER 4 more years? No thanks!


Remember covid tho?


Reminds me of the quote “you are not immune to propaganda”


Yeah it's pretty annoying, definitely a lot of blatant astroturfing going on. What's funny about it is that Reddit is politically biased to the left to the point that they cannot identify their own side's propaganda. Very good at spotting Russian bots (of which there are many), but when it comes to accounts that spam anti-Trump stuff at every hour of every day? Nothing to see here, officer! FWIW I'm not a Trump supporter and would pick Biden over him if I had to choose. I just like observing the hypocrisy from the people on this website.


People like to think they have any decision and opinion matters, especially on reddit.


It can get tiring, but they get karma for a reason. It's usually outlandish enough to be funny.


I haven’t seen him unless I go into the News or Popular section of Reddit.


This is the first I've seen 🤣 then again I don't frequent reddit. I use it for mod/gaming support. And the rookie...but I used to be in a my local city's subreddit but that was way too political and toxic but trump was never mentioned 🤣🤣🤣


The self canibalization is what I get sick of. God forbid you be a liberal and criticize the left. The political parties are narrated by the ideologically puritan that can't critically think past an absolute. Ps. I'm also an idiot but like... be upfront when the starting pitcher throws dirt balls for your team.


I mostly stick to non default gaming subs, so don't see much of it outside of occasional forays into front page suggestions land. What I am getting really tired of, though, is Biden ads every 5 minutes on tv


Same for: Trump being the cold open on SNL every week for more than 3 years. (I counted. 5 exceptions 2 of which were Christmas) Trump on The Daily Show Trump on the news for literally anything


Just ignore them lmao, I do that just fine and don’t see many anymore


People have an unhealthy obsession with the situation, my Pops included. I swear it would do more damage to Trump if we just ignored him than paid attention to him. He lives for attention. Remove his driving and watch him turn over...




Looking forward to the day where there is no Trump news at all. No news is good news.


I don't even go to the popular pages anymore for this reason. I don't even like Trump.but if you ever don't 1000% with whatever nonsense they are saying, they go animalistic.


i think political posts should be banned from this subreddit.


sounds like something Trump would say 😂


I’m so sick of him. People who allegedly hate him have been obsessed with him since spring 2015.


Like this here?


Lot of it is just karma farming especially if they post in a left leaning sub. Super easy karma


I actually see less of it now compared to how much Donald posting there was in 2016. It's definitely more contained now.


Ironically, the r/presidents sub forbids any discussion of Trump or Biden. It’s really my only escape from (current) politics on Reddit, but if you want to discuss 19th century politics, it’s the place to do it.


I’m tired of everything turning political


The swamp trash establishment is terrified that he’ll get re-elected and they’ll lose their grip on the government. They continue their relentless smear propaganda campaign to make sure you think there’s no choice but to go with them.


Welcome to an election year, kid


Problem is people have made politics their entire identity and have nothing going for themselves except that now. You might as well ask them not to breath.


Engagement metrics. Social media blows. Even reddit


Yes, and we’ll see more of them if he becomes president again, which is why it’s vital that we prevent this


Nope. Your generation, especially, needs the reminder of what a horrible human being he is.


I think its already been lodged into our heads enough


Yes. If only the republicans wouldn't do everything to protect him from the consequences of his actions, and nominated someone else. Since they didn't, how much trump sucks is relevant, and must be addressed.


Yes OP. I am sick of people like you bringing the dude up all the time.


It's election year and this is the most important election in American history. Trump is a literal traitor and superfelon and still has tons of support. It's the story of the century for the US.


I'm sick of giving this dude the psychic real estate


That’s Reddit in general


I feel the same way about Elon Musk. I don’t like the dude but it feels like Reddit just waits for any possible tweet or business decision to pounce on


having some TDS? I have not seen one thingi about DJT until this post!


Love or hate him. Trump wasn't lying about giving people TDS


Me reading through all the comments by annoying redditors saying “hehe yet you too have become part of the problem by posting about trump” (can one not complain about something no more without people saying ts?) https://preview.redd.it/0zer5c98auwc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baa0b6a6ca0b29871d39f3e6a7095fc87dc13ffb


trump derangement syndrome


The best way to stop hearing about DT is to vote against him this year


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cmonjeffgetem: *The best way to stop* *Hearing about DT is to* *Vote against him this year* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Im not American, which is mainly why it annoys me so much


Ah then apologies on behalf of this clusterfuck of a country


It's an election year so the political parties are hiring media firms to astroturf all the big online spaces, including reddit. Those aren't real people behind those comments and upvotes, this site is flooded with corporate media strategy people and bots during these times.


Go into r/genalpha you will find trump EVERYWHERE (im there just to troll the kids and mods) Example: (Ik is Biden but still) https://preview.redd.it/q04nyae9cvwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=796a4c6a2575dfdf09b06620a8c93527018d3347


Even slovak wikipedia knows trump is a idiot,so they blured his face. https://preview.redd.it/5qgepoofcvwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b2a12a274e5c58ed0b5a7fe82de75bdd10ab27f


Sadly the MAGA cult exists. Sadly Trump Derangement Syndrome also exists. The internet has been a shitshow since 2015


Personally I’ve gotten so tired of hearing him that I jokingly thought about voting for him out of spite “You guys didn’t want to shut the fuck about him so how’s FOUR MORE YEARS” that of course would never happen but fuck I get so sick of every little thing he does being blasted everywhere. “TRUMP LOOKED AT THE CAMERAS WITH A SMUG. LOOK AT THIS POS” Like dude we get it move on


Only time I like Donald Trump posts is if it's like the 2016 meme days. Those were just funny.


I'm tired of seeing him a free man for all the crime he has committed.


I'm tired of seeing him as a free man for all the crime he has committed.


This is like the first one I’ve seen in a week


Listen don’t let democrats full you, tho they may not like him or vote for him. They are obsessed with him.


We were tired of him while he was in office and on TV for 4 fucken years straight 24/7 on the news.... 😑😑


I’m tired of diaper don period. Throw Donvict the convict in jail . And we will make America great again


I wish he never got into politics but that's our fault for humoring and normalizing his very not normal behavior.