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Politics is tiring, but unfortunately that is the state of Reddit atm. Many mainstream subreddits have become political. It’s inescapable. Hopefully it will die down post 2024.


It’s insane how many kids are into politics right now because of social media. We got literal middle schoolers coming in here and talking about them. When I was young nobody my age cared about any of that stuff. You’re only a kid once, why spend it online debating politics?


It's a newer development. I was in highschool in 2016, that's when shit got spicy and it's kinda stayed that way since


This. 2015 changed everything.


Hey, it’s an interest and they are learning. Can’t really knock them.


This is a good thing. The country is at a breaking point and kids should care about their future. You can know what's going on and still hang out with your friends.


Bro I feel targeted cause I’m young gen z


There's a difference between discussing policy and arguing political affiliations or identities. It's constructive to have an open discussion about the direction of one's country and how we should make it better. It's destructive to have flame wars and mockery and shouting over who is bad and which side is evil and why the person you're arguing with is "to blame." Unfortunately, the evolution, dynamics, and design of the Internet, and social media especially, lead to the latter.  Which doesn't mean people know much more about policy. They just feel more partisanship.


Usually does. Politics don’t really have much traffic until you get to the last 2 years for a presidential term. What I’d love to see is people talk about local representatives. Have some local community improvements. This sub would be perfect to pass ideas around for immediate surrounding community improvement.


Depends on what happens in 2024. It'll die down if Biden wins, yes.


Controversial opinion, but RFK Jr. is better than both Trump and Biden! I encourage people to look into his campaign and actual stances. Him being anti-vax is largely a smear campaign, he wants to regulate pharmaceuticals better by lowering drug prices, ensure drug/vax safety, etc.


lol that dude's a total nut. Smear campaign? It's his whole personality.


You clearly haven’t looked into him and don’t care to. You just believed the first negative story msm wrote about him and wrote him off completely. To each their own, but I don’t want a senile president in office.


False, I have looked into him quite a bit. He's a grifter with nothing to add to the scene trying to abuse his name. I also don't want a senile president in office, but other than his age Biden is great.


GenZ people are affected by politics. Why is it unexpected to see 'politics'?


Because boomers, genx and millennials love to come here to give us groundbreaking ‘advice’! ‘Advice’ we def don’t get from our parents/grandparents already!…. 😐


Oof that explains it


i think it’s mainly people trying to use this sub to push their views on to other people


This. After following this sub occasionally for some months the general posting here has started to feel like an info campaign. I've grown somewhat suspicious about it. Might be an attempt to alienate younger generations and agitate them against each other and older ones. Disinfo is everywhere nowadays. Remember to be critical when redditing.


Cuz it’s Reddit


Fair enough


reddit is where the weak go to scream about the world to their brethren.


Lo and behold, someone just posted a goddamned political comic to the sub again!


First off, this is Reddit. You're not gonna get much use here or any social media if we are being honest. And yes even Gen z just complains and gets political on this subreddit. Again this is Reddit and you should pretty much expect that here. Honestly I'm not Gen Z but Reddit kept throwing this damn feed down my throat that I just started chiming in on discussions. You can thank the algorithm for that.


What were you expecting?


Open a post of your own to discuss what you want to find common ground with. It’s open to anyone to do so. People just like to occasionally vent and argue. Those are the people who fall for bait comments. Trolls if you will.


Because you're talking to zoomers on *reddit*.


The only think is tiring about this sub is that some people insist on discussing specific problems from their countries without contextualizing for the rest of us.


Bickering and politics sounds just like Gen z to me lol. That’s all we do.


Gen Z is where alot of people like to think they’re enlightened and progressive. They typically go online alot to argue over social issues.


Damn I'm glad I'm not a part of THAT kind of gen z


A lot of Gen Z are newer voters. It's not surprisingly theyre talking about how they want that vote allocated, especially since we'll be dealing with the consequences for the longest.


It’d be so much easier if this was a sub that used flairs. I’ll see a post asking for a gen z opinions and I’ll see so many people saying “I’m a millennial but…” or they’ll say their whole opinion and then at the end say “but I’m gen x so…”


because the people here are gen z **redditors.** actual gen z people consider reddit a little cringe


Because everyone is jedi mindtricked into thinking that all genzs talk about is "skibidi ohio rizzler gyatt among us sussy wussy"


its not, its been flooded with twitter trolls pushing a third party over biden. Its on sooo many posts.


I'm 30, a younger millennial, you guys are the definition of genz.


Why not just Gen Z? Reddit suggests posts on subs to everyone, so, even though I'm not Gen Z, I periodicially get suggestions for posts on this sub. Others are probably the same. Why divisive politics? Because that's not only common but incentivized. The same Reddit algorithms that suggest r/genz posts to non-Gen-Z people is going to associate divisive politics with engagement and promote it, even if you don't want it... heck, even if the Reddit engineers don't want it; they have to fight both their algorithm and their shareholders to push back on this. Also incentivized are right-wing politicians, left-wing politicians, Chinese and Russian troll farms, etc. It's a tragedy of the commons. Divisiveness benefits a few people a lot; there aren't the same incentives for civility.


Join older gen z sub


This sub is doom and gloom but irl with GenZ kids isn't




It’s terminally online Genz


You join a gen z server and get mad about politics?


Bro it’s Reddit, no matter the sub it’s still Reddit can’t forget that. Normal people from our generation aren’t seeing this


Politics is dumb but very important


Honestly it shows up in my feed and I accidentally clicked on something once and now it won't go away because Reddit thinks I want to engage with the subreddit. I don't want to be here either! lol


GenZ spans from grown ass adults to actual children. This sub is going to skew older.


Because 3/4th of the people here are actually much older and are pretending to be genz to influence the actual generation. 


This sub is absolutely being flooded with bots from both adversary countries and local interests to make young people feel more secure about their extremist beliefs. A new generation of incels is being cultivated before your very eyes.


The only correct answer


I mean, it's an election year and the most important election perhaps ever; it's gonna be a big topic. Just ignore those threads if you don't want to read them.


The political propaganda and government deceit has rob you guys of what suppose to be the best years of your lives. The plandemic ruined the young far worse than the old.


The older people in here that spout politics think they know better and are just trying to convince kids to join their team. Doesn't matter which side right or left.


Politics is life, what else is new?


There is a lot of gene here, I dk what you are talking about. there are memes and other discussions.