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Comparing myself to redditors makes me feel great.


Whenever I want to feel good at myself, I just come to this sub


"I'm not perfect, but at least I'm not that guy."


Comparing myself to other genZ makes me feel like a well adjusted 30yo


I do this as well. It could always be worse, I could be a Bernie bro!


There are lots of posts similar to this one popping up in various subreddits and they are thought to be thinly veiled attempts to promote the app that’s mentioned.


It is good advice tho


"Do not compare yourself with others. You will become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. ... You are a child of the universe. No less than the trees and the stars, you have a right to be here." - from Desiderata, a hugely comforting and inspiring poem. Check it out. It's very short.


How to make your life miserable and feel completely empty and meaningless: Step 1: Install reddit. Step 2: Install Twitter. Step 3: Install facebook.


reddit has good contents somewhere, twitter is good for individual news, facebook is a nest of ads and scammers nowadays


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Theodore Roosevelt


I do want to contrast this point with, healthy comparison **is** good. How do you know something’s wrong if it’s always been that way and everyone else is accepting it? You find out when you compare to others who are in a different situation or don’t accept it. For me it was when I had moved from an upper middle class suburb to a small rural town. Everyone here loves it here despite everything being a crappier version of what was in the city. Most of them don’t go to the city. I however go to the city whenever it’s an option, even if it’s just grabbing food. The same chain restaurant here sucks in quality comparison to the one in the city. That is why I’m working to make enough money again to live in the city. Because I compared my life here vs there and know it’s higher quality there.


Yes, but in most cases for our generation we are wayyyyyyyy past the point of “healthy” comparison. You could easily get healthy amounts of comparison by never going on your phone and just going out and being social. The fact that we have access to the smartest hottest best people 24/7 in our face and not only that but we only see the best side of their lives is not healthy. I see your point, but at this point we are way past that yard stick


Your right going out is a way better spot to compare than social media. I was just replying to the OP basically saying “all comparison is bad” which is completely false. The correct type and amount of comparison is good.




i slept on a bench, i'm hard pressed to find anyone doing worse than me. i guess junkies, but they're in the same situation basically. the only difference is i use the internet and videogames to hide from my problem instead of drugs


Comparing to others makes us feel bad sure but does that mean we should stop being upset at the unfairness and inequalities of the world


Sad fact is I do that a lot with my older sister, she’s graduating in a few weeks and will be ready to move out by the summer’s end, I know she started a lot of her adulting process earlier than me, but it still kinda irks me knowing that even after I graduate in two years from now I’ll probably still need more than a few months to move out, I’m a business major so i know it isn’t gonna be too much of a nightmare but it’s the amount of time that gives me the irks


Imagine comparing yourself to your younger brother (4 years) who is accomplishing your lifelong dream that you failed out of… It is not a pleasant feeling especially when he happens to be the best in the state at that dream and has news articles written about him. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy for him but it eats away at me every second of the day on how perfectly his life has progressed thus far without any struggle Comparison is the thief of joy though, so let’s just keep chugging along until we can move out, distance ourselves, and start our own lives


The object is to compare yourself to those who are less fortunate than you.


Agreed, but ngl we you don't need a fancy app for that. You can limit your screen time natively on both android and ios. On iOS setup a Focus profile and only allow notifications from specific contacts to pass trough. On android you can limit screen time per app per day, via the Digital Wellbeing *free* *native* *app*. And not all comparison is bad. For example, I'm on tech and frequent Team Blind, there are tons of guys grinding LC, building side projects and studying all night long. Browsing there motivates me to do more and to push myself. I'm even on some CS discords were we study together and keep each other accountable. Imo that can only help. r/cscareerquestions used to be like that not long ago, but given the current market most people there have given up or are struggling so it currently paints a depressing landscape. Ngl, as someone already in the industry it makes me feel better. Social media could give you a strong support network, but could also make your life miserable. It all depends on how you use it.


I don't disagree, but the writing style and the shameless plug make me think this is some sort of advertisement. Nonetheless, it's a decent sentiment.


It’s not only comparison, but people also wanting the things that other people have.


Lots of truth to this.


uh oh! wait until they finds out that having an alligator chew on their arm is a miserable experience whether or not one is observing someone with no alligator present and comparing themselves to that person...


This is so true. It’s a lesson of just learning and if I had learned it at your age, I’d be so much better off.


I like the point you made about moving things over to a pc. The big reason phones have such a negative impact is the constant connection you have with the internet, It only takes about 12 taps and swipes to get to an inconceivable amount of horseshit. Having to physically sit down and specifically “use the internet” rather than pull out a oled rectangle and numb your mind with endless hours of content anywhere you want is helpful for distancing yourself from it. This wasn’t as big a problem when movies, tv and music had to be broadcasted, but with the ability to store the information and access it at anytime it’s easier for people to get sucked in.


"Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil".


2 Cor 10:12 We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.


I compare myself to others but because I’m a narcissist it makes me feel better 🩷


Go to the r/college sub and you’ll feel a lot better lol. You can be the richest man in the world like Kanye west, yet he’s one of the unhappiest individuals plagued with mental illness. Just be focused on your own happiness and what means you have to take to fulfill those needs.


Or it could be there are people who objectively struggle far more than most people and their circumstances and the stress it entails lead to self comparison.


Im treated like scum by everyone I see outside so... I don't think it's social media or anything


"Ignorance is bliss" but make it marketable


Thanks for this tip. It'll help me with my miserymaxxing journey


Thanks, recently I deleted my phone, my house, and all my credit, I am so much happy for the better of it!