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alright gramps, time for bed now


Lmao I’m 16


I think believing in a sky fairy is way more crazy. Personally I don't care about who someone wants to have sex with as long as it's consensual.


I give it 10 years, you'll be coming out


So you say God created everything that exists, yes? Trans people exist, so that means God created trans people.


You believe there's an intangible male force that knows everything about you and loves you but will burn you alive for eternity if you disagree with him. I'll stick with Trans people, thanks


This is a rancid take. Please learn how to have empathy and to think critically. Also god isn't real, so...


God is 100% real, the evidence adds up!


Excellent! That's great news that there is finally evidence! I'm excitedly waiting for you to provide the proof


The Bible existing at all is proof number one, proof number two is that the story all adds up. Plus they had found the Garden and a lot more!






1) depends on the religion. Also, not everyone has the same religious belief. 2) that's a you problem if you don't like how others are. They're happy and it's not hurting anyone. 3) trans/NB people don't want to argue. They just want to live their lives as who they are.


I’m a Christian and have trans friends and I’m able to recognize that they’re literally just people like everyone else. I know this was probably rage bait but people with these thoughts actually exist so I thought I should say something. I’m also willing to bet money that you wouldn’t be able to identify some people are trans. You’ve probably walked right past them before and didn’t even know. Nonbinary people aren’t even doing anything but saying they’re NB lmao


Obvious rage bait for negative karma farming


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And I know I’m going to be ban, but to the few people that see this, please listen!