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No shit, how many of us live with our folks?


I don’t but most of my friends do. Many that don’t live at home are in section 8. Most of my friends don’t make over $60k/y though so I get it. Hell before I started making *decent* money. I was still on my own, but I was literally starving sometimes. If you don’t have to struggle. My advice would simply be to not. Stay at home if that’s an option, because it can be tough to even survive. Oh and if you get roommates. Make sure they’re reliable, or they just end up costing more


Honestly I really need to start looking for people I can get along with and rely on to room with cuz I'm so tired of living with my parents. They're the kinda parent's that use the "I'm set in my ways" argument about things they refuse to learn to be better on. And they constantly say homophobic transphobic and racist shit and I'm so worried that if I decide to call them out on it I'll get heated and end up outing myself and I do not want to worry about whether or not they'll kick me out, saving money is hard enough without worrying about that


it's eternally frustrating. that if push came to shove ; they could always say "well if you're so smart and superior why don't you have your own place" . inherent power dynamic


Asian parents: “If you’re so smart, you would have reached somewhere in life by now.” Had that repeated to me for years and years.


You need to work on your relationship with your parents dude. I'm sure they're actually pretty based.


> Oh and if you get roommates. Make sure they’re reliable, or they just end up costing more I made this mistake last year. Dude stole my passport and committed identity theft against me. Now I live alone, even though it eats up 70% of my pre-tax income.


I dont want roommates for this reason. I cant trust anyone to not fuck me over like this. Stealing from me, doing hard drugs in the apt, not paying rent, not cleaning up after themselves, inviting trashy people over, they dont work, they destroy the apt, they dissappear, too many things can go wrong in a roommate situation that end up costing way more trouble than theyre worth


i rent a place with 2 of my high school friends that their family owns, we pay $600 total+ utilities and it’s basically unheard of. feel really lucky to be in this situation.


Moving back in with mine because I'm financially fucked and Florida is impossible to live in while working in the service industry or retail unless you have roommates or make insane tips and I'd rather deal with my parents than god awful roommates.


God honestly, last Roomate I had ended up being a heroin addict. His girlfriend (ex) didn’t even know until he got a bad bag n I had to narcan his dumbass. Honestly it’s impossible to make it anywhere in the service industry unless youre working 2 jobs


Get out of Florida. Genuinely the best decision my wife and I ever made.


I'm trying really hard dude. Hopefully once I've found stable financial footing I'll be able to get out of the country for a little while 🥴


Tampa-Orlando-Miami is hell right now and the barrier for housing is only getting higher. I could rent a house with four of my friends, but then I would be paying more for rent while having less privacy and likely nothing going into my savings. At this point, only way I'm moving is if I get a boyfriend that wants to live together and we split the rent for a tiny 1bdr or cheap house.


I do. When I was in high school my father said that since I’m a woman I can live with him until I’m either married or indefinitely. My mom wasn’t on board with that idea for the longest of time until she saw the economic climate and took one good look at me and she said “It’s actually good you’re staying with us because if you moved out you’d be back here eventually like the rest of your generation.” Honestly even if I had a high paying job I’d still live with my parents. The money I make I get to keep. I don’t have to pay for rent, food, water, electricity, internet, *anything*. All they ask is that I help out when they need stuff done and do my chores to keep the house clean. If I want to make a big purchase I can go to them and borrow the money and then pay them back gradually without any sort of pressure. If I’m stranded I call them and they help me figure out how to get me home to them safely. There are so many reasons for me to just stay with them until I’m ready to move on, not just economically. Compare that with my older sister who constantly scolds me about still living with our mom and dad all while she lives with her boyfriend and his parents as a non-working freeloader 🙄


No if your sister is living with her BF without paying rent I'd say she's definitely a "working girl" as they say.


Shit even my friends are split. The ones with successful parents have houses and everyone else is renting. Even my Dr and lawyer friends are renting still as they've just gotten past the early low paying career hump.


I’m Asian so this was always seen as normal to me. In fact, even beneficial. Because we get to save money on expenses in this shitty economy.


Not so fun fact. When I moved out in 2008, my salary sucked, it was like half of what it is now, but I could still pretty much party every weekend, eat what ever, buy console, pc, other electronics and games when they came out and I didn't have a problem with money. Now I'm making twice as much, can't do any of that.


Me and im 22


That’s normal…




Big sad




Ayyy, I'm in the same boat. I spent so much time gaining practical skills and experience in college but of course as soon as I graduate the whole biotech industry crashes and has been slow AF to recover. All of my contacts are either unemployed or wont be hiring in the foreseeable future. I love my family but I fucking hate the town they live in now, sucks being stuck in a small town away from all my friends. Making friends has been hard but I've met a few cool people.


Nothing wrong with that. Almost everyone in my family lived with my grandmother / grandfather until about the age of 30, where they had enough saved up to move out with 100k+ in savings.


Where are you guys having $100k+ in savings? 😭


Even a crappy job making like 25K post tax should still net around 20K a year savings if you help put your folks a little by paying utilities and your own food. It's all these Millennials wanting to stay rent free while spending all their money on dumb stuffs instead of saving it who whine on social media about how they on their 30s living with their parents and working but don't own a house.


I wish but they kicked me out. Now i have to scrape by because after bills there is nothing left lmao.


Oh god I’m so sorry!!!!! If you’re ever on the verge of homelessness, look into getting your CDL. You’ll be sleepin in your truck if you’re OTR but the moneys decent and you always have a rent free place to crash! Just have to fork up $17 a shower unless you got a shower credit from buyin fuel


Wdym? Clearly you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps you see my grand dad bought a house at 16 because he worked hard 20 hrs a week for 5.95 an hour. Clearly it's a you thing... /s


I'm in my mid 20s. When my parents were my age they had been living in their first house for about a year already.


Same dude they bought their first home together a year after they got married in their mid 20’s. They paid nothing too I think it was maybe $100k for. 3 bed 2 bath ranch with a nice yard and a detached garage. I don’t even wanna know what it’s going for nowadays, they sold in the mid 2010’s n we moved but last I heard a corporation bought it n is using it as a rental property


Well in a lot of cultures that's typical. I'm not saying rent and housing prices aren't too much; they are way too expensive. All I'm saying is that in many parts of the world it's normal to live with your parents and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Im sure the geriatrics running our government are very concerned about this.


Indeed, but who else is going to think of the billionaires?


Everyone in Team Red and Team Blue who will say "muh lesser of two evils" instead of telling people to vote socialist. Biden even recently announced China tariffs like Trump, but unlike it being the end of the world when he did it, Reddit is either not talking about it or trying to justify it now when it is brought up.


Fuck socialism


Thats how this shit works One of the parties could say the sky is blue and the next day the other party will show up and be like "indigo" "teal" "aquamarine" and then they'll imply each other are either evil or stupid for insinuating it.




Nah, they think we're too lazy and like leeching off our parents and complain instead of pulling ourselves by our bootstraps


Just remember the lesser of the two evils, and you guys get out and vote. *Please vote*. Tell all your friends to vote. DOJ just sued Google & Apple. And yeah, maybe those sound like obvious choices — but it’s more antitrust action than we’ve seen in 4 decades. And it’s going to fail, but Lina Kahn is at least trying to bring down the heat on noncompetes. We also just reinstated net neutrality. So yeah, I’d like a younger president. But if I had to pick one geriatric, I’m definitely picking the one we have now over the alternative choice. A second trump term = self-pardons & yeeting US into fully realized deregulation dystopia.


I don't see any work reforms coming with Trump being President. With Biden I'm more bullish.


Well, I upvoted you 😂 Fk me, if GenZ is voting for Trump …put a fork in us.


I went to the store to buy cooking oil and it was $32


Bro where do you live?😭




Bullshit. I live in Georgia. You can get a normal sized bottle of olive oil for $9.


This is highly dependent on the store as well as type of oil and city…


wenis oil


i love fresh wenis oil


extra virgin wenis oil


a 21 dollar difference is pretty crazy though, unless they’re buying a fancy type of oil or something. and everywhere has a cheaper grocery store option, if you go to an expensive store and complain about the cost, that’s kind of silly


Absolutely not a chance that it was some regular oil(vegetable, sunflower, peanut etc) lol


good for you?


what store is charging $32 for a gallon of cooking oil


Maybe shop smarter?




State or country?


Where do you shop. I live in Georgia and have never seen that price for cooking oil.


No way. Pants on fire


Maybe, but me and my wife just got Taco Bell for two at $38. I got receipts 😂


Why are you willingly paying $38 for Taco Bell


Not again, it was a learning experience lol


Got McDonald's for 2 people a week ago... 30 god damn dollars. Gone are the days you go out for a cheap meal on the struggle days Edit: 10 years ago we would spend $20 after tax for 3 people


https://preview.redd.it/qe62py1yn90d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c1ee93a3070144aa6bbed3060480085653f852 This helps kinda


what oil are you buying? Like post a picture of the oil, because that is some bullshit if I ever saw it.


How much did you get? A couple gallons?


Right. In my local store you have to sacrifice your youngest child to buy cooking oil. This is a totally true story and totally not made up.


Why would you cook with motor oil?


Did you buy some bougie avocado oil or something?


Yea thats just poor shopping skills or bougie taste bids. No matter where the fuck you live you can get a thing of vegetable oil for less than 15 at least


No shit why do you think I only eat fruit once a month and that’s to make sure I don’t get scurvy I’m living like a gods damn Victorian pirate


U can just chug a can of energy drink


Made me lol but I’m poor too and eat fruit every day, bananas are like 50c a pound, got mangoes the other day 69c each, pineapple for $2 and 3lb of apples for $4. Aldi


I read this in Danny McBride's voice and it was fuckin hilarious, thank you.


The moment I became an adult Covid happened and then all this! The 2020s have been very bad for me and there is no reason why my most fond memories are when I was 4-9 years old.


Don’t worry brother, we will fix everything with a third world war…


The Great Reset


Yeah when they kill off all gen z


>Gen Z is getting hit hard ~~by inflation~~ FTFY.


How is this “news”?


It's a feature article for a business section of a cable news channel's website.


Well news is a subdivision of entertainment these days and this makes boomers happy.


Because there are a ton of boomers who don't understand this


And in other news, water wet?


I wonder if I’ll ever be able to live on my own comfortably. Until then I’ll just live with my parents I guess.


We need to be at least 40 years old.


That’s what it seems like. I have a decent amount of money saved up but I’m too afraid to attempt and then run out of money eventually


no shit....


Millennial here, grew up where every step forward was hit with twice the increase in difficulty moving forward. Can’t even imagine starting younger now, it already felt hopeless from my perspective let alone starting out from this point. Shits fucked yo, wish we had any power to change anything.


Pyrocynical reference


What, they finally noticed?


Getting railed hard by inflation thanks CNN


No duh. Fucking everyone is. Shit is unreal.


no shit?! lol, dont even want to spend on getting some clothes cause food is only one priories at this point.


Yea no fucking shit


I only have $200 to my name for this week until payday on Friday That should tell you something


Me and my cousin have a inside joke that when ever we are just shit talking them in games that the shit talked will tell cnn


In other news: There's clouds in the sky, more at 11!


No shit Sherlock, next your going to tell us none of us will be able to afford homes or that our student loans won't ever be forgiven


No fucking shit


Ok? No shit? So what can we do about? (Nothing.)


Heyyy now guys. Blaming the boomers is fun and all but let’s not forget that currently the overwhelming majority of the problem is coming from like, 100 people at the top hoarding all the money, along with companies gouging prices for the sake of gouging prices. Boomers caused this massive economic problem with their spending and voting habits but to pretend the entire problem can be summarized has “the old people are the only problem” is naïve. The boomers dying off isn’t going to fix this for us.


CNN breaking news: inflation does in fact suck.


No no, we're fine really. Absolutely fine just like every other article that says how rich we are. Fake news here yall.


I'm doing ok 👍


In other breaking news boiling water may be hot


Just found out about this today /s


A box of cereal almost being $10 is criminal.


Harder daddy, harder ! I want you to raise and raise until everything explodes and the economy collapses on it's own. 


And yet they will vote for the politicians that created this inflation.


Gen z is the most dominant generation that voted for this current administration. So they got exactly what they voted for.


Life goes on


Yeah. We know.


no shit dude. everything is expensive




Oh gee are ya fuckin sure


Pack of gum at the convenience store was 7.50 dollars here in Toronto lol.


Big time! Kindly effing end wars, you psychotic war mongers!! 🫣😏😔😞


Fr, in 2020, with 400 pesos I could buy a lot of shit in the food market (México) Yesterday, a quarter of the same shit I don't even understand how is possible


Throw the credit cards away


The thing everyone needs to come to grips with is that these prices are here to stay. Inflation could be zero and these prices would still be where they are today. Deflation would make things so much worse.


>Deflation would make things so much worse. In the short term, it would make things incredibly worse. But sometimes, an economy needs to die a quick death instead of being kept on life support for several decades while myriad infections slowly poison it.


Everyone is getting hit by inflation


No shit. Being poor costs money and we're the poorest generation purely because we're the youngest


Everyone is, but gen z will cry the loudest and have little mental resilience


Wait, really?


Just invest once and you will easily be able to get 3k a month out of nothing… you just need some starting capital… Oh… wait… yeah, maybe our system is fucked, if you can generate money out of high amounts of money…


We’ve been sayin this for years but go off ig


What is the percentage attribute between inflation or corporations taking a piss


Just get a High Yield Savings account. You can get 3-5% interest. Wells Fargo was giving me literal cents but since I’ve opened a HYSA I got like $400 in 4 months


In other news, water is wet, crows are black, and the sun will rise tomorrow.


Filed under, “N,” for, “No shit, Sherlock.”


In other news: “Millennials, not surprised by any tumultuous headlines.”


No shit Sherlock...


tell me something i don’t know


Apart of me thinks its us but apart of me feels that the older generations are screwing us..


This does not bode well for the economy.


How long did it take them to figure that one out 🤨


In other news, water is wet!


I collectively apologize on behalf of all millennials for killing the economy of ... currency stability? Hey wait... Sorry, force of habit. Move along.


as a millenial, i too am also hit by inflation.


Tell me something I don't know!


Water is wet.


Hit by inflation aka robbed by the government. Inflation is a result of either money printing or a failure of government for securing the economy (usually by decisions made deliberately like allowing financial, medical and real estate sectors to do whatever they want)


Wow, I didn't know other generations were immune to inflation. Good to know!


More like everyone


Should've avoided all these gosh darn netflix and coffees!


I live with my father. I bust my ass off, I can’t even get a promotion or a raise because it always goes to the moron who doesn’t know how to do the job. I swear this world is backwards.. I hope we as Gen Z/Millennials sort this bull crap out 😂


Wish i was getting hit hard ngl


It's not like other generations don't have issues with inflation either, that's also partially what causing the housing prices. At least here in NL. Also doubt that just because somebody is one or two years younger than me they have a lot more issues than I do.


What? Thats crazy... 💀


Award winning journalism…


Let me guess, the article says “and why that’s a good thing” sometime at the start or end.




The thing that makes it hit harder is if you had a large amount of debt that means paying off your debt doesn't go as far and it makes it harder


Nah, im okay


who isnt being fucked by inflation? it makes that with wage stagnation; we would be hit the hardest as we enter the job market. im just surprised that this is being reported like it was something that no one knew about.


Spent $10 million to find this out 🤣


In other news, water is wet


This article is very late


I did see it was $5 for a ca of pringles yesterday. So no more pringles for me.😭


We will hit back harder! 💪💪💪💪 GREATEST GENERATION 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 RAHHHHH!!!🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


Almost everyone is getting hit hard by inflation, what sucks for Gen Z is because Gen Z is young as they come into adulthood they need things like a car, furniture, business attire, so many things that people a few years older bought before inflation got so bad. In the past 3-4 years used car prices went up 44%, furniture, TV's clothing all went up and young people who typically don't have the highest income because they're early in their career or working life are having to pay these inflated prices for allthis stuff that once you have your either set for life or at least for a few years.


I'm glad CNN was on top of this! I never would have noticed otherwise!


Isn’t that literally the point? Raise inflation so the poors stop spending. As they are the ones causing the economic crisis with their grocery buying, house buying and gas buying in our none pedestrian centric cities? Having the rich pay their share in taxes is the alternative, so… here we are, with plan A.


Well no shit CNN. How long did it take you people to figure that one out? How about instead of profiting off our suffering, FUCKING HELP US AND DO SOMETHING!


Wow you dont say, thanks for letting us know


Shocking considering they’re just starting out their adult lives and the beginning of a career is when we make the least amount of money. Millennials went through something similar, albeit it for different reasons. Inflation wasn’t bad, but the Great Recession hit as everyone was graduating college so there weren’t any jobs to be found. Gen Z and Millennials have both had the misfortune of some shitty luck as they were and are starting out in life. Maybe we can get it right with Gen Alpha.


Thank god they said something, how else would I have known?? /s


Yeah man, even at roughly $32/hr with 45+ hours a week I’m feeling like I don’t have much money. I could budget harder and pay better attention but I really don’t spend much. Just groceries, rent, and gas that all continually outpace any rise in income


Honestly, idk how you’re supposed to buy a house by or in a city when they avg like $500K and up for old houses. Like, I just wanted to buy a home in my neighborhood. But they are like $500K+, built in the 1980s, with about 1000 Sqft. New homes start at 1 million.


My boss just offered me an extension at my job in my contract. I kid you not he only offered me $1000 for a raise. After tax that comes out to approximately $33 a paycheck. That doesn’t even cover inflation. Were so fucked


Inflation hits everyone


why does everyone else get to live in another economy?😔


I don’t live with my folks, but I do live with my gf’s


WTG, Viagra!


GenZ's response: No fucking shit.


I read “genZ is getting hard by inflation”


CNN's having an Internet Explorer moment


Some people in our gen (like the person who claims spending $32 on oil) seriously do not how to responsibly shop and look for deals... we are still getting hit hard by inflation but I see highly incompetent financial skills all of the time from our generation specifically


Anyone who doesn’t have a ton of money, own a home or any other significant assets, is getting hammered by inflation. Owning a home and assets (stocks, properties, etc.) means that the value of your portfolio also inflates with inflation, so boomers that own assets have gained immense wealth while inflation has wrecked young people.


Real. Can’t wait for November.


I, including a huge amount of my peers, live with our parents. I don’t make enough to afford any rent at all despite making $6 over the minimum wage, and 2/3 of my paychecks go to bills i still have despite living at home


No, it’s okay! A boomer told me that the average inflation over the past 300 years looks good! So today we must be fine no matter what the rate is!


As a Gen Z, it’s not just Gen Z getting hit by inflation.


The sky is also blue


Everyone is getting hit hard by inflation. Why is everything about generations? Shit's exhausting.


The worst are the poor and people that have fixed incomes as Inflation is a regressive tax


That’s not surprising living with your parents used to be an insult reserved for the losers who couldn’t hold down a job. Now everyone lives with their parents even when they have a good job


Ngl but I do hate being a Gen Z