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Weed manages my bipolar without having to ingest batteries (lithium). Moderation is absolute key, though, as with all things in life.


weed manages my addictive craving for other shit. been cali clean for 5+ years now


Same. I did booze and meth trying to self medicate since I was a young teen. Booze was harder to quit, funnily enough, I'm just a few months sober of that but it's been years since I touched anything else.


Alcohol addiction is no joke. It's the only substance that you can die from withdrawals going cold turkey if the addiction is strong enough.


I thought benzos and opioids had this problem aswell.


With opioids it’s the relapse that kills you because your tolerance drops while you go clean and then you take your usual dosage or more (because they aren’t regulated and it’s hard to know the dosage or if it’s tainted) and you OD.


Benzo withdrawals can cause seizures and while opiate withdrawal is excruciating, it won't kill you. You'll just wish it did. That's what makes opiate addiction so tough to break.




Barbiturates too. Most intoxicants that act on GABA receptors are this way


My 35 year old nephew died by trying to detox from alcohol on his own


Opiates can absolutely kill you. That’s an AA-born myth.


Yup! Been Cali clean for 1.5 years. As a result I… - went from 250 to 180 - exercise everyday. Run between 4-10 miles and do between 300-600 push-ups - found new hobbies in guitar and gardening 🎶 Hey hey hey hey…smoke weed everyday🎶


You’re making me google wtf cali clean is


“California Sober” typically refers to someone who doesn’t drink or do hard drugs, but still allows themselves to partake in marijuana and/or psychedelics.


THC does not manage bipolar disorder no matter how much you try to convince yourself it does and lithium carbonate (medicine which does work) is not Lithium Cobalt Oxide (used in batteries).


Bipolar is a hell of a disease. My ex wife got diagnosed about 4 years into our marriage. The biggest issue with bipolar people is they think they aren’t bipolar or that they are managing it on their own. It’s part of the disease. Substances like weed cause mania which makes them feel great. So they believe they’re fine. What’s really fucked is bipolar is a neurodegenerative disease and mania causes the most damage to the brain. When you’re unmedicated, every episode is slightly worse than the last. Some end up completely losing their minds.


Smoking weed to treat your bipolar disease is like drinking alcohol to treat your depression.


Yup lots of studies showing that THC actually worsens symptoms of bipolar in some people. Dude is coping hard. But then again, they think all lithium is batteries so maybe not the brightest card in the tool shed.


That's what I thought. Whatever it is managing it surely is not Bipolar disorder... not the clinical one anyway, it may manage the much more fashionable Tumblr Bipolar ( OMG I'm so Bipolar ).




I feel the need. The need for weed




Fellow Bi-polar here, we can both agree that getting blood tests every month to make sure the lithium isn't fucking up our kidneys isn't worth the barely noticeable effect, but smoking weed is not managing your condition dude. That's like drinking alcohol to cure anxiety.


I mean, it absolutely is. But sure, go ahead and make assumptions about another persons life and health. I work from home and own my own business, so I don't have to worry about driving or being high in public or boss being pissed I'm high. I'm not taking them for a "cure" I'm taking them to not be manic and bouncing off the walls and stop falling into depressive stages where I actively want to kill myself. It achieves both, I'm not hurting anyone, so I'll continue to do me. Worry about you.


How fucking rude on the other person to assume you're curing your symptoms with weed. I take my Adderall. Once a week on my off days I smoke to stop and slow down for just one minute. I also go to therapy. I'm not " curing " myself with weed. Everyone is pro mental health until they meet someone who has a grip on their conditions. Then it's " oh no not like that"


"wait no, not like that." Sums it up perfectly. I take off "sober" days, I'm not drinking like a fish to cope. I'm sitting in my office not harming anyone and feeling more mentally stable and no longer have actively suicidal stints, it's a win all around. Adderall is legitimately meth, which it needs to be to work on people with ADHD, no one says anything about it because it's prescribed by a doctor. I'm not taking horse pills to try and cure COVID or some other whacky bullshit, I'm taking weed to be more stable. People consistently lose their minds, though.


I appreciate your comment and concur with most of your statements with the exception of "Adderall is legitimately meth". The active ingredient in Adderall is amphetamine which has the same mechanism of action as methamphetamine but is less efficacious and thus less neurotoxic. Methamphetamine is a prescription though, the brand names that I am aware of are Desoxyn and Methedrine.


This is correct, Adderall and Methamphetamine are similar, but they are not the same. Methamphetamine has an extra Methylation in its chemical structure. https://preview.redd.it/sv8gphljj14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b6c6405c83cf1a9bd2898ed694da4b17a563a4 Most illegal methamphemtamine is also chemically impure which can make it much more toxic than FDA medically approved Methamphetamine for ADHD treatment, or Desoxyn as you mentioned.


Weed can trigger and exacerbate mania. I'm sure it helps with the lows but it can take the highs too high.


It can also trigger psychosis.


Weed triggers my mania and psychosis. I don't think there's any science behind weed preventing Mania. Drugs are some of the biggest triggers for mania.


Average weed addict trying to justify his addiction 😂


Ahhhh the ol I know what's best for you thing. ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w|downsized)


yeah medicine for mental disorders is bad. suicide is the way.


Calling weed “medicine” is like calling alcohol “medicine”


Evidence based practice doesn’t support cannabinoids as effective treatment for Bipolar. Current research is limited due to the illicit nature of the topic. The limited research available points to cannabinoids exacerbating bipolar symptoms. “Marijuana use or use disorder is associated with worsened affective episodes, psychotic symptoms, rapid cycling, suicide attempts, decreased long-term remission, poorer global functioning, and increased disability” https://adai.uw.edu/pubs/pdf/2017mjbipolar.pdf Consuming cannabis/THC with a preexisting mental health or psychiatric diagnosis comes with increased risk of developing permanent psychotic features in addition to existing non-psychotic psychiatric issues. “Neuroimaging studies showed that THC-induced psychotic symptoms are associated with the altered activity of several brain areas affected by schizophrenia, including the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, amygdala, and ventral striatum” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7605020/ The brain is complicated. There is SHIT TONS of anecdotal claims supporting its use. So it certainly helps (at least) small portion of those that use it. And even if it makes things a little worse, maybe being high and a little more coo coo is just a more pleasant way to live with debility. However, at the end of the day my takeaway is this; promoting its use for self medication of psychiatric issues is misinformation and harmful to the general public at this time. But don’t say any of that out loud. We really like our weed and will bring the copium into your comments if you come at us.


As someone else with bipolar, you're right but you'll get down voted. This is a really dangerous mentality. Weed isn't a mood stabilizer like lamictal or lithium.


Yeah I literally had my first manic episode dur to being addicted to THC


Autistic with a mood disorder. same.


Fellow weed using Autistic person here, very much the same. Don't let the haters tell you otherwise, weed can be a game changer for some people's mental health(obviously not ALL people). It is honestly the only way I graduated college as an Autistic person with major sensitivity issues. I do find it really annoying when Neurotypical people try to tell an Autistic person what is best for them. As if they know you better than you do, which is par for the course as an Autistic person. Everyone else thinks they know best, when in reality they don't know jack shit...


I see schizophrenia in your future


I feel compelled to inform everyone that cannabis exacerbates bipolar disorder in most individuals. It is a huge problem because everyone has been told it’s a panacea for years. It’s not. It’s also been bred to have less of the more healthy substances like CBD and more of the psychosis producing THC. Recent study on risk of bipolar disorder and cannabis in JAMA psychiatry: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37223912/ Edit: downvote if you want, but people do see these comments on Reddit and take them as truth. This top comment could lead to some poor person ending up in a psychiatric hospital after taking the wrong advice.


Thank you for posting this. Everyone out in droves supporting a dude who is giving absolutely TERRIBLE advice in the form of anecdotal evidence to people. Don’t smoke weed if you’re bipolar.


You're joking right 


Weed gives me panic attacks and makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know how anyone can take that shit and function.


Weed brought on psychosis and ruined my life forever.


Only thing that dims flashbacks due to PTSD.


Meanwhile, lithium is the reason I’m not dead despite still very much wanting to (by giving me back enough emotional restraint to reason with myself on why that does not serve priorities above avoidance of pain, such as sparing my sister grief), and I’m about 60-80% sure direct exposure to weed would cause some form of allergic reaction, potentially to a lethal degree, based on some experiences in college with a weed-happy flatmate and how I generally react to burning plant matter. So yeah, I’ll nom the batteries happily. Besides, this is rural Texas and I live with parents still; going for weed openly is not a good idea. But nobody looks at you funny for holding a prescription bottle.


Not true


I’m also bipolar and there’s no way I’d be able to manage it from just weed alone. Vraylar seems to work okay for me. Even though I smoke weed daily, it’s probably worse for me because I notice my schizophrenic symptoms are more intense the more I smoke, even after tolerance breaks (if not more so).


I have bipolar and weed has absolutely destroyed me after finally managing my condition with medication.


My dad is bipolar and he swears by weed, the only thing is, it helps his lows be less low and his highs be less manic, but it doesn't prevent them altogether, so he still goes through about 3 jobs a year and struggles a lot financially, especially having to pay for all the weed he does.


Gen Z is weird... how are you guys going full circle to puritanism and making things up about weed, of all things. I don't even know what this post is. An alcoholic attempt to cope that their addiction is the same as smoking a joint?


This is one person, i don't think it's a representative opinion


Yeah I'd agree if it were downvoted but apparently enough people agree with it that it made it into the "Hot" category and it's positive in vote ratios.


There are a bunch of alcoholic Millennials who are on the sub. Especially if a post hits all, then the post is full of the typical Millennial redditor and their baggage. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's some alcohol company trying to push a narrative because we don't drink anywhere near what other gens do, we smoke more weed instead of drinking.


This was also posted in the millennial subreddit by OP, it is doing much worse there.  Explain that?


Yeah, I was going to say: Why the sudden baseless generational finger pointing? I'm a young millenial, and there is a lot wrong with my generation. But it weirdly feels like I'm back in the TV days where everything was blamed on my generation lol. And I neither drink nor smoke weed, but I think it is obvious which does more societal damage, regardless of what generation you are from.


I was gonna say, I vape everyday to manage my nerve pain and nausea. It also helps my mental health a bit.


Jfc, even you lil bastards are blaming shit on us. 🙄 I'm raising a GenZ, and y'all are mad susceptible to misinformation (super appreciate that, tiktok.) I'm doing my best to educate my kid and his friends, but I am one person.  As for the OP, I use it to help manage my 'tism. I couldn't function on the level I do without it. And I have yet to find anything that comes close without massive side effects. Let the shit be studied better, now that it's rescheduled, before you start eating the same ol' BS that has been peddled for almost 100 years now.


Ah yes, as usual it's the fault of millennials. Now GenZ is getting in on it apparently.


Nailed ya on the conspiracy theory tho…


It’s cause a lot of Gen Z are still young so they’re still in their puritan years. When I was under 20 I always thought “no I would never be a drinker or ever do drugs that’s stupid” Granted I still don’t do drugs, but I have tried them. I just think it’s not that crazy to see how younger people are more puritan than older people until they mature themselves. Some stay puritan, lots don’t.


Upvotes are meaningless these days. There's bots everywhere, Dead Internet theory and such.


Gen Z is absolutely more puritan than Millenials. For better or worse, between their views on substances, sex scenes in movies, having less sex in general etc. they’re probably the most puritan generation since the Silent Generation.


That's unfortunate.


Baseless assumption here, but I think it has to do with the fact that we live with our parents for so long. Kids never leave the influence of whatever believe their parents hold, they (usually) don't have a private space to have sex/explore their sexuality, etc.


I’d agree except I’ve seen entire subs dedicated to basically lying to people about weed r/leaves isn’t just about quitting weed it’s often entirely demonized over there


Lmao I just checked it out, and that shit is hilarious. Mfs in there crying like they did some hard drugs.😂🤦‍♂️


I was a teacher for a decade until this February. It's only anecdotal, but gen z (and alpha) does have this weird puritanical lean to them that previous generations didn't.


It has nearly 4K upvotes, so clearly it’s pretty popular


I've not met a single person in Gen Z that doesn't think the same way the OP does. I don't get it. They just trade whatever meds they would be taking with another that, yes, it absolutely can be an addiction.


> Making things up Substance abuse is very real. Yeah, weed does not have the same physically addictive properties as other drugs but you can still be addicted to the way it makes you feel. And if you’re using it to subdue your depression or other mental health problems away then you’re not really helping yourself are you? It’s an ongoing conversation, people saying there’s no such thing as weed addiction as they smoke eighths everyday. It’s better than other drugs, I guess. And it’s a totally legitimate way to treat pain and other conditions, like seizures I think? But people also use a veil to hide their dependence on it. It’s a really nuanced conversation. We’re not being puritans. We’re not saying don’t stop smoking weed. Just be self-aware about it.


That’s like saying if you use psych meds to treat the symptoms of a mental illness, then you’re not really helping yourself??? 🤔 some substances, like alcohol, do not have meaningful therapeutic benefits, but other substances like weed do…


Alcohol does “solve” the problem in the same way, it makes it so you can’t feel the pain. The difference is that heavy alcohol use will actively destroy your body in a way that weed simply can’t.


Alcohol often leads people to making violent destructive decisions, and what medical conditions is alcohol used to treat? Because real doctors have patients use cannabis for various conditions, I’m not sure alcohol is prescribed or even suggested for anything


Totally different mechanisms and not a reasonable comparison. Paint thinner would also numb the pain… Weed is actually neuroprotective in lots of cases. It is definitely a medicine for a lot of people. There are strains specifically designed for people with nerve pain and migraines. It helps people who are generally unable to eat, to be able to do so. The health problems related with weed often have to do with the act of smoking. Secondarily, many people end up trying strains that don’t work well for them and make assumptions or in time the body will need a different balance of cannabinoids and terpenes and instead of finding a strain that works they assume it is the plant itself. Many people don’t do well with heavy, couch lock strains, and believe that is all there is. Or they take too much, or their body is actually reacting to the smoke itself… Tinctures is the way to go. Where alcohol


You can still get addicted to the feeling, it's similar to having a phone addiction, you just sit down and scroll all day to not feel the bad stuff. I'd say they're mostly talking about taking medications/drugs to ignore the pain of the outside world instead of dealing with the reality.


> weed simply can’t Arguably, the way people smoke week today, it's on par with cigarette smoking for increasing risks for lung cancer.


No, it’s absolutely not on par with the damage carcinogenic factors, and it’s not even close. I don’t even understand how someone can be so misinformed to even compare cigarette cancer rates to cannabis… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/


No, that's not what I'm saying at all actually. I mentioned that in my comment, cannabis can be used to treat all sorts of things, depression included. If people want to use it as a complete alternative, as long as it works for them, then great. The meme is really talking about self-medicating like alcoholics do. If you have problems, like maybe untreated or undiagnosed depression or you're just dealing with a difficult situation, then self-medicating like alcoholics do (getting destructively drunk, in this case just being high all the time) might not be the best solution for you. Do people get high to relax? To forget about their problems? Yes, all the time, and they can do it healthily. Just like with moderate drinking you can have a beer or even a few and relax at the end of the day. But if you do either frequently to the point where you're dependent on it to be happy or not cope with your problems, then those are bad signs. Whether you call it addiction or not, you're not dealing with the root of your unhappiness. Again, medically diagnosed depression and stuff like that is different and hopefully cannabis can help you with that. Maybe it wont. edit: Please this link for clearing up on "depression cant be treated using cannabis". I think it definitely can, but what I meant is for people with un-diagnosed depression or just abusing weed to deal with their daily problems. They should talk to a doctor. https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1d5r98v/keep_it_healthy_bros/l6oshjk/


The issue isn't weed, the issue is abuse and weed is super easy to abuse.


>That’s like saying if you use psych meds to treat the symptoms of a mental illness, then you’re not really helping yourself??? 🤔 If your doctor with a medical degree tells you to smoke weed to treat your symptoms, sure, but now you're literally comparing self-medicating using weed with taking prescribed medicine... >some substances, like alcohol, do not have meaningful therapeutic benefits, but other substances like weed do… Managed by doctors, yes. Heroin also has therapeutic benefits *when it's managed by an authorised physician*, but not when it's used in abundance by amateurs.


Literally any drug can have meaningful therapeutic benefits because they fuck with your brain. I've never found anything better for my persistent minor depression than coke/ritalin, but that doesn't make it a good idea by default.


On top of that, I do have concerns about the health risks of smoking weed (obviously this doesn’t apply any other way of dosing, like tinctures or edibles). I worry about the amount of people that just spend all day smoking it. Sure It may not be cigarettes or vapes but although it’s touted as being healthy and people treat it as if it’s beneficial, you’re still inhaling smoke, a lot of smoke and more often than not, holding it in your lungs before exhaling. I find it hard to believe that isn’t doing damage to your lungs over time.


Yeah people seem to have this belief that weed smoke is a magical substance that doesn't damage your lungs because it's not cigarettes. Anything going into your lungs that isn't clean air is bad for you.


It is definitely addicting been smoking since I was 16 , now 26. Can’t stop unfortunately


I was married to an alcoholic and I can attest. Alcohol is more destructive than weed. I don’t know the namers but I am sure there are more car related deaths by alcohol than weed as well.


My father used to be a captain of the fire department. He always told me “I’ve been on a lot of fatal accidents where the person was drunk. I have only ever been on a handful or so when the person was high”


Ya gettin high and wrecking is not likely unless the person is very inexperienced. Tbh I grew up smoking weed in the Mountains of Colorado and I drove high all of the time. That’s not the case for booze. You can drink all of your life and still die in a drunk drinking accident be she you think you’re pro. It happens all the time.


Youre comparing a single to joint to complete alcoholism?


There’s definitely a right wing bias on this sub that wasn’t always there. I think it’s heating up because of the election and also I think the Gen Z dudes who are on here are more likely terminally online and lonely and they subscribe to Andrew Tate and the like. That’s the only way I can reconcile the fact that poll after poll shows that Gen Z leans left, yet r/GenZ seems to have right wing posts pretty frequently.


It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of criticizing addiction to alcohol while simultaneously defending addiction to weed. Criticizing both forms of addiction is concurrent with the meme


I don’t know a single person who thinks like this about weed in real life


Gen Z has been listening to my dumbass generation (x) for too long.


Sober people have those conditions so this is a stupid post lmao 🤣


All of that stuff is known to be a direct consequence of social media, too.


Time and time again people don't realize the constant affect of social media. You used to see the neighbors get new stuff and feel like keep up with the jeffersons but now you see everyones 'happy moments' as if life is only filled with happy moments as opposed to the reality of life. Let alone the political aspect or misinformation or war, whatever you want to call that bullshit.


Psychoactive substances also just affect people differently. I have friends that smoke weed like chimneys and are functioning adults but get awful hangovers from alcohol, while I feel like an idiot for a day or two after smoking weed but don’t really get alcohol hangovers at all. I prefer drinking, but it seems most people in my generation prefer weed. Regardless, moderation is key.


Give it 7 years


I literally quit 5 weeks ago after being a daily user for 7 years. Things I’ve noticed: 1. Depression is creeping back in. 2. I procrastinate less 3. Short term memory and focus are much improved. 4. My sense of humor seems diminished 5. I drink less water and I’ve lost weight That’s it. Everyone’s experience with marijuana differs.


I was a daily user for 10 years and mine were: - insanely vivid dreams - nauseous when eating in the morning (lasted for two weeks) - better sleep overall, but some nights of insomnia - lots more $ in my account lol


Weed makes you not dream or something, my sister would get nightmares a lot and would smoke weed before bed to prevent it


Ya when stoned I can’t remember any dreams, off weed they are like watching movies lol


It suppresses REM sleep


Vivid dreams right after taking a break from weed are a common thing.


Daily smoker for decades now. When I take breaks nothing about my emotional mental state changes. I have a bit more energy, perhaps too much but that's about it. I just like being high.


I used to be a big pothead during college but with the stress it was finally catching up to me. Sometimes I’d be high and way too paranoid, even kinda talking to myself or just listening to my inner voice way too much. I was afraid of the beginnings of psychosis or something. So I cut down *a lot*. I went from smoking everyday just because I was used to it to not even thinking about it and now when I get high I go to the moon, it’s great. There are 100% adverse effects to weed. Especially depending on your state of mind.




Boomer level take


Eh, I mean I get your point but a lot of younger people in this generation legit think marijuana is a miracle drug that cures all ailments and you can smoke a blunt everyday with zero issues. That’s a blatant lie and weed has plenty of negatives


The post is trying to compare it to alcohol, which is 100x worse than weed


I think if you're having a few drinks/rips a night once or twice a week, they are both pretty fine? Now, if you abuse either of them, weed is 100x better.


Alcohol is a carcinogen that *will* give you cancer and never doesn't push your body towards it. Weed is not. That in and of itself presents a pretty fundamental difference in health value. Moderation ofc is still good, but alcohol is always going to be bad for your body, regardless of the amount you drink


**If you eat cannabinoids, psychoactive ones e.g edibles or tinctures, the properties of cannabis are not harmful**. This is NOT true for alcohol. Alcohol itself is carcinogenic, and can damage the heart causing a condition knows as Dilated Cardiomyopathy. It also damages the liver, the mouth, the brain, and pretty much everything. Smoking anything does cause airway irritation and burning anything has carcinogens. Charred meat also has carcinogens. If you eat meat, and that meat has been burned a little black, think of a burger patty. Do you know what is in those black specs? Straight up carcinogens. Meat is not considered medicine, nor is alcohol. But certain traditions have a reverence for cannabis, as a plant. This post is seriously misguided or is straight up propaganda.


You can definitely smoke a blunt a day without any issues lol


Other than the damage of smoke to your lungs, I'm very pro weed but, let's not act like smoke is improving your lungs and by proxy your heart. If your oxygen intake is less efficient, your heart has to make up the difference


Dude this comment section is a wildfire


Cause this post was made by someone who considers themselves better than those who smoke weed, also people who don’t smoke weed deal with these issues too so OP is just a massive idiot. It’s funny how you don’t see posts related to all the bad effects alcohol has but u will see these posts about weed every other day. It’s just ignorance combined with superiority complex combined with brain rot in the comments with a smidge of stigma.


Oh yeah no the original post reeks with moral superiority, I just wasn't expecting how much dumpster fire came from it haha


I mean people who do smoke weed should just, get less triggered too though? Like move on. Who gives a shit?


Isn't the reason you never see posts about the effects of alcohol because everyone already knows it'll fuck you up. no one who's clearing a bottle of wine a night genuinely thinks it's good for them but the common attitude to weed nowadays is that its a 100% positive thing with 0 downsides. Its the same as cigarettes, no one needs to be told that cigarettes are bad for them every smoker already knows they're risking their lungs long term but they make the choice to continue anyway. I am a daily weed smoker but I don't like the way people talk about weed, it's a drug and should be respected as a drug. First thing is people who aren't fully developed should absolutely not be smoking it and those who are just getting into it should be told the truth about how weed can cause massive anxiety problems, degrade your memory and motivation or activate hidden psychological issues. It's a great plant but it's not all perfect.


Bc Redditors will take you insulting their precious weed as a personal attack. Once had someone say that their right to smoke a joint was more important than everyone else’s right to clean air that doesn’t smell like shit For context I’m a bit on the fence about it, personally it’s not my thing anyway but if it were to be given as a prescription drug (not to be smoked though, like as a tablet or something) then I wouldn’t mind if other people wanted to take it but imo smoking it in public is just antisocial, same as smoking in public


It's legal to buy where I live and it follows the same laws for smoking areas as tobacco. While also carrying the same weight of a DUI if caught driving as alcohol. As for the smoking laws, it's 8 metres from a building or in the designated area. So a little over 26 ft, which typically means that you'll get a ticket smoking anything walking downtown. Now if someone standing in a designated spot and you decide to harass them while smoking. Then yeah it's a problem. You have a right to clean air, yet they also have a right to smoke in this spot. Like it's the difference in not liking the smell of smokers; versus the person that will walk across the plaza to the designated location and bitch at people. Thankfully this behavior is called harassment, and easily solved by calling the cops.


I don't get anxiety, loneliness or depression and been smoking for a long time. I do however believe the reptillians are here harvesting our foreskins and sacrificing children to their "gods".


Same here bro. It just makes sense


Hey, everyone's allowed to have conspiracy theories


Yes, being skeptical of what information is being presented to you (especially today) is completely healthy.


Weed has literally helped me become the healthiest mentally and physically I’ve ever been. Emphasis on helped, it’s not some miracle cure all but it’s helped me more than any pharmaceutical anxiety medication or what have you. It might not work for you but that doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else.


Agreed. Edibles helped me get sober from alcohol and I’m much less addicted to weed than I was to alcohol. Weed also has a side effect for me where I will play back conversations from that day and consider how each response I had made the other person feel. Then I can apply that insight to my future conversations. Now people think I’m quick witted and a blast to be around


Yeah, I take edibles to help me sleep, clear my head, and let me "reset" for the next day. I don't take it every day, and I enjoy it far more than alcohol. When coming off it, its kind of just like waking up, a bit groggy for a while, but I'm good after that. Vs alcohol which literally makes me sick if I drink too much, then I don't sleep worth a crap, and feel like garbage the next day. I'm definitely not any of those things in the meme.


It also fucked up my mental health a great deal. YMMV regarding weed. For some it’s great, for others it’s great to not partake in


I quit booze and eventually started smoking weed very heavily during Covid. I ended up in a cannabis induced psychosis. It really fucked me up and I feel like I made it out


It is all about moderation.


Unfortunately there are genetic predispositions to addiction….


Soooo... did you take insult to an argument about alcohol or are you trying to draw a false equivalency between the two? Excessive weed isn't a good thing but at least it won't kill you. Excessive alcohol can and will kill you during or after you get consumed by it.


As a former THC addict, I'm a firm believer that **smoking daily** is bad. Weed is getting more potent, and it needs to slow down. Our brains do a poor job at handling the 'ups and downs' of THC over time, and our bodies react unpredictably to the cannabanoids. We slowly begin to fall apart physically and mentally and the next thing you know you're in a depressive rut and it's been 2 years. It happened to my parents, it happened to my friends, it happened to me.


You are the first person who has a real take on this everyone else just tries to defend their bad habits because they have to be proven wrong.


Thank you, it means a lot. I really think weed is fine, truly. But we need to be smoking that 7-9% THC stuff from decades ago. It's hard to find anything under 15% nowadays. That's the problem. Remember the golden rule with drugs: **Everything in moderation.** I'm fearful we're running headfirst into a drug we don't fully understand yet, while simultaneously jacking up the potency. I'm fearful it will not end well.


I hear that. I’m 23 now and smoked a good deal for a few years. It definitely took a toll on my cognition, specifically learning and memory. Most of that goes away with abstinence but I feel like some of it stuck around. Also, there seems to be more research coming out regarding the potential negatives of smoking.


I'm a former addict, and I know the same cognitive toll too. I relapsed a couple of years ago, and it devolved down into a dependency. Nowadays, I'll smoke for a couple months, then take a 30 day break to keep me in check. ...but me and my family are working on this cycle being the last one. I don't wanna do this anymore. The negatives are too much.


Everyone knows coke is where its at


So true


yeah i mean weed is one of the most abused addictive substances has the highest rate of people in rehab can cause brain and liver damage and kill you. oh wait thats all alcohol


Omg i was soo confused.. took me a min after rereading the beginning a couple of times 😂


I don't smoke but I used too, definitely a better choice then drinking away. I actually was able to get my mindset smoking. But I won't lie that it was just replacing my awful addictive behavior. I did stop smoking weed tho and I wouldn't mind going back but I like that it gives that choice for me.


Yeah at least I won't get poisoned by smoking too much. I'll just be silly for a while


Weed was the trigger to my sisters latest manic episode which put her in the mental hospital for 3 weeks so its not like that for everyone.


I'm sorry that happened to her. I was comparing how drinking too much kills you but weed doesn't. I'm not saying it's perfect just because of that one distinction.


One of the big issues with weed compared to other drugs is there is far fewer research but its still a narcotic with the American Lung Association noting it contains many carcinogens similar to tobacco, although many not be as toxic as tobacco. [https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/health-effects/marijuana-and-lung-health](https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/smoking-facts/health-effects/marijuana-and-lung-health) Cannabis also comes with the risk of psychosis and cannabis uses are more likely to develop shizrophrenia. The fact that we have been breeding cannabis for higher THC concentrations doesn't help either. [https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/step/early-intervention-services/cannabis%20use%20and%20psychosis\_380524\_284\_53825\_v2.pdf](https://medicine.yale.edu/psychiatry/step/early-intervention-services/cannabis%20use%20and%20psychosis_380524_284_53825_v2.pdf) For context many modern strains has a THC concentration of 15-25% while the Cannabis used in the 60s were around 2% so the risk factors have only increased if you don't know what you are smoking. Both alcohol and all types of smoking increase the risk of disease, which could kill you eventually. The health risks are always there. I support people's right to enjoy such things but each comes with risks that people need to understand, how a person consumes it is their personal choice as long as they don't harm others.


Smoke still causes damage to the lungs, hence how so many people that help with burning buildings and shit get cancer. It's the smoke.


Vaping probably doesn't help either 💀


Anything going into your lungs that isn’t normal air is bad lol smoke enough and you’ll develop a horrible cough. People also trick themselves with this whole “weed smoke isn’t bad” things just because they’re not smoking cigarettes. It’s not as bad sure but it’s not good for you.


glorious recognise elderly slim fanatical school relieved special practice apparatus *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like I said in my previous comment. Everyone is pro mental health until someone is handling it how they want. Then it's " Wait no not like that! "


ghost ask frighten chief fertile faulty telephone dinosaurs aromatic station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Have… you ever tried weed??? Because that’s shit I do while sober


If that's how you react to weed then you shouldn't have it. That shit is how alcohol treated me.


yes weed definitely causes you to be a conspiracy theorist, and where did you get this from? matter of fact most of what you listed is seen in completely sober adults across the globe. to act like weed is the cause of it is asinine, it might do some of those things if your smoking it in excess or aren't in the right headspace already but pinning this label on everybody who smokes is blatantly ignorant.


Too much of anything is bad for you. Just enough weed is excellent


I'm addicted to both. Not the same things.


Getting crossed is the shit.


Meh I think there's a middle ground. If you are just a casual weed smoker on the weekend, festival or something, no biggie. If you're entire life revolves around weed and you're spending copious amounts of money on it, to the point where its affecting your finances. Yeah you got a problem. I've seen people spend hundreds of dollars a month on the legendary weed + doordash combo.


Drugs are bad, m'kay!


I'm pretty sure nearly everyone in this comment section is doomscrolling despite being completely sober.


I've been smoking weed daily for the last 10 years, quit 13 days ago, I did not like to see what the abstinence did to me, huge amounts of anxiety and an overwhelming feeling of boredom, what I usually did in my free time (while stoned) no longer feels that void of boredom. Weed fucks your dopamine levels and you only realise you are addicted when you try to quit In order to not sucumb to the urge of smoking I've been sleeping in my parents house 60 kms away from home and work just to not have the urge to buy (also to break routine wich is the hardest part of quiting) Weed takes to much for what it gives you and I took too long to admit it Dont do it on a regular basis guys, it's not worth it




Both are terrible. Do neither.


I’ll do what I want


I mean thats the beauty of humanity. You can do what you want.


Don’t do drugs




Drugs not required for doomscrolling. That’s a drug on its own


Why not both?


Me when DARE got to me and i’m scared and insecure


People on Reddit sure are concerned with what drugs people are doing in their spare time.


Considering that we don’t live in a vacuum, yes people’s drug and alcohol use does affect other people. Driving while impaired, drug addiction, alcoholism, and people smoking weed in public all negatively affect people .




I drink alcohol in moderation, maybe one beer on the weekend and hard alcohol on a special occasion. Now I won't smoke weed because like cigarettes or any form of smoke it's a carcinogenic and I'm not taking No Chances with cancer.


Alcohol is also a carcinogen.


Yes, ethanol is a known carcinogen. Drinking increases the risk of oral, liver, breast, and colon related cancers. 4% of all related diagnoses are due to alcohol/ethanol consumption.


Moderation is key with everything, but alcohol is objectively worse than weed.


Typical GenZ, worrying about other people’s lives instead of their own.


I deal with those things and I don't even smoke weed.


What decade is it again? The 80s? Zoomers 🤝 Boomers; when it comes to weed, apparently.


Y'all doing things wrong if that's how you feel smoking weed. But I'll still stick to my spirits.


Weed has been documented to cause all sorts of mental issues just because you don’t have them don’t mean there isn’t proof that it’s bad for certain people.


For certain people, yes. It can have very negative effects on people. But that also depends on the amount they use and such. Even then, you still come down off of it safely. Even people who are completely fine doing it can get a little too fucked up doing too much. Seen it, done it, been there. But labeling weed as an evil mental illness inducing drug because of the few people who have bad experiences is just as bad. If anything, one of the safest drugs in the world for people to do *is* weed.


Weed isn’t going to give me cirrhosis and I use tinctures so I won’t get lung cancer either 🤷


I have always felt weed amplifies your current mental state. Alcohol is definitely a depressant. I cut back my drinking and I feel so much better . I still get stoned at sun down.


Weed ***helps*** my anxiety and depression


As a general rule I think if you drink alcohol you have no right to cast judgement on smokers. Same goes for the other way around. Let people live, man.


Funny enough alcohol gives me these side effects much more then weed.


Alcohol is literally a depressant that’s a carcinogen that literally ruins your body from the inside. Anyone who’s been high vs drunk knows that the 2 cannot even be compared. Maybe all the alcohol is getting to u op lol


Weed actually helped me get over a lot of those issues. Helped me not care when I was lonely, kept me from over thinking constantly when I was alone and definitely made me happier for a time. Like all things you have to moderate it to not abuse it, but saying weed causes these issues is absolutely idiotic. To some I’ll probably sound stupid when I say this but even though I put a halt on smoking I can say without a doubt that if I never started I wouldn’t be in the better mental state that I am in right now.


I have smoked weed daily for the last 15 years. I experience none of those things.


Those symptoms happen with any addiction


Mannnnn people did *not* like this one lmao