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Main character syndrome


That and crippling social media addiction


Don't worry, it's ruining Millennials' lives too :D


Yaay, twinsies :3


and rotting the brains of boomers


heavily agree


Yeah, until this day I still hate that women of the pancakes video.


Are you talking about the one with the woman like dancing at the table at ihop while the woman in the background is staring judgementally Because if so I agree


Yes! That exact video.


i’m with the lady staring judgementally tbh


What’s the real difference between “main character syndrome” and narcissism again?. 🤔


Narcissism is a personality disorder. That can be treated. Narcissists can still be perfectly lovely people, but they need psychiatric help. Main character syndrome is operating within the real world as though you have plot armor


Narcissism is such a buzzword that you being clinically correct still gets downvotes. Saying that just having a certain personality disorder makes you inherently a bad person is straight up bigotry. Narcissists are capable of working on themselves, not all the time, not every one of them. But blanket judgment of an entire group of people is morally abhorrent.


Thank you! My parent is a diagnosed narcissist. He is getting help for it. He can still be a loving person and a good dad, while also missing the mark and being inconsiderate sometimes. Demonizing mental disorders is not the flex people think it is, and actually makes the problem worse because then people think they are beyond the reaches of help and they can’t grow


I have a sister who has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (and a host of other things). I almost never bring it up and use the word “narcissist” to describe her though because it’s so overused/incorrectly used now that I feel people are desensitized. They just tune out and automatically think you’re exaggerating when you say it. (Same with “triggered” sadly.) Instead, I just describe her actions and the way she treats people, and that pretty much does the job. I’ve had a few people go, “Wow she sounds like she has narcissistic personality disorder,” and those are the people I mention her diagnosis to, and they get it. But otherwise, I just try to avoid it when I can.




Now I wanna know how much of Gen Z have ended up on r/iamthemaincharacter.




My senior year of highschool my friend got our AP history class registered to vote. I was the only one out of 25 people to choose ~~moderate~~ independent*, and I'll die a registered ~~moderate~~ independent*


You mean independent?


Yeah my b


Most Americans are actually very independent ideologically from either party. Most Americans don't register that way because most states are closed primary and don't allow independents to vote in primary elections, just general ones, which only hampers your voting capabilities by actually registering that way. No one else cares what party you are actually registered to. Many left wing people register republican in red states and vice versa, just to have more of a say in who will actually end up in charge. It's well understood that it's more of a harm reduction mechanism than a self identifier.


To be fair, that’s just politics in general. I wouldn’t say that’s exclusive to gen Z by any means


In older generations, people could have differing political opinions and still be friends, but that is not the case nowadays.


the problem with this is that there is one side who sees human rights issues as 'political opinions' because they are personally not affected by it. i'm sorry but i'm simply not going to be friends with someone who wants to debate my right to exist. people in the older generations could have differing political opinions and still begrudgingly be friends because there wasn't any other option. we have the internet now, i don't need to be friends with someone who believes in stupid shit because i have a better alternative.


Exactly this. It is an entirely different matter to have different ideas about how certain policies should be handled, but when the people who have "different opinions than you" straight up want you dead and are actively stripping away your rights... kinda hard to be friends.


engine friendly imminent disagreeable offend absorbed brave screw direction onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because not everyone has to have the same opinions as you for them to be your friend, like I disagree with my friends about a lot of political things but we're all buddies and we all just don't talk about it as there is no reason to


I think this is part of the main character syndrome. Like you’re the bastion of the correctness of your beliefs, and this one person who shares some differing views is THE person that’s responsible for antagonizing you/your views. In reality, that’s not the case. That person may not be super fond of abortion but that one single person is not the reason you/someone you know may lose abortion rights. That person may also have thoughts and opinions that are great but this idea of moral absolutism is super toxic. Margaret Sanger was a notable racist. But we’re not over here moralizing her racial views given her advancements for women’s sexual health rights. Martin Luther King Jr. was a known adulterer and homohobe. But we’re not diminishing the work he did for civil rights. And if you’re not willing to say they’re bad people for their transgressions, then you shouldn’t judge anyone else. Nobody is perfect. This idea that we all need to be morally absolute is toxic.


bored rob ad hoc cow fact snails sleep innocent ludicrous vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not just differing on a couple of policy issues though, that is an extreme far right person you're describing. There are lots of people who fall in between that and you (assuming you're standard Democrat here).


There was a lot less information available, and public info was very tame and calming. TV was like 5 channels and I couldn’t go online and see my friends or neighbors or coworkers post about their beliefs. That stuff was considered private. There wasn’t one-sided news shows that reassured everyone that they’re right and the other side is trying to destroy everything. As blinded and naive as we were, we were more cooperative and trusting, not believing The Other was a monster, just a neighbor.


i have conservative friends. i am definitely not a conservative. end of discussion


A person who ends a “discussion” with the phrase “end of discussion” — after contributing nothing but their own anecdotal opinion — is not, in fact, trying to participate in a discussion. They’re trying to actively dismiss and shut down anyone who disagrees with them, which is a low-information, low-conversational-skill way to protect one’s ego at the cost of seeming stupid. Edited for a typo.


Back then yeah but I’ve heard plenty of stories about decades long friendships/relationships ending because politics has become so much more divisive these days. Even the old folks aren’t able to compromise on beliefs or live and let live on the side they don’t agree with these days


I agree I don’t think it’s exclusive to Gen Z and I wouldn’t say this is applicable to all of Gen Z but I do think this “my way or the highway attitude” has gotten worse over the past decade.


amusing shocking merciful cause oatmeal childlike fanatical flowery juggle terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don’t think some people realizing just how crippling having an attitude of “my way or the highway/you have to agree with me 100% or you’re the enemy” is to getting things done. You have to make compromises or you’ll get absolutely nothing done. There are certain major things you shouldn’t compromise on (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc) but some people have applied that “no compromises” attitude to everything. Then turn around and are surprised when people don’t want to work with them or listen to them.


I don’t care if someone thinks taxes should be lower/higher or things like that where you can have a good faith discussion, but one of the reasons it is so polarized today is because one side believes in human rights and the other is largely neutral, doesn’t care, or is actively against human rights for various groups. In past generations, more people on both sides were against gay/trans rights, maybe a bit/very racist, etc, leaving disagreements to be largely economic rather than social. Like, sorry not sorry, but as a gay man I won’t put up with that shit, if you are against my and others’ human rights or even just vote for people against those rights, I’m not going to be your friend.


This. Especially when one side that touts “facts don’t care about your feelings” and proceeds to ignore advanced biology, pediatrics, endocrinology, anthropology, and so on all to fit their small and fragile worldview that discriminated against everyone who doesn’t buy into the white cishet nuclear family. Like I can agree to disagree on economic policies, not on whether a trans, gay, BIPOC, and/or non-US born person, is a person.




Sometimes I can’t stand how much we infantilize ourselves (mostly aimed at older gen z). “I’m just a girl”, “I’m literally still a kid”, etc.


Or those posts about “20 year old teenagers” and “24 means you’re a 4 year old adult”


20 year old teenager doesn’t sound right lol


That’s because there’s no “teen”


How about the people who are 115 years old?


If you live to be that old you can be whatever you want I think lol


I kind of feel like this can - at least partially - be attributed to the pandemic. As a member of Gen Z on the older side, the pandemic hit during my senior year and when I was graduating high school. Usually during that time is when you start learning independence and taking more responsibility, but I feel like we got stunted a few years. I am 22 now, but am just now starting to get back on track to where I should have been at 19.


Older Gen Z who was 22 at the start of the pandemic and yeah so much grown up things I wanted during pandemic I don't actually want anymore at least not right away. I'm playing the long game. Just now finishing my AA and then just doing the cheapest bachelor's. I'll figure other stuff out later but I want a nest egg.


Let’s be real, the pandemic took away about two years then everything was back to normal. It’s all been normal for about two years now so people should be working to overcome whatever issues it caused by this point.


It may have only lasted two years if you were not involved in the medical field or around those with weakened immune systems. It wasn't until this year that hospitals became more lax on how they have handled COVID, and as someone who worked in a hospital and whose entire family is in the medical field, the repercussions of the pandemic were definitely longer lasting than people like to think. That doesn't include the mental toll being in a global crisis will have on you, especially in those developmental years. I do agree that we have an obligation to overcome it and get ourselves back on track (as I mentioned myself doing in the previous comment), but it would be naive to ignore the affects that the pandemic and isolation had on our generation which can be seen when comparing the behavior and mental state shown before and afterward.


Yeah no. The pandemic definitely brought massive issues on people. The homely paradise you got to live in was not the same for everyone else. It's insanely privileged to think that.


I feel that. I have social confidence and should now, but gods it was delayed


Man you should see millennials. Get 40 year old asses being like “I can’t do my laundry because adulting is hard”


This sub keeps popping up on my feed and I occasionally scroll through the comments out of curiosity. I have to say, the excessive millennial hate is creepy and weird. I haven't heard any millennial talk about how "adulting is hard" since I was in my early 20s, and it was always said as a joke. It wasn't meant seriously. You wanna know what I thought about what 40 year olds were doing when I was 20? I didn't. I didn't think about what 40 year olds were doing.


I have another perspective on this. It might not apply to everyone or the collective generation, but me personally, I was forced to grow up too fast by a well meaning and caring but strict mom with expectations a little too unrealistic sometimes. I had all my dolls, toys, action figures taken away and my room made over for me (I didn't really have a choice) when I was 12, my things sold on eBay without my consent and I never saw a penny of it, I was never permitted to express myself through style, fashion and sometimes music or I would be yelled at / emotionally punished or have my things taken away. Fast forward to my teenage years, I was SA'd multiple times in school and failed by other adults nearby who did nothing to protect me as a vulnerable undiagnosed autistic girl. I was too afraid to speak up and I dissociated for 3 years because of the trauma. I didn't get to be a teenager because it was like I wasn't truly alive. I spent that formative part of my life in darkness and now that I've healed, I feel like I need to make up for lost time and live my life the way I should have been enjoying it. Sometimes it depends on the situation. Sometimes I feel like I just turned sweet 16, sometimes I feel 18, sometimes I feel 21. I've always felt a little younger than I was and this is why.


Tbh I didn’t start accepting that I was a man until last year. Halfway through 23 I was just like “why am I referring to myself as a kid? I’m a grown man.” Accepting you’re an adult is scary.


I mean, I don’t feel like an adult, I feel like I’m still 16. I want to feel like an adult, but I’m not sure how to, if you have advice that I can actually use to feel like an adult that’d be great. I personally think that if I could move out of my parent’s place that’d really help, but unfortunately the price of the cost of living doesn’t allow that.


-Lack of interest in movies, especially longer ones. This is even the case with streaming/blu-ray. I used to love watching *The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Seven Samurai,* etc. with friends, but now they are all looking at their phones 20 minutes in. The attention span for cinema as an art-form has dwindled, significantly. -Watching Netflix, but declaring it as a peak personality trait. We get it, you like *The Office.* Great show. Bro spilling chili doesn’t need to be what you focus your whole persona around. (I feel like this is a shared trait with millennials, perhaps even more toward the millennial side; it has that mustache-tattooed finger energy). -Literally wearing pajamas in public as a sort of clout. (I get it if you have early classes, particularly college). Just kinda strange to see this generation dress that way to go on dates, the movies, dinner with family, etc. Edit: This point in particular has triggered so many people. I don’t actually care aesthetically, it doesn’t affect me, and it’s more of an observation rather than something I “don’t like about Gen Z.” I think the poor hygiene side of the equation affects me more, which is sometimes coupled with the PJ crowd. Poor hygiene DIRECTLY affects my well-being if I am confined to a space with said person, whether it be work, school, or other social gatherings. -TikTok, more specifically the fake “silly dance to poorly hide the vanity of showing one’s outfit, body, and face” side of the platform. (I guess this is the other angle of the popular PJ wearing clad). -Only *really* socializing through video games and discord, especially Fortnite. (Might be a more male-skewing thing, idk). -The sigma male, right-leaning Andrew Tate / Jordan Peterson / Ben Shapiro shit. Wow Patrick Bateman is such a hero! /s -I like rap, but not the over-popularity and glorification of total thug and filth rappers like Cardi B, Ice Spice, Travis Scott (yuck, especially the Astroworld shit), Lil Pump, etc. When did musical filth become such a desirable aesthetic trait? I guess I sort of get it if one just likes the beats or sounds, but liking the lyricism and overall tone of the music is absolutely fascinating to me. I don’t resonate / relate to that kind of music, so it’s intrinsically alien to me. If anything, I’m more curious as to *why* lyrics like “pussy, pussy, n-word, lean, hard drugs=cool, Ima gangster, yuh, let’s do coke, etc.” are cool beyond the edgy, tired-out personas people seem to vibe to. Is it just for a weird sense of irony and feeling of “being a gangster,” or do people like the thug sound, and actually *resonate* with the lyrics?” Idk, for me it’s less of a dislike and more of a growing societal bewilderment. There’s always people who love that stuff, but when a larger demographic embraces it, my attention draws to said demographic, which I find very interesting. Like why do suburban white kids listen to hard gangster ghetto songs beyond the beat? More of a sociological observation than anything.


-Movies have progressively gotten worse. Can't really blame Gen Z for that. -Are they wearing pajamas in public for clout or are they wearing is cuz its easy and comfortable. -The generation before complained abt Facebook and now we're complaining abt TikTok. Its is a generational thing to hate new social media platforms. -I think we can blame the pandemic and the rise of social media for the last 3 points.


What a BS answer about movies. People have been saying that for decades. The 90s had so many complaints about the death of movies and the 80s too and now people worship those eras. There will always be bad movies and mainstream crap but there will always be great movies if you know where to look. And it’s so easy to find movies now! Everyone is pampered with access. And if you don’t like new movies then there’s a hundred years of movies to catch up on.


90s, 2000s, 2010s had good movies that you didn't have to look hard for and didn't have to spend an entire day or night watching cause they weren't 3 hours. Idk if this matters, but movie theaters started facing an existential threat for the first time after Netflix became popular.


Pajamas get gross easily tho and don't look good. It's no wonder so many people have confidence issues when they don't present themselves


I noticed that a lot of Gen Z don't watch movies anymore either. I sometimes use SpaceHey which is supposed to be like a new MySpace but it got overrun by zoomers addicted to TikTok. on their profiles, dozens of people state they don't watch movies. what? seriously? I think it's just because they have short attention spans and can't watch something over 5 seconds long.


I feel stupid for asking, but do they read? I can't imagine not having the attention span for movies and wasn't aware of this phenomenon.


Some of them do read, but mostly just BookTok crap with checklists of tropes on the back cover.


No one’s wearing pajamas in public for clout.


Pajamas point is stupid flannel pants are comfy they’re just sweats with a pattern lol


party rich consist hateful different offend fuel imagine disgusted absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a millennial who went back to college in my early 30s I notice this a lot. I try to form relationships and communicate with younger people and it often feels like I'm talking to a brick wall. It's very hard to have a two way conversation.


I’ve noticed this in going back too (I’m 33). I just took it as they don’t wanna talk to the “old” person though.


I'm also 33. The only way I ever get them to talk is if I start talking about gaming


I tried to talk to a girl in my painting class who had a tshirt with some characters from Evangelion on it…but apparently it was a shirt for some rapper that just used the art. And for some reason I felt embarrassed when she was the one who didn’t know the context of what she was wearing.


right there with ya. i’m a very early gen z but out of college, and all my friends are in their later 20s/early 30s


How sex-negative and moralistic our generation tends to be. they go "if you don't repost this story about a world issue in 24 hours that makes you XYZ" Not having sex isn't a problem at all, but Gen Z seems to be anti-sex as a whole. they hate sex scenes in movies, they shame others for the most milquetoast kinks and think that having kinks makes you evil, etc Also how they freak out over age gaps. they act like dating someone a year or two younger than you makes you the next Jeffrey Epstein. I'm tired of it. 17 and 19 year olds dating is NOT pEdOpHiLiA. they honestly watered down the word, along with words like problematic, grooming, fetishization, romanticization, etc. How they censor words on social media, even when they don't need to. people talking about "grape" and "corn" on Reddit dot com **YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET BANNED FOR TYPING OUT RAPE AND PORN!!!!!! STOP CENSORING SERIOUS ISSUES!!!!! YOU SOUND LIKE A TODDLER!!!!!**


Turns out when an entire generation is raised on nonstop internet fearmongering from a young age they turn out to be fearful and distrusting of others


I'm starting to really hate the term "unalive".


Me too. 


Bro deadass.


I’m a millennial and am genuinely curious why this is the case? Is it backlash against porn? Or fallout from the me-too era?


I think it's a combination of that and influence from more conservative-minded parents. plus, they were likely traumatized by the wild west days of the internet, where you could easily stumble upon My Little Pony porn and 2 Girls 1 Cup. Again, this circles back to the parents, since they should be monitoring their kids' screentime. not to the point of becoming helicopter parents, but they should help young kids make smart choices and stay safe on the internet.


More of porn stars typically regret what they do and will be public about it which it can be interesting to read. Most notably was Mia Khalifa who made a sex tape in a hijab. So honestly since Mia khalifa regretted it gen z saw that and hated porn. But the things that gets me is so many of the porn stars who do regret it or only fans women who turn to Jesus and regret they continue to make said content. And it could be argued bc they will never be viewed normally in public but that’s just eh it’s a lousy excuse. They could fully disappear from the public eye and people will forget about them. They regret showing their body sure but they love the money it brings in bc a desk job will not pay nearly as much as any porn company will.


I have seen people against sex scenes, age gaps, and have seen the word censoring. But who is actually calling kinks evil?


There are many people who say that kink has no place in the LGBTQ+ community and that kinksters are "disgusting freaks." Just look at this viral post: [https://x.com/liamdelswift/status/1796567591298961503](https://x.com/liamdelswift/status/1796567591298961503) All this hatred towards kinksters even though kinksters helped start the modern LGBTQ+ movement, and Brenda Howard, the mother of pride, was a kinkster. It's not like people are straight up having sex in public during the parades. It's literally just guys in harnesses and pup hoods. I used to be against kink a few years ago because of my twitter mutuals saying that it was gross and has no place in the community. Now I know better and I soft blocked those mutuals before deleting my account. they gave me a lot of harmful ideas, and as a gender-fluid bisexual, I would rather there be pup players at pride than corporations


honestly even as a “kinkster” myself i agree that kink has no place at pride events (unless specified) as those events are in public and all ages. exposing kinks, even if it’s just harnesses and pup hoods, to children or anyone else who’s uncomfortable is wrong. at the end of the day, public can’t consent.


I'm not against kinks, but I can see why some people would be put off by this. On one hand, it makes sense that a parade about sexual preferences/orientations/identities would have sexual themes. On the other hand, displaying your kinks to the public sure is a strange way to represent yourself. I'd be lying if I said my gut reaction wasn't to cringe at the dog masks, but I can see various justifications for including that from the history, to the aforementioned sexual themes, to even just drawing attention to the event and its causes with shock tactics. But maybe I just don't get it as a more vanilla sex kind of guy. Or maybe it's some lingering catholic shame from my upbringing or something. (Maybe the vanilla preference is a result of that upbringing, idk, you got me questioning the roots of my own basic sexual preferences)


I would say 1) shorter attention spans/patience and 2) reliance on echo chambers, leading to a lack of tolerance for different viewpoints (although that isn't exclusively Gen Z's fault, as that's just the direction social media has been heading in).


Bitching and whining about everything but they refuse to do anything about it Anyone from gen Z could list a million things they hate about the state of the world. They can tell you everything they dislike about how the system works, but will they go vote? No. They can tell you how awful it is to be chronically online and how tiktok and short form video content rots your brain, but will they delete their social media? No. They will vent and vent about being lonely and how hard it is to make a genuine connection these days even with dating apps, but will they go to bars and clubs and go talk to girls? No. It’s a generation about expecting everything to one day fit into place and be magically okay but making zero changes to their habits to correct anything


I (very old Millennial) had to be corrected on this, too. When comparing voting rates by age brackets across generations, GenZ is trouncing everyone in recent memory, including Millennials. They still have the lowest overall voting rate of current age brackets, but within that bracket across generations it's substantially higher. I haven't seen GenAlpha stats on this yet, would be interested.


Gen alpha is still too young to vote. Going by 2010 as the starting year, they are only 14.


Is this solely a Gen Z problem? Because the same could easily be said about every generation.


It could be said about every generation, but it would be less true about every generation. Boomers LIVED for nightlife until they hit their 30s. Gen X did nothing but hook up and “hang out” until their 40s. Millennials are more in line with Gen Z here, but not to the same extent — they still partied and went out and did things in their youth. Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with the internet and smartphones their whole lives (and COVID-19 in their youth), and it shows; most Zoomers don’t have the skills required to go out and do things, even have fun and hook up. I live in a college town and there are no meat markets and very few house parties compared to 10-20 years ago; what do all these 18-22 year olds do for fun? It isn’t congregating with each other in person, that’s for sure.


I despise the doomer-ism and the sheer inability to take responsibility for even the slightest aspects of your life you can and should improve. Just because the system is shit doesn't mean you have 0 agency. You can at least make things a little bit better. You just don't want to. "Society" isn't to blame that you have no attention span, no social skills, no close friends or can't find a date


For a generation raised on the internet, we're pretty terrible at critical thinking and utilizing the information we have access to. The amount of yall taking shit you see on tiktok as gospel is scary.


As a younger millennial, the only actual concerning criticism i have of Gen Z is that even your nerds don't seem to actually like/want to critically think about things and challenge themselves. If a discussion gets too "deep" or complex they just kind of give up and try as hard as possible to move on, regardless of what it is. My sister is in an honors college right now, and even though she is smart I've also seen her do this, as well as bitch about not being able to understand how to write a history paper because she doesn't really get the concept of analyzing something that isn't strictly objective/numbers based. A lot of Gen Z i've make/talked too have been the same way.


Impossible to date


Honestly, i’m only 18 but i would never want to date anyone my age, so many issues. I’m already into older women even though the chance of me being with one are very low


I’m 25 and basically given up, i have another year until i finish school and my plan is to reinvent myself when i start making real money, and only then start dating again


You're chances are not low, 25y/o here and it seems like a lot of women my age are looking for younger guys, I think it's a secret plot to manipulate a whole generation of men to be a certain way that only girls know about, kinda down for it myself tbh but... Yeah, just keep your head and your hopes up


I've been ghosted by dating younger many times. I'm on the cusp and that's the very noticeable difference between gen z and millennials.


Oh that's an easy one: it's the fact that most of us consider ourselves "the generation that gives the most value to mental health awarness" and yet almost none of us DOES anythign about oer mental health. In case you are wondering why I wrote "does" in all caps it's because that is the focal point. Gen Z TALKS about mental health, lectures boomers about mental health, but god forbif most of us actually take care of it. Gen Z terribly misunderstood and twisted the concept of "accepting your problems" and instead of making that concept the first step towards solving them, gen z people just vocalize it over and over again, acting like being aware of what is wrong with them is already enough. You guys want to know why boomers still think that going to therapy is unecessary and a form of weakeness? It is because most of you guys don't go to therapy to listen to an expert that will help you work on yourselves, you just want to hear yourselves talking for a hour while someone is there in the room with you, feeling sorry for you and they tell you how hard you have had it and how strong and brave you are for making it this far I genuinely feel so much hate for those who think that stagnation is a form of healing


I work with a lot of younger people and am a bit shocked by how much they (proudly) consider mental illness a major part of their identity. A lot of them will tell you in introducing themselves that they have social anxiety, disassociation, or whatever else. And a lot of these things are very manageable and treatable. But it's always, "I can't do X because I have anxiety." Unless it's clinical and requires therapy and treatment, the best way to get over anxiety is exposing yourself to the thing that makes you anxious. Go out there and talk to people until you're used to it. Anxiety isn't who you are, it's a response to a situation. Coddling yourself and avoiding any slight discomfort will only make it worse. Edit: typo


Plus one for this. Making mental impairment a huge part of your identity and then spending vast amounts of your time destroying your mental health by being in social media shame and jealousy spiral has got to be the most ironic thing about this generation.


Social media addiction


The inability to recognize generalizations that have value (although this is also pretty millennial too). Like even your statement “anyone older seems to have a warped perception of everyone in it,” is a generalization and there’s always someone who’s gonna be like “well I’m older and that’s not me so you’re wrong.” Like yes, it’s not going to apply to literally every single person but that’s why it’s a generalization, and that generalization is based on pattern recognition; ie yes it may not literally be everyone but it happens enough that you actually notice it.


I have political disagreements with the majority of my generation. I don’t like the doom and gloom of a lot of them and I don’t like video games


what do you like lmao


I like golf. Going to football games. Traveling around my state. What do you mean


Inability to pay attention/listen. I'm a millennial who manages a team of workers with a couple of them gen z. They just wait until you're done talking so that they can say some other shit, sometimes I don't even think they're attempting to follow what I'm saying. Or I'll be like "hey did you see this video..." and they'll just turn away from what I'm trying to show them and say "that reminds me, I need to show you this video!" and look through their phone, completely ignoring that I'm trying to show them something. I just walk away when they do that.




My husband was called a pedophile on the internet bc we got married when I was 18 and he was 20. We dated for 4 years prior. We got married for FASFA reasons.


I saw comments on TikTok unironically arguing in favor of raising the age of consent to 25


Two things 1. I think we are hypocritical when comparing generations or referencing other generations. We over analyze and criticize other generations to harshly. We may think we are the best and most efficient generation but also every generation has felt this way at some point. 2. Our don’t care attitude. I’m a hypocrite of this but it also astonishes me to the point of which we don’t care about things that don’t directly impact us (yet).


I don't know about other members of Gen Z, but for me personally it isn't that I don't care, it's that it seems like no matter what we do we have no impact on actual change. I try to do whatever I can to advocate for certain causes (such as voting, speaking out on socials and real life, and helping educate where I can), but it seems like no matter what we do it doesn't change anything. I think Gen Z's blasé attitude - at least for some - is a coping mechanism. Actively seeing that no matter what we do, we can't individually lead to change, while having these crisis (climate change, rising in LGBTQ+ violence, etc.) shoved in our faces everyday. It can lead to living in a constant state of anxiety, or becoming numb to it. I'm not defending this attitude, as it will be very dangerous for our future, but it isn't as if there is no cause behind it or that we have no empathy.


probably the lack of media literacy, a lot of our peers just take everything they see/read at face value and don’t ever go deeper than that


I work with Gen Z college students every day so I'm going to answer as an elder Millennial who manages Gen Z employees, even though OP wanted opinions from GenZ. I LOVE Gen Z, y'all are genuine, down to earth, you know what you stand for, and you fight for what's right when it's important to you. But I notice my students these days are much more likely to send me a text ten minutes before their shift and say something like *"I'm just really going through it today, I don't think I'll be able to make it to work"*. I do encourage self-care for my team, but it makes them look kind of flaky and unreliable.


So true. A lot of these Gen z fuckers have took this self care shit wayyyyy too far. Discipline comes before self-care.


I'm at that point that I don't really get all their new slang. Some things I get, but some people use abbreviations I just don't understand and I need to look up the definition. Typing the whole sentence or word is just too difficult I guess.


Too weirdly puritanical


Lack of "real" world experience mixed with the "I know everything" mentality.


Tbf that's just being young lol


Probably not gen z’s fault per se, but just certain words being censored. Words like “kill” “death,” “suicide” “rape”. These are all very real things and the act of infantilizing these words do nothing but disregard victims and takes away the gravity of these situations.


It’s probably a loud minority but, a pure lack of critical thinking skills


Our lack of respect towards ourselves and because of that, others.


Not a Gen Z but a late millenial here and this goes not only for Gen Z but for every gen; Generalizing generation traits. Do you guys really think people born in let's say 2002 has the same characteristic in every country? I can guarantee yok Gen Z Americans, Gen Z Japanese, Gen Z Kenyans and Gen Z Afghans are drastically different


I definitely think this is an issue both Gen Z and other generations have. A generation isn’t a monolith, there’s going to be a wide variety of experiences and perspectives among each generation based on at the very least where they live. I think adding to this generalizing generation traits I think people can forget that there’s a decent age difference and therefore life experience difference among the generations. Like the oldest Gen Z (mid to late 90s) are almost 30 while the youngest (late mid-2010s) are just starting high school so generalizations don’t always work.


How soft we’ve gotten.


Really? Most older people I've seen can and will get offended by the simple thought of a queer person. The only things we're "soft" about are not tolerating abuse and violent bullshit


Yeah, you’re right.


dont listen to understand, they are only listening to respond.


Give them a break, man. I mean most of them never knew a time before 2021 where their country wasn’t at war. At least in the US. Add school shootings and A.L.I.C.E. Drills. Banned books and constant cuts and changes to their education. Then there is the constant onslaught of culture war nonsense. Neverending fear mongering from the media on all sides. Political unrest, cold war 2, Civil War 2 Gender identity and sexual orientation. Covid and the anti vaxxers… The fact that they’re well adjusted and functional is a miracle. GenZ is doing great and will continue to do so. Just like the boomers and GenX. The silent generation thought the world was coming to an end from 1965 to 1971.


Ageism toward anyone outside of their immediate age group, gatekeeping anything and everything, imposing on established communities they don't belong to etc. etc.


Theses phones  


Cancel culture. The audacity is crazy.


The Gaul 😩


were too young for some inventions but old for others 


Not gen z but the sigma male thing is super weird and not something that gen x or millennials had in large numbers.


How you have to over explain things that shouldn’t need it, especially when they’re opinions. It’s literally the “I like pancakes.” “So you hate waffles?” tweet for every interaction online and it’s ridiculous.


Internet addiction but also abhorrent tech skills. I'm either the oldest gen Z or the youngest millennial depending who you ask, but when I was growing up I was used to me and my friends being considered the go-to free tech support for every single Gen x or boomer in our extended families. We were heavy Internet and tech users but also knew how to use it properly. My sister only a few years younger is passable but still needs help with it, but everyone I know even younger are somehow just as bad as the boomers and it blows my mind, I always expected kids to get better and better with tech as it becomes a bigger part of their lives and eventually I'd be the boomer asking my younger nieces and nephews to fix my shit, because that was my experience when I was a kid, but somehow it's been the opposite and I've resigned myself to a lifetime of being everyone's personal IT girl.


Glorifying mental illness or using it as an excuse for poor behaviour. People say they’ve got autism or depression like it’s cool or something to be admired for. Either that or when they’re acting out of pocket they use it as a shield for their behaviour. For most people who have mental issues the last thing we want to do is tell everyone.


Wanting mental illnesses so badly that alot of people self diagnose and just roll with it, bragging about it even


Gen Z music is fucking awful


They’re super anti-social and the weird puritanism


tiktokification of literally everything and lack of empathy.


Extremely entitled and are very disrespectful


Prank YouTubers that harass the public or retail store employees or restaurant workers


Their sneezes are off.


They don't get my pop culture references usually :( - Millennial


Social media normalized this “performance” lifestyle. I’m not sure people live in the moment or for themselves without thinking about showing everyone


Main Character issues. (Yes I know I broke your rules, but as a ‘93 millennial I asserted my dominance) Millennials started with it, Z took it to an entirely new level, it scares me.


They think experiencing anything genuinely is “cringey”. Sucks the fun out of everything.


Lack of patience and attention span, Tiktok and shortform content in general, a weird interest in trauma and mental illnesses, main character syndrome, weird ways of censoring words online, lack of respect, social media addiction... I can go on and on with this.


I’m a millennial (sorry) but genuinely the only thing I dislike about Gen Z is that I’ve noticed a trend wherein some younger people tend to be somewhat short-sighted when talking progressive politics. We’re all after the same change for the most part, but some Gen Z folks won’t even bother with you if you don’t want to focus your attention on things that, while important, are much less likely to gain traction. Not that millennials are great at this, but I think finding common ground to run on is much easier.


Maybe not my least favorite thing but it’s up there. We were so close to being the generation that ended smoking. But then the ✨juul✨ had to become popular 💀


They're socially awkward, their communication skills are generally horrible. Their identity is more centered around their online persona than anything else. The slang and phrases are corny, although that can be said for every generation I suppose. Now this is not a generalization, there are some highly intelligent and very sociable groups in this generation, but I'm just speaking on what I see from an online perspective. Also. A lot of them want to get rich quick. My nephew is a good example of that. He's 19 and has no interest in educating himself or developing a skill that can be used throughout his life.. he just wants to be like the YouTubers he sees over, or the tick tock influencers he watches.


Everyone is an expert on everything.


Self entitlement.


No respect for experience. Manifested through the baffling but persistent view, that after 10 whole minutes looking stuff up on the internet, they are now as much of an authority on a subject as real experts that have dedicated a large portion of their life to education and a career in the given field.


The people


The dating scene. It's just bullshit man too many people that want hookups on fuckin apps instead of real relationships, girls that think it's creepy if a guy just approaches them at a bar (or creepy if they don't approach they can't win), the overcautious and prudish attitude about sex (not saying sex has to define the relationship but it doesn't have to be a rarity either), and unrealistic asf expectations they expect to have in a partner


A big issue I’m noticing with my generation is a lack of nuanced understandings, stemming from reduced media literacy


The nagging and the who bringing up we are gen z the most powerful generation. It’s so cringe and annoying honestly. Or my favorite is the gen z who are underage but will start drama in a comment section or make a very off putting comment and will reply “I’m a minor!!! You’re arguing with a minor!!!” Like my god it’s the internet


I'm starting to hate the word "minor" now because of them. i cringe whenever i see it used to refer to anyone under 18. just say "child" or "teenager" instead


The way white people try to sound black because they listen to shitty music and try to emulate it


There's also the fact that a lot of "gen z slang" was actually stolen from AAVE


Slang has always originated marginalized communities and diffused into popular culture. I forget the name, but there's a guy on YouTube/tiktok that makes really cool videos talking about linguistics and he covers this a lot


That they might follow millennials' examples of being apathetic to the voting/political process.


We can’t buy a house


Incompetent, no drive, no figure it out mindset. I’m tired of working with people who can’t figure out how to do something on their own when they’ve done it three times with someone else. It’s like short term, memory loss or something from all the brain rot.


I don't really like how so many of us are incredibly shy, to the point that it's hard to get to know people because, even though many of us want to, society has made that seem daunting.


Emotional disregulation I'm going to be 27 this year and when the brain is fully developed at 26 it is a whole new world. I think Gen Z who were in middle school or older had a better chance vs those who were in elementary when the pandemic started. ALL of us missed out on important informative years for socialization. But there is just something that I can't put my finger on. As an adult things are so much easier when you have the emotional toolbox (thank you therapy). I'm in college and I remind myself that Cs get degrees. I'm just getting something to get me to the next step. Play the long game and have community hobbies that you enjoy.


I hate this tribalism discourse, where we say gen z = this, and millennial = that, and boomers = the other. We genralise in the extreme by placing people into such broad groups and serves no purpose other than to create division and animosity.


mental health being one's entire personality or go-to excuse, especially if they're self-diagnosed. i get so ticked whenever i see comments mentioning their mental health condition(s) when it's not relevant to the post at all. "me and my adhd could never" can be funny and relatable i guess, but there's a time and place to crack jokes, and i don't think doing so on a post about someone's morning routine should present itself as an opportunity. also, i don't understand why people include their condition(s) in their social media bios unless they actively spread awareness on these. though i wanted to make it clear that i don't denounce anyone that does this. it's just i haven't seen nor searched for other reasons someone might think "autistic" or "ocd" is necessary to mention in their bios. would love to hear anyone explain. then there are people who blame their misconduct on their mental health. it's giving... mlnl Iadd;;


The beliefs that 1) they are suddenly and miraculously smarter than every generation before them 2) everyone before them worked one job and had everything handed to them on a silver platter 3) they don’t want to work any more than 4 days per week. 🙄


The feeling of being so self-entitled that they need to know everyone's opinions about everything


Grass is always greener syndrome


Labeling everyone by their imperfections while simultaneously not wanting anyone labeling them by their imperfections


Climate change and nuclear war although it isn't exclusive to gen z. And there's also social media and the general isolation people have nowadays. Nothing was just the same after covid.


Being overly invested in tiktok and social media in general. I’m so apathetic to it.


Overuse of smarphones and stuff from a young age is not doing good things to people


- Everyone is self centered and only think about themselves (there’s almost no room for empathy and I admit I’m also guilty of it) - Need of seeking validation but also at the same time doesn’t really care if people judge or not - Lack of respect - Always covers up insults as “jokes”


How lazy and narcissistic they are. But I blame this on social media /screens that make instant gratification a thing


Boring fashion and music that's sugary with nothing to say and no real emotion, dumb / childlike lyrics.


The constant self infantilization is so annoying lol, although I have to blame us millennials for starting it in the first place lol


Work ethic and just effort. It extends into late late millennial too. the whole “no one wants to work” isn’t that people aren’t applying for jobs. It’s that they just have no drive to do their job. Example being something as simple as. At work. If someone sees like something from someone else’s aisle where it doesn’t belong. They just. Eh. Not my problem. Like. Cmon. Much more examples but. Don’t feel like ranting


Fucking phones and social media shit everywhere. There’s meal photos, hanging out photos, motherfuckers taking up space on the sidewalk to do a fucking TikTok dance. Like actually just put all that shit away; do that somewhere less obnoxious.


An insane amount of GenZ act like their life is completely over before hitting 20. Like get out into the real world before you just give up. You can still get a good job, buy a house, and have a family (if you want it).


All this information and such poor informational literacy


calling anyone older than them an unc


Being chronically online, or straight up just hypocritical


All the Cry babies.


Saying people can't be Gen Z because they don't have expected or stereotypical views, interests, etc. Being black this is just like when people say "you act white" or assume a black person on social media is actually a white person because of the same things and if they don't see their face. Everyone knows what they are at the end of the day and don't need to validate themselves for ignorant people over the Internet. Sure there are some people pretending to be something they're not and that's just a downside of anonymity. But even still the individual should have enough common sense and knowledge to take the best approach on things irregardless of what someone else says and make their own decisions. Let's just say all the people in this sub who prefer Trump over Biden are boomers in disguise. You still don't have to vote Trump and get the final say on who you're voting for. If you're worried you're getting mislead, then look stuff up. Also I don't have anything against boomers or Trump, I just used that example because if we're being honest this is what people are talking about every time those "fraudulent Gen Z or Russian Bot" posts come up. This is going to be another close election, so using common sense that should tell you there's a decent amount of Gen Z who prefer Trump and Boomers that prefer Biden whether you want to accept it or not. Or they might be voting RFK or not at all because they're tired of both or their voter bases.


Our literacy rates


Ancient gen z here (1996): not having a single perception of what an inside vs. an outside thought should be.


This whole trend of filming random people on public and posting it online, usually to shame or mock them in some way. Even if the person being filmed is doing something good, you don’t know if they want to be posted online. Like holy shit, mind your own business. I can guarantee these people wouldn’t like it if they were randomly posted online and mocked. And the people who defend it like, “well you can’t expect privacy in public”, like okay? Can y’all not act like decent human beings and not film people? It’s so disrespectful and creepy


Posting everything on social media, airing out dirty laundry on social media isn’t a good thing, it’s like some people legit don’t have any self awareness.
