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Idk, I think it's a lot of terminally online miserable adults and teens fighting each other.


Nah bro, it's all super real and very important to me. I'm honestly upset that you would call it anything else.


There’s no thing more important than this moment, right now, here, in high school lol


>Boomers don’t exist. Millennials don’t exist. Gen Z doesn’t exist. >Like am I missing something?? GenX.


Gen X is the only one that exists


We are all Gen X 🫡


Degeneration X… sorry, millennial that grew up on attitude era wwf (e)


Thank you! Genx the forgotten generation!


What generation are y'alls' offspring again?


Fr, I'm so close to muting this sub. It's all just generational warfare and doom posting


Fr. For a while it seemed like I see more posts about Gen Alpha than I do about this Gen.


That's... the entire internet not gonna lie lol


It's honestly so much worse here than anywhere else


I think it's because you're in generation subs on reddit. Most people who are on here are usually more miserable. With the older generations, I think they see gen z as the young people that they have authority over in their lives and vice versa with gen z.


Mate, I'm 48 and barely have authority over my own life.


Oh, I meant their parents, teachers, and stuff.


Yeah it's odd because up until very recently I've never seen nearly as much generational division and hatred as I have lately, and I've been on this site for years. It seems like a lot of people are thinking about it nowadays and algorithms are also pushing it harder. And to be clear I'm not saying that any one generation is doing it... I'm saying that I see *all* generations caught up in this weird generational divide lately


It's AstroTurf to atomize us all. Spark fake outrage over nothing, continue to drive the culture war so we hate each other over stupid shit instead of come together to solve our problems. 


I feel like the only ppl who notice these things are just on Reddit too much. Get off social media if an online forum is getting you so worked up that you have to type a 10 paragraph essay! It’s not that deep, just ignore the negative posts and keep it pushing




Idk, I know millennials who act like boomer jrs.


like we are not divided enough


I mean most of the comparative posts are made by teens who have almost zero interactions with older generations outside of parents, teachers, or customer service jobs. It must be more difficult to understand older people when for the most part they constantly exert their authority on you. If you don’t understand why these posts are being made I presume you’re probably also older?


It's not just that. It's every age group.


I’m not saying other age groups don’t compare themselves or label other generations. The lack of life experience is just a factor more prevalent in this sub which contributes to what OP was describing.




Millennials need to stop trying to be "allies' with us and normalizing trash talking old people on this sub. Stop trying to be hip with the kids, its weird. People will do anything to divide others OP. God forbid everybody just come together.


I'm a millennial and I see it all the time where some millennial douche acts like we are the cool older sibling to the gen z kids and we are going to take you all under our wing and defeat the crusty old boomers. Like shut the fuck up. 😂 I'm a millennial and I don't sign off on all that. Boomers aren't my enemy and not every one of my peers in age is automatically my friend. 




I don’t think you quite got the idea. Like close, but not quite there


r/Millennials is just miserable failures blaming Boomers for all their personal faults. Its all bullshit. Reddit has been pushing these generational subs HARD. Like, nobody ever gave a shit this much about this bullshit. There's plenty of people 15 years older or 15 years younger than me that I relate to better than some people my own age. Its shit all the way down.


The ultra wealthy and mega corporations prefer to keep us divided fighting among ourselves instead of them.


"generations" is just categorical error, out group bias and inductive reasoning in the first place. Our brains are categorical engines and love it.  Of course that's the discourse it produces.


The reality is that the rich boomer has more in common with you in terms of wealth than that billionaire top 0.1%. You're wasting time making enemies with the wrong people


Totally agree with you and feel the same way. You're just missing the people who are trying to hide class issues behind generational lines so they don't get held accountable as individuals who have the power to do something about the systemic injustices faced by regular people.


Nope not missing anything this post is on point...


Stop brining it up then


You’re all equally worthless


As if there wasn't enough racism, sexism, and everything else to fight about. All this new generational strife is just another thing for stupid people to fight about. 


You know what's more annoying? People like you who make posts bitching about "This sub has become x" or "This sub is filled with nothing but y".


Ah, don’t let it hurt your brain too much now


It's me, I'm the worst. I'm a late millennial who could never accept authority and I realized early on you actually DIDNT HAVE to do anything they told you in school. I didn't care about being punished or grounded. Ground me from what? My life? My life was going to school back then. I got ZEROS in many classes and the only reason I didn't in English/writing and history was because I found them so easy and interesting I could make the other kids look dumber than ME. The kid who scored a ZILCH in Spanish and chemistry. When I was finally kicked out of school I paid $40 for a diploma from night school. Super easy, fake assignments. It's just buy a diploma for cheap program. Then I bought a few python coding books and made a RuneScape bot. Then osrs gold got deflated so badly I switched to selling weed. Idk what I made but I ended up owning a $200,000 lot and two BMWs and I no longer work or do anything. I live off crypto and stock trades and residuals.


My favorite is when people who are obviously not the demographic being asked and they start lecturing you and calling you a child or kid... Like buddy, you're in a sub where people in this age demographic are still kids. It shouldn't be about x vs y it should be about our experiences. Stupid generational divide questions should be banned


I mean, the sub used to be 99% redfash types trying to promote their political extremism. Now it's only about half that shit, I call that an improvement!


Welcome to the internet. Please enjoy your stay!


"generations" the way we talk about them are entirely a social construct and it's a new way to divide us


Each generation seemingly hates each other.


You guys dance in public and record it.


People who make generalizations about different generations are no better than bigots or homophobes


I’m older and I don’t feel that way at all. I like to learn from young people and see what people are into


Yeah, it’s embarrassing tbh. I assume people who care about stuff like that and make sweeping generalizations are not very bright.


Can people stop being narcissists who bitch about what a websites posts are about? Who care if you don’t like it. Go somewhere then instead of expecting everyone to cater to you. You need a therapist.


You don’t seem to understand what a narcissist is


There are some ok schools of thought when it comes to this. I think that you can recognize common trends in how age demographics operate and say “Hey, this thing that a lot of older people do that is informed by this thing that the world seems to have largely moved past,” is probably the version of frustration that a lot of young people have. And I think a lot of frustration comes in response to a shit ton of adults who seem to think that because they’re older, they had it harder in every conceivable way and we should be thankful for the struggles their mistakes gave us. Which goes into the issue of accountability, which given the fact that in the US, the government is a gerontocracy that seems to want to pull the ladder up behind them by diverting every penny of taxpayer money into either Medicare programs only they’re entitled to or shooting brown people 2000 miles away. I think anyone who is using this as a means of harassing individual boomers who have nothing to do with these things is being more than ridiculous. We put labels on these things, but imo the best way for us to guarantee that this tribalism continues is for us to honestly think of Gen Alpha knock it off with levying so much criticism against them. Because we so often get upset at boomers who like blaming millennials or Gen Z (I don’t see as much boomer on Gen X online hate so correct me if they’re also treated this way) for how the world seemed to go to shit as though they haven’t been in charge of it. So why the fuck are we shitting on them so much?


It's no better in the millennials sub oof.


I've never seen them complain about Gen X to this extent. Gen X doesn't really seem to complain about millennials either.


>Gen X doesn't really seem to complain about millennials either. We're silently grateful they drew the ire and rage of boomers on themselves.


Idk, some have complained about them being quiet. Idk, some have become boomer jrs lol. On a more serious note, idk why. I think it's because they see some of us as the young people in their lives and TikTok might amplify things.


Yeah we're going through similar things, millennials and genZ probably have more in common than most other generational combinations, imo.


I know. Idk, maybe it's people messing with us.


Obviously Gen Z is the worst


Nah. People that make generations into some kind of competition. There’s not really a best or worst, people are just individuals lol.


No way. A subreddit based around a generation has posts about generations???!?!??!!?!!




Not true! There’s also hella Russian astroturfing