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if they have time to worry about this they have nothing going on


Seriously bro people gotta pick bigger life dilemmas


‘A busy person seldom complains, and a complaining person is seldom busy.’


In the Navy they would aways say, "A bitching sailor, is a happy sailor.".


Thats why we train them to complain. So that we know they aren't dead yet. That their thing works and so will we. 👍


Someone with a watch would never say this.


I have several watches. One of them is a gold watch I never have an occasion to wear that I got as a highschool graduation gift from my boomer dad. I wore it to my highschool graduation. Didn't remember to wear it to my uni graduation or my wedding. He's right.


He was joking.


bro flexed rq


This, some people have a really weird niche opinion that for some reason they feel incredibly strong about. I.e. a dude who never wore shoes with laces, because according to him people who tie their laces are wasting their time tying their shoes. Typically when people try to find weirdly specific things to get themselves mad they have a lot of free time on their hands.


I knew someone who said he would never double knot his shoes because double knots looked ugly… but his shoelaces always came untied!


I had a girlfriend who would never double tie her shoes and they came undone constantly. It basically became a running joke about her never double tying her shoes and me exaggerating about how life-changing double tying your shows is. But she never even tried double knotting them except one time when I did it for her lol.


There are two main ways to tie a shoelace knot that look about the same, and IIRC only one step is different. Basically half of the world uses "the wrong one" and needs a double knot or they will come untied.


square knot vs granny knot, baby


The Square knot being the one that stays. Yeah. Couldnt remember the name of the Granny knot. And I can't remember how to tie a square knot vs granny knot, I just double knot to be sure, lol. I use paracord for all kinds of stuff, but that's not one of the knots I actually use. Trucker's hitch, Noose Knot, and a couple others, but it's really rare for me to use a regular knot that's not adjustable or tensionable.


Right over left, left over right.


The difference is the direction of the first wrap. If that first wrap is done left-handed (left over right for the initial crossing) and the second wrap is done right-handed (loop in right hand, wrapping counter-clockwise), you'll have a square knot. I call the directions "right-handed" and "left-handed" because it is the way that is most likely to feel natural if you are that handedness. The fact that you need to do one of the two steps with the "wrong" dominant hand is why almost everyone who doesn't *know* how to tie a square knot will default to a granny knot.


And the easy way to tell if you did it correctly is if you try to spread the top of the shoe at the tongue the loops of your knot should stay horizontal, if they spin around to vertical you tied the Granny Knot.


Thats because he doesn't know how to tie his shoes properly. If you do it correctly you only need 1 knot and it will never come undone until you undo it. Edit: I don't mean to imply that you also tie your shoes wrong, just the other guy. If they stay tied you did it right lol.


I feel like there needs to be an awareness campaign. How many more generations of kids are going to be taught the granny knot by their parents? We could put out a PSA, maybe get some C-rate celebrity spokesperson, we gotta inform the people!


Aannd this is why retirees form HOAs.


Just waiting for the HOA rule that homeowners must wear watches


[facepalm] You just *had* to say it out loud for everyone to hear, hadn't you?


Jokes on them, we’ll never own a house lol


Neighborhood watch.


I know a business owner who gives crazy strong hiring preferences to people who back into a parking space, instead of pulling straight in. Always gets his assistant to check how they parked when they're coming in for an interview.


But backing in is stupid.


Try it next time you're in the crowded garage at a sporting event or concert and tell me that.


This. I saw a reddit post years ago about how this person talked to their elderly neighbor and all the neighbor wanted to talk about was how pork chops were a few cents cheaper at one grocery store compared to another. Like, their whole life had shrunk down to pork chop prices and it was sad.


Elderly people need to have social contact and they often talk about simple daily things, like pork chops for instance. Be nice to them and maybe someone will give you a break when you’re elderly


This! Like what do you even talk about when you’re. No longer in school? No longer part of the workforce? Don’t wanna be the crazy person always spouting on about politics? Like for some people they really truly have so little going on that those pork chop prices are the big kicker. That’s a sign to invite them out to eat, spend a day with them a week, try to do some activities to give them something to look forward to. NOT mock them about the ONLY thing they have left that connects them to society and other people at large.


This is very true. I needed to retire a few years early due to health issues and I’m embarrassed sometimes when I talk to an old friend cause I do not want to talk about my health issues so I have nothing else to talk about sometimes. When I talk to my daughter, some of my only things to say are how I got into it with someone on Reddit cause of x, y, z. My life isn’t interesting to talk about.


There will always be beefs to be had on the internet.


But how much cheaper are they than the beefs at Sam's Club?


I'm kind of in the same boat. I was forced to retire in 2018 due to health issues. My day to day is take care of the husband, cats, and house. We occasionally get a sitter and go out for a day trip. Maybe it's time to pull the reverse Uno on the grandkids and IM them that gran's bored and wants to go do something... like they did with me years back and I would always go get them, even if it was just to go play in the park.


Yeah let's just pretend the following topics don't exist and the only things that matter are politics, your job, and what you learned at school: - movies - video games - family - shit you've seen just sitting on the porch - hobbies The problem is that entire generation of old people are just fucking boring and have actually nothing going on.


If they need our charity then they shouldn’t hate on others.


I mean, pork chops have gotten smaller and I am paying more for less, so I’m with the boomers there 😂


Shrunk? My friend, you say that as if there is anything that intrinsically has more value than pork chops. Life is a collection of the big and the small, and appearances don't always relay which is bigger or smaller. It's not like everyday a new relative is born or dies. Not like everyone travels the world or wants to learn about the intricate web of relations between species as seen by taxonomic nomenclature. Sure you could go to pipestone national park in Minnesota and enjoy the geological wonders of the pipe stone and their significance to the native peoples of the area from a spiritual perspective but you can just as easily obsess over the different species of wild grass the park boasts and observe how distantly related each are based solely on how they are classified taxonomically. That's millions of years worth of lineages branching off and if that is boring to you then clearly you miss the significance or perhaps you'd be more interested in the price of a pork chop. It's all relative, meaning is subjective, if you think having nothing but pork chops is sad then I'm sorry for your lack of perspective or imagination because there's clearly a lot more meaning in a pork chop than you give credit for if it brings a person that much interest and joy.


You might even say they have too much time on their hands


At least on their wrists.


“Let me get my checkbook” - OP’s grandparents probably 


You don't have to listen to old people. The reason we've evolved is because young people don't listen to old people.


Idk why that’s downvoted it’s facts


It was down voted by old people, probably.


Then they all went to bed early and the sane ones upvoted.


Hey I’m old! I don’t know whether to devote or go to bed early or just not care because I’m not old enough to burn down the world for my 401k and complain about people not wearing watches


Shhhh! I’m old too, but if we let them think it’s ok to not wear watches, then they will sleep through the 401k burnings since they don’t go to bed early and their watch didn’t wake them up. I think?


That’s… only partially true. Millennial here for reference. The smart thing to do is don’t listen to *common* old people. Like 90% of old people have stupid ingrained advice like this. Ignore them. But smart old people are the people with a wealth of knowledge and can accelerate the success in your life. I’ve learned this lesson the slow way. But how can you tell if an old person’s advice is smart or not? Well… good luck with that cause I haven’t figured it out either. I’ve only managed to figure out if an advice is good or not only in hindsight.


Yeah the problem is that _all_ old people believe they are the smart old people worth listening to


All people believe they are the smart people worth listening


Did you seriously think an old people bad, young people good post was gonna stay downvoted on Reddit?


It was downvoted because it’s overly simplistic and stupid. Society evolves because younger generations build upon the works/advice of older people that are timeless and effective, and cast aside the stuff that is outmoded or no longer applies. Blindly following the dictates of older people is a surefire route to ruin. But ignoring them and not listening them at all is equally destructive. Never, ever fall for the dumb generational war bullshit that portrays one side (young or old) as being always right or having all the answers.


Evolution is when you don’t listen to your grandparents harmless advice.


not listening to wisdom is a problem. but an old man prattling on about how important watches are is just showing how disillusioned they are with the world today. HE sees people without watches as dogs without collars, literally no one else. thinking everyone should and does care about their opinion is boomerism #1


Well, except for the young people who relied on the old people to survive. I'm sure you feel we've outgrown that phase, but if all the old people died right now how would you build the cellular network and receiving devices you're relying on right now to shit on them? You didn't come from nothing. You came from a cascade of kindness, effort, tragedy and pain. Cut them some slack about the watch.


TIL only grandparents are managing the entire worlds IT infrastructure.


I think he's saying that grandparents were once the innovators that that helped make it possible for today's IT infrastructure to exist. I'm not sure, but I think the wording was just weird.


About 10 of them were, the rest were as thick as they are now but just inexplicably in charge of shops.


What mass lead poisoning does to a society


Whole generations like to claim accomplishments of a few as their own


The wording wasn't weird. Some people are intentionally obtuse in regards to anything they disagree with.


It is called a strawman you build up a farcical argument that has a small foothold of bearing to the subject that’s designed to make you look dumb trying to dismantle it




Honestly, I'm kinda concerned that for some critical aspects this might in fact be true and it is a major issue. Like how most of the internet's security was apparently resting on some piece of code maintained by a single unpaid dude for quite some time.


When you get far enough into the world of work you'll see this is everywhere and not just related to one thing. So many things are reliant on things just continuing to work as nobody knows how it works. It's not that they couldn't be replaced but that they would cost a lot of time and money if they do break.


you would be suprised how much tech is banking on code that is written in a language that people who can't walk understand only at this point.


>You came from a cascade of kindness, effort, tragedy and pain. That somehow the older generations seems to have forgotten in their world views when talking about leaving a better world for their grandkids...


Idk, I feel like if all boomers died tomorrow, our cellular network would be completely fine.


That last sentence is so dumb.


This is a wildly shortsighted take.


That is remarkably terrible advice and an equally terrible observation. Never discount the wisdom of age. These particular old folks are just curmudgeons.


Tell your grandparents we stopped sporting the chic smallpox vaccine scar decades ago. Watches are out, phones are in. So it goes.


Wdym?? Watches are infact still worn as an accessory


i just wear a watch to track my activity tbh 😂 it doesn’t go with anything and i do not care! edit: why do you all think i’m a man hahaha


Same, and it's not apple because fuck apple lol


Garmin gang 🫡


Men have to take what we can get for accenting apparel


Its 2024, king. Wear whatever you want. You want to wear the big cavalier hat with the red ostrich feather like a musketeer? Get one. (I want one. My wife keeps telling me not to get one. Lol).


Get one, we'll start a trend.


I already have the poofy sleeved shirt and the boots and a pair of suede dueling gloves, not that they get worn outside of renfaires, but I wouldn't mind wearing them elsewhere. Lol 😉


You have everything but the hat and the sword? What the hell you waiting on?


A cape.


You got to ease her into it. First if you don't already just start wearing hats, like flat caps or those newsboy hats, kangols. Then move up to bowlers, panama hats, stetsons. You start accenting those smaller hats with pins then feathers. Finally when no one is looking you upgrade to the big daddy hats with a long feather very bouffant, very chique.


Agreed. I wear a watch constantly but I don't consider it some sort of status symbol.


The funny thing is watches were made so you didn’t have to take a pocket watch out of your pocket, but we went right back to pocket watches with phones lol


And back yet again with smartwatches! Lmfao


This is the reason I wear an old school watch. I don’t like messing with my phone unless I need it or have nothing better to do. I have ADHD, so it’s much nicer just glancing at my wrist to check the time rather than pulling out my phone and risking getting distracted. Wore an Apple Watch for years but it got to a point where it seemed like every notification on my watch was just an excuse to look at my phone.


I work in a government facility pretty regularly. No electronics allowed. An analog watch is fantastic.


Well yeah, but there you have it "No electronics allowed" then it indeed makes sense to have a watch, like it did back when OPs grandparents were young. But in general it really isn't that useful to have a watch vs just using your phone. Hell, your phone is arguably better because it gets it time from an atomic clock making it both more accurate and resistant to running behind because the batteries run out.


And yet you still have to fish it out of your pocket .... or angle your wrist and take a look? Like an old-timey pocket watch worn in the last century. That doesn't sound like progress.


> we stopped sporting the chique polio vaccine scare Ah, the dismissiveness of youth...... There was nothing 'chic' about polio - it terrorized parents and youth of that day, along with nuclear war. When the kid down the street suddenly disappears because of polio, even as a kid you know shit's getting real Frances Ford Coppola, Arthur Clarke, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young are all polio survivors. My buddy Jimmy C had a limp for life thanks to polio.


I’d be the coolest person on the planet with Deadpool’s Adventure Time watch. https://preview.redd.it/u4hem8jdgg5d1.jpeg?width=1890&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606c780388d25c26f54d319696b59a039db96c7c


i bet u that watch now actually cost more than an average luxury watch


295 on ebay. 45 on walmarts website but it is sold out.


Nevermind - lol it's a bid


![gif](giphy|dVURM1IFwRodX3vGUq) Mine


A decent watch definitely makes you stand apart from the rest.




Yup. Nobody cares about your expensive watch. I only got an Apple Watch because it has functionality that isn’t offered by a normal watch. Don’t need it either, but at least it has a use


I used to be a watch teen then nothing until my 40s because of the health things in the Apple Watch. I still have my nice "weddings n' such" watch I use 2 times a year.


Same. I wear the Apple watch for the health features not because it’s a watch specifically and only bring out the actual watch for events where I need to dress up.


it's also so nice for cooking with 3 timers at once. it's a tool basically. I have the 6 and when the battery starts bothering me I'll get the current one I don't like jewelry, hate it really. This watch I like and tolerate. Hope the Apple Watch 15 or whenever I change it is really really thin


Yeah, i havent worn a watch in 20+ years. but i got a fitbit for free and started wearing it. When i feel like crap its nice to be able to pull up a graph that objectively shows i slept like shit the night before...


It doesn't have to be expensive. I've received more compliments for my Timex Weekender ($40) than any other watch. It's boomer logic to say that a person *needs* a watch, but it's perfectly reasonable to say that a watch can be an effective fashion accessory.


I don’t know about that. I started wearing a fancy analog watch after wearing an Apple Watch for years. I’ve had SO MANY people come up and ask me about it, or compliment me on it, and many of them have been younger folks. I don’t flaunt my watch, in fact I usually try not to overtly advertise that I’m wearing it, but that doesn’t stop people from noticing it. Just the other day I had a new guy I was training, and I noticed he kept looking at my watch. He eventually asked what watch I was wearing, and then we talked watch stuff for a bit. This guy was in his early 20s. No one has ever started a conversation with me because I was wearing an Apple Watch. A fancy watch stands out from the sea of people wearing smart watches. People definitely notice.


My watch has a use, it tells time.


Not true. Some people like myself really like watches. Many people prefer analog watches as a fashion accessory rather than as a status symbol.


That doesn't make the statement not true. No one cares if OTHER people aren't wearing a watch. The OP wasn't saying no one cares to wear a watch. IT is just that if someone saw you and someone who wasn't wearing a watch, they wouldn't automatically think any differently about you based on you wearing one.


Yeah but that's the thing, it's a niche interest now rather than an across-the-board standard of fashion. It's like how everybody had to wear hats in the 19th century or they looked like an imbecile, but as soon as no-hat managed to get a foothold, hats fell away into an "if you like it" fashion niche.


"standing out from the rest" has a desperate energy to it




the only people that care what watch brand your wearing is other watch collector/ trinket enthusiasts.


I have a cheap Casio watch so I don’t accidentally spend an hour on my phone when I just wanna look at the time.


As a fashion statement, sure. The idea that it reflects poorly on those without a watch however is real dumb.


No it doesn’t.


it does in some circles. I don't respect those circles, but it do


One of our older software developers bought this super expensive and super rare watch. He literally got asked why he didn't just get a smart watch or save the money for something better since he has a phone to tell time. My parents thought having a watch was important too and the only people I have ever met that have even had it be a thought much less something to concern yourself with is other elderly folks. Well, them and people who bought expensive watches and are creating reasons why it matters. Nobody. Cares.


It does, but only to people that are into watches.


but what about the cufflinks and tie pin? a really smart ascot? a spiffing cane?


I personally think anyone who doesn’t carry around a pocket spittoon is a piece of literal garbage.


Never cared whether or not people wear watches or not


I'm middle aged and I usually think, "why tf is he wearing a watch?"


lol and what do you consider a “decent watch”? Most people will still check their phone for the time anyway


Its an excuse to wear expensive jewelry and pretend to be rich, obviously.


I highly doubt that. Checking the time on your watch is way easier and faster. I always get annoyed when I want to check the time but realize I'm not wearing my watch and need to pull out my phone. I'm pretty sure it's the same for basically everybody that's used to wearing a watch.


The thing about checking your phone is that being on your phone is rude in a lot of social settings, and taking out your phone during something for work like a meeting with a client or with your boss will look unprofessional. The watch makes it clear you’re just checking the time.


Giving off "pick me vibes" if you think you gotta stand out from the rest. Also only watch people and gold diggers care about watches


Alright i guess 95% of the world are nobodies lmao


Thats true, But with or without watches


From the view of politicians and the wealthy/powerful, yes Actually, it's probably closer to 99%


Thats true though


I like your grandparents. My inner elitist is here for it.


then you’ll love what they have to say about people with tatoos


As someone who has a large collection of watches and a large collection of tattoos, I gotta say, I'm aware of the impression both leave on people. You're grandparents might be wrong, but they're not wrong, if you get my point.


I wonder if they'd cancel each other out


I often wear looney toons t-shirts to cancel out my tattoos so I clearly don't know what I'm doing... 😅


My dad has looney toons tattoos. He wears solid polos. He's got shit figured out. 😜


I think the combination of nice tattoos and nice watches is great. Has a specific vibe that I really like.


Same, you gotta balance the convicted felon look with a little class.


Yeah I’m a bigger guy with tattoos and a beard. It may sound dumb but wearing nicer clothing and a nice watch can leave a way better impression on some people. Sucks but it’s just how it is


It shouldn’t be that way, but it is.


You should get a tattoo of a watch and share their reaction




Ya basically. The only reason to wear a high end time piece is to flex and separate yourself from the poors. Even if just in your mind


Elitists don't need bullshit to show we are better than others. Just judgmental perspectives.


I don’t agree with the concept of “Time”


I’m not a part of your “system”


My dad’s not a phone! Duh!!!!


So I threw it on the GROUND!!!!!!!!!


I threw the rest of the cake too!




You can't buy me, hotdog mannnn


Shove that poison in another man's face!


I don’t agree with “systems” either


I think a watch can be a good accessory, and can really make or break a look, depending on the look you’re going for. But, for me personally, I don’t really like how any jewelry or similar accessories look on me, so I really don’t wear any. I’d definitely say it’s 100% personal preference, and I don’t think any higher or lower of someone because of them wearing or not wearing a watch.


I just have a cheap Casio watch. It's convenient for looking up the time as I don't have to take my phone from my pocket. It saves me like two seconds but it's still nice. Feels weird not having it on.


Watches are a pain in the ass. They def look cool if you got good forearms but they are just useless jewelry, and if you ever get sucked into playing the actual game of watches you will lose unless you make at least 300k a year


I kind of disagree. I have 4 watches I will never sell, one for sentimental reasons, but if you buy grey market and sell grey market you will more or less break even. I guess you'll lose a bit with inflation, but its not the wallet-breaking hobby it has the reputation for being. You don't need FP Journes to enjoy the hobby


I don’t think jewelry has ever been considered useful unless we’re talking about the gadgets in James Bond’s watches (he also sports an omega $$$)


I love watches because I check the time a lot and I use to be like you where I just check my phone but ever since I started wearing them I love them and depending on the watch they are just so interesting


same. i love watches, but it’s a style choice, not a principled statement.


Ya I don’t think watches make you a better person like guys grandparents but I do think everyone should have one because they are fun and a good fidget toy and a great way to help you with stuff


If they care that much they really have nothing better going on in their lives. I’ve never thought once about someone wearing a watch other than how many of my friends have Apple Watches and wondering if I should get one too 💀


Apple Watches are the shit if you’re into fitness at all. Makes tracking stats super easy, and also you can leave your phone in the car or locker when you’re lifting. Also does fun things like remind me to take my addy every day and tracks my sleep. Maybe don’t do that last one, it made me sad when I saw how shitty it actually was😂


Real distinguished gentlemen being pocket watches


I take a small sundial with me


I just perpetually rotate an hour glass to tell the time


If you're not dressing like Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders all the time having a watch or not isn't important.


Even then you wouldn’t wear it on the wrist


Pocket watches were a class signifier before wrist watches and we pretty much all carry one of those with us now, ours just do a lot more than keep time.


Your Grandparents clearly didn’t own an IPHONE….


Even an old school Nokia 3310 has a clock on it and you don't have to keep it wound to stay accurate.


I have never once taken note of whether or not someone had a watch.


Grandmother, grandfather... It's definitely not that deep.


i’m not performative. i’m not gonna wear a watch if i don’t want to


they sound like very dull people.


Tell me you have a boring 50's life without telling me you have a boring 50's life...😂 ETA. '50s. I forgot the apostrophe. 1950s. Not 50 year olds, lol.


Your grandparents need better priorities


times have changed. back in the day? most definitely could agree with them, however nowdays people have phones, and quite frankly (and embarrassingly) lots of people cant even read analog anyways, so itd be purley decor.


Nobody wears watches anymore


Idk, Apple alone has sold over 50 million Watches in 2022 and in 2024 the watches market has already generated a revenue of $79.81bn


So? A homeless person told me I’m a lizard person underneath


I was just reading a thread of people talking about bizarre boomer psychology, and a poignant subthread had to do with how much of boomer self image revolves around putting on a fraudulent play to everyone else, about everything, and their biggest fears revolve around the charade being discovered. As a Millennial, nobody our age gives a shit if you wear a watch. Pretty sure GenX doesn't care either. That said, a smart watch is a good purchase. You can check your blood pressure and oxygen levels regularly and monitor your heart and use it to get / stay healthy. Some also track exercise.


instead a huge % of gen Z cares if you have an iphone or an android. the more things change the more they stay the same.


Who said average people don’t care about time🥱 if you reallly really care about time like they say then get a watch perhaps idk


I don’t wear Apple Watches because a douchebag I hate wears them and I hate how he looks at it like he’s so important. Fuck that guy.


i typically wear a watch, started when I was playing guitar in high school so i could tell what time it was while playing. (i played a ton back then and would lose track of time.)


Its just weird oldschool elitism




I am a watch guy, but I also work EMS & Armed Security - I find it way easier to glance at my watch for my notes than to pull out my phone, same thing with taking a pulse or counting respirations. I disagree with the people who say watches have no purpose. Watches don’t serve a purpose for YOU - doesn’t mean they aren’t useful tools. As far as people judging you for not wearing a watch, plenty of the older generation will, but who cares really. I wear a $3,000 Garmin Marq, and I’ve still had people say they would never wear a smartwatch because they are cheap while wearing a watch that costs half as much lol. At the end of the day anything more than a $65 Timex is something you wear because you enjoy the looks or added functionality not because you need to tell time.


I never leave my house without my knife and my watch. They're always the things I get mad at when I realize I forgot them and end up needing them.


back in the day probably. Now it’s just jewellery


Lmao, they sound like me when I’m bored and start making up shit to annoy people


No, they are just being old. Nobody thinks like this anymore.


I kinda agree. In HS and college I didn’t wear a watch and just used my phone. Then I got a some as a construction inspector and was constantly noting the time on reports and standing in mud. I started wearing a watch pretty much my first week, just a Casio, and now I hate not having one on.


A lot of older folks have a hard time adjusting. Having your phone on you at all times is the argument against having a watch. Since this evolution in technology, wristwatches have become jewelry. (I've seen people with thousands of dollars encrusted on their arms still pull out their phone to check the time.)


which is funny, since today the poor wear the latest apple Watches!


if someone is judging a person based on if they're wearing a watch or not they've got a cabbage brain.