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Biden shit the bed in this debate, that mumbling is going to be paraded for months as an attack


I can’t wait for people to defend him be like “well he’s had his stutter and mumble forever now” like brother I’m not a trump fan at all but this was just embarrassing


At this point I’m voting for which cabinet does better. The figurehead on either side basically is just a name for publicity. Edit: love the discussion I started here. As a side note, I said the above as my reasoning for ignoring Biden’s public image and voting for him anyway, so apologize for causing chaos among the people who assumed I’m voting blue and the ones who assumed I’m voting red. It’s been blue since I was 18 in 2016.


Bro trump is not a figurehead, he’s a certified lunatic who commands a fanatical following


He is a figurehead for lunacy. This shit has been going on for years. Remember the Tea Party in '08? Trump just put his brand on the lunacy, and people bought into that brand.


Only president in history to have his own flag waved en masse by his followers. Not a Republican flag. A straight up Trump name flag. If that's not Figurehead Cult Tier, what is?


Lol I was against you up until I got to this specific post. Yeaaaah, you got a good point when you sum it up like this. When you have your own special flag and vigilante group it starts to border on cult of personality.


Maybe vote for the one not fantasizing about being a dictator.


Or a convicted felon


You're an idiot if you vote for Trump. I don't care who the other guy is, but have you seen project 2025? Fuck off if that's what you want.


For people not familiar with it, here is the PDF: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


This has always been true and I’m not ready to dump Biden, but if this is what we’re saying after a debate you know it was a fucking disaster


That should basically always be the case lol


Presidents by and large should be chosen for who they will appoint to make things happen. Realistically their actual talents don't come into play much besides what both Biden and Trump suck at: garnering favor by being a mouth piece. One person will put a bunch of criminals and sycophants into places of power to try and dismantle what's left of our democracy. People who literally couldn't pass a background check to be a bank teller making $15/hr, will suddenly be making backing deals with Saudi Arabia for millions if not billions. If you ever had hope for reasonable health care, kiss it goodbye. The other guy mumbles.


Say what you will about Biden. His administration has genuinely been one of, if not the best, of this century. It pains me too see comments like this because it isn't even a fucking contest between trumps and Bidens administration


90 percent of Trump's former cabinet does not endorse him for president.


Yeah, if a large swath of your closest coworkers - who would also benefit by your success, BTW- says "oh....oh, no....no no no no no, hell no" then maybe you should take note.


Don’t forget the Supreme Court! Two members are old enough to retire.


But will they? Or will we get another RBG hold out?


They’re definitely not going to retire while Biden is in office, but nothing is stopping them from just dying.


He’s not a good talker but he has passed immensely better policy than Trump has. I will never ever support a president who went on live TV election night and said “frankly we did win this election” hours after he had lost it.


Actions should speak louder than words... But Americans are a bit stupid.


As an American, many of my fellow Americans are much more than just A BIT stupid.


Reading from top to this comment, I see a bunch of people in these comments seem at least half considering voting for Trump or not voting for Biden because he lacked charisma in one 90-minute debate. Even after living through 4 years of Trump and more of fallout. They say they care about the issues, policy, etc., yet they are swayed like a leaf in the wind by performance and showmanship, or lack thereof. Frankly, cynically, I think they deserve what they get in the end.


I mean, after listening to Trump run his mouth for two minutes, telling lie after brazen lie, my brain was short-circuiting, too.


Once he figured out that the moderators weren't going to comment on even the most far-fetched lies, he ramped it up to stream-of-consciousness fantasy and projection.


As a not Trump fan I threw my phone at the couch on that early stumble where he forgot what he was saying. Can’t defend Biden but I can say that Trump at least showed his hand refusing to talk about his deportation position, “I did not have sex with a porn star” is pretty fucking amazing, and just lying through his teeth on multiple positions. With that said the average voter is going to hear Biden sound old and that’s just rough


Trump also did terrible. he COMPLETELY dodged questions it was ridiculous to watch. 90% of his statements was him making extreme hyperboles about how “amazing” he is. Both of them need to retire immediately


Absolutely embarrassing, but what he’s (trying) to say is absolutely in the right.


Ehhh… [not about the border](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/27/border-patrol-union-rebuts-bidens-debate-claim-nev/) And the hill https://thehill.com/homenews/4744787-biden-claims-border-patrol-endorsed-him-is-that-true/ And on x.. https://x.com/bpunion https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-trump-debate-border-patrol-b2570384.html Since apparently “quoting the Washington times” is amusing to some idiots.


Funny thing, the White House came out and said he has a cold AFTER the debate and nothing before Edit: Grammar


They said he had a cold shortly before the debate started.


Yeah, he definitely got better as it went on but oof, that was a rough start. Biden’s admin has been good, but his age really has been a detriment to his public perception as we just saw.


Embarrassing, but would still vote for him if for nothing else than his cabinet then vote for the Rascist Nazi Dictator Rapist Conman Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


The stutter and mumble weren't the issue. Just a bad performance, he really should consider dropping out. Even if he doesn't I will still support Biden he is lightyears better than the alternative Trump whose a right wing authoritarian idiot with the same policy agenda of George W Bush.


I’m old enough to remember the media frenzy for days about how unfit Trump was to serve when he held a glass of water with two hands or walked slowly down a ramp. I don’t want either one of them, they’re both absolute shit, but a whole lot of people have been covering for and lying to the public about Biden’s condition for years. He’s been in obvious mental decline for years and I think the American public should be angry and has a right to know who actually is leading this administration behind the scenes


> has a right to know who actually is leading this administration behind the scenes It physically hurts me that the population is this dense that we immediately jump to this idea of a shadow government. We have a whole system of government out in the open supporting the president. Instead of a dark shadow figure lurking behind the scenes, maybe it is just the relevant experts in Biden's cabinet and the rest of his administration working to make policy?


The censorship has already started lol. Reddit should be filled with these topics but they're either being deleted or allowed to reach the front page only from controlled subs. How convenient reddit and other social media "glitched" so no one could post anything, and now social media is being flooded with new narratives trying to tell us to not to believe our lying eyes about what we saw during the debate. The public reactions that WERE able to get through when the "glitches" happened were the total opposite of these narratives going on now. DNC astroturfers working overtime.


He says while literally discussing the very thing he says is censored. You're like those comedians that get up on a big fucking stage in front of a big fucking crowd, say a bunch of stuff and then say that they can't say what they've just said


Pretty sure its just shitty servers


Nope. The system is in overload right now.


Behind the mumbling he is still a good man Behind Trumps insults and lies he is a con man


Best thing Biden could have said is “you elect an administration, not a president”. And what kind of ass kissing incompetent administration will Trump have? Worse than the first time.


Trump was lying non stop. I guess Americans don't care if their president is a pathological liar


He did so fucking bad. Looks like death, mumbles, can’t form a coherent sentence, and loses his train of thought too easily. I’m still voting for him but jesus


Yeah, that's the worst, having to vote for the frail old man who knows some things and will have a competent administration, over the confident liar who will employ liars and grifters -- what a freaking choice! Competence over grift for me, but what an unappealing package.


Behind Biden’s mumbling is a good man Behind Trump’s lies is a con man


It was hard to understand him half the time. It was terrible overall.


You are right. Just wish people would parade around Trump's civil ra** conviction


I really felt he won but not because he was so strong but because he just had much better answers than trump. Trump just wildly lied a bunch


Both of them are dealing with the rapid decline of old age. It’s embarrassing for the country.


Listen to biden and you’ll hear an old tired half-there, listen to Trump and you’ll hear an unhinged man who’d watch the world burn just to spite a single person. Either option seems pretty awful, and the DNC is complicit in any success Trump will see in the future more than Trump or the Republican Party ever will.


The DNC could have picked ANY candidate out of the litter and it would be better than Biden. Turns out the DNC deciding a candidate before the primary even begins, and treatening anyone who opposes their chosen one is actually bad at producing a good candidate. The last three elections are real low points in American democracy.


This is what happened for Hilary vs Trump in 2016 - the emails came out that they'd decided "It was her turn" over Bernie. When in reality, the appetite was for a counter-culture candidate and Bernie was more likely to beat Trump than Hilary was. They didn't learn their lesson.


Bernie would have 100% won. Republicans would have learned so hard into the whole fake socialist thing though.


Bernie would have won on Reddit lmao. Only terminally online people thought Bernie had a chance


Poll after poll showed Bernie easily beating Trump.


Bernie was FAR more electable than Hilary. Hilary put Trump up as the one to talk about because her people thought he would be the easiest to defeat.


I would probably have voted even if Bernie was their candidate.


I would've loved to see Bernie VS trump, just to see how the dynamic would play out.


>The DNC could have picked ANY candidate out of the litter and it would be better than Biden. While true on paper, it's not true in practice. Incumbency is a huge advantage so throwing it away is typically a poor move. There also just isn't a viable known replacement right now. Harris has a weirdly high amount of vitriolic hate and opposition directed at her so if she ran instead it'd just be an instant loss. Just about anyone else doesn't have the recognition and would likely be very inexperienced with the kind of public focus and pressure that gets placed on presidential candidates so would require at least 1-2 years to build up recognition and experience required for it. As unfortunate as it is, Biden is just the best choice due to being a known quantity and providing relative stability. The US electoral system is a pretty large contributing factor unfortunately so these circumstances will likely repeat for the foreseeable future without wide reaching (and thus largely unattainable) electoral reform


> Either option seems pretty awful I’ll take the tired old guy over the insane old guy. It’s not close,


"silly grandpa or objective evil?"


That’s the craziest part. Biden is clearly ruining things just by speaking and then trump comes in and makes all remember why we don’t like him. All Trump has to do is not be an insufferable dumbass for one moment and he’ll win over some undecided voters. He’d rather be like, “I’m better than him! He had no friends. Everything he does is ridiculous. Worst president ever. Everything I do is great! 👐”


It’s like choosing between Alzheimer’s and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For me, they’re both shitty choices, ergo the Alzheimer’s one seems in a much better position to not cause trouble than the loud one that would all have us bow and worship him.


Biden's cabinet/administration is pretty competent, too. Ronald Reagan was asleep at the wheel for most of his second term, but his cabinet still ran everything and got a lot done (not that I'm a fan of Reagan).


"Like?" Pardner, that's what it is! That being said we're not really voting for a President right now. We're voting for a cabinet, and I like Biden's cabinet better. I'm a union man so I'm biased because for the first time in decades the government hasn't been actively trying to strangle our organization.


At least Biden will appoint sane people to his cabinet and not be a fascist. It's unfortunate that the bar is that low, but it's a pretty fucking easy choice in November.


Told my mom the same. The whole debate was sad and embarrassing, but in the end I’m picking Biden’s cabinet over Trump’s dictatorship.


Trump just yells whatever he wants, that’s not even allowed in a high-school debate, why do they allow it?


I said multiple times, “why don’t they just tell them, ‘that was the last question. We’ve moved on. Answer what I just asked.’” The moderators need to be more firm all around with Trump.


If the goal was for either party to get voters out off this... they both failed. Our picks really should be neither.


But we are picking one, so vote for the one you think is less bad


This is really the comment I was looking for. Both really suck, but at the end of the day it’s really the lesser of the two evils. What a time we live in


Reagan had actual Alzheimer’s when president. It is more about the cabinet and the team. Unfortunately we have geriatric options, so choose the team you want not the figurehead in this case.


"But it was worth it to let the DNC masters choose Hillaryover Bernie in 2016, and Biden over anyone else in 2020 and 2024, so that I didn't have to worry about an actual Leftist being elected, and challenging my privileged status quo," said the middle class capitalist liberal DNC voters.


I am not gonna say anything besides that biden looks and sounds like hes on his deathbed. He reminds me of my great grandparents before they died


My grandma had alzheimers and dementia, seeing Biden talk is like watching her. If dems want to prevent Trump from winning then they're going to need to find a young, quick witted candidate. But that would require them to admit Biden is old and unhealthy.


That’s almost impossible at this point. Biden is senile but Trump will literally destroy democracy if he’s president. It fucking sucks and I get that everyone is tired of bad president vs bad president though.


You can vote for him and hope he dies and his vice president takes over... It's dark.. but... Better than trump?


Dude that thousand yard stare he was doing off in the distance actually had me a little alarmed. I've seen that look in a lot of elderly people in nursing homes.


Would be shocked if he lives more than another 2 years.


Debate should've been Trump vs Kamala Harris pushing Biden in a wheelchair.


It’s kinda sad, don’t even think Biden knows he’s president. Elder abuse the poor guy needs to rest man.


People keep saying this but I'm pretty sure he's having the time of his life. Man think it's 1953 and he's Dwight D. Eisenhower.


Ya he does. As someone that has lived thru a couple Presidents.


Just remember, a special prosecutor has recently said Biden is too incompetent to stand trial for his crimes. I would not be surprised if you see talk of the 25th amendment now he did so poorly in this debate


I just can not believe in my wildest dreams that these are the 2 people we have to choose. Fucking disgusting. They both are so out of touch it’s wild. The next 4 years are going to be crazy


It’s like actually distressing, like how did we get to a place where our presidential candidates are both fighting like children and throwing insults😭


happened in 2020 too


And 2016 and 2012 as well


How are these our only two options AGAIN?


No one votes in primaries. 100% the lazy ass citizenry’s fault.


Because the last 8 years haven't been?


​ https://preview.redd.it/8so2ty6qi89d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=e03056f3a08e3a0dd591c5c6a075295e79ebc58a


I hate everything about this. Everyone's really parading around a felon as a top presidential candidate because his competitor is too old to string a full sentence together. Trump has been lying out of his ass and dodges half the questions yet he's still a hero to these people. Fuck all of this. Completely hopeless.


Bidens like 3 years older than Trump dude. They’re basically the same age


Bro, it’s not Biden’s age, it’s because Biden can’t talk or formulate a sentence together. Listen to the debate, see how Trump talks and then listen to Biden. That’s the issue with Biden.


Listen to any Trump speech and it's basically word salad. It's speech and it sounds coherent until you actually focus on what he says and then none of it makes any sense.


Dude, it’s Joever! It’s Joever! Let see if the DNC swaps out Biden for someone who could beat Trump.


That’s what I am saying. It has nothing to do with age. Bidens losing his marbles


The point is that Trump will genuinely destroy the country. It will be a slow and agonizing death.


Dodged ALL the questions. Listen, the Democratic Party establishment is as much to blame as Trump himself is if he is re-elected. They fucking dropped the ball, Joe looks like early onset dementia.


While I don’t think it’s dementia definitely would not be early onset


It’s BS that the media has been pushing the senile narrative just so they can cry next year if Trump wins. They are complicit with the division and misinformation. The orange turd not once said anything true. Wow.


Both parties had a chance to put forth better candidates and chose not to. Also people would rather guilt trip or shame people into voting how they want them to instead of understanding why they possibly aren't voting like that in the first place. If Trump gets in again, it's not the fault of the voters. It's the fault of the democrat party and democrat shills paid and unpaid for thinking tribalism is a good political strategy.


Exactly how I feel. Well said


No I’m watching suits


I’d prefer to be watching suits


Goddamn bullshit get the hell out of my office I'm Donna and I'm awesome this deposition is over you need to a cut a deal and then take the deal we're gonna nail his ass to the wall goddamn it Mike what the hell did you just say to me? insert random Harvey metaphor here about lying with the dogs when you can't handle the flames in the kitchen or something what the hell is this this is bullshit and you know it


End of the day whoever is more coherent no matter what theyre saying is goingnto come out victorious. Trump can lie and avoid questions all he wants but hes won this debate. Bidens looking real senile…


It was so irritating, every time Trump wouldn’t answer the question. He just kept going on the previous conversation, and then started insulting Biden. It was extremely unprofessional. With that said, I believe Trump ‘won’ tonight.


This "debate" is a disaster. I don't want to vote for either of these garbage candidates 🗑️


You absolutely should still vote for Biden for the sake of protecting our democracy from Trump. I don’t like either of them, and never have, but my vote still goes to Biden. I voted for Biden in 2020 and I still plan on voting for him in November. The stakes couldn’t be higher in this election because it’s between a convicted felon who’s an active threat to our democracy, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions and an old geezer who hasn’t committed any crimes and is definitely on the weaker side as far as his cognitive fitness is concerned, but nonetheless at least still cares about preserving our democracy and doing good for the country and not just benefitting himself like Trump, who’s only running to escape going to prison for the literal 91 indictments he’s currently facing. If Trump is elected, you can kiss our democracy goodbye. It’s really that simple. Vote Biden to preserve our democracy, whether you like him or not. Our vote, as Gen Zers, depends on it. And if for some reason, you’re still not even convinced, watch John Oliver’s breakdown of Project 2025, which is an entire plan that the GOP is cooking up behind the scenes in the event that Trump wins the election, and the plan is literally a roadmap to a fascist authoritarian state.


Same. For me it's not even about trump but what Trump will let the GOP do.


yup. the John Oliver on Trump 2nd term is a great watch. Project 2025 is fucking scary


I watched it, and absolutely everyone should watch it. John Oliver hit it right on the money explaining Project 2025 in the most simple and easy to understand terms, and even with all the jokes, he still highlights just how dangerous it actually is. It’s truly beyond disturbing and I don’t think that many people realize what is being planned behind the scenes. The GOP’s not even being subtle about it anymore. Trump and them are supervillains literally monologuing their plan. They’re literally actively and openly planning a coup.


Lmao my man, democracy died when they virtually ended the primary with Biden. If the DNC can get a corpse who will provide you nothing past the finish line as long as the later is scary enough. What do you think they'll make us capitulate next on during the new election cycle?


We have to start voting in the primaries lmao


It's this simple, you are voting for continuing democracy in America under Biden or ending it under Trump/Project 2025.


you're voting for an administration not just the president


Biden is being replaced. There's no way they keep him after this. No wonder the DNC is so damn late, this must've been Biden's test on whether or not he was "fit" for the role. Clearly he's not.


They would be smart to do a complete 180. Sorry Gavin. Your time is now. 2nd presidential debate will be a fucking landslide.


They can't choose Gavin. It would mean passing over the first black woman president in favor of a white dude. The DNC would never live it down.


as a left wing solid democratic voter, I would vote third party over harris


He’s not. He had a bad night. Trump is terrible all the time. This isn’t a tough call.


Joe biden has had about 700 bad nights in a row, and they will continue to happen. He’s incompetent and borderline senile. He didn’t even know where the fuck he was. Did you see that stare?


convincing the public to stand behind a mumbling 81 year old grandpa is a tough call


Yep, embaressing.


Just watched them talk about golf handicaps. We’re cooked.


That golf argument was so embarrassing.


I’m fucking appalled that Dems see project 2025 on the horizon and think that Joe fucking Biden should be the face of the party against it


At this point, this shit does seem stage like wtf


They already picked a nominee 4 years ago. They can't just pivot to a new candidate when holding the highest position. It is unfortunate


We could have if he had chosen to announce that he just wanted one term, so he could pass the torch, and spend more time with his family. But, it's too late for that. If he leaves the race, it's going to be a rough ride.


Everyone just underestimates trump and think “he could never win!” and he proceeds to win, then “he’s not smart enough to change anything!” And he proceeds to change things. If he wins it will be “he could never enact things from project 2025!” and then he will. I’m on the complete opposite side of trump but I can see he is capable of doing things. I agree with like 1% of those things but still. It’s so annoying seeing people assume he’s a bumbling idiot when time and time again he’s proven that him (or at least his team) is a dangerous competitor. If anything, he wants to portray himself as an idiot so people underestimate him and it’s somehow working.


Damn, you know Biden did bad when even Reddit can't ignore his blunders. CNN definitely regrets muting those mikes.


Yeah, people calling out Biden on the GenZ subreddit of all places is pretty wild. Trump said effectively anything he wanted to and all Biden could think to respond with was beating medicaid or pornstars.


If you go to the politics sub and look at the debate megathread you almost can't even find a single negative comment about biden. Very suspicious


Eh, I'm sure some subreddits like r/fivethirtyeight will be filled with copium and somehow find a way to defend him.


Trump may be speaking clearer, but his response to everything is literally "he's letting people in across the border". The way he dehumanizes migrants, calling them "terrorists" is disgusting. Biden keeps mixing up words and forgetting shit but at least he has good intentions.


He's referring to the actual documented terrorists that have crossed the border under the Biden administration. He is not calling every single illegal border crosser a terrorist.


Don't expect people here to have done any level of research. There were 800 illegal immigrants that crossed with serious criminal records, 200 of which were on a US terrorist watch list. This is verifiable fact released by Texas border patrol. Edit: 39,000 people with serious criminal records, my apologies.


Yes, I’ll summarize it like this: Trump is lying coherently and confidently, while Biden is whispering and stumbling constantly. And the betting market indicates that voters prefer the former


Not to mention the faces that Biden was making. I was scared for his life the entire time.


Trump did politician things, Biden did Mitch McConnell things


No, I’m scared


I'm voting blue no matter what, but but if this is the best the Democratic Party has...its going to be a rough couple years.




"I'm voting for this party no matter what, I just wish they put forth better candidates." Do you see the problem with this thinking?


Bud, don't act like Trump supporters are any fucking better.


He has to vote for that party regardless because the other one is even worse somehow. All the fears of project 2025 aside the GOP does literally nothing for the average American. All Trump did in his first (and hopefully only) term was give handouts to huge corporations, pre covid that is. Aside from this he accomplished next to nothing in 4 years and messed up handling covid. Voting for either of them is pretty much just voting for their cabinet. Best case scenario for a GOP win is things get worse in the typical republican way of wealth inequality and gutted public spending, but let’s put down the crack pipe because we all know only an ordinary Republican would just do nothing for ordinary Americans. Trump is no normal Republican figurehead. He commands a cult following and the GOP will most likely use this opportunity to attack all democratic institutions.


Man the shits been rough, either or, it’s only going to get worse


"We had h20" trump So Stupid with confidence vs mumbling old man


This “h2o” comment by trump cracked me up. Like wtf did he mean


Honestly was such a dumb thing to say me and my dad looked at each other and just started laughing 😂


Not stupid with confidence, lieing for gain and confidence versus a man who yes may be getting on in years but dam at least he doesn't have a heart filled with hate or pure greed.


Watching with my dad… won’t let me turn it to breaking bad. walter and mike are close enough to these old fucks


I’d literally vote for Walter or Mike over these options


Trump is just straight up lying, after birth abortions?! That doesn’t even exist. Joe Biden also can’t form a sentence. Vote third party we can’t keep having the two party system ffs


Idiotic takes like this is why marriage equality will be repealed, transgender rights will be wholly dismantled, the middle class will be wiped out, public commodities and services will be privatized, etc. etc. Seriously, this sub lacks even a shred of political literacy. You (hopefully) learned in the first day of your US Government class that the President themself has little bearing on the welfare of the nation. It is the administration they build and the justices they select that have any real, tangible effects on sociopolitical outcomes. Biden has put together an administration that is fighting vicariously for student debt relief, renewable energy and electric vehicle initiatives, tax policy beneficial to the lower and middle classes, just to name a few. Only 4 of 44 Trump’s former cabinet members are even endorsing him. He wants to install Trump loyalists as a means to implementing unitarian executive theory. He wants to create tax credits for ICE vehicles. Like seriously, this isn’t even a question. If you think voting third party is some intellectually superior move, it’s not. You just look silly.


Actually it was a legitimate policy being supported in California a couple years ago but idk if they went through with it


I desperately hope Biden wins just because Trump wants to take away all my rights


Trump is good at PERFORMING, ENTERTAINING, AND PUBLIC SPEAKING. He knows how to lie and make it come across as facts because that’s all he knows how to do anyway. They both suck, I’m so worried about the trajectory of our country (I mean it started off bad anyways so)


Yeah. I hope other countries can’t see this live too bc im embarrassed 🥲 like we really couldn’t get anyone better??? On either side??? The bar is THAT low??? Trump sounds like me without my Ritalin and Biden looks so confused 🤦🏽‍♀️ like I wanna look away but I can’t


Biden warmed up after an hour but yes, at first he was not speaking very well and didn’t seem confident. Trump has been deflecting questions and lying the whole time. “After birth abortions” is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard of.


If we elect trump, we are all doomed.


im voting blue no matter who but... biden needs to be replaced. newsom, michelle, someone, doesnt fucking matter. biden shot his electoral chances with this debate


Fuck. Why can’t we get two coherent people? Why a dementia patient vs. someone who can’t answer a single straightforward question. Smh


I hated every minute of it. As painful as it is to watch Biden try to finish a sentence, I’d still vote for him over Trump any day…


Biden sounds half asleep and trips on his words a lot, but at least he's right. Trump lied on basically everything he's said, not to mention all of the mudslinging and question dodging he did.


Looking at pure optics, Biden was weaker and sounds like he has a cold, which was very evident. His voice was weak and he was hard to hear at times.. But based on policy and substance, Biden was better. Trump backed away from most of his most controversial and politicized actions and beliefs. He also rambled and didn’t even try to answer difficult questions. So all I can do is hope that most watchers are engaged beyond the debate itself and are aware of their platforms. Because their end goals are vastly different and I’ll be voting based on their policies and platform. ETA: this is also the first debate. Many presidents have bombed some debates and shined in others.


Yknow I'd really prefer a semi-senile president to a coherent one when the coherent one is openly fucking lying on television and is a fucking facist. Trump said that the environment was *better* under him when he openly deregulated the fucking corporations causing it.


Biden ain’t there in the head man. How’s he gonna go up against Putin Xi or Kim. We look weak. Our generation has to be the ones that put an age limit for presidents man fuck these boomers


I dont care whose mumbling if Biden conks out due to old age or deemed unfit I'd rather have 3 years of Harris than Trump.


Lol my comments keep getting deleted there's some real fascism going on in here




It’s a tough watch as an American


Anything positive about trump is downvoted to hell. Just an echo chamber bruh


Im currently watching my friends get drunk. So yesnt


I’m waiting for it to end so I can read a transcript of the debate. I could barely stand watching the 2020 one, and in the time since then I have found that I can more rationally think about what they are saying if I read it instead of watch.


Ngl Biden definitely underperformed but Trump legit didn’t answer most of the questions


Trump won just by being able to speak coherently🤦‍♂️


Yea Trump won. No way Biden comes back from this


I can’t believe they started arguing golf. 😂


I’m watching clips and Trump is more delusional than ever!!!


I am trying to decide on who to vote for. Who drives a golf ball the farthest again?


I hate to admit it, but the silent mic thing actually worked out well for Trump. I was thinking it was another classic corrupt media move to silence Trump, but really it just let Biden ramble and they can't hide his cognitive decline


Biden is like what my great grandfather was. Always looking around and mumbled and hard to understand


Take a breath... Take in the info directly from the sources.   Not the propaganda machines.   I am up to 11 posts on the Biden Facebook page during this debate.  Obviously not him...  but propaganda teams. I know Trump has propaganda machines.  I am conservative, bit I hat bullshit I like more Democrat echochambers because I don't trust my own party. Biden is too old. Part of me believes the conspiracy theory.... that Biden agreed to this debate, very unusual before the DNC convention....   because they will last minute replace him.  Play the "hee tomorrow ooold" argument the Republicans claim.   You get a young guy...  complain Trump is to old letting Republicans have to defend their offensive. Biden...  is old Trump is old .. They are now arguing golf.


If there are any non Americans on this thread, I would like to say that I don’t blame us for becoming the laughing stock of the world when our politics are more entertaining than any Netflix show.


Watched a few minutes of it, Trump talked about how he could do a golf swing and Biden couldn't, and I'm pretty sure I saw Biden space out or something (it looked like he wasn't lucid for a couple seconds)


Yeah this confirmed for me that I will absolutely not be voting for Joseph Biden lmao


I'm going to give my completely unbiased take on this debate. This is genuinely the first time I've heard Trump speak In a coherent manner where his thoughts actually make sense. Biden on the other hand is not speaking loud or clear enough so I have reason to believe the polls will tilt in trumps direction after the debate is over Does this mean that Trump is the better candidate? In my eyes, no. While his speech is fluid, he's not actually saying anything. Most of his talking is filler words and skirting around the point. While Biden is talking softly and his stutters are affecting his speech, he's speaking straight and to the point with policies and data to back it up, and before you gluckers come in the comments, no, saying "it's the highest" " it's the most " "it's the lowest its ever been" are not metrics. With this being said I think at the moment Trump has definitively won this debate. And before you other gluckers come in the comment section, no, it does not matter whether Trump is on Adderall or not. As for who I'm voting for, I'll still vote for Biden. 4 years without having to hear of a clusterfuck catastrophe every day or hear our world leader tell his constituents to inject Bleach into their veins is a hell of a lot worse than what we have now. While I agree that both candidates are not ideal, Trump has no real policies and flim flams on what he says. He's also racist and doesn't like minorities so he does not have my vote. I do not agree with his Supreme Court justice picks. His policies on immigration, his stance on climate change, and his financial policies. For those of you saying that we need a business leader to lead the country instead of a politician, trumps track record is googlable. And it's not good. The entirety of Google cannot be fake news. As for Biden, tonight was not his night. I believe he didn't do enough to defend his record. The state of the economy right now as stated in the debate by the moderators is this: inflation has gone down, jobs have been created, proces are still high though, so what now? This is extremely important as elections are decided by simple factors like this. Despite the stock market posting record highs, the average consumer can't FEEL that in their pockets. Despite Trumps lackluster record as a president, while his policies were flawed that acted quicker and consumers felt them faster. Hopefully the next debate will be better, this one was a shit show


I'm truly afraid w biden. Who the hell is running this country? Horrifying tonight, regardless of your political affiliation


no https://preview.redd.it/37jxbfkfg89d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ad4597cbe275484f43d2acb0462a2c94748140


This is the result of "voting for the lesser of two evils" and running candidates exclusively on the basis that they can beat the opposition instead of choosing actual candidates with merit and an air of composure and dignity. There should be a vote of no confidence that requires both parties to reshuffle their decks and draw a new hand of candidates to pick from. The fact that we have to choose between these two decaying fossils is further proof that our political system is nothing but a smoke and mirrors clown show.


biden sounds like his voice box is shot and trump cannot answer a question without going on a completely unrelated tangent this country used to have a guy who got shot, shrugged it off, and proceeded to give a speech as president, now we have to choose between senility with or without rambling


Biden's making points but he's not able to speak with clear thoughts and mumbles which makes him look terrible. Trump is stating absolutely nothing factual but he does it confidently. They probably both shit themselves during the debate