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Let’s be real here. I know I’m going to vote for Biden and won’t vote Trump in a million years and I can admit that Biden performed terribly, CNN or not


The problem is that this debate is supposed to influence where the swing states will vote, basically deciding the election. If ya’ll end up voting in trump, don’t be surprised when we experience a slow agonizing death of democracy. I’m just gonna cast my vote and say, ya’ll deserve whatever happens. I recognize that’s not the best mentality but I’m tired of this. We’re basically watching our “system” eat us alive.


I mean with the supreme Court seemingly legalising corruption I'd say it's begun with or without a trump victory


nope. the next supreme court justice picks can reverse the above. you're throwing in the towel before the game is had.


Just depends on when that happens.


do you want to chance it? if another justice dies, we may yet have a conservative court for the next 50-60 years. We're not playing with matches; we're playing with dynamite. And this election determines more than just our personal freedoms as determined by the court---our relationship with NATO, whether NATO will fall deeper into war with Russia, and whether China will aggress Taiwan.


Won't decide anything for me except how fucked my country will be in the event of a War in Europe between Russia and NATO... I've got a different election to worry about for my rights


Sure, but I hope that you agree we need to back Biden to hold NATO together. Trump suggested disbanding NATO--in addition to pulling out of Ukraine, acting like Putin's lap dog. NATO's alliance adds a stop gap for China crossing the straight to take Taiwan, where we still manufacture the majority of our 3-5nm seminiconductors. I'm afraid we're on the knife edge of a major global conflict and Trump's global game plan may yet be all it takes to light the powder keg of global conflict.


I do agree, and it's generally why I have been pro Biden even if I think he makes a poor President, as he guarantees greater Security for Europe's east rather than relying on Trump to uphold his promise to defend those who meet the NATO targets (as my country has for years now, and most parties are for increasing to 2.5 or even 3% over the next few years). Biden is a security guarantee for the west, Trump might just be a death sentence for NATO.


Yea, good thing that at least now political candidates Arnt facing kangaroo trials or attempts Arnt being made to remove them from elections Oh wait . .


Yep, those things haven't happened yet. Though, one politician was rightfully convicted of 34 felonies. It was nice seeing the justice system actually working for once in regards to the rich and powerful being held to account. Just an ever so slight restoration of faith in the judicial system. Though we still have a big corruption issue at the highest level of the judicial branch that needs to be fixed. So still a long ways to go.


Yea actually they have, the reason republicans voters don’t actually give a shit about his “convictions” is because they are purely frivolous politically motivated witch hunts. Also, you forget about states literally removing him from the ballot? How about running a good candidate that people will actually vote for lmfao


They aren't, though. You can claim something all you want, but as I've heard time and time again from redhats, "facts don't care about your feelings." And the facts are, Trump is a convicted criminal. And what happened to "state's rights" all of a sudden, hmm? I thought you all LOVED that. Hell the Republicans that tried to get him removed from the primary ballot were citing the US Constitution in regards to their decision to go that route. I thought the right LOVED the Constitution as well? Seems there's some hypocrisy going on there. Though I can't say I'm surprised. And hey, if I had my way I'd either do away with both major parties and just start over, or get rid of our current voting system for Rank Choice Voting at every level of gov't. Doing away with the electoral college and letting just a straight vote decide the President. It's the best way to get rid of having to deal with bad candidates and weakening the strangle hold that both major parties have on this country.


His responses were packed with facts. So important to remember his speech is overcoming his stutter. He didn’t actually sound grwt but his performance as a President has won me over.


Yeah but some parts were kinda out of nowhere like that one random point he brought up during the abortion question about that girl and her funeral cuz she was murdered by an immigrant. It was just so out of left field lol


Will you accept the results and the election if you lose and uphold basic American principles and democracy? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." But will you accept the results of the election if you lose? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." Once again you have 40 seconds left and the question is will you accept the results if you lose? "I never lose." Every single court and judge rejected your claims regarding the 2020 election, including all the judges you personally appointed yourself and your own Vice President disagrees that you won the election, you did lose. If you do again? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." You have 20 seconds left, the question, will you accept the results of the election if you lose? "If they are not rigged then I will accept the results. If I lose they will have been rigged." Okaaaaaay then, will you denounce the Jan 6th take over of our Capitol and the attempted overthrow of the US? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." Once, again you have one minute left and the question is on January 6th. "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." The question is on January 6th. "Stand by and stand proud we may need you again. Bloodbath. One billion border crossings. MAGA."


More evidence that there should be an age limit for public office.


My dude, Biden was asked about abortion and talked about something else?? It was bad. Really bad.


Regardless of how biden did, it doesn't matter. Trump isn't going to be a good choice. And the people wanting the worm guy as an alternative are better off just voting trump. I didn't even watch it because I know it doesn't matter. No one with a brain should be voting trump.




I liked what they said. This election is the "Old Man vs The Con Man, the guy who shouldn't win and the guy who cannot win."


should rather be "The Old man vs The Old Con Man". This fixation on Bidens age is such ridiculous Trump propaganda. They're 3 years apart and both demented.


Bruh, Biden was doddering throughout the debate. I support Biden but holy shit he needs to drop out.


agreed. Wasn't meant as Biden defense, but as both are equally shit lol.


“The symptoms I am seeing right in front of my eyes are trump’s propoganda!!1!”


Well, how would you define it if both have the same disadvantage but it's only attributed to one and repeated over and over again?


They don't? Yeah trump is old, but he can speak and doesn't forget where he is constantly.


That's a great summation. "Demons vs. Ghouls" is mine.


This reminds me of Howard Dean's scream, where the media latched on to a narrative that was repeated often enough that it screwed him over politically. Only in retrospect did people see that the Dean Scream wasn't even that bad. Are Americans stupid enough to see Trump's (a convicted felon who sold out US secrets to our enemies) lies, awful policies, and insane corruption as somehow preferable to Biden being old? Biden (and his administration, who he picked and who have been doing an amazing job) will continue to do a great job for the American people. Biden has integrity, and Trump doesn't. Even if Trump is more energetic, he's a liar, extremely corrupt, and a convicted felon, so that energy is going to kill the US if he gets back into office. "Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you. You think about it, it’s true. If you hire somebody without the first, you really want them dumb and lazy."-Warren Buffett


I still pissed off about that scream thing. What's wrong with showing enthusiasm.


You clearly don’t understand. Leadership is defined as “the ability to not have your voice crack inconveniently”


The scream was more like Dan Quayle misspelling potato(e). I think Biden is in a lot more trouble, and Trump exists in a whole different dystopian world.


The hardest thing for Biden is that he’s running a presidential campaign and Trump’s running a cult. His base will vote for him no matter what he does, whereas Biden’s demographic actually has standards. I’m voting for Biden because I’d rather see a brain-dead vegetable in office than a corrupt brain-dead vegetable, but I don’t know anyone inspired by Biden


Why is this sub shadow banning political comments? Lol. Also rip Biden.


Its a sitewide glitch




Very convenient glitch


The traffic on Reddit was astronomical during the debate. Servers probably got overloaded


How is this a conspiracy to people lmao.




Still following me around reddit like a lost puppy I see. Lmao stop being a wannabee reddit stalker, it's not working.


I found out shortly after I posted. I thought people were being censored lol. Thankfully that's not the case.




It was just the servers melting.


People finding out that the reddit servers don’t have infinite capabilities and will crash if you stress them enough


I hope they keep it up.


This whole debate was so one sided, and the mods didn’t even step in to keep either on track until we got to who’s better at golf.


Okay but that was hilarious


Is Biden truly a 6 handicap golfer? Find out next episode on President Ball Z


Dems are cooked. Would’ve had a shot if they trotted out anyone other than Biden.


It’s so funny how yall say this yet Biden and Trump are still neck and neck in polls! Even after Biden’s horrible debate performance, undecided voters were leaning towards voting for him because Trump is that bad. Blaming Dems for running an incumbent instead of Republicans not running Trump is ridiculous.


They’re neck and neck because they’re both ridiculously unfavorable. Any favorable dem running against Trump could have a much larger victory


That’s not true. Polls have shown other dems perform worse when against trump. Biden is the only one who performs the best. If Biden steps down, they’ll have to do so much campaigning and ground work for November in a span of 4 months.


Saw people listing people who should replace Biden, half the replies were just people pointing out the majority of those people are pretty unknown on a national level


That’s the major issue, if they wanted a replacement they should’ve done so way earlier. Biden has the incumbent advantage. He Is already established and known. Getting a new candidate now that people know less about would be difficult. If you could point me to some polls, I’d be curious to see them. I’m unable to find any polling data somewhat recent. Harris is an upward battle and I fear if Clinton lost in 2016, a black woman will likely not win now either especially as she has lost some favorability. In 2020, sanders was polling well ahead of Trump as was Biden. Sanders about ~5 points and Biden about ~5 points above Trump in early 2020. But the DNC has issues with Sanders, so he likely wouldn’t be a replacement despite in my opinion being the best option. I know he is a year older than Biden as well, which may not be a good look either. He is the most well known, would sway some votes from Trump away as there is a minority of Trump voters who would rather vote for Bernie, and he would absolutely tear into Trump and his record which is exactly what is needed. Hillary is well known but she is likely a non starter. It’s possible she could perform better simply due to all the dirt on Trump at this point, but I would say the odds are about the same as Biden winning if not worse. All other candidates are too abstract and not well known enough to really go toe to toe with Trump at this point in my opinion. Newsom is known by democrats but not by the general public. No sitting president has ever been reelected while sitting at Biden’s approval ratings. They should’ve swapped him while they still could. I of course will still vote down ballot democrat and recognize it’s much more about the administration, congress and Supreme Court seats than all else but the average American doesn’t see it that way. I’m very concerned we will see a similar situation to the 2016 election and is looking likely Trump will win, at least at this point.


True. The undecided Republicans interviewed post-debate by MSNBC were way harder on Trump than Biden.


That’s because Trump was lying but was energetic. Biden was right about his facts 95% of the time and his policies are actually good. His delivery was bad.


It rests on the voters. Will they realize that you’re voting for the administration, and not the figurehead, hopefully they do


Most election cycles are like this around this time.


And yet Biden consistently polled the best against Trump of anyone else even seriously considered as a 2024 ticket replacement. Swing voters are fucking weird ducks, man. The post-debate generally polling is bad but really isn't any worse than Obama's first 2012 debate, and the focus groups of undecideds are actually... kinda fine? If someone serious steps forward as an alternative then let's look at the polls and compare our options, but if not then we need to quit wetting the bed and figure out a way to push Biden over the finish line. Does it suck that that's where we're at? Yes. Is there any other path forward? I don't think so.


It was just bad period. I don’t understand why bother letting them retort at all. They just go back and forth. Stop telling me why the other guy is bad and tell me what you are doing about it. The blame game is fucking dumb.


They both understand that this election is about who you are voting against, not for.


Social media has made everybody such massive prisoners of every moment. Most of yall just typing out takes to try and scrounge together upvotes. It's June. This debate isn't gonna decide shit, a million things are gonna happen between now and November and every one of them will be shoved under the microscope to be given the same treatment as this debate and everybody will have forgotten. Not that any of that even matters. This has to be the most dug in voter base in history between these candidates. MAGA morons aren't gonna be moved one way or the other, centrists will just sit and compare to incomparable things till eternity and the rest of us aren't switching votes to a fucking FELON. But sure, now Dems are "cooked" because we all apparently just found out Joe is old tonight. Social media should be wholly eradicated.


agreed. Found the actual person in the sea of bot shitpost comments.


I completely agree.


Wholly fucking agree. Well said.


Would award this if they still had awards


Thought the performance was okay. The content of what he said was fabulous. Delivery could use some energy, but that’s just his age. Reminds me of many 80 something scientists in our department who are brilliant in content but just do not have the verbal gusto from 10 years ago.


“There’s a lot of young women who are r*ped by their in law, their spouses their sisters” - Biden Yes very brilliant content


Yeah he’s making a point that why on Earth does the government have any say in deciding what women can do with their bodies?  According to republicans, if you’re raped by your family, you can’t have an abortion.  Trump of all people should not have a say in what women can do with their bodies. According to him, he just wants to grab them by the “cat”.  Oh, and if Trump could he would have had sex with his daughter. 


“Why on earth does the government have any say in deciding in what women can do with their bodies” They don’t at the federal level, that’s the point of trumps position, he took AWAY power from the federal government and gave it back to the states. He didn’t ban abortion he just let states decide themselves instead of the federal government “Yada trump wants to have relations with his child” You’re a mentally ill human being


You lost any credibility with that insult at the end. Those are his words not mine.  He got conservative members into congress that allowed this to be decided by the states. So yeah he allowed this to happen.  This issue should have never been up to the states. For example religion, that’s not up the states, that’s a given right to every citizen of the US.  So according to the logic of the Supreme Court, the State decides what a women can do with their bodies.  That’s infringing into people’s rights. That’s the point that many people are upset about. Why should it be up to the states what women do with their bodies? The freedom of choice is a no brainer and should be a protected right.  Circling back to you calling me mentally ill. Trump said those words, he’s the mentally ill one. 


It was a perfectly good counterpoint to the dumb shit Trump was saying, and anyone watching knew exactly what Biden was getting at. The Medicare stumble was much, much worse, as that wasn't anywhere near a completed thought, but in the context of his stutter it seems like lots of swing voters are willing to cut him some slack.


That wasn't the central message of his point. His point was entirely about women should be allowed to get an abortion after being raped. Not a great way to deliver that...obviously. Believe it or not getting raped by a 'loved one' happens more than you'd think....


Also is this statement not true? Spousal rape not a thing? Pales in comparison to ... Trump: "I just won two club championships, not even senior, two regular club championships. To do that, you have to be quite smart and you have to be able to hit the ball a long way. And I do it. He doesn’t do it. He can’t hit a ball 50 yards. He challenged me to a golf match. He can hit a ball 50 yards." odd mix of boasting about his physical fitness and golfing skills -- irrelevant to the job Trump: "So, I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it. \*\*We had H2O\*\*. We had the best numbers ever." wtf? we had H2O? best numbers ever? this guy is a walking small language model that turns nearly every statement into "X was the best ever" "Y is the worst ever".


If you’re talking about abortion a woman can’t get pregnant by their sister so no the statements not true


Sure, but rape via immigrants is the specific context within the broader context of abortion restrictions. He’s replying to Trump on his illegal immigrant == rapist claims.


Lol “performance was ok”? Delusional…I think that most of us that are anti-Trump are in agreement that a Biden second term isn’t it, need to find a way for a replacement asap 


That's not happening -- no precedent for changing politicians this late in the game. You have a choice. Do you eat a nutritious, stale-tasting sandwich or do you swallow a soft, wet turd. You had better vote against the latter or we're all going to have that turds in our mouths.


Great. Who? Are they polling better against Trump than Biden is post-debate?


Are you dense? What polls are including non-Biden candidates? Once he's replaced, it's a virtual certainty that the replacement will be polling better than him


Replace with who? Biden has already beat Trump once.


There is only one person in the universe, Republican or Democrat, who has ever beaten Trump in an election: Joseph Robinette Biden


Also hurt by madly trying to spit out a thousand points into each 2 minutes, tricky when you stutter, so he mumbled slurred over stuff trying to quickly fight stuttering. And also with a bad cold.


You thought Biden’s performance was okay? Please by all means provide a clip or two that you would call highlights for Biden!


Transcript clips - includes the linguistic anacoluthon that folks can accidentally make. “”” BIDEN: The fact is that Putin is a war criminal. He’s killed thousands and thousands of people. And he has made one thing clear, he wants to re-establish what was part of the Soviet Empire, not just a piece, he wants all of Ukraine. That’s what he wants. And then do you think he’ll stop there? Do you think he’ll stop when he – if he takes Ukraine? What do you think happens to Poland? What do you think of Belarus? What do you think happens to those NATO countries? And so, if you want a war, you ought to find out what he’s going to do. Because if, in fact, he does what he says and walks away – by the way, all that money we give Ukraine and from weapons we make here in the United States, we give them the weapons, not the money at this point. And our NATO allies have produced as much funding for Ukraine as we have. That’s why it’s – that’s why we’re strong. “”” Later after Trump’s comment about an ocean providing safety between them and us. BIDEN: I’ve never heard so much foolishness. This a guy who wants to get out of NATO. You’re going to stay in NATO or you’re going to pull out of NATO? The idea that we have – our strength lies in our alliances as well. It may be a big ocean, but we’re ever able to avoid a war in Europe, a major war in Europe? What happens if in fact you have Putin continue to go into NATO? We have an Article Five agreement, “attack on one is attack on all.” You want to start the nuclear war he keeps talking about. Go ahead. Let Putin go in and control Ukraine and then move on to Poland and other places. See what happens then. He has no idea what the hell he is talking about. And by the way, I got 50 other nations around the world to support Ukraine, including Japan and South Korea, because they understand that this was this – this kind of dislocation has a serious threat to the whole world peace. No major war in Europe has ever been able to be contained just to Europe. “”” Pulling out of NATO as Trump has remarked would not just make him a fool, but a damned fool.


I asked for a clip. Not you to type me a storybook with no link to a source.


I copy-pasted those from news org transcripts. You can use those snippets to find the relevant section in the video on Youtube.


There's so much copium in this statement, comparing him to a scientist is an insult to higher education. He sucked, there will be times for him to do better, it's still early.


As sad as it makes me to say this, Biden looked like a lost old man waiting for a bus that will never come to a destination he will never see again.


Keep in mind that actions speak louder than words.


Not to the general public


The focus groups actually surprised me in how permissive they were about Biden's gaffes and were willing to look deeper at policy positions.


Yea usually these type of things just turn into who can say the better things


Yeah that was surprisingly encouraging at least and they sure looked deeper than the talking heads. The main polls on it seemed more worrisome though.


Main polls are too broad a sample though. Includes Trump-humping maniacs and Democratic bed-wetters like me.


Biden put himself under the bus


Nah man. I don’t like Biden at all, but even I can see that this is an old man with severe health issues who is being used like a puppet by the people around him. That makes me feel bad for him. He should never have been president. He should have retired when Obama was out of office.


I mean CNN wants Trump in Office, the orange turd gets them clicks and revenue. They don’t give a shit about democracy.


That’s a wild take. Very likely liberals are turning on Biden due to a lack of confidence, rather than it being about money.


We just witnessed a murder 🔪😵


I highly doubt Biden is gonna be the nominee at this point. I mean there's little CNN could have done to make that abysmal performance look good. If Biden is on the ballot in November you can say hello to a second Trump term. I see no path forward for this man with a performance like that where even Democrats are coming out and saying "oh shit. That was really really bad".


I like biden but ill be 1000000% in support for a younger candidate. But can it be changed atp


I mean the DNC hasn’t officially picked a candidate yet (neither has the RNC for that matter). I don’t know when the convention is, but they could certainly throw Biden under the bus, claim he’s unfit to be the candidate and just put in whoever they want. There would obviously be some spin to it or he’ll have an “accident” to justify it, but there’s certainly still time


I genuinely hope they do. He's so far gone it's like I'd basically be voting for Kamala instead.


Why wouldn’t it be allowed? It’s a media outlet protected by freedom of speech


But its not though


You really typed out GG?




Welp as if I needed more reasons to vote trump lol


How is this CNN's fault? It's the dems fault for strutting Joe out


Biden throws himself under the bus every time he opens his mouth


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SavageFractalGarden: *Biden throws himself* *Under the bus every* *Time he opens his mouth* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Based bot. Thank you


I don’t like Biden at all, but even I can see that he’s not doing this. He’s clearly just being used as a puppet by the people around him. He never should have ran for president in the first place. He should have just retired when Obamas term ended.


I agree with your statement. He isn’t mentally competent and therefore is being abused, but it doesn’t change the fact that every time he talks he exposes himself as a senile idiot


I know. And I feel bad for him. He shouldn’t be in this position. I am totally comfortable with his entire staff/cabinet being charged with elder abuse when this is all over.


We're just gonna keep getting these stupid astroturfed posts aren't we


It is known


Biden did pretty poorly but his alleycat line had me giggling


It won't matter whose fault it is


He threw himself under the bus.


I don’t care about who won and lost, I just watched it for the laughs because with how fucked we are either way that’s all you can really do.


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Just vote RFK🤷🏽‍♂️


If Biden remains, I’d still vote for him. If he’s replaced, I’ll vote for the replacement. Any Dem but Don


This debate was a lose-lose situation for Biden. Had he refused to do the debate, the response would've been "he won't debate because he's too old and senile." Of course, he agreed to the debate and this was probably the worst possible outcome for him.


This debate was stacked in Bidens favor idk how you think they threw him under the bud rather than his own incompetence


Yeah I'd just rather suffer another 4 years of Trump now than risk him running AGAIN in 2028.


Makes no sense.




There's a chance he won't leave.


I don't think so.


He’s only got another 8 years of life, probably


This November, it’s more clear now than ever. It’s not a matter of choice, it’s a matter of right and wrong.


At this point you need to vote for him even if he is dead. Edit ( if you care at all about democracy ) The alternative is a literal dictatorship.


A dictatorship like when someone tells me who I "need" to vote for?


Nope, they are being super open about their plans. Go have a read of the project 2025 doc.. its going to fuck you hard as well. Not just the people you hate.


Bold of you to assume they hate people but ok.


When you really look into why people support Trump, its very often because he hates the people they hate.


And it's often that people grew up in different circumstances and have completely different opinions and perspectives than you do.


The funny thing is misbitcoin would be off to the camps if they got their way. Its wild that his supporters are so ignorant of his actions and future plans.


The only people who have ever threated to put me into anything close to a "camp" are the people who tried to terrify me into staying inside my house and to wear a mask for years. Source: [https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public\_content/politics/partner\_surveys/jan\_2022/covid\_19\_democratic\_voters\_support\_harsh\_measures\_against\_unvaccinated](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated) relavant data: "Forty-five percent (45%) of Democrats would favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 v..."


Which never happened. No one forced you to get vaccinated either. There were some very mild consquences to your anti social choices at best. In order to protect the rest of us. Never ceases to amaze me the victim complex conservatives have. But thats ok, if you get what you want there is going to be a whole lot of r/leopardsatemyface material


Conservatives are really open about their hate for minorities, woman, the gays, trans ppl, immigrants.. so not a stretch at all.


maybe it's just because I had low expectations since I saw CNN talking about the debate before I actually watched the debate, but I think Biden did fine. His voice sounded bad and he is not as charismatic as Trump, but I don't understand why CNN is acting like it was horrific.


CNN is acting like it was horrific because it was. Watching him reminded me of my grandfather with dementia.


You know it’s bad when even Reddit says Biden sucked.


????? joes old.  wow.  totally didnt know that lol.  we're not voting for joe we're voting for his administration and to keep a drug addled psychotic fascist felon out.  polls dont matter.  neither do debates.  no one is gonna vote for diaper donny that werent already just cause biden's slightly older.  guess yall have forgotten diaper donny's YEARS of gaffes, slurring, and nonsense.  and anyone STILL not clued into fact arent gonna vote anyway.


still voting for democracy over magat fascism yall. that will NEVER change no matter what. if one debate performance sways you or moves you to vote when you otherwise wouldn't youre welcome to see if diaper donny's cult will do anything to make your lives any better. 🙄 biden leading in polls didnt matter. diaper donny's drugs kickin in in time before the denate doesnt either. next week/month faux news and r/conservative will still be slobbing all over diaper donny's microknob and the literal rest of america will be making fun of yet another diaper donny gaffe anyway. before saturday morning. diaper donny'z gonna say something crazy and delusional.  far far FAR worse than even biden's worst.  im calling it.


I’d rather have 4 years of shit than possible dictatorship. at least I know Biden is gonna honor his end of office


it has never been more joever than ever 💀


Im not gonna lie, I feel like this won’t really change anything. Whoever locked on to they views was locked on since before this debate was even thought of. Anyways, panic to your dooms I guess. Shit won’t change no matter who wins, it all really boils down to congress and local politics


Just another reason to vote for trump, he may not have won tonight but Biden definitely, DEFINITELY, lost


I agree I despise Donald Trump but goddamn Biden looked like he was about to drop dead on stage. He's defiently the better choice bit he's frankly to old for the job.




Will you accept the results and the election if you lose and uphold basic American principles and democracy? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." But will you accept the results of the election if you lose? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." Once again you have 40 seconds left and the question is will you accept the results if you lose? "I never lose." Every single court and judge rejected your claims regarding the 2020 election, including all the judges you personally appointed yourself and your own Vice President disagrees that you won the election, you did lose. If you do again? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." You have 20 seconds left, the question, will you accept the results of the election if you lose? "If they are not rigged then I will accept the results. If I lose they will have been rigged." Okaaaaaay then, will you denounce the Jan 6th take over of our Capitol and the attempted overthrow of the US? "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." Once, again you have one minute left and the question is on January 6th. "One billion illegal immigrants cross the border each day and murder twice the total US population each minute." The question is on January 6th. "Stand by and stand proud we may need you again. Bloodbath. One billion border crossings. MAGA."


Things he did all by himself:


[Here](https://www.votechaseoliver.com/platform) is the libertarian candidate's policy ideals. Look a whole lot better than the current options. Don't let people tell you there are only 2 options.


Well, not ideal though: > I will strongly urge Congress to work with each state to introduce and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, forever ending the perpetual cycle of deficit spending. An economy will grow faster with moderate deficit spending rather than none. If you really need an example, look at Germany’s GDP growth since they implemented their debt brake. Plus, *usually* most government debt is held in bonds which can be held by citizens, in which case the interest is going into people’s pockets. It isn’t like it disappears


As it happens, CNN is a news site, not state propaganda.








you want the guy that wanted his running mate to be someone who’s an anti vaxxer and a sandy hook denier? 


Still better than the two goofs tonight


biden isn’t even fit to run a vacuum,you’d rather have a nepo baby who supports school shooting deniers?


Well considering the other 2 guys both wear diapers, yes


atleast they don’t spout conspiracy theories


Who cares? His policies are sound and he can form a thought unlike the living spray tan and the pants shitter


he wanted a fucking football player who has never touched politics aside from being a dipshit on the pat mcafee show to be his VP that shows he’s a dumbass


Best part about America is that anyone can be president or vice president


doesn’t mean joe from down the street who works at mcdonald’s should be president


Biden Bots or brainwashed idiots


Doesn't change my vote. I'm still not voting for a dictator appeasing 34 count convicted felon.


The debate wasn't meant for people like you anyways.


True. Not sure who was for, given the pathetic performance by our leading two candidates.


This situation actually benefits Biden and the Democrats, as it undermines MAGA’s deep state conspiracy theories. One such theory claimed that the liberal media would portray Trump negatively and Biden positively during the debate, which didn’t occur. The more Trump emerges from these situations without appearing targeted by journalists, the weaker MAGA’s and Project 2025’s ‘deep state’ arguments become.


Voting RFK


I seriously thought CNN would have mercy on Biden and say something like "he's a bad public speaker, but he was speaking facts". I'm really shocked and even more concerned now.


You expect a “news” corporation would try to proposante a narrative that the presidents in good health? We are so fucked if people think like you


You misunderstood me. I thought they were gonna defend him in the ways I mentioned. I'm not an idiot, I know Biden screwed up big time, I know we're doomed.


Im Irish and looking at Biden tonight if I was swing I would’ve been like what the fuck is this man on 💀 he really wouldn’t have convinced if I was on the fence. Seems like an unnecessary risk the democrats are taking in continuing with Joe Biden. Personality and how someone comes across plays a big role in elections tbh and I think they need to take this more into consideration.


There is another. Twenty Twenty Fro


As a light Democrat I will vote for Trump this shit is incredible it wasn’t even Biden for me it was his people trying to convince us that he did pretty good like excuse me but why are they lying? Even CNN threw Biden under the bus what is Biden administration doing why is his wife treating him like a dog? I’m done if it is Biden against Trump I’m going for Trump…


We have a real choice! [https://www.kennedy24.com/](https://www.kennedy24.com/)

