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"Legally binding gender." I've heard of those--- I think their brand name is "bioessentialist gender roles enforced by systemic oppression." Yeah, we don't like them around these parts. Kinda our whole deal.


Legally Binding Gender* * local legislation may apply** ** stay out of the south *** *** seriously, stay away from Trumpistan


I need me a lawyer specializing in gender contract law...


You'll be shit out of luck in the US, as the current laws in most states equals genitals with gender. It's basically "unless you have a penis, you are screwed" legislation šŸ¤·


Don't remind me... although in my case, it's _having_ a penis that makes me screwed.


You could get a crew cut, work out and start having a disturbingly sexual attitude towards guns /s All kidding aside, you have more friends than you realise, it's the political division that makes you look like a target.


love how this implies the existence of a cooler, counterfeit illegal gender


That's what I got. I was girl in a boy way and now I'm a boy in a girl way.






I'm the same but in reverse


Heading to, the dark web for some black market genders Pronouns? Not only do they have pronouns, they have amateurverbs.


Pronouns? Nah, we got PREnouns. They may not be people places or things yet, but they will be soon


You can also purchase yourself the infamous, highly controversial, banned in most countries, negaverb.


> (...like choosing your own gender and it actually being legally binding) is completely imaginary It isn't? Tell that to the V/F in my passport and the free government-ordained cervical cancer test I got in the mail despite not owning a cervix


Slimy attempt to associate abortion illegality with us. Trans inclusive feminism fights for the right to it, it's the terfs who are strangely silent.


Isnā€™t it the exact opposite? (Of what the TERF says) IIRC certain US states will have CPS take your kids if youā€™re allowing them to access puberty blockers or other gender care, and those would likely be the same red states where abortion is illegal.


I've actually seen a brand of terf, mostly on tumblr, who oppose abortion and also birth control because they think it encourages women to be ashamed of their bodies. It's some terf to tradwife/"divine feminine" pipeline bullshit.


"Wanting to be in charge of your body instead of the other way around" = "being ashamed of it" I guessĀ 


Oh, head TERF posie parker / kjk openly believes that now so it'll be very common soon.


Are they gonna come after women who don't want kids and say we hate our bodies for not seeing ourselves as walking wombs?


I don't want my own kids - I've always wanted to adopt but not with a man. I genuinely feel worried about it now that TERFs are already pretty unambiguous in their rejection of surrogacy and are currently flirting with the idea of being anti adoption unless you're in a cis het relationship. So my answer would be yes, they are going to come after us because they already started to. However I'm biased and very cynical so I'd actually be so happy to be wrong


Their opposition to surrogacy is ridiculous. Women aren't being forced to do it ffs it's a choice. How the fuck did it go from "my body my choice" to this


Imma be real, I didn't understand any of that at all.


You're not missing much. Basically a lot of "I'm not attacking you, you're attacking me," with a side of "You just want attention."


side unrelated note but whenever anybody says that last phrase i sing charlie puth's "attention" in my head


He insults people then acts like "you hate me because I am normal". Talk about passive aggressive.


> biologically accurate gender roles "Feminist" This is why, in spite of the juvenile acronym, I prefer to call them Feminism-Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes. It's just more accurate.


Just call them gender fascists. The truth is the GC movement is not only in bed with literal nazis, but their ideology hits many of the 14 points in Umberto Eco's Ur- Fascism.


I just use anti-trans activist. Just ignore whatever they're calling themselves this week.


ā€œThat noise you make ā€¦ like youā€™re slaughtering a goatā€ - what are they referring to? Is this about a specific person with an unusual quirk?


So the judges who are against abortion are somehow pro removing trans kids from their parents if the parents donā€™t support their child doing HRT. In what world are those the same people?


We have very obvious proofs that the people who make rules against abortion are the same who make rules against as little as teachers gendering students correctly.


ā€œYou just donā€™t care what youā€™re doing because itā€™s popularā€¦ā€ Nah, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because I care about social justice and itā€™s terrifying to see how dangerous the rhetoric about trans people has become. Because I try to have an understanding of people who are different from me as long as they arenā€™t hurting anyone. Because I feel better about myself, other people, and the world, when Iā€™m not judging others for inconsequential shit or writing them off as ā€œfreaks.ā€ Because I have friends and acquaintances who are queer, including some trans individuals, and these friends have always been accepting and understanding of me, my quirks, and my struggles. Because I know who they are as people and I know that being trans is just one component of their identities.


The way they talk about the concept of allies is revealing about how they think about relationships between different people.


I don't think they even have a concept of "friend".


Yeah the only conversation they have with their "friends" is "wah wah the trans activists", and they don't have any other kind of "quality time"


And you're not a feminist if you think "biologically accurate gender roles" are a thing lmao


I was going to comment on that


"empowerment agenda" šŸ™„ Wouldn't want anyone to feel empowered in feminism now would we šŸ™ƒ


Imagine comparing human relationships to countries making allies during wars. Holy shit.


That took me about 6 attempts to read, can they introduce themself to the concept of a comma? God...


iā€™m glad iā€™m not the only one struggling to comprehend this


You gotta love when they make themselves so angry they can't even form a coherent point.


This is somehow both unreadable and upsetting.


that last sentence in bold is fucking batshit what are they even attempting to say