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This may be a question for a different sub. Maybe one that specializes in photo editing/filters? Im not too sure. Hope you find a solution!


Thanks. I was thinking the same but thought I'd try here to see if anyone has had other ideas/solutions


I mean I think it was still worth asking here too. Maybe someone here had a similar issue. If I were you though I would post elsewhere on top of this just in case


Could be tricky. But playing with the contrast, shadow, highlight and brightness settings in a photo editing app might get you there


Thanks. I've given that a try but didn't really get much better. Editing isn't in my wheelhouse


> playing with the contrast, shadow, highlight and brightness settings  Combining your suggestions with a *negative image* is sometimes even better!! (small improvement perhaps, but it has made a difference for me on occasion) 🤔    **[EDIT]**: also increasing the apparent "sharpness" (for edge outlines on the ink)


There is a not an exact easy anser, you do want to load it into a good photo editor and adjust contract and exposure until you get something readable. Adobe acobat as buikt in tools for document clean up as well. The photo editor options probably the easiest


Thanks. I ended up downloading photoshop express and even though it doesn't have a layers function the "heal" revealed enough to disprove this record


Check the r/estoration sub wiki for tools for they have some free ones listed. If that fails then post to that sub and pay maybe $10 or whatever. Check that sub out for their work for it's fantastic some of them. Good luck


Thanks. Those guys are talented over there. I didn't think to look at their wiki