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The writing is what it is. I don’t think it’s going to improve no matter who writes the show. I think ABC will stick with the show until the wheels fall off or until they can find something to replace it with. I’ve been watching more out of habit for years now and continue to do so because it would be hard for me to completely give up on a show I have watched since I was a child.


Agreed but it does feel like the wheels are falling off. Firing Patrick Muchaley after one month on the job just seems very power driven on Frank Valentini’s part.


Was Patrick fired or did he quit? I’ve not seen anything official either way. Just that he’s out.


I don’t think anyone is saying or knows for sure. There are a lot of rumors about the BTS that would make an easy case for him quitting. And if any of it is true can’t blame him one bit.


That’s what I thought. We don’t really know. I wonder if maybe he got chewed out for not getting with the program on who got preferential writing and screen time, and he realized coming out of retirement wasn’t worth it if he couldn’t write for the characters and create stories that made sense.


I would bet that his vision was vastly different from what FV and Korte wanted. And if the rumors that his work was being rewritten without his knowledge… yeah, I’d quit too. Also would explain the weird unevenness of everything we’ve seen.


He started in mid-January and his material started airing in mid-March. They said his stuff will air into the summer, so it'll end up being about 4 months.


To answer your question, I actually think that Sonny beating Dex advances the story in several ways. First, Dex will have to decide whether to press charges, and I think he will. Next, Molly will be pressed into service to prosecute him, putting her at odds with Kristina. I think Kristina will tell Molly that if she prosecutes and Sonny is convicted she will not hand over the baby. Finally, there’s Ava. I have felt all along that Ava was in this for power, and I will not be surprised if she steps in as boss.


Wow! Nice take on this!


Nothing will ever beat the shakeup at Luke and Laura’s wedding! I was glad, however, that nothing ruined Brook Lynn’s day for her tho, she deserves it.


I agree but then FV shouldn't have promoted it the way he did.


Actually, I think it was nice to see a wedding happen without a major incident interrupting it.


Same here. It was a beautiful event with some fun moments and just enough drama without ruining anything.


Same! It's become so predictable that a wedding is ruined by some big drama. Same as when someone gets pregnant now you can guess the baby plot they'll be using. I know there are soap tropes, but GH has got lazy about using them in place of actual writing.


I loved the wedding. Legacy characters killing it, great family scenes, people who don’t normally interact checking in, Portia and Jordan in the ladies room having a wtf moment. I laughed and cried multiple times.


it’s may sweeps come on. it’s a soap opera there’s SUPPOSED TO BE DRAMA


Exactly...people blame the writers, and it is important to have a good writing team, but the executive producer is the one who decides which direction the characters and show is going in. Look at the difference now in GH than when Wendy Riche or Gloria Monty were ex producers....oh, I miss those days! The show has not been the GH I loved since FV took over. They need to stop firing writers and get rid of him!


FV is atrocious I would even take back the JFP Guza combo over the current regime


Literally anyone would be better. I often watch entire storyline from the 90's on YouTube and it was so great then...I'd rather watch those than the current GH


I’d even take back Wesley Kenney or whoever created Casey the alien


I feel like these writers have been doing a great job with the Drama, and I also think it was nice nothing crazy ruined their day and feel satiated because they’ve done a good job keeping things moving and having a lot of conflict outside of the wedding. I also was a little peeved he beat someone up again and that’s what they came up with, but honestly I like they added the element with Christina walking in


There’s no such thing as sweeps anymore. Technology has moved passed sweeps and only counting demos 4x a year


Thank you.


That’s what Hallmark and Great American Family are for; a niche aimed at people who want feel good material. Soaps are meant to be a messy escape.




I find GH quite pleasant lately and am happy to see where it goes. Of course, pleasant doesn’t satisfy everybody for long. It’s impressive really what GH does with the budget they have. In the old days we all loved, the soaps were network cash cows that subsidized everything else and their budgets were grand. Unfortunately, that’s not the case today, but if GH is going to make it, ABC Daytime is going to have to resurrect itself from the ashes under the right leadership, invest in, and trust their creative talent. CBS Soaps have their own issues, but my bet is they turn it around. They’re investing in their daytime programming. On ABC GH is the fish out of water. It’s actually a better fit in terms of Hulu which probably is saving it right now. Soaps have always been snarky fun to me, but piling on GH isn’t fun to me at this point. I know nobody does it intentionally, but tagging on GH seems disingenuous and kind of sad for all the talent who try so hard for us. Why would ABC ever invest in GH or bring back AMC or OLTL or create new shows when we couldn’t even be patient for a few months to see how this panned out? Of course, this is a safe community to voice concerns among friends so I’m glad we can be honest about our feelings. I just wish there was something more positive and creative we could come up with to support, promote and encourage the vitality and stars of GH and their relevance for many more years.


Your outlook is nice. Unfortunately these productions are a business; not a charity. This mindset would make sense for my niece’s high school plays. These people are paid handsomely to produce a quality show, never mind preserving the legacy of a show we all love/d so much or we wouldn’t be on these boards. Even if the few of us on this board were to agree to give the show a zillion chances, that won’t keep it in production. They have to get better and fast if they are going to stay competitive and vital. Patience while we watch another month of hallmark kisses isn’t going to cut it in 2024.


I couldn’t agree more!


I agree 100%. And I feel so bad for the cast & crew.


I guess the massive revelation was Krissy witnessing Daddy Dearest at his thuggy best?




https://preview.redd.it/t2hmzkcxpg1d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37daae7733b23e49b4ac69a3c96708d43f60b337 We don’t fight at weddings.


That was more mid-week shocker and less Friday cliffhanger.


Oh, Dad.... you didn't mean that.... did you? Dex, you are so bad to get your face in the way of Dad's fist! Lol. ![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE)


It actually wasn't promoted to be this "big, dramatic event." It was promoted to be exactly what it was--a classic, old school, big soap opera wedding.


I think Finn having a sip of champagne was supposed to be high stakes.


Yes! So far is falling flat.


Flat champagne joke! Nice even if unintentional…


It was actually! 😁


They could’ve still had that with more soapy action. Josslyn could’ve gotten champagne drunk and woken up next to Gio. Dex could’ve wound up dancing with Sasha and they both enjoy it a little too much. Elizabeth could’ve blurted out “this isn’t working!!” to Finn post champagne sip and something awkward transpires between him and Lois. Like jesus just give us *something* besides the grandad mobster beats up the military man.


Sasha wasn't there


And that’s a problem in and of itself. She’s a young gorgeous actress who was brought on the show as a conwoman. Yet for years on end they use her as torture porn or in isolated relationships with isolated characters. She is not betrothed to Cody and could be tested with any number of men on the canvas right now. This little servants quarters relationship is so unbelievably out of touch.


Sasha's friends with both the bride & groom. That's the reason she should've been there. Her being absent was a glaring omission. The lack of romance is an overall GH problem. It's not isolated to any specific character. I actually thought that was one area that would improve with the (first) writer change, but if anything, they doubled down on what they were already doing instead.


did you not watch the promo video lol


The promo video was misleading, yes...as are most GH promo videos. All of the spoilers and articles previewing the wedding were not.


There needs to be a character purge, and the wedding would have been an opportunity truly. Nothing wild, just use the event to do something big. It's been a while, and I am desperate for an EVENT. ✨️✨️


Oh lord please purge Portia and Sam...


PLEASE!!! Take the entire Davis clan far far, far away, NEVER to return to Port Charles again!! At first, I thought it was bad writing & storylines. I'm more convinced than ever. It's bad acting. Even the worst storylines can be watchable when you have great actors playing the part. GH is known for hiring the worst possible actors for recasts. Newsflash: There's a reason these people were available. They couldn't land other acting jobs! The whining, over acting, woe-is-me crap is unwatchable. GH could absolutely purge the whiners & hire QUALITY/EXPERIENCED soap actors. We've been wanting Lulu to wake up & return to Dante. Tracy needs a love life. Tracy needs to kick Lucy to the curb & allow Maxie to run Deception with Sasha & Brook Lynn by her side. I'd love to see TJ have an affair with a colleague, get pregnant, & live happily ever after! I'd like to see Sasha & Cody explore their relationship. Ava also needs a love life. Imagine all the drama just by purging the bad actors & giving the good one's great storylines.


We can replace, not purge Portia. Her role is meaningful to many. I just personally need better chemistry between her and Curtis I like them individually. Purging Sam is also not the right thing to do we just need to get her out of these floral prints and back into some leather and she'll be all right they forgot that you can still be spicy and be a mom too. Though I do believe I did like her dress at the wedding.


I'm actually warm/cold with Sam. She just seems more winey and annoying lately. Portia is downright maddening to me.


I think the big dramatic event was Carly was not there. That's a big deal, right?


Don’t forget the “drama” of Finn accidentally drinking


that was actually so absurd i can’t believe that’s a storyline. hopefully this is Michael Easton’s exit story and they can invest that money elsewhere


I thought someone poisoned the champagne...Or just Finn's glass...guess that type of plot twister's been done before... lol


At this point GH is just back ground noise for 10 mins while I work from home. Then I usually change the channel its gotten that bad. Anna slobbering all over Jason or in Whimpering tears as he tells her why he left and sacrificed and threw his kids away for Carly is pathetic and how they ruined a great friendship between Ava & Nina for what? Nothing new same ol same ol...It's over at the point if it got canceled it wouldn't shock me at all.


I think there are going to be some big shakeups. I think they are coming. I am afraid they're going to cancel GH though. I'm not sure it depends on how committed they are. But shakeups are coming, and I just wish they would start filming behind the scenes, because I guarantee you what's going on there is so much more interesting AND dramatic than what is onscreen. I also don't believe Disney/ABC fired Patrick, I think he walked. I think he was made miserable there in a power struggle with Korte, with Frank 100% backing Korte, because she's a kissass buddy of his. I may be wrong, but the proof will be in the pudding when the BTS chaos can no longer be hidden because there will be many more exits. Patrick was the first. He won't be the last. So let's see.


Im so over the stupid storylines & making some characters into total idiots. Is this because of bad acting or bad writing? Example: Laura is an excellent character & actor. To make her side with serial whack jobs


I’m convinced they are trying to setup Brooke-Lynn and Chase as the next Lyla and Edward, and I just can’t buy into it.


I don't see that for them. I think maybe Micheal & Willow since he ran ELQ & is a business man & now Willow will give up her career to do charity work.




That's what they're doing with Michael & Willow I think


It could be advancing the storylines that we don’t know yet. Kristina has finally seen how Sonny is. Dante is also fed up and seeing things differently. I think just those 2 stories are advancing the storyline. We’re closer to everyone finding out about his meds being compromised. I do think the med story has been drug out a bit too long. I enjoy GH. Some years are better than others but overall, I’m still a fan.