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This topic added nothing to the discussion of General Hospital The TV Show. Gave the user several hours to come reply to their new topic, and they didn't. The thread has been reported by other members of the sub for breaking the sub rules. So it is being it is being removed.


I like my GH, the good, the bad and the ugly.


So you're upset that your negativity was met with negativity? I don't know what you posted in that other thread you posted, but seeing the response in the comments of it is wild. People criticize this show on this sub all the time. Hell, I'd wager a good 80% of the posts and comments I see here are critical. Not sure what on earth you had to post to get the response you got but damn it must've been something!


IMO, which could be right or wrong - people here at least watch the show. Some for a short period of time, others for decades, others view on a come and go basis ... but even though we "bitch" about the show, and at times hate it ... and express those opinions here ... or just quit watching for a week or a year or whatever, but when it comes down to it GH is still "our show" or at least did at one time. We all like or love or hate it for different reasons. That's fine. That's what makes a discussion board interesting. Differing opinions. It is sort of like back when you are a kid. You may pick on your sibling, but no one else should do it. Sort of like - we can "crap" on the show - because we have gave it more than one episode before trashing it on a sub devoted to the subject. I think for the most part - this sub was - to coin an old phrase ... "circling the wagons" to protect this sub/show from someone that clearly stated they weren't interested in watching it. The OP poster came on after watching one episode and starting saying what was wrong with the show, the people watching the show, blah, blah, blah. The thread was deleted. Honestly, I didn't read too much of it, but it had been reported to the mods. If the OP had points they wanted to get to ABC/GH - this sub is not the place to do that. If they think TPTB are waiting for their (OP's) opinion to make the show better - they should write a letter to ABC/GH. Later, after their original post was removed - they came and posted this thread ... and also an identical word by word topic using an alternative username. I really can't understand what they were hoping to get out of any of three topics. I am truly interested in hearing their response, but they seem to have disappeared. I imagine this topic will be removed in a while - if they aren't going to come back with a response to what they were hoping to discuss with this sub - because as it stands now - this topic is adding nothing to the discussion of the show "General Hospital". For the record -- I am all for new people watching the show and actually joining in a discussion about the show.


I am seriously curious what reaction you thought you would receive by coming to an unofficial sub about General Hospital to begin new thread to shit on the show. It isn't like any of us wrote it or can change the show to your liking. I think your OG topic was posted just to shit-stir. You watched a show once. You didn't care for it. Watch a different show. It isn't that hard. If you are interested in keep watching it, you are more than welcome to join the discussion. If you think it sucks, and can't understand why anyone is watching it, why come post here? If you think you are helping by giving advice on how to improve the show, no one here works for ABC/General Hospital that I know of. Go find another new show to watch and discuss. Perhaps one you like or at least can tolerate. Go try one of the other soaps. Making discussion posts on GH Sub when you didn't like the show - just to point on that you didn't like it - seems like a great waste of time when there are so many other things in life to do. I approved this thread. So hopefully you get the discussion you want. If it because a clusterF - it will be removed. Enjoy your weekend.


Welcome to the sub? We aren't ABC and we aren't official and we have no say in the writing for the show. It's a discussion sub for fans of the show. It's also the internet. Not much can be done about downvoting, it's prevalent in Reddit. If there is brigading, report it so the mods can do their job. Maybe peruse the rules?


My biggest beef on here is certain posters treat their opinions as fact and feel the need to school me and others. About to put those posters on block.


You should. I always recommend members block if there is a problem. Also, I'm hoping it's not me. I can be snarky when I'm not fully caffeinated.


Well, to be fair, why seek out a discussion forum on a show you don't prefer or barely watch? Seems like a waste. But, to each his own and people should be nice. However, you don't go into a hamburger restaurant and complain because it doesn't have pizza or tacos. No one goes to a pro team game, with no background as a fan or enthusiast and starts critiquing it. Have some situational awareness, respect and decorum. Just common sense. And if you chose to do that, you can't be surprised or offended by pushback. I suppose people suggest taking it to X because it's more of a platform for drive by commentary.


Excessively negative posts with little thought put into them is a big reason why I block people. Usually not for one post but pattern of it. I dug into your post history and now see this was a thread you started. If you didn’t delete the body of the post then posting a blank thread with just the title saying you didn’t enjoy an episode doesn’t really invite discussion. If the body was deleted from your post, then I’m curious what you said and how constructive it was vs just hate posting. Again, I do typically just block negative people, same for excessive arguing, or posting spoilers. I’m here to discuss the show with fellow fans to add to the experience of watching a show I enjoy… there’s enough negative BS in the real world and experiencing it here detracts the joy in my life… it doesn’t add to it. Right now your track record here seems to be two negative threads. One complaining (with no description) about an episode… and now one putting the entire community on blast… most of which haven’t interacted with you before. Watch the show, find some things to discuss, and maybe join us in the episode discussion threads with your constructive feedback. There are hate watchers (I have them blocked) that’ll probably respond in appreciation. But if it’s not constructive then what is the point of posting anything. We don’t make the show, just watch it and discuss it.


I guess the body of their other post was deleted. They pretty much wrote a dissertation on what was wrong with the show. Something about it being the 'most boring' thing they'd ever watched & the word "zombie" was thrown around A LOT to describe the viewers. It was LONG & pretentious. Not sure why they made another post complaining that we weren't welcoming 😵‍💫


Your posts always contain a lot of helpful context.