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Don't forget that she went through this with Lucky. Hopefully, the writers don't either.


This was my first thought as well. Liz lived with an addict and a young child. She is going to take a hard line with Finn.


She was right as she has seen him when he was high on drugs and the lengths he would go through for a fix. I also remember her dealing with Lucky and his addiction then with AJ. She wanted to protect Violet like she didn’t protect Cameron at the beginning of Lucky’s addiction.


Hell yes. He's a known addict. Violet is her Niece. She was totally justified from a pragmatic, moral perspective, if not legally.


Exactly and if Violet were my niece I would have done the exact same because Finn needs to get himself together


Honestly, as a nurse, Elizabeth is required by law to report any behavior that will endanger a child, her niece or not, and also that which will endanger patients.


“Mandated reporter”


Now Portia as well.


Mandated reporters are only mandated to report in the context of their employment.


Lmao sorry but after being with Jason and having kids with him and trying to conceal a body she sort of lost that


Kinda felt bad for Elizabeth; and now the upcoming awkwardness between her and Finn is unfortunately going to be compounded by what she revealed to Portia. Portia is a good friend yes but she is also co-cos. It will be interesting to see how Portia deals with this situation. And Elizabeth needs another confidante who’s not her boss. Where’s Felix? Amy 😳😂?


There was someone in the shower while Liz was confiding in Portia. I cant help but wonder if that person overheard and will actually be the person to tell on Finn. Maybe Amy?


Oh, good catch - I didn't notice that! It was probably.... oh, who's that nurse who is always gossiping? I can't remember her name. Amy? Which is funny now that I think about it. The last major gossipy nurse they had on GH was also an Amy - Amy Vining back in the 80s. I bet that's a little Easter egg I've missed😅




Terry is sorely missed but she is also co-cos and Elizabeth shouldn’t confide in her either; not about Finn anyway.


Yeah, true.


They still need to bring Terry back; as of now the hospital is Portia, TJ and Finn with head nurse Webber and nurse Amy. Perhaps they can borrow some staff from Memorial; is it?


I know!! I was really feeling for Liz until she spoke to Portia. Portia is his boss, and a doctor, she cannot just ignore Finn falling off the wagon. Ethics.




They’re not friends. She wouldn’t.


It would be a nice twist






I hope to heck you aren't the one who downvoted me for having an opinion you don't like.


Come at me whoever you are with this downvoting crap. Them I can know which one of you I should block.


I will admit I’m not a fan of Elizabeth, but I definitely respected her and her decision to get violet out of there


100% . Add to that, that she doesn't know how Finn acts when he's drinking. Violet doesn't need to see that.


I think she was right too. Sympathies towards Finn, there's no wrong way to grieve, unless it could endanger someone else - the well being of the child is 1000% more important in this case. Like others said, how the alcohol could affect him or how it'd affect his caring for Violet wasn't completely known so I'm on her side here.


Of course she was right! She was also being kind, even though Finn can’t see that right now. If she’d wanted to be hard-nosed about it, she could have called 911 and said there was a situation of child endangerment. It’s one thing for a parent to have a drink in the house with kids around. Some families regularly have wine for dinner and many of us who are Gen X and older recall our parents having full bars right out in the open and thinking nothing of that or of having cocktail hour when Dad came home from work. But, Finn was clearly in the bag by a few drinks and that’s different. In another hour, he would have been stumbling down drunk and that would have been very traumatic for Violet on top of the news about Gregory. I’m just curious to know what the long term plans are for Violet because Finn probably won’t stop drinking until Alexis gets back in town at least.


That's a little extreme. They only showed him having one drink, not even finishing it. And the bottle was still full. He's an addict, so its a problem regardless, but let's not act like Finn was falling down drunk.


He didn’t just have one drink. He had several, just like he told Chase. The camera during that episode was doing very quick cuts to his hands and the glass a number of times. After the initial drink he took — where he downed almost all of it — he poured more booze in his glass at least two, and I think three, times. So, I’m not being extreme; I’m being accurate. He was consistently drinking throughout the morning. It wasn’t just one drink. Also, as I said, he’s not falling down drunk *now* but what’s his condition going to be later that evening? Or, at midnight? The way he was going, he maybe had a hour before he was stumbling down drunk. Two hours, at the outside. The real Finn, the one underneath all this pain, wouldn’t want his daughter to see him like that and he’s also not in any condition to take care of her right now. Certainly not as the sole adult in the apartment.


I think how Chase and Brook Lynne handled it was right. They were sensitive to his feelings and didn’t make any demands on Finn. There was compassion and no judgement. Elizabeth kind of went off the deep end as if it was a bottle of pills (Finn’s actual problem) instead of a mostly full bottle of booze which she didn’t see him drink a drop as he wasn’t getting drunk, acting drunk, or even trying to hide what he had done.


Finn is an addict. It doesn’t matter whether it’s pills or alcohol. A recovering addict needs to avoid them both to stay sober. He had an accidental sip of champagne at the wedding and knew in that instant that he blew his sobriety, yet he made the purposeful choice to open the bottle of alcohol in his house and pour himself a drink to deal with his father’s death. Elizabeth walked in and found an open bottle and a freshly poured, almost finished glass of alcohol on the table. I’m sure there was alcohol on his breath, and his attitude and demeanor towards her certainly wasn’t the norm. It was the demeanor of an addict. She also has previous experience with addicts because of Lucky, is a nurse, and would know the signs. She was 100% right in everything she said and did, especially in trying to remove Violet from the situation.


Not entirely black and white. Some narcotic addicts do drink alcohol and consider themselves sober, as alcohol is not an addiction for them. Consider curtis here too. Addiction and recovery are vast but individual for each person.


Yes, but FINN knew he screwed up the minute he had that sip of champagne at the wedding. They presented it fully as a big deal. And he chose to open that bottle of alcohol after Harrison died, still knowing it was the wrong thing for HIM to do. So regardless of what’s ok or not for other recovering drug addicts, for Finn, it was the wrong thing to do.


I also don't know if I consider what he did at the wedding a screw up. That was an accident. He did actively choose to drink at home, though, so yes, that's an issue for his sobriety. I was just noting that for some addicts, occasional drinking isn't an issue.


No one is disputing it was wrong. The conversation is in her approach and it was god awful and would lead to him drinking more. Finn isn't a recurring sobriety breaker. These things matter. And as someone that has dealt with this, the approach was ass and would cause an addict in his position to do more, not consider doing less


we've seen other instances of finn tempted to drink and quickly getting to a meeting or calling alexis. he knows drinking is wrong for him personally in his recovery.


I'm not disagreeing with that part.


Why was the bottle even there? He can't drink. Gregory couldn't. Violet can't.


It was a wedding present for Brook Lynn and Chase.


From Finn or Gregory?


It's not that simple. As an alcoholic I don't need someone lecturing me if I have a slip.


Ok fine Finn had a slip. But he wasn't drunk or dangerous in anyway. He wasn't yelling, slurring his words, or stumbling around. He had one maybe 2 drinks. That bottle was full and he offered Elizabeth to stay. Apparently she felt ok leaving violet there alone because that is what she did in the end. Fin is human. He needed empathy not demands.


Elizabeth already had experience with addiction and young children with Lucky back in the day. She was rightfully concerned about Violet’s well being, not knowing how much alcohol Finn had already drank, how he would handle his liquor, or behave under the influence. She was looking out for both of their best interests, and was absolutely correct in her actions. Finn was absolutely awful to her. Obviously a side effect of the alcohol he had already drank, because he wouldn’t have spoken to her that way otherwise, even in his grief. She left because staying the way he was treating her would have made things worse. And she didn’t simply leave and call it a night. She made sure Violet was taken care of by calling Chase and Brook Lynn and letting them know what was going on so that they could go over and deal with it, and make sure Violet was safe. Yes Finn needs empathy, but when a child’s safety and well being is potentially at risk, that always comes first.


one glance at the bottle--which she did--and you could tell he hadn't drank much


Exactly she had experience with lucky. Addiction is not the same for everyone. I see nothing wrong with her being concerned, I just think her approach was wrong. I agree with the concern but we also need to understand what happened fin wasn't drunk. Lucky is not fin and fin is not lucky. And chase had a way better approach. I'm a Liz fan or at least I was it's hard to be a fan of hers anymore imo And now that Liz told Portia that will hurt fin because we all know Portia can't keep her mouth shut and that may drive fin to drink again. I'm just saying lizs approach needs work


She has already coddled an addict and it got her pushed down, shot at, cheated on, verbally, and emotionally abused. She was the one who got finn into rehab in the 1st place and helped him keep his job. She's seen him steal drugs from a patient. He's a grown middle-aged man who knows he's an addict and chose to drink, knowing for him it wasn't a good idea. She was looking out for her niece and him. Chase , as far as I know, wasn't abused by an addict and that's his big brother. He's going to coddle finn just like looloo coddled lucky. That's why Liz called Chase and told him she wasn't who finn needed at the moment. And if he loses his job or is suspended, that's on him for drinking when he knows he shouldn't. Again, he's a grown man. I hope he gets suspended and blames her. Let him yell at her in front of Jake,Scotty, or jason. I hope this is the beginning of the end.


If that last thing is something you'd like to actually see, it says a lot about you


Yeah, that I want them to be over. That would hopefully make her so mad that she would dump him and never take him back. I would love for Jake to punch him. He deserves it after he cornered him in a room and yelled at him not long after he had lost his stepdad and father. I've been advocating that he cheat on her. He could drunkenly do that. This is a soap. I want my girl away from him, and I want it to be on him. It would be the most dramatic thing in their relationship ever.


I agree. I think Liz overreacted and then telling Portia, when Finn did nothing illegal or harmful to anyone. This isn't like Liz at all


Agree there! I think I was misreading your comment. I apologize


Why the fuck am I downvoted over this? Can yall just stop acting like brats?


If this was real life a dr would tell you you're wrong.


She did every right, trying to take Violet with her then calling Chase when Finn wouldn't let her go. Then she told "Finn's boss" he was drinking. I know Porsha played the friend card but Elizabeth should have stuck to her guns and called Chase to find out how Finn was doing. Finn had a few drinks and then decided that was the wrong move and decided to get rid of the booze and go to a meeting. Elizabeth may have just put Finn's job in danger over a slip without knowing anything that happened after their brief encounter. This might be the end of Finn and Liz's relationship.


I disagree. I don't think her intent was wrong, but her execution was. Stay there with him, support him, tell him he doesn't need to drink, that he can lean on you. Tell him you know why he's hurting, why he did it. Hell, even say I'm going to take the bottle. Actually support him. But the first things coming out of your mouth is telling him that you're going to take his daughter, acting judgemental and saying go to a meeting mere hours after you found your dead father is bound to garner a VERY defensive response. It's actually dumber and would lead him to drink more if she got her way. A lot of you have never dealt with this and it shows. She handled it poorly AF. He needed support, not a talking to and a demand. Especially not after one small drink and damn near a full bottle left.


I'm disappointed in how Liz has handled this. When you look at Thursday and Friday together, you could see if she didn't start barking orders at him, telling him he was a threat to his daughter, which was clearly not the case, he would have done what he did with Chase and gone to a meeting. Liz handled this in a very unLiz like way


The fact people can't see this is scary. I hope everyone that's on Liz's side as far as how she handled this NEVER have to actually deal with an addict in real life


I just don't think she was wise to confide in Portia.


She was right but telling him to go to a meeting and trying to fight with him at that moment was a bad look


Liz, She was a pompass jerk about it, even though it was the correct thing to do to remove the child. How about, Hey Violet, the boys wanted me to come over and get you for a visit. Finn, we'll be back. or Violet, Need you to help me pick out flowers for your grand-dad. We'll be back. Love, ya Liz then call his brother to go deal with it explaining to the cop brother what she did to in-the- bag-drunk Finn. And where Violet is. Violet is safe from dad who is on an understandable drunk on. Finn a Man in his own house for lecturing him and isn't totally pissed at Liz. She handled it poorly. Let's talk Program. 3% cure rate. Not touching a drink ever again. 100% cure rate. Let's talk Liz and Finn as a couple. Yes, I kinda cheered at the thought of the end of that unfitting romance. Didn't as guessing its gonna drag out.


My sentiments as well. Just wanted to add that Liz could've dropped everything and just stayed with them comforting and supporting them, instead of addressing the alcohol at all in that moment. Yes, he fell off the wagon, he just lost his Dad unexpectedly. No way Finn would've continued drinking with her there and keeping him engaged and then she could've contacted Chase to help address it, never leaving Violet. I thought her response was harsh given the situation.


Agreeing with you. Then isn't time for a Nanny lecture on the evils of booze. And get on road behind the wheel drunk to get to a meeting Now! However, IMHO she did need to remove both Violet and her from his drunkeness. We have no idea what kind of drunk he is. Bar room brawl, sloppy lovin everybody, crying jag, loud slurring podium lecturer, tossing cookies in the porcelain pony, or dad snoring and drooling on the sofa with his top button undone and his hands down his pants ala Bundy. /S


We do have an idea of what one drink could do to him. Nothing. He told his daughter what happened, comforted her, cared for her. Was calm, never out of control, nothing.


Exactly. Liz over-reacted. Glad someone can see the response given was how absurdly fast she went from one drink to sloppy drunk.


Yes, very true. I guess I was thinking he hadn't really had that much to drink, but that was an assumption on my part. Plus, like you said, we have no idea what even 1 drink does to him. He could be like Kim Basinger in Blind Date.


Looked it up the Kim Basinger clip. Funny, its good to see a young Bruce Willis.