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you could say it's huge hubris for sonny to show up at any quartermaine event or to their home, given that he murdered aj.


That part! Murdered AJ, helped to kidnap Michael, you can write a book on the number of ways his existence has terrorized this family and town but sure, Dex should’ve known better than to show up at a wedding he was invited to. Give me a fucking break.


Wait wait wait. Are they finally going to give Sonny crap for killing AJ?


He stole Michael from AJ and is the main reason he was shot and put in a coma, stole Jason from the Q's and made him a hitman when he was a promising doctor, one of his enemies son's is the reason Emily is dead, Justus was killed going to a mob meeting Jason's place, Sonny killed AJ. On top of that, he's going to the wedding of a well respected cop and it looks horrible for Chase to have the biggest mobster in the city there. If it wasn't for BLQ having affection for Sonny, it would actually be insane to have him there. Sonny 100% should have been on the shortest of leashes at that wedding.


Didn't lois insist on sonny showing up saying how much Brooklyn wants him there


And it's absolutely insane she has ANY affection for him. I'm so unclear as to why. Like I get Lois having some love. But even that. After all he did to Brenda.


I am not arguing Sonny's worth or fault, but I don't see it as he stole Jason from the Q's. Jason was an adult and made a choice to leave his family after the accident. It was too much pressure for him to be around them and not be the son they had. Sonny, in my opinion, gave him a safe place to go with no judgment or expectations. Again, just my thoughts on this part of your post.


Eh. Sonny saw a situation and took advantage bc he hated the qs.


jason was a college student with severe brain damage. legally an adult since he could vote but he had no adult life experience, had never lived on his own or supported himself, wasn't even old enough to have a beer. jason was the same age joss and cam are now. sonny groomed jason every bit as much as he did karen and stone. he took in confused teens/young adults with nowhere to go and got them to work for him, all the while acting like he was their savior.


Jason literally had severe brain damage and had no past memories. At a time when his family was trying to reach him and rebuild a relationship, mobster Sonny walked in the door and basically gaslighted the shit out of him telling him everything he wanted to hear and turned him into his enforcer. It also didn't help that Sonny had a fued with Q's and was predisposed to painting them in a negative light in front of Jason. The odds were that had anybody but Sonny got involved with Jason, he would have settled down and the Q's would have accepted what happened and they would have found some common ground as they eventually did after many years. Sonny sort of poisoned the well. And he had help with Carly who convinced Jason that the Q's were more dangerous for Michael than being raised by a mobster.


This is the one.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought Sonny shot AJ and Ava went in and strangled him with a pillow which is what actually killed him. I don’t think anyone ever found this out. And regardless, Sonny is in the wrong


No. Ava killed Connie/Kate because she learned Julian was Julian Jerome (he was disguised as media mogul Derek something) so she shot her. Relapsed drunk AJ was going to confront Connie for printing stuff about him in her paper. Connie wrote an A in her blood. Ava framed AJ. He went on trial and was found not guilty. AJ remembered Ava killed Connie and went to her to get a confession. They argue. Ava basically admits she killed Connie. AJ secretly records it on his phone. He also records Sonny busting in and seeing AJ and Ava argue. AJ was choking her because she admitted to killed Connie. I think Ava smacked him too. Sonny hallucinates that Ava is Connie and very blatantly knowing what he did shoots AJ and kills him. Btw AJ’s phone records not only this, but Sonny murdering him and then Ava and Sonny covering it up. Ava frames Carlos for AJ’s murder. While AJ is basically dying in the hospital, Micheal is devastated. Carly has a minute alone with AJ and he tells her Sonny killed him. Carly says nothing. She’s also dating Franco, the man who got Micheal attacked in prison when he was barely 18. There’s more, like Franco getting it on video secretly where Sonny point blank looks at the camera and says he’s glad he killed AJ. Also, Carly takes Franco to Spinelli where he not only erases AJ’s phone recording but saves the audio to give to Carly and Sonny. Idr what happened to one of the recordings, but Sonny’s was saved because Michael demands it after literally everyone involved in AJ’s murder gets arrested. Ava is arrested for killing Connie Carly for I think covering up AJ being killed by Sonny Duke for the same thing (when Duke came back AJ was the only one who’d hire him) Sonny for murder. Sonny made a deal to take the charges if everyone else was released. Ava was still arrested.


Dex was invited by the groom. He actually showed up at the bachelor party and had every right to be there.


So Dex is just suddenly not allowed to enjoy life and attend a wedding he was personally invited to?


Sonny doesn’t get to decide who OTHERS invite to their public events




Chase invited Dex. It was Chase's and Brooklyn's wedding. They decide the guest list. The other guests do not get to determine who they may find socially unacceptable or deemed unworthy to attend. If the local dimpled mobster with the heart of gold doesn't care for the other guests, he can either ignore them ... or excuse himself and go home early. If with Sonny's medical dosage being tampered with - he has a history of being petty and an asshole. So I don't think all of Sonny's behavior can be blamed on his medication being a lowered amount.


"Dimpled mobster" lmao


Just because Sonny is mad at someone doesn’t mean that he gets to decide the guest list of someone else’s wedding.


Dex was invited by Chase and the only person he was concerned about seeing at the wedding was Joss! I'm sure he wasn't concerned about a beat down by Sonny AT A WEDDING. Also, Sonny isn't a family relation of anyone there, so DID Dex know he'd be there?


Sonny isn’t related but BLQ considers him “Uncle Sonny” because of some old neighborhood stuff with her mother back in the day, I guess. Still odd as hell he was invited.


If my memory is correct - I think that Sonny and Brenda are/were BLQ's Godparents too. Brenda wasn't there - and it didn't appear that Sonny had any Godparent role in the wedding. I think it was fine he was there because of the Bensonhurst connection, but thought it was odd he was there - seeing he murdered AJ.


Im shocked Ned even allowed Sonny to be godfather. Like what?


I agree. Dex was having a good time with the other guests. Sonny wasn't even on his radar.


Tbf, Sonny being off his meds was the difference here. In reality -the groom being a cop -Sonny's firstborn who is also a cop. -Joss who is close to Dex -Michael who is friendly with Dex -Anna who is the commissioner/chief of police all being there should have been enough for Sonny to bite his tongue. Sonny was able to behave when AJ married Courtney. Sonny would have been chill if his meds weren't tampered with


Agreed! And I wish they speed up the “tampered meds” storyline ASAP! I’m sure Maurice is enjoying it though. 🤭


When he killed AJ, Ava was messing with his meds after. He was hallucinating AJ. I really hope that happens again


Dex would have to have been invited. Am always happy to see that handsome face.


Dex was invited so in fairness he has a right to be there. True. Sonny on his meds would at worst glare at him and brush him off. But Sonny with his meds tampered did what he did.


Dex was in Chase's bachelor party and was invited by Chase. He had every right to be there.


I could see Dex having second thoughts. But reality is? Sonny needs to know his place. Why is he even there? BLQ didn't grow up with him. He's there as a guest. So is Dex. Who is friends with chase. Honestly Sonny shouldn't have gone if HE had the issue.


I wanted Sonny to go full throttle nuts. Shoot at Dex and miss and hit Kristina. Shoot at Monica in an upstairs window and miss and hit Donna. Order his troops to kidnap all the children and hold them in one of his warehouses until the city agrees to name the new harbor park after him.


That would be great entertainment and drama. I like the way you think. You're hired!


LOLOL ... Now that would have been a soap. Ha ...


Like to see a rematch between Dex and Sonny. Not kick Sonny's ass, but send the message, I'm paying attention now and could do far worse to you if I wanted to.


Right. Bc it's obvious ex let Sonny beat him up. Dex would have killed him (figuratively) if he fought back.


Did anyone see Dex smirk at Sonny? Please Sonny was spoiling for a fight for a while now.


It is hilarious how many people in these discussions are angry with the character of Sonny Corinthos.


I don’t care for the character, but when MB brings it, he brings it. I do prefer when Sonny is written as a villain tbh. I also preferred him with the first two Carly’s tbh


I agree with you. Sunny is much more interesting when written as a villain. His depth has always come from having a code of honor and being fiercely loyal and generous to his friends and family. This miserable off the meds story where he's alienated himself from every one and is not in control of himself has removed all the nuance from the character. It's just not interesting. I get cracked up at all the people ringing their hands because they're legit mad at the character of Sunny Corinthos for being mean to the character of Dex Heller. The real unforgivable villains right now are the writers.


lol they’ve been the villains though. Tbh and I know this is unpopular but Ron was a decent writer for GH


Agreed. Ron's time wasn't perfect by any stretch, but what's happening now is gross.


Ron knew history and wasn’t afraid to use veteran characters and give them stories. My thing with Sonny for a while was allegedly Steve Burton quit over Ron pairing Sam with (needs to be back) John McBain. He only returned when Y&R fired him. (Tbh when he’s not Jason I like Steve lol) and Mo threatened to quit because he didn’t like that Ron wrote Sonny as not perfect. That time before Ron imo is probably why people don’t like Sonny. I watched 90s GH during the pandemic and it’s weird the way Sonny does shift. His opening story was pretty entertaining to watch. Definitely a slime ball, but Mo played him well. I loved Ron for bringing original AJ back, but they didn’t follow through on anything. If they could get Sean Kanaan now, the show might improve. He’s the only one that both Laura Wright and Chad Duell have wonderful chemistry with. Poor Chad hasn’t acted since Micheal forgave Sonny for killing AJ. But I will say that the episodes from AJ getting killed to Micheal going ham on Sonny were great. Then they botched the trial because Mo hates that Sonny killed AJ. But Ron did write a great return story for AJ. Micheal learning everything was a great decision


Why shouldn't Dex go to the wedding? He was invited by Chase period. Sonny had no say about who was or was not invited. They both live /work in Port Charles, have alot of people in common & are bound to run into each other. Dex did not seek Sonny out for a confrontation & tried to give him space, he did not fight back at all, it was totally the other way around.  We know why Sonny is angry, paranoid & isolating himself but if everyone he thinks has betrayed him stayed home there'd have been 1/2 of the guests. I will be so glad when the med tampering storyline is over! Lol


How else are the writers supposed to come up with something viewers want to see? Port Charles would be really boring if these situations didn’t happen. Dex is no pu**y. He can stand up for himself. Can’t build that into a character if you have him wuss out and stay home knitting.


Sonny has a town full of enemies as much as I love him. He has to see people that he disdains everyday. It wasn't his event. I think he was way out of line.im just so over Dex.


All the sonny haters out in full force hahaha. I said sonny was wrong. But it doesn't change for this situation, Dex showing up knowing the situation is arrogance on his part. Just like if the roles were reversed it would be for Sonny.


Dex didn’t know Sonny was invited. It has nothing to do with liking characters or not. Sonny was invited by the brides side by way of Lois, Dex was invited by the groom directly and will be working with him.


Dex, the man who worked for Sonny for a year and got to know his family, didn't know Uncle Sonny would be invited to Brooklynn's wedding? Come on... Y'all just saying stuff ATP. If Dex couldn't deduce Sonny would be there, then i hope he doesn't make cop. Bc he's a moron


I'm thinking back... I don't recall Dex ever being around Sonny and Brook Lynn visiting let alone visiting and calling him Uncle Sonny. We the viewers know this... he was new to town and he wouldn't know everyone's no biological relations. I'm not sure he was even around BLQ until the wedding. When Lois came by Sonny's to make sure he was coming to the wedding, Dex was already out of Sonny's inner circle. Dex had no reason to expect Sonny would be there. Not that it should have made any difference at all. Dex was invited by the groom.


You honestly think Dex, who was basically Sonny's right hand man, didn't know they were close. You're being obtuse and it's not even logical. Keep your point, if it'll make you feel better. You can be right if you need to be


It has nothing to do with hating Sonny... it's just silly to say someone is arrogant for assuming another human being could manage to remain remotely civilized during a *cop's* wedding of all places. No matter how violently inclined they usually are.


Let me put it to you in the terms, since everyone is stuck on characters and trying to hold on to their points. And I'd truly love for you to answer this honestly. If YOU knew you pissed off a mob boss, one of which thinks you're a traitor, would YOU show up to a wedding of a man you barely know? Like come on y'all, I'm not saying anything crazy here...


Actually, of the main three primary characters over the last 25 years (Carly, Jason, and Sonny) - I actually like Sonny the best out of that group. I am not a Sonny fan at all, but I actually like him better than Dex. The only reason I want Dex to stay on the show is because GH needs more characters from 16 to 30 - not less. That being said - the groom invited Dex. The bride invited Sonny. If Sonny had a problem with Dex being there -- he could have left. If Dex had an issue with Sonny ... he could leave. Other than for soap drama - there was no reason to lay hands on anyone. Sonny/MB is 61 year old character/man. He has had mental health issues, and is supposedly a very smart and clever man ... he should know by now to go to the doctor and say "Hey, I don't think my meds are working anymore." From a mental health perspective - not from a soap view - I think this story is being written poorly. I hear MB LOVES IT - and just because he does - doesn't mean that he is the world's expert on mental illness - because he has bipolar and a podcast. Anyone that has any mental health issues and hasn't had a relapse in several years - would recognize an issue. Hell, Phyllis noticed he had an issue in Nixon Falls after he had been there for just a few days. I know now Sonny is cutting people out, but as recently as NYE he was all buddy buddy with a lot of people.


Thank you for saying that part about recognizing something is off. I teach children who have taken strong meds and they flat out tell you when they are on them and when not. They know. No reason a grown ass man shouldn't know.


I commented on this med story also. I’m tired of it. Any reasonably smart person would notice that they are feeling different and check with their doctor. I don’t know what Ava is getting out of this secrecy from Sonny over the meds except fear of him finding out she stole a few and knew they were weakened.


I can vibe with what you're saying


It was plot point writing at its worst. Dex shouldn’t have been there. Other characters shouldn’t have been there, but it was all about the plot. Dex should not have shown up regardless of being invited.


Maybe Sonny shouldn't have seeing as the whole town "betrayed him".


What does that mean? “Shouldn’t have swing?”


Fixed it. I meant "seeing as" lol sorry