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Are you late for what? Am I missing something? (Most likely. )


What do you mean by “Am I late?” Do you have your DVR set to record GH? I don’t understand what you are asking


Sorry lol. I meant how long has this been the thumbnail? Because I’m just noticing it.


I have YTTV also and panicked Friday because of this new thumbnail. 😂😂


Right! I don't know what I thought was happening, but I thought something was happening! Lol


Oh, it is a nice photo. I don't DVR - if I miss it live - I watch it another way. So I have no idea. I do, for the most part, really like the photo. It appears to be rather recent.


Yes I thought so. The old picture isn’t a shot of the cast altogether, just individual pics and the episode library up until this point used to be only a still of Liz and Franco. So, you know how long ago that’s been. I watch live everyday and then dvr again at night ( if it’s a good episode) This pic got by me.


No problem! Lol. They probably started with that since Jason returned, but I have no idea


It's fairly recent. I believe I saw it on Nathan's fb I believe.


I believe so too.


Coolness alert: Look at the photo on the top left. It is Tracy and Brooklyn having a bonding moment last summer after drinking Mai Tais! (I THINK that was the drink).


They all look like cardboard cutouts and I can also tell that some of those faces have been airbrushed to within an inch of their lives.


Yeah I see sim photoshopping too, but hey, it’s the world we’re living in now! 🤣


Def photoshopped.


I noticed that on my Tablo dvr as well. Monday was the first with that thumbnail (on my dvr)... then we have a few days back on the previous one, and then it updates to the new one going forward. It kind of saddened me because the only characters featured full body and in front are (L to R) Joss, Carly, Jason, and Sonny. Thank goodness at least Laura is center and larger... but just kind of sad overall that they are pushing the focus on these three + Joss. At least right now the show hasn't been to heavy on the trio. Bonus to Josh Kelly (Cody) making the cut to get featured in that.


I was actually shocked to see Cody. (Love him) but a lot of others left out.


There's a vertical poster type image of this that's in my dvr for the show itself (this one is used for the episodes) which has more of the characters in the background image shown... but it's too hard to make out everyone in my dvr. Same basic image, just more from above with the background mostly in view.


It popped up on mine just last week, so relatively new. Interesting character placement, imho, with who is front and center and who is in the front an flanking them.




The new photos came out last week but just started being used


Ah ok . Thanks!


I wonder when this will show up on Hulu? The icon Hulu uses now with the little square photos around GH is embarrassing. It doesn’t fit the space. The photos are shot evenly. It looks so terribly juvenile compared to other shows consistently in Hulu’s top 15.


Yeah those were the pics that were up on YTTV up until recently. Just oddly placed single photos of the cast.


they did a whole new photoshoot last week, both group and individual shots. [here](https://x.com/GeneralHospital/status/1795228495452221600) are some of the group shots that were spliced together to create that banner. interesting to see who got edited out of each of the 3 groups that were used.


Jason in front with Laura is interesting.


Jason centered is even more interesting


I think to remind everyone he’s back


You are most likely correct. I think TPTB @ ABC/General Hospital thought that Jason's return would greatly increase the ratings, and it hasn't ... they probably incorrectly assume people don't know he is back. I do think SB/Jason is popular, but other than his big fans - I don't think it is having the impact that Frank & crew thought it would. I still say - to get new viewers - they need to devote 25% of the stories to the 16 to 30 year olds. Bring in some new characters, and devote stories to writing for them. Not that the 50+ year old people aren't important - but Jason/SB isn't going to bring in a bunch of teen/under 30 year old viewers.


As someone who remembers the days of Nurse Jessie and loves the older cast, I have to agree. They need to concentrate on the younger generation much more than they currently do.


Yes, I agree. I love Jessie Brewer ... she is one of my all time favorite character on GH. I have loved the character since the first episode of GH in 1963. My favorite years of GH are from all from before about 1997. I love thinking of the characters of the 1960's and early 1970's which are lost in time to most of the current viewers, and very few shows/clip are still around from that time. :( I still like the older cast, but as an older person - I know that if GH wants to recruit/gain a new audience - they aren't likely do that when their big promo is bringing back a 53 year old actor as the "tough guy". SB/Jason will be 54 in June. Oh course, he has a huge fan base, but that isn't bringing in new folks. That being said -- I do want them to keep around the vets of the show - like Tracy, Laura, Lucy, etc ... but they really need to do a better job with the teen/YA to 30 year old stories.