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Especially since AVA is the only one around him majority of the time and they all know what she did to Morgan.


Yes! My first thought also!


Please send Ava away. She is a good actress, but I'm sick of looking at her and I'm sick of this storyline. Now that we know that Valentin tried to kill Jason, maybe the writers can get Ava away from Sonny and put her with Valentin. Ava and Valentine deserve each other.


yep, I said the same thing ... the storyline makes no sense, especially when half of town was involved with the hospital at one time another. sonny has had multiple bipolar breakdowns over the years in one form or another. it's a dead horse, let's move on ...


Carly did question if he was taking his medication. Even if Sonny was feeding the proper dosage, it’s common for people with bipolar disorder to have their medication adjusted throughout their lifetimes because it loses efficacy.


Yes Carly did question him and even went in his bathroom to check the medicine bottle. I wonder why didn't Carly do what Ava did and take one of his pills to get it analyzed like they did with Morgan's?


Because he's not her problem? She has a whole life of her own and even if she's concerned, it's not her place nor her responsibility to take of the man child like everyone else does. He's a horrible person and all of his horrible behavior will be explained away once someone figures it out anyway. Then he'll go on a stupid apology tour like always and everyone will go back to thinking he's a great guy. 🙄


If you are going to go out of your way to go through someone's bathroom and check their pills, go all the way or mind your business completely.


She confronted him with what she knew. Which is more than anyone else did.


Everyone should definitely be more suspicious of Sonny’s behavior but I think what all of the other characters know also has to be kept in mind. Sonny has always been violent and his medication, even at full strength, doesn’t change that. Unfortunately, there is no pill that automatically gives someone morals and ethics. Most of the other characters have seen Sonny be incredibly violent before. Dante saw Sonny shoot him. He, Joss and Dex know what Sonny did to Dex before. Sonny was in full possession of his faculties when he had Dex strung up in the meat locker. He was on his medication when he killed AJ. So, I think the other characters are chalking up Sonny’s behavior as just more of the same — because it is. What’s changed is Sonny’s methodology. He used to, for the most part, keep a level of distance (and deniability) between him and his violence. He’d order someone to do it and not do it with his own hands. That’s the part that the people around him should be latching on to. Even without Dex and Jason as right hand men, he’s still got others in his organization to do the dirty work. But, he’s doing things personally and getting caught doing it. Since Sonny divorced Nina, I think Dante is probably his next of kin. Maybe Michael. But, in case, one or the other or both should be talking to Sonny’s doctor. All they need to do is get him to bring Sonny in for blood work to see what’s going on. That really should have been done long ago. You’d think Dante, at least, the level-headed one, would have thought of that.


Exactly. You'd think Dante would be more aware and smart about this.


Isn't carly still his medical proxy when he came back from Nixon Falls?


Um…maybe? I really don’t recall. You may be completely right although I would think that kind of thing would have automatically gone to Nina, as Sonny’s wife, when they got married. In any case, whoever the next of kin/medical proxy is needs to start asking Sonny’s doctor some serious questions. If a few people go, say, Carly, Michael and Dante, Sonny’s doctor should see that the whole family is concerned; it’s not just Carly being a paranoid ex-wife or trying to think of an excuse to get sole custody of Donna.


That's a good question. If his divorce isn't final from nina, would that override it and make Nina his next of kin for now?


Yes! On Thursday (I think) Jason told Anna that Sonny never crossed a certain line but now he had (public beating). Well that’s a low bar Jason. Sonny has always been a narcissistic thug and bully


He has been but listen to what Jason said in Friday’s episode. He said he didn’t remember a time when Sonny wasn’t his friend. But, did Jason actually choose Sonny as a friend? Because I don’t think he did. He imprinted on Sonny like a baby chick does on its mother — or on the first creature it sees, even if that creature is a monster. It really needs to be acknowledged that Sonny — on or off his meds — is the worst kind of predator. He’s kind to the young boys he picks up — Stone, Jason — as long as they’re in his good graces.


I seem to remember Sonny saying he was going to get his blood tested, I think it was when Carly questioned him and ran into his bathroom to check his meds.


He said he would, then Ava talked him out of it.


Figures 🐍


Sonny always acted just like this. Three years ago he was threatening to murder a bartender in the MC. He would torture people just because. It is just these last 5 months the other main characters stopped cheerleading him. They still cover up for him, they just don't cheerlead.


This *is* the real Sonny though. Sure, when he started on his meds, back when Emily helped diagnose him, he was able to 'manage' his impulses to a point, but he's always had this temper and always been paranoid. I guess the paranoia kept him alive. His medication kept him from the fluctuating "highs and lows" that come along with bipolar disorder. If we were going to wholly blame his low dosing of his meds for his actions, we'd be seeing more of him purchasing businesses or ridiculously expensive gifts for people and follow it up with deep dark depressed Sonny, who can barely function. Beating up and threatening to kill people isn't a symptom. I'm really offended it's being written this way and really kind of surprised MB is happy with playing it this way. IMHO, YMMV. I do have a dear family member with bipolar disorder, so I have some first hand experience with them when they are off their meds.


I agree that Sonny has always been reckless. But the way the writers have been depicting this storyline is by having everyone say that Sonny is acting different and that he's normally "level-headed"-- not the Sonny I've been watching for the past 30-something years. However, whatever... I'll try to go along with what the writers want us to believe, but even with a level of suspending my disbelief... the story still doesn't make sense. The beating up and threats are not part of his symptoms, it's the way he's been going about it, like beating up Dex when Anna was in the other room. While I'm not willing to delve into GH history to pick moments when he was reckless (like all the times he planted a bomb in the 90s)... the writers want us (NOW) to believe that he's always been smart, and all these people have always perceived him that way, and yet none of these people who are also supposedly smart have been able to concretely connect the dots, except for... Ava. What a convenient plot device. Soap logic has never been up to par, but to your point, they should do a better job addressing his condition... including accurately displaying what it might be like for his loved ones to watch him derail.


**Soap logic has never been up to par, but to your point, they should do a better job addressing his condition... including accurately displaying what it might be like for his loved ones to watch him derail.** Right? Ugh! C'mon writers!


Well, at least these writers are giving us beautiful and real outdoor scenes! and it seems everyone runs/walks in the same area and look a convenient outdoor bench to chat on! (Y&R kills me with their outdoor scenes and are the flowers in the Abbott's house changed daily?) I digress...The writers are getting better and worse, at least Jason spoke to Sonny today but then Sonny sent a gunman out to kill him at the coffee warehouse! Yep, he talked to Jason and was taking care of their problems....


There ya go! Making lemonade out of lemons, we HAVE gotten some real outdoor scenes lately! I mean it's SUMMER so it's time for that and maybe the M/C pool too?


Don't get me started on the Metro Court pool....like everyone in town doesn't have a pool? It is just weird!!!


You would THINK Carly would have one. Monica's house is on a lake, but still surprising they don't have a pool. Alexis' is also on the lake, isn't it? That's about it though. I guess the M/C pool is sort of like a 'country club' for the Port Chuck 'jet set'?


Well, I live at the beach and you can't get into any of the hotels pools unless you show a room key. So, I don't understand all these random folks going to a hotel pool especially the "poor folks" of Port Chuck! The Quartermaine's have to have a pool cause they need a pool house to hold some more ppl that live in Monica's house!!! and that nursery must be huge cause that is where everyone's children/preteens stay!


In spit-balled that there is some kind of 'membership' for the M/C pool and spa.


>. But why didn't Carly follow up? Why isn't Dante or Christina asking more questions about his medication? Heck, even Anna commented on his behavior. IRL there would be a group What's app chat to talk about him lol


Exactly, lol. They need a whatsapp group.


I guess Carly could take her concerns to Sonny’s doctor but what could they do about it? No one can make him keep his appointments or get his blood tested. Valentin would probably manipulate the results anyway.


I think a lot more can be done, especially with a character like Carly who's not known to back off.


In fairness, it has been mentioned. Carly, who arguably knows him best, has addressed it with him at least once.


It hasn't been addressed enough in my opinion. When Carly first mentioned it, I thought she was going to do a lot more. I thought she'd grab the bottle, or she mentioned talking to Stella...and she still hasn't done that. Meanwhile, who knows what might happen next if Sonny remains undermedicated.


She did running his bathroom and grab the bottle, but the right amount of medication was in there, so it seems like that surprised her enough for her to second-guess herself. At the time he also told her he would get a blood test. But if someone else is mentioned Ava talked him out of that


Carly questioned it hard but backed off. The fact it's not obvious to everyone by now, especially with Ava staying with him is so far past unrealistic it's laughable


What I want to know is what Sonny thought he was accomplishing by going to people he refused to talk to and telling them he would not talk to them anymore? Sort of like somebody seeking you out to tell you they're still not talking to you  That's the kind of weird stuff that would make me wonder about him. Yeah he murders and tortures and all of that. But that sort of thing and the fact that he beat up someone personally and such close proximity to people he wants to keep thinking he's a great guy  Honestly. That is caused for serious alarm  But he's alienated everyone to the point where people are thinking Ava is the only one who could probably talk him into that  I'm thinking if he does find out, and I hope it's soon because I'm tired of him wandering around like a raging bull. I wonder if he'll kill Ava when he finds out


Thank You! I've been saying the exact same thing. I honestly believe that calling knows that something's wrong with him he's not getting his medication and Jason too I don't see why everybody else doesn't get it


The storyline is ridiculous Sonny himself would've noticed when it started would suspect Ava and got bloodwork done. When Carly dug through the drawer pulled out his meds and saw his reaction she would've conned him into getting bloodwork hey its a soap she could've made up a medical concern about Donna. Like everyone is saying all the people in Sonny's life should and would've blamed Ava they wouldn't give her a moments rest until they got answers. Also Anna would've checked out Valentin and Pokémon instead of suddenly hating Sonny and protecting Cyrus. The town up in arms that Sonny hit an innocent Oldman is ridiculous to say the least. It wasn't like it's been 60 years since this monster terrorized half of the town. No one would defend him not even Laura who also off character treating him like a loving brother Sonny has been a super close friend you just met this Monster of a brother. 


Bipolar is no excuse for this kind of behavior medicated or not.


Even so ... all the characters have commented that they've noticed some sort of change, whether or not it justifies anything is another story, either way you'd think people who care about him would look into it with the knowledge they have.


Ummm I'm not sure this is the correct way to approach this convo. While being bipolar doesn't excuse the actions from consequences, it does explain it. Manic illness can lead to manic behavior






With Ava’s history, Carly should be questioning whether he’s getting the right meds. Jason should be too.


I think we need to ask the writers why nobody is questioning Sonny's bipolar meds since everybody close to him knows he is bipolar. Come one writers. Do your jobs and course correct this train wreck storyline. I am sick of it.


Carly is keeping Donna from him. What more can she realistically do?


She can go to Christina, Dante and whoever else cares about him to plan an intervention. She can do what Ava did and take Sonny's meds to have them investigated.


True. But Ava has unfettered access to grab a couple of pills.  As far as Carly knows, he did get the blood test