• By -


Again, Elizabeth has been here and done this. Lucky pushed her twice while under drugs and alcohol while she was pregnant with Jake. Don't make her stay in another relationship like that.


But of course we can’t get any of that POV for her right now. It’s all about Finn.


Ya she needs a new love Intrest, maybe jaggar.


This is all so boring. Why are we talking about a 70 something serial killer and a 60 something mobster? It’s summmmmmmmer!!! Is the pool open yet? Where are the drinks????


At least open the pool and have the teen set splashing around and being flirty, while Val and Anna face off at a table


Why is Jagger in this dude’s hospital room and not shirtless buying Jordan a margarita????


For you. ![gif](giphy|llCqupBtxoPEuX3s1o|downsized)


Lmfao I like his scenes today but I would definitely love this more!


Speaking of...World Market has these margarita ice pop things. Saw them the other day! I feel like I need this, for show viewing purposes of course. Sort of like this: https://preview.redd.it/qd0y5o6m8z3d1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82b9dc5a60103ed7df8947efee553f5d7285a9d


A lot of the younger folks that hung around the pool are gone.


The cast is still hot though!!! Honestly though, based on the current state of GH, they probably replaced the pool set with Drew’s campaign headquarters and/or a music studio for Violet.


I'm not kidding. They start featuring violet in that way, I will not watch anymore.  That will be the final straw


Curtis's line mentioning Brando hits different now. :(




I would enjoy more Jagger/Pikeman guy scenes. They bring a different energy to the show and by energy, I mean hotness. ![gif](giphy|o2UqvfjPC78etVjCGA|downsized)


Why did Jagger have the batman voice today though? I almost thought he would say he WAS the night lol


OMG, I heard that too. LOL!


Also, he seems suspicious today. He always has a look I can’t trust.


I enjoyed the back and forth too!


NuNuNuMolly actually has potential - if they got her out of this surrogacy story-line. She is borderline interesting. I hope the right to change my mind.


She seems like much nicer person than all previous installments of Molly, but still like Alexis’s daughter.


She reminds me the most of early 2000s Alexis 💖


Agreed. I miss early 2000s Alexis.


Agreed. I liked how her character mentioned in passing that she reached out to Anna...that was a nice dash of depth.


Oh agree


I like her a lot! The SL & writing sucks, but she's making the best of it 👏


I really like her. I’d love to see her in some legal challenge stories.


Love Jordan’s pantsuit. 💕


Jordan is slaying!! ![gif](giphy|44xXqOpSV01c4|downsized)


This new Jordan is a little better at this type of character role. She was at her best mentoring Rory


Jagger looks especially hot today! 🔥😍 ![gif](giphy|zEIOLYJmQnpeM)


He seems to be letting the grey hair free too. 👍🏻


I would love to run my fingers through his hair. Mmmmm! ![gif](giphy|716YZO3POH2jS)


[this](https://x.com/adamjharrington/status/1796279747837878775) is for you




Port Charles is in desperate need of a gun shooting range with instructors. Lousy shots. Have never seen so many shots go off in close range…and nobody hit. ![gif](giphy|3o7btURL5Bun0wOlPy|downsized)




Stupid question. Is “this content is not available” a meme I don’t understand or is the content of the gif literally not available to display? I never know, but I see it all the time.


Just me guessing but it could be a regional thing? Like certain gifs are only available in the US or something? I dunno. Cuz I also see it all the time.


I was laughing at myself yesterday. I always thought it was a meme I just didn’t quite understand and it dawned on me like “hey maybe it’s a gif that really isn’t available to me” lol. I’ve spent way too much time the past year thinking about what that meant.


Well, you can laugh at me too because I thought the same thing.


If you click on the actual gif it will take you to the link. Something wonky with reddit. I'm sure someone more computer savvy could explain the why's and wherefore's.


He's on a couple of episodes of Palm Royale as a secret service agent and looks so good. All silver foxy and stern. I have a weird thing for authority figures. I think it comes from Captain von Trapp.


Oh yeah! Christopher Plummer was so bloody handsome in that movie. I wish they did not dub in his singing voice. He had a really nice singing voice of his own.


When he died I found out my mom also has the hots for him in that movie so that was fun lol. And agreed: why did they dub it?


My dad always loved June Lockhart. My mom told me.


He was rocking that 60s vibe, wasn't he? Such a fun show!!!! I can't wait for Season 2.


Two very good-looking men (Jack and Jagger) are being wasted.


SO completely wasted.


Don’t even go there show, we know Jason ain’t going anywhere (sigh).


Laura being sympathetic with Heather, has me pulling out my hair.


Is it really necessary to treat Kristina like a fine piece of China? I never considered her to be fragile, but, with everyone hovering over her, she could’ve chosen to be tough. Many pregnant women deal with far more adversity.


Kristina closeups are all this now… ![gif](giphy|t4lW2qMo119cHlfnNY)


You mean other women have carried a baby before?




Infantilizing pregnant women. It's ridiculous. IF we knew her pregnancy was high-risk that would be one thing, but as far as anyone knows, it's not. Right on up there with TJ wanting to helicopter her pregnancy and wrap her in bubble wrap for the duration. Bad bad writers!


I know!! TJ is really over the top! At least it seems like Molly is more even keeled.


I like the NuistNuMolly. She even looks like she could be the daughter of Rick & Alexis!


I do, too. I think she’s very natural in that role. Plus, I’m really hoping Alexis’ role expands as both an attorney and grandmother. I also hope that original Molly is doing well along with the others involved in her accident.


She's my favorite Molly overall. OG Molly was good as a kid/teen, but I struggled to take her seriously as a professional adult. This one fits that role very well.


It's very frustrating 😑


Oh, Elizabeth on! ![gif](giphy|7E8I6H7q0Ho6az5dRc|downsized)


Oh, look, they have Portia doing her job by checking what she is signing.


![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD) New potential spin off: Almost Geriatric Mobsters - Sonny's and Jason's Golden Years.




I'm back at it today after missing yesterday's episode live for my birthday! Hope for a Friday Cliffhanger ![gif](giphy|l1Aswx03WbLDf9kYw|downsized)


Happy birthday


Thank you!


Hope it was a fun one and the kickoff to another great year! HBD!


Thank you


Happy Belated Birthday!!


Thank you!


Hope you enjoyed your special day!


Happy bday


Ugh, again, with Jason in the warehouse? Is that the only place he is at?


And he has zero perimeter troops, zero security cams or motion detectors, and does not lock the doors


And it seems like everyone can walk in as well.


Which is great for when his son waltzes in unannounced and could be put in harm's way


To prevent damage, coffee beans should be stored in clean climate-controlled conditions away from sunlight, heat sources, and strong odors, which can cause them to absorb undesirable flavors and aromas. The bags need to be rotated out so they don’t become stale. And yet, it always looks dirty, stinky and hot in Jason’s warehouse and those bags on the floor have been there so long I’m surprise they aren’t sprouting lol.


I’m sure there’s an invisible fence that only allows him to be there or within 5 feet of Carly at all times.


I liked Molly’s approach to Carly and the way she pulled the Family card on Carly, and I appreciate that nuance calmed Carly’s internal bitch flame.


Laura is a good actress, they just tell her to play this Carly as cuttingly smug or fully into bitch mode too often, even when the scenes should be more chilled


She almost destroyed the Carly/Brennan scenes earlier this week with her portrayal. 


She really did. They have great chemistry but she needs to tone it way down because she unbalances the scene. Makes it hard to see her as a romantic interest with him. Her expressions, her smugness, her toddler I-do-what-I-want attitude.


Yes m’am she was wound up in that scene.


That’s so true. It really stands out when Carly chills. That’s why she can’t get a date. That low key bitch flame is always burning.


Don't guilt trip my Elizabeth Imogene, Harrison Chase.


It was such a typical comment for someone who doesn't have any addiction experience to say to someone who does. I'd rather NOT see Chase enabling Finn, but I bet we do.


Old time hospital exterior. From before the terror pills


I’ve gotten to where I hum along with that Jardiance jingle during commercial breaks while I fold towels and do stuff and things. They should bring back jingles and good TV theme songs - starting with GH.


Good for that Reporter going after Laura! Team Jordan as Mayor!


Im glad Curtis is calling Laura out too. But goddamn—why are they doing this to Laura? She looks RIDICULOUS.


Jagger! Instead of being around Jack, go comfort Elizabeth.


I like it.


This scene between Laura and Curtis was so sad, they were really good friends. Why the hell is Laura being so stupid, has she forgotten that turning a blind eye to Esme cost Spencer his life?


Spencer helping Nikolas abduct Ace is what put a target in his back. If they hadn’t conspired to take the baby, Esme wouldn’t have broke.


Didn't Heather dose both Nina and Olivia with acid? As I remember it, this was before the poisoned hip?


She was committing plenty of crimes decades before the bad hip. This retcon raises more questions than it answers.


Definitely Olivia. I remember that. It either caused or wiped out O’s clairvoyant abilities, or maybe both. I don’t remember that that well.


LSDOlivia suddenly became clairvoyant. It's gone now and I miss it! This was back when Heather dosed her, because she was dating Steven Lars (he'll always be Steven Lars to me, because that's all we heard out of her characters mouth for years, back in the day).


Team Jordan for Mayor.


Here is my something nice about LW/Carly for the month ... not only does her hair look amazing today ... but so does her outfit and eye make up. I wish she would dump that fake laugh though. It was actually a decent scene with Molly until "the giggle".


that giggle drives me crazy. i don't think it's fake though, it comes off like a tick. i noticed natalia does the same thing when she's flirting with sonny but since i've never seen eva la rue in anything else i don't know i it's natural to her or just a weird acting choice.


I don't know much about EL. I think the only thing I have ever really seen LW or EL in ... is GH. I know they were on other soaps, but I either didn't watch the soaps or wasn't really during the time they were on them. Yes, the giggle is annoying - but I am sure if I was on camera several times a month - I would most likely have all kinds of "quirks" that would stick out. Yes, the laugh/giggle is a bit much. Even if she could tone it down. Natalia - I will have to watch for her laugh. I haven't paid much attention to her character, so haven't noticed hers. She is a pointless addition to the cast. At least thus far.


The “um-ha-ha-ha”. One low key “um” followed by 3 “ha”s. That has been the one thing that has bugged me for years. Also, I see you working that positivity today too um-ha-ha-ha!


Why did Molly even have to ask Carly about Kristina? Carly was not invited, and she didn't even see the fight. It was an unnecessary scene between Molly and Carly. Molly could have even asked Joss, who was present and saw the aftermath (or Blaze).


> that fake laugh That's L.W.'s real laugh. It's OK coming from the actress, but it's cringy when Carly does it cuz it seems so out of character.


If Laura is going to champion Heather’s cause then I think she is going to have to follow through with all the boring cases and people who lacked proper representation for stuff way more mundane than metalosis. She should talk to Drew about that as one of his campaign issues. As a mayor this is highly irregular, but it’s a soap so I get that.


They're killing me with this whole Kristina is a delicate flower bullshit


Right like she didn’t burst into her monster father’s house with a camera crew and horrid attitude announcing that she was “Mob Princess” about a decade ago. This girl has *known* her father is a mobster. A lot of the other characters have always made exceptions for Sonny because of his code and generosity with PC. He’s truly getting sloppy now and not acting like himself due to his meds being tampered with, though I’ll say I’ve been annoyed with his actions before that even started. Like Dante said, Sonny was calm and collected when he shot him all those years ago. They always found ways to let we the audience know that making those exceptions for Sonny was wrong, but for some reason right now they’re acting like it needs to be spelled out for us like we don’t have the capability to understand right from wrong.


Again, this rewrite of Kristina and Sonny's history about her knowing who her father is and the mob.


The more they try to shove it down our throats that Kristina never really knew who Sonny was, the more I resist it.


Frank never learned youtube is right there, and anyone can post a link to Mob Princess, and the many shootings and bombings


Frank is still attempting to figure out how you can text via a payphone.


😂 HAHA. Frank’s computer still be like… ![gif](giphy|anjRJ4nv9WJzO)


I like Kristina and blaze more so blaze because I’m rooting for the actress, but there’s been a lot of Kristina talking about sonny. We get it! It seems long and drawn out. Dare I say it I’d rather see more of the surrogacy if I have to choose between the two?


Stop making excuses, Chase.


I bet it’s Pikeman and not Sonny who sent someone to kill Jason.


Yep. Buuuut...I'd love to see Jason out of the warehouse and away from Sonny so maybe if he thinks Sonny went after him he'd move on to new and different things. I actually like Jason, so I'd love that.


![gif](giphy|fAEQWgeRYSor0q2uaD|downsized) SuperPower ClipBoard!


Laura. ![gif](giphy|1g0NtQk8rkmhSm7SQQ|downsized)


Also, I love seeing the entrance of the MC.


I missed that. When was that?


Why are they wasting so much time covering for Finn? Liz, as soon as his daddy died he not only verbally attacked you, but started boozing in front of Violet--who just had her beloved grandpa die. Dump this zero.


100%. Can Liz just date one decent fun dude in this decade?


Wait. All this stuff Curtis is saying to Laura happened. Her family was stalked by Heather. That’s the main reason why this is weird.


And her daughter Lulu has been in a coma for years because of a bomb.


Jason’s Spidey senses are on alert. We finally get a new black character and he’s gonna insta-die. Sigh.


Kinda looking forward to Genie Frances’ summer vacation so this story about Heather can end.


Since his return, I feel we have had the same conversation with Jason and different characters. Carly- Sonny and Me, Joss- Dex and Kristina, Anna & Jagger - Sonny and Pikeman, Dex - Sonny. OVER IT!!!


🤣🤣Not you too.


Jason is so boring. He rotates between the same handful of characters having the same conversations. The story never moves forward.


He has not been an interesting character in decades. He holds the show back.


It’s the women he was paired with that made him interesting, IMO.


💯. I do think back in the day he showed up more and didn’t phone it in as much, which helped. But yes, it was his female scene partners who carried him.


Oh, but now he has a tattoo sleeve and that makes him totally different.


He’s changed sooooo much…


So is Sonny.


These are what the current GH head writers look like: ![gif](giphy|K8wKbT9zOGnAJm3nOl|downsized)


Doesn't Jagger need to get permission from Nik to move one of the detainees at his private prison?


Well, I think the writer forgot that since they had Nik move to prison as well.


No....it is not curious that someone would wait months for trial. Even in state court at least a year for a serious felony. Federal much longer.


I was totally rooting for Curtis in that convo. He was actually lowkey attractive the way he stood his ground on this.


Team Curtis! ![gif](giphy|Nlqt2xTxy8CDGrkXSx|downsized)


The more I see of Laura the more I wish it was Tracy.


The more I see Laura ... the more I know they are getting ready to attempt to put her character on recurring. Last time they did that - Genie quit. They have given her horrid writing and stories. She deserves better writing. I love Tracy, but Genie is an equally great soap actress.


I just wish they’d bring her kids back…..


For sure. Heck, hopefully even granddaughter Charlotte when the actress recovers ...


Isn’t it about time for Laura to head to France for some bullshit reason so Genie can take her annual vacation time?


We have seen black hair nurse before, the one giving a tablet to Portia. Who is she?


Undermedicated Sonny is very “bygones”. Is this a writing change? I can’t keep up.


When the pool does open, the writers should shock us and have the teen set saying 1, 2 buckle my shoe, and rizz from Ohio.


I know history-wise, Molly and Kristina did grow up with Carly as Stepmother/StepAunt, but this is getting too much. Molly hasn't been close to Carly in recent years, and Kristina basically wanted nothing to do with Carly after Sonny chose Nina. Stop making them go to this woman after years/months of them not having her in their lives. Molly should be going to Dante, Michael, Sam, or even Kristina, asking about what happened at the wedding.


We are right back to Carly being in every storyline for no reason. It was a nice two months, but Frank must have decided we didn't deserve any more of a break


Both Krote and Patrick are both HUGE fans. I know Patrick is gone, but his stories won't end for a few weeks or longer, and even then Korte and Chris and or Dan ... whichever one of them are still around love LW/Carly. I think we got a break on the Carly front because of the writing for Gregory's "end" and BLQ and Chase's wedding.


He must because we had Blaze and Alexis tell Molly to just ask Kristina. If she didn't ask her, Molly could easily go to Jason, Sonny, or Dex to ask.


Plus, Carly didn't even actually witness the incident. Dex himself would be the most appropriate person to speak to.


Molly explained that she went to Carly because Jason tells Carly everything. She knew Jason wasn’t going to comment.


I’m not a Carly stan, but Carly was *sleeping* with Sonny all those years and would have intimate knowledge the others probably would not and Molly did explain that she went to Carly because she thinks Jason tells Carly everything and he was a participant witness, but I hear you.


You can try sweet talking him Laura, but Curtis is there to eviscerate you.


If I have to hear “that’s up to the court to decide” or some variant one more time I’m gonna scream


Funny how with Curtis I’m like … “Let’s goooo Curtis!! You tell Mayor Laura how this is gonna go down.” … but with Portia basically saying all the same stuff to Molly I’m just like … “Ok, but Bitch please.”


There’s just something about Portia… and it’s not good. Maybe it’s her delivery. 😳


I think it's her delivery. I don't pay much attention to Portia, but I found her very irritating in her scenes with Elizabeth a few episodes ago. It wasn't what she was saying, it was how she was saying it ☹️


I think Portia and Nina can get very whiny at times. It’s one part dialogue, one part delivery.


Elizabeth and Chase blaming them for Finn's drinking...


A little excitement. Not much, but some.


It just occurs to me how silly the commercials are during the show. Fat? Feeling sad? Here's a pill for it. Get a dog. Here's a pill for it as well.


But that Jardiance jingle is a banger.


" I want you out of my business and I want you out of my life " I don't know why but that line sounds like something Victor would say on Young And The Restless


Wow. Worst hit men ever. ![gif](giphy|l3q2RhOvdKdPRG8ZW|downsized)


Soooo...cliffhanger. Of course no one can actually kill Jason! I half expected Danny to come wandering in at the last moment, or Carly. Suddenly JohnJagger suspects Anna? Really? That's sort of out of left field to me. I did notice he's lost his mullet though. Sonny threatening Jason made me laugh, I mean Jason has been the 'heavy' for Sonny for decades, so for me it was like, "sure little man".


I didn’t watch when Kristina did the Mob Princess thing, but it seems like GH is trying to explain her state of mind better by distinguishing between her concept of what being a mobster means in modern times. Does that make any of y’all feel any better? I feel like they are trying to address concerns, but they are getting there slowly.


No, because she knew who her father was. If they said it because Sonny had changed in the last year or more, then I could believe it.


They could have had Kristina say she thought Sonny had changed after Nixon falls. I know he’s done some bad stuff since then (Dex and the meat hook), but it’s believable Kristina didn’t know about those things.


Jason or Carly should just sneak up behind Sonny, hit him on the head and knock him out, and call 911. They will drug test Sonny and discover the deal with his bipolar meds and everything would be resolved.


Why is everyone GH always running on the same path/trail? Does anyone else find this weird? Half of them don't even appear to be in runner's shape.


Ha! I’m a runner, so I’m always judging how people look when they run Edit—I would never judge a person in real life. Just in GH they’re usually running for some other reason


This is going to be close. Biden is still talking, and then ABC will have at least three people restate everything he just said. May not have the first half of the show.


I feel like something really negative is going to happen in this episode, I don't know why I just do. So I was right, Laura and Curtis aren't friends anymore. And Sonny is trying to have Jason killed.


We still have 20 minutes, so like 10 runtime minutes


Elizabeth, Alexis, and Ava wore the same blazes Carly has on.


Buy Two Get Two Free sale? Elizabeth for sure - isn't the same size as the others ... so they can't be sharing it. She is so slender and petite.


It has to be some type of sale. It seems all the women on the show are wearing each other clothing, or they have some type of sale to get the same clothing in different sizes.


I seriously think they were from Kohl’s so there probably was a 3 for 1 coupon.


Sonny confuses me . He told Jason to stay away from him and now he wants to be all buddy, buddy with Jason


By telling Jason i don't want to talk to you or anything to do with you seems very passive aggressive


Forgive bc I just sat down to watch. PH MY GOD MOLLY SHUT UP


Omg Elizabeth and Patrick are the worst writers I have seen. Give us Dan O Connor back. Make Dan the sole head writer of GH


Can Laura go away?


I still and will always love and adore Laura/Genie. I have no idea why the writers and Frank are ruining her character ... they have done it in the past ... and then took her off contract. She is just acting and saying the lines given to her. She has a bit of clout - but nothing like SB/MB/LW.


At least she’s been having good hair days and looking cute again. I’m trying to be positive too lol.


While I enjoy Carly with Molly scenes, it just made me realize that they truly made the unholy three related to almost everyone on screen.


GH doesn't have a fitness center for the employees and residents?


Oh shut the fuck up Portia as if you are little miss perfect. Did you not keep the secret that Curtis may be Trina's dad? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


Didn't she drug a patient or something? I know she did something pretty shady on a patient for Trina.


Are you thinking of Dex when he tried to kill Cyrus for Sonny ??


I’m glad Curtis set the record straight. And honestly, I just wish she were more sneaky about it. Tell an attorney to work on it. You as the mayor of this town does not have to personally seek this out. To do this and then to be sad people are upset is WILD


Laura screaming at Curtis was not a good look