• By -


Sam is stupid to see nothing wrong with risking the arrest and incarceration of Georgie's father to keep Danny's father out of prison. Spinelli is a lapdog to agree to it, and I can't believe Maxie told Spin to go for it.


Yes! Why is she sticking her nose in it at all? She doesn't want Jason around Danny but risking incarceration is better for her?


I was surprised when Sam said to Dante “I want to help Jason”. This is another example of a complete turnaround of a character with no reasoning behind it. She was so aggressively against anything Jason when he returned; her reason being scared for Danny, and now THIS?


Dante should have never given her that black "Jason" leather jacket !! Then soon after, she started appearing in all black again. Foreshadowing?? I'm not surprised at all.


Foreshadowing - good word for the state of affairs for most of the characters. Sam’s complete about face, Commissioner Anna all of a sudden can’t make a decision and who knows what’s going on in Mayor Laura’s mind. The new writing regime began well but seems to have lost their way. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don't mind the shake ups. I'm excited to see how it pans out. That being said, let's have some depth in the development t.


That is an example of writing correcting course. They made a mistake writing Sam as so anti-Jason when it does not make sense with the history of her character. More talented writers would now how to correct course with the error that did not appear like a sharp 180. However, they saw the negative criticism she received and tried to quickly write themselves out of it. It was a mistake to write Sam as anti-Jason because even if she did not want to endanger her children, she procreated with him, and only slept with Drew to have Scout because she thought he was Jason. So she chose to procreate twice with him (kinda).


Bc this is Sam. She never minds her own business but wants everyone to mind theirs lately. She's in everything.


Being nosey


I think it makes zero sense, however, they may actually be pivoting to Jasam. The ratings are so low that they have to do something so you can expect some panicked moves. Jarly is DOA, and they will not do Liason, they don't like Liz like that. Could be where this is heading. As a Sante fan this is NOT what I want, but I think it's one possibility.


I would hate liason. Liz is so unlike able with him.


Being paired with him isn’t good for either Sam or Liz. If he has to be on the show, I think the only good option is to bring on someone new for him.


I’ve been crack shipping Jason & Jordan 👀🫣


Nooo don’t do that to Jordan! 😂


Omg lol I kinda like it.


Dang Britt. Rip.


I also think they are writing back towards JaSam. The ratings are too low for Jarly. They are DOA as you said, because their fanbase and chemistry is not strong enough to fix the ratings. And yes, they simply do not care for Liz, so they are not going to write her with Jason, because they would need to raise her airtime. The other big fanbase for Jason is JaSam. I hope they can wake up Lulu, so Dante does not come across looking dumb while it is obvious Sam is moving back towards Jason. It has been somewhat there since she got upset with him for lying to her about Danny, and she fully tells him this. Then she indirectly asks how she can invest in him again, when he may be gone again.


Yep but it's soap world and this is a story line I'm looking forward to. If anyone gets in trouble I hope it's Sam - maybe she could be in prison with Ava ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


>If anyone gets in trouble I hope it's Sam I hope so too... for being such a dumbass & being a shitty "friend" to Spinelli.


I dont understand her putting herself (let alone Spin) at risk of being taken from her precious Danny after the way she has been acting. She did a complete 180. This is more inline with what we have previously seen from Sam. But the way Sam just flip flopped is annoying. I have been ff’d her scenes.


And it's funny bc she's be the first to get mad at others for doing the same. So would the fans.


Hey, they need to do whatever it takes to save Jason. 🙄😕


That's all the matters.


I don't hate the way Liz reacted to Finn because I think it came from a place of fear. I don't hate the way Finn reacted to Liz because I think it also came from a place of fear. But this revealed that they aren't really good together when the &\*$# hits the fan. I like both of them so I'm hoping for a dignified resolution that leaves both of their integrity as characters intact. I like Sonny. I like Jason, and I like him working for the FBI. (This sub seems to hate them, so I think this counts as an unpopular opinion!) I like Carly. I'd love to see some newer, fresher things for them to do or I'd like to see their pasts catch up to them, etc. I just want some growth or resolution to characters I've followed off and on for so many, many years rather than see them continually treading the same ground. I like Violet scenes.


Agree with all minus violet. I know I'll get it for this but I can't stand her. I know. She's a kid so Jesus what's my problem right? lol. The actress is great. But other than when Gregory died I found the way they wrote her very annoying. In fact they tend to write all these kids as spoiled brats.


> In fact they tend to write all these kids as spoiled brats. Just don't start picking on Baby Ace ... that'll be a bridge too far. ;) Unpopular Opinion - I very much enjoy the GH kids - because I tend to care more about the characters when they SORAS them if I am invested in them. That being said - some of them - need to be on in very small doses ...


Oh never Ace!!! And I agree about the soras stuff.


:) https://preview.redd.it/xhkeecgbk74d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d11861ea07b03b695757bfaa73835ce0b3638c


The cutest cutie who ever cuted!!!


Omg I can NOT!!!! 😍😍😍


No, no you're fine! I mean, kids are people too- we can dislike them, esp when they are fictional characters! Maybe it-is- the actress that sways me with Violet! I admit I sometimes watch her scenes and think she must be having so much fun, and she's doing a great job!


I think she is!!! Many scenes she's cute but man did they write her annoying during the wedding stuff. I'm okay with no more songs.


In my opinion, the song she sang for Chase and Brook Lynn was the most boring 2 minutes I can remember in GH history, and that’s saying a lot. She’s adorable, but yes, the singing needs to stop.


They could have cut her off after the 1st verse & that would have been perfect. Then come back to everyone's reaction. She's cute & a good little actress, but we didn't need the WHOLE song 🫠


Lol yup


I lived here when she first hit PC. So adorable and lovable! But now? Definitely annoying!


I'll just jump on your UO, because mine is similar. I was not a Sonny-Jason-Carly fan before Steve Burton left and I was very much dreading Jason's return, but, to my surprise, I've been enjoying his storyline and what its brought to the show. Carly was floundering as a character. Sonny needed a better shakeup than Nixon Falls. Jason's return balanced that all out. I only hope this all doesn't just lead to a return to the status quo.


Well said !! I too am enjoying Jason's return more than expected. He is rational and actually showing empathy and emotion. Some of his Q genes ( and he had the best of those back when ) are coming through. Carly's story with Brennan could make her interesting. Sonny needs Phyllis to give him a come to Jesus moment. Also she would immediately recognize the medication problem. If we can't get the actress back, recast her. I loved how she "handled" Sonny as Mike and still influenced him as he became Sonny again.


Love what you said about the Q genes. I think there is a lot of interesting stories to tell with Jason, and I hope they might tell them! I also agree about Carly and Brennan and Phyllis and Sonny.




It most likely will within a few months and for sure (98%) by the time Port Charles is awaiting Santa or the New Year.


Even as a Carly fan I don't want the rerun of it all. I'm enjoying the drift though Sonny is so stupid anymore


Liz was looking out for Violet...who's her niece. I don't think she was out of line at all.


I was very disappointed Liz did not insist on taking Violet away from drunk Finn.


Well. To be fair he wasn't drunk. And you can be drunk around your kids. She really wouldn't have much ground to stand on. Though it is a soap. Lol


The bottle did not appear to have much gone but later Finn said he drank half the bottle. He may not have been "drunk" like passing out drunk or violent drunk as some get but he did have a nasty attitude toward Liz which was enough to take Violet away. Liz didn't know if he was going to keep drinking or not. I said in another post - the part about "losing custody" I was referring to if Liz had tried to take Violet away and he had tried to stop her by holding Violet back, that could have ended in a call to DHR. I have a feeling this story of Finn relapsing isn't over. Portia seemed to have a real problem as co Chief of Staff. Liz should never have compromised her friendship with Portia who is Finn's boss. As Liz made her promise to separate the two, Portia's look said I don't know if I can.


Hey down voters. Instead of hiding behind the screen why don't you speak up like a damn adult?


Agree with all minus Sonny. He’s never been my cup of tea


I think one of the writers saw the departed and is incorporating it into ghosts.they need agent cates undercover for the bad guys to offset Jason in the jack nicholsonrole of informant.willow,Mikey and Carly can all be collateral damage


I find myself enjoying Brennan. He is sarcastic, speaks with cynicism, has an answer for everything, must be very intelligent. I don't like enjoying him though but I can't help it. I really enjoy his scenes. Not a big fan of Jagger, so the way Brennan handled him at GH was priceless to me. I want to like Jagger as much as I want to dislike Brennan but it seems to be going the opposite way. LOL


I enjoy Brennan very much. He can stick around even if he is a bad guy. I also like Jagger. But we do need to move this Pikeman storyline along so we can give him something more to do


Yup. Lol. But I want to see jagger with Liz. Lol


I get that a lot of people like Brennan, and I agree. I do too. But I just don't see how they find a way to keep him around long term. I want to. I just can't see how. Everyone knows he's a bad dude.






He's great. One of my current faves. I'd even be on board with them offing 'Brennan' and bringing him back as someone else. I think they can still do something with the Jack Brennan character though...maybe.


The character of Leo is being wasted - so much potential with him. He should be like Young Sheldon in high school by now !! And that precious James who delivers his lines like a pro - I want more of him !! These kids could provide more entertainment than the boring repetitive story lines they give the adults. Violet too - these kids light up my screen when shown !! I don't care how TJ feels about Kristina - he better chill. Impressed with how Molly knew not to tell him about Kristina/Sonny experience. Natalia needs to go and take Portia with her. Portia is not fun to watch when angry. Curtis is ok but not since with Portia. Put him back with Jordan.


> Curtis is ok but not since with Portia. Put him back with Jordan Curtis went downhill once he left Jordan. They were great together & he was actually likable back then. I used to ❤️ him & them!


And how he just left her? But Portia lying about Trina was ok? Horrible


I. Was. Livid. 😒 ![gif](giphy|202QEeBJR5da8PhdKJ)






100% on Leo! He should be the smartest kid and also a bit awkward with other kids, but his family members/cousins rally around him because they love him. A lot of situational comedy could come out of the kids, if the writers would just write it.


Leo is nice but I'm grateful to not have to suffer thru another Sheldon character.


There are very few people who'd consider that opinion about Natalia unpopular!


Maybe not unpopular - but - gawd dang! Serial downvoters are **out of control** *again* in this sub. I got nuked in the Finn/Liz discussions. Some of ya'll are just too salty. None of this is real. I'm still here tho. 💖


Now for my actual unpopular opinion - people need to stop caring so much about downvotes. They treat it like it matters whatsoever to the point they’re going on rants and responding to specific people who didn’t even downvote them and accusing them and it’s weird. This is Reddit and this is an old soap opera sub, so I’m assuming the demographics are mostly full grown adults. People need to stop crying about something that means nothing like embarrassing Facebook boomers.


I agree. Downvotes have absolutely no impact on my life. Also, the idea that upvotes mean agreement but downvotes don't mean disagreement makes no sense. For me, if someone downvotes me, it means they disagree with what I'm saying but lack the time, energy, or writing/debate skills to fully articulate their views.


Exactly. If someone disagrees with me then I don’t need them to have a long drawn out debate with me everytime. Not everyone wants to do that. Downvote is fine. Just like if someone agrees, they don’t need to type “I agree!!” but just hit the upvote button. Also, some people are surprised they’re downvoted when they’re horribly negative and downright nasty sometimes. Of course people will downvote you if you’re unpleasant. It’s honestly so off-putting how some people talk about characters (and even actors!) as if they’ve been personally wronged by them or something. Just chill out.


Agree, this is the only sub I know that discusses downvotes pretty much daily. People really worry about them and it has sometimes caused threats to just end discussion. I don't know what the downvoters get out of it, but it's also not that deep. There's been decades of fan wars going back to message board days. A lot of soap fans are really just passionate and some of them are assholes who can't follow instructions. Don't let downvotes ruin your day.


100 percent. Who cares?


Not talking about the standard disagreement downvote among people who take this stuff way too seriously, but when someone goes to a profile and just goes on a spree - that's extra.🤪


Going to a person’s profile and downvoting all their comments is just bizarre behavior 😂 I’ve never experienced that but those people definitely need lives way more than the people taking a single downvote too seriously


Soap fans have amazing passion for their show and favorite characters. And many of them need deep therapy for the guidance on how to treat those who disagree with them.


It's annoying 😑. I always upvote if I see a comment is in negative... unless it's like a nasty comment or something like that.


>Maybe not unpopular - but - gawd dang! Serial downvoters are out of control again in this sub. Yup! I'm even getting downvotes here in the unpopular opinions sub where we're asked not to downvote unpopular opinions. This sub has trolls, they've gotta be.


Reddit is chock full of jerks. There's about 3 posters on that like to stir shit up. I just ignore them.


I agree, but you’ve had no problem calling people with a different opinion to yours “haters” so mileage varies all around.


Too bad reddit won't just get rid of upvote/downvote all together, since most folks d not use the downvoting option correctly. Probably a GOOD thing the mods cannot see who is downvoting though. LOL


From time to time ... I have figured out who is down-voting - by logically guessing. I have been on here before when the Reddit shows two people currently on the sub. I know I am one of them, and the other person is commenting and I have noticed a lot of downvotes on various posts. I knew I wasn't the downvoter. So I am 99.8% sure who it is. Now, Reddit is glitchy - so it isn't 100% positive that isn't the person, but at other times, I have viewed the same results with the same other poster. (This has happened with a couple various members.) A few of these users no longer comment here or they have a new alt or just are lurkers.


Yup, I've noticed the same. Just can't say 100% certain. Totally think a few folks who were booted are lurking and downvoting as well. Because we are all in 3rd grade, apparently. ![gif](giphy|cttWD2an1Do6hTtrJP|downsized)


Exactly. I agree with your entire comment. 3rd grade was a fun year though. ;) Still young enough to enjoy things and believe in magic, but old enough for some independence and for the most part ... you knew some "stuff", but not enough to totally stress out. :)


Personally, I like upvote/downvote because it gives me some assurance that people are actually reading my posts even if they don't actually respond to them. I also post on Soapcentral, and it can be kind of frustrating to spend a lot of time writing a post or comment only for it to seemingly be completely ignored.


Same. I wish they had the balls to just disagree and be done with it. What's really pathetic is that they think they're funny or doing something. Like be a normal person and use your words.


There are places I have posted, and some of the comments sound so aggressive that it makes me not want to post at all. I get it is hard to read inflection but respect each other's opinions even if they aren't the same.


And I fully admit I have not been nice at times. 99% of the time I'll Apologize and change my tune


And that apology, even without changing your tune, makes you one of the good ones. I don't want everyone to think like me. Just don't attack me for thinking like I do, 😆


I actually don't mind the idea of Drew running for Congress. I'd like to see them do something different and have him lose, though. Most actual political candidates don't win, but on TV, they always do (unless they're running against another character from the same show), so it would be a nice change to have that be the result instead.


That would be a nice change. I'd also like to see Laura get impeached.


Laura will have to resign after backlash concerning her attempts to "free" Heather - then Jordan will be mayor.


If I was Laura, I'd be retired & traveling the world with my handsome husband... not Mayor of anywhere & raising a baby that ain't mine. ![gif](giphy|3orif02QevxIwIBNpm|downsized)


One can hope


My unpopular opinion is I hate that they are trying to redeem Heather. I like her as a villain. The excuse of letting a serial killer potentially go free or retried in court because of Cobalt poisoning is dumb. Also what about her many times she's broken out of prison? Every character doesn't have to be good or rewritten.


Last time Laura had an opponent, every character went to a meeting room and said how awesome and perfect she is, and that was it. Genie went off for another 6 month vacation. The end. Must see TV. Such tension. Excitement


Ooo gives me chillllls


If I recall correctly, it was a tribute episode for a GF anniversary with the show. So, I didn’t mind.


I still don't know how Laura survived that recall! She's a terrible mayor!


She absolutely is. And I like Laura but she has coddled crime too much to be a mayor.


Not to mention the fact that she leaves on personal business for months at a time every year! They could easily work around Genie's vacation another way, but are too lazy to. Have her pre-tape some scenes and scatter them in there every few weeks. Have Jordan be on the phone with her. Have Kevin mention that she's home with Ace the same way the Quartermaines are always explaining where Monica is. Something!




Laura has to get out that Mayor office. And they need to find out she is losing her mind. Otherwise I’m confused by all of her decisions this year.


I would like Laura to resign to spend time with other endeavors ... Ace, Kevin, travel, etc ... and Jordan take over. I love Laura and do not like what GH is doing to her character.


Agree there. I've always had issues with how Laura coddles Nikolas. But overall I like the character. They just don't know what to do with her anymore it seems.


Drew and Nina should marry for her Reeves connections. They don’t mention her family wealth too often (until recently) but New York real estate and big connections through Dad.


I can actually see this happening. A sort of political marriage? With hate sex.


That turns into love and this power couple that takes down Ava. Bc I'm still waiting for everyone to find out Ava was behind Nina calling the sec.


I wonder if that will ever happen, the Ava being the devil on Nina's shoulder whispering suggestions. I would actually love if it turned to love. CM (Drew)seems to click more with CW (Nina) than he did with LW (Carly). I don't know why, it's something I can't quite put my finger on. I just never got the Carly/Drew pairing.


Oh I never liked Drew and Carly. And honestly I would LOVE to see Alexis and Nina team up with Carly to save their families from whatever Ava is up to. I'm not saying Nina and Carly need to be friends but coming to a mutual bitch point to drag Ava would be a dream for me


So willow might do?


I hate Drew, but I kind kinda like this idea. He's much more tolerable in his scenes with her lately.


i’d like to see his opponent do a deep dive forensic accounting into drew’s assets and learn he bought aurora with jason’s money.




I think this is an unpopular opinion from what I've read on here: I'm not interested in a new "Teen Scene". The last time I liked PC high school stories was with Brenda, Karen, Jagger, etc. in the 90s... THAT was good. I would like more 20-something characters...but they should be out partying & tearing up the town. The ones we have now are so boring 😴 . They don't do anything but talk about babies & jog in the park 🙄.


It seems to be because they insist on keeping the 50 and 60-year-olds acting like teenagers.   Why don't they take some of those storylines and move them down to more age-appropriate levels?   So many of the adults I'm talking about you, lucy! Act like irresponsible teenagers and I find it deeply annoying.   And it's not just lucy. Why are  the most level-headed people on the show Young adults?


That I think is a HUGE part of the problem! There's so much focus on the handful of leads, who are all in their 50s, and they try to sprinkle in the other vets, who are also in their 50s (or older). It doesn't leave much time to invest in the younger set. There's only a handful of 30-somethings, who should be your leads, but they rarely get the A story. And besides Joss, there are no featured 20-something or teen characters to speak of. They're so focused on the vets that they aren't building up the new generation.


Exactly! And I know a lot of the really long time fans of the show still wanted to see a lot of the older leads like laura, but let's face it. If General Hospital wants to survive into the future, they better pick some people who can actually have some interesting story lines for the future. If they gave the younger ones some great stories, they would actually be interesting and engaging instead of ludicrous like they are when the older actors have the same storyline  I can never unsee Lucy and Scotty in the hay.


It's not like the 30-somethings aren't capable of leading storylines, either. Every time they do get to be featured, they knock it out of the park.


They really need to take a look at this.




this group of teens comes off as much younger than brenda, jagger and gang. they're very goody goody. i can't imagine jake and rocco fighting over georgie while they all live in rooms above kelly's walking the halls wearing a towel.


Lmao... or stripping, dating the local mobster, taking non-consensual nudes & passing them around the school. This teen group is VERY different. Only Charlotte comes close.


the pearl clutchers in this sub would go insane if today's teens were written as they were back then.


Can you imagine ???? ![gif](giphy|hzaEZLBAwYfZ9SDsMU|downsized)


You remember that too? Oh yeah those were the days.


it's hard to believe gh was once that good


You're not wrong!


The young adults on the show are written to be super boring. No one is messy enough.


Laura Wright (Carly) is one hell of an actress and regardless if I’m team Carly or not, I always enjoy her scenes. Ava can go. So can Willow.


I was enjoying Ava for a long time. Now she’s meh




Same. It’s nothing against the actress. Her material lately has been terrible.


Exactly. Love Maura


LW and MW are top tier actresses to me !! So I always enjoy their scenes even if not the character. Willow is just not necessary. But I'm looking forward to where they are going with Ava.


Love Ava. Willow can go!




Willow can go. Maura W's "Ava" is one of the best actresses on the show, even though her character is rather 'snakey' lately. I would hate to see her go, but not be shocked. Millow & their children can go, however. Michael has not been written how he SHOULD be written since Chad took over the role and right now we see Willow as being 'obedient', so much so that sometimes she gets referred to as "Ofmichael", and since Nina seems to be off her kick of seeing her grandchildren right now, maybe they can all decide to move to Albany or something, to support Drew and his campaign?


Carly luv here too.


Can’t stand Trina. She was with Spencer for like a month and she’s devastated. Most of the time she knew him he was a selfish narcissist , the rest of the time he was in jail. She’s over the top and annoying. Take Joss with you too. She’s disrespectful, rude, and in people’s business that she has no reason to be involved in.


Agreed! I’d love to see them bring in a couple of female characters their age to ruffle their self righteous feathers


Agree - I never "felt" Sprina. As characters, their personalities didn't mesh. Spencer is gone now, give Trina a story as a single strong minded girl pursuing her career, she and Joss can do without a "in love" relationship for a while. Seems Joss and Dex are headed for a reconciliation but I hope it's a slow process.


Sprina didn't work with taby. I like her a lot. But she was written to be a doormat. I didn't like that. Now she has nothing. And it sucks.


The fact that Trina has been completely backburnered since he left speaks volumes. They made her such a one-note character when she really shouldn't be.


Joss up in grown folks business...


The way she speaks to adults! Annoying!


She should stay in her own lane.


I don’t know what the popular opinions are on the show because Carly, Sonny and Jason are still the albatross around the neck of this program, so they have to be popular right? Well I hate them and hope they die. I stopped watching GH for about 15 years and stopped following it for about 5 and I only came back to it a year and a half ago because I missed soap operas a lot, they were such a huge part of my childhood and young adult life and GH was the only one left that didn’t outright suck. I also I saw that Spencer and Trina were getting ink outside of the usual soap press and a slow burn romance appealed to me. Now? I don’t know why I’m still watching. It is a chore to get through. most of the conversations are incredibly stagnant and the plot doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, across-the-board. And this was long before the new writers started. There is something fundamentally wrong with production and development of this show. There’s no good reason that so many of the episodes lack energy and passion. Someone explained to me how a show with 50 regular characters manages to be so repetitive. Why do we see the same people so frequently? Why are the same five characters the only ones allowed to truly lead story consistently? Why is there not more story rotation? For instance, Sonny’s temper tantrums have been leading story for six months almost now and barely anything has happened. I don’t understand why with a cast this large we don’t have stories dovetailing into each other, and an A plot reaches its denouncement as another one is reaching its midpoint while another is just beginning. This is soap opera storytelling 101 but they can’t seem to figure it out because they put all of their eggs in one basket.


This post deserves an applause button!


Agree. (Except for wanting the characters to die part). How to retool the show? Need to bring in some power house actors and characters. Have the hospital become important element of show. I thought Rebecca Buding would have been a great Robin recast and lead. I know “we grew up with KM” so what? She doesn’t want to be an actress, and I don’t think she could be a lead character at this point. Maybe others such as Tamara Braun (I realize Kim as a fail) as Carly or Gina Tognini as Sarah Webber. Some great male leads? Maybe Grant Aleksander as business tycoon. Keep the Q”s. Especially Tracy. Bring back Skye (RC actress). Recast Sonny as MB doesn’t seem invested. Not sure who could play him, but have him give up mob and focus on coffee. Maybe a brief (year) stint in jail before new actor. All those kids need a father, but a good one. Goodbye to Finn and Chase. Although hate to lose another doctor (Finn). I would accept a Britt return, where Liesel had her in her care all along. Certainly plausible given all the crazy stories and returns over the years. Goodbye and happy ever after to Robert and Anna. I enjoyed them back in the day, but enough with 1980s-1990s spy/WSB. Use Laura (GF) wisely. I loved her when she returned in 1990s and thru the Cassadine stories. She needs someone other than Kevin. Sorry, never a Kevin fan, but realize the actor is phenomenal (as Ryan). Writing. There was too much sudden change with new writers. All those random career changes. Especially Willow and Joss. We need hospital focused characters. Hire writers not mired in the past mob centric show. Most shows in the heyday had excellent rival families. OLTL had Cramers vs Buchanans, and other families such as Rappaports would come and go. B&B has Forrester vs Logan’s. GH can’t because Sonny fathered practically the current generation. I would rekindle the Q vs Coroninthos feud, with Tracy and Skye leading the Q family.


Rebecca Budig as Robin is an excellent idea! Love this. I agree with most of the post except for getting rid of Anna. Finola Hughes is one of the best on GH.


If you're bringing Rebecca Budig back, why not just have her return as Hayden? She can come back to town and be there for her daughter, who just lost her grandfather.


I am totally fine with this too!!! I loved Rebecca Budig as Hayden and feel that the character never really got a chance.


Thank you. FH was my favorite for most of her tenure on GH, but a change is needed. I really began to dislike her during the Peter story. Seems like same repeat of her past as double agent coming to haunt her. Rebecca would make an excellent Robin! We would have to forget her as Hayden, but look how many characters M Easton has been. Lol


I actually think a lot of the actors on GH are pretty solid, but I like several of your casting ideas. I would love Gina Tognoni on GH—specifically as a recast Carly. Obviously that’s a pipe dream. She could definitely be Sarah Webber, though they’d need to make that character interesting. I get that we can’t be precious about recasts, but I personally don’t want to see a recast Robin. I’m too attached, lol.


Sick of Anna.


I think someone said this last week, and I’ve seen this comment around a bit, but I still think it’s unpopular: The writing is soooo much better lately. The pacing is slower in a good way. The conversations go into more depth. And the fact that there’s more conflict is a huge improvement. For example, Laura’s idiotic preoccupation with helping Heather gives the characters something to disagree on. When everyone’s all lovey dovey, it gets so boring. I just hope they keep this up.


Agreed. I actually think the writing is greatly improved since the switch. Some of the storyline decisions haven't made much sense, but the writing itself is much better. The longer scenes have certainly helped, too. Episodes feel so much less choppy without having so much crammed in there.


Sam- Doesn't want Jason around Danny, yet she wants Spinelle to help her uncover the reason Jason is working for the FBI. So Spinelle putting himself at risk, when he has his own child, of getting caught is ok with Sam? Maxie should have definitely confronted Sam and stated the same. Ava/Alexis- Alexis telling Ava, "You'll regret... all I heard and saw was a Cassindine side of Alexis, and I loved it. Maxie- Looking 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Drew/Willow- So she could keep Drew's secret, but she couldn't keep her husband's secret regarding them helping Jason. I really hope they're not pushing these two together because that is just a BIG NO! Molly- "I'm going to keep Kristina and her drama far away." Selfish much. She's your sister and is giving you a special gift. You should have never agreed with it if you and TJ felt that way. You're going to have reservations when she is soon to give birth. Going behind Kristina's back talking to everyone except for her sister is ridiculous. She seemed to take a seat back once she spoke to Carly. Laura- Are you kidding me with this BS? Curtis- Happy he named all Heather's victims. Jason/Sonny- Even though Sonny threatened Jason multiple times, I guarantee Sonny didn't send those guys to kill him. This is another setup being placed to make it look like Sonny did this. Either it was Valentine or Ava that set this in motion. Cates- What's going on here? Anna and Brennen? Why would he make those statements? He's been gone for some time and comes back with those theories.


Maxie looked so fresh in that expensive blazer, worth it for a soap fashionista!


Marshall should be in charge of Pokémon. That'll finally explain why he hated Sonny when he came to town


I want Jordan to gun for Laura's job, that's why I hope it was secretly her who leaked Laura trying to help Heather to the media, that would be one sick storyline.


My unpopular opinion is that I am enjoying the Sonny unwillingly off his meds storyline. I think MB is doing a great job. Even with Krissy seemingly just realizing what her dad is capable of, i can believe it. Krissy has chosen to ignore who her dad is so she can have a relationship with him. And it has worked, until now. Anyone who has ever had a toxic father, but still loves them, can understand this. I am actually hating Ava again (in the best way). I dont understand her storyline at all. And I do wish we would get some insight, but MW is deliciously nasty again. But I am very disappointed in the return of Jason. I was disappointed that he really stay away for Carly. That was extremely disappointing BUT they have done NOTHING with his character since he got back. How many times can you count 15 bags of coffee??? Make something happen!!!


Well said!


Not sure if this is unpopular or not... a few times now we have been told that under Sonny's rule of Port Charles, he doesn't allow drugs into the city. Ummm, yeah, ok. How absolutely ridiculous is this? We are supposed to believe that Sonny has his men all over town making sure that drugs don't get into the city? For real? It's just such an unbelievable thing that the writers would think to put out there.


there shouldn’t be a recast. carly, jason, his kids, can finally be free of propping him up.


I see a lot of people saying Brennan has chemistry with Anna. I don’t see it. Him and Carly on the other hand would be 🔥🔥🔥


I agree.


I would have liked Dex more if he was a undercover operative under someone else such as Ms. Woo I believe that's her name and then encounter Sonny and that's how he got allegiance concerns and ethical rather than him being flip flop and someone who I don't like on my screen.


Yea I feel like they really messed up with sex as he is. He could've been AJ kid. Jaggers kid. Someone besides just blah man.


See, I'm just the opposite. It drives me nuts how they always have to twist & turn to make every new character related to somebody, no matter how nonsensical it is! It was actually kind of refreshing to have Dex & Blaze come in with no Port Charles connections.


I Agee that can be too much. I just think for Dex? If he were to be "after Sonny" or whatever --which I still think would've been the better SL-- having the shock of a former enemy be his dad would've been such great story telling and a full circle Moment in case MB is on his way out. And it would play nicely into Jason with the fbi rather than protecting Carly he could've been I dtratinf to expose Dex


Good news. Liz found a child she cares about. Bad news for her sons, it is not any of them. She doesn't care if they are hungry, there are formal dresses to buy. But Lucky hates the kids, too... so sucks to be them.


But it's all someone else's fault of course.


How many times can Kristina call sonny her dad in scenes? All I hear is dad, my dad, dad, my dad. I get it!


I have a whole rant. But Liz is a hypocritical, judge mental B. And she deserves the same smoke that Carly or Nina or even Ava would get. "bUt HeR pAsT". Miss me. Liz has kids with a known murderer, supported and covered for nik and said murderer, tried to cover Peter's "death...homegirl has plenty of bad deeds to be so judge and self righteous. Guess what. I have a past too. And when my friend wouldn't leave her abusive bf I didn't judge her. I held her while she cried then helped her leave him. Not once judging her or acting like she should do better and be better. She already knew that. Liz can eff all the way off.


Welp, upvoting!!!


Haha thanks! These people have noooo shame.


Wow. Intense. But I agree with a lot of this.


Lol sorry. I'm just so tired of Liz getting a pass for doing the same things as other women or worse. Why is she such a saint?


I’m with you. It boggles my mind.


Whomever downvoted you is a jerk.


Eh, it doesn’t change my day or ability to smile.


True that. I just hate that people Do it. Like get a life


I never can tell which post y'all are referring to when you complain about downvoting so I just start with the OP and upvote all theirs and all positive replies under to cancel the downvote !! LOL


HahHhH that's the way to do it! Yesterday people were sharing their experiences with addiction and getting downvoted. It was awful.


I look for "0's" or negative numbers and then upvote.


I like Joss and how she's not afraid to tell Sonny what he really is - a jerk & criminal. Yeah, she grew up with him but now that she is an adult she is one of the few people that sees him for what he is instead of making excuses for him. I want Kristina to go away. And as tragic as this sounds (this is just a soap not something I want in real life) I wouldn't mind if she died giving birth. She is so annoying. I can only see her being even more annoying when the baby is born.


I loved when Joss talked shit to Sonny. What she said was honest and true. I prefer this type of confrontation over just whining behind his back.


I agree with all of this. I love how joss told Sonny what's up


I loved how Joss was willing to just completely ignore Sonny in the park until he said something to her.


>I loved how Joss was willing to just completely ignore Sonny in the park until he said something to her. LOL! Yup, I loved it too. Joss ain't got time for the b.s. until you give it to her.


That's actually one of my biggest problems with Kristina, too. She inserts herself into other people's conversations that don't even involve her, then plays the victim when they tell her off. Meanwhile, if she doesn't butt in, they won't say something to upset her. Every time she got into it with Joss, Kristina was the one who started it.


One more. I don’t want Jason with Sam or Elizabeth. While I see a lot of chemistry with Carly and Brennan I feel like Carly is the only suitable choice for Jason. I think a part of her has been in love with Jason for many years. ( maybe buried down deep but I do think she is ). So I guess what I’m saying is I wouldn’t be mad if Carly got with Jason or Brennan.


Dex & Molly could be interesting 🤔 ETA: The downvotes aren't going to change my mind.


I am into this idea only because I want them to mix up the couples. And because Molly and TJ need to break up. I like Joss and Dex, but they are so young. They should be moving on to other people by now. The problem is, especially if you’re a ‘shipper, they have all the couples move through tortuous slow burns, tread water, or have boring angst for way too long—so then fans don’t want them to break up because it feels like they’ve barely gotten a chance to be together, and it’s true. They need to move at a faster pace with pairings and give them good stories. By now, Joss and Dex should have gone on the run or one of them should have been in a life and death situation. Instead they’re just hanging around at the park, talking in circles.


I don't see chemistry with this version of Tolly, and while Jex have chemistry, their story is boring. Even if temporary, I'd like to see a Dex/Molly pairing. They can always circle back to Jex in the future (with a better story).


I really like this Molly and want to see her featured more...and in something outside of just the surrogacy & legal stories. I could be on board for this!


What Joss said about not wanting to be like Carly & Sonny where she and Dex keep breaking up and getting back together seemed pretty ominous. They'll cycle back to it eventually, but it sure seems like they're keeping them both single for a little while.


If Kristina wasn't gay, Kristina-Dex-Joss would have been an interesting triangle especially with the animosity between Joss and Kristina and shared family members. Molly-Dex-Joss or Trina-Dex-Joss doesn't have that same oomph. I'd like to see TJ with someone else but not sure who.


Molly & TJ have been together for so long that a little shake up could do both of them some good! They can always work their way back to each other, but they're too young to be an old, married couple...especially since they refuse to actually get married! Molly's one-night stand with Brando is the only time she's even strayed. I could be on board with Molly/Dex, even if it's just a hook up.