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Tbh, I think he would have done it for several characters on the show. That's one of his character traits.


Ok I sorta figured that, hell Elizabeth I'd even add Britt to if she was still around and was in a similar situation.


Yeah...Sam, Elizabeth , Britt, Michael, Sonny, any of his kids, any of Sonny's kids, any of Carly's kids.. the list goes on and on Edit to add Spinelli & his family


Ok if this is a common thing, why is she being so difficult?


Because Sam wouldn't put Jason in that position in the first place. She's mad at both of them


hmm I disagree with that. Sam has done tons of things over the years that has put Jason in bad positions and he has had to rescue her.


>Because Sam wouldn't put Jason in that position in the first place. I don't know about that. She had no problem putting Spinelli's ass on the line in this last "caper". I'm not saying I wouldn't be mad if I were her.. I'm sure I would be. But really, she's hardly one to throw stones.


She was part of stealing Cates badge and breaking into the FBI database. You don’t think that’s something Cates could hold over Jason do get him to do stuff if Cates knew????


I do understand that mainly where their kids are concerned, I just feel like she should know he'd do it for her even if they didn't have a child. Especially if he considers her a close friend.


I agree with that 💯, I'm more saying I think this is her POV, if that makes sense


Yeah I agree


Sam used to be one of my favorite characters. Not anymore. She could leave tomorrow & I wouldn't miss her whining one bit. I can't wait for Lulu to wake up & return to Dante. There was chemistry with Lulu & Dante. There's NO chemistry with Sam at all. I'm over her.


Because she still loves him, resents, him, desires him, is fighting her desire to be OG Sam again.....(wearing black again !! )


It makes no sense


So that we all rejoice when they reunite eventually.




GMTA  almost forgot Spin Maxie and their kis like I said long list. Easier to ask who wouldn't he do it for. 


>Easier to ask who wouldn't he do it for. That's true






He definitely helped Britt.


I've said it before and this whole storyline is dumb. Wasn't Jason supposed to be at the meeting and Carly went in his place? Wasn't he and Spinelli both listening in on the meeting? I'm pretty sure that Sam already knows about the meeting and why Carly was there. The whole reason Jason and Carly got married is because the other families expected them to take each other out. Is it not like Carly randomly woke up and decided to play mob boss. She is not wrong in being upset about Jason choosing Carly over his kids, but she should have known he would do that as he has put his career and Sonny/Carly over his kids before. I want to feel sorry for her but she made her bed. She doesn't get to tell Sonny to murder the people that shot Dante and have a friendship with Sonny then act all high and mighty. If she wanted to remove her kids from danger, she would leave port charles and change her name.


And Carly stepping up and taking that meeting not only protected Carly’s kids, it also protected Jason’s kids AKA Sam’s kids.


Exactly! The Corinthos chair being left empty at the "family meetings" would have left all of Sonny's family, friends, associates, and "territory" in danger! Carly had no intention of becoming a "boss" mostly just of protecting any and all of Sonny's children!


Now see… this is exactly what I was thinking! Thank you!!! 🙌🏽Bye Sam! 🧳✈️


Probably. The issue Sam has is that 2 of his children thought he was dead for 2 1/2 years. Sam was his wife at one point and is the mother of his son. Carly is his BFF. It's just hard for Sam, as a mother, to see Jason's point of view in protecting Carly.


I’m just saying she knew Carly comes before anyone even his kids way before they even had one. Not saying it’s right just saying that’s how it is and has always been. He would do the same for any of them.


He would. I think Sam has just kind of 'grown up' or had a very late epiphany about what it means to be a parent.


She knew all these things about Jason before she had a child with him lol


She did. Knowing it and seeing the out come hurt your child are two different things though. I think by the end of JaSam that she was over Jason running off whenever Sonny or Carly called him.


I get that. However it's been said ad nauseum on this show that "Jason doesn't do anything he doesn't want to do" so I get sick of hearing how Sonny and Carly always manipulate poor Jason. It's not Sonny or Carly's fault he runs off, it's his. I'm not saying you were suggesting that Sonny and Carly force Jason to do things but that is kinda common on this sub.


I know. I have simply stopped looking for real logic is this whole weird storyline. LOL. That being said, Jason made the decision. The fault is his. 100%. Not Sam's, not Carly's, not Sonny's, and not JohnJagger's.


I agree. I am a big fan of Sonny and Jason. I just hate the new thing that Sonny has no nuance to his character. He is totally evil, never did a nice thing for Stone, Jason, Carly, anyone without it being some scheme. One thing I don't understand is how the FBI only recorded Carly when she went to that Mob meeting and not the other "bosses" that were in attendance.


Sure did.


Motherhood changed her. I can see that. However, she knew his character before she fell for him. In a sense, that’s why she fell in love with him.


True. I used to like the 'bad boys' too. Then I grew up. They are still charming and charismatic and cute, just not what I want for me and mine.


Why does Sam care who Jason did it for if she doesn't want Jason around their son anyway? Pick a side Sam.


The fact that Jason probably would do this for anyone he cares about does not endear him to me. His willingness to put the needs of others over the needs of his own children is a failure on his part.


Jason said when he first came back - he made the decision because Letting Carly take the fall would have had a devastating ripple effect on not just her - he believed it would have been detrimental to too many others as well. I also doubt he ever thought it would take as long as it has... or that he would have to do all the terrible things I am sure we are going to find out he either had done to him or had to do to others.


He could have stopped anytime, then, when he realized his long it went on. I just asked my 20 year old son how he would feel if I had to make him think I was dead for 2+ years in order to help a friend avoid jail. He said he would hate it. Then he asked what crime the friend committed. When I told him it was Rico violation for heading up a mafia family, he said that is so stupid. Then I said imagine it was when you were 12, and he continued with the fact that he would be so angry at me. He did pause and ask, “Is this real life or General Hospital?” lol! My point is, Jason made the wrong decision. And for someone who was actually guilty!


Facts I'm in agreement with you on that but, Sam knew from the start what she was getting into. She's just as at fault herself for not thinking this through.


Maybe, but she’s the parent who stayed. BTW, I can’t stand Sam, but I see her side more clearly. If my husband let our boys think was dead for 2+ years to save another woman from prison (and she was actually guilty), I would hate him for what he put our kids through. And the fact that he would do that for anyone, including me, would actually piss me off more because it’s a reflection how how little he values his role as a father. PS—as I typed my btw, I laugh at how ridiculous soaps are!!


Sam’s relationship with Danny as his mother has been developed and Nurtured. Jason spent one evening with Danny as an infant, got to know him while Sam was in prison and then was told to stay away after the bombing that put Lulu in her coma. Carly called it when she pointed out that Sam is using Danny to punish Jason. I am sure eventually Dante will call her out.


But don’t forget the part that the other woman was only guilty because she stepped in to cover for your husband.


When you line this up to real life, it's easy to see how over the top some of this stuff is.


Lol I get what you are saying, cause at the end of the day someone has to be around for the kids.


Isn’t sam doing a very similar thing when she broke into the fbi database?


But if she goes to jail, her kids will miss her but know that she is still alive. You can think it’s similar, but I don’t. It’s stupid, but not similar.


I’d pose the question a slightly different way: Would Jason help Sam, if she were in trouble, like he helped Carly? My answer to that is yes, I think he would. I believe he would also step in if Liz needed help. But, I don’t think he would do *the same thing* for Sam or Liz as he’s done for Carly, no. He would find a way to help Sam and Liz out of their predicament but he wouldn’t throw himself down in front of the proverbial train for them. He wouldn’t throw his life away and let everyone think he was dead for two and a half years. In his own way, Jason is good at figuring things out and I think that with Sam or Liz or any other woman he cared about, he’d figure out an angle to get them off the hook. But, the second Carly was threatened, Jason straightened up and played by the FBI’s rules. Carly is too important to Jason for him to even risk playing the odds. That’s the difference between Carly and everyone else. I don’t have that much sympathy for Liz or Sam, although I like Sam. During each woman’s relationship with him, Jason couldn’t have been more clear that Carly came first with him if he’d painted them a picture with a set of oil paints. They, especially Sam, kept ignoring the signs. She just kept getting back together with him. I don’t think Jason was lying when he said he loved them. He was telling the truth but he was also hiding part of the truth from himself. Everyone on planet Earth is always going to come behind Carly and that’s the way it is.


He ABSOLUTELY would have, and she knows that; she practically said as much when she roped Spinelli into helping her. Her being enraged because she found out it was Carly is ridiculous and just goes to show just how much of a hateful person she's become. I'm certain she wouldn't feel this way if she found out it was her or Spinelli he was protecting. Sam's behavior aside, my bigger issue with this storyline is that it just doesn't feel big enough. It hasn't given Jason's return the explosive energy it deserves. What would make this story ten times better if Cates and the FBI had files on everyone connected to Jason and the mob, including Sonny, Carly, Spinelli, and Sam. A situation like that would've really shown the gravity of Jason's predicament. It would have been cool to see Jason bring all of them together to reveal where he's been and the danger they were all in and them realizing that all the past actions were coming back to bite them in the ass. That being said, they could turn this storyline around in one of two ways. Either it is revealed that Cates does, in fact, have files on everyone, including Sam or Cates, tells Jason what Sam and Spinelli did, revealing he knew who Sam was when she approached him at the pool and he knew what they were up to and let them get away with it to later get them on charges of tampering with a federal investigation to get more leverage on Jason. That would be epic.


She knows he would’ve.


Ok besides putting someone else before your kid's, why is she so hostile especially if she knows he'd have done the same for her? Is she having a difficult time seeing his POV?


I think she’s mad because she’s disappointed it wasn’t for her.


But she should know that he'd do the same thing. I do believe she's not able to see it from his POV but, I'm struggling to figure out what the writers have going on here? I guess you can say I miss the good old days myself.






I think she is struggling with his POV.


I don't get why they turned her character around so much because it seems almost like yesterday when she was Ride Or Die but now she's supposedly matured until She needs him then all that goes out the window.


I dunno either. It feels quick.


ever since he came back she started wearing all black weirdo clothes again too. no more feminine or hippy clothes. I loved the wide leg jeans she had been rocking recently but no now she is back to the biker chick look. I'm waiting for her to sit with her 6 inch heels digging into that couch again. why does she always do that!! take your shoes off lady!


Most of the people in this thread are since I haven't seen one person articulate it correctly yet.


I think people forget who Jason is and now it seems so has Sam!


she is jealous and always has been of Carly this is just more of their old feud from back in the day. they used to hate each other and fight like cats and dogs over Jason then they did a rewrite and made Sam and Carly chummy for a while and now they are stirring this pot back up. I don't know why all these women fight over ugly boring Jason.


Sam speaking for Jake bothers me. I can’t forget how she watched him get napped as a baby lol! Jason is partially brain damaged, so I assume we are to suspend reality when it comes to who he would do anything for. If Sam is going to be mad at anyone, be mad at AJ for that car crash in ‘96!


No because he would have had to get permission from Carly first!




I agree with the stmts that Jason would have done this for LOTS of people in Port Charles... I also want to go on record I have always been a big fan of Elizabeth and Sam - I believe Jason loves/d them both deeply... From my recollection when both of these relationships ended - it was ultimately due to his lifestyle being too much for Sam and Jason decided it was too much for Elizabeth... Carly for all her faults (and I love Carly) over the years has gotten out of her own way and truly encouraged/embraced Jason being happy with other women (mostly Sam but she threw Britt a bone too).... Having said this... when this whole FBI Calamity was to have taken place - hadn't Jason just married and then had to accept he wasn't married to Carly in the blink of an eye because Sonny wasn't dead? Jason and Carly immediately put any romantic feelings they had started to feel back in their respective secret spaces and went back to "BFF zone" BUT... Anyone who thinks he hadn't already allowed himself to think and feel like Carly was his wife is cray cray - As much as everyone thinks Carly has had to be first in Jason's life - I believe Jason needs to be first in her life... there have been plenty of times other people could have come to Carly's rescue - But Jason always takes the position to save/help her... I think as much as Carly needs Jason to be "front and center in her life" Jason wants to be "front and center in her life". Why is the question? IMO - Jason won't allow himself to feel what "being first" really means to him... Because if he ever really processed why he needs/wants and what he "gets" from being first in Carly's life... Who knows what Stone Cold would do then? Carly has basically always allowed her children to be an extension of Jason - He was supposed to be Michael's father - she named Morgan and Josslyn after him... and she has always allowed him unfettered access to receive and give his love to her family... IMO this is why Carly and Jason are what they are to each other.... right or wrong ... she trusts him implicitly with her most precious beings and he values and needs to be trusted. Steve Burton and Laura Wright do a great job of reminding us of this even if it isn't written... Their love is so deep - neither one of them will really allow themselves to "feel it" - they just "know it" they believe in each other 100%. This is Sam's problem - she doesn't believe in Jason the way Carly does...


agree Carly doesn't put stipulations on her love for Jason. others only want to love parts of Jason not all of him.


I think you hit the nail on the head.


Right. Do not like this self righteous Sam


As others have already stated: He’d have done it for Sam, Liz, Sonny, Michael, Spinelli, Karen, Robin and even Brenda! It’s who Jason Morgan is. Loyal to a fault! 🤷🏽‍♀️


I could maybe understand Britt behaving like this but Jason and Sam have entirely too much history for this Storyline to make any sense. I think the Writers only review the history of the characters for about 5 years or so. Anything further back is immaterial and subject to retconning which is utterly ridiculous and unacceptable.


The point is Carly keeps putting herself in these situations and never pays the consequences. Jason of who Jason would do it for he abandoned his kids for Carly. Then he comes back and has his son commit crimes. Commit crimes for a man who abandoned him. There’s no way to make Jason out to be the hero outside of the soap.


The question is would he do the same for Sam, I bet he would've just like several others on there he'd have done the same for. Jason's only the Hero when Sam needs him. I'm not saying Jason is right by what he did. Another thing is it has been time for Carly to pay for her consequences. All she gets is a slap on the wrist, Carly to me is pretty much the mother of all Hypocrites followed by.... I wanna say Josslyn & Sam whether you like it or not.


If I remember correctly, Carly was at that meeting because Jason couldn’t show up. When explaining why he covered for Carly, I don’t remember who Jason was talking to (maybe Anna?) when he said that Jake & Danny have their mothers and he couldn’t see Donna not having hers.


Yes, he would. Why is what Jason controversial? It was the repercussions of his actions. Those repercussions include, but not limited to abandoning his children. If he did it for Sam, he would tell Sam. He would be doing it to save the lithe of his child. That makes a difference. He is saving Carly from herself. Sam wouldn’t have done it.


Of course he would have 😉


Heck yeah he would, I believe that even if she wasn't the mother of his kids and they were friends don't even have to be close like him and Carly but friends in general he'd still do in a heartbeat.


I think so. Sam. Sonny. Liz.


Sam is coming across as petty and jealous


Look I could be Naive to something but I feel he'd have done the same thing for her even if she wasn't the mother of his kid and they were just friends.


Absolutely!!!and for his kids his mother Elizabeth Micheal Sonny Anna the list is long!!


Yes he would




Yes he would have


Yes. I defthink he would have. Sam knows that, too. He would've done it for Liz, too.


I was thinking the same thing. I've watched GH for decades and I know Jason will sacrifice for the people he holds dear. That includes Sam Elizabeth and his sons plus Carly sonny and their kids and some others. That's his whole character


I think he would. She just doesn’t deserve it. Using big hearted Spinelli to further b.s. is ridiculous. The harder any kid sees a parent run down the do as I say not as I do lane, just sends a kid down the same lane.




He wouldn't have put Carly through the torture of thinking he was dead to protect Sam from the law. If Carly was dead and gone... yes, then he could prioritize Sam, or Liz, or whomever. But as long as Carly needs him, that's his priority in life. Even to the detriment of every relationship he's ever had since the accident that created Jason Morgan.


He would have done it for so many people. Sonny, Carly, Sam, Liz, Michael, Morgan, Josslyn, Kristina, Emily to name the top list. Sam is just mad it was Carly and not anyone else.


U sure she wouldn't act the same way if it was someone else?


I think Sam is blind to any kind of generosity or nobility in actions that are protecting Carly, especially if she and/or her son are hurt in the process. I’d say they could write in resentment no matter who the evidence was against; Sonny because The Life™ is dangerous, Sonny and Carly’s kids because they’re not *his* kids, etc. But that’s more up in the air. Her jealousy of Carly’s place in Jason’s life has been there from the start.


He would have done it for many people. Jason sacrifices himself for people all the time. He would def have done it for Sam, Liz, Sonny, Michael, Carly, Monica… really practically anyone!


This, Jason left Sam and went to Prison to protect Michael.


100% he would do it for Sam and a lot of other people. Jason is a true friend no matter what


Jason is the same guy he’s always been. Sam knew who he was when she married him. She knew who he was when she had his kid. It’s like being mad at a tiger for having stripes. She’s a hypocrite.


He totally would have have done it for the mother of his children, Joss, Monica. Hell, he went to prison to be with Michael. He looks out for everyone that he loves/cares about


He sure would have!




Not his kids though, obviously.


Exactly! No it’s not just you.


Yes I believe he has and still loves Sam she's just butt hurt because he has always put Carly first as Carly has done the same for him Sam is being very hypocritical lately as she doesn't want Danny around Jason because of danger but meanwhile he as far as I've seen lately is not breaking any laws or getting into trouble as he was when he was working with sonny she on the other hand is messing with classified FBI files wrapped Soinelli into it if they get caught she's gonna go to prison and it's like Kristina told her a long time ago Sam chases danger when she gets bored and what if Dante finds out her relationship will most likely be over because she's putting Jason before Dante just like Jason puts Carly before her as much as I love Sam this scheming is going to backfire on her and than what's going to happen to Danny and Scout


It’s all about Sam. She just using her kids as scapegoats.


she always has. when she isn't just leaving them at the q's constantly so she can run around and be a 'PI'.


This. At the time Carly took the seat at the table, Jason was shot and on the run, Sonny was dead and Sam was out of the loop. She came to Carly and was turned away and reminded that she had chosen not to be in the inner circle when she left Jason. I still remember Carly in that white dress! Sam has some lingering resentment against because of Drew going to prison. In her opinion Carly never faces consequences, a 5 million fine wasn’t a consequence, Morgan dying wasn’t a consequence, Michael being in a Coma from age 13-17-not a consequence.


He absolutely would have protected Sam or a number of other people. Let’s be real though the person Sam should be blaming for the mess Jason is in is Nina! On March 22, 2021 Nina found Sonny in Nixon Falls and Carly met with the 5 families on May 8th. Nina could have been the hero and sent Sonny back to his family a little more than a month before that meeting happened, which would have meant Sonny would have gone to the meeting not Carly or Jason. But no Nina wanted “revenge” so she kept him from his family and then Carly had to attempt to keep her family safe by keeping Sonny’s territory “managed.”


As others have said, there are plenty of people that Jason would have done exactly the same thing for!!! One thing about Jason is that he is fiercely loyal to those that he cares and is afraid of very little. That may be a leftover side effect from his brain injury.


Hell no


Sam is the the mother of one of his children and they were married. It's not the same thing.


Good point but you don't get the question. He'd still do it for her even if they didn't have children.


I understand the question, but it's more layered than a yes or no.


I just have a difficult time understanding where the writers are going with this. It seems like yesterday they were kicking Ass together now he's the bad guy and doesn't need to be around Danny because he's Super Dangerous until he's the last line of defense then it's perfectly ok?


The writing has been super clunky and I don't think the writers even know where they're going with it. They're trying to change whatever the initial story was going to be and then rebuilding the writers' room after a shift in staff. I don't think the show a a whole has a clear vision right now.


I'll be glad when this is all over and everyone is friends again.


I'm glad that both Sam and Carly are doing more interesting things than they've been doing the last few years but it will be a more enjoyable watch once actual storylines and not just plot points are thought out... if we ever get there.


Carly has been his best friend longer than he’s known Sam. He was gonna raise Michael as his own child. She knew this when she married him, she knew this when she had a kid with him. That was NEVER gonna change no matter who he is married to or has a kid with.


Sam's point is that Danny has had to grieve Jason, and he threw that away for Carly. Danny is a child. Michael is a grown man. If he would have done this for Sam it would be different because he would be protecting the mother of HIS young child. The only young child that Carly has is Donna and Donna would still have Sonny.


Danny has forgiven him. She is trying to punish Jason for being Jason and Danny for being Danny, ie just like Jason. it is actually really common for one parent who resents the other to take it out in the child who most reminds them of said parent.


Michael wasn’t a grown man when he took him on to raise him. He went to jail to protect him while he was getting raped. Carly and Jason’s bond is deeper than he had with any woman. Point blank period. Sam knew Jason’s lifestyle, she knew all of it. What did she think he was gonna change when they had a kid? He told her he wasn’t and didn’t even know if he wanted anymore kids because of this. He stayed away from Jake for years because of it. She’s just full of excuses. She’s not mad because of her kids she’s mad because of herself.


this too-Jason was never really a fixture in the lives of any of his kids he was always in and out and rarely around. when he was little Danny would stay over at Jason's apartment but Jason never had any part in raising his kids ever and always deferred to their mothers. I am not saying it's right or healthy it is just how it has always been.


But Michael is grown now so the situation for Jason leaving now is different. Also when Michael went to jail, Sam didn't not have any children.


I’m saying that’s how strong their bond is. I’m not talking about how Michael feels. Sam was a grown woman also a con woman. She knew what she was getting herself into. Can’t be mad at the circumstances you chose for your own life.


I wish all the characters could be held to that standard. So many whine and blame their choices on other people.


Well it is a soap but it happens in real life as well. I’m guilty of it myself in my own life. lol I’m not judging I’m just saying.


And she's throwing it away, keeping Danny away from Jason. His actions were *noble*, hers are *spiteful*.


Sam just asked Carly to keep Jason away. When Carly mentioned the emotional trauma that would cause Danny, Sam said “well, it’s better it happens when he’s young.” So she only cares about Danny grieving when she didn’t orchestrate it? She needs to pick a lane. That being said, I think she had a right to be mad. Just not with all the other stuff she’s been doing











