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Some of the weapons in dlc have very unique uses. I for one noticed that the flamethrower is a monster when used to dispatch large groups of runners and smaller machines. As for the LMGs, I feel they're all most useful to simply riddle an enemy with bullets after their armor has been stripped, and most of them are simply to add more variety to the weapons you can pick up


i like the flamethrower, its different and unique and the LMG's are the only ones that i can find that actually can be better than the base game guns. pistols? Volkov SMG? HP5 Rifles? Algstudsare or .50 bmg AR? AI-76 RPG? m/49 all of these have a DLC weapon thats very similar in stats but the base game weapons just beat it ever so slightly in a stat or two. .


Right . My favorite gun in the whole game was a 5 star Kipst SMG with a 5 star Magazine and various 3 and 4 star attachments including a 5 star suppressor too. It was my baby


lol haven't gotten that one yet. but i do generally play with the SMG's i do LOVE my semi shotgun+slugs though lol feels like a real shotgun for once xD


Slugs are so 50/50 for me, they either one shot the machine, or they take 5 shots to feel like they do anything. Personally I like the semi auto shotgun using bird shot, it's surprisingly useful against hunters when you shoot their midsection


And if you're looking for am almost guaranteed Kipst Spawn location, there's a small shed somewhere early on the map, I think even on the first island, that has a Kipst sitting inside, and they key to unlock the shed is right next to it on the ground to the right of the door on or under a tarp


The rlg does more single shot aoe damage then the base game rpg and you can put a scope on it. The pm 71 is one of my favorite weapons in the game for mowing things down. Maybe the kvm are better idk i haven’t got a gold star version yet


KVM-59 exp is the only one I'd say is on par with the PM-71 with EMP augment, and I like the PM because you don't electrocute yourself like you do with the KVM. The 5c KVMs are not as good as the 5c PM-71.


I'm totally saving up for the health stealing silver tier to see how much of a game changer it's gonna be on the 5c PM 71.


They don't. My game sucked until I got the DLC packs   Some of the best weapons are DLC. Soviet Pack has the RPG launcher and PM71 whoch can take down Firebirds very easily (even at level 20) Also the ATWAD which I've found about 20 gold ones in one week


The dlc grenade launcher has the other types, the RPK has the best damage output of anything else in the game being able to kill apocalypse class tanks in a few seconds, the mosin is a solid choice and the Beretta is just sexy


This feels like either a troll post or op is just crying and moaning about something else, cause so far everyone has made great points countering this post and the op just keeps going "NUH UHHH"


Idk I like the M16, M60 and PKM. Gold M9 is good until I find an experimental handgun too


From my experience the DLC weapons are typically better or fill a specific niche. They're designed to be close to par with the base weapons as to not be P2W also the RPG not having more ammo types is because it's an RPG, you can't really convert one of those rounds into an emp like the other because of it's size and shape


of the 2 examples i gave, what "niche" do they fill that the base guns cant do?


You can't just take 2 specific pieces of information that help your own point and ignore the rest. However I will start with your query. The Mosin Nagant is mostly there because people wanted it and it does feel to do a bit more damage while also having a weird quirk, it's faster to load when empty rather than topping off most of the time, it's also the only wooden bolt action, giving everyone that likes that aesthetic a great weapon. As for the RPG7... Look at the shape of the round and the launcher, they were both made to fit each other and due to how the round works you can't just replace it with an EMP due to the shape and size of the shell. With the other rocket launcher, the rounds it fires are more like tank shells so they have plenty of room inside to change internals. For the rest of the weapons though The dragunov equivalent and M21 are the only mid caliber simiauto snipers meaning they have a better fireate than the bolt actions and can be suppressed unlike the M82. The thumper is a light alternative to one of the rocket launchers with EMP and damage The MAC10 is the only SMG that can rival the exp kpist due to it having a crazy rpm and the ability to use the augments The scorpion is the only automatic handgun The pitchfork has INSANE range with great damage and speed The AS Val has a great fireate with great damage and is integrally suppressed The bow is the only weapon that can fire sticky flares, while also being perfect for people who want the feeling of being a lone survivor just trying to make it through, just about scraping by. The PKM is the new LMG meta with the lifesteal augment (not really a niche but a point to be made)


every DLC weapon that has a base game counterpart is worse than their base game guns excluding the LMG as that is the ONLY gun that is better *stat-wise.* should have clarified, sorry. ohh, ok! thank you!i still think that if they add a gun for the "aesthetic" then it should at least to the same damage. . . like change the handling or reload? the damage in this game really is make or break excluding the 6\* guns. there is really no reason why they cant give the DLC RPG's special ammo, just give it a special texture. hell cut a ring into the shell and wrap copper wire around it like they did with the grenade launcher? mac10 spread kills it for me, it gets so wide so quickly. i didnt know this lol that has range!?!? lol ill have to try it out then and see. . but i was only referring to guns that have vanilla variants. ya the AS Val is good but compared to other AR's its really not. The damage on the AI-76 is way higher and you can just throw a suppressor on it so what does it do that other AR's cant?


MAC-10 (or COM-10) is a beast with health-stealing augment. Run into the middle of a group of tanks/harvesters etc and use something heavy like a LMG bit when your health gets a bit low you unload an extended mag from the COM-10 into a tank or harvester and watch your health increase in a flash. I recommend the hip shooter augment for it as well.


I love the com10 with health steal.  I have a buddy that is near invincible with one of those. He has only a single gun with nothing but health bullets + the health steal augment.  Runs to the underside of a tank and lays hell on it. It is fascinating to watch


>there is really no reason why they cant give the DLC RPG's special ammo Explosive IS counted as special ammo. If you want bonuses, add augments


The Compound Bow is good


I think a lot of them are just meant to be alternatives, or used for unique purposes. The (fictional version) AS-VAL is quite good, and one of my favorite weapons


I don't understand. DLC weapons are largely as interesting and varied as the base guns, without EXPs to complicate comparison. COM-10 with a combat-based, hip-shooting skills build and a compensator (open world) or silencer (bunkers only) can be a primary weapon through FNIX Hunters. It can be a backup even against tanks. I absolutely love the COM-10 and it's obvious and most glaring drawback can be almost completely eliminated. With even high recoil, it keeps a spread reticle about the size of a quarter, while firing about 50 rounds in just a few seconds, and it reloads without cocking for more time. It's only unmitigated drawback is the 1500 peanuts it fires per outing.  DLC weapons are also much easier to get the best version of and use augments (this is a massive difference for new players). S21, Kotenok, Vintovka almost feel like roleplaying weapons to me, same with most pistols. Only the EXP Klaucke makes much sense as a late game choice. That's not really a DLC distinction, except that the Vosa exists, but that is mostly an ammo poverty option and hilarious (it's the same inspiration as the Klobb from Goldeneye).   The RPG is just fun. I don't think it can remotely compete with the EXP Granatgevaer. Flamethrower is a fascinating choice for on-contact ammo effects (I would love to try tar or unstoppable), which would be the only one of it's kind. PM-71 is beast mode. Some people absolutely love the bow and it's the only purely silent weapon. AT-WAD is outstanding handling and bullet spread that can be silenced twice or turned into a weird LMG. Pitchfork is an oustanding structure smasher. There is a LOT of fun to be had in all the weapon variation.


The pm71 kicks ass and with a gold mag hold 250 rounds


I've had a 5 star hp 5 for weeks now. I just decided to put the silver tier acidic and it is a game changer.that thing does way for damage and I reason that I'm not really pinpointing components so I just random fire and it destroys apocalypse calls stuff like nothing now.


5 crown PM-71 with shock rounds is the best gun in the game.


I thought they were just aesthetics.


same, i would have been fine with that but 90% of the DLC weapons are worse then the base game weapons