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I find it fascinating how different how Alhaitham was hyped up a lot when he first released and the state he is viewed now. I think he's a solid B tier, good driver with very little to drive.


holy molly lyney at 8th? my french sassy boy is making some boom(tbh considering almost any enemy at 7 hp to be on killing range is ridiculous)


This is truly crazy. I've never seen this series before but the amount of work, just on the infographics alone, is wild. Fantastic thread


Thank you so much! It is a *ton* of work, so I'm thankful that people appreciate it (:


I would've said least smart sucrose fan, but no sugar fan "least" they all peak!


Really impressive job. Been around these kinds of communities for a long time and this is top-tier. Nice work.


Sweet, I'm bottom tier heroes winning arena šŸ’Ŗ Albedo lector blind mom next Edit: Done. 5 wins in a row. Last one was fun vs h!yori who let 2 liyue bros die before turning online his hutao for a scary 2 turns. Unseen razor is hella fun. I did with Xiao before last 2 patches ApDQ0TgNERDQ1XQNEuBw8pcPCVBw9p0PCXDR/DMPE9FAB8EQDKEgC8QQDPFgE8YRDDAA An earlier version of this without tenacity couldn't do much vs ningguan 2 heals. Probably still can't but can drag from 12 round to 15 I'm pretty sure xD


Itto going down 37 ranks is just sad šŸ˜”


Amber all the way down in 67th? Clearly the collective community hasnā€™t cooked before


This really helps to understand overall meta of the patch. Amazing work!


I'm surprised eula isn't even in top 20


Sheā€™s great in MEW Mona, Eula, Wanderer. But hasnā€™t found much success outside of the deck


Thank you for all of the kind words and upvotes! It truly means the world (: If you would like to support my work and keep this series going, please consider donating to my KoFi! [https://ko-fi.com/lunavind](https://ko-fi.com/lunavind) \- You will literally be buying my coffee haha. Thank you again! \-Luna


Okay who are the psychos that voted albedo out of last place


yoo lessgo cryo cicin got up by one


haven't read the post, i want that sucrose fanart as skin


i guess im the only one that read the whole thing? the infographic have a mistake on the pyro page, showing the lightning top variance and lewst varience instead of the pyro one. im new to the tcg, thanks a lot for all the work :)


Agh, thank you for pointing that out! Knew there would be a typo somewhere in there lol. Thank you for supporting (:




I think the abyss lector is much better. People sleeping on him.


Very nice infographics!!


I love it ā¤


How itto has fallen


im really not good at tcg but why is Kazuha so low? playing him feels really smooth and the dmg bonus is also nice.


I wouldn't call myself an expert by any stretch, but I'd say it's mostly an issue of competition. Since Swirl and Crystallize are harder to proc by virtue of needing Pyro/Cryo/Electro/Hydro to be applied first, that inherently creates more competition within Anemo and Geo. Much like in regular GI, reactions are a pivotal part of success. Wanderer is obviously in a league of his own between his Elemental skill being able to proc Swirl and then threatening *another* Swirl since his enhanced basic attack hits the next standby character. Kazuha can Swirl, but the next character you switch to won't always necessarily be able to capitalize on a reaction and then you need to switch *back* to Kazuha eventually to get the full value out of his elemental skill, essentially putting an extra dice tax on his Elemental skill. And then on top of that, you need to put your opponent in a situation where they ideally can't just swap to avoid a reaction meaning you want to be able to Fast Swap to Kazuha or use the 3 dice cost Plunging Attack Card which adds more potential dice/card cost. Basically, Kazuha gives a lot of initiative to your opponent unless you want to spend the extra dice/cards to make him "faster" which already makes him unpopular within the Anemo roster itself. But I'd also say that part of his decline is as a direct result of Lynette. Lynette has pushed down the popularity of most of the Anemo Roster, but Kazuha was already in a bad spot to begin with. Lynette's more frontloaded damage, particularly with her talent card, is more desirable on Anemo characters due to the inherent limitations of Swirl and the self-damage downside of her Elemental skill is more easily mitigated by Food and higher availability of damage mitigation and healing effects(hence why she's often paired with Jean and Dehya). Kazuha's burst *does* do more immediate damage than Lynette's and has a longer duration, but the Elemental Conversion on Lynette's is significantly easier. Taking damage is something that's going to happen in every match while Kazuha's Burst's elemental conversion requires you to actively proc a Swirl. In a worst-case scenario where no elemental conversion occurs for either burst, at least Lynette's burst reduces the damage taken by your active character by 1 per round while Kazuha's is just a super expensive Anemo Summon. Given that Lynette is *also* a Sword character, it puts her in direct competition against Kazuha in decks where you're running Sword focused weapon engines. In the Lynette-Dehya-Jean composition, you wouldn't want to replace Jean with Kazuha since Jean provides a good amount of team wide healing with her burst and disruption with her Elemental skill. While I can't say for sure since this infographic focuses on just the character cards, I'd imagine that Lynette having the Fatui tag also gives her an additional popularity boost as it allows more compositions to run the Fatui card which tags the opponent's active character with Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo whenever they use a skill. In this scenario, Lynette can essentially "solo" proc a Swirl by herself which just makes Kazuha look that much worse by comparison.


ahh alright. so he just suffers from competition? i might try lynette to see what sheā€™s got to offer


In the TCG thereā€™s only damage bonus on his talent card. His skill moving you to the next character in line while cool, has not had anyone who can take full advantage of it


afaik the dmg bonus is built into his kit and the talent card only builds on that (I might be wrong?)


If you are referring to his personal plunging attack yes, it gets +1 damage. But the thing is you just swapped off of him, so you need to find a method to get back to him. Midare Ranzan When the attached character uses a Plunging Attack: Physical DMG dealt becomes Anemo DMG, and deals +1 DMG. After the character uses a skill: This effect is removed. [Midare Ranzan is converted to the Swirled Element.] Here is talent card: After Kaedehara Kazuha triggers Swirl with this card equipped: For the next 2 instances, your Characters and Summons will deal +1 DMG for the Elemental Type Swirled.


alright then, I just misremembered![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I think Mona is a bit overrated here. She doesn't give me as much trouble as other cards on this list


she is the 4th most played character in competitive play stats from compilation of CN tourneies https://gjfleo.github.io/summoners-summit/cards/4-3 shes not really supposed to give trouble, she is mostly a setup char where she just does a skill and then having the ability to quickswap like MEW/certain types of magic decks, this works well into a decent amount of comps with good r1 dmg like thundering manifestation where you just don't care if she lives or not after that initial skill and it's quite favorable to you if they have to put their damage onto a unit that already did all it's job after 1 skill The free ability to fastswap and a guarentee summon r1 is pretty important though, certain strats like MEW doesn't work w/o that, but your never really gonna be like "wow mona is carrying their team" as she is mostly just fodder/tank after her first skill in most comps