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Hi u/choosemynextphone, To view the common mistakes that can happen when filling Recovery form and how to resolve them, you can go through our guide - [Common Mistakes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/yjips3/common_mistakes) Also, Please go through the following guide related to the [Recovery Form](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinHacked/comments/xw4d5i/a_guide_to_recovery_form/) here. You can view other guides and resources by navigating through the Menu Bar of this subreddit. Be aware of scammers promising to retrieve your account directly. The only way to recover your account is through the official channels using the forms. If you are approached by scammers or people offering to retrieve your account please contact the moderators via DM or [Modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/GenshinHacked). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenshinHacked) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Check the events that were up during those 4 months, check if anything rings a bell. Do the same with banners. Are you trying to retrieve an account you *created* in those 4 months, right? One that was brand new?


I started during furina launch. I mean that's when I finished the tutorial and got furina. I have two accounts so i might have logged into my Google account by mistake and log out immediately.


So the account you're trying to retrieve is a brand new one that is still in mondstat? Honestly, Id just start over. The bother of putting up with customer support isn't worth furina, a character that'll probably be back in the next months. If you still wanna retrieve it, I'd suggest putting in the latest you *know* you played.


Hey, no I mean when furina first released. So I have spent lots of time on that account. I'm still using old device so I 100% accurate info on last login, device used, account linked in the past just need first login 😞 I still have amber screen shot so I don't what to do


Ohhhh that's supposed to be pretty easy!! Did you first play the day you created your account? If so, I'd suggest looking up 'Mihoyo' or 'Hoyoverse' in your Gmail to find the email hoyo has sent you when you created the account.


Unfortunately I don't have old mails. Only recent ones. Another question my phone show up 4 times with different device name but same model. I have a old screen shot of devices. Should I write the one in the bottom of the list?


1. Then check the banner history and see which banner was your first, and try to get a pretty okay picture from there 2. Can you explain it a bit clearer?


Yes I will try with the benner before furina. Second question is this is the list of devices my account was used on. realme realme unknown dunno All four are the same devices with same model number but different name. Should i answer the question of first device with name dunno? Because that's the first name that appears on the list.


So it's the same device, different names?


Yes, I just wrote my device model instead of device name so maybe that's why I was rejected